/CS /DeviceRGB /Meta37 37 0 R Taxes, fees, and user charges are considered "own-source" revenue. Financial management in Nigerian local government. [/ICCBased 11 0 R]
/Tabs /S How do the estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer taxes work? >> >> Assessing Fiscal Capacities of States: A Representative Revenue SystemRepresentative Expenditure System Approach, Fiscal Year 2012. Before cities can begin to optimize their revenues, they must first compile an inventory of existing revenue streams.
Simple, Fair, and Pro-Growth: Proposals to Fix Americas Tax System, Report of the Presidents Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform, November 2005, The Moment of Truth: Report of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, December 2010, Debt Reduction Task Force, Restoring Americas Future, Bipartisan Policy Center, November 2010, The Tax Reform Act of 2014: Fixing Our Broken Tax Code So That It Works for American Families and Job Creators, House Ways and Means Committee, The Graetz Competitive Tax Plan, Updated for 2015. /Meta49 54 0 R As such, federal transfers as a share of state general revenue will likely look different for these yearsbut Census has not yet published that data. endobj Revenue generation in Nigeria local governments is principally derived from tax. /Meta51 48 0 R How did the TCJA change the standard deduction and itemized deductions? Finally, cities could introduce new types of service fees, fines, and chargesand in so doing, create new sources of revenue. /Contents 62 0 R The share coming from property taxes fell from 22 percent of general revenue in 1977 to 17 percent in 1985, but since then property taxes as a share of general revenue have been relatively stable. /MediaBox [0 0 595.32 842.04] /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] \\jG*"ktVJE <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 13 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Contemporary issues in local government administration in Nigeria. << /Image95 78 0 R What are defined benefit retirement plans? US Census Bureau. endobj Maintaining public support is critical to the longer-term viability of such efforts, and cities must create an attractive business climate. What is the unemployment insurance trust fund, and how is it financed? Other strategies, such as payment plans, can also reduce leakage and increase collections. /Kids [4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R] Norton Francis and Frank Sammartino (2015). What have budget trends been over the short and long term? /S /Transparency >> What is the tax treatment of charitable contributions? How do state estate and inheritance taxes work? revenue allocation among federal, state and local governments in the country. How would the tax system need to change with return-free filing? endobj What is return-free filing and how would it work? revenue generation still remains poor due to local government being unable to exploit revenue areas because of the interference of State Government in local government affairs. r_ w=[,()l9"] JETfKIXpEq)h5-B(3+r;&uJ_=~_9=0 Never miss an insight. It is therefore suggested that the level of economic dependence on coal widely varies, and some, but not all, local governments will require financial assistance after the coal phase-out. How did the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act change business taxes? Cover cost to serve where possible. Edogbanya, A., & Sule, J. G. (2013). /StructParents 2 Nicole Badstuber, London congestion charge has been a huge success. /F5 40 0 R The data was analyzed using simple percentage and frequency for primary data and content analysis for secondary data. Gordon, Tracy. /Parent 2 0 R 5 0 obj To increase the flow of revenues from these sources, cities can select from four interventions (Exhibit 3). /Font << City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering standard fee list. /S /Transparency revenue (IGR) is the revenue that the local government generates within the area of its jurisdiction. 9 o"A\|h9MxgZ(wpMk
UN==dN#R. What is the difference between refundable and nonrefundable credits? This charge generates more than $100 million in revenue each year. What was the experience with return-free filing in California? With initial adjustments for relevance and size of potential revenue impact, cities can select the most promising streams as revenue generators. /Type /Page /S /Transparency What are error rates for refundable credits and what causes them? 0v=.7&YP ?SfqZBEFowu8-RmHaav,Ax5dT# /F6 25 0 R What is the difference between marginal and average tax rates? /Type /Page 8
In general, cities draw from four types of sources that each include numerous levers (Exhibit 2).
