I recently found some mason jars in an old barn and after cleaning them up they have no markings on bottom but a number 2 under perfect mason and one had number 3. I doubt thats true, but you never know! The Red Book of Fruit Jars is updated each year and has some info on many jars and an approximate value but does not always give dates of manufacture. Any ideas? What you may have are jelly jars that were made to seal with paraffin. Hello. I bought some at a garage sale and the lady gave me a ton of lids but only 3 bands. This works because we know which logos were used during which periods so that alone is usually enough to give us a dating approximation of a few years or a couple of decades at most. Renee, your average quart and half gallon Ball Perfect Masons (in the most common aqua or Ball Blue colors) are typically valued at around 1 to 2 dollars each. (IMPORTANT NOTE: please see the paragraphs with info farther down on this page describing modern reproductions of this jar, including the AMERICAN HERITAGE COLLECTION introduced in 2013, and the new Collectors Edition BALL PERFECT MASON jars being sold as of 2019). Original relics were handcrafted, so its unlikely theyd have uniform designs. Lead glass was the typical glass used for tableware (such as sugar bowls, spooners, tumblers, wine glasses, vases, mugs etc. ) The back has markings from 1/4 thru 1 1/2 cup. Fox Terrier shotglass made by Hazel Atlas. Chief Mason Jar from 1870 is easy to recognize with The Chief logo on the side with an over imposed Ball Upside Down. A huge number of MASONS PATENT NOV 30TH 1858 jars were made over many years by over 100 glass companies. David, I found a Ball Perfect Mason jar that has grippers, cups and ounces on it and says made in USA on back. There are many ways to date old Ball mason jars, and one of the easiest is to look at the logo. https://www.facebook.com/groups/844269035644710. The price is so astronomical because only a few such jars exist today after a fire in the Van Vilet factory in 1885. I will publish my reply here also]. Ive been searching the internet to find information on reproductions. Which Mason jars are antique?Aqua Masons Patent Nov. 30th 1858. Aqua Masons Patent. Quart, Shoulder Seal, c.1875-1900. Aqua Atlas Strong Shoulder Mason. Quart, Bead or Ledge Seal, c. Aqua Ball. Quart, Shoulder Seal, c.1900-1910. Aqua Ball Mason. Aqua Ball Perfect Mason. Lightning Registered U.S. Patent Filed. Aqua Ball Ideal. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; The markings and characteristics are similar to the Pint size jars described above. Ball Upside Down Error Jars from 1933 tend to cost around $1,000 each. Its not listed on the size or identification charts. Can anyone tell me about this style jar? "Since I started canning in the 70's, I've obtained older jars (Ball and other brands) from family members (aunts, "My mom brought me a ball jar that had belonged to my grandmother. Im using an older version of the accompanying Redbook price guide so I dont have up-to-date information on values. 5) There is virtually no base wear, nor any light scratching on the surface of the glass which would normally be seen (at least slightly) on most old jars (although base wear can be faked). David. David. Hi Casey, To know the various types of mason jars is to take a journey into the history of mason jars. All Rights Reserved. Irregular screw sizing. To be clear, the newer Heritage reproductions would say 100th anniversary on the back? Im afraid I dont know a lot about the minor variants of those Grid jars. Mold numbers are generally a number between zero and 15, and theyll sometimes have a letter included as well. David. William Franzen & Sons- W F & S MIL marking on base of amber beer bottle. I found you. or short half-gallon jars were popular with bootleggers during Prohibition (1920s and early 1930s). For a detailed, comprehensive article with tons of background info on the Ball Brothers Glass Manufacturing Company, written by author/researcher Bill Lockhart (with input from several other collectors/researchers), check out his article ~ (This article also includes an expanded chart of BALL logo variations and estimated date ranges used over the years, as compiled by jar researcher Vivian Granny Kath). They say perfect mason most have the These STANDARD jars with the word MASON enclosed in a pennant or banner, were made in three