That's why Leave It to Beaver ran into a problem in 1957 when one script included the show's main characters keeping their pet alligator in a toilet tank. But beware to the person who tries it! That ability takes a while to develop, which is why parents won't start to see actual teardrops form until their baby is between two weeks and three months old. Polar bears may be known as being so white they can hide in snow but the truth is they arent white at all. 50 Mind-Blowing Psychology Facts You Should Know. J.R.R. Black teeth were a sign of wealth in 18th century England. According to Equus magazine, horses have much stronger lower esophageal sphincters than other animals, and this makes it impossible for that valve to open under backward pressure from the stomach. German secret agents were to place this "chocolate" in Winston Churchill's War Cabinet dining room where he often ate his meals. "In a farm deep in the southern region of China lives a very big pig that's as heavy as a polar bear," according to Bloomberg. Our host star, Sun, is so massive that it can fit 1.3 million Planet Earths inside it. WebHello, here are 5 Mind-blowing Facts about the Earth you won't believe! And for more surprising information about the happiest place on earth, check out these 35 Amazing Facts About Disney World Only Insiders Know. But while most people think its written in the beautiful Elvish language, its actually scribed in the ugly Orcish or Black Speech. We searched the web for cool stoner facts. The creature weighs a whopping 1,102 pounds, which is pretty impressive considering that the International Association for Bear Research and Management says adult male polar bears weigh anywhere from 880 to 1,320 pounds. Walt Disney World is a big place, but Canada is way bigger. The queen died in 30 B.C., while the great pyramid of Giza was built around 2560 B.C. Its base is the size of Arizona and the highest point is over 16 miles tall (Everest is 5.5 miles above sea level). Falling coconuts kill 150 people worldwide each year while sharks only kill about ten. The original meaning of mind blown is closely tied to drug use, especially psychedelic drug use. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Space is big but relatively empty, it turns out. When it comes to sheer speed, race cars, fighter jets, and space rockets have nothing on a round, flat hunk of metal normally found covering a sewer. But if you overindulge in too many treats, then you might notice a little "kummerspeck," which is what Germans call the weight you put on due to emotional eating. In the search for more efficient fuels, Prince Charles is taking a strange-but-entertaining approach: The heir to the British throne had his vintage Aston Martin reworked to use wine as its primary fuel. But a bullet fired from a rifle travels at 762 meters/second. It covers the continent of Antarctica and has a size of about 5.5 million square miles.'POST', '', true); No. You cant hold your nose and hum. Actress Betty White was born on Jan. 17, 1922. Greeks and Romans used to use crocodile dung as skincare. } Its called the Pink Frogmouth. The reading part is not only about it reading and narrating the text. For just $70,000 you can rent Lichtenstein for an evening. The nonsense phrase "umop apisdn" is "upside down" spelled upside down. Butt-shaped robots are used to test phones. 100 Mind-Blowing Facts You've Never Heard Before, 40 Random Obscure Facts That Will Make Everyone Think You're a Genius, 33 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Earth's Oceans, International Association for Bear Research and Management, 50 Animal Facts That Will Change the Way You View the Animal Kingdom, 35 Amazing Facts About Disney World Only Insiders Know, don't reach sexual maturity until they're 150, the entire planet would get 1 inch of rain, the world's largest collection of miniature books, elixirs actually contained mercury, lead, and arsenic. If you rub a clove of garlic on the bottom of your barefoot, youll be able to taste garlic in your mouth. Prince Charles has a car fueled by wine. There are computers for the Amish, which have no internet, videos, or music. Las Vegas founders ordered all casinos be built outside city limits to avoid sullying their reputation. The stretching of the jaw to yawn increases blood flow in the neck, face, and head. While cucamelons or "mouse melons" sound like they could be related to watermelonsand certainly look like tiny grape-sized versions of the larger fruitthey resemble cucumbers inside and have a citrusy taste. 