What is foreign-derived intangible income and how is it taxed under the TCJA? In general, this intervention represents the horizon for innovation across all revenue streams. Fines. To establish this dedicated unit, cities could create a cross-functional workforce with representatives from different departments, including finance, planning, property, legislation, and key municipalities. Cities that successfully cultivate a mixture of actions can dramatically improve their fiscal health and improve services for their residents. 13 0 obj #$
e-`w6w /XObject << >> << 5
/Meta39 39 0 R /Image93 73 0 R This need underscores the eagerness on the part of state and local governments and even the federal government to look for >> endobj
/S /Transparency >> Local governments collected $1.7 trillion of general revenue in 2017. Local revenue mobilization will be enhanced if local goverments and local How does the availability of tax-favored retirement saving affect national saving? /ModDate (D:20131230000155+10'00') Fajobi, O. F. (2010). general sales taxes and gross receipts taxes, Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, federal funds for local transportation projects, Surveying State Leaders on the State of State Taxes, More Than Fines and Fees: Incorporating Equity into City Revenue Strategies, State and Local Government Revenues and Racial Disparities, Assessing Fiscal Capacities of States: A Representative Revenue SystemRepresentative Expenditure System Approach, Fiscal Year 2012, Governing with Tight Budgets; Long Term Trends in State Finances, Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, 8 percent from selective sales taxes on purchases such as, 2 percent from selective sales taxes on purchases such as, 3 percent from other taxes such as a locality'staxes onhotel bookingsandrestaurant meals. This intervention is typically most applicable to service feesspecifically, utility services such as water, sewage, or electricity. (*(%8H8c-
fd9@6_IjH9(3=DR1%? endobj
What are the sources of revenue for state governments? /GS31 30 0 R The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 created a sharp uptick in transfers from the federal government between 2009 and 2011, peaking at 25 percent of state and local revenues in 2010 and 2011, before falling back to 22 percent in 2012. << Department of Political Science and Public Administration, PMB 4010, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun, Nigeria, You can also search for this author in /XObject << Lack of proper provision and maintenance of social amenities, lack of well-trained staff especially revenue staff and so on are some of the results of lack of proper funding of local government in Nigeria. In Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs has a control unit that monitors the performance of regions and the regional government authorities that oversee municipalities. When the State increased the income tax rate in 2011 it did not share the increased revenues with local governments. /ExtGState << /Type /Page Problems of revenue generation in local government administration in Nigeria. By doing so, the people's interest would be geared towards giving their maximum support to the local government which would lead to the development of the rural area? /F5 40 0 R <>stream
Taxes provided 49 percent of state general revenues in 2019, including: Charges, such as tuition paid to a state university, payments to a public hospital, and tolls on highways, when combined, provided another 11 percent of state general revenues in 2019. Hence the various sources of local government finance have become very crucial in order to foster development at all levels of governance. % In 2020 and 2021, Congress transferred a large amount of funds to local governments as part of the CARES Act . /Meta59 53 0 R Part of Springer Nature. The usual practice in this country (Nigeria) is that political parties and individual candidates often make /Type /Page What can state and local sales taxes tell us about a national retail sales tax? All revenue data are from the US Census Bureaus Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections. hv-oRv9[Plq ?#o-.mOqi@}Fdl(d]i&y-tIT>=#'K/+EmKO+pe>"J*#9(tG_0Yb,UfR`En`o7So^ Concept Publications. What is a territorial tax and does the United States have one now? >> <>stream
Who bears the burden of a national retail sales tax? This category involves enhancing internal effectiveness of city teams to generate more revenues without visible impact to the public. /Type /Page /CS /DeviceRGB /Type /Group Dibie, R. A. /Meta38 38 0 R Beyond central government funding, the primary revenue streams for municipal governments are service fees, fines, taxes, and assets such as buildings and properties. The City of Chicago has instituted such a program several times over the past two decades. The challenge is identifying and prioritizing the opportunities that will have the greatest impact and are relatively feasible. /Parent 2 0 R endstream
/Tabs /S Cities should consider the following areas: Collectively, these assessments will help cities to produce a prioritized list of levers for implementation. International Journal of Arts and Humanities Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 2(3), S/No. Intergovernmental transfers accounted for 36 percent of local general revenue in 2017 (figure 1). /ExtGState <<
n /1, the 3ederal 4ilitary -overnment then issued, guidelines on local governments reforms. How does the deduction for state and local taxes work? /F7 42 0 R Cities can also raise revenues by increasing the number of transactions through various approaches. AMA is one of the most resourced MMDAs What characteristics make fiscal stimulus most effective? Its time to change it, CityMetric, March 12, 2018, citymetric.com. The survey research design was adopted for this study, with 414 staff of Ikorodu local government area as the population of the study. Given state and local tax revenuevolatility resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the large amount of federal transfers approved by Congress, particularly as part of the American Rescue Plan, these numbers will probably look different for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, but Census has not yet published that data. The share from intergovernmental transfers also fluctuated somewhat over time, falling from 43 percent of general revenue in 1977 to 36 percent in 2017. University Press. endstream
If you would like information about this content we will be happy to work with you. As such, it should have a seat on the revenue committee as well as the authority to define roles and responsibilities to track the revenue generated across different municipalities. 1 0 obj
/S /Transparency A., & Adewoye, J. O. The reforms #hich gave recognition to, the local level #ere ta$en care of.
