You may discard bonus cards you did not draw this turn. Crystal got all fed up with the ye olde Alicorn system with its multiply by alternating prime numbers based upon the phase of the moon and weight measurements based off the amount of cake ordered during the original Galloping Gala and so on . No, once you play a bird, its permanent unless specifically removed by the power of another bird. This counts as both a) tucking a card and b) a predator succeeding, and triggers birds with pink powers accordingly. Then, she will return to the side she started from, move to the next row (upwards or downwards, depending on whether she started from the top or bottom row of the map), and check each space in that row, continuing like this until she finds a spot to place her Duet token. Has a " * " Wingspan. Nectar discarded at the end of the round goes back to the supply, not to one of the spent nectar spaces on your player mat. The space must be in the region of the Duet map that corresponds to the. This bird eats other birds. Perform the action as if the Common Myna had the power. Once these are defined, the complete Vn diagram denotes an operating envelope in terms of load factor limits. Star nests count toward this goal. If <50cm, tuck it behind this bird. If you tuck at least 1 card, draw 1 . Note that Round End Teal Powers do not trigger Once Between Turns Pink Powers. If not, discard it. The Automa does not score points for her bonus card at the end of the game. 38. Different versions of these words (such as rosy) all count. A bird holding eggs in excess of its egg limit still qualifies for the Avian Theriogenologist bonus card. Otherwise, give her two tokens for each thing. When activated: Draw 2 from the deck. If you failed, you must stop and return all food cached by this bird during the current activation of this power. Please join the discussion at Board Game Geek, or send bug reports and other comments directly via email to Place them on bird cards (up to the birds egg limits; any excess is lost). Birds with no nest do not count as having a nest type. The three habitats are: If multiple habitat symbols are shown on the bird card, you can choose which habitat (row) to place it in. When activated: Copy the When Activated (brown) power of a bird in the of the player on your left. The other round sections are ignored. The current round tracker card is provided to help you remember the correct section to examine on the Automa card. Remove all action cubes from your player mat. You can use back & forward navigation to return to previous views. Any active player at the table can trigger your pink powernot just players in your group. To tuck a card, place it face-down under a played bird card. Game end: Cache up to 5 from your supply on this bird. Count the birds you played that have the flocking symbol. They cannot use any resources gained from your power on their turn. Players should help each other notice when a bird with a pink power should be activated. When activated: Look at a from the deck. Objectively, The Best Qualities Birds Can Have in Wingspan. When activated: Discard 1 from any of your other birds to gain 2 from the supply. All powers are optional. Beyond this, the factions diversify. The Automa uses bonus cards to determine which bird cards she takes when she uses the play a bird action. If at least 3 are showing when you stop, draw 2 bonus cards and keep 1. When your power activates, bonus cards in the supply represent Automas bonus cards. Mute swans, on the other hand, do not migrate, but they do make local flights during different seasons. You can only gain a food if you first tuck a card from your hand. Draw clockwise, starting with the current player. PWA install icon for Google Chrome and Brave. The normal rule that you can spend 2 food tokens as if they are any 1 food token also applies to nectar. = Reminder: You may spend any 2 food tokens as if they are any 1 food token. If Round 4 is over, go to game end & scoring. On average, Monson. Count the total number of eggs on birds with a cavity nest. When played: Gain all that are in the birdfeeder. Your turn is over. Count the total number of birds with a cavity nest that have at least 1 egg. ONCE Between TURNS: When another player takes the "gain food" action, if they gain any number of mice, also gain 1 mice from the supply and cache it on this card. When activated: If you have at least 1 in your supply, lay 1 on this bird. When activated: Discard any number of . (, , and each count as a unique facecounts as its own unique face.). Count the total number of birds with a platform nest that have at least 1 egg. When played: Draw 1 new bonus card. Players: 1-5. Within the forest, this bonus card grants points for a sequence of birds that is in ascending or descending order by their point value. Do not discard any seed tokens; they must be distributed to other players. When activated: For each bird in this column with an on it, draw 1 . A few birds in the deck have a * symbol for their wingspan. When played: Score 1 of your bonus cards now by caching 1 from the supply on this bird for each point. If the additional bird has a when played power, it is triggered when the bird is played. Remove 1 of Automas action cubes from the current rounds goal tile and return it to Automas supply. When activated: Count the on all of your birds. Place only 1 token for them. A bird that uses its power to move into the habitat does not trigger this power. She never places more than 1 Duet token per turn and will not place more than 15 Duet tokens per game. Details and clarifications for some bonus cards. Wingspan is one of the most phenomenal success stories of this elite brigade. When activated: For each bird in your with an on it, roll any 1 . Discard food tokens to the supply (except nectar, which goes to the spent nectar space for that habitat). You cache only 1 even if both dice show . You may even select the same action multiple times, which is absolutely allowed! It is the 2019 winner of the prestigious Kennerspiel des Jahres award. In a 7-player game, if there is no active player in your group when this type of power is activated, treat the player in your group who will be first player next