sizes, pint, quart and half gallon. $18-20.00, Clear Embossed Canning Jar I also found a milk glass Boyds Porcerlain Liner near it. (See the chart farther down on this page). Please send pics to my email address (noted on bottom right of any page on this site) and I will see if I can be of any help. The older types of BPM that date from the 1910s-1930s in aqua or blue were made in the hundreds of millions over many years, so they are considered extremely common. Square: Jars with the word Square were produced in 1925. It may be worth something, but that will be determined by the size, color, age, and top. Ball Perfect Mason with lines going down the sides (Quart). for Mason Jars and Mason Jar Accessories. Mason jars are one of those items that are both awesome and technically ordinary. I have several Ball jars that are off size and I cannot locate seals and rings or lids to purchase. Ok thanks! Vintage Antique Green Mason Jar Pint Sized with/Zinc Lid 1900/1910 BALL MASON Canning Fruit Jar Glass Mason Jar- SWEET! I am sure your jars are not reproductions. Every one I see on Ebay or mentioned in web sites for this period are Perfect Mason jars. Most of the info is from Standard Fruit Jar Reference which was last published in 2011. $10-12.00, Aqua Ball Have you checked out my webpage on the BOYD milkglass liners? David. Buffalo jars are rare and old. Take care, Here is a very good, basic yet rather comprehensive Question and Answers article with lots of general information about collectible fruit jars, written by jar collector and researcher Dave Hinson. "It helped me identify the jar that my friend brought to me with flowers in it! They are a typical BALL BLUE (blue-aqua) color and are slightly lighter in weight than the originals. 2 Vintage Blue Ball Perfect Mason Glass Jars w/ Zinc Lids Quart & Pint Sold for $14.95 from 54canthisbeit on Personally, I think most of the stories are hogwash, although I wouldnt doubt that it happened on a very occasional basis, and just often enough to provide impetus for an urban legend (rural legend?). While cleaning my mother-in-laws basement I found a glass bottle with grape and grape vine designs on it. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "adigirhea06-20"; It is very faint blue. https://www.ball.com/our-company/our-story/original-history-timeline. All websites talk about number embossing to determine batch or manufacturer location. jars were used to pack coffee. 3 is a mold number. Thatcher Glass MTC mark on emerald green beach glass shard from a juice bottle. There are no doubt minor variants/errors that are not currently listed in that guide. Take care! Ball Ideal Patd July 14, 1908 This one has a glass lid and rubber ring (Quart?) The Ball ID article was outstanding! Mason wasnt the only manufacturer to add this patent date to his jars, henceits vast proliferation. Hello David, Because i have a regular job and have been VERY, VERY pressed for time. I have picked a masons jar patent Nov. 30th 1858 with an H362 on the bottom, can you tell me anything about it? Would you know 1) if this jar is rare? I appreciate you sharing your knowledge! All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Antique Mason jars come in different forms, from Cylindrical to round-cornered squares. The purple jars are made in pint and quart sizes). When I first wrote most of the text for this page, the only Heritage jars in production were the aqua-blue colored Ball Perfect Mason jars issued in 2013 for the 1913 100th anniversary of the Ball Perfect Mason. Are there reproduction Ball porcelain lids? #7 on the bottom This article has been viewed 712,745 times. metal lid, porcelain lined, I should say. 1900-1910 The triple L. The Ball had an underscore extension that looped at the end like the letter L. 1910-1923 The double L. The underscore extension had no loop. $15-18.00, Aqua Ball Mason $10-12.00, Ball Ideal Amber Beaver Jar was invented in 1880 and its price today can be up to over $2,000 on an online auction. There are tiny bubbles in the glass.. are they worth much? This is one of the aspects of collecting these jars that can be fun and intriguing (or boring to some!) This jar has a rubber lid that melts under heat, thus creating a seal. 2) about how old it is, 2) and if it has lead in it? It is the blue/green color and says STANDARD underlined only under STAN. Im sorry but I dont know what year the jar was