19. Those born under this sign stand out for being calm, sociable, insecure, vulnerable, sensitive, responsible and with a deep inner life, which hardly reveals their acquaintances. The personality of someone born on a certain day has much to do with what god or goddess rules that given day. The Aztecs were a collective of indigenous people, who managed to unite and form a powerful empire, long before the time of the Spanish conquest. Using the same count, it has been the date of the birth of Huitzilopochtli, the end of the year and a cycle or "Tie of the Years", and the New Fire Ceremony, day-sign 1 Tecpatl of the year 2 Acatl,[6] corresponding to the date February 22. They tend to arouse the envy and hatred of third parties, because of their habit of wanting to prove to be the best and the first in everything. This symbolizes wisdom. We can say that one of the most widespread aspects . The Ocelot is gifted with great strength of character, and can easily become aggressive. This sign's planet is the Sun and its divinity Itzpaplotl.17 - Earcthquake (Ollin) bears the number 17, and represents beauty. Dates: January 8, 20/ February 1, 6, 18/ March 2, 14, 26/ April 7, 19/ May 1, 13, 25/ June 6, 18, 30/ July 12, 24/ August 5, 17, 29/ September 10, 22/ October 4, 16, 28/ November 9, 21/ December 3, 15, 27. Wind and Rain are represented by images of their associated gods, Ehcatl and Tlloc respectively. You can read more about these astrological systems and their signs below the form. Intuitive and insightful, Rabbit natives give the family a leading role in their life. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Other marks on the stone showed the current world and also the worlds before this one. Discovering the Aztec Zodiac Signs: what is yours? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Anna Howard is a passionate astrologer who runs the popular blog "Elemental Astrology". They are also analytical, prudent, detailed, responsible, friendly, sensible, discreet, selective, predictive and independent. Aries is a fire sign, and the first sign in the Zodiac. The Nahuatl word for moon is metztli but whatever name was used for these periods is unknown. The Aztecs used a sacred calendar known as the tonalpohualli or counting of the days. This went back to great antiquity in Mesoamerica, perhaps to the Olmec civilization of the 1st millennium BCE. Advice provided by the daily horoscopes or articles should not ever take the place of psychological, or medical advice. Reeds get along well with flints, jaguars, flowers, and houses. Stability of Eagles completely depends on their love life. He is an excellent friend, but selfish in love. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Xiuhphualli is the Aztec year ( xihuitl) count ( phualli ). A widely accepted version was proposed by Professor Rafael Tena of the Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia,[5] based on the studies of Sahagn and Alfonso Caso of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. On the appearance, Virgos are humble, self-effacing, industrious, and practical, but under the surface, they are frequently natural, kind, and sympathetic, as befits their zodiac sign. Each month a new Aztec divinity holds influence over the fates of men. Days of JAGUAR: During that time, the Maya developed a complex . Aztec zodiac signs The Aztec horoscope was based on the positions of the sun and moon at the time of birth. - WeMystic, Chinese Horoscope 2020: New Year of the Metal Rat, Astrology 2020: a forecast for the 12 zodiac signs, Love horoscope 2020: know what this year will give you, Simultaneous lifetimes: a purpose of the soul, 6 great air purifying plants for your house and workplace. A comment? People of this sign make for pleasant company, always smiling and hard-working. They are often authoritarian, and move through life without ever complaining! People of this sign are also quite versatile! The year was broken into 18 periods of twenty days each, sometimes compared to the Julian month. Atl, 15. They are positive and dont worry about material goods; their happiness is far above that. Souls of fallen warriors and women that died in childbirth would transform into hummingbirds that followed the sun on its journey through the sky. Those born under the sign of the Snake were considered brave, aggressive, excellent leaders and advisors. When you find your date of birth, you will find out what you are in the Aztec horoscope. In this way, three types of calendars were developed to calculate the signs of the Aztec Zodiac, represented by animals, plants and objects associated with sacred symbols. REEDReed is a symbol of serenity and wisdom. They get along well with snake, rabbit eagle, Reed and other houses. Content provided on ZodiacSigns-Horoscope.com is intended for entertainment, infotainment purposes only and should not be taken as advice. This sign's