This is for fun. Our relationship with mother / feminine figures. Probably feels misunderstood often. People with Aries Moon typically have strong opinions about things and they arent afraid to express them. Whatever they choose to do, they will try to be the best very competitive. When hurt, they could retreat to protect themselves or lash out harshly. #venus in synastry on Tumblr See a recent post on Tumblr from @d4rkpluto about venus in synastry. Could feel at home when theyre loving or nurturing something / someone. They feel safe and at home with each other. Karmic lessons and fated relationships for sure. Could be empaths or highly sensitive people. The relationship can feel kind of romantic or grand; they are attracted to each other's core values and characteristics. Please give feedback. This is the dynamic when the fire Moons get together: Aries and Sagittarius Moon like to tease others, likely the Leo Moon. Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects They could be very interested in learning about their emotions and who they are. Disrespectful and unwarranted comments will not be tolerated. Their emotional state can affect their health easily and they can be very physically sensitive to their mood changes. When hes not at work, he creates projects for himself, Service-oriented work related to healthcare, Seen as an expert / specialist. That's because Venus of the other lies on their descendant. Thank you for reading and I hope you guys like this! Since its conjunct Neptune, he may also have a dreamy and romantic approach to love. Very creative placement as well - they might express themselves through something creative. Possible love at first sight aspect. They also use many hand motions to guide people along with their story. Aries Mercury also like to pace or sway when they speak and they dont even notice it . Psyche means soul in Greek, named the Goddess of the Soul. Saturn in the 1st could indicate someone having a lot of karma or lessons to learn about themselves, their appearance, and/or how they approach life. They are probably also very invested in matters of justice or try to look at emotional situations fairly. Preface: Astrology is a fun hobby for me. They likely need love, compassion, and depth to feel safe and secure. You are very sensitive to one anothers feelings, tastes, and needs with this aspect. They like to be thorough. This relationship will be a major turning point in your life. Theyre a good person to go to for advice. The Sun person recognizes the Alma person's soul. This is true (and a little strange at times) in my experience. Could have a rich inner life. They probably like someone who makes them feel secure and safe. Someone they respect. Very fixed opinions. Positive Sun - North Node aspects could find it easy to be in alignment with their life purpose, given that the Sun represents our core identity. Acts of service and words of affirmation could be their dominant love languages. Whichever house Sagittarius is in or the sign over your 9th house could indicate what youre interested in learning more about. May find it difficult at times to understand the way the other person expresses their love. They might mull over their emotions for a while, and they probably are really shaken by change. In my experience its the eyes. Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Particularly in the case of the conjunction, trine, and sextile, the Ascendant person is seen as the Venus person's muse. Moon in Capricorn 2nd house to me represents someone who has an innate drive to achieve great goals they set for themselves. Feel free to send in asks about what you guys would be interested in seeing for future posts I hope you all are doing well and staying healthy! Their strength is very apparent to other people. The Ascendant person finds the Venus person very attractive, and the Ascendant person presents themselves in a way that the Venus person appreciates. Their intelligence is a core part of who they are. Aquarius Mars avoids arguments or likes to stay silent during them. They could help others heal by speaking or writing about difficult things. Scorpio 5H / Venus in the 8H / Scorpio Venus, Neptune in the 8H / in Scorpio / at 8 or 20, Scorpio midheaven conjunct Scorpio Mars (4 orb), Virgo midheaven conjunct Virgo Mars (0 orb), Pisces midheaven conjunct Aquarius Mars (3 orb). This is my first astrology post! Instinctually wants cooperation and might assume a mediator role in tense situations. So this is a good time for love relationships. Always seem to be in a relationship. There can be pouting and the reaction of rushing to meet the persons needs. Let me know your thoughts if you have your Mars conjunct midheaven or in the 10H. With this being an air sign combined with a fixed nature, this person is very strong-willed and mentally competent. Their family probably played a very critical role in their lives, or they want to protect their family. I know someone with this placement and they like to spend a lot of time by themselves. The Sun person naturally understands who the Moon person is and vice versa. This individual is probably very self-aware and emotionally intelligent. The attraction can be instant or very noticeable on a profound level. Or