4. In 2012, their mother, Maria, went into labor four months early and gave birth to Amy, but Katie was able to stay in her womb for three more months. The largest scoop of ice cream weighed more than 3,000 pounds. Incredibly, it seems like we're not so bad at it at all! Humans are the only animals whose brains shrink as they age. In the early days of television, there were much stricter rules about what you could and couldn't show onscreen. Americans were still getting used to this amazing modern convenience when suddenly, 1943, the FDA banned sliced bread. ", According to The Guardian, this glow is "the result of highly reactive free radicals produced through cell respiration interacting with free-floating lipids and proteins. After testing the mechanism with an egg and corn kernels, he realized he'd stumbled on something potentially far more useful than the problem he was supposed to be solving. Text messages sent by eagles bankrupted a scientific study. Peanuts arent actually nuts. Humans and giraffes have the same number of neck bones. Homer Simpsons hair is shaped like two letters that are the initials of creator. They're the Michael Phelps of the ocean world. While generally not deadly, the sting is said to be incredibly painful and causes a large amount of swelling. In fact, the nation up north is so massive (3.85 million square miles to be exact), that it's the second-largest country in the world, coming after Russia (6.6 million square miles) and before the United States (3.79 million square miles). As he was experimenting with improving the level of the magnetron tubes, he realized that the peanut cluster bar in his pocket had melted. Or how about the unicorn is the national animal of Scotland? The human heart beats more than 2.5 billion times in the average lifetime. Public phone booths may be a rare sight these days, but there's one located in a Japanese hilltop garden that's especially unusual. The first time a toilet appeared on TV was in 1957. In 1990, one of his paintings sold for $82.5 million. The beloved cat and mouse cartoon duo have become so entwined with their names that people automatically associate those names with the animals. But if we somehow ever witness such wonky weather, let's hope we all have an umbrella with us. Take your time to say it slowly, and you'll notice that each 'c' is said differentlythe first with an 's' sound, the second as a hard 'ck' sound, and the third with a 'sh' sound. An estimated 1,360,000 million French soldiers died. According to some people (although it cant be verified for sure), artificial banana flavoring was based on the Gros Michel variety, which is said to be sweeter and more pungent, almost fake tasting. In California, indoor marijuana grows account for about 9% of all electricity used. Language experts have suggested that cows have regional accents just like humans. In 1994, Los Angeles experienced wide blackouts. "Originally, [comic book writer] Stan Lee and [comic book artist] Jack Kirby intended the Hulk to be gray," according to Gizmodo, who explain that the color was "very much a riff on Mr. Many people think cuddling this adorable cross between a duck and an otter would be fun. Give it a whirl. The first trailer premiered in 1912, but it was for a Broadway show (The Pleasure Seekers), not a movie. WebThe Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moon could last up to 100 million years. But as time went on and electrical refrigerators were released, this tradition evolved and became "Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day." Every mammal has the same number of neck vertebraeexcept for two. In contrast, the New Horizons spacecraft maxed out at 36,373 mph. The Incredible Hulk was originally grey, not green. We typically cover all of the boring questions, like will eating weed get me stoned or how As Andrew C. Gallup, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University, told WebMD, the reason for yawning might be that it cools the brain. Add those all together for the past 30 years and you still dont come close to the total deaths caused by the Champawat tiger, who killed 435 people in Nepal and India. No? Hows that for a mind-blowing fact? Clouds may look like giant fluffy puffs of cotton, but they're actually quite hefty. The 'excited' molecules that result can react with chemicals called fluorophores to emit photons.". for their flesh, which tasted like fish and sweet blood. Incredible Hulk was originally supposed to be gray. Humans and giraffes have the same number of neck bones. Its a vintage Aston Martin. In order to leave their post, they must be escorted by agency "minders." For years the Bible held the number one spot as the most-highlighted book on Amazon but in 2018 it was overtaken when The 4-Hour Workweek, by Tim Ferriss claimed the top spot. The bill was so costly that it ended up bankrupting the study. But the contiguous United States goes farther north than you think and the majority of Canadians live near the southern border. xhr.send(payload); Shaking ketchup makes it 1,000 times thinner. What better way to cope with the cold than by learning all 421 Scottish words for "snow." Have you noticed that spinach became easier to eat as you grew older? 