Similar to Venezuela, Cuba has restricted DHS's ability to remove individuals to Cuba, which has constrained the Department's ability to respond to this surge. In order to be eligible for the Cuban Adjustment Act, one must have been paroled into the United States (given an I-94 that specifically says "parole") or inspected and admitted. [63] Declaration), which was endorsed in June 2022 by 21 countries. The Venezuela process fundamentally changed the calculus for Venezuelan migrants. Increased resource demands translate into increased maintenance on those high demand air and sea assets. [53] [45], According to a Human Rights Watch report, the GOC also committed extensive human rights violations in response to massive anti-government protests in July 2021 with the apparent goal of punishing protesters and deterring future demonstrations. 01/05/2023 at 4:15 pm. 03/01/2023, 159 legal research should verify their results against an official edition of New Documents 37. Meanwhile, the Government of Mexico (GOM) made an independent decision for the first time to accept the returns of Venezuelans who crossed the SWB without authorization pursuant to the Title 42 public health Order, thus imposing a consequence on Venezuelans who sought to come to the SWB rather than avail themselves of the newly announced Parole Process. on USCIS, A U.S.-based supporter will submit a Form I-134A, Online Request to be a Supporter and Declaration of Financial Support, with USCIS through the online myUSCIS web portal to initiate the process. This law benefits those born in Cuba or those who have obtained Cuban nationality. documents in the last year, by the Rural Utilities Service 61. 553(b)(B); 18. CFRP provides a safe, orderly pathway to the United States for certain Cuban beneficiaries of approved family-based immigrant petitions. 79. Adjustment of Status under the Cuban Refugee Adjustment Act of 1966. Tech Transparency Project, Inside the World of Misinformation Targeting Migrants on Social Media, 114. DHS Plan for Southwest Border Security and Preparedness Government of Cuba (GOC) reported the economy contracted by 10.9% in 2020, grew by 1.3% in 2021, and is projected to expand by 4% in 2022. [93] 19. The GOM, as it makes its independent decisions as to its ability to accept returns of third country nationals at the border and its efforts to manage migration within Mexico, is thus closely watching the United States' approach to migration management and whether it is delivering on its plans in this space. We develop and sustain a network of nonprofit programs that serve over 500,000 immigrants every year. Start Printed Page 1277. v. OIS analysis of United States Coast Guard (USCG) data provided October 2022; Maritime Interdiction Data from USCG, October 5, 2022. Deepening poverty, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to food shortages and rolling blackouts, and continues to batter the economy. 93. The two-year period will also enable individuals to seek humanitarian relief or other immigration benefits, including adjustment of status pursuant to the Cuban Adjustment Act, Public Law 89-732, 80 Stat. demonstrate sufficient financial resources to receive, maintain, and support the intended beneficiary whom they commit to support for the duration of their parole period. U.S. Department of State, OMB has recently approved a new collection, Form I-134A, Online Request to be a Supporter and Declaration of Financial Support (OMB control number 1615-NEW). First on CNN: A Record Number of Migrants Have Died Crossing the US-Mexico Border Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the GOC stopped accepting regular returns of their nationals via U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) aircraft after February 28, 2020. Cuban nationals are 72 percent of all unique encounters in these sectors in October and November.[27]. As section 212(d)(5)(A) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. Overall, the Department's experience has been that in some circumstances when public announcements have been made regarding changes in our immigration laws and procedures that would restrict access to immigration benefits to those attempting to enter the United States along the U.S.-Mexico land border, there have been dramatic increases in the numbers of noncitizens who enter or attempt to enter the United States. 54. Start Printed Page 1276, A Cuban national is ineligible to be considered for advance authorization to travel to the United States as well as parole under this process if that person is a permanent resident or dual national of any country other than Cuba, or currently holds refugee status in any country, unless DHS operates a similar parole process for the country's nationals.[98]. Implementation of the new parole process for Cubans is If a timely Form I-290B is filed and the above criteria are met, USCIS will reopen and re-adjudicate the previously denied Form I-485; or. These markup elements allow the user to see how the document follows the The Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, or CAA, created a pathway for Cubans and their family members to adjust status in the United States as long as they meet certain requirements. Stories|Press Releases|Financials| Annual Reports, 2023 Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. | Privacy Policy, USCIS Announces Policy Change Regarding Parole Status of Certain Cubans, All About Cuban Adjustment: Frequently Asked Questions, Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure. Other migrants who were about to enter the Darin Gap have turned around and headed back south. At the same time, between 2013 and 2021, among those placed in expedited removal, the share making fear claims increased from 16 to 82 percent. 39. developer tools pages. DHS cited the prospect that publication of the rule as a proposed rule, which would signal a significant change in policy while permitting continuation of the exception for Cuban nationals, could lead to a surge in migration of Cuban nationals seeking to travel to and enter the United States during the period between the publication of a proposed and a final rule.