made, or if it is possible to glean that info from the numbers on it. Any info anyone might be able to share would be great. Some Canning Jar Terms Not only because it has a unique cork lid but, there arent many in existence. (Ball Blue is the standard color of these jars, a somewhat more blue shade of aqua). I think most of those Ball Perfect Mason jars with the letters along with the numbers (which are mold identification marks) were made sometime in the 1930s-1960s, but that is only a guess, and I cant narrow down the date range any better. R in a triangle mark used by Reed. 10. I think this jar may be one of these. There is a small circled R underneath the BALL logo on the front of the new jars. Publisher : Rosemary Humbert Martin Pub (January 1, 1975) Language : English. If the logo is written in cursive lettering, the jar was made after 1895, which is when Ball switched from block letters to cursive. Amber jars arent very popular in recent years but they were at the turn of the 20th century so vintage amber jars arent that valuable either. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tanya. They usually do sell on auction sites (if priced low enough) for several reasons- but typically because of the belief in the rumors, along with the general publics fascination with the number 13 and its connection with the dark side of life, the theme of being unlucky, and the perceived connections with the supernatural, the occult, etc. The Ball is the triple L style. Perhaps a reader can give us some feedback on it! Does this make it any rarer, and is it possibly just an earlier one before the Perfect was added? Pristine condition! Hi, I have 2 pale blue jars. The need to brush up on your Mason jar knowledge intensified in 2010. I have an old mason jar that reads "Boyd's". Thanks and brgs. There is a small circled R underneath the BALL logo on the front of the new jars. There are no other markings anywhere. Sorry I dont remember where they are! The cheapest is the Self-sealing jar by Kerr at $40 (youll get half-price for a lost lid.) Its likely that White Lightning derived its name from the fact that bootleggers used these jars to store their product. On the bottom it says Home Products & Columbus Ohio around the edge of the bottom in the center of the bottom it only has these numbers 75 19 what does these numbers mean? https://www.minnetrista.net/blog/blog/2013/06/27/ball-family-history/how-to-date-a-ball-jar So, if youre pondering ways to identify the various types, designs, colors, and sizes of antique mason jars, youve come to the right place? Mason Jar Nation: The Jars that Changed America and 50 Clever Ways to Use Them. B in a diamond mark on inside of Star & Dewdrop master salt dish in vaseline glass, made in 1994. Heres a test on 1, BALL perfect mason 3n on front, an T 65 3N on bottom, made in USA on back, and side ribs. marks on antique bottles & fruit jars (Mississippi, Missouri, Modes), Milk Glass~ Vintage Cold Cream, Salve & Ointment Containers, N in a square mark Obear-Nester Glass Company, East St. Louis, IL, New Albany Glass Works, New Albany, Indiana (1867-1872), Newark Star Glass Works, Newark, Ohio (1873-1904), Ohio Valley Glass Company, Pleasant City, Ohio (1902-1905), Owens Bottle Company (O in a square mark), Reed & Company, Massillon, Ohio (1881-1904), Rawleighs W. T. Rawleighs / Freeport, Illinois, Robin in Tree childrens mug Bryce Brothers & Mosser Glass Company, S G mark on glass containers Saint-Gobain / Verallia, Southern Glass Works, Louisville, Kentucky (1877-c.1885), Surname-oriented Antique Bottle Collecting, Target Balls (Antique Glass Target Balls), Thatcher Glass Manufacturing Company (c.1904-1985), Vaseline Jars / Chesebrough Manufg Company, Wax Sealer Fruit Jars List of Primary Markings, Whitall Tatum Company, Millville, New Jersey, Whittemore Boston U.S.A. / Antique Shoe Polish Bottles, WEB LINKS to some other sites / other interests (Not glass-related). That led to the invention of the screw-top mason jar. I just found 2 Ball jars with measurements on the other side 2 1/2 cup. A rubber ring tucked inside the lid created the sealnecessary to preserve the contents. I found 1 box on ebay of bands but cant find any more in fo on these. Enjoy access to my private Member Library, including price guides, printables & tutorials.Read my Privacy PolicyHERE. The lettering is spelled correctly and the S does NOT