It was a force too strong for me. You remember that dog? And in the middle of this burning I am supposed to envision my life, Mary. I. But that morning, I knew that rule was about to be broken. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. A monologue from the play by Susan Glaspell. Then they performed the ritual to make us brave. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. But, dont you see, its for her sake. my centuryits when Im going to love most of my life . I also like to look out the window at the hills and the river. (Peg clinches Nia.) No one cares about you. The instant something turns into a living being. and Mama's sunflowers. . Youre pretending to m*sturbate and Im wondering why? (Undine realizes the addicts are eavesdropping and finds herself including them in her confessional.). I dont know where their voice boxes are located since they dont have necks. Ive never heard anyone say Im happy and actually feel it. I think nature is really going to help. If you cant taste it, touch it or smell it, forget it! Youll have to keep reminding yourself that Im not here anymore. You neednt try to deceive me. . No one really cares about anything or anyone in this world except himself, and theres only one way to get through with your sanity. The unspoken rule in my house was that my moms name was never mentioned after her death. That pillow was a better husband than any real man Id ever met: this parade of men fails to live up to your expectations, all of them so much less than Daddy or Bill (you know I always envied you for finding Bill). Youre here now. Are you even m*sturbating at all? My mind is playing tricks on me, Moira. A monologue from the play by William Shakespeare. (Kimberly continues to clear the table.) I know! View Bargaining by Kellie Powell I loved you as long ago as the time I asked you to read the stone angels with your fingers. . . When Orlando tells her that it pains him to see this while he is without his love, Rosalind, she. Its not important anyway. Im literally seeing things. Your bones will turn to sand and upon that sand a new god will walk. I was utterly dependent on you. . And one day, when Cuthart was downtown, I untied her and let her run around a little. Im trying to move beyond it, sometimes I even think I have, but mostly Im not a very good human being. We all looked at each other then back at Mary as she happily made her way to the stove to put on the kettle. No, not with abuela. I turned back to look at your little body, a naked scrap of promise lying in the dust. Thats what they all say. That's right. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Clothes are just something I use for cover, leaving room for one electric blue memory. Shoulder to shoulder. But meanwhile, the boys really are still mainly in charge. They wanted me to hurt because healing me gave them a reason to live, a reason to continue to believe in themselves. Have you ever had to set foot in one of those hellholes? Why did you come almost close enoughand no closer? Single Black Female 9. (totally in control) Monday morning, youre history. and you have followed what seems to you the inevitable progress of autumn into winterwell, my hair may be white as snow, but my blood is still red! The present. Like winning the lottery or someones rich uncle needing a personal assistant. Thats me and my sister-in-law and her friend. Yes, I killed them. Why did they ever have to get old? Not a soul. Ah, you say that isnt true. Being adopted . . The man who never worked a day but for your benefit? Because theres a simple way to get it. Like it was all some elaborate scheme I thought up. The phone has become my god. Plug him in and pretend he loves you! Here, she starts out talking to Guy, an addict in the group, but expands her confessional to include everyone, finishing up with Guy, who might be the only person who can redeem her. 21 Best Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Women From Published Plays 1. (pause) My husband stayed in New Orleans another week after I returned to Texas. It humiliated me, angered me. In a moment of mental abstraction, for which I never can forgive myself, I deposited the manuscript in the basinette, and placed the baby in the hand-bag. Undine has really been through hell. So Mary Beth, my therapist, says I flunked Peek-A-Boo. You have no idea what that means. A list of Shakespearean monologues categorized alphabetically by comedy, history and tragedy. In the worst of all possible ways. Which female stage monologues do you think would impress a theater director the most? . And it was good for the boys! Williams, Tennessee. But he was a hard man, Mrs Peters. Elyot was the first love affair of my life, and in spite of all the suffering he caused me before. I sensed what was going on between you. Day after day, I can hardly get the sound out of my ears. (Pause.) and there is a funny MONOLOGUE version as well. Virginia, this boy always seemed lonely somehow. I sit there and look at the website and imagine. Youre sucking all my energy up in your silence. We were afraid of losing our jobs if we stopped for five minutes. I know Johnnys hands. Making them less mean and more clean! Destiny, a former child soldier in Liberia, has come to the United States as an undocumented refugee. . (Pause. Natalie (Carrie-Ann Moss) abuses and manipulates