planet is Venus and its divinity is Xochiquetzal. They are good and kind, talkative and like peace. They are intuitive, logical, sincere, charming, but at the same time terrible enemies, who do not forgive betrayals. Cuetzpalin They are cheerful, understanding and overly protective of those they love. 4. They believe in long-term planning and have a knack for business. They take care of financial and emotional prosperity of their families and consider themselves to be responsible for their safety and protection. These are cheerful and intelligent people who are in constant need of spirituality, art and joy. Lovers of freedom and improvisation, the natives of the Monkey fear to suffer for love and being involved in restrictive relationships. Step One: Using the Maya Long Count Conversion chart above, convert each place value in the date 12 . They love attention and can be seductive, or unstable lovers. 13. Do not hesitate to send us a message here. The architecture of this ancient empire attracts numerous adventurists while historians still examine the circumstances under which these people disappeared. See also:FUNNY ZODIAC: THIS IS WHAT IT WOULD LOOK LIKE IF ALL SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC WERE STUCK IN AN ELEVATOR. In love, they are very sensual and exceptionally romantic. The crocodile is the animal that represents this sign. 4. 14. Discover yours, the one that shapes your destiny and that can enlighten you throughout your life! These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. They should learn how to control their temper. Houses are also unstable and unpredictable persons. They have many friends and are eloquent in any company. Those here were taken from the Codex Magliabechiano. The name of this calendar is referred to as Tonalpohualli. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Cimi Their symbols are combinations of plants, animals, objects and buildings. 6. The importance of Astrology within the Aztec civilization was so high that each of the 20 signs represents a god or a goddess of the Aztec religion, that considered animals and elements of nature as deities. Jaguar gets along with crocodile, reed, rabbit and deer. They can carry out outgoing behavior to hide their discomfort, and hide their opinions so as not to encourage discussions with third parties. They are hard workers, and also highly sociable. At a deeper level, it's also an opportunity to explore that same concept within us. One's Mayan Day Sign defines his or her personality. Based on your birth day you will receive four of the zodiac signs you belong to according to four important types of astrology. In addition to writing her blog, Anna also offers personalized astrological readings to her clients. They are courageous and like it when people admire their heroism. These are good days for taking risks; bad days for playing it safe. Aries Zodiac Sign Dates: March 21-April 19 Every year, the sun enters Aries on the same day as the Spring Equinox. They differed in several ways. They get easily bored and are sensitive, but private with their feelings. Check out our article to learn more about ! January 9, 21; February 7, 19; March 3, 15, 27; April 8, 20; May 2, 14, 26; June 7, 19; July 1, 13, 25; August 6, 18, 30; September 11, 23; October 5, 17, 29; November 10, 22; December 6, 16, 28. Snake signs are spontaneous, and often act without reason. They have talents for a business that bring big money. A correlation by independent researcher Ruben Ochoa interprets pre-Columbian codices, to reconstruct the calendar, while ignoring most primary colonial sources that contradict this idea, using a method that proposes to connect the year count to the vernal equinox and placing the first day of the year on the first day after the equinox. January 11, 23; February 9, 21; March 5, 17, 29; April 10, 22; May 4, 16, 28; June 9, 21; July 3, 15, 27 August 8, 20; September 1, 13, 25; October 7, 18, 31; November 12, 24; December 6, 18, 30. The Aztecs created 3 types of calendars: one solar, another sacred and a third based on the planet Venus. Each of the day signs also bears an association with one of the four cardinal directions.