1-6 Hour. Prerequisite: Admission to an online undergraduate BSN professional program, or instructor or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Students apply evidence-based strategies to assess, implement, and evaluate health promotion interventions for individuals, families, communities, and populations. NURS4124. If the didactic course is not passed in the third attempt, the student will be dismissed from the program. Completion time for part-time 479-575-2000. Emphasizes the role of caregiver in acute care settings. Focuses on the adult population experiencing acute problems in the health-illness continuum. The role of documentation of assessment findings to third-party reimbursement is also explored. Course enrollment occurs in the last semester of the program. The caregiver role is emphasized. Executive Director Prerequisite: Level I courses. The nursing faculty evaluate core R.N. Students will apply the theoretical principles learned in NURS4242 and NURS4262 to the delivery of care to adults with chronic conditions across transitions of care settings. Principles of health promotion and health education for expanding families are integral to this course. Prerequisite: Completion of Level I courses and NURS4112, NURS4154, NURS4164, NURS4242, NURS4252, NURS4262. (Harding University), Assistant Professor, 2017, 2018.Kippenbrock, ThomasA., Ed.D. This course provides an overview of health care policy orienting students to the political and social processes impacting the current health care environment. Must have sophomore standing or above and a GPA of 3.0 or above. This course introduces general principles of population and community health nursing to provide a theoretical base for the care of families, aggregates, communities, and populations. (University of Missouri-Kansas City), M.S.N., B.S.N. for success in graduate schools and specialty certification. Introduces a variety of communication techniques skills including group process and dynamics. Honors Independent Study in Nursing. Professional nursing begins with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) program (NURSBS-RNBN), Didactic/Clinical Practicum Courses (NURSBS-RNBN). to B.S.N. managers, teachers and researchers, and it prepares graduates to practice in the complex, Students must complete theState Minimum Core requirementsas outlined in the Catalog of Studies. Professional nursing courses for L.P.N. Please refer to the College of Education and Health Professions website for specific information related to the admission criteria. Pre- or Corequisite: NURS3634. BIOL1543/BIOL1541Lsuggested due to prerequisite required forBIOL2443/BIOL2441Land BIOL2013/BIOL2011L. Prerequisite: Completion of Level I courses and NURS4112, NURS4154, NURS4164, NURS4242, NURS4252, and NURS4262. Offered by College of Education and Health Professions and Eleanor Mann School of Nursing . What is the Benefit of Earning a BSN? Presented below is a typical plan for completing this degree in five semesters; individual student plans may vary significantly. The Eleanor Mann School of Nursing Undergraduate Honors Theses The Eleanor Mann School of Nursing 5-2018 Emergency Preparedness Among College Students at the University of Arkansas Mary Gadberry Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uark.edu/nursuht Part of the Public Health and Community Nursing Commons Citation Ballentine, Hope, D.N.P. This 3-credit theory course focuses on increasing knowledge of health assessment skills. (University of Arkansas), Instructor, 2012.Scott, AllisonL., D.N.P. If a student is arrested during their program of study, the school of nursing should be notified immediately and the student will become ineligible for clinical courses pending the outcome of an investigation and/or judicial process. Focuses on intrapersonal and interpersonal strategies necessary for effective nurse-client interactions. Not all state boards of nursing will accept outside of state education. Holding a bachelor's degree improves the According to the University of Arkansas, "Professional nursing begins with a Bachelor of Science degree. (Typically offered: Irregular)May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit. Honors Professional Role Implementation VII: Role Synthesis. This course focuses on gerontologic theories, concepts, and principles as they relate to nursing care of older adults. Prerequisite: NURS3313, NURS3314, NURS3321L, NURS3402, and NURS3422. NURS3402. (Missouri Southern State College), Associate Professor, 2012, 2018.Johnson, KellyVowell, Ed.D. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer). The degree is a 120 hour degree in accordance with ACT 747. 3 Hours. b. The nursing major is exempt from the eight-semester degree plan since the program is admission-based. Full Admission to the Pre-Licensure B.S.N. 4 Hours. Students must maintain an active, unencumbered license to practice nursing. Employment/nursing experience status of applicant based on the following: Documentation from current and/or recent employer(s) where applicant is hired as an L.P.N. Students admitted to the program will be required to maintain this active, unencumbered status for the duration of their enrollment in the program. 2 Hours. R.N. Students should note that a flagrant or established patter of disregard to Eleanor Mann School of Nursing policies can result in failure of the courses and/or dismissal from the program without prior warnings (see Forms page on the nursing program website for performance improvement plan guidelines). (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) Didactic/Professional Role Implementation Courses. Leadership for Professional Nurses. If a student earns a "D" or "F" in a second course, the student will be dismissed from the program and may not be eligible for re-admission. All prerequisite coursework for a fall admission into the Professional Program of Study in Nursing must be completed by the end of the spring semester. Focuses on the adult population experiencing chronic problems in the health-illness continuum. Applicants must be an undergraduate or graduate student currently enrolled in the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing who is in good academic standing and interested in women's health. This is a Level I course. years from the first semester of enrollment in the program. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). minimal campus visits. All program and University core prerequisites must have a C grade or above to be eligible for nursing program admission. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Recognizing the financing of health care and the impact on quality through policy changes will be discussed. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). No more than two withdraws from the same course will be allowed. full-time, part-time, per diem). Prerequisite: Honors candidacy and NURSBS major. If the student does not complete the Professional Program of Study within the five-year limit, nursing credits must be reevaluated. Evidence based practice will guide development of a quality improvement project in an area of student's interest. If a student withdraws from a didactic course, the course may be repeated. Prerequisite or Corequisite: NURS4442. NOTE: Readmission will not be considered for any student dismissed from the School of Nursing who obtained a "D" or "F" in one nursing course and was unable to make a "C" or better upon repeating this course. The Eleanor Mann School of Nursing contributes to the three purposes of the university: education, research and service. Prerequisite: Completion of Level I courses and NURS4112, NURS4154, NURS4164, NURS4242, NURS4252, and NURS4262. licensure program completion. This is a Level I course. *Required nursing prerequisite courses include: English 6 credits, Mathematics/Statistics 6 credits, Sciences 16 credits, Fine Arts/Humanities 6 credits, U.S. History 3 credits, Social Sciences 9 credits, Pre-Nursing 6 credits. 3 Hours. The level of nursing programs offered to nursing students include Bachelor Degree, BSN to DNP, LPN to BSN, Master Degree, MSN to DNP and RN to BSN level degrees. This course introduces theories and concepts of teaching and learning, health and wellness, and health behavior in the context of health promotion in nursing. NURS4542. The course emphasizes both nursing and medical treatment of selected conditions. The course must be passed on the second attempt. to B.S.N. Included in your nursing student's dues, SNA is a wonderful way to improve your EMSON experience. Prerequisite: Completion of Level I courses and NURS4112, NURS4154, NURS4164, NURS4242, NURS4252, and NURS4262. to B.S.N. (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences) B.S.N. personal and professional development. Fayetteville, AR 72701 NURS4262H. Exceptions to this policy will be considered by the Student Affairs Committee in nursing on an individual basis. Nursing Concepts: Community. This course introduces theories and principles of management and leadership and the professional nurse's role within the health care system. Students who make less than a "C" may not progress into courses for which that course is a prerequisite until the course is repeated and the required minimum grade attained. The course provides an opportunity to collaborate with a mentor/preceptor and reflect professional goals. Employer verification of 2,000-L.P.N. program. A positive background check may impede or halt the student's progression in the program and may impact clinical placement and eligibility for licensure. Social issues, economic policy, and regulatory requirements are used to explore healthcare delivery systems and access, quality improvement, and patient safety. 3 Hours. NURS4102. (University of Arkansas), B.S.N. Current practicing Registered Nurse (R.N.) Prerequisite: NURS4323 and NURS3111 and admission to the Online Undergraduate BSN Professional Program or permission by the instructor or department head. NURS2032. Corequisite: NURS4073 (for LNBN students only). Eleanor Mann School of Nursing Epley Center for Health Professions 606 Razorback Road 479-575-3904 Email: nursing@uark.edu Eleanor Mann School of Nursing website Degrees Conferred: M.S. Focuses on the adult population experiencing chronic problems in the health-illness continuum. The school's goal is to recruit and educate a class which will serve the needs of a diverse population. Special Topics in Nursing. May be taken with any 3500-level nursing course or above. Scientific Foundation for Professional Nursing Practice. The course presents an overview of theories, principles and concepts essential to professional nursing practice. Health Promotion Across the Lifespan. This is a Level II course. NURS4613H. Therapeutic modalities and their use in a variety of settings are explored. This course includes strategies for monitoring delivery of care, outcomes, and evaluating program effectiveness. Therapeutic and Interprofessional Communication. Admission criteria verified by the nursing department includes: Once admitted an academic advisor will evaluate the general education requirements (state minimum core and nursing program prerequisites). (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer). 1 Hour. Students may be able to finish the program sooner if they enroll in summer courses. Introduction to Professional Nursing Concepts. 3 Hours. Students interested in the online L.P.N. Nursing education offers a research base for nursing practice that promotes the ability of the nurse to effect change needed to improve health. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). This is a Level I course. Students transferring from another nursing program must provide a letter from the nursing program indicating that they are eligible to return and are in good standing to be considered for admission. Objectives and experiences are designed on an individual basis with a faculty adviser. NURS4203. This course supports educational mobility building on a core of common knowledge and skill from previous nursing education. In line withinitiatives of the university and the College of Education and Health Professions, as well as the philosophy of the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing, a holistic admission process is utilized to enhance a diverse academic experience for all students and results in additional expertise in providing care to an increasingly diverse patient population. Exceptions to this policy will be considered by the Student Affairs Committee in nursing on an individual basis. See the program website for current list of the allowed states. Child and Family Practicum. (University of Arkansas), Clinical Instructor, 2021.Patton, SusanKane, PhD., M.S.N. 2 Hours. Students who are conditionally accepted into the nursing program must maintain a C or higher in all coursework. Upon notification from the academic advisor that a student is ready to enter the nursing program courses, the nursing department will complete a review to determine eligibility by verifying all of the following criteria: Additional Program Information and Requirements. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer). The baccalaureate program NURS3634. This course is equivalent to NURS4262. Students will apply the theoretical principles learned in the NURS3772: Mental Health Nursing to the care of clients with mental health disorders in a variety of settings. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) This is a Level I course. (Indiana State University), Professor, 2003.Lee, PeggyB., Ed.D. program of study course. High-tech labs. TEAS test score of 65% or above, taken within the last two years (information on the nursing website). Convenient Night Classes for Gen Ed Courses. Final transcripts (official) to the University and a copy (can be unofficial) to the nursing department upon completion of current nursing education program. Registered Nurse to B.S.N. The course describes how nursing informatics is currently being used by healthcare professionals, and speculates about future applications. This is a Level I course. NURS4603H. Faculty and 2 Hours. NURS4003. Staff nurses are essential to the professional formation of student nurses. Prerequisite: Completion of Level I courses. Nursing Concepts: Critical Care. Students who fulfill DNP course requirements can add four more courses from the MSN to add a second degree, which . (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit. Emphasizes concepts essential for understanding the rationale for preventive and therapeutic nursing interventions in health and illness. NURS4013. Prerequisite: Admission to the nursing program and completion of NURS3422 and NURS3424. Content varies. Students will apply the theoretical principles learned in NURS4203 to the delivery of healthcare. Use your valuable practice experience as the foundation upon which you can build your knowledge and strengthen your analytical and critical reasoning. (Missouri Southern State College), Clinical Instructor, 2013.Holloway, GingerL., M.S.N. If a student earns a "D" or "F" in a course, the course may be repeated once. If a student taking a didactic course with an associated practicum in the same semester decides to withdraw from the didactic course, they must also withdraw from the practicum. NURS3422. Prerequisite: NURS3313, NURS3314, NURS3321L, NURS3402, NURS3422, and NURS3424. Personalized attention. Graduate certificates are available in Nursing Education and NURS3782. NURS4063. Theoretical, methodological, and analytical approaches are explored. applicants will select R.N. The minimum number of hours required to receive a baccalaureate degree at the University of Arkansas is 120 semester hours. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer). (University of Kansas Medical Center), M.S., B.S.N. in Arkansas and/or any other state that has approved of the program. Prerequisite: Admission to an online undergraduate BSN professional program or permission by the instructor or department head. Pre- or Corequisite: NURS4603. Denotes required nursing pre-requisite courses. Examines various therapeutic modalities in the care of clients experiencing mental health or psychosocial disorders. Health resources are explored in a variety of settings. to B.S.N. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer). Students must provide proof of all required clinical paperwork requested by the school of nursing, including annual criminal background checks and regular drug screens (the most current clinical requirements can be located in the student handbook). (University of South Alabama), B.S.N. Population and Community Health Nursing. Principles of health promotion and health education are utilized throughout the course. NURS3302. (University of Arkansas), M.H.S.A. (University of Arkansas), Clinical Instructor, 2014.Bradley, Callie, D.N.P. . (University of Arkansas), Instructor, 2018.Jarrett, AnnaLee, Ph.D., M.S.N. (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Teaching Assistant Professor, 2015, 2017.Osborne, Cara, Sc.D., M.S. For effective nurse-client interactions into the nursing program and may impact Clinical placement and eligibility licensure... And NURS4112, NURS4154, NURS4164, NURS4242, NURS4252, and populations able to finish the program be. Problems in the health-illness continuum course describes how nursing informatics is currently being by! Currently being used by healthcare professionals, and evaluate health promotion and health are! 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