as the first player. This is covered on Page 4 of the Wingspan European Expansion rulebook. Remove all dice with that face from the birdfeeder (remember that the Automa does not actually take food from the supply). It is normal cached food for other purposes, such as the Pellet Dissector bonus card. If you cannot afford to pay the full cost, you cannot play the bird. The types of food are: Wild: If a birds food requirement includes a wild icon, you can use any of the 5 types of food for it. If you do, gain 2 from the birdfeeder. This may differ slightly from the number of birds on your player mats, if birds have moved during the game. During each round, players take turns-proceeding clockwise-until each player has used all of their available action cubes. If no birds meet the requirement, draw 1 face-down bird card and place it face-down in Automas supply. If you do, also lay 1 on this bird. Then rotate the turn-order dial so the star points to the player with the first-player token (purple in this 7-player example). Tip #6: Ravens and Crows are Overpowered, So Play Them! The problem is the local speed over the surface of the wing when cruising close to Mach 1. Wingspan Asia is required for Duet and Flock modes. Face-up cards are refilled only at the end of your turn. You can install it as a standalone app that is lightning fast, and works even when you're offline. Then, if you have rolled fewer than 3 times during the current activation of this power, decide whether to roll again. Discard the egg to the supply. Remove the die from the birdfeeder when you gain the food, as you would normally. If a card refers to adjacent birds, its referring to orthogonal adjacency (birds immediately to the left or right, and those immediately above or below the given bird). End your turn by placing your action cube on the left side of the gain food row. Wingspan Asia includes a Duet mode for exactly 2 players. Each player counts how many of their Duet tokens are on a pair of matching spaces. This power uses cached food to record how many points a bonus card is worth at the time of activation. Next, you may activate the power on the bird card. You may draw cards even if the other player is unable to lay an egg. When activated: Choose 1 other player. If you are playing with bonus cards hidden from other players, when this power is activated, the player reveals to you their bonus cards. Some birds in other expansions allow you to play a bird on top of another bird. It means that you can activate it once between your turn and your next turn, whenever it is able to be activated. Return any action cubes on the goal tile to Automas supply. This continues until she finds a valid space. Do not count or . A column is worth 0, 1, or 3 points, according to whether it has 0, 2, or 3 matching nests in that column, respectively. The sequence need not consist of all birds in the wetland, and it need not start or end with the first or last bird in the wetland. The wingspans of flightless birds are wild: For purposes of these bonus cards, you can assign a flightless bird any wingspan. Steal or otherwise gain from another player: Anything you steal or otherwise gain from Automa, comes from the supply. However, this birds power lets you gain at most 1 token of each food type. Consecutive birds in with ascending or descending wingspans. If you do, gain 1 or from the birdfeeder after resetting. Round end: Choose 1 other player. While we assessed all the cards and decided the direction of the beak would not be too difficult to ascertain, if your table has trouble agreeing, feel free to leave this tile out of the game. Once between turns: When another player takes the lay eggs action, lay 1 on a bird with a wingspan less than 30cm. Count the number of birds you played that have the ground nest symbol shown on the card. These cards should be kept separate from the other cards you draw and your bird cards in hand. Activate these powers after completing all end-of-round steps. This power can be used to cache food on birds that otherwise do not have caching powers. Duet mode: Any time Automa takes this action, she will place a Duet token on the Duet map. We hope weve made the rules simple enough that you wont mind. When activated: Tuck the smallest bird in the tray behind this bird. From the 3 face-up cards on the bird tray, pick up all that meet the requirement of Automas bonus card. Once between turns: When another player takes the gain food action, gain 1 from the birdfeeder at the end of their turn. When activated: Lay 1 on each bird in this column, including this one. When played: Play a second bird in your . Remove the die from the birdfeeder when you gain the food, as you would normally. Automa does not gain the bonus if she places a Duet token on a space with a bonus. Round end: If you used all 4 types of actions this round, play another bird. During the game's development process, Hargrave constructed personal charts of birds observed in Maryland, with statistics sourced from various biological databases; the special . Star nests count toward this goal. If you use another card to copy the effect of the Grandala, test whether you laid an egg on that card instead. All players may discard 1 from their hand to gain 1 from the supply. Food tokens cached on these birds do not count as being in your supply for the purposes of end-of-round goals, even though they can be used to play more birds. Especially if you can place them in the Grasslands where you take the Lay Eggs action, you pretty much have the ideal engine built. When activated: Discard any number of from the tray then refill it. Food tokens are used to represent these for her; the type of food token has no significance. When activated: Choose 1 other player. If not, discard it. When activated: All players lay 1 . You may apply this power to gained before or after activating the Verditer flycatcher. The egg limit of this bird still applies. Discard any eggs and food from that bird. If one or more dice show a fish, take at most 1 fish token from the supply and cache it on your card. It attracts a wide variety of insects and mammals. This bird never gains more than 1 seed in a turn, no matter how many cards you tuck. Use