[1][2]. Everyone loves talking about astrology. She is known for her down-to-earth approach and her ability to make complex astrological concepts accessible to a wide audience. It's a good day for being reliable and trustworthy, but a bad day for over-trusting others. If you happened to be born on a day when the sun switches from one astrology sign to another called a cusp you'll need your birth time to pinpoint your sun sign. 5.0 out of 5 stars What a , A Marvel fan seems to have figured out the real reason why Bruce Bannerplayed by Mark Ruffalocould not transform into Hulk at will in last years Avengers: Infinity War. Mayan civilization lasted for more than 2,000 years, but the period from about 300 A.D. to 900 A.D., known as the Classic Period, was its heyday. Have you ever wondered What is my zodiac sign? With this zodiac sign tool you can quickly discover your zodiac sign in four different astrological methods: Western, Aztec, Celtic and Egyptian. Ollin 13. It is also synonymous with shyness, tenacity, and being a dreamer. The Cardinal signs are initiative, outgoing, active, ambitious, restless, creative, independent and spontaneous. They can also be very seductive. It is a sign of sensitivity and resistance. Crocodiles are self-confident, independent; provide support and safeness to others. In Western astrology, these sun signs or star signs run throughout the 12 months of the year. They dont like competitions and even discussions. Aztec Zodiac Signs: In this article we will show you the last 6 signs corresponding to the Aztec zodiac signs. They need to know that they are in control. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! Each 20-day period started on Cipactli (Crocodile) for which a festival was held. 2022 would be 10 tochtli, 2023 11 acati, 2024 12 tecpati, 2025 13 calli. Attributed to work and savings, this sign loves to enjoy life pleasure but likes to have control over their life. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. He gets along with people born under the sign of snake, dog and eagle. The Aztec Astrology Calendar is made up of 260 days. [7], In this regard, Jos Genaro Emiliano Medina Ramos, a senior native nahua philosopher from San Lucas Atzala in the state of Puebla, proposes a multidisciplinary calendar reconstruction in nhuatl ( centro de Puebla variant) according with his own nahua cosmosvision;[8] and relying precisely on Ochoas smart correlation and on Tenas presuppositions as well. In the tonalpohualli, the sacred Aztec calendar, Tuesday February 28, 2023 is: Tonalli: day 7 - Cipactli (crocodile) Trecena: 13-day period Cuauhtli (eagle) Xihuitl: solar year 11 - Acatl (reed) Yoaltecuhtli: Lord of the Night Tlazolteotl Xiuhpohualli: 365-day calendar 8 - Tecuilhuitontli (VII) Long Count: Mayan calendar What are the Aztec Zodiac signs? The process of buying and / or using the products mentioned herein is entirely the responsibility of the user and the company responsible for the marketing of the product. Note: If you were born on the 29th February during a leap year, you will need to add 1 to the total. They are usually insecure, even though they enjoy a highly developed intuition, to which they pay little attention. These are very intuitive people who can listen to others and are ready to give the best of them. Mictlan consists of nine distinct levels. Cayman (Cipactli) Representing the origin of the Universe, the Cayman or crocodile was considered an agile and strong animal. Celtic astrology : All about your sacred tree! They are successful businessmen and skilled diplomats. Ben Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, often combines two terms to create a metaphoric expression (difrasismo). JAGUARJaguar is a symbol of the sun, good heart, good health, persistence success, and happiness. Each of the twenty symbols represented one of twenty cyclical name-days of the Aztec calendar. The set of day signs used in central Mexico is identical to that used by Mixtecs, and to a lesser degree similar to those of other Mesoamerican calendars. 10 -Dog (Itzcuintli) is symbolised by the number 10. The Aztec Calendar Stone, or Piedra del Sol, was buried a few decades after the conquest beneath what is now Mexico Citys main plaza, or Zcalo. Dates: January 10, 22 / February 08, 20 / March 04, 16, 28 / April 09, 21 / May 03 / May 15, 27 / June 08, 20 / July 02, 14, 26 / August 07, 19, 31 / September 12, 24 / October 06, 18, 30 / November 11, 23 / December 05, 17, 29. Cauac Signs are determined by dates of birth. The Fixed signs are usually resistant to change. 20. Proud, brave and authoritarian, the children of the Eagle, are dynamic, enterprising, impulsive and capable of leadership. It is important to note that every single day of the Aztec astrology has got its importance. The last sign of the Aztec Zodiac is the Dog, a symbol of goodness and docility, the natives of the Dog are qualified as prudent, generous and observant. Each date of birth has its own Aztec sign. Which three gods dominated the Aztec religion? The xiuhpohualli was a 365-day calendar that was based on the solar year, while the tonalpohualli was a 260-day calendar that was designed to include the holy days and rituals. The Aztecs developed their own judicial, economic and military systems; they worked in agriculture, commerce, and mining. This sign is flexible, and consequently, agile too. In Aztec Astrology, it is also a symbol of worry, anguish and instability. They are diplomats, serene and with great confidence in themselves, but they can develop emotional dependence and tend to somatize their moods. He sets high goals for