Mission:To expose medical students to the field of radiology as well as help connect current medical students to shadowing and research opportunities. Mission:The mission of this organization aims to further education about preventive medicine, how it can be implemented into practice, and current healthcare problems and solutions related to preventative medicine and public health. A major focus of our mission is to educate physicians who want to work with underserved populations (rural, inner city), particularly within Michigan. Students The Office of Student Affairs & Services is here to support medical students and equip them to achieve their highest potential in a positive learning environment that promotes personal and professional development, student well-being, and student engagement. Student Organizations. Our purpose is to expose the incoming medical students to the world of emergency medicine and the subspecialties it has to offer in modern healthcare system. Faculty Advisor Andrea Wendling, MD, FAAFP | wendli14@msu.edu, President (GR)Sydney Brief | briefsyd@msu.edu, President (EL)Gabe Meriwether | meriwet9@msu.edu, Vice President Caleb Wendt | wendtcal@msu.edu, Secretary Megan Sweeney | sween192@msu.edu, Community OutreachLindsay Sandell | sandell5@msu.edu, Event CoordinatorSydney Rechner | rechners@msu.edu. The IDIG faculty mentor is Dr. Keith English. AMSA members are medical students, premedical students, interns, residents and practicing physicians. This is your gateway to academic records, resources and tools at Michigan State University. Mission:MSU-CHM MSPA is established for the expressed purpose of increasing the competency and confidence of medical students, healthcare professionals, and faculty in serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Agender/Aromantic+ (LGBTQIA+) patient populations. Mission:The American Medical Student Association (AMSA), with a half-century history of medical student activism, is the oldest and largest independent association of physicians-in-training in the United States. As Chief Operations Officer of Central Health Management (CHM), the focus is on solving the challenges healthcare organizations face in providing quality care while curbing the expense of staffing . Faculty Advisor Lauren Snyder, MD | lauren.snyder@spectrumhealth.orgE-board memberMary Finedore | finedore@msu.eduSophie McConkey | mcconk10@msu.eduEmma Zblewski | zblewski@msu.eduTena Baar | baartena@msu.eduPatricio Ruano | ruanopat@msu.edu. RSOs open only to undergraduate students may have an advisor who is a MSU faculty member, staff member, or graduate student. An MSU RSO is a volunteer group of enrolled students organized to obtain certain goals and objectives. Faculty Advisor Cara Poland, MD, MEd |polandc2@msu.eduAlan Jamison, PhamD, PhD | alanjami@msu.edu, President/OfficerBrian McAllister | mcallib@msu.edu, Vice PresidentKeerat Bains | bainskee@msu.edu, TreasurerBrandon Leung | leungbra@msu.edu. As an organization we also aim to increase enrollment, graduation and success of future leaders of Latinx and Native American background through a supportive network providing guidance academically, socially and professionally. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society Gamma Chapter, https://www.gold-foundation.org/programs/ghhs/, https://instagram.com/msu_chm_ghhs?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=, Addiction Medicine Student Interest Group (AMSIG), American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM), American Medical Student Association (AMSA), American Medical Women's Association (AMWA), Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA), Business in Medicine Interest Group (BMIG), CHM-COM Pathology Interest Group (CHM-COM PIG), Christian Medical & Dental Association (CMDA), Family Medicine Interest Group in Flint (FMIG Flint), Grand Rapids Emergency Medicine Interest Group (GREMIG), Grand Rapids Radiology Interest Group (RIG), https://www.grandrapidsstreetmedicine.com/, Grand Rapids Surgery Interest Group (GRSIG), Hematology & Oncology Interest Group (HOIG), Interventional Radiology Interest Group (IRIG), Latin American and Native American Medical Association (LANAMA), MSU CHM Latin American & Native American Medical Association, MSU CHM Ophthamology Interest Group (OIG), National Arab American Medical Association NextGen (NAAMA NextGen), https://www.instagram.com/naamanextgen.msuchm/, Orthopaedic Surgery Interest Group (OSIG), Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Interest Group (PMRIG), Preventive Medicine Interest Group (PMIG), https://www.instagram.com/p/CSndQ1dLfro/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=, Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network (PsychSIGN), MSU CHM Refugee Outreach Collective - ROC, Scrubs Addressing the Firearm Epidemic (SAFE), South Asian Medical Student