Irish Fe Bolaos, or Ife, is a seventeen-year-old first year student of BS Chemical Engineering in Adamson University, Philippines. In my opinion, philosophy is merely dependent upon ones particular kind of opinions based on their experience and views about life. Considering the great philosophers like Socrates and the rest, most of their philosophical arguments were base on human experiences and observations in life. Our cookies will personalize your experience on this website. Monkey and the Fish 6. There are two related ways in which philosophical reflection on the self may usefully be brought to bear in social science. Let's examine briefly the 3 major disciplines that can guide you in viewing your Self. I answered her that being an entrepreneur you have to be a risk taker and I myself know that I am a risk taker because i believe its better to try than to lose the chance I have. From there I describe myself for what I know who I am that others may/can see. For example, my teacher in senior high school in entrepreneur asked me why I can be an entrepreneur? From birth our minds are plagued by outside influences that shape our mind regardless of how much we try to avoid it. Ironically, he can only posses these doubts of nonexistence if he truly exists. According to this theory, the self is a thinking, rational being that is distinct from the body and the material world. In this line of thought, it can be argued that the existence of a person can only be confirmed by oneself in the present tense, I am. "Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay." Man is a bundle of all sensation and perception. To conclude, as for me, it is better not to entirely agree or disagree with the opinions of the Russian philosopher or others, but rather to be perspective and rational. This book was released on 2013-06 with total page 328 pages. They include both orthodox (astika) systems, namely, the Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva-Mimamsa (or Mimamsa), and Vedanta schools of philosophy, and unorthodox (nastika) systems, such as Buddhism and Jainism. I found out that the written article (Existentialism and mans search for meaning) by Eduardo Jose E. Calasanz are incredibly fascinating and mind blowing. I agree with Lev Shestov, the author of What is Philosophy, that it is hard to define this term. I. Socrates, Plato, Augustine In the recent time, the philosophy and teachings of Socrates is being discussed and even debated by even the most distant philosophers. Both the learned and the unlearned still struggle to understand what philosophers talk about and want to find if it could be given a definition. I am is also described by the use of unique features, which make human beings different from other creations (Sorabji 14). The process of reflection and analysis undergone by these sense data will lead to what is known as sense perception . Confirming ones existence is, therefore, core in order to ascertain the nature of the mind through the intellect alone. Answer (1 of 5): Hello Recca, The philosophic perspective of yourself is mostly an intellectual understanding of yourself, which is useful. The I self is also called the Thinking self. A self is just a person, a living, breathing, thinking human being. Aristotle argues that the self or the human person is a composite of body and soul and that the two are inseparable. My Reflections into the Philosophical Perspective of the Self This embodies my understanding of the philosophy of the self, as well as my own concept of what the self is. However, when he was faced with a capture, he feared and trembled at the point of a gun; when followed to the dark room custody, Napoleon Bonaparte, a great conqueror of all the people, was shivering and looking miserable; who could imagine that. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Modern countries would do well to incorporate philosophy in areas such as: government/politics, education, etc., and thankfully many do. For instance, before I have low confidence. (LogOut/ As a result, his pieces of writing remain key reference materials for scholars across the global plane. (LogOut/ He is considered an empiricist and at the same time a skeptic. I carefully and critically examine a pre-existing belief before incorporating it as my belief system. I am intelligent, emotional, determined, witty, reserved, daring individual that would like to do so much more in life. PHIL 280: Being Human. From their perspectives, they look at philosophers as people who are trying to construct harmony and system; their points are curiously and nicely fashioned, relying upon materials that such a philosopher owns due to his/her intrinsic experience and also upon his/her personal observations in life around and beyond him/her; thus, other opinions are also based on the experiences of others. This approach makes it possible to be certain that we possessed a soul, which augments our thinking, nourishment, movement and sensibility. As what I have understood, each one of us should be conscious of what is good to be able to have a good life. His contribution in mathematics set unbeaten record with his efforts being widely applied in calculus and geometry. For example, as we are living in . Change). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Approaching matters in a philosophical fashion is great for people as individuals, but it is also extremely important in societies as a whole. As we can see, this is the ultimate goal of Socrates's philosophy. In other words, one can only be misled by the devil from within if he does exist. In the understanding of I, it is worth noting that senses and imagination cannot be trusted (Rorty 214). And after so many years, their are so many people that express to us how love it is? By compiling ideas from an array of thinkers, this philosophy of self essay intends to explore the implications of defining I in a given manner and how such a stance would affect our self-reflection and perceptions of ourselves or how we treat ourselves. It can also refer to the way an individual knows or understands about himself. . As such, Descartes is able to develop brand new concepts about the mind, ideas and matter (Frankfurt 185). In this portion of his findings, Descartes explains the nature of human mind and that it is better than the body. Self Matters. Dr. Phil, 2012. For some people, philosophy is described as an art, but just an art for arts sake. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by,, Descartes' Cogito Argument and Hume's Critique of the Self, Meditation Two: Concerning the Nature of the Human Mind, R.Descartes' and T.Aquinas' Views on God Existence, Descartes and the Skeptics: An Incomplete Case, Descartes and Humes Ideologies in Contemporary Psychology, Descartes' and Buddhist Ideas of Self-Existence, Descartes' Philosophical Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy: Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, A Miracle as an Extraordinary Happening Occurring in the Physical World. Print. and then Add to Home Screen. However, it appears that a persons chief problem is inborn and it lies in what he/she is rather than what he/she does; persons deeds could not change him/her for better. The different branches of science sprouted from this philosophical discipline. Starting Academic Year Overview of the Lessons: This chapter presents the different ethical theories as propounded by great thinkers in the history of philosophy. Philosophical reflection is the careful examination of life situations. Based on this argument, it can be conclude that the mind knows better than the body. Descartes Discussion of His Existence in the Second Mediation. On September 3 of 2018, we have passed a reflection regarding philosopher's perspective about the self and here is the excerpt from my reflection. The following is a brief description as to what each perspective covers: A. Definition of 'perspective' perspective (pspektv ) Explore 'perspective' in the dictionary countable noun A particular perspective is a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences. For example, how you dress doesnt define who you are but rather whats the content of your mind defines who you are. Our soul strives for wisdom and perfection to achieve this exalted state. "Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay." This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. Its your choice whether youll do what is right from evil for you have the intellect that allows you to make your own decisions. He defined man as a rational animal for we have free will and intellect. This embodies my understanding of the philosophy of the self, as well as my own concept of what the self is. As mentioned before, the concept of self has been defined and described by various authors throughout history. Philosophical Reflection. This involves the weighing of several alternatives and using specific standards to evaluate one's actions. 35. 3. Also this paper will include the history, concepts, main points, examples and my own personal reflection. The question that we need to ask ourselves in this definition of self is the path taken by somebody to know the cogito when everything else is doubted. His research revolves around the search for certainty and ignores every idea that carries any slightest doubt. Always remember that good is above God. For the last decade the topic of the Self has been under intense scrutiny from researchers of various areas spanning from philosophy, neurosciences, and psychology to anthropology and sociology. Self-Concept is actually not a reality but a mental conception of self. In the words of Socrates, the Great Greek philosopher, The unexamined life is not worth living. AUGUSTINE: THE SELF HAS AN IMMORTAL SOUL. it removes biases and looks at the world in its entirety. Indian thought has been concerned with various . Even though it is considered as one of the oldest sciences or fields of human knowledge and practices, philosophy just like many other areas of disciplines still torments its believers as to what really it means. This Latin phrase, BERT RYLE: THE SELF IS THE WAY PEOPLE BEHAVE,,,,,,,,,,,,online_chips:philosophy&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwijgt7UravdAhWPHHAKHTRBA5EQ4lYIJygC&biw=1024&bih=672&dpr=1#imgrc=5yBIYjwA3slMiM, After conceiving the existence of I, the mediator does not stop at this particular point but aims at defining and explaining the meaning of the I am. Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of the self from various disciplinal perspectives. A soul cant live in this world without a body for it is considered as a unity of body and self. This gives way for the conclusion that one is a thing that thinks. With preciseness, I can be defined as the thing that thinks. In addition, I posses other attributes apart from being able to think, understand and have the willingness to do certain things. To be is to be conscious and to be conscious means to be fully aware and thoughtful. And the last one is love hurts, no one in the world are experience that they are not felt hurt after they are in love. This is common in ancient spiritual traditions in which the human identity is conceived as a mere illusion for the existence of individual human beings. Change). Book excerpt: Those who are able to study philosophy, can find out what is to be human, what kind of person is it good to be, and especially how are we to live a good life. For him our human mind is a Tabula Rasa or also known as a mind self at birth is a blank state. The Lion and the Sheep 3. I have the free will to reason out what I wanted to say. f My philosophy is that the Human Person was given the ability to process thought to search or seek for and find his goal. Philosophical reflection is the careful examination of life situations. For example, your parents are working hard just to send you to school, so you better do your part as a child and as a students and think wisely that its for your own good when the right time comes. was an early Pre-Socratic philosopher, mathematician and astronomer from the Greek city of Miletus in Ionia (modern-day Turkey). In other words, body and mind cannot be one since one has got to either know both of them or none of them. I believe the wisest of men can learn from a fool and in view of this, i do not write-off anybody. Your privacy is extremely important to us. According to Sorabji, the idea of self is real in the human history. As Aristotle quoted all men desire to know. And as one entity quench for knowledge about the mystery of our embodiment. But how we die, is at least somewhat, up to us. On the other hand, the Me-self is what I develop as I meet people in my life or some situations develop me that make myself who I am today. I do not attach sentiments to whatever i do because this will lead my judgement astray. In essence, the cogito exposes a different view of the world and states the fact that mind is the only thing in the world that is able to know itself. Write up on Philosophical Perspectives of the Self - It is like a basis of how someone builds - Studocu Essay write up on philosophical perspectives of the self based on what understood from the topic, philosophical perspectives of the self in general is the study DismissTry Ask an Expert Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home For example, I can complain what I have read in the social media posts of my friends if they are spreading fake news for I myself know what is right from bad. Standing and sitting here in our house waiting for some grace to come. Of great significance is the fact that the characteristics of a given self have the full potential of determining its real identity (Rorty 215). Take Ancient Greece for example, Ancient Greece is where philosophy was born and just also happened to be unlike any other society at the time. However, Dr. Phil argues that ones authentic self encompasses genuine existence of a persons identity (McGraw 1). We can also choose to implement what we wish to become involved in. They had seen a lot for long times and so they could be able to draw conclusions; however, the question remains as to how possible it is for two individual livings in two different geographic environments, who go through different experiences, to develop the same theories in life and conclusions; this would mean that these people are not different. David Hume is an English philosopher. developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling them to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life. August 30, 2018 Published by ifetower must. name of science, which often rely on controversial If rights are tied to the notion of personhood, then it seems appropriate to say that fetuses do not have any legal rights. These meditations are considered as the origin of modern western philosophy. Throughout his memory, Descartes believes that whatever he is happened to see is actually meaningless and may not ever exist in the real life (Descartes 17). Philosophy can be described as a chance for person to undertake an opportunity to understand themselves, our world and society, and relations between ourselves and one another. I agree that the "I-self" is the thinking self because this "self" is what I know that I describe my self to others. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. For the last decade the topic of the Self has been under intense scrutiny from researchers of various areas spanning from philosophy, neurosciences, and psychology to anthropology and sociology. He further notes that in explaining "self," there is a stream of consciousness, which lacks the owner. My confidence develop through time and through the situations I encounter. The Self from Various Perspective (Philosophy) Description From the book of John Chaffee entitled The Philosophers Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas credits to the writer and also to the owner of the pictures philosophy philosopher self perspective understanding the self philosophical perspective dualism hylomorphism empiricism advanced knowledge or learning. By this definition we can gather that philosophy is, essentially, the pursuit of knowledge or understanding on a much higher level than usual. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Thales of Miletus (c. 624 - 546 B.C.) Gyekye insists "the okra and sunsum are immaterial substances and they survive death as a "spiritual . Our brain is not inseparable from our body. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. He shared with Descartes a scientist's perspective, seeking to develop knowledge based on clear thinking, rigorous analysis, and real-world observation and experimentation. Only man in Gods creation has the ability to think. Even when we are in womb of our mother, our parents are very excited to see us, they are so careful on what they do specially our mothers to make us being safe. 2. Notably, an understanding of our mind first before any other thing has remained rooted in the Western philosophy even though the main point of contention has been the connection between the mind and the real world. 2023 Welcome to the course, Ethics ! In development of natural sciences, his input cannot go unnoticed. Based on this analogy, it can be argued that I can be divided into various concepts as defined by specific qualities and attributes. )Rene Descartes - he says that since much of what we In general, individual existence is considered as the representation of a human being and advocates fighting for its rightful position in the world (Rorty 216). Anger Management 8. the essence of philosophy is to ask questions, to look beyond the surface and find the substance behind our convictions. On the other hand, the Me-self is what I develop as I meet people in my life or some situations develop me that make myself who I am today. McGraw, Phillip. Theres nothing wrong in asking somebodys help if youll be the one who will benefit from it. In other words, our existence does not solely depend on the above-mentioned attributes of human beings, but we have no doubt about our breathing power. I would be happy if Ill be making it but in the process if I know I am not who I am like I am not that happy because I put too much pressure and if I didnt make it, it may cause loneliness or so. Philosophy is, therefore, a temporary ideology of a time, usually a time of convenience, before the ideological theories are tested. Since its everyones school of thought, philosophy is multi defined only by those who practice it. The present volume addresses the Self under different and influent philosophical perspectives: from phenomenology and psychoanalysis to metaphysics and . 36. As Socrates said, the human person must see to it that her life is geared towards knowledge of the Good Life. The very same justice he wanted to uphold is the same justice he defied and contravened when circumstances pressed him hard; it is interesting to see that certain philosophical opinions are held by people only for as long as there is no opportunity for trial. In the tradition, if one is born to a noble family, the name of the place of his birth is For the audio-visual material of the Orientation of the course, Understanding the Self, on Youtube channel, click . This article has three basic purposes: (1) to provide an overview of the history of philosophy in the West, (2) to relate philosophical ideas and movements to their historical background and to the cultural history of their time, and (3) to trace the changing conception of the . The present volume addresses the Self under different and influent philosophical perspectives: from phenomenology and psychoanalysis to metaphysics and neurophilosophy and discusses several and distinct problems such as personal identity, the core/narrative self-distinction, psychopathologies, the mind-body problem and the nature of the . These influences can take on many different forms such as: media, parents, teachers, etc. One cannot say: I sleep, therefore I am, since the act of sleeping can be doubted. I need to study hard to be able to achieve that goal. When we hear the word Love we always think that is relationship but if we will see in our environment, all the people that we belong with even the people that we hate much is what you call Love. Introspection is closely related to human self-reflection and self-discovery and is contrasted with external observation. A soul can't live in this world without a body for it is considered as a unity of body and self. The present volume addresses the Self under different and influent philosophical perspectives: from pheno This paper goes miles ahead in synthesizing Descartes findings in order to achieve a concise definition of the word I that seems reasonable and critical from a philosophical perspective of the self. This essay further digs into several research findings unearthed by renowned scholars and experts who have devoted their time and sacrificed their resources to studying and exploring the definition and how it influences interpersonal relationships in ones life. When heated, the wax changes some properties but can be identified despite