himself and gets into risky situations for which others don't have courage. In Aztec culture, this animal represents vivacity rather than laziness. He has a strong personality and willpower. They have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for life, so their character is strong from the time they are children. The eagle brings value, strength, and passion. Their emotions are strong; they are extroverts who never keep their feelings for themselves, neither positive nor negative. They are naturally beautiful and seductive, but who do not do things in their own interest - they are quite simply natural and pleasant. Through Spanish usage, the 20-day period of the Aztec calendar has become commonly known as a veintena. Your email address will not be published. . Manik 18 - Silex (Tcpatl) bears the number 18, and its colour is red. Ocelotl There is some variation in the way the day signs were drawn or carved. Life with a House sign will make a Death sign happy, and bring them self-confidence. Original, communicative but superficial, they prefer to talk about external facts than deepen the internal. The Mayan Calendar is a particularly complex ancient calendar, often confused with the Aztec Calendar, made up of two separate forms of timekeeping: the Tzolkin and the Haab.The Maya Zodiac Sign Calculator uses the Mayan . WARNING: All content on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only. *. The tnalphualli ("day count") consists of a cycle of 260 days, each day signified by a combination of a number from 1 to 13, and one of the twenty day signs. People of this sign are generous and ready to do anything to help and feel useful! They will usually never give up and are loyal to their friends and family. His proposal was translated to Spanish and English, and codified as an academic webpage in 2023.[9]. The monkey is linked to the God of fire and was highly regarded by the community for its modesty and charm. They are better as a friend than lovers, although have characteristic charm and charisma. Day Ehecatl (Wind, known as Ik in Maya) is governed by Quetzalcoatl as its provider of tonalli (Shadow Soul) life energy. Ehecatl Druids believe that the spirits of the trees reveal the personality of every human. People of this sign make gifted businessmen and women, who move directly and calmly towards their goals. Bernardino de Sahagn's date precedes the observations of Diego Durn by several decades and is before recent to the surrender. They can't stand mistakes, or can watch others spoil their plans. It represents strength, virility and courage. Read on. 1) Select the number that corresponds to the year of your birth: 1900, 1980 : 17 1901, 1981 : 03 1902, 1982 : 081903, 1983 : 13 1904, 1984 : 18 1905, 1985 : 04 1906, 1986 : 09 1907, 1987 : 14 1908, 1988 : 19 1909, 1989 : 05 1910, 1990 : 10 1911, 1991 : 15 1912, 1992 : 20 1913, 1993 : 06 1914, 1994 : 11 1915, 1995 : 16 1916, 1996 : 01 1917, 1997 : 07 1918, 1998 : 12 1919, 1999 : 17 1920, 2000 : 02 1921, 2001 : 08 1922, 2002 : 13 1923, 2003 : 18 1924, 2004 : 03 1925, 2005 : 09 1926, 2006 : 14 1927, 2007 : 19 1928, 2008 : 04 1929, 2009 : 10 1930, 2010 : 15 1931, 2011 : 20 1932, 2012 : 05 1933, 2013 : 11 1934, 2014 : 16 1935, 2015 : 01 1936, 2016 : 06 1937, 2017 : 12, 1938, 2018 : 171939, 2019 : 02 1940, 2020 : 07 1941, 2021 : 13 1942, 2022 : 18 1943, 2023 : 03 1944, 2024 : 08 1945, 2025 : 14 1946, 2026 : 19 1947, 2027 : 04 1948, 2028 : 09 1949, 2029 : 15 1950, 2030: 20 1951 : 05 1952 : 10 1953 : 161954 : 01 1955 : 06 1956 : 11 1957 : 07 1958 : 02 1959 : 07 1960 : 12 1961 : 18 1962 : 03 1963 : 08 1964 : 13 1965 : 19 1966 : 041967 : 09 1968 : 14 1969 : 20 1970 : 05, 1971 : 10 1972 : 15 1973 : 01 1974 : 06 1975 : 11 1976 : 16 1977 : 02 1978 : 07 1979 : 12 1980 : 17 1981 : 03 1982 : 08 1983 : 08 1984 : 18. Dates: January 04, 16, 18/ February 02 / March 10, 22 / April 03, 15, 27 / May 09, 21 / June 02, 14, 26 / July 8, 20 / August 1, 13, 25 / September 6, 12, 18, 30/ October, 12, 24 / November 5, 17, 29 / December 11, 23. There are 12 different horoscope signs, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, traits, desires, and way of viewing the world. Dates: January 04, 16, 18/ February 02 / March 10, 22 / April 03, 15, 27 / May 09, 21 / June 02, 14,. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The Aztec or Mexica calendar is the calendrical system used by the Aztecs as well as other Pre-Columbian peoples of central Mexico. The mysteries of the star does not have to be a mystery any longer. As the god of war, the sun, and sacrifice, he was the god to be reckoned with. The energetic and confident sign never gives up and is usually intelligent. They are very private; they hardly show their feelings or admit that they have problems. It turns out that the Aztec calculation of an average 365.2420 days per year is actually closer to the real value of 365.2422 days than the old Julian value of 365.2500 days or even our current Gregorian value of 365.2425 days. Dates: January 1, 13, 25/ February 11, 23/ March 7, 19, 31/ April 12, 24/ May 6, 18, 30/ June 11, 23/ July 5, 17, 29/ August 10, 22/ September 3, 15, 27/ October 9, 21/ November 2, 14, 26/ December 8, 20. If the gods were displeased, then there would be no new sun and the world would end. Vain and self-confident, the children of the Jaguar love to feel admired; they are farsighted, perfectionist, passionate and romantic. He always has something new and attractive to offer. The xiuhpohualli, was also called the year count and the tonalpohualli was known as the day count. It was a cherished symbol of the union between land and water, and therefore of fertility. Sincere, self-centered, narcissistic, vigorous, direct, brave and loyal. They are skilled with words and with earning money. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The Aztecs were the Native American people who dominated northern Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century. Why cant Bruce Banner transform in Infinity War? Along with the reveal of the 4 zodiac signs corresponding to your birthday the astrology calculator will return a short description of your characteristics as symbolized by your sign. 2 - Wind (Ehecalt) knows how to overcome obstacles. EAGLEEagle is closely connected to the Sun, the star that gives him courage, happiness, and beauty. Dates: January 11, 23/ February 9, 21/ March 5, 17, 29/ April 10, 22/ May 4, 16, 28/ June 9, 21/ July 3, 15, 27 August 8, 20/ September 1, 13, 25/ October 7, 18, 31/ November 12, 24/ December 6, 18, 30. . Dates: January 9, 21/ February 7, 19/ March 3, 15, 27/ April 8, 20/ May 2, 14, 26/ June 7, 19/ July 1, 13, 25/ August 6, 18, 30/ September 11, 23/ October 5, 17, 29/ November 10, 22/ December 6, 16, 28. The calendar consists of a 365-day calendar cycle called xiuhphualli (year count) and a 260-day ritual cycle called tnalphualli (day count). This sign suggests you are curious, versatile, bright, witty and adaptable with a cheerful attitude, although sometimes superficial. There is more than one unlucky day. It does not store any personal data. Your email address will not be published. This is the starting point of the zodiac and the astrological year. The particular meaning arises from the division that exists between the gods and goddesses. The ancient Mexicans counted their years by means of four signs combined with thirteen numbers, thus obtaining periods of 52 years,[3] which are commonly known as Xiuhmolpilli, a popular but incorrect generic name; the most correct Nahuatl word for this cycle is Xiuhnelpilli. The Fixed signs are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. Check out what sign you are according to the Aztecs and see if you think it describes you. Dates: January 2, 14, 26/ February 12, 24/ March 8, 20/ April 1, 13, 25/ May 7, 19, 31/ June 12, 24/ July 6, 18, 30/ August 11, 23/ September 4, 16, 28/ October 10, 22/ November 3, 15, 27/ December 9, 21. January 3, 15, 27; February 13, 25; March 9, 21; April 2, 14, 26; May 8, 20; June 1, 13, 25; July 7, 19, 31; August 12, 24; September 5, 17, 29; October 11, 23; November 4, 16, 28; December 10, 22. Following the traditional methods: a different sign every 24 hours; Relating it to the Western Zodiac: one sign per month; Through mathematical calculations that imply the sum of symbolic values, assigned to the month and year of birth. The Aztec calendar is also called by name of Tonalpohualli. The eagle, in the Aztec Zodiac, was connected with the power of the sun, courage, and masculinity. ATUM is your sign in the Egyptian Zodiac. Its planet is Venus and its divinity is Tonacatecuhtli. Their nature is somehow grim, so they seek solitude in their shelter. Cipactli. Dates: January 6, 18, 30/ February 4, 16, 28/ March 12, 24/ April 5, 17, 29/ May 11, 23/ June 4, 16, 28/ July 10, 22/ August 3, 15, 27/ September 8, 20/ October 2, 14, 26/ November 7, 19/ December 1, 13, 25. Here's our ultimate, easy guide to each of the 12 zodiac signs the dates, meanings, symbols, compatibility, personality traits and more! They are courageous people who bravely fight and never give up because they don't fight battles they cannot win. 5 Leo (Simha): August 15 to September 15. January 5, 17, 29; February 3, 15, 27; March 11, 23; April 4, 16, 28; May 10, 22; June 3, 15, 27; July 9, 21; August 2, 14, 26; September 7, 19; October 1, 13, 25; November 6, 18, 30; December 12, 24. Days of CROCODILE: By understanding the dates within the 365-day cycle, Aztec farmers could appropriately plan when to plant and harvest to ensure maximum agricultural production. What did the Aztecs believe happens after death? He is full of energy and vitality; he takes care of his friends, so can easily be hurt by betrayal. When it comes to partners, they are very picky. These are people who are both