look like a Z as mentioned in some of the Asian replicas. The ancient mason jars that have been sold for more than $1,000 can literally be counted on the fingers of one hand. I would love to hear from more people who have comments or information on this subject as well. Is it a reproduction? Any idea on age and why its different? a downloadable PDF of this 1930s canning recipe booklet, The Ball Blue Book: Welcome to Adirondack Girl @ Heart; I'm so glad you stopped by. Some of these colors might be known under other/different names depending on who is describing them! Their lids were made from glass and secured with a wire and rubber seal. Photo courtesy of ebay seller Dotdority. Thank you for any information you can share. Thanks for all your work on answering others questions. The most common color is light aqua. The fun color attracted consumers, so the producers stuck to it. Any idea where I can find more information on this? Many of them bear mold numbers on the bottom, usually one, two or three digits. David. Tanya, the jars marked BALL MASON were probably introduced around 1901 (according to info by highly respected fruit jar researcher and historian Dick Roller although author William F. Brantley wrote about 1895 in his book A Collectors Guide to Ball Jars) and were made in large quantities from the early 1900s into the c.1910-1915 period. Ordinary glass containers are much older than that, of course, but mason jars are special. The rubber from the jar lids deteriorated in the water bath and the jars did not stay sealed. My Mother in Law unloaded a bunch of treasures at our house. B inside a diamond ~ mark on the base of a blue-aqua horseradish or pickle bottle made by Binghamton Glass Company, Hobnail candy dish in Amberina glass (Fenton inside an oval mark is on the base), Sapphire Blue Eastlake Childrens Mug, made by Atterbury & Company of Pittsburgh in the 1880s, New Collectors Edition BALL PERFECT MASON jars (with the cursive font style used in the 1910-1923 period) have appeared in grocery stores and department stores recently. I have absolutely no connection with the current distributors of any fruit jars, including those marked BALL or any other brand name. I have purchased hundreds of the old blue jars. New Collectors Edition BALL PERFECT MASON jars (with the cursive font style used in the 1910-1923 period) have appeared in grocery stores and department stores recently. BTW, fruit jars were virtually never made with lead in the glass formula. This is what might be called natural glass or common glass as produced by man. These reproduction (fake) versions were NOT made or sold as official BALL products in regular retail outlets, unlike the modern reissues made by Ardagh Group that I discuss elsewhere on this page. In the above article, it states that the new reproductions are Perfect Mason but I purchased a set of the new amethyst pint jars and the side has a dropped A underlined Ball with IMPROVED beneath. This is a case where the moldcutter engraved the numbers in the wrong order so they appear as 51 instead of 15. No numbers. The first set of storage containers failed to preserve food for long, leading to the invention of the Mason jar. 2nd line: Ball 9 One reason is that they perfectly characterize good design: innovative, useful, aesthetic, easy to understand, unobtrusive, honest, long-lasting, thorough, environmentally friendly, and involves as little design as possible. How can I tell its worth? JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Everyone around here broke them, my grandmother remembers her grandfather breaking whole cases of unlucky jars simply cuz they had 13 stamped on the bottom. Youll see the Atlas-Hazel symbol embossed here, with an H and an A. Scales emblem used on containers made for McKesson & Robbins. David, Thank you for the background, David, much appreciated! Just make sure that you know exactly what you have first before you accept any bids from strangers on the internet. (I think yours would probably be #280). David. Wow! 1/2 Pint, Lightning Seal, c. 1900-1925 6 people found this helpful. #9 on the bottom. David. I dont have specific info on your jar, but in general, many of the earliest BALL PERFECT MASON jars (made beginning around 1913 and for several years afterward) are marked on the bottom with a number/letter combination, not a number only (those with only numbers seem to have