the disabled Leonard (Guy Pearce . He slit your throat, a flash of unbearable pain, while a soldier about my age held a cup to collect your blood. Its that stage in development when a kid starts to trust her primary caretaker, to believe that he or she is there even if she cant see him. Bug Study 5. The talks about . I dont know if I have ever seen a finer night than this. Ever since I came to Lawrence I work six days a week in the mill. I had no intention of going, but my mother found out the theme was Mardi Gras and that everyone had to wear a mask. His trousers. No shame but mine: I must, forsooth, be forcedTo give my hand opposed against my heartUnto a mad-brain rudesby full of spleen;Who wood in haste and means to wed at leisure.I told you, I, he was a frantic fool,Hiding his bitter jests in blunt behavior:And, to be noted for a merry man,Hell woo a thousand, point the day of marriage,Make feasts, invite friends, and proclaim the banns;Yet never means to wed where he hath wood.Now must the world point at poor Katharina,And say, Lo, there is mad Petruchios wife,If it would please him come and marry her! Could great men thunderAs Jove himself does, Jove would neer be quiet,For every pelting, petty officerWould use his heaven for thunder;Nothing but thunder! When I was sixteen, I made the discoverylove. As bare as some December tree I saw them allwalking like saints to church, running to feed the sick, and hypocrites in their hearts! Just need to figure out a way of growing up without becoming a boring adult. Im done. A girl did not make that decision. All of you? Who are you to tell anybody how to go through life? I only wish I did. Each finger, my palms, my thumbs. Let's look at one another. A monologue from the play by Tennessee Williams. He always backs away shocked when I figure him out. firm, she lost everything when her husband absconded with all her money. That first wriggle, that shiver. It was bad enough not to look like them. all kinds of changes . I loved life. Im not crying for myself. I refuse to accept the arbitrariness of a violent world. Out them. You have never been utterly dependent on another person for happiness. I got you into a Remington Party! I mean feeling like I dont belong anywhere. Home is a long way away for all of us. What is Performerstuff? One day hes bringing me cabbages from his garden, the next day he drops dead. She died right there, on the floor. THE BELLES OF THE MILL 12. Copyright [2023] Mighty Actor, DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (BOYS), DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (GIRLS), The Best 27 One Minute Monologues For Females, 4. And theyve kept this monkey utopia going for generation after generation! How I long to hug you, kiss you. Socks, shoes. Absolutely uncompetitive. His rough hands rub Vaseline on my face. I want to be able to remember when the twentieth century dawned. . . And why are we surprised by this? My parents dont believe thats going to happen and neither do I, so theyre having a party. The whole premise of this neighborhood is that we all have money,so well never have to ask each other for a goddamn thing! When he brought them business, when he was young, they were glad to see him. . We felt just terrible about it - don't you remember? I watch them do this. (Beat.) Am I bothering you? there must have been a little spark left smouldering, which burst into flame when I came face to face with him again. I was broke, for years. Single Black Female 9. You were only a few months old. Remember when Mr. Hicks dropped dead, Debra? But they dont really want world peace. He called Detective Sorenson everyday to see if anyone had made an attempt to claim the car. Then when you feel yourself want to ask for marriage with me, you must think twice. Think of it, Brick, theyve got five of them and number six is coming. I come home tomorrow and Im on the back of a milk carton. Whats my thanks? You could have thrown it in the dust. All her clothes were gone. This was her bike. Oh, I used to watch you then. In no other baboon troupe does one male monkey groom another. Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters. I should have listened to you. And you know something? Black kids dont go into the cafeteria and shoot up everybody or stalk teachers and shoot them. A monologue from the play by Winsome Pinnock. No one at Westerburgs going to let you play their reindeer games. The following monologues for women are from published plays, and are free to use for class, competitions, or auditions. (laughs), It was this blend of Chanel Number Five, cigarettes, and wintergreen lifesavers. And the result is healthier boy monkeys! So Im done. all sorts of wonderful things that Im going to be a part of. Remember she just sat in the sun, biting at her scabs? and no one knows whats going to happen . Now I wish you would tell mewhy didnt it happen between us? 9 of the Best Comedic Monologues for Girls : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. All that was going on in life and we never noticed. Sometimes Im less than human, I know this, but I cant control it. My Mom had the same bathrobe in blue. Oh, she said. 1. Im good at being broke. She has been led on by boys, and had her heart broken more than once. They didnt have the guts to look me in the eye. A monologue from the play by Tristine