How we use Math-U-See. Enter child #4. :). Teach the lesson to your child using the blocks in the Manipulative Kit. Learn to plan them out strategically. TT seems to leave out important ideas or their own math vocabulary which doesn’t help,understanding! I really do like the way that the print, DVD, and … Not only did they rave, but one of them sat me down and had me watch the “adding 9s” lesson. They prefer to work through the concepts with a pencil and paper. Then came the revised editions which were called by some of the Greek letters like Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta.. The videos explain everything to either the parent or child if you need them. I love it. Homeschool Pro: Double Education - Duration: 5:50. Rachelle, They simply correct any and all errors. How we use Math-U-See. Math-U-See Printable Puzzles for the Pre-primer ages as well as tips and ideas for using the blocks with your preschoolers. The new fold-shut case has tabbed flaps and clearly-marked sections so overlays stay neatly stored, and the convenient size stands on a bookshelf but is easy to take along. Xtra math is great too! How we use the video lessons and math blocks. We are currently using Math Mammoth Grade 1 and supplementing with the Right Start Games. I know some choose different math curriculums for different kids, but unless you have a really compelling reason and pressing situation, I recommend choosing the curriculum that resonates with you as the mother-teacher. He understands the concepts and gets most problems correct, so I don’t force him to use the manipulative himself. Math-U-See combines hands-on methodology with incremental instruction and continual review in this manipulative-based program.It excels in its hands-on presentation of math concepts that enables students to understand how math works. I received a subscription to the Alpha Digital Pack and a student workbook, so at this level, it doesn’t take me long to go over the math lesson. If they did, the covers would be torn in no time and I’d have a headache figuring out what I’m supposed to be assigning and checking in each of the 4 books that won’t stay open to be checked. I haven’t worried too much about making my daughter color the blocks the right color because she hates it, and I’ve figured that if she understands the concept that it doesn’t matter that much if she knows the correct color. Let’s talk about it. I appreciate and value the mastery approach of Math-U-See, and they emphasize knowing the facts perfectly before moving on. With my first student, we hunted around the crayon bin every time, with my son constantly asking, “Is this an ok color? Math-U-See is a mastery based approach which means once your child has mastered a concept they should move on to the next lesson. I am thinking about the possibility of switching dd6 over to Math U See. Learn one system, know the ropes, be able to adapt and teach math with the curriculum (even if there’s a DVD teacher provided), and you’ll experience better success than if you expect the curriculum to do everything for you and your student. Math-U-See is set up at approximately a lesson-a-week format, although they never explain it in those terms, because the point is mastery, not a book-a-year pace. » Learn More. Thirty-nine total pieces … Students use blocks (aka “manipulatives”) to build all the numbers first. The Delta Digital Pack comes with 12 month access to the streaming instruction videos, an instruction manual PDF, lesson and test … Multiplication is finding area. Declutter your home by decluttering and organizing your mind first. We did venture out and try a couple other programs, however we found that Math-U-See seems to work best with our learning style. You can do 20-25 chapters then resume the rest the following year. Continue to Question 2 You can do 20-25 chapters then resume the rest the following year. Mystie: So, both of us are homeschooling and we have five kids and it turns out that these people need to eat. Math-U-See combines hands-on methodology with incremental instruction and continual review in this manipulative-based program.It excels in its hands-on presentation of math concepts that enables students to understand how math works. So this is when I watch the short math instruction video online. But, when I was asked to look at the "junior high" course for a student who planned to go into Saxon Pre-Algebra, it was pretty clear the transition wasn't going to be smooth... if they stayed much longer with MUS. These activities have the added benefit of making math fun, which will build confidence and encourage understanding. Follow along as I share how we use the program. Students build their maths confidence and boost their enthusiasm as they … In the end, the building will be higher and stronger. Instead, you are using the blocks to develop cognitive skills that lay a foundation for the Math-U-See program. The curriculum is comprehensive and each book not only covers a specific theme, but also continuous review of previously mastered concepts. From Professional Mothering. However, my clipboard could be anywhere and it always had other things I wanted to see on top, too. 14:11. Math is a subject none of us want to mess up. Each lesson has 6 practice worksheets (A through F) to go with it. They prefer to work through the concepts with a pencil and paper. and Calculadder. As a struggling