the deviation from the initial form. Based on this approach, Sorabji further double emphasizes the fact that there is a need to protect human way of life and not only base on its relationship with the self or the interaction between members of a given stream (Sorabji 13). However, visualized pictures are important in describing a complete image of selfhood even though they can be philosophically studied differently. This Latin phrase Corgito ergo sum is the concept of self by Descartes. However even among all the educated exist disputing and arguments over some matters; when such matters arise the least learned and the uneducated are left wondering what sort of things the few educated are talking about; the less knowledgeable retrieve and withdraw slowly paving way for the most interested in the argument. (LogOut/ Even religionists disagree on the nature and character of their gods whom they worship; each camp is right in their defence of what they do. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2004. Then, my mom told me that even though I wont make it its fine as long as I pass my course. Graeco-Roman Varieties of Self. He breaks from the norm created by Aristotle that knowledge is achieved through human senses, and that mental statuses usually resemble what they are. Each person has a specific goal, a contribution he must make to repay his existence, whether to nature or God. A very good friend of mine always reminds me that if you will not try, then youre a failure. (LogOut/ I would rather say that philosophers have shown open disagreement among their different philosophical ideologies, and even among the learned there still exist gaps in opinions; it is, therefore, true that there is no single settlement as per what philosophy truly is. Being an academic scholar I need to have a grade not lower than 1.75 in the semester grade. Philosophy is to believe that things are explained the way you have thought they can be and it attempts to make everyone obedient to such so called truth; however, this will only happen for as long as there is no other proof of things being done differently. This was a man who attempted to bring the whole of the world under his dominion and nearly did that. Born in 1596, in France, Rene Descartes was a great philosopher, thinker, writer and mathematician who spent his adulthood in the Republic of Dutch. However, in understanding self through syllogistic reading and analysis denied by Descartes in other pieces of writing is the fact that there is no reason why whatever thinks exists should not be doubtful as portrayed by the mediator. Before sciences became an independent discipline, philosophy was the first discipline taught in the West --ancient Greece in particular. Much of Platos stories could be witnessed in the history of Carl Marx, who also thought that the peoples chief problem was just morality and that if trained, everyone would be a good person. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. (LogOut/ This is to say that actions and thoughts experienced at different times of the day or in life may as well concern the self. In most cases, philosophical definitions of self are discussed based on the first-person attributes. If you dont know such thing, never hesitate to ask for the help of others for you to learn something new. Making an assessment of my life, i will say that philosophical reflection has been a part of my life. "Philosophers believe that self has different perspectives on how we achieve it. As Socrates once said, The unexamined life is not worth living. In other words, if you are not goingto break out of your own prison of perception, then your life will be bland and very difficult. As mentioned before, this essay will put emphasis on the second meditation in defining the concept of I, also known as self. Contemporary social theory has consistently emphasized habitual action, rule-following, and role-performing as key aspects of social life, yet the challenge remains of combining these aspects with . In this line, the mediator gets in touch with a grip of certainty after his continuous disbelief is manifested in the First Mediation (Frankfurt 186). So therefore, we should use our decisions wisely and this will definitely lead us to self-actualization. This involves the weighing of several alternatives and using specific standards to evaluate ones actions. By clicking Check Writers Offers, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Regardless of these initial doubts, many people sink into a ditch of doubts and hang on the fact that one has the ability to think. Different philosophical schools have different perceptions of philosophy. Calasanz spread to us the table of an unsophisticated and different tenet of the classical and the modern philosophers. Devil from within if he truly exists ones actions soul cant live in this of... Of thought, philosophy was the first discipline taught in the Second meditation in the... Of body and the rest, most of their philosophical arguments were base on human experiences and in... The I self is a composite of body and the material world there I describe myself for what I who... And through the situations I encounter standards to evaluate one & # x27 ; s actions the and! 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