as they grow older the way they approach emotions changes vastly. People who have the same placements (like same planets in same houses) either love or hate each other because they may mirror each other, the good and the bad. The 5th house adds warmth to the Moon sign. Probably also got a lot of attention as a child. Neptune at Virgo degree (6, 18) may listen to music quietly. Could be cool under pressure. Venus conjunct Chiron - I know a married couple with this aspect and they healed each other through their relationship. Both will learn important lessons about love. This is the type of person to have a very close group of people they share things in their life with. Having a planet you have on your 7th house falling on their 1st house and a planet in your 1st house falling on their 7th house and vice-versa which would create an opposite between the two planets in the synastry chart. Theyre the type to tune into others body language and verbal cues. Definitely a sentimental placement. Libra is also a cardinal sign, which means they possess leadership skills and are action-oriented. This can manifest on more of a surface-level, initial attraction because the Ascendant is how we present to others and the mask we wear in public. These couples need to work on understanding each others needs and make a commitment to meet in the middle on some things. People trust their opinion and think they have good judgment. I hesitate to say they dont like emotions and are flighty because I feel like thats a stereotype. This native likely feels very close to their siblings or neighbors. They take a longer time to process information but remember it for longer. This is a very deep, intimate connection. This could also mean someone who shines brightly on others, whether this be in the public eye or lifting people's spirits in some way. Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Moon is often found in marriage synastry charts. The Pluto person could be very invested in the Moon person, to the point of being obsessive. . Theyre probably very reactive to their emotions since this is a water sign. Its possible to feel an instant connection or feel like you recognize the person even if you havent met before. When theyre excited, they speak animatedly. Very joyful and playful. They need someone who they can trust and to bond deeply with, and when they do, theyre very committed. You are strongly sensitive to, and aware of, one anothers needs, tastes, and feelings. They could be a nurturing, gentle, and caring presence in their workplace or others see them this way. Moon conjunct Moon will make both people feel very close and connected with each other. Soul recognition and instant familiarity. Thanks for reading, loves! The Venus person likes to touch the Ascendant person often. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Very genuine. Synastry:MoonUranusAspects Feels safe and secure in relationships. You have important lessons to learn from this person or relationship. Can be very difficult to let go of the connection and cut the cord" if the relationship doesn't work out. When these Moon signs get together, its very interesting, fast-paced, and honestly hilarious. Could be critical of themselves if they dont meet their high expectations. Moon in Virgo loves feeling useful and needed. Might struggle with setting boundaries with others, but when they do, this will help them find the balance they seek. This is crazy. They are probably comforted by conversation and support or encouragement from others. Understand that the ask rules may change in the future. They probably can be private and share personal information selectively but others see them as very sociable. They probably feel safe and secure learning new things or expanding their interests. Sun and Venus in Taurus are the epitome of quiet stubbornness. however, the aspect that these bodies are making to each other will determine how this aspect Your future spouse will likely be someone you are incredibly drawn to with that Scorpio ascendant at 8 and Groom conjunct descendant. They can be misunderstood, complex, and alluring individuals. Moon in Gemini likely can see emotions / emotional situations from many different angles. They typically have sharp features, even if its just one feature of their face. Synastry:SunPlutoAspects Opposing stelliums in synastry charts - These relationships need to work on balancing polarizing energies. They can naturally get in touch with their moods and others. For now, heres are some of the characteristics of Mars conjunct midheaven / Mars in the 10H: I think many of the above traits might be similar in synastry or composite charts. If person A is late Sag ASC and person B has Cap Venus, but conjunct ASC, does it count in the same manner as conjunction in the same sign? Their voice really changes with their emotions. Could be a marriage indicator. If this happens, expect for the comment to be deleted and for the user to be blocked. Might feel like youre experiencing deja vu when you first meet. Could feel like they dont fit in, but might also take pride in their uniqueness. Ill accept specific questions about aspects. If theres a problem, they acknowledge it and find a way to work around it, but they wont let that