Association (SAMSA), Spartan Alliance for Disability Inclusion and Equity (SADIE), https://www.facebook.com/spartanstreetmed, Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN), Student National Medical Association (SNMA), Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS-CHM), https://sites.google.com/msu.edu/vsigmsuchm/home, Wilderness Medicine Interest Group (WMIG), Organizations, Interest Groups & Honor Societies, Encouraging the development of leaders in academia and the community, Explore APIA identity, heritage, history, and struggles, Highlight, unite, and represent diversity, Learn and educate on health care disparities, Build long-lasting community and connections, Maintain cohesion between Grand Rapids and East Lansing chapters, Improve intersectional APIA representation in current CHM curriculum, Collaborate with other student organizations and administration to address the needs of APIA medical students and community. This includes all radiology sub-specialties as well as radiology related specialties such as interventional cardiology, radiation oncology, and nuclear medicine. These standing committees are listed below: Student Activities Fundraising and Development We hope to create a dialogue between faculty, physicians, and students in order to foster student interest within the field. Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine . MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Faculty Advisor Jane Turner, MD| turnerjj@msu.edu, President/OfficerIris Chiriac | chiriaci@msu.edu, Vice PresidentMiranda Zeneli | zenelimi@msu.edu, Secretary Madison Kemme | kemmemad@msu.edu, Fundraising ChairPaige Cubberly | chubberl@msu.edu, Community OutreachMarci Gener | maricel@msu.edu, Faculty Advisor Katherine Keller, DO| Email kellerk2@msu.edu, President/OfficerHannah Brown | schwa412@msu.edu, Vice PresidentAntonia Vrana | vranaant@msu.edu, Recruitment ChairCarina Grain | graincar@msu.edu. System Status Service Alerts There have been no recent service alerts. Aron Sousa, MD. The College of Human Medicine's APAMSA chapter will be guided by the following motivations: Website:https://www.apamsa.org/Email: apamsa@gmail.comInstagram:@msuchmapamsa, Faculty Advisor Amanda Yang, MD | Amanda.Yang@spectrumhealth.org, President/OfficerSarah Buhay | buhaysar@msu.eduTien Hua | huatien@msu.edu, Social Media Chair Claudine Vera Cruz | veracruz@msu.edu, Vice President Maricel Gener | maricel@msu.edu. The goals and objectives of these organizations are met through education, social, cultural, religious or philanthropic activities. We achieve this by providing and developing leadership, advocacy, education, expertise, mentoring, and strategic alliances. Faculty Advisor Sutton Williams, PhD | Will3506@msu.edu, President/OfficerMorgan Block | blockmor@msu.eduHasaan Hayat | hayathas@msu.edu. The Office of Student Affairs & Services is here to support medical students and equip them to achieve their highest potential in a positive learning environment that promotes personal and professional development, student well-being, and student engagement. This interest group will provide lectures, workshops, and demonstrations to explore the scope of Lifestyle Medicine and to benefit the collective wellness of the medical student body. The Pediatric Interest Group at MSUCHM is geared towards providing opportunities for medical students to become introduced to the specialty of pediatrics and the care of children and young adults. Mission:Mission: The purpose of the Gastroenterology Interest Group is to provide CHM students the opportunity to explore the field of Gastroenterology. We work to make the US a more welcoming place to resettling communities and to eradicate refugee camps as a normative concept. Faculty Advisor Wanda Lipscomb, PhD| lipsom3@msu.eduJoy Skutt| curtis33@msu.edu, President/OfficerAriel Johnson | john3219@msu.edu, Events DirectorAshley Seymour | seymou74@msu.edu, Communications DirectorRadwa Koujane | koujaner@msu.edu, Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty). Our goal is to provide early exposure to orthopaedics through education from practicing orthopaedic surgeons and through learning about the process of becoming strong residency applicants. A doctor who cared for him while he was critically ill with malaria inspired him to pursue a career in medicine. Furthermore, we aspire to serve local families through a network of medical students and physicians by providing resources for the recently resettled. Call MSU: (517) 355-1855 Visit: msu.edu . Interest-Based Organizations. An MSU CHM Accepted Student's Journey (and Excellent Advice) Podcast Contact Us March 4, 2014 Reading Time: 7 minutes Excited for the Challenge: Interview with an MSU CHM Accepted Student We'd like to introduce you to Emma Schlager who will be beginning med school at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in