homeschool math student myself left alone with Saxon, I know that doesn’t work. There is a bar-block, almost like a large Lego, for each unit and also for tens and hundreds. I feel like there are missing concepts that need to be filled in (time, money, fractions, etc.) Math-U-See has some handy sayings for learning place value – like “Every number has a place” and “place means value.” The numeral 9, for example, means 9 units if it’s in the unit place, but it means 9 tens if it’s in the tens place. You can read the research here. These activities have the added benefit of making math fun, which will build confidence and encourage understanding. I want to add a more extensive supplemental review component to their independent work time since they go through the MUS practice pages/lesson tests pretty quickly and honestly these worksheets can get boring after a while. Place value in Math-U-See is important. :). Tagged: manipulatives, Math U See This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 3 months ago by Bookworm. I need to remember that the curriculum serves me and the kids, not the other way around. Math U See Block Organizer! When we try to organize…, Originally read & written in 2010. Instead, I use a wide, shallow 25-qt Sterilite container with a latching lid. Once your student is properly placed, you can determine which materials you need for instruction. Through the use of the Math-U-See manipulatives (blocks, fraction overlays, algebra/decimal inserts), students learn their math facts, rules, and formulas, and learn to use this knowledge in real life applications. Ah, the struggles of a former classroom teacher! Not a week goes by that I don’t have a conversation with a parent who has a child struggling with math, and when we discuss the why, it turns out that they have missed something fundamental in their earlier instruction. it is now 2020, do you still love Math U See? I am not a math person. It’s possible to wing math in the early years, but because math is a consecutive skill, where one concept builds upon another, it’s best to choose a program and stick with it. May 30, 2017 - I like using Life of Fred with Math-U-See because the approaches of the two programs complement each other very well.. . Hm, that’s a tough one. Some of these tips & hints will even ring true no matter which homeschool math curriculum you use. We love Math-U-See. This is so simple and so utterly brilliant and I am downright embarrassed I never thought of it. What math curriculum can you be grateful for every time you pull it out? ? Because we are very familiar with Math-U-See there wasn’t any learning curve to get started, it was very easy to just use this exactly as we had the traditional DVD version, just using our internet browser instead of popping in a DVD. My kids have struggled in math (except the youngest! ? This means that you don’t have to finish an entire math book in a year. Store your blocks in a large, clear, plastic container. You'll also have access to the Math-U-See Digital Manipulatives. He thinks very abstractly, and we switched to Teaching Textbooks … But if the student doesn’t have a healthy grasp of the whole concept of math, they are unable to be good problem solvers when faced with real life scenarios. So I’ve been supplementing, like you suggested. Angela, When you say you put the worksheet back on the clipboard if it isn’t 100% do the students just fix the missed problems or do the whole thing again? Math-U-See Whether you’re new to Math-U-See or a long-time friend, you’ll find exactly what you need for your math student right here. MUS has no instruction in the student text, instead parent & student are supposed to view the DVD instruction together and the teacher’s manual gives suggestions for teaching the concept to the student (without a script); Saxon presents each concept (abstractly) in pages of dry text in the student book, which if done as independent work, can quickly leave the student lost (and it might take 10 or more lessons before she realizes she’s lost, and then it might feel hopeless and like something it’s better not to draw attention to – and the “she” is actually “me”). Math-U-See uses a systematic approach that follows the logical sequence of learning: Your student masters counting before moving on to addition before moving on to subtraction, etc. My kids love it and love math. I am a Math-U-See Rep and have some insight on the differences between Cuisinaire Rods and the Math-U-See Blocks. (Is it just me?) My older students use graph paper to show their work, but that seems a bit excessive (and also not large enough squares) for the elementary students. Math-U-See is a hands on math program that utilizes math manipulatives and has instructional videos for children and their parents to watch together. 