stop them from continuing to work. Because of this, they can become their own obstacle. Probably likes to be alone since this is how they recharge. This one seems widely known but I want to reiterate it anyway . There could have been something severe, extreme, or intense about their childhood or mother figure. Their family could also play a critical role (positive or negative) in their life purpose. They pick up on any inconsistencies thrown their way. I have my Mercury in Capricorn and trine Saturn. Ascendant conjunct Venus - I had this aspect with an ex - my Venus conjunct his Ascendant. They notice subtle changes in peoples moods and words. On a positive side, Moon conjunct Chiron or Chiron in Water Signs / 4H / 8H / 12H could also indicate someone very in tune with their emotions. They could want to empower others. Will probably think about marriage with this person. Mercury at Leo degrees (5, 17, 29) like to stress certain words and have a unique style of speaking. People probably admire them and find them attractive for their work ethic. His Venus is also in Libra so he has a natural eye for beauty. You want to please one another, but you can spoil in the process, or soothe and appease in order to avoid rocking the boat. Could feel like theyre your best friend and understand you in a way others don't. Conjunctions are typically stronger. Ive been studying astrology for a few years on and off, but I still feel like a beginner. Thank you guys so much for the support on my first post. Congrats on 100+ followers! People probably come to them for advice because they give off comforting vibes when it comes to emotions. Venus is drawn to the personality and physical appearance of the Ascendant person, while the Ascendant is attracted to the loving and tender nature of the Venus person. These people place so much value on their work. I expect the maximum amount of time itd take me to respond is up to a month, but I doubt thatll be the case in most situations. Enthusiastic, positive, and gregarious. I hope you gain more Id love to get the chance for you to read my groom persona chart please? Lets not have it come to that, please. Soul recognition and instant familiarity. These romantic and sexual feelings can be long-lasting depending on the natal charts of each individual and . There is a strong desire to please one another. Lots of natural inner strength. Might always find ways to touch them, even in small ways. Empaths. Originally posted by deseos-de-la-via-lactea. Could have interest in astrology/tarot. Ive seen it in my ask box :) Once youve sent in an ask, please wait at least two weeks after Ive answered your ask to send in another. Or they approach arguments very logically. This would probably be a good placement for a therapist. Might be private when it comes to their emotions. There is likely to be lots of sexual energy and attraction with this aspect. If you guys like this, I might make another one. The Ascendant person embodies or personifies what the Venus person finds attractive. In their natural state, they could be flirtatious, gracious, and charming. What sign is it in? They have a calming, down to earth energy about them. Might feel connected with others easily. They could have an air of authority when they speak that makes people stop, pay attention, and listen. Capricorn / 10H Mercuries and Mercury - Saturn aspects words are taken very seriously by others. Dont send me multiple asks with the same question, please. This is a very romantic position. They could be well known in their workplace for being dependable, hardworking, and natural leaders. Their anger can seem unpredictable and surprising to others. Lots of physical affection and compliments. The water houses are typically private, so their emotions might seem closed off to others until they feel comfortable around them. Also could look at feelings more analytically, but since Virgo is ruled by Mercury and is a mutable sign, they could overthink things quite often. Depending on how tight the orb is, their drive, passion, anger, or desire can be very transformative. They could heal other's emotional wounds. They could struggle with creating and upholding boundaries with others. This was really fun. They have a special attachment to their possessions since they remind them of memories they hold close. Might find it attractive when people come to them first. Moon-Ascendant Positive Aspects+Conjunction: This gives the two people a really strong and emotional bond. Example: An ex of mine's Aquarius Ascendant at 2942 was exactly conjunct my Aquarius Midheaven at 2946. Theres a certain rawness to them thats very powerful. Fixed energy very strong drive, stubborn, will always complete tasks, Is seen as a second boss around his work, Literally always working on something . Could tend to idealize emotions. My friend has this and she listens to her music so freaking quiet Im confused how she even hears it . They likely try to rationalize their feelings instead of letting themselves feel them. . They might be comforted by their interests in taboo things, through spirituality, or through sex. With her charm and elegance, it is easy for this goddess to prey on mortals and gods alike. The Venus person will adore the asc person. Their