the fall. . The Spartan Love Fund was created to bring a sense of community and Spartan Love back to campus. Second, you will need to work on the following: ONLY MSU students may be members of the organization, Staff, Faculty, Alumni and Community Members may participate in the organization's activities, Must have an MSU faculty, staff or graduate student Advisor. Faculty Advisor Jill Moschelli, MD |sadoskij@msu.edu, President/OfficerJacob Agemy | agemyjac@msu.eduJacob Charron | charron8@msu.edu, Vice Presidents Richard Steffan | steffanr@msu.eduMahmoud Awada | awadamah@msu.edu. Information for Registered Student Organizations, https://recsports.msu.edu/clubsports/clubdirectory/index.html, Registering a RETURNING RSO in the RSO Handbook, Registering a NEW RSO in the RSO Handbook, Campaigning, Canvassing, and Petition Drives Guidelines, Student Activism at Michigan State University, Office of Cultural & Academic Transitions. to reactivate the RSO which will allow Involve@State to allow you to register the organization. Faculty Advisor Amie Hop | amie.hop@spectrumhealth.orgAryana Sharrak | aryana.sharrak@spectrumhealth.org, President/OfficerAnne Opalikhin | opalikhi@msu.edu, College of Human Medicine only Organization/Group (organization that only exists in the college). Mission:The mission of the Anesthesia Student Interest Group is to allow medical students of all interests further explore the field of anesthesia and the opportunities it presents. Mission:To promote the academic, social, and economic aims of medical students at Michigan State University. For questions or updates to the directory, please contact Joy Skutt. 180 Degrees Consulting MSU. Members of the division comprise of highly talented, committed faculty with major and diverse roles across the educational spectrum in the College of Human Medicine (CHM), ranging from directing preclinical and clinical courses to directing the residency programs, fellowship and CME teaching. Komives' Social Change Model of Leadership Development. Our "Get to Know" series introduces a few our incoming students. We hope to provide learning opportunities to develop and practice skills relevant to surgical specialties. We hope to facilitate and develop interests in surgery through direct interaction with various practicing physicians and residents with the hope of informing upcoming students of what a future in surgery may look like. Msu Caribbean Student Association. The purpose of the MSU CHM Chess Interest Group is to provide a collaborative space where students can build their confidence and skills in chess. Participating members will learn about the role of Interventional Radiology in the clinical setting, as well as cooperation within a medical team. Faculty Advisor Martin Romero, MD FACEP| romerom1@msu.edu, Co-ChairBrianna Sholte | sholtebr@msu.eduNicholas Garnett | garnettn@msu.eduCarolyn Zichichi | zichich1@msu.eduJordan Van Wert | vanwertj@msu.eduDavid Agemy | agemyjac@msu.edu. By striving to convey trust, empathy, and respect to all involved in our program, we hope to instill these values throughout our healthcare system. Faculty AdvisorJennifer J Ekkens, DO | ekkensje@msu.eduLisa Lowery, MD | lisa.lowery@helendevoschildrens.org, President/OfficerAshley Caron | caronash@msu.edu, VP Social EngagementMarissa Solorzano | solorzam@msu.edu, VP Academic Success Patricio Ruano | ruanopat@msu.edu, VP Speaker Recruitment Melanie De La Cruz | delacr65@msu.edu, VP Admissions LiaisonTien Hua | huatien@msu.edu, VP Finances and FundraisingElizabeth Martin | mart2565@msu.edu, VP Professional DevelopmentSarah Buhay | buhaysar@msu.edu, VP Community Service and OutreachLaura Hayse | hayselau@msu.edu, VP Undergraduate OutreachKatie Wilk | wilkkati@msu.edu. Mission:The surgery interest group is aimed at providing medical students the opportunity to get exposure to surgery and its sub-specialties. Involvement in these groups allow students to explore specific interests, engage with peers and grow academically, professionally and personally. The Office of Research at CHM offers assistance to students in conducting research, which includes guidance through registration, credentialing, and regulatory steps prior to research, as well as assistance in finding a research mentor.These services are summarized in the steps listed below. Mission:Our purpose is to support and cultivate community among the MSU CHM first-generation students in medicine. In some instances, an earlier virtual interview may be arranged on or near the day of the applicant's CHM interview. Komives' Social Change Model of Leadership Development. Healthcare will be dramatically improved by placing human interests, values and dignity at the core of teaching and practice. Through campus involvement, workshops, and community outreach, our mission is to improve the health of LGBTQIA+ patient populations and to take