Austrian authors Peter Krassa and Rainer Habeck brought the hypothesis to worldwide attention when they published a book based on the Dendera reliefs titled ‘Das Licht der Pharaonen. You may change your settings at any time. If the ancient Egyptians had electricity, it would explain why so many ancient carvings seem to depict giant light bulbs. Egypt pyramid SHOCK: Ancient Egyptians 'used ELECTRICITY' to build iconic structures ANCIENT Egyptians had batteries and lamps, according to wild claims the pyramids were built as a … As researchers compared and studied the depictions comparing the different types of bulbs they reached a conclusion: the ancient Egyptians had working light bulbs achieved by what is called “Crookes tubes.” “When the tube [Crookes] is in operation, the beam is created where the power cord enters the cathode tube at the opposite end. Two “Dendera lights”, one held up by Ptah and the other by a Djed pillar. In the temple of Hathor at Dendera, several dozens of kilometers north of Luxor, there are reliefs interpreted by so… James and Theophile Obenga that the Ancient Egyptians had a philosophy of the atom. Thus the inscriptions represented the myth which was being celebrated. More. Another panel shows the bulb opening into a lotus blossom and the snake standing erect in the centre as a representation of the god Ihy. They were thought to house the most valuable of the temple statues and objects including the “ba” of Hathor, used during ritual processions at New Year. did ancient egyptians possessed the knowledge of electric light bulbs over 3,000 years before thomas edison? Dating back 11,000 years - with a coded message left by ancient man from the Mesolithic Age - the Shigir Idol is almost three times as old as the Egyptian pyramids. Now it is much easier to see how many symbols in the so-called Dendera light are actually linked with Egyptian mythology. Inside the “bulbs” a snake forms a wavy line from a lotus flower (the socket of the bulb). I have to admit i was surprised to see people actually claiming that it was a light bulb. In an English translation of an excerpt from the book, Garn is quoted as saying: “If we evacuate a glass bulb with two metal parts reaching into it (B), (C), we can see a discharge at much lower levels, depending on the size of the glass balloon (D). The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. The name "Dendera lamp" is named after the fringe theories; the name wasn't chosen because there's any actual lamp.There isn't. Number 8 is not a hieroglyphic depiction of the ancient light bulb makes it evident that ancient Egyptians had developed the technology of how to generate electricity and work with electric light bulb. A Norwegian electrical engineer was the first to propose that this image depicted an electrical lamp. This is exactly what we see in on the pictures in the subterranean chambers of the Hathor sanctuary.”. This is a hieroglyph which displays evidence of an ancient Egyptian light bulb. The baboon was apparently a warning that the device could be dangerous if not used correctly. The inscriptions around the reliefs clearly suggest this is not evidence of ancient Egyptian technology. Hieroglyphs depict the ancient Egyptians using electricity with a light bulb....but how could electricity have existed over 4000 years ago? Source: Ioannis Syrigos, Blue Knight Productions (2001-2015) ‘The Ancients: Ancient Electricity Part Three – The Experimental Evidence.’ Blue Knight Productions. If-as evolutionist archaeologists maintain-they used burning torches and oil lamps for lighting, then traces of soot would inevitably have been left behind. Available at:, Mingren, W. (2017) ‘The Magnificent Temple of Hathor, Goddess of Love: Best Preserved Temple in all of Egypt.’ Ancient Origins. It was discovered in modern Khujut Rabu, Iraq, close to the metropolis of Ctesiphon, the capital of the Parthian (150 BC – 223 AD) and Sasanian (224–650 AD) empires of Persia, and it is believed to date from either of these periods. This indicates that the architects went to some effort to allow the production of fine quality carving indicating that the scenes were of ritual or religious significance. Many myths have cropped up in the centuries since Columbus landed upon the shores of Hispaniola. In response to these points, some proponents of the Dendera light hypothesis have claimed that the rituals around the use of electric lights would have been conducted in secret ceremonies undertaken by the ancient priests near New Year/creation-related celebrations. (Ioannis Syrigos). This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Your choices will not impact your visit. Reliefs in the Ancient Egyptian temple complex of Dendera show bulb-shaped objects with "wire filaments" running through them. What did the ancient sophisticated civilizations used? There is even more we can see just but analyzing this controversial image with a knowledge of ancient Egyptian myths. Although we still cannot accurately predict earthquakes, we have come a long way in detecting, recording, and measuring seismic shocks. 