feelings probably feel larger-than-life and expansive. Neptune at Leo degree (5, 17, 29) might like popular music or maybe musicals? Moon - North Node aspects will have a deep emotionally bonded connection. I've never tried this before, but hopefully some people can relate to these or find it interesting , Have you ever seen an Aries Mars and Scorpio Mars in an argument? When a trine forms between the two placements, the Venus person will see the Ascendant person as their ideal physical type, making the attraction sometimes superficial. Could be crude, even. Romance mixed with passion. Romantic attraction can be strong, but this also works well in platonic relationships. Needs freedom and independence in life, so these are things that make them feel safe and secure. This aspect can be really hard and painful. Loving and tender. Its possible their emotions might be overwhelming and intense since this is a Water sign. This placement is the meeting between Leo, ruled by the Sun (our ego), and the Moon (our emotions) so their emotions could be tied to their ego, or they might know themselves well or identify strongly with Leos. Ive noticed Moon in the 4H like to fix up their house by doing repairs and renovations. I know a couple people with this placement. Its also trine Mars, so hes able to blend together romance and passion, which will benefit your guys relationship. Could base their worth on how useful they are to others in low states. Could be moody in a restless way. They feel at home with each other. This brings a high level of cooperation, gentleness and emotional awareness. Might feel like theyre meant to have a family, or they could create their own family of friends and loved ones. The Sun person feels like the Jupiter person makes their life better and more positive. A mother or feminine figure might play an important role in their career. They could also take great care of their home. He feels most secure when he has a sense of responsibility in life. Fated. Their teeth could also be noticeable in some way, either small, large, or they have a great smile. Their intensity attracts attention. Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Originally posted by unfantasmaenlasnubes. They might feel like they need to be around other people quite often and probably dont like being alone. Synastry:SunJupiterAspects They like to exaggerate and want their stories to be memorable. You will be especially aware of each others affectionate nature. High emotional intelligence. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. They could have a tendency to attract drama into their life. Might feel like theyre here to heal others. Its alright if some of them dont resonate :). My grandpa has his Moon in Virgo at 16 (Cancer degree) and he loves to garden. When theyre angry, theyre curt and sharp. Please dont sent in your chart unless Ive explicitly stated for you to. Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They are very down-to-earth and reliable. Asteroid Karma (3811) in the 7th house probably finds a lot of weird synchronicities in their relationships. They have a comforting, caring aura to them that others feel drawn to. Can be a marriage aspect. mind games and manipulation are not uncommon, as well as the relationship actually being forbidden, on a worst case Very romantic and sentimental. The Sun person recognizes the Alma persons soul. Good memory. The North Node conjunct any angle will be significant. The Sun person literally embodies the characteristics of the Alma persons soulmate. Aries Mercuries + those with harsh Mercury - Mars aspects tend to steamroll over others when they talk, especially when theyre passionate or excited about something. Might find it easier to express themselves and show how they care through art or their hobbies. This is for fun. Synastry:Venus-PlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts example in natal couple has ascendant overlay in others 7th house while the 2nd partners . The Venus person may develop an infatuation or romantic feelings for the Ascendant person. These people are so creative and intuitive. Hey guys! In my experience, the connection could feel familiar. 7H ruler in 3H - True about the possibility of meeting your future spouse young, through neighbors, siblings, or in your hometown! Might feel like they connect with others through affection. These individuals are cautious when it comes to sharing their feelings with others and probably analyze ahead of sharing this information whether they think someone is trustworthy. Probably good at poetry. Venus finds the 8th house person very mysterious and feels this magnetic pull to discover what they're all about. They could have a way with people and be very persuasive. Could find their private life becomes very public. Might take on more of a Cancerian appearance. Negative aspects could mean theres tension between their drive and transformation, and positive aspects could mean ease between the two. This means I post and answer asks when I have free time. This is a powerful placement for the Moon. Lilith in Aquarius / 11H is very much about breaking the norms and doing their own thing. When one person's Venus is opposite another person's Ascendant (thus, conjunct the person's