steps to acknowledge and address the injustices that contribute to health disparities in marginalized communities, specifically Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (BIPOC) and trans folks. Faculty Advisor Kurt Ashack, MD| ashackku@msu.edu, President/OfficerDeena Abdel-Gadir | abdelgad@msu.edu, Vice PresidentDorothea McGowan | mcgowa75@msu.edu, Secretary Cassidy Gardner | gardn262@msu.edu, Faculty Advisor Kurt Ashack, MD, FAAD| Kurt.ashack@gmail.com President/OfficerChristina Druskovich | druskov4@msu.eduDisha Bhargava | bharga15@msu.eduKavya Shivaram | shivara1@msu.eduHenry Zou | zouhenry@msu.edu, Christina Druskovich, Founder, M2 Lead, druskov4@msu.eduKavya Shivaram: M2 Lead, shivara1@msu.eduKaylee Gwyn: M1 Lead, gwynkayl@msu.eduAkash Rau: M1 Lead, rauakash@msu.eduSera Sidhom: M1 Lead, sidhomse@msu.edu, Aldana Garcia: M3 Lead,garci560@msu.eduSarah Shareef: M3 Lead,shareef1@msu.edu. Through meetings with Dermatology faculty, residents, and other interested medical students, DIG hopes to foster the interest of Dermatology in the medical school classes. Medical students become aware of opportunities, and participate in activities, related to the field of neurology, including opportunities for research, creating a new generation of neurologists and AAN members. Saudi Student Organization at MSU; Turkish Student Association; Yemeni Student Association; FLAS Fellowships . Student Resolution Advocate; SHARED DISCOVERY CURRICULUM COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE. Multicultural Student Organizations Please email ocat@msu.edu if you would like to add your organization to this list. Student Organizations . Kene Isis path to becoming a physician might have been set the moment he was born. In accordance with this view, we establish this Constitution to be our guiding document in all organizational affairs. Mission:To provide educational opportunities and practical experiences within the specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation to increase exposure to the medical student community. View Resource Scholarships MSU Career Handbook Resumes Candid Career MSU Career Handbook Professional Organizations AdCraft Club of Detroit Social Media Club American Sociological Association Transgender Law Center Current students can find available services and resources in the sidebar menu. Mission:The mission of the rural health interest group is to educate, facilitate, promote, advocate, and support current and future rural physicians. . RSO Help Office Hours have ended for the 2021-2022 year. The National Student Clearinghouse provides enrollment and degree information to professional and business organizations as Michigan State University's authorized agent. Faculty Advisor Sath Sudhanthar, MD | sudhanth@msu.edu, President/OfficerKeerat Bains | bainskee@msu.edu, Marketing/Social Media ChairShourya Verma | vermasho@msu.edu, Community Engagement/Event Planning Co-Chair Preetha Pamidighantam | pamidig1@msu.eduSania Farooq | farooqsa@msu.edu, Logistics ChairNabiha Habib | habibnab@msu.edu, President/OfficerDisha Bhargava | bharga15@msu.eduaPatricio Ruano | ruanopat@msu.eduKavya Shivaram | shivara1@msu.eduRima Patel | patelr50@msu.eduLeo Romero-Barajas | romeroba@msu.edu. of Human Medicine (CHM), Michigan State University . Faculty Advisor Cynthia Boynton, MD | boynton@msu.edu, Co-PresidentKelsey Bean | beankels@msu.edu, Co-PresidentNeal Doshi | doshine1@msu.eduChibuzor Nwachukwu | nwachuk6@msu.eduIvana Khreizat | khreizat@msu.edu. Faculty AdvisorDr. Faculty Advisor Elizabeth Lyons, MD | guerre21@msu.edu, President/OfficerMartha Flores | Flore124@msu.edu, Vice PresidentLaura Garcia | garci604@msu.edu, Secretary Tony Bonilla-Salmeron | bonill21@msu.edu, Treasurer Olga Saquiche | saquiche@msu.edu, Public Relations ChairAnthony Meza | mezaanth@msu.edu, Mentorship ChairJesus Dorado Madera | doradoma@msu.edu, President/OfficerPatricio Ruano | ruanopat@msu.edu, Vice PresidentMelanie De La Cruz | delacr65@msu.edu, Secretary Jocelyn Gaona | gaonajoc@msu.edu, Treasurer Marissa Solorzano | solorzam@msu.edu, Mentorship ChairAshley Caron | caronash@msu.edu, Public Relations ChairLeonardo Romero-Barajas | romeroba@msu.edu. We aim to reduce stigma regarding barriers to entry and to increase exposure to the benefits of practicing chess such as developing pattern recognition and improvements in memory. Our goal is for students to interact and learn from surgeons within our Flint community. 