Dubai introduces innovation fees for government transactions, Khaleej Times, January 30, 2018, khaleejtimes.com. startxref
The rapid urbanization of the worlds population is well under way. Therefore, the following three areas should be examined: In addition, the city should refer back to the results of the citizen sentiment survey conducted during the preparatory stage to help inform the assessment of social acceptance. Cities could also increase value from unused land plots through monetizing them either as lease contracts or through other more innovative publicprivate partnership structures, such as joint development agreements or joint ventures (Exhibit 4). /F10 61 0 R /GS7 17 0 R The maximum curtailed power was 963 MW, and the total annual curtailed energy generation was 560 million kWh, with a . /S /Transparency <>>>
1 0 obj https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73875-4_17, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73875-4_17, eBook Packages: Political Science and International StudiesPolitical Science and International Studies (R0). 0000000532 00000 n
Local government administration in Nigeria: A comparative perspective. 4. 'ocal governments in, over a number of years. First, to identify the relevant revenue streams and which interventions to apply, cities should determine the relevant data and revenue baselines. /Annots [27 0 R 28 0 R] >> As a local government leader, you're pressed to keep up with the immediate needs of your community during the COVID-19 crisis. /F2 83 0 R What types of federal grants are made to state and local governments and how do they work? 1
/F1 20 0 R /ExtGState << 4 0 obj
Based on option B; 72 respondents (38.3%) strongly agrees that lack of concentration on internal sources of revenue generation by the local government officials is a problem of local government Finance, 70 respondents . Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 7(8),113123. /Meta77 66 0 R xb```b``a`24(!" <>
/Group << How did the TCJA affect tax expenditures? .
>> The need for state and local governments to generate adequate revenue from internal sources has therefore become a matter of extreme urgency and importance. They provided 22 percent of state and local general revenues in 1977, dropped to a low of 16 percent in 1989, and returned to 22 percent in 2003. %
68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050, says UN, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, May 16, 2018, un.org. How do taxes affect the economy in the long run? Local government and finance in Nigeria in state and local government in Nigeria: The changing scene. responsibilities in the federation. /Contents 29 0 R We'll email you when new articles are published on this topic. /Group << Principles of leadership. /F5 40 0 R All dates in sections about revenue reference the fiscal year unless stated otherwise.
/Resources << Tax is a compulsory levy imposed by government on individuals and companies, for the various legitimate function of the state (, Tax is a necessary ingredient for civili"ation. Eneanya, A. N. (2012). /F4 23 0 R Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 11 0 R 16 0 R 19 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
(2016). /Contents 80 0 R But presently, the level of development in rural areas since when local government authorities have been created is not encouraging. How does the federal tax system affect low-income households? /Tabs /S 1 0 obj
68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas, un.org. Key 2022 Takeaways. (2014).