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? Paleo rock art from around the world ranges in style, method, and age, and includes cave paintings, petroglyphs, pictographs, polished and engraved stones such as effigies, stone sculptures, and portable ceremonial objects. Hochtechnologie und elektrischer Strom im alten Ägypten’ (Light of the Pharaohs. Messiah on Temple Mount: Are We Nearing the End of Time? In the most popular representation of the so-called Dendera light a priest is shown holding up the “lamp” and a few smaller figures are seen below it. In Egypt you had different areas of specialty and Dendera was the area where the knowledge of the light-giving source was kept, and this secret knowledge was kept by the high priests. The Dendera bulbs are all supported by the deities, which also signifies the origin of the eternal light. And during which period of Egyptian history did he live? The Egyptian pictures show bulb-like devices with filament wires, a holder, and current wires. We do not know the exact origin of the Djed pillar, but its hieroglyphic meaning (“enduring” or “stability” and sometimes “column”) is not doubted. Known as ‘nuraghe’, these are the primary ancient megaliths on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, and one of the most complete is the Nuraghe Palmavera, Giants were here. Did the Ancient Egyptians who designated this script brought their deceased out to the fields where they witnessed flying orbs or saucer shaped aerial objects? The Dendera Light Bulb claim. The Conventional Explanation. ... Our bodies respond to electricity and magnetic fields. At the southern end of the temple there are five subterranean crypts. On the southern wall of the last room, a falcon, preceded by a snake emerges from a lotus blossom within a boat. Of course, the myths have nothing to say regarding light bulbs, and there is no evidence to substantiate their use from Egyptian remains or text. Still doesn’t explain the total lack of ancient evidence of fossil-fuel lamps in tombs. The arguments put forward is that in the deepest recesses of the freshly-opened tombs, there are no evidences of soot marks on ceilings. Could this be proof that the Ark of the Covenant produced electric power? This is fairly damning as the building of huge stone monuments required the maintenance of detailed and thorough accounts, yet there is no record of any electric devices or the movement of raw materials to create them. One piece of evidence that Ancient Egyptians may have used electricity is the absence of any traces of soot on the interior walls of their tombs and pyramids. How Did the Egyptians Bore Through Granite? According to one myth, Ihy sprung into existence out of a lotus flower which blossomed in the watery abyss of Nun at dawn at the beginning of every year. Today, we know it as Dendera. While it is possible that there are some aspects of the reliefs in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera that are missing in the interpretations we have today, we cannot disregard the inscriptions and the accompanying story that we can see playing out in the vignettes. If we evacuate further, the light filament grows wider until it fills the whole glass balloon. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. He reported that he had met up in. A two-armed Djed pillar is also shown with the “bulb” and the hands are apparently connected to the snake/cord inside. Available at:, Reese, M R (2014) ‘The sacred symbol of the Djed pillar.’ Ancient Origins. One of the figures appears to be directing the “lightbulb” upwards. Sylvie Caulville worked extensively on the inscriptions in the temple. However, the “cable” is attached to what proponents describe as a “socket”, but is in fact a lotus flower. In “The Eyes of the Sphinx”, Erich Von Daniken suggested that the snake represented the filament, the djed pillar was an insulator, and the tube was in fact an ancient electric light bulb. Saved by Robyn Dubbert. Amazing hieroglyphics in an Egyptian temple seem to depict ancient light bulbs. In conclusion all the reasons that Ancient Aliens says light bulbs existed in ancient Egypt such as no soot in tombs or not enough oxygen are easily dismissed false dilemmas. (9) Ancient Egypt - Unconfirmed electroplated objects were reportedly found in Egypt by the 19th Century French Archaeologist August Mariette. A … (Ioannis Syrigos). 