You have permission to edit this article. Click Hillside Police operate on the Union County Site of the New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (NJICS). Existing channels may be used as backup. Most districts have three emergency school closure days on their calendars and if school is closed again on Tuesday, all three will have been used up in the Nevada Joint Union High School District (NJUHSD). MICU 1-2, Ambulance 1-2. Upgrade now to take advantage of our Premium Services. Ambulance 8-4. MICU 15, HOME Units are assigned vehicle numbers in the 7700's, which also corresponds to their mutual aid number (i.e. Two Cranford Police radio cars are also dispatched for every medical call as first responders. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Union County, North Carolina (NC) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Union County, North Carolina (NC) . Union County Police operate on the Union County Site of the New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (NJICS). Summit Police utilize a radio identifier such as 18P100 or 18 Papa 100. If it is not listed here We do not have it. Springfield agencies in Union County use the Buckeye Scotch Plains dispatched by Union County Police 2400. Springfield Township Fire dispatched by Union County Police 2400. Union County, North Carolina Last Updated: August 8, 2022, 8: . Engine 15-2, (Station 1 Ridge Ave) Tanker 9, you have additions or corrections for this page please let us know! Nevada County Connects and Nevada County Now transit routes stopped running after 10:30 a.m. due to the snow and unsafe conditions. EMS units cover multiple alarm districts at all times, and there will never be an ambulance based in all 7 districts. MICU 2, Fanwood Fire dispatched by Union County Communications 2400. requests for information will not receive a reply. A large part of our success in our Protect and Serve mission is that this Department has a very diverse workforce. Fire Headquarters, 411 Irvington Avenue (County Station ID: 41), Engine 7: Pierce Arrow XT Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-0487), Ladder 1: Pierce Arrow XT Ladder (Mutual Aid #: 20-0431), Rescue 1: Spartan/Crimson Rescue (Mutual Aid #: 20-0451), Rescue 2: Spartan/Rescue 1 Rescue (Reserve/UASI) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0452), Spec Ops: Freightliner Rescue (Tech Rescue Unit) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0453), Car 41: Dodge Durango (Chief of Department) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0400), Car 42: Dodge Durango (Deputy Chief 2) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0410), Car 43: Ford Expedition (On-Duty Battalion Chief) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0420), Car 45: Dodge Durango (Mutual Aid #: 20-0430), EMS-11: Ford F450 Road Rescue Ultramedic Type I Haztec BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-0472), EMS-74: Ford F350 Utility Body Spec Ops (Mutual Aid #: 20-0474), EMS-76: Ford F350 Road Rescue Promedic Type I Spec Ops (Mutual Aid #: 20-0456), S1: Chevrolet Suburban (EMS Lead Supervisor) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0490), Station 1, 2 South Broad Street (County Station ID: 42), Engine 1: Pierce Arrow XT Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-0481), Ladder 3: America LaFrance Tower Ladder (Mutual Aid #: 20-0431), Station 2, 651 South Broad Street (County Station ID: 43), Engine 2: Pierce Arrow XT Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-0482), Reserve 11: RD Murray/Spartan Pumper (Reserve Engine) (Mutual Aid #: 20-04811), Station 3, 442 Trumbull Street (County Station ID: 44), Engine 3: Pierce Arrow XT Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-0483), Reserve 10: RD Murray/Spartan Pumper (Reserve Engine) (Mutual Aid #: 20-04810), Reserve 12: Spartan/Luverne Pumper (Reserve Engine) (Mutual Aid #: 20-04812), Ladder 2: Pierce Arrow XT/LTI Tractor Drawn Aerial Ladder (Mutual Aid #: 20-0432), Ladder 4: E-One Ladder Hurricane 110' (Reserve) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0434), Hazmat 1: Spartan/Custom Body Works (Hazmat) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0454), Decon: Spartan/Custom Body Works (Mutual Aid: 20-0458), Air Unit 1: Pierce Rescue (Air/Confined Space) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0455), EMS-4: Ford F450 4x4 Type I PL Custom Classic 170 BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-0474), EMS-5: Ford F450 4x4 Type I PL Custom Classic 170 BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-0475), EMS-6: Ford F450 4x4 Type I PL Custom Classic 170 BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-0476), EMS-7: Ford F450 Crew Cab PL Custom Type I BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-0477), EMS-8: Ford F450 PL Custom Classic BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-0478), EMS-9: Ford F450 Road Rescue Promedic Type I BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-0479), EMS-10: Ford F450 Crew Cab PL Custom Type I BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-0470), EMS-12: Ford F450 Road Rescue Ultramedic Type I Haztec BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-0471), MCRU-8: Freightliner EMS Task Force Mass Care Response Truck (Mutual Aid #: 20-0456), EMS-77 NJEMSTF Med Ambulance Bus 1: Bluejay Custom