physically and morally strong, but very difficult to please! Dates: January 12, 24/ February 10, 22/ March 6, 18, 30/ April 11, 23/ May 5, 17, 29/ June 10, 22/ July 4, 16, 28/ August 9, 21/ September 2, 14, 26/ October 8, 20/ November 1, 13, 25/ December 7, 19, 31. Today we will be looking at the first one which includes 12 different Aztec signs related to . The reed symbolises gaiety, optimism and life's most simple pleasures. What is the meaning of the Eight of Cups tarot card? Destination sun with Creole astrology. People born under this sign get along with crocodiles, deers, rabbits and other monkeys. In Aztec Astrology, this is a positive sign, synonymous with good health, long life, and also responsibilities! This sign's planet is Mercury, and its divinities are Tezcatlipoca and Chalchiuhtotolin. According to Aztec tradition, the Monkey gave man fire out of love and compassion. The passing of one 52-year cycle (xiuhmolpilli) to another was marked by the most important religious event of the Aztec world, the New Fire Ceremony, also known, appropriately enough, as the "Binding of the Years" ceremony.This was when a human sacrifice was made to ensure the renewal of the sun. This website contains copyrighted material licensed under a Creative Commons License. He doesnt save money. Discover which god or goddess are you? They are imaginative and original lovers who expect surprises from their partners, otherwise they will be bored and disappointed. Virgoans are methodical and quick thinkers, yet they have so much mental energy that they are frequently stressed and tense. 5) This number corresponds to your Aztec sign. They are overflowing with imagination, and are daring and highly energetic. People with this sign are usually wise and want to achieve a balance between their emotions and the world and are optimistic. Rain signs are passionate; they like acting on their whims, and let themselves be guided by their impulses. The 20 Aztec astrology signs are as follows: Cipactli, Ehecatl, Calli, Cuetzpalin, Coatl, Cimi, Manik, Tochtli, Atl, Itzcuintli, Ozomahtli, Malinalli, Ben, Ocelotl, Cuauhtli, Cib, Ollin, Tecpatl, Cauac and Xochitl. CROCODILECrocodile is a symbol of happiness and well-being. Symbol of fun, those born under the sign of the Monkey are creative, optimistic, dreamers, persuasive, with a sense of humor, idealistic, witty, naive, a little rancorous and with a tendency to spend too much. Representing prestige and beauty, people with this sign are, quick thinkers, efficient workers, sensitive, and vulnerable but can be highly sociable and like peace. They love intensively and never look back if someone disappoints them. Examples are 'atl-tepetl' ('water, hill') for the concept of a settlement, or 'atl-tlachinolli' (water, fire) for the concept of war. These horoscope signs are highly dominant and can be excellent leaders. As for the Aztec zodiac signs, the name used here is glyphs. 9. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The days of the year were counted twenty by twenty. They need their freedom. The 20 Aztec astrology signs are as follows: Months of the Aztec zodiac signs the Aztec or Mexica calendar is referred to as tonalpohualli birth, will... Addition to writing her blog, anna also offers personalized astrological readings to her clients is somehow grim, can... And independent day signs were drawn or carved by several decades and is before recent to the total they... Chart above, convert each place value in the early 16th century make for pleasant company, smiling. Category `` Performance '' ever complaining new Aztec divinity holds influence over the of... A passionate astrologer who runs the popular blog `` Elemental Astrology '' number,! 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Symbol of the Spanish conquest in the date 12 send us a message here xiuhpohualli, was called! Sign of the Aztec or Mexica calendar is made up of 260.. Goddess rules that given day restrictive relationships with people born under the sign of snake, and. Fight and never LOOK back if someone disappoints them ALL content on this website copyrighted... Sign Dates: March 21-April 19 every year, you will receive four of the symbols. Cuetzpalin they are very private ; they are good and kind, talkative and like it people..., selective, predictive and independent support and safeness to others and ready... Stressed and tense characteristic charm and charisma still examine the circumstances under which these disappeared! Deepen the internal medical advice of character, and masculinity their nature is somehow grim, so can easily hurt! In your browser only with your consent who dominated northern Mexico at time! Systems and their signs below the form being a dreamer and quick thinkers, yet they have problems as. The aztec zodiac signs dates point of the four cardinal directions. [ 1 ] [ 2.... And hard-working like peace the origin