3 x 3 means “3 by 3” or three up and three across, and when you construct that, you can see it is the same as 3 3s and totals 9.Even fractions get their own special manipulatives that make it clear why a fraction of a fraction (that is, fractions multiplied) is smaller rather than larger, why you have to have the same denominator to add, and how 1 can be represented by fractions. So, I bought a mail sorter and it lives on the counter. Your child practices the lesson by solving problems in the Student Workbook. Now, this doesn’t mean we are done with Math-U-See, in fact i just bought the next level up for 2 of my kids for our next school year. Math U See is designed to be a homeschool curriculum, but I’m wondering why more people don’t know about it and use it. Now that my husband checks the math, this process also makes it obvious to him when there’s math to correct. “Take me seriously!” I wanted to plead. Or, at least, it did. Reading all kinds of reviews on this curriculum….wanting to try, but did you stick with it? Math-U-See levels are not assigned to or designed for a particular grade level. I am looking to try and connect with any teachers that are currently using or have used Math-U-See in their classroom to learn more about how it is being used. We used other curriculum before, and we struggled. Long (looooooonnnnng) time user of MUS here too – I love your tips and use most of them myself! using math-u-see and life of fred together. Publisher: Demme Learning Series: Math-U-See Faith-Based: No. Thanks for that friendly kick-in-the-pants reminder to make her follow instructions, even if she’s not a fan of them. We loved it. This curriculum is designed to help students see how numbers work, not just drill in steps to get the right answer. but I LOVE the mastery approach. Thanks in advance, Melissa. This blog post presents one family’s lesson plan for working through a Math-U-See lesson in a week; you can tweak to fit your individual family’s schedule and student’s pacing. Stick with that one and you’ll have a greater likelihood of consistency and success. I wanted to be … I think he appreciates that the workbook pages are not visually overwhelming and he loves the manipulatives. Is it necessary to complete H pages in upper levels? We have used Math Seeds (online program) as a … (of an atmosphere) lively, festive, friendly, enjoyable. Math-U-See's General Math curriculum is designed for students in the approximate grade levels of K-6. Amanda Capps is a … Fractions were still painful for my students so far, but I felt better equipped as a teacher to go back to the basics, to explain with clear terms, and to stick with it until they mastered it (rather than moving on as soon as they had a “C”). Your email address will not be published. Printable Unit Blocks for Math-U-See from Little Learning Lovies – these are great to laminate and put magnets on. They are in fourth and second grades. Instead, you are using the blocks to develop cognitive skills that lay a foundation for the Math-U-See program. First, I tear out the math page to be completed each day from the workbook. Required fields are marked *. There is no memorizing of formulas or answers before it is demonstrated that the student concretely understands the why and how behind the functions, and can do them (and teach them) with the manipulatives. Unlike cuisinaire rods, each block has squares equal to its value, aligned in such a way that they can be stacked.With these blocks, the DVD instructor (and author of the curriculum, a homeschool dad who didn’t like any of the math options available) demonstrates that “equals” means “same as.” He sets up a four-block and above it two two-blocks and shows they are the same length, they are equal, and equal is written as two same-length lines. When I see a specific skill needs to be reviewed, we take a break from the current lesson and go back to practicing the foundational skill that is causing the errors – yes, sometimes that’s even meant practicing number formation because 4s look like 9s or 6s look like 0s. First, my kids enjoy it! In most cases I was able to glance over the teacher manual and explain the concept to my child once a week. Our simple but powerful colorful manipulatives allow abstract math concepts to be represented in clear, relatable ways. If it’s all correct, the page goes into the trash or fire-starter bin. I always make her correct mistakes so she’s not getting away with wrong answers. This was carefully designed as a full-service supplement to the physical blocks, fraction overlays, and algebra/decimal inserts that are integral to the Math-U-See method. Some core principles set this curriculum apart. If you use Math-U-See, please share your tips and suggestions in the comments, too! When I ordered Primer for my third, knowing I had at least 2 more after her, I got smart and set aside hand-picked crayons. We just seem to be getting farther behind. No, that’s not important except that it allows them to quickly grab the right block without counting the squares. I Found this awesome idea for my math u see blocks! If you prefer to watch it on YouTube, click here to see my Math-U-See Video Review . Some kids need extra practice as they learn a new math concept while others catch on right away. Math U See Curriculum Review and Information. We also use MUS and have for the past two years (kiddos are now in 1st and 3rd), and I’ve been contemplating trying a different program next year…but now that I’ve read your post, I’m second guessing again! Spiral means visiting lots of topics over and over and with increasing complexity over time. How important is it that they know the colors of the blocks? Other topics are introduced throughout the curriculum as appropriate. However, my first and so-far only Algebra student hasn’t used them. Participant. I was sold then and there. What do you need to make them equal, to make it look like an equal sign?Making shapes with the blocks also makes it clear what “area” and “perimeter” mean and why the math gets you the right answer. Join me for an in depth look at Math U See curriculum where I will show you what it looks like, and how we use it. When she sat down with her lesson page, she had the little container with just 10 crayons, and it was clear which color was intended. 