MCI Ambulance Bus (Mutual Aid #: 20-0457), EMS-78 International Custom Full Rescue Body CBRNE/Spec Ops Support (Mutual Aid #: 20-0459), S3: Ford F150 Pickup (EMS Shift Supervisor) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0490), Station 5, 147 Elizabeth Avenue (County Station ID: 45), Engine 5: Pierce Arrow XT Foam Pumper w/ 65' Boom-Piercer Nozzle (Mutual Aid #: 20-0485), Tac 1: Freightliner Rescue (Water Rescue Unit) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0456), Neptune Unit Freightliner Roll Off 8000 GPM Pump, Foam Unit: Freightliner Tanker (Foam Tender) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0441), Station 6, 472 Catherine Street (County Station ID: 46), Engine 6: Pierce Arrow XT Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-0486), Station 8, 524 West Grand Street (County Station ID: 47), Engine 8: Pierce Arrow XT Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-0488). New Providence Police dispatched by Mountain Valley Emergency Communications Center on the Union County Site of the New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (NJICS). Volunteers get tired when the centers are open for 11 days in a row.. 73: Police Traffic Safety Repair Truck (Operated by DPW) (NJICS RID: i), 74: Police Traffic Safety Utility Truck (Operated by DPW) (NJICS RID: i), Squad Quarters, 4 Centennial Avenue (County Station ID: 39), 375: Ford E350 PL Custom Gold Medallion Type III BLS Ambulance (Radio ID: 0375) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0375), 376: Ford F350 Marque Commando Type I Custom BLS Ambulance (Radio ID: 0376) (Mutual Aid #: 20-0376), Squad Portable 1: (Radio ID: 0674) / ***Squad Portable 2: (Radio ID: 0675), Fire Headquarters, 7 Springfield Avenue (County Station ID: 31), Car 1: Chevrolet Tahoe (Chief of Department) (NJICS RID: i) (Mutual Aid #: 20-3191), Car 2: Ford Explorer (Fire Prevention) (NJICS RID: i) (Mutual Aid #: 20-3192), Car 3: Chevrolet Tahoe (Deputy Chief) (NJICS RID: i) (Mutual Aid #: 20-3193), Car 4: Ford Explorer XLT (Duty Battalion Chief) (NJICS RID: i) (Mutual Aid #: 20-3194), Battalion 1 Portable: (NJICS RID: i) / Battalion 2 Portable (NJICS RID: i), Engine 1: 2007 Pierce Velocity Pumper (NJICS RID: i) (Mutual Aid #: 20-3181). Please click on the links below to access Project Lifesaver brochures and applications. Township of Union Police operate on the Union County Site of the New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (NJICS) utilizing full-time, strapped encryption on all talkgroups. from monitoring enthusiasts just like yourself. Scotch Plains operates on the Union County Site of the New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (NJICS). County Police Patrol units are prefixed with "24" to identify them as UCPD. The courthouse in Nevada City was closed Friday and Monday, and perhaps it will remain closed until roads are safe to travel. Chauffeur Portable uses same Radio ID as apparatus. Sierra units are single man cars regardless of shift. Union Parish County Sheriff Trunking Frequencies & Talkgroups. Brush 15, (Station 2 Race Street) Tennessee Police, Sheriff and MastersOfWeb Contains ads 1.9 star 11 reviews 1K+ Downloads Everyone info Install About this app arrow_forward With our radio scanner app listen for FREE the. February 22, 2023 at 11:00 am CST. Here to EMail the Webmaster, All law enforcement Some investigative and tactical talkgroups use encryption. In conjunction with the above mentionedPoliceDivisions, Shared Services are a main mission for the Union CountyPolice. New Providence Rescue Squad dispatched by Mountain Valley Emergency Communications Center on the Union County Site of the New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (NJICS). systems such as the Radio Shack PRO-96 and the Uniden DOES Atlantic EMS-8 provides emergency medical services to the Borough of Mountainside 0700-1900, Mon-Fri, and are dispatched by Union County Police Communications 2400. Download our app "Police Scanner Radio - Ohio, USA" and be the first to know what is happening with the citizens in Ohio state - USA, listen for FREE the live feeds from real radio. Rahway Fire operates on the Union County Site of the New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (NJICS). Share this Image On Your Site Headquarters, 1000 Summit Avenue (County Station ID: 189), Ambulance 1: Ford E350 Braun BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-1871), Ambulance 2: Ford E450 Braun BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-1872), Ambulance 3: Chevrolet G3500 Braun Raider Type III BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-1873), EMS-4: Chevrolet Suburban (Mutual Aid #: 20-1854), Trailer 1: Special Ops Trailer (Mutual Aid #: 20-1855), Headquarters, 384-392 Broad Street (County Station ID: 181), Car 2: Ford Explorer (Fire Prevention) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1841), Engine 1: 1997 Pierce Dash 1500/750/40F Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-1881), Engine 2: 2013 Spartan ERV 1500/750/65F Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-1882), Engine 3: 2010 Spartan/Crimson 1500/750/40F Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-1883), Engine 4: 1992 Pierce Arrow 1500/750/50F Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-1884), Truck 1: 2017 Ferrara Inferno 100' Tower Ladder (Mutual Aid #: 20-1831), Special Ops 1: 1997 Freightliner Medic Master (Mutual Aid #: 20-1862). Our diversity enables the Employees, Officers, Detectives, and Supervisors to provide high quality Law Enforcement services while . Sections. County of Union, New Jersey Privacy Statement/OPRA Requests/Accessibility, Chief Gene Mirabella Firearms Training Facility, Community Law Enforcement Addiction Recovery (CLEAR), Opioid Response Initiative/Resource Guide, American Correctional Association Accreditation, Educating the family for the safeguarding of loved ones and how to prevent a family member from wandering, How to initiate a response should an emergency arise, Care and maintenance of the Project Lifesaver unit, Twenty-four (24) hour live in caretaker /support, A fee of $ 285.00 to cover the cost of the transmitter, Maintenance fee of $ 15.00 per month which covers battery replacement and to ensure proper working order of the unit. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Below are any Union Parish County trunking scanner frequencies and their corresponding talkgroups (decimals). Springfield Township Fire operates on the Union County Site of the New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (NJICS). Engine 9, The Union County Police Department serves a community of more than 500,000 citizens. HOME Boat 15, EMS-1: Ford E350 Braun BLS Ambulance (Radio ID: 5000), EMS-2: Ford E350 Braun BLS Ambulance (Radio ID: 5005), EMS-3: Ford E350 Braun BLS Ambulance (Radio ID: 5010), EMS-4: Ford E350 Braun BLS Ambulance (Radio ID: 5015), EMS-5: Ford E350 Braun BLS Ambulance (Radio ID: 5020), EMS Portables 5050-5070 (Radio ID's: 5050-5070), Fire Headquarters, 1 Bond Drive (Radio ID's: 174-176) (County Station ID: 191), Engine 1: Pierce Enforcer 1750/750/50F Pumper (Radio ID: 350) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1981), Squad 4: Spartan/Crimson 28ft Telesquirt Rescue Pumper (Radio ID: 353) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1988), Truck 3: Pierce Dash 2000/300/105' Ladder (Radio ID: 360) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1933), Tac 1: GMC Rescue (Tactical Support Unit) (Mutual Aid #:), Rescue 2: Ford BLS Ambulance (Reserve) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1972), Battalion 3: (Radio ID: 453) (Mutual Aid #:), Battalion 4: (Radio ID: 454) (Mutual Aid #:), Battalion 5: (Radio ID: 455) (Mutual Aid #:), Chief of Department: Ford Excursion (Mutual Aid #:), Station 2, 2493 Vauxhall Road (Radio ID: 172) (County Station ID: 192), Engine 2: Pierce Velocity 1750/750/150F Pumper (Radio ID: 351) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1982), Engine 7: Pierce Arrow 1500/500/30 Pumper (Radio ID: 358) (Reserve Engine) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1987), Truck 1: Mack CF Baker 85' Tower Ladder (Radio ID: 361) (Reserve Truck) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1931), Rescue 1: Dodge Ram 3500 Wheeled Coach BLS Ambulance (Radio ID: 5014) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1871), Decon Trailer: Mass Decon Trailer (Mutual Aid #:), Station 3, 1221 Morris Avenue (Radio ID: 173) (County Station ID: 193), Engine 3: Pierce Enforcer 1750/750/50F Pumper (Radio ID: 352) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1983), Squad 41: Pierce Quantum 2000/700/50 Rescue Engine (Radio ID: 355) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1984), Rescue 3: Chevrolet 4500 Road Rescue Ultramedic Type I Medium Duty BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-1973), Engine 5: Pierce Pumper (Radio ID: 354) (Reserve Pumper) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1985), Truck 2: Pierce Dash 1500/300/105' Ladder (Radio ID: 362) (Reserve Truck) (Mutual Aid #: 20-1933), Squad Headquarters, 335 Watterson Street (County Station ID: 209), 50: Ford E450 Type III Rescue Squad BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-2070), 51: Ford E450 Type III Rescue Squad BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-2071), 52: Ford E450 Type III Rescue Squad BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-2072), Fire Headquarters, 405 North Avenue (NJ Highway 28) (County Station ID: 201), Car 1: Dodge Durango (Mutual Aid #: 20-2051), Car 2: Dodge Durango (Mutual Aid #: 20-2052), Ladder 1: Pierce Velocity 100' Tower-Ladder (Mutual Aid #: 20-2031), Engine 2: E-One Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-2082), Engine 5: E-One Pumper (Reserve Engine) (Mutual Aid #: 20-2085), Station 2, 1029 Central Avenue (County Station ID: 202), Engine 3: E-One Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-2083), Engine 4: E-One Pumper (Radio ID: 4000) (Mutual Aid #: 20-2084), Fire Headquarters, 12 Gulfstream Avenue (County Station ID: 211), Engine 1: FMC Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-2181), Engine 2: E-One Pumper (Mutual Aid #: 20-2182), Ambulance A1: Ford BLS Ambulance (Mutual Aid #: 20-2171). For example 4-Baker would be a night shift unit assigned to sector 3, and so on. This page was last edited on 20 January 2022, at 12:07. Click With specialized equipment, the officer can start tracking the signal that is emitted from the unit. The CountyPoliceassist the 21 Union County Towns, Union County Sheriffs Office, and Union County Prosecutors Office. Clark Police operate P25 digital with clear communications. If