100 Mind Blowing Questions That Will Bend Your Mind! There are common questions, and there are some mind blowing questions! The difference between the two is that the former is heard, interpreted, and answered with a sane mind, and well, the latter confuses you to the point that you might want to drive your head through a wall! According to the Chicago Historical Society, the term "Windy City" was first coined by 19th century journalists to describe the people who find themselves in the city's elite. Pierre Vinet/New Line/Saul Zaentz/Wing Nut/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock, Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock, The Ocean Cleanup Handout/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock, We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer). These appendages have to be sizable to navigate around the long spikes of the Vachellia and Senegalia plants they typically consume for sustenance. Theres a species of jellyfish that is essentially. Betty White is older than ballpoint pens, trampolines, and sliced bread. Think The Walking Dead is straight-up fiction? Giraffe tongues grow up to 18 to 20 inches. "We do share the same feeling about space technology," Sinatra said in one of the spots. Australia is full of natural wonders that seem to defy explanation and this is top of the list. According to Motherly, millennial fathers are spending three times as much time with their children as men did There is an uninhabited island in the Bahamas known as Pig Beach, which is populated entirely by swimming pigs. The city is a small area surrounded by the Greater London regionwhich has 8.1 million people. But scientists have discovered that the Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish can revert back to its juvenile polyp stage after maturing, continuing in an endless cycle making it the only known officially immortal creature. at an estimated 125,000 miles per hour or 5 times the Earths escape velocity, octopuses as the correct pluralization of octopus. Some words include: "snaw" (snow), "sneesl" (to begin to rain or snow), and "skelf" (a large snowflake). If you want to be super technical, the real term is octothorpe. It took around 733 household containers of ice cream to create the massive serving, which was put together by five nationally ranked snow sculptors before being portioned out and handed off to attendees at the Cedarburg Strawberry Festival. Written by Star Trekcreator Gene Roddenberry, the words (and sentiments) shared by The Los Angeles Times are just as, er, spacey as you might expect. If you ever take a trip to Antarctica, be sure to do as much socializing as you possibly can, and come up with stimulating ways to keep yourself busy. For more mind-blowing facts check out these 20 obscure facts you never knew about your own body. That's right: The first president of the United States never lived in Washington, D.C. However, the plan was foiled by British spies. The freezing fusing phenomenon was discovered during 1965's Gemini IV mission when astronauts were temporarily unable to close a hatch after a spacewalk because the door's metals had fused when exposed to space. A prank once convinced people in Germany that Hansel and Gretel were real. When creativity combines with genius, these mind blowing questions are born! These are the only 5 countries in the world without airports. But it turns out there's also a desert in the Great White North. We hope you enjoy this collection of mind blowing stoner facts. As a result, if someone had black teeth, a sign of eating too much sugar, they were considered to be wealthy. Granted, this is never going to happen outside of a sci-fi movie. We recommend our users to update the browser. As such, farmers hundreds of years ago would seal their barns with linseed oil and add a variety of things, such as rust. The Aztec civilization of central Mexico began in 1325 with the founding of the city of Tenochtitlan. "Oxymoron" is derived from the Greek words "oxys," meaning "sharp," and "moronos," meaning "dull" or "stupid.". And if you fold it in half again, it doubles in thickness again. "Mountain Dew" used to be slang for moonshine. As for octopi? Its not even a word. This structure, which was completed in 1885, gets its name because it was intended to keep dingoes out of the fertile southeast part of the continent. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. Yep. Another mind-blowing fact about AI is that it can read and write. Surprised? Scientific humorists joke that if you actually tried to write it out, it would cause a tear in the space-time fabric, causing your head (and everything, really) to explode. Willie Nelson and Frank Sinatra made PSAs on space together. Think that immortality is just a fantasy? Canada and the United States are both large countries which can make understanding the relative geography difficult. It was the emoji of a smile with tears of joy. The original design of this Parisian landmark used the four large pylons at the base to provide all the structural support. Originally from Mexico and Central America, cucamelons can be eaten as they are, added to a salad, made into salsa, or even pickled. We're well aware of the destructive power of nuclear bombs. A parking spot in Hong Kong once sold for almost. The largest turtle ever recorded weighed more than a ton. Let us look further with these five mind-blowing dining car facts. Several Chinese emperors died from taking an "immortality" elixir. It may discolor your tongue and stool, leading to some surprising bathroom (and third date?) Which is comforting? Having multiple babies at one time is normal for the nine-banded armadillo. If youre looking for a nice, long read, youll want The Subspace Emissarys Worlds Conquest. You may also like our collection of cool weed shirts, For more facts about medical marijuana click here, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, 2023, NGU Weed Shirts Powered by Shopify, weed dispensaries out number Star Bucks 3 to 1, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (USD $). Here are 10 secret messages hidden in world-famous paintings. The Tokyo Dog food truck in Seattle, Washington, charges $169 for its "Juuni Ban," making it the world's most expensive hot dog. Theres now another way you can enjoy the pungent food. Mountain Dew may be a popular soft drink, but the name used to be slang for moonshine. Wasps are more likely to attack at the end of summer. ), Alaska is both the state farthest to the west and to the east in the United States. CoffeeBeanoMan [ confirmed] The color orange was named after the fruit, not the other way around.. It was an effective sealant, but it turned the mixture red in color. According to Israeli scientist Ya'acov Leshem, from Bar-Ilan University, flowers that had been given Viagra "looked much fresher [and] their [color] remained longer.". SOME LINKS MAY BE AFFILIATE LINKS. The main culprit is Malaria, a disease that may be responsible for killing up to half of all the people who have ever lived. Produced by Italian cheese brand Galbani, students from the Milan Cooking School assembled the giant dessert, which was then divided up and served to those at the record-breaking event, while an additional 15,000 pieces went to a local children's hospital. One of the most common reasons people avoid marijuana is because they believe it kills brain cells. Your mouth produces about one liter of saliva a day. Writing and Reading. Science nerd? If you dread looking at your inbox, youve got a good reason. When dissolved in water, Viagra can make cut flowers stay erect for up to a week longer than they usually would. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. If the oceans dried out, the salt left over would cover the continents to a depth of 5 feet. This piece of fan fiction, based on the Nintendo video game Super Smash Bros., is 4,102,328 words longmore than seven times the length of Tolstoys masterpieceas of April 2019. The ideals it represents are what make it a perfect fit as the national animal for Scotland, and because like this proud beast, Scots would fight to remain unconquered.. 51 facts everyone believes, that are actually false. And even then there were laws restricting how many days in a row they could have it, lest their punishment be too harsh. While it's pretty cool to think of our bodies shimmering like a diamond, the scientists also explained why we can't see the shiny sheen, writing, "The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1,000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes. 1. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that crocodile feces was beneficial for the skin, and frequently used the substance as an early anti-aging treatment. WebA little while ago, Reddit user RyanBlitzpatrick asked the users of r/AskReddit to share some mind-blowing facts and you better believe they did! In comparison, an actual gunshot is only around 150 decibels. All Rights Reserved. The doctor normally leaves the old kidney in place and puts the donor kidney in the lower belly on the front side of the body. They use "cruel kindness" to illustrate their point. An astronauts footprint in the lunar soil. London may be one of the largest metropolises in the world but when it comes to actual people, only 9,000 reside in the City of London. Did you know some types of lobsters can live forever? William Shakespeare smoked weed. Yeah, that's a huge difference. It wasnt made to be a speedster but when an underground nuclear bomb test launched the four-inch thick steel disk at an estimated 125,000 miles per hour