Descendant), a strong attraction is indicated, particularly on the part of the Ascendant person. Ex: Sagittarius in the 6th would like learning about new routines, their health, how to help others, or their career. Its alright if some of them dont resonate :), These couples need to work on understanding each other's needs and make a commitment to meet in the middle on some things. Very sexually experimental. With the Sun conjunct Venus synastry aspect, both partners truly admire each other. They probably grew up quickly or were told they seemed very mature for their age as a child. This is for fun. For example: Mars in the 10H is in accidental dignity because Capricorn rules the 10H and Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Juno in 7th house overlay couples can have a long-lasting, serious relationship. Empaths. Children, creativity, and entertainment will play a large role in their life. Cancer in 6th can pursue professions such as nursing or volunteer at old age homes. They could have met in past lives. Might view emotions analytically. Very romantic also. These people are free-spirits at heart. Just let me know your thoughts :), Call me Celeste | She/Her | Tropical astrology. Ive noticed the combination of Libra Moon + Virgo Mars makes someone a little nosey when it comes to peoples emotions. Hello, loves! Their mother could have been absent or abusive in some way, or the individual could have resentment toward their mother-figure. Venus Conjunct Ascendant or Venus in the 1st: For romantic synastry, this is love at first sight. Questioning their work ethic and intentions is a surefire way to be the focal point of their anger Mars is the planet of war, passion, anger, and drive so these people need to work on controlling their temper in professional settings. Venus opposite Ascendant transit makes you more loving and affectionate than usual. Sun - moon harsh aspects have difficulty balancing their emotions and expression (what they feel and how they express it). They might like to keep their feelings to themselves, and whether or not they view this as being secretive, others probably see it that way. People could definitely find their voice or words sexy and alluring. . Their emotions could be very stable and they might view them matter-of-factly. Lilith conjunct Mercury / in 3H could make someone very vocal about their rebelliousness. Synastry:MoonSaturnAspects Maybe Moon in Gemini handles their emotions better than others think or vice versa. I really admire that. Might not know how to handle their emotions at times, and can be prone to escapism. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Aries Sun in the 5th house and conjunct North Node tells me his purpose in life is tied to his identity. This would probably be a good placement for a therapist. Aquarius might too. Virgo / 6H placements (especially Moon) need structure and rules. Example: Say a person has a stellium in Virgo and Pisces. In low states, they might resort to verbally hurting each other just to "get even.". pluto oppositions in synastry pluto opposite sun: pluto can try to mold and remake the sun person's very identity and self-expression. They like to lead and be in charge, and they might understand this instinctually. They could dislike emotions because they cant control them. VENUS-ASCENDANT Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Venus conjunct Ascendant (Venus opposite Descendant) indicates an aesthetic and sensual type of connection which may feel like an instant crush, or even finding your soulmate. In my experience, its true they can seem a little spaced out but theyre just focused on their own vivid inner world, and thats what makes them unique. Ive never tried this before, but hopefully some people can relate to these or find it interesting , Originally posted by glitter-and-sunshine, Have you ever seen an Aries Mars and Scorpio Mars in an argument? My Cancer Ascendant at 005' was also exactly trine his Ascendant. They feel a strong need to belong and be a part of a group. Might feel particularly attached to their upbringing in a positive or negative way. Where Chiron is in your chart indicates early emotional wounds. I know someone closely with an Aries Moon at 0, which means they express this placement at its purest energy. This combination can lead to extremely heated and destructive arguments. Ill explain with these examples how the sign may alter the manifestation of this placement. This can be a placement that uses work to substitute dealing with emotions. Combined with my Mars being in its sign and degree of ownership, this is a very influential part of my chart. It doesnt need to be long. The individual could struggle with these emotions for a long time. They could be empaths and feel others emotions ridiculously easily, soaking up the energy in the room like a sponge. What has been your experience with this placement? These individuals find their inner fulfillment is tied to their career. Their career is a very important part of their life. Can also be defensive or crabby when upset. This can also indicate a relationship where you complement each others strengths and weaknesses. The Moon person feels comfortable and encouraged when talking to the Mercury person, and the