There is no one route that cities can or should take to boost revenues. /Meta43 34 0 R 92so74oi J. >> << Our teams brought Axon to new heights in 2022 with the following major accomplishments: Strong financial results: In 2022, Axon delivered record revenue growth of 38% to $1.19 . /Meta25 33 0 R /F4 23 0 R Fatile, J., Majekodunmi, A., Oni, A., & Adejuwon, D. (2013). /XObject << Diesel fuel used in processing, manufacturing, refining, generating electricity, irrigation or farming, or by any hospital may 3. Revenue has been found to be nose diving from time to time due to the weakness in the control framework that exists in the public sector. 14 0 obj
Assessing Fiscal Capacities of States: A Representative Revenue SystemRepresentative Expenditure System Approach, Fiscal Year 2012. Washington DC: Urban Institute. Taxes accounted for 42 percent of local general revenue in 2017. >> What is the experience of other countries with national retail sales taxes? The potential effect on electricity prices is discussed in the Additional Comments section below. /F1 20 0 R This approach has the potential to not only fairly penalize offenders and reduce instances of speeding but also to generate more revenue. >> Revenue generation in Nigeria local governments is principally derived from TAX. /Image8 18 0 R You may be shifting priorities daily in order to address the effects of the crisis on your constituents. >> Local governments include county governments, municipalities, townships, special districts (such as water and sewage authorities), and school districts. The role that local governments can play in revenue generation will clearly depend on decisions about the overall system structure.
/Tabs /S 4. >> The final 32 percent of state general revenue came from intergovernmental transfers. What are the economic effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act? recommended that the local government should provide basic amenities of high quality. /Type /Group endobj
/Type /Page incentive from a state or local government and are encouraged to claim the Advanced Manufacturing Investment Credit, a separate incentive administered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service that provides a federal income tax credit for qualifying ca pital investments in a facility for which Please try again later. endobj The study concludes that local government finance has a great impact on development as it is a major factor in getting adequate financial resources and has become a problem because of political inference in local government affairs.
/Type /Catalog What are the sources of revenue for state governments? Accessed 18 July 2016. (All sources of local government general revenue do not sum to 100 percent because of rounding.) /CS /DeviceRGB
Despite the numerous options available to generate more funding for city operations, elected officials must proceed carefully. xo
J&/oB50uvF>LO>Cw~N.1~,s%8#/A"akFu^6V07ST]hi/p4g8GtC? _X*O9H+CaB(ErQK]0K|d)F2t4a6ntHFcjdiD Assets can include land monetization (such as land used by telcos for cell towers), appreciating land values, and commercial advertisements in public spaces, public markets, and shopping centers. 10 0 obj /F3 22 0 R Wendthat,incitieswherearelativelyhighershareofrevenueiscollectedthrough nes, fees, and asset forfeitures, violent crimes are cleared at a relatively lower rate, 3 As presently contained in the 1999 constitution, local governments receive 20 percent of the federation account. A third lever is optimizing collection and audit processes to increase collection rates and minimize leakage. How does the federal government spend its money? To instill a culture of performance, organizations should set targets for net revenues and select key performance indicators (KPIs). >> Washington DC: Urban Institute. stream
Since residents often react negatively to actions that increase the cost of living, efforts to raise revenue through additional fees and taxes can be considered more acceptable when they also have a perceived public benefit. What is the difference between carryover basis and a step-up in basis? Local Government Finance and Implications for Development: A Case Study of the Ikorodu Government Area Lagos State. /StructParents 7 13 0 obj
/Font << OECD fiscal decentralization database (object name Table 12: 1970 2016), OECD, accessed April 15, 2019, oecd.org. /StructParents 8 As a result of these twin trends, a majority of the municipalities around the world are struggling to increase revenues while facing structural budget shortfalls that threaten service delivery and quality. . >> 0000001471 00000 n
the federal and state governments in Nigeria to boost revenue generation under a programme known as the Accelerated Revenue Generation (ARG) Programme. How large are the tax expenditures for retirement saving? /Meta37 37 0 R What types of nonemployer-sponsored retirement savings accounts are available? Its time to change it,, Author Talks: The worlds longest study of adult development finds the key to happy living, The executives guide to new-business building, Generative AI is here: How tools like ChatGPT could change your business, Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future, Dubai introduces innovation fees for government transactions,. !ODL 2}PE^eF}6m 0|A
h%D|k[ /Image8 18 0 R (*(%8H8c-
fd9@6_IjH9(3=DR1%? Aravind Boddupalli, Tracy Gordon, and Lourdes German (2021), State and Local Government Revenues and Racial Disparities /Annots [86 0 R 87 0 R 88 0 R 89 0 R] What is the Medicare trust fund, and how is it financed? . /F1 20 0 R 1 0 obj
<< /Font << . 203 copies of the questionnaire were administered to staff of Ikorodu local government who were simple randomly selected of which 188 (92.6%) were retrieved while 15 (7.4%) copies were not retrieved. Charges and taxes. >> Through leases, joint ventures, and joint development agreements, municipalities can generate additional income.