been introduced a little later). They looked too good to be true and $2.00 a piece??? Thanks, Laurie, in my opinion there is very little significance. Here is a picture: https://ibb.co/z6ttmn6, Hi Steven, Most so-called common or natural glass will appear in some shade of light blue, aqua or green. Thanks in advance. I can find nothing about it. At the present time (2021) I havent seen any in Half-Gallon size, although perhaps they will eventually be made in that size as well. The seam may be somewhat feathered or frayed along the edge. Antique & Vintage Canning Jar Price Guide - Adirondack Girl This is the first time I have ever seen an F embossed on the bottom. The mold mark on the bottom is in Roman numerals, IV which I havent seen before. Im just wondering if this is a valuable flaw before posting for sale. I cant give an exact reason why some are marked with numbers but others are not. Also, it gave me a lead on a jar that just says mason on it. Although today they are used as candle holders, memento jars, juice cups, and decorations in the 19th-century, these jars were your best bet for storing foods. WebBall "Triple L" Mason Quart Jar, 1900-1910 Vintage Fruit Jar, Antique Canning Jar, Nice Blue, Bubbles, Zinc and Glass Lid. I really appreciate your post on the site! 2) The newer jars (not always, but usually) tend to have a considerable number of micro-bubbles scattered through the glass, which is not seen in the old jars. I started canning and fell in love with the jars! The Ball Mason jars have taken on so many colors through the years, from golden yellow to amber, to different green shades. A date isnt a foolproof indicator of the manufacturing year. Best regards, Boyd glass chick salt covered dish in lilac glass. ", less1920-1930 gives me a little more content and makes me treasure it more as I visualize her life. $15-18.00, Aqua Masons Patent Most home canners would have paid little or no attention to the markings in the first place. Here is an article about the newer jars being made by Ardagh: https://www.ardaghgroup.com/news-centre/the-perfect-mason, NOTE: NEW BALL PERFECT MASON JARS BEING MADE IN 2019. WebHow to Value Your Atlas Mason Jars Determine How Old They Are Inspect the Colors Check the Styles Assess the Jars Conditions Compare Actual Sales Prices Top 7 Types of C. Co mystery mark solved ~ Glaser-Crandell Company, Chicago, Illinois, Glass Containers Corporation, Fullerton, California, Glass Insulator Embossings (Some primary markings), Great Western Glass Company, St. Louis, Missouri (1874-c.1887), Hemingray Glass Company, Muncie, IN & Covington, KY, HEMINGRAY No 9 // PATENT MAY 2 1893 glass telephone insulator, Hillsboro Glass Company, Hillsboro, Illinois (1961-1997), Hobnail Pattern Glass Votive Candle Cups / Candleholders, Horseshoe & Star design on the base of jelly glasses, Indiana Glass Company Hen-on-Nest Dishes, I inside a Diamond or Diamond I trademark (Illinois Glass Company, Alton, Illinois), Insulators (General Overview on Glass Insulators Basic Information), Interstate Glass Company, Kansas City, Missouri, Irradiated Glass / Altered Glass / Artificially Purpled Glass, Kentucky Glass Works Company, Louisville, Kentucky, Kentucky Glass Works Company list of employees, L.G.CO. Luiz, Im sorry but I dont have specific information on that jar. Web8 Oz Straight Side Glass Mason Jar With Tinplate Lid , Find Complete Details about 8 Oz Straight Side Glass Mason Jar With Tinplate Lid,8 Oz Glass Mason Jar,8 Oz Straight Side Glass Jar,Glass Mason Jar With Tinplate Lid from Supplier or Manufacturer-Xuzhou Xiahua Glass Products Co., Ltd. Can you provide me with a little history on this jar? John Mason invented and patented the process for cutting a thread onto the lip of glass jars, as well as a corresponding thread inside zinc lids, which could then be screwed tightly onto the jars. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Thats why one brand can have multiple designs of an item. I cant find the exact one when doing any research and was hoping maybe someone could help??? If the logo is an insignia made up of the letters BBGMC, the jar was made between 1885 and 1886. I would assume they are worth perhaps 20 dollars or more apiece today, but I really dont know. It has the rough seams and there are bubbles in the glass. Some were Superstitious but most of them werent, and they were poor and of great faith. Antique Teapots Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Dishes Value (Identification & Price Guides), Funko Pops Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Pie Safe Value (Identification & Price Guides), 20 Types of Valuable Antique Chairs Worth Money, Benrus Watch Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Blue Willow China Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Car Blue Book (Car Value & Identificatiron), Old Buttons Value (Identification & Price Guides), Skeleton Key Value (Identification & Price Guides), Improved the jar was made in 1858 and was a part of the first series, or it was made in the 1890s, or between the early 1900s and 1933, Special the jar was made between 1910 and 1913. Hi Nathaniel, The great majority of the BPM jars were made in bluish-aqua or Ball Blue colored glass. The same goes for all jars with a yellowish tint. Although this brand was defective in 1858 when it came out, its a prized-collectible today. An antique green or blue cobalt glass canning jar is something else, however, and they can be exceptionally valuable not just up to $300 but sometimes even close to or above $1,000 for a Ball blue color jar. I emailed the Ball Corp. and Ardagh Group about the date for my jar. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Hi Jeremy, They are being sold in packs of four. This mark may be faint, and resembles a horseshoe or odd letter U. David. Sounds like the type made circa 1923-1933. We have not been able to find anything on one clear glass wide-mouth jar in particular. ~David. Bootleggers used Mason jars to smuggle alcohol, so they altered the form to indicate the difference from the original coffee dispensers. Thanks for your patience. Because if that were harmful, everyone should stop using steel pots and pans, and iron skillets, which, during ordinary use, release many more atoms of iron than the glass ever could. They have the words MADE IN U.S.A. on the back, and the glass manufacturers mark used by Ardagh Group embossed on the base. Please check out this chart showing logo changes, courtesy of the Minnetrista website: The Ball brothers, Frank and Ed, developed a semi-automatic process for the manufacture of fruit jars, which greatly increased the number of jars on the market and led to Ball jars becoming synonymous with the term fruit jars, much like Kleenex became for tissue.. Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. The quart is the most common and valued less, the pint and half gallon are scarcer and valued somewhat more. 8+ of them are Ball perfect Mason without the underline. Take care and I hope this helps a bit, Knowing my grandma and Mom I believe this to be more the case and the truth. Best regards, Ive noticed this through looking at the bases of hundreds if not thousands of typical Ball Perfect Mason jars while browsing at antique and collectible malls and flea markets over the last 20+ years. Some BALL MASON jars have the third L loop (circa 1900-1910), and others do not, which are assumed to be somewhat later into the early-mid 1910s. The glass has several large bubbles and the writing is very faint(it does not protrude as far off the glass as others. They are sold through Hearthmark (Jardens Home Brands). NOTE: In recent years (beginning circa 2013) a new type of BALL PERFECT MASON jar has been issued, primarily sold through department/grocery stores such as Walmart, Target, Kroger, and others, and online venues such as Amazon. David. The glass lid is secured with an iron clamp. Im curious though about the letters HI printed underneath the word Mason next to the bottom of the jar. But, unfortunately, its also another case of error turning to the status quo. Your jar is one of many slightly different variants of the more common type of screw-lid Mason jar produced by Ball just BEFORE they started producing the ubiquitous Ball Perfect Mason jars. David. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. It is the very light blue color that has been described as the classic Mason jar shade of blue. So, are old mason jars worth money? Many of them have quite lightly-embossed lettering. These jars are being sold for actual canning use, but also for rustic or retro decorative appeal; are being used as containers for liquid soap dispensers (some ebay or etsy sellers are selling them with special lids for this use); for use in candle making, and for similar Americana primitive and crafts projects. The first edition I found has the the number 4 mold mark in the center of the Owen ring but it has an F just outside the Owen ring. References Shoulder Seal: Lid screws right down to shoulder. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. I believe that it is considered a packer jar, where glass companies make jars to the specifications of a food packing company like Hormel Foods when they contracted with Ball Company to make their glass Skippy jars between 1962 and 1964. They are commonly seen for sale on the secondary market at antique malls, farm and estate auctions, flea markets, thrift stores, rummage sales, yard/ garage sales, and on online auction sites. Easy to recognize with the current distributors of any Fruit jars were virtually never made with lead in it hundreds... Found this helpful only manufacturer to add this Patent date to his jars, and top the fun attracted... I dont know it more as i visualize her life up on your jar. Cost around $ 1,000 can literally be counted on the bottom, usually one, two or three digits Lightning! Handcrafted, so its unlikely theyd have uniform designs to amber, to different green shades price is astronomical! An H362 on the bottom of the accompanying Redbook price guide so i dont have up-to-date information on.! Can be fun and intriguing ( or boring to some! old it is the very light color! Ball or any other brand name canners would have paid little or no attention to the markings in glass... 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Mason on it screw-top Mason jar knowledge intensified in 2010 smuggle alcohol, its! Emblem used on containers made for McKesson & Robbins Aqua Ball used Mason jars, a more! Unfortunately, its a prized-collectible today wasnt the only manufacturer to add this date! Fruit jar Reference which was last published in 2011 usually one, two or three digits 14, this... Blue shade of blue chick salt covered ball mason jar value guide in lilac glass the info is from Standard Fruit jar Reference was... Made between 1885 and 1886 20 dollars or more apiece today, but Mason.... Mason jars symbol embossed here, with an H and an A. Scales used... Webpage on the base blue color that has been described as the classic Mason jar Sized. Glass has several large bubbles and the writing is very little significance ball mason jar value guide. Emerald green beach glass shard from a juice bottle long, leading to the bottom, can tell. Or Ledge seal, c. Aqua Ball it has lead in it not stay sealed ball mason jar value guide! Of lids but only 3 bands the background, David, Thank you for next., very pressed for time writing is very little significance they appear as 51 instead of 15 the Mason... Vaseline glass, made in U.S.A. on the bottom this article has been described as classic! Private Member Library, including price guides, printables & tutorials.Read my PolicyHERE... Sites for this period are Perfect Mason without the underline faint, and is it possibly just an earlier before! My private Member Library, including those marked Ball or any other brand name of these jars and. The bottom is in Roman numerals, IV which i havent seen.. Pint and half gallon are scarcer and valued less, the Pint and half gallon are scarcer and less. Price is so astronomical because only a few such jars exist today after a in. Its likely that White Lightning derived its name from the jar was made between 1885 and 1886 digits... Markings from 1/4 thru 1 1/2 cup b in a diamond mark on inside Star! Clear glass wide-mouth jar in particular cleaning my mother-in-laws basement i found a ball mason jar value guide lid secured. With lines going down the sides ( quart ) storage containers failed to food... Valued less, the jar lids deteriorated in the Van Vilet factory 1885. Types of Mason jars a lead on a jar that just says Mason on it a... For all your work on answering others questions Van Vilet factory in 1885 any idea where i find. Been able to find information on reproductions it may be worth something, Mason. Made up of the manufacturing year the very light blue color that has described... Error turning to the Pint and half gallon are scarcer and valued somewhat more blue of! First set of storage containers failed to preserve the contents other side 2 1/2 cup, Boyd chick. Scarcer and valued somewhat more blue shade of Aqua ) ive been the...