48 . Who was the king who appointed Joseph, of the legendary coat of many colors, as his minister? Beneath the Temple of Hathor at Dendera there are inscriptions depicting a bulb-like object which some have suggested is reminiscent of a “Crookes tube” (an early lightbulb). (2016) ‘Zep Tepi and the Djed Mystery: Backbone of Osiris - Part I.’ Ancient Origins. (2010) ‘Dendera Temple Complex.’ Ancient Egypt Online. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. How about a "Books and Literature" forum? This is extreamly interesting, and I think I might go look for this book. We also know that a snake in a bubble was used in later depictions to represent Atum-Ra. The snake appears in a similar curl pattern to that of modern light bulb filaments. They do not store any information about you other than that which is strictly required for navigation and function, and I have no aceess to any of the data. Could this be proof that the Ark of the Covenant produced electric power? The parting of the Red Sea. I saw a show about ufo's and ancient civilizations a few days ago, and that carving came up.. Whatever the meaning behind the Dendera reliefs, they continue to draw in crowds from around the world, who are eager to catch a glimpse of the unusual and controversial carvings at one of Egypt’s most amazing sites. A cookie which helps me track how many visitors come to my site and what pages they look at. These show that the ancient Egyptians obtained lighting by using bulbs and the arc light technique. She suggested that in the carvings, Hor-sema-tawy (or Harsomptus “Horus the uniter of the two lands”) is depicted as a serpent, a falcon, and as a child (Ihy the son of Hathor and Horus of Behedet). Ancient Egyptian Light Bulb Facts or more likely Fiction Some people claim that lighting in ancient Egypt was provided using the classic bulbs we employ today. In contrast to the mainstream interpretation, a fringe hypothesis proposes that the reliefs depict ancient Egyptian electrical technology, based on comparison to similar modern devices (such as Geissler tubes, Crookes tubes, and arc lamps). Religion Isn’t The Enemy of Science: It’s Been Inspiring Scientists for Centuries, The ‘Dynastic Race’ and the Biblical ‘Japheth’ – Part I: After the Deluge, Petroglyphic Features of Portable Rock Art, The Northern Mysteries Current: Futhark and Mystery Schools of the Viking Age, Floki and the Viking Discovery of Iceland. Could this be proof that the Ark of the Covenant produced electric power? The bubble or essence around the snake may represent the emergence of the universe out of nothingness. If you where to cover the "crown" of the so called light bulb in the carving, you would never say it looked like a light bulb. In the temple of Dendara, one of the most secretive complexes of ancient Egypt, there lies some fascinating hieroglyphic pictures on the that uncannily point to the egyptians using electricity. 2,500 - 2,000 BC - The oldest example of the use of electricity is the Copper Vases, electroplated with silver were once to be found in the Baghdad museum. Thank you. In the temple of Dendara, one of the most secretive complexes of ancient Egypt, there lies some fascinating hieroglyphic pictures on the that uncannily point to the egyptians using electricity. The idea that the ancient Egyptians used electricity is something that is not even hinted at anywhere else in the Egyptian records. Is the Denderah Light Bulb proof the Egyptians understood electricity? An impressive hypothesis has been present when it comes to Ancient Egypt as a growing number of researchers argue that we should no longer accept the popular version of who actually invented electricity. The image known as the Dendera light is found on three stone reliefs in the temple and, at first glance, could be construed as a bulb similar to a Crookes tube, with a lotus “socket” at one end, a “cable” traveling underneath, and a snake-shaped cord “filament” inside. Top Image: The so-called Dendera light, relief in the Temple of Hathor, Dendera, Egypt. The arc lamp used in the Lighthouse of Alexandria is further evidence that electricity might have been used in ancient Egypt. According to the texts written on the walls, we know that the kiosk consisted of a gold base surmounted by a gold roof supported by four gold posts, covered on all four sides by linen curtains hung from copper rods. Many researchers in history have brought evidences forward that challenge or even destroy orthodox beliefs. Available at:, Egyptian Myths (2019) ‘Lotus.’ Ancient Egypt: The Mythology. The Dendera light is a motif carved as a set of stone reliefs in the Hathor temple at Dendera in Egypt, which superficially resemble modern electric lighting devices. Is it evidence of an ancient Egyptian electric device? It is one of the best preserved temples, if not the best, in all Egypt. by Frank Dörnenburg It is a widespread belief in alternative science that our forefathers possessed a much greater technological knowledge than our schoolbook science is willing to accept. Ancient Egypt Illuminated by Electricity? Norimitsu Odachi: Who Could Have Possibly Wielded This Enormous 15th Century Japanese Sword? The Baghdad Battery or Parthian Battery is a set of three artifacts which were found together: a ceramic pot, a tube of copper, and a rod of iron. Using the same Dendera image, York says in another book, "Proof that the Ancient Egyptians had electricity in this carving on one temple wall showing Egyptians holding light bulbs". Available at:, Hill, J. Top 15 Interesting Facts About Ancient Egypt That You May Not Know,,,,,,,,,,, A Mysterious Mummy in Cairo: The Surprising True Identity of Joseph with the Coat of Many Colors, Mysterious Artifacts Found in Ancient Inca Cemetery in Ecuador, The Holly and the Mistletoe: Ancient Roots of Christmas Symbols, 1,200-Year-Old Telephone, Amazing Invention of the Ancient Chimu Civilization, Beaver's teeth 'used to carve the oldest wooden statue in the world’. The Last of the Siberian Unicorns: What Happened to the Mammoth-Sized One-Horned Beasts of Legend? One piece of evidence that Ancient Egyptians may have used electricity is the absence of any traces of soot on the interior walls of their tombs and pyramids. Using the same Dendera image, York says in another book, "Proof that the Ancient Egyptians had electricity in this carving on one temple wall showing Egyptians holding light bulbs". Available at:, Mei, A. However, as with the Baghdad Battery, there is more than meets the eye. I don't get the massive light bulbs theory, sure they look a bit like huge electric lightbulbs but in each of the three depictions, these implements are being waved about by enormous beings who are obviously giants, my own theory would be that these giants are descendants of the Nephilim and that these devices might explain how they cut/shaped the massive rocks into the pyramids/ megastructures etc. Harsomtus, the great god who is in Dendera, who rises from the lotus flower as living Ba, whose perfection is risen by the km3tjw-images of his Ka, whose ssmw-image is worshipped by the crew of the day barge, whose body is carried by the dd-pillar, below his ssmw-image the primeval beginner (Hathor) sits and whose majesty is carried by the companions of his Ka.”, The chamber with the controversial reliefs, Temple of Hathor, Dendera, Egypt. There are many reported human skeletal finds which are in discordance with current evolutionary beliefs dating back to anomalously ancient geological periods in the distant past, way before it is accepted that human beings ever existed. Available at:, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (2012-2020) ‘Crookes Tube – 1870.’ National MagLab. Shocking Documentary: Is our generation really the first to use electricity? Ancient Origins © 2013 - 2021Disclaimer - Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy - Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. In “The Eyes of the Sphinx”, Erich Von Daniken suggested that the snake represented the filament, the djed pillar was an insulator, and the tube was in fact an ancient electric light bulb. The temple is constructed of sandstone, but a large block of limestone had been installed in the wall as the surface for the carving. If the ancient Egyptians had electricity, it would explain why so many ancient carvings seem to depict giant light bulbs. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. The key is to remember that there are inscriptions (and other images) beside the reliefs, so it’s necessary to consider the writing alongside the vignettes when interpreting them. To show that the Ancient Egyptian reliefs known as the "Dendera Lights" fit in with the expected chronology of time it would take to develop electrical technology based on the point in time when it is said by preeminent scholars like George G.M. Maybe they were trying to save on the electric bill. In a light bulb, the glass bulb itself insulates the filament, and no extra component is required. Furthermore, the text beside the depiction confirms that it is a lotus flower. Dendera Lamp exhibit at the Mystery Park in Switzerland. Another major point against the Dendera light hypothesis is the absence of historical texts discussing the use of electricity in ancient Egypt; which one would expect to find if the reliefs depicted electrical lamps. The light-bulb-like object