The research instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and interview. The revenue generation is not exceptional to :muahia North, Do not sell or share my personal information. How does the current system of international taxation work? xref
Regarding dissipation, figure 4 shows the time series power curtailment of an integrated generation plant without energy storage. The history of man has sho#n that, No system or rules can be effective #heth, er foreign or nature unless it en%oys some, measures of financial independence. Candice Ferrette and Robert Brodsky, Red-light camera revenues jump in Nassau County,. Randall, Megan, Tracy Gordon, Solomon Greene, and Erin Huffer. 11 0 obj Small Business Effect: Potential meaningful. 10 0 obj
V)gB0iW8#8w8_QQj@&A)/g>'K t;\
$FZUn(4T%)0C&Zi8bxEB;PAom?W= >> To mobili"e and utili"e both human and material resources by engaging the. >> - How much does the federal government spend on health care? /Type /Group Majority PubMedGoogle Scholar, Insitute of African Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 2022 The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Ntiwunka, G., Ayodele, T.M. Loay AlMujadidi is a consultant in McKinseys Riyadh office; Christian Azoury is an associate partner in the Dubai office, where Dirk Schmautzer is a partner; and Jonathan Woetzel is a senior partner in the Shanghai office and a director of the McKinsey Global Institute. endobj endobj
azA/u|,j[^#R"US&HwksN$} YVbh 7 At the same time, most states place restrictions on local property taxation, with limits that fall into three main types: rate limits, assessment limits, and levy limits. Last, municipalities could increase revenues by implementing higher fees for faster processing times or better service. /Type /Group
/CS /DeviceRGB /Meta58 47 0 R Do all people eligible for the EITC participate? Whats the difference between front-loaded and back-loaded retirement accounts? >>
These activities, such as hospitality charges and taxes on plastic bottles and bags, carbon from vehicles, and vacant land, do not involve the delivery of services from the government. 2018. In 2019 inflation adjusted-dollars, combined state and local general revenue increased from $1.2 trillion in 1977 to $3.5 trillion in 2019, or a 188 percent increase. US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. Two Decades in Effect: Volume-Based Waste Fee System in South Korea, Ministry of Environment, South Korea, January 2016. 2.1.2 Section 81 of the Local Government Act, 1997 (amended) allows Local Government to mobilise revenue in form thof fees and taxes as specified in the 5 schedule. /Resources << Small businesses . This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Charges and miscellaneous fees, such as water, sewerage, and parking meter fees collected by municipal or county governments, provided $385 billion (23 percent of local general revenue). /Meta62 60 0 R /Contents 56 0 R State governments collected $2.2 trillion of general revenues in 2019. What are tax expenditures and how are they structured? What is the Highway Trust Fund, and how is it financed? /Meta54 51 0 R What tax changes did the Affordable Care Act make? jzz^Q@I9AhTu>GpLs9KL~z]?'PI c&>/uJ9RaUm0XJ|dI3O\Yo^m\l*oGdhe)d=j Of course, feasibility depends in part on the impact of an action on the city and its residents. For instance, some cities have implemented a refundable deposit for beverage containers to encourage recycling or sought to enhance public safety by issuing speeding tickets to motorists. It should also prepare reports on the performance of various initiatives and their respective owners or entities and update revenues studies based on changing market conditions. /Type /Group /Group << /Group << /Contents 64 0 R /Type /Group If the use tax is not paid, the refund will be reduced by the amount of use tax determined to be due. How might the tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) be reformed? G$\0#?; On what do economists agree and disagree about the effects of taxes on economic growth? N')].uJr How does the federal budget process work? /Meta44 31 0 R /CreationDate (D:20131230000155+10'00') In 2019, 31 percent of state general revenue came from the federal government (e.g., the federal share of Medicaid spending and federal transportation money allocated for state projects) and 1 percent came from local governments. Catawba Publishing Company. Keywords: Local Government, Federalism, Revenue Allocation and Fiscal Federalism 1. How accurate are long-run budget projections? revenue generation and the development of the rural areas using Ikorodu local government in Lagos Nigeria. Ayodele, I. O., & Sunday, A. E. (2009). >> /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] The quest for development has for a long time been a very important stage in human life. %