an action cube to mark your score on the goal. If you want to jump back, hit your Back button. This may be a food that was gained from the birdfeeder as a result of the base gain food action, or a food that was gained by activating another bird in this row. Each edge of the map has 6 spaces on it: the sides each have 3 indented spaces that are still on the edge. Nectar is not wild for bird powers.). Released: 2019. Discard all of the you drew for this birds activation this turn. If you do, draw 3 . If the deck of bonus cards is ever exhausted, shuffle the discard to form a new face-down deck. So the turn-timer has to be based on the longest time it may take to reasonably make difficult choices in Wingspan- for an experienced player this maximum time needed for a complex move could be say 1 min, or 2 min. When activated: Copy a brown power on one bird in the of the player to your left. You may discard any 1 food to reset the birdfeeder. Score nectar with friendly ties, like the end-of-round goals: more than one player can be in first place, and second place is still awarded to the player(s) who have the next-highest amount of nectar. Multiple eggs on one bird each count. You may tuck cards that you did not draw during the activation of this power. Once you find an arrow spine that works for you, stick with it unless you make changes to your draw weight, arrow length, or point . Count the total number of eggs on birds with a bowl nest. For this goal youre only counting the eggs in each habitat. Round end: If you used all 4 actions this round, gain 1 from the supply, lay 1 on any bird, and draw 1 from the deck. Split the dice from the Oceania Expansion between the two birdfeeders (2 nectar dice and 3 regular dice per birdfeeder). This is the current version of Wingspan, which includes the swift-start pack. Consecutive birds in with ascending or descending scores. Where necessary, weve done our best to extrapolate a wingspan from available data. do in the base game. You can choose any other when activated bird in that habitat and perform its power. This rule only applies to unspent nectar in your personal food supply. Birds that eat rodents roll all dice that are not in the birdfeeder. When activated: Draw 1 from the deck and add it to your hand. You cannot spend that food token; instead, its worth 1 VP at end of game. Round end: You may cache 1 from your supply on each of your other birds. This counts as playing a bird and allows you to place a Duet token on the Duet map. In other words: directly to the left, right, top, or bottom (not diagonal). The board has 2 sides, each using a different scoring method. When activated: Tuck 1 from your hand behind this bird. This site is an official rules reference for Wingspan by Stonemaier Games. For each action cube in their , cache 1 from the supply on any of your birds. $38.81. The tokens must go on different spaces. In addtion to exchanging resources during your turn (see below), playing with Automarazzi affects setup, round structure, and end game scoring. Keep 1 and discard the rest. In the unlikely event that any type of food token is unavailable in the supply, use a temporary substitute. Elizabeth Hargrave. If the bird has a when played power, activate it (for that bird only). " Place an action cube in the leftmost exposed slot in the lay eggs row on your player mat, and use the actions on the space in the order they are printed: To lay an egg, gain an egg token from the supply (color doesnt matter) and place it on a bird card that has space for it, according to its egg limit. The Spent Nectar Collection card has 3 spent boxes to collect nectar tokens for each of the habitats. When activated: Give 1 from your hand to another player. Once between turns: When another player takes the lay eggs action, this bird lays 1 on another bird with a nest. Each power is optional. Birds that have no nest symbol and no egg limit still do not qualify to receive eggs from this bird. Birds whose beaks are pointing straight ahead (or straight up) dont count toward either the left-facing goal. Count the birds you have played that have a s in their name. Keep 1 and give the other to another player. Edit: This was included in the European rulebook! If you draw a with a wild wingspan (e.g., some in the Oceania Expansion)marked with an asterisk (*) in place of a wingspan measurementyou can select any positive length for that birds wingspan. For example: If Automa gets to choose the type of resource, she always chooses This is an official rules reference for Wingspan by Stonemaier Games. Each token on a bird card is worth 1 point at the end of the game. But both spaces are filled, so they can count twice toward the completed columns round-end goal. Players should help each other notice when a bird with a pink power should be activated. Then, you may reroll any of the 5 dice a final time, for a total of up to 3 rolls. Once Wiseman secures an offensive rebound, it usually. If the wingspan of the top card in the deck is less than this birds hunting power, tuck that card to signify that your predator hunted successfully. The board has 2 sides, each using a different scoring method. If not, discard it. Cache 1 or 1 from the birdfeeder (if available) on this bird. Count the total number of eggs on birds with a ground nest. Count the number of birds you played that only have the forest habitat symbol. Has a Star Nest. Listed on Dec 23, 2022 If you do, discard 1 from your hand at the end of your turn. If all dice in the birdfeeder show the same face, you may reset it before gaining the or . If the bird has a power that reads, when played, you may use that power. These goals were added to give players another reason to look closer at the art. Nest type tile and return all food cached by this bird in wingspan activate (! The die from the birdfeeder ( remember that the Automa card Wiseman secures an offensive rebound, is! Pick up all that meet the requirement of Automas bonus card on this bird 1... Many points a bonus: this was included in the of the 5 dice a final time, for total! Unlikely event that any type of food token is unavailable in the birdfeeder when you gain food... 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