engraved in a crypt under the Temple of Hathor in Egypt. For example, we see the Djed pillar, which is generally linked to the god Osiris , but is also associated with a creator god called Ptah. Instead of claiming that the Egyptians used light bulbs under normal conditions, they suggest that the priests performed a ritual which created a small amount of light during the New Year celebrations. When work began they found ancient human remains and... Christmas is a very popular holiday tradition that is celebrated by some 2 billion people worldwide. An excerpt from a translation of the texts surrounding these images made by Egyptologist Dr. Wolfgang Waitkus includes the following information in direct relation to the most famous Dendera light scene: “W.t.s.o. Ever since she was a child Alicia has had a passion for writing and she has written... Read More. 2,500 - 2,000 BC - The oldest example of the use of electricity is the Copper Vases, electroplated with silver were once to be found in the Baghdad museum. This "device" is, the reader is assured, an ancient electric light bulb. J. N. Lockyer's passing reference to a colleague's humorous suggestion that electric lamps would explain the absence of lampblackdeposits in the tombs has sometimes been forwarded as an argument supporting this particular interpretation (another argument being made is th… Beside the bulb stands a two-armed djed pillar, which is connected to the snake, and a baboon bearing two knives. The most widely cited evidence that the ancient Egyptians used electricity is a relief beneath the Temple of Hathor at Dendera, Egypt that depicts figures standing around a large light-bulb-like object. The 'light bulbs' of Dendera. The Dendera lamp is a claim by some conspiracy theorists and "alternate" history nuts that reliefs in the temple of Dendera in Egypt "prove" that the Ancient Egyptians harnessed electricity, and used it for lighting.. June 9, 2020. Convenient brush-off by some creative interpretation of the images with the inscriptions. Most of us were taught that this cycle was just a myth... A 1,200-year-old telephone, a marvel of ancient invention, surprises almost all who hear about it. This MAY be an accurate interpretation, but generally the standard of validity in Archeology and History is WAY below that of Science. The Baghdad Battery or Parthian Battery is a set of three artifacts which were found together: a ceramic pot, a tube of copper, and a rod of iron. The lamps had … The hieroglyph at the Dendera complex shows that with support from some super intelligent extraterrestrial support, ancient Egyptians had made such objects. A “wire” leads to a small box on which the air god is kneeling. Thus, many of the symbols shown in the controversial reliefs believed by some to depict the Dendera light are related to ancient Egyptian creation stories, ceremonies, significant gods in their pantheon , and ideas of rebirth. University Professor Reveals He Discovered Population of Fairies and Publicly Shows the Proof Professor John Hyatt has recently issued quite a bizarre statement, to say the least. Close inspection of these pictures in the Temple of Hathor shows that high-voltage insulation was used, just like that of today; this is supported by a rectangular column resembling a light bulb (believed to have been used as an insulator and known as the Djed Column.) They also knew about animals, such as the electric eel, that gave out shocks. • The ancient egyptians knew of thunder and lightning. If—as evolutionist archaeologists maintain—they used burning torches and oil lamps for lighting, then traces of soot would inevitably have been left behind. That flower is said to have given birth to the sun god, Atum-Ra. Available at:, Alicia McDermott holds degrees in Anthropology, Psychology, and International Development Studies and has worked in various fields such as education, anthropology, and tourism. Francois Daumas suggested that the sacred procession which was held on the eve of the first day of the New Year, began in these rooms. There is no concrete proof available yet to suggest that ancient Egyptians had harnessed the power of electrical lighting. Some are still unwilling to entirely give up on the idea of the Dendera light bulb. At the same time, there is no hard evidence of that an ancient Egyptian electric light bulb existed other than this image. Sound impossible? Available at:, Sesh Medew Netcher (2013) ‘Dendera Light Bulb – Explained.’ Available at:, van den Dungen, W. (2015) ‘Netjer.’ The God with Gods & Goddesses. Cookies that are necessary to enable my site to function. This flower appears in this form all over Egypt, and is always a lotus flower. They had been excavated from Sumerian sites in southern Iraq. Skeleton Lake: Ancient Remains Frozen in Time in the Himalayas, The Caledonian Dream: A Scottish Colony’s American Nightmare, Dumbarton Castle: Ancient Stronghold and Symbol of Scottish Defiance, Nuraghe Palmavera: Examining the Legends of a Mysterious Civilization, European Standing Stones: The Mute Witnesses of Forgotten Times, Unearthing The Baby Burning Witches Of Bochnia, Poland, King Philip’s War: 17th-Century Hostility Between The Wampanoag and The Pilgrims, ‘White Gold’ Seabird Guano Sustained Life in Ancient Atacama, Researchers Find Elusive 19th Century Alaskan Fort, Ancient Anomalous Human Skeletons: Humanity Could be Much Older Than We Think. In fact, they called electric eels, the “thunder of the Nile”. But if the ancient Egyptians had used some kind of electric light to illuminate their passageways, why does the visual evidence exist only in the ancient temple of Dendera? (Alicia McDermott). (9) Ancient Egypt - Unconfirmed electroplated objects were reportedly found in Egypt by the 19th Century French Archaeologist August Mariette. A gold statuette of Hathor sat within a large kiosk formed by four gold posts, a gold base, and roof. Available at:, Dörnenburg, F. (n.d.) ‘Lights of the Pharaos.’ Pyramid-Mysteries. ANCIENT EGYPT • Some of the first instances of electricity were in nature and in animals. We’re the only Pop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. The “cable” is described in the text beside the depiction as a symbolic sun barge moving across the sky (in a form which is by no means unique to these carvings). Egyptian Blue – The Oldest Known Artificial Pigment, The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt. It seems to be a bit of a stretch to describe this as a cable, although I suppose you could argue that the movement of the sun mirrored the movement of electricity. During the ceremony, the pharaoh uses ropes to raise a pillar, with the assistance of priests. They argue that electricity was originally discovered in the ancient world and the Egyptian priesthood was the first to harness the power to illuminate their underground tombs and monuments. Most Viewed: September 23, 2020 September 23, 2020. Dinner Invitations for Famous People from the Past, about A Mysterious Mummy in Cairo: The Surprising True Identity of Joseph with the Coat of Many Colors, about Mysterious Artifacts Found in Ancient Inca Cemetery in Ecuador, about The Holly and the Mistletoe: Ancient Roots of Christmas Symbols. Ancient Aliens Ancient Egypt Ancient History Alien Theories Colorful Paintings Ancient Artifacts Ancient Civilizations Archaeology Creepy. The mythical symbols. At a pressure of about 40 t (tonnes) (40 mm of mercury) a snakelike light filament meanders from one metal part to the other (E). Which cookies and scripts are used and how they impact your visit is specified on the left. Ancient Electricity - The Enigma at Dendera. Did the Ancient Egyptians understand electricity? News / Science. The most popular ‘Dendera light’ relief in the Temple of Hathor, Dendera, Egypt. However, it is still possible that the priests encoded a deeper meaning in the text and images. Ancient Egyptian Electricity The Temple of Hathor at Dendera contains a number of small crypts along the eastern, southern, and western sides. As researchers compared and studied the depictions comparing the different types of bulbs they reached a conclusion: the ancient Egyptians had working light bulbs achieved by what is called “Crookes tubes”. In “The Eyes of the Sphinx”, Erich Von Daniken suggested that the snake represented the filament, the djed pillar was an insulator, and the tube was in fact an ancient electric light bulb. Beside the bulb stands a two-armed djed pillar, which is connected to the snake, and a baboon bearing two knives. "Egyptian Hieroglyphics illustrating the use of the electric light bulb thousands of years ago".-El Safun Tama-Rean Istalgaan-The Sacred Egyptian Initiation pg. An Unbreakable Story: The Lost Roman Invention of Flexible Glass. And if you believe Ancient Aliens, they were not just using electricity but vacuum tubes, which requires high amounts of electricity, as well as rarified gasses like argon. A replica and diagram of one of the ancient electric cells (batteries) found near Bagdad "The lower end of the copper cylinder was covered with a piece of sheet copper, the same thickness and quality as the cylinder itself. Linked with Egyptian mythology these settings will only apply to the sun,... ) Baghdad battery out-of-the-box perspectives be seen for what they are, more. The Pharaos. ’ Pyramid-Mysteries history is way below that of Science • ancient. 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