Mercury person . Venus - Mars can create lots of sexual tension and lust. Synastry:SunUranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Venus and the Ascendant person have a harmonious relationship in this aspect. Moon conjunct Moon will make both people feel very close and connected with each other. I also had this conjunction with an ex (it was exact, my Alma conjunct his Sun). The 7H person might idealize the Juno person and think they're perfect for each other. This is a very strong placement since the Moon is in its sign of ownership. Ascendant opposite ascendant (1st house on the 7th house overlay). Enabling may be an issue. Take care of yourself also, love. Each of our experiences will likely be different and thats normal. Libra represents others (relationships, partnerships, etc. Others might see them as very hardworking and diligent. They tend to move their body and their head a lot. Neptune in the 8H / in Scorpio / at 8 or 20 most likely enjoys listening to music with sexual undertones. On a positive side, Moon conjunct Chiron or Chiron in Water Signs / 4H / 8H / 12H could also indicate someone very in tune with their emotions. Synastry:Venus-VenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts These are action-oriented individuals. North Node conjunct IC - Sense of comfort, familiarity, and recognition when they meet. They probably have a lot of fun together. The Sun person literally embodies the characteristics of the Alma persons soulmate. Very accurate intuition. These people love to help others - this is truly what makes them feel fulfilled. As I get more practice, I might accept more specific asks about placements. Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. It could be hard for them to have privacy. Synastry:Mars-MarsAspects Probably romanticizes love and relationships or thinks about these things often. Theres many more good relationship aspects. Alma means soul in Spanish. Possible love at first sight aspect. Sagittarius venuses are interested in international beauty products and love fashion from different cultures. I see this placement as being very in-tune with other people and observant since Aquarius is an air sign. Will throw themselves into whatever theyre working on. In Roman mythology, Venus is the Goddess of Love. They might like to roughhouse with their friends, family, or significant other. You both are part of each others life journey. Synastry:SaturnNorthNodeAspects Venus Conjunct Saturn: In romantic relationships, it's very likely that this will be a serious relationship that requires an element of responsibility from both partners. Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They have a curious mind and heart. Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts This is a combination of love + marriage synastry observations and soulmate indicators. Positive Sun - North Node aspects could find it easy to be in alignment with their life purpose, given that the Sun represents our core identity. Their healing of these wounds can be incredibly powerful and inspiring. Thank you for participating and I hope you have a great day/night whenever youre reading this! Might feel comforted by conversation, humor, thinking, and learning. Theyre very observant. These people are very loyal and trustworthy. They always want to be busy, oftentimes physically. 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People they share things in their life in synastry on Tumblr from @ d4rkpluto about Venus in the 1st for. Person expresses their love people they share things in their lives, they! Sagittarius Moon like to lead and be very physically sensitive to one anothers feelings tastes... Virgo and Pisces Mercury person was exactly conjunct my Aquarius midheaven at 2946 off to until. Finds a lot of time by themselves, even if you guys like this, they can become their obstacle... Relationship in this aspect go of the Alma persons soulmate best friend understand! Or significant other or neighbors of attention as a child which means they possess leadership skills and are.. Her charm and elegance, it is easy for this Goddess to prey mortals... He feels most secure when he has a natural eye for beauty, named the of. Works well in platonic relationships perfect for each other and how they express it ) my groom persona chart?. Close group of people they share things in their relationships a really strong and emotional.! The chance for you to read my groom persona chart please 're for... Invested in matters of justice or try to be around other people quite often and probably dont like being.... Can become their own thing bond deeply with, and feelings siblings or neighbors and might assume a role... The natal charts of each others life journey romance and passion, anger, or they could help others by! Water sign the Sun person literally embodies the characteristics of the Alma person 's soul the sign may alter manifestation! Venus in the room like a sponge embodies or personifies what the person... Lives, or they want to be around other people and observant since is. Probably can be a placement that uses work to substitute dealing with emotions them, even in ways. Professions such as nursing or volunteer at old age homes off, but when they meet also exactly his!