or 5 times the Earths escape velocity, it became the winner. But you'd be surprised how much you don't know about it! But, because the unicorn symbolizes nobility, purity, power, and good luck, it remains Scotland's national animal today. Greenland sharks dont reach sexual maturity until theyre 150. But his body stayed in the saddle as Sweet Kiss crossed the finish lineand won the race! The Test Ban Treaty of 1963 put a stop to most atmospheric and underwater tests, and carbon-14 levels in the atmosphere started a slow return to normalthough they are still higher than pre-nuclear levelsas ocean waters and land-based life absorbed carbon from the air.". Yet the reason they were so prevalent among the outlaws may surprise you. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { If you're heading to your local coffee shop and need your drink ASAP, then hopefully you'll end up with a barista like Liza Thomas. Whales swallow half a million calories in a single mouthful. The town of Monowi has just one resident. The human psyche is infinitely complex, which means new research comes out every day that helps illuminate why were are the way we are. There are 4.2 billion active social media users worldwide. Mind Blowing Stoner Facts In 2013, California authorities seized 329 outdoor grow sites Authorities Confiscated 2 million Plants 119, pounds of trash 17,000 pounds of fertilizer 40 gallons of pesticides 244 propane tanks 6 car batteries 8g illegal dams 81 And although both systems "use the birthdate of Jesus Christ as a starting point for their calculations," according to Culture Trip, the birth of the first humans also plays into the discrepancy. According to historians, the first emperor to die from elixir poisoning was Qin Shi Huang around 210 B.C., and the last was Yongzhengin 1735 A.D. Willie Nelson and Frank Sinatra were not only great friends but also collaborators. This was the fourth lucrative transaction for businessman Johnny Cheung, who made six figures off of his first three parking spaces. The evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk saved 193,000 British and 145,000 French troops. Unfortunately, the keys were prone to jamming so, as the story goes, Shoals designed the keyboard to slow typists down by placing the most commonly used letters far apart. There are now giant pigs as heavy as polar bears. The Las Vegas Strip is probably the most famous thing about Nevada and the top reason tourists come to Las Vegas. The Ethiopian calendar is seven years behind the rest of the world. A million dollars may sound almost as good as a billion, but that's only because the average person has no concept of the staggeringly vast difference between the two amounts. By the time they are an adult that number is closer to 200. He sold The Red Vineyard for 400 Francs. Icehotel is a world-famous hotel and art exhibition made of ice and snow. If you think parking is expensive in your area, you'll be shocked by how much a spot can cost in Hong Kong. But did you know there are also black apples? People who chew gum are doing something that has been around for longer than they probably realize. At times, when you're sad or stressed, picking up your favorite takeout or indulging in a delicious dessert can be a simple way to make yourself feel a little better. Your mouth produces about one liter of saliva a day. But that's not the only remarkable thing about them. The reason was because pre-sliced bread used up too much plastic packagingplastic that could be used in the war effort. While a small dusting of nutmeg on top of eggnog or desserts is fine, large doses of the spicearound two to three tablespoons, to be exactcan be toxic and even deadly. See more about - 95 Weird American Facts You Wont Believe Are True. A million seconds is about 12 days while a billion seconds is about 32 years. The lambs were apparently hunted (or would that be gathered?) The length of a day will become 25 hoursin about 175 million years. They have black fur but when light is trapped inside the hollow part of the hair, it causes a reaction called luminescence that makes them appear white. ), According to Merriam-Webster, an oxymoron is "a combination of contradictory or incongruous words." That resulted in lead poisoning, which could sometimes cause death, according to Smithsonian. Many people think the right plural form is octopi but based on the Greek roots, it technically should be octopodes. No one says that, however, so grammarians have settled on octopuses as the correct pluralization of octopus. The rest of the destructive power of nuclear bombs a smile with tears of joy believe they did, their! Otter would be fun icehotel is a world-famous hotel and art exhibition of. 'Re the Michael Phelps of the ocean world when suddenly, 1943, the New Horizons maxed! 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