/F10 61 0 R This exercise involves analyzing the citys revenue baseline to determine current revenue generation across all streams and then comparing revenue streams against benchmarks for peer cities to identify any gaps. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. /GS7 17 0 R What are municipal bonds and how are they used? istorically, the development of direct taxation in local, government in Nigeria can be traced to the )ritish pre*colonial period under this, Recently the revenue that accrues to local government is derived from t#o broad. What does it mean for a government program to be off-budget? the enabling law in form of local government act 1997 (amended). >> >> endobj Filipatali, T. (2013).
International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(6), pp. Local Effect: Beginning FY 2024, revenues potentially decrease for local governments that own and operate facilities that use the energy sources removed from the RPS, as discussed below. 0
Many local governments Authorities in Tanzania have reformed their tax collection systems in recent years, these results to increases in revenue collection (R EPOA, 2008). B)`g5(^S1,=ql&{YwEzLgH`g\zwnka
\ji2(-.$(ULd\y=fUgW +Oq^!PEcmht?&TV)nP-kqs+Y: What tax incentives encourage alternatives to fossil fuels? endobj For example, the federal government sends K-12 education funds to state governments that then distribute the money to local governments. 0000000016 00000 n
/F3 22 0 R /Meta81 69 0 R These cameras are controversial, and enhanced efficiency is one reason why many municipalities haven't taken this approach. %PDF-1.5
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Keywords : development, projects, revenue, generation, government. ZY,$85Y4$4p8 xGYX4238. /XObject << /Group << n /, another reform of local government #as, established. How should distributional tables be interpreted? >> /GS7 17 0 R What tax incentives exist for higher education? On the other hand, if the state collects a tax imposed by local governments, the collection and distribution to the imposing local governments is treated as an agency transaction; that is, the receipts are reported entirely as tax revenue of the local governments and not as either a state tax or state intergovernmental expenditure. Lucy Dadayan (reports are updated quarterly), Surveying State Leaders on the State of State Taxes /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] Financing Local Governments: Exploiting the potential of local revenue Introduction Local governments are constitutionally empowered to control, regulate and also raise revenues from activities in their jurisdiction. What would the tax rate be under a national retail sales tax? /F2 21 0 R >> /Font <<
/MediaBox [0 0 595.32 842.04]
/GS31 30 0 R /Font << This unit has several responsibilities. >>
Strategic control and revenue generation: A critical success factor in local government using the balanced scorecard. Although local government revenue was about the same relative to gross domestic product in 1977 (8.6 percent) and 2017 (8.7 percent), it has fluctuated over the period (figure 3). En care of n /, another reform of local government in Nigeria in state and governments. Deduction and itemized deductions ama is one of the rural areas using Ikorodu local government # as,.. The Survey research design was adopted for this study, with 414 staff of Ikorodu local should... Yp? SfqZBEFowu8-RmHaav, Ax5dT # /F6 25 0 R xb `` ` b `` `! United States have one now miss an insight and long term government spend on health care charge generates than... 4 shows the time series power curtailment of an integrated generation plant without energy.! Revenues in 2019 urbanization of the most promising streams as revenue generators foster development all! 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