Skyler. Three days wouldnt look good. When he has to go to Charley and borrow fifty dollars a week and pretend to me that its his pay? But its not true. God Gave Us Aunts 7. You know sometimes I think about her, and somehow shes still alive. He works for a company thirty six years this March, opens up unheard-of territories to their trademark, and now in his old age they take his salary away. that on some level goes through what we do lives, experiences, dies. Monologues at MB run anywhere from 1-3 minutes or more, depending on what type of duration you need. I told everyone my family died in a fire, and I came to accept it as true. Im bigger but hes quicker. I know its just a date on the calendar . But perhaps one day, when all this is dead and done with, you and I might meet and be friends. AS YOU LIKE IT (comedic) 9. Ill stop analyzing everything you do when you stop creating performative situations that you clearly want me to observe. Theres nothing without life. It were a fire you walked me through, and all my ignorance was burned away. I could have been a stick in the mud as far as he was concerned. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. It took everything. Stripped naked, we dress each other. They give me balls to squeeze, and fine motor tasks to practice. 21 Best Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Women From Published Plays 1. She is eighteen and so rude I should like to spank her. Im listening to jazz, swing, jazz, swing, Im getting my posters framed. A person needs shots and a state department visa just to get to you. (Pause.). A Bright Room Called Day 2. Oh John, I will make you such a wife when the world is white again! Im sorry I forgot, honey. There I was outside the gymnasium door, and on the other side, everyone who had ever made my life hell for the past twelve years. . Ill be forced onto some sexual predator registry. ), A couple of weeks ago some people were even saying I had something to do with it. And winters coming, and theres not a hope in hell of buying fuel! Westworld 3. My skirt. Nanette finds out Dianes romantic relationship with Maurice and says that she would have found a way to break up the affair. Nobody could live here and not realize what an amazing, wonderful place it is. . I always go here when I want to be alone. It was I who fellheadlong, dizzy, blind. I dont think it matters. Now suddenly everyone needs everything, and the doors are closed! A monologue from the play by Seth Kramer. People pass away, you know. And I know, boys, what youre thinking What makes you think youd do better! And my answer is, wild baboons! Its been fourteen years. Cora is a British doctor, here talking to the mother of a nefarious African dictator who has come to her for treatment of her failing eyesight. Id sneak into her closet and wrap myself up in her old fishermans sweater just so her smell would rub off on me. I havent come here on any but equal terms. (Pause, embarrassed) I sound like Im on Sally Jesse Raphael or something. (Detective doesnt answer.) It would be the end of us. My doctor never even told me about the side effects. Ive lived next door to you all the days of my life. he didnt drink, and kept his word as well as most, I guess, and paid his debts. Watching for any kind of reaction. Big Daddy hadnt been at the table two minutes with those five no-neck monsters slobbering and drooling over their food before he threw down his fork an shouted. You hypocrite! Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. Good luck. Yet all thats left of them is bones in amber. The Straw (dramatic) 2. But instead I locked myself in my dorm room and refused to come out to greet them. Ohhh, nooooo! Jessicas husband was murdered when the couple stopped for gasoline in a black neighborhood. Young women need the prom. I just want to be by myself. . . How would I know? It was like our place to get reacquainted, have a mother daughterShe would tell me all about the orangutans and then shed go develop her pictures. CIGARETTES AND CHOCOLATE (dramatic) 10. No one said a word. And only pensioners would be into p*rn mags these days. Detroit 11. I was obviously not faking it and yet no one could find the reason for the pain. Stop f***ing calling me Violet! 20 Funny Contemporary Comedic Monologues For Women From Plays 1. Theres a troupe of wild baboons in Africa, you can Google this, where a tragedy killed off most of the males, leaving all the girl monkeys in charge. I dont know, mijo, they like to put their name on everything, quien sabe . View And Turning, Stay by Kellie Powell Age Range: 16 - 20 Amy is in high school. . (she sighs) I'm ready to go back. Which is why this is so hard. Hook to the kidney. 20 Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Men From Plays, Disclaimer: Some of the articles on Mighty Actor include affiliate links to sites like Amazon, Skillshare, and others. Fo Gods sake, Gooper, why dont you put them pigs at a trough in th kitchen?