[117] Mass shortages of dairy and other basic goods continue to persist, and Cubans wait in lines for hours to receive subsidized cooking oil or other basic goods. Cuba: U.S. Policy in the 117th Congress, Eligibility To Participate in the Process and Processing Steps, Step 3: Submit Request in CBP One Mobile Application, Step 4: Approval To Travel to the United States, D. Scope, Termination, and No Private Rights,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It only takes a moment to sign up. I. Emer. This combination of factors has created untenable economic conditions on the island that are likely to continue to drive Cubans to travel irregularly to the United States in the immediate future. [29] Id. May 21, 2022, 32. All individuals two years of age or older will be required to complete a medical screening for tuberculosis, including an IGRA test, within 90 days of arrival to the United States. Implementation of a Parole Process for Venezuelans, 87 FR 63507 (Oct. 19, 2022). has no substantive legal effect. . [67] Pursuant to the previous wet-foot/dry-foot policy, Cubans detained at ports of entry were not subjected to expedited removal but rather paroled under INA 212(d)(5) to seek adjustment under the CAA. That said, there are distinct advantages to being able to vet more individuals before they arrive at the border so that we can stop individuals who could pose threats to national security or public safety even earlier in the process. providing direct representation for asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico borderand educatingthem about their rights; increasing legal representation for those in removal proceedings and in detention; providing public education on immigration law and policies; and. Many such Cuban migrants fall victim to human smugglers and traffickers, who look to exploit the most vulnerable individuals for profit with utter disregard for their safety and wellbeing, as they attempt the dangerous journey northward through Central America and Mexico. The Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, has announced two new options for Ukrainians who have fled Ukraine or are seeking a safe haven within the United States due to the Russian war on their country. v. [73] 202(4) (charging the Secretary with the responsibility for [e]stablishing and administering rules . Operation Vigilant Sentry (OVS) Phase 1B, Information Memorandum for the Secretary from RADM Brendon C. McPherson, Director, Homeland Security Task ForceSoutheast, August 21, 2022. Several organizations reported countrywide internet outages, followed by erratic connectivity, including restrictions on social media and messaging platforms. By incentivizing individuals to seek a safe, orderly means of traveling to the United States through the creation of an alternative pathway to the United States, while imposing additional consequences to irregular migration, DHS assesses this process could lead to a meaningful drop in encounters of Cuban individuals along the SWB and at sea. 51. The most up-to-date public health requirements applicable to this process will be available at The United States' ability to execute this process thus is contingent on the GOM making an independent decision to accept the return or removal of Cuban nationals who bypass this new process and enter the United States without authorization. A Cuban who enters the United States without inspection may be eligible for adjustment of status provided that he or she obtains parole. Northern Central America refers to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. KGUN9 Tucson, Rescue Beacons and Unidentified Remains: Fiscal Year 2022 Report to Congress. In September 2022, a prolonged blackout caused by Hurricane Ian led to protests in Havana and other cities. El Pas, documents in the last year. He ruled that any immigrant who has been released from ICE's (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) custody at the border as a result of their entry without authorization had been paroled as a matter of law into the country. [14] OIS analysis of CBP subject-level data and OIS Persist Dataset based on data through November 30, 2022. Any individual granted parole status by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a Cuban/Haitian Entrant (Status Pending) or granted any other special status subsequently established under the immigration laws for nationals of Cuba or Haiti, regardless of the status of the individual at the time 111. Cuban Family Reunification Parole (CFRP) program. 30. This PDF is 56. on Main Phone: (301) 565-4800 /Main Fax: (301) 565-4824. If approved, this authorization is generally valid for 90 days, and beneficiaries are responsible for securing their own travel via commercial air to an interior POE of the United States. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), 44 U.S.C. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) has suspended operations at its field office in Havana. The CAA provides that a Cuban who has been paroled into the country will automatically be granted legal permanent refugee status one year after entry as long as criminal or other deportable acts have not been committed by the Cuban. CLINIC trains legal representatives who provide high-quality andaffordable immigration legal services. 7. Dec. 16, 2022, Since Cuban nationals account for a significant percentage of the individuals being conditionally released into communities after being processed along the SWB, this parole process will address these concerns by diverting flows of Cuban nationals into a safe and orderly process in ways that DHS anticipates will yield a decrease in the numbers arriving at the SWB. Cuba Briefing, July 25, 2022, May 12, 2022 (last visited Dec. 17, 2022). San Antonio Report, If the Cuban Adjustment Act is not an option, a special parole program may be explored. OIS analysis of OIS Persist Dataset based on data through November 30, 2022. 15. (last viewed Dec. 11, 2022). Start Printed Page 1269 Human smugglers continue to use unseaworthy, overcrowded vessels that are piloted by inexperienced mariners. Health Requirements: Human Rights Watch, Prison or Exile: Cuba's Systematic Repression of July 2021 Demonstrators, July 11, 2022. INA sec. Prior to the October 12, 2022 announcement of the Venezuela process, DHS encountered approximately 1,100 Venezuelan nationals per day between POEswith peak days exceeding 1,500. See8 CFR 274a.12(c)(11). The new process also strengthens the foundation for the United States to press regional partnersmany of which are already taking important stepsto undertake additional actions with regards to this population, as part of a regional response. documents in the last year, by the International Trade Commission Id. Entrepreneur Parole is a temporary permit to live and work in the United States. It was enacted by the US government on November 2, 1966 in order to help Cuban citizens fleeing that country. 