2022- 2023 CHM Student Research Process. Engaged participation in student organizations benefits students growth and education while attending the university. S.R.I.G. Our group identifies a student as First Gen in Med if they are a first-generation college graduate, first-generation medical student, and/or low income. . Affiliated Fraternity and Sorority Life Chapters: New Registered Student Organizations Registration Opens, All organizations who have not registered for the 2020-2021 year or never been registered, All Affiliated and Returning Registered Student Organizations DEADLINE, Returning RSOs who do not register by this date will lose access to their benefits, All Affiliated and Returning Registered Student Organizations Registration Opens. Faculty Advisor Tyson Burghardt, MD | burghar8@msu.edu, Executive Board MemberLukila Witthoeft | witthoe1@msu.eduMarissa Cox | coxmarri@msu.eduMorgan Block | blockmor@msu.eduLaura Hayse | hayselau@msu.edu. To learn practical lifesaving skills for the pre-hospital/wilderness environment, To encourage learning outside of the formal curriculum, To foster team building and problem-solving skills, To raise awareness of a complimentary field of medicine. Organization Following changes made in the spring of 2008, the College of Human Medicine Student Council has been organized into four standing committees, each managed by a chairperson and comprised by several elected members. MSUCHM 2022-2023. Our aim is to offer opportunities to learn about the depths of the profession and its connections across a range of other specialties including family medicine, internal medicine, orthopaedics, emergency medicine, PM&R, and beyond. Dr. Field is a nationally recognized, ABOG board-certified gynecologic oncologist who serves as Director of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at MSU Health Care. Ancillary purposes of CHM Serve are to raise awareness about lack of prescription drug coverage and health insurance coverage generally, as well as healthcare challenges concerning underserved populations. Below is a short list of student organizations and affinity programs that help create an inclusive environment at MSU. This will be achieved through monthly organized volunteer outings, as well as a platform for sharing information about volunteer opportunities. Faculty Advisor Zakia Alavi, MD| alavizak@msu.edu, President/OfficerBijaya Dhungana | dhungan3@msu.edu, President/OfficerAdrian Maglaqui | maglaqui@msu.edu, TreasurerAnthony Bonilla-Salmeron | bonill21@msu.edu, Faculty Advisor Samuel Lin, MD| samuel.lin@pinerest.org, President/OfficerMichaela Kehoe | kehoemi2@msu.edu, President/OfficerHailey Koh | haileyk@msu.edu, Vice President Rebecca Miller | mill3365@msu.edu. Additionally, RIG seeks to help fellow classmates deepen their understanding of radiological concepts and become more well-rounded doctors. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. In bolstering and uniting community connections while keeping students accountable to the medical profession, it is our goal to enrich the academic, interprofessional, and mental aspects of our education, at MSUCOM. MSU Infrastructure Planning & Facilities (IPF), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), National Association for Business Economics, American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), National Association of Asian American Professionals, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, International Game Developers Association, National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals, National Association for the Self-Employed, National Society for Hispanic Professionals, American Probation and Parole Association, Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences, International Association for Political Science Students, American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA), American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, American Association of Political Consultants, Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), National Association of Landscape Professionals, National Association for Bilingual Education, GLIFAA Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies, The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. (AOTA), The American Association of Language Specialists, NLGJA The Association of LGBTQ Journalists, American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), National Association of Black Accountants, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, MSU Center for Community Engaged Learning, Cultural Ambassadors: Mentoring Program for International Students, ESGR- Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, United States Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS), Gap Year Association financial aid resources, MSUs Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, MSU Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS), MSU Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance, National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD), National Think Tanks/Public Policy Resources, International Volunteer Programs Association, Student Organization Career Presentations, LinkedIn Learning LinkedIn for Students. 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