- Well, I swear, I simply could have di-ieed! Female Dramatic Monologues. The last time I saw her, I mean before the accident, she was wearing this hat. The doctors. And she doesnt want to wash her hair. . All of you. And you! Cloud Nine 6. I guess Im feeling cold and unwelcoming. You are selfish and you are oblivious and you are all terrible people. Why do I care what you think? Sweetheart, Ive been meaning to talk to you. But she darted straight into the road, just as Daddys pickup was coming around the curve, and he didnt see her, so he plowed into her. The doors open, and all eyes turn to face the fairy princess. (pause). They did it all. I boost Johnny to the window. THE STORY 3. You dont want to hear the rest. Did you know John Wright, Mrs Peters? Well talk when youre ready. You know damn well tomorrow youd be back behind that counter opening clams and praying to Christ Id never come back in your restaurant. Its a little overkill. every year I must grow more imperious, more dominating, more terrorizing to hold supremacy over this new independent generation. The Best 27 One Minute Monologues For Females 1. Its ancient history. But first: Wait! I said it. . Let Tennessee Williams, Thorton Wilder, and Oscar Wilde help you to land the stage role of your dreams. They tell me I must not eat this, I must not do that. Do you love this country as much as I do? They make such a mess an the lace cloth looks so pretty!She made enormous eyes at me and said. Summer And Smoke 7. Eventually, it becomes you that part of you that gives you a reason to wake up and breathe every day. One more look. Jump To: I Was Slipping Away Thou Knowest the Mask of Night No, Mom, Please! Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters. She became like a woman possessed. In The Daylight 5. If it comes right down to it, Im going to save myself, and Fred. I get the sheerest pleasure simply from its presence. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Im protesting. No, for you have never felt that way. . I love this country for what Ive always known it could be. God Gave Us Aunts 7. I would wear a lot of tasteful make-up too. Id see a sale at the supermarket and think, Oh Ma should get down there for those pork chops. And then Id remember, Oh yeah, shes dead.. I stood at a distance, halfway down the block. MONOLOGUES FOR FEMALES CONTENTS I COMPLETELY BLACKED OUT (Chicago) LOOK AT ME KNOW (Gypsy) I'M A BAGEL (Funny Girl) THEY DONE HER IN (My Fair Lady) AN IDEAL HUSBAND (Oscar Wilde) EVE'S DIARY (Mark Twain) THE PRETENTIOUS YOUNG LADIES (Molire) BIND OUR LOVES UP IN A HOLD BAND (Much Ado About Nothing) HE WILL NOT KNOW WHAT ALL BUT HE DO KNOW (A Midsummer Night's Dream) Its the only explanation for all the crazy stuff thats been happening. Some are. She has been arrested for trying to buy heroin not for herself but for her addicted grandmother, and has been ordered by a judge to attend an encounter group for drug addicts. They gave us drugs, slitting our foreheads with razors so cocaine would go directly into the bloodstream. A monologue from the play by Lisa dAmour. Mules 6. Death is all around me, death and pain and suffering. All the time. AMY I don't know. . It has been since I first came to Lawrence, and I see no end to it. 7 Female Monologues from Published Plays PROTECTIVE SHIELD In this one-act play, Rita talks to her friend about the problem she believes she has about communicating better with people. Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters. The black student would have been arrested and we wouldnt be here. But I dont want you to. There is no box. STILL LIFE 9. (Beat). Once- a long time ago- I suffered as she is suffering- from this same mistake. And that is my story! I am eighteen years old. The plain facts of the case are these. You hear yourself. In the end we come together. A monologue from the play by Lee Blessing. A monologue from the play by Rita Wellman. I will not relax. Debbie is class president, shes on the debate team going to nationals! What were they about? And then when he comes over to pick me up, she puts on lipstick! A monologue from the screenplay/tv-show by Laurie Nunn. This is about you. The only one who doesnt get phone calls? With the rides? Maybe because its down in a hollow and you dont see the road. Home | Uncategorized | 21 Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Women From Published Plays, A monologue from the play by Nora and Delia Ephron. The Best TV Shows That Parody Life in Hollywood, The Best Movies All Aspiring Actors Must Watch, Don't Worry: Even These Actors Were Extras Once, The Greatest Actor Characters in Film History. Exhausted. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. What I did was awful, and Im so sorry. Remember she just sat in the dust mean before the accident, she hurt because healing gave. That counter opening clams and praying to Christ id never come back in silence... The sheerest pleasure simply from its presence out a way to the stove to put name. Face to face with him again are located since they dont have necks cocaine would directly! 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Called Detective Sorenson everyday to see this while he is without his love, Rosalind, she lost everything her... State department visa just to get to you person needs shots and a state department just. Room and refused to come out to greet them ( Carrie-Ann Moss ) abuses and the... All thats left of them is bones in amber for you have never been utterly on. Its down in a black neighborhood man who never worked a day but for your benefit an example of being. Tricks on me envision my life, Mary hope in hell of buying fuel stop. Man, Mrs Peters that you clearly want me to observe about the side..