80. Information About the New Parole Program . USCIS Resumes Cuban Family Reunification Parole Program Operations,, Washington Post, Individuals may request employment authorization from USCIS. [31] documents in the last year, 37 Id. Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official 1182(d)(5)(A), provides, parole decisions are made by the Secretary of Homeland Security in his discretion.. by the Housing and Urban Development Department If, for example, advance notice of a coming price increase would immediately produce market dislocations and lead to serious shortages, advance notice need not be given. In July 2022, the Cuba remains a one-party authoritarian regime under the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) government, which continues to restrict freedoms of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and other human rights. [52] 83. Start Printed Page 1274 Based on the new policy, simple release from DHS custody will be constituted as "parole" in case of this act. In October 2016, nearly 7,500 asylum seekers from Haiti and Cuba crossed the U.S.-Mexico border into the United States. (last viewed Dec. 19, 2022). Apr. Public Law 89-732, Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 (CAA), Nov. 2, 1966, To be eligible, the Cuban migrant on arrival has to be "inspected, admitted or paroled . (last visited Dec. 17, 2022). After confirming biographic information in myUSCIS and completing required eligibility attestations, the beneficiary will receive instructions through myUSCIS for accessing the CBP One mobile application. The CAA provides a special path for nationals of Cuba to apply for adjustment of status and receive the green card. 76. Each of these processes operates independently, and any action to terminate or modify any of the other processes will have no bearing on the criteria for or independent decisions with respect to this process. Cuba is undergoing its worst economic crisis since the 1990s[33] 110. It also would complicate broader discussions and negotiations about migration management. This FAQ provides an overview of both the traditional immigration pathways as well as the new avenues for refugee processing and family reunification available to Afghan evacuees. 113. Supporters are required to undergo vetting to identify potential human trafficking or other concerns. USCIS is leveraging technological and process efficiencies to minimize processing times for requests for employment authorization. 86, No. Only those who meet specified criteria and pass national security and public safety vetting will be eligible for consideration for parole under this process. Children under the age of 18 must be traveling to the United States in the care and custody of their parent or legal guardian to be considered for parole at the POE under the process. documents in the last year, by the Food Safety and Inspection Service and the Food and Drug Administration Relevant information about this document from provides additional context. 73. Since the 1960's, the United States has maintained a preferential relationship with Cuban citizens and facilitated a direct path to permanent residency. On Mexican migrants from this era's demographics and economic motivations see Jorge Durand, Douglas S. Massey, and Emilio A. Parrado, The New Era of Mexican Migration to the United States, Humanitarian Relief, Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure, Humanitarian Parole. 4. Id. [1] Cubans who do not avail themselves of this new process, and instead enter the United States without authorization between ports of entry (POEs), generally are subject to removalincluding to third countries, such as Mexico. documents in the last year, 522 This is likely because each of these categories of releases are governed by discrete sections of the INA (section 236 for releases on order by an immigration judge, and section 241 for post-removal-order releases on supervision by DHS). (last visited Dec. 17, 2022). (NCA) and, since the late 2010s, from countries throughout the Americas. (last visited Dec. 17, 2022). This new process helps achieve these goals by providing an immediate and temporary orderly process for Cuban nationals to lawfully enter the United States while we work to improve conditions in Cuba and expand more permanent lawful immigration pathways in the region, including refugee processing and other lawful pathways into the United States and other Western Hemisphere countries. Id. All of the steps in this process, including the decision to grant or deny advance travel authorization and the parole decision at the interior POE, are entirely discretionary and not subject to appeal on any grounds. This process provides a safe mechanism for Cuban nationals who seek to leave their home country to enter the United States without having to make the dangerous journey to the United States. A Notice by the Homeland Security Department on 01/09/2023. [34] (CP1) to travel to the U.S. with parole, without waiting in Cuba for an . Created in 2007, the CFRP Program allows certain eligible U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents (LPRs) to apply for parole for their family members in Cuba. [108], Third, Individuals who are determined to pose a national security or public safety threat are detained pending removal. [4] 22. 33. All other countries accounted for an average of 5 percent of total SWB encounters in FY 2010-FY 2013, and for 10 percent of total encounters in FY 2014-FY 2019. The process also responds to an acute foreign policy need. That willingness could be impacted by the delay associated with a public rulemaking process involving advance notice and comment and a delayed effective date. documents in the last year, 1408 OMB has approved the emergency request for a period of 6 months. The Parole Program (CP1) . See8 CFR 212.5(e). 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