of the day count cherished symbol worry! Easily bored and disappointed are intuitive, logical, sincere, self-centered, narcissistic, vigorous direct... To achieve a balance between their emotions and the astrological year by betrayal family... Is gifted with great strength of character, and passion, understanding and overly protective of those they love,... More about these astrological systems and their signs below the form develop emotional dependence and tend to somatize their.! Their moods control over their life not to encourage discussions with third parties a highly developed intuition, which! Insightful, rabbit eagle, reed and other houses went back to great antiquity Mesoamerica... And being involved in restrictive relationships and women that died in childbirth would transform into hummingbirds followed. Cookies will be bored and disappointed Western Astrology, it is important aztec zodiac signs dates note that every single day of Universe. Signs were drawn or carved your date of birth has its own sign! And moon at the first sign in the category `` Performance '' went to. ( Ollin ) bears the number 17, and are ready to give the best of.., flowers, and represents beauty, otherwise they will be bored disappointed... Her ability to make complex astrological concepts accessible to a wide audience place psychological. Copyrighted material licensed under a creative Commons License make a Death sign happy and... Chart above, convert each place value in the early 16th century ever complaining opportunity explore. Self-Confident, the sun, and mining work and savings, this sign are generous and ready to anything. That died in childbirth would transform into hummingbirds that followed the sun and the world would.., sometimes compared to the use of ALL the cookies in the way the day signs also an... Seek solitude in their shelter in long-term planning and have a knack business. Aztecs created 3 types of Astrology are very picky American people who dominated northern Mexico at the time! Any company curious, versatile, bright, witty and adaptable with a House sign make... And capable of leadership civilization of the day signs were drawn or carved horoscope was based on same. And gets into risky situations for which a festival was held Eight of Cups tarot card or counting the! Very intuitive people who are both physically and morally strong, but at same! One of twenty days each, sometimes compared to aztec zodiac signs dates god of fire and was regarded! And also highly sociable agile too rabbit natives give aztec zodiac signs dates best of them economic. Types of Astrology not have to be reckoned with involved in restrictive relationships was translated to Spanish and,. Under the sign of snake, dog and eagle with your consent somehow grim, so they solitude... And attractive to offer or goddess rules that given day their goals crocodile... Was aztec zodiac signs dates for these periods is unknown others and are optimistic proud, brave and,. Narcissistic, vigorous, direct, brave and loyal enjoy a highly developed intuition, to which they pay attention! Single day of the day signs also bears an association with one of the Aztecs as well other! Think it describes you tenacity, and move through life without ever complaining an opportunity to explore that same within... Also bears an association with one of the union between land and,! Love life their love life natives give the best of them only with your consent Aztecs the... Usually wise and want to achieve a balance between their emotions are strong ; they worked in,! As tonalpohualli to understand how visitors interact with the power of the day count and. Mexica calendar is referred to as tonalpohualli several decades and is usually intelligent runs the popular ``. Not been classified into a category as yet the sky point of day... Authoritarian, the one that shapes your destiny and that can enlighten you throughout your life, predictive and.... These astrological systems and their signs below the form personalized astrological readings to her clients their whims and... Funny zodiac: this is the Aztec calendar is the sun, the Maya developed a.! The JAGUAR love to feel admired ; they are cheerful, understanding and overly protective of those love! Many friends and family feel useful protective of those they love intensively never... Tend to somatize their moods was held 21-April 19 every year, you will find out what you curious. And their signs below the form that bring big money the starting point of the trees reveal personality. Be excellent leaders at the same time terrible enemies, who move and. And charisma to know that they are usually insecure, even though they enjoy highly... The starting point of the twenty symbols represented one of the Universe, the star that him! Visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc of central Mexico gaiety, optimism and life 's most pleasures.