00. Teach the lesson to your child using the blocks in the Manipulative Kit. Just Sew Trish 9,224 views. Then read over our Four-Step Approach to understand how to get the most from the Math-U-See program in your homeschool. Is this one ok?”. But, it wasn't how they looked that mattered most. I think that’s fine, especially if it comes across and you making the decision and not her. Math-U-See Level Up Sets. You can use them on a big white board just like Mr. Demme does in the videos. My oldest went from Math-U-See Precalculus to Precalc II at the community college in tenth grade. He […] The curriculum is conveniently divided into general content areas: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, and decimals. Thanks! Quantity: Add to cart Add to Wishlist. I know Math-U-See has a beautiful wooden box you can buy to organize your blocks. It’s not necessarily a big deal, but just keep your eyes open that you don’t let her call the shots and not do something if she hates it. It made sense, and it only took 1 new lesson per week, and the kids could do the rest of the lessons on their own, as long as they understood the 1st video lesson. The mastery approach is epitomized in the fact that MUS books do not have grade levels. I really wish I had learned about it a lot earlier—like when I was in middle school. I have been VERY pleased with the Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II and Precalculus programs. When it comes to memorizing facts and formulas my kids can be easily frustrated but Math U See … Because Math-U-See uses the Greek letters for levels, it allows us to meet a child where their needs are – not just at their age. Is it ok to put the best tip in the middle? We are currently using the drill page offered on the MUS website, which my kids think is fun, so it works. Even my children who struggle in math are excited when the blocks come out. Access begins at time of online purchase or redemption of access code. Find all the information you need to ensure that your student is starting with the correct course. Does that make sense? MUS uses manipulatives to teach, even in 5th & 6th & 7th grade, making math very concrete; Saxon is abstract, and as a student I was quickly lost in the words and what they meant. How I Use Math-U-See’s Digital Pack. I have used Math-U-See for many years, and if you like the concepts of Math-U-See, I would encourage you to stick with it. We don’t try to complete all 7 worksheets every week. It is one of the rare multi-sensory math programs that continues to use manipulatives up through Algebra 1. Steve and Math-U-See use a number of little “tricks” that help students memorize math facts, such as acronyms, mnemonics, and visualizations. 2. It has been quite helpful to have this vocabulary to show my beginning-regroupers that 12 + 8 does not equal 2. We have not used either program, only researched, but after trying to decide between the two we have decided to use MUS simply because it doesn’t involve as much teacher preparation. Now, this doesn’t mean we are done with Math-U-See, in fact i just bought the next level up for 2 of my kids for our next school year. We loved it. For assistance in administering or interpreting these placement tests, please contact us. The MUS blocks are delineated so that you can see how many units are in a specific block. Math-U-See Printable Puzzles for the Pre-primer ages as well as tips and ideas for using the blocks with your preschoolers. So we add drill practice to our daily math routine, at least for the elementary students. Apostle’s Creed Nicene Creed Heidelberg Lord’s Day 1 (“What is your only comfort in life and in death?”) Catechisms Catechism for Young Children (“Who made you?” God.) He created Math-U-See over 20 years ago! This ensures that each student is placed at the appropriate entry level in the curriculum and helps identify conceptual holes in the student’s understanding. Plus, we make them correct their work until they get 100% – mastery approach, right? Currently, I have 1 student in Algebra, 1 in Zeta, 1 who will start Gamma as soon as she passes xtramath addition, 1 who just started Beta, and 1 who is learning to write her numbers and count. Curriculum is based on the Greek alphabet (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc.) Follow along as I share how we use the program. Home Uncategorized Math U See Block Organizer! That said, I started using Math U See when it first hit the homeschool circuit. Why the mastery approach has worked so well for our kids and our peace of mind as non-mathy moms. Feb 29, 2016 - This blog post presents one family’s lesson plan for working through a Math-U-See lesson in a week. to emphasize the sequence of concepts taught (rather than a grade-level association). If you have some or all of the required manipulatives, a Math-U-See Level Up Set is right for you. Sign up here. This Math-U-See workflow is probably my best tip. Math-U-See is a complete, comprehensive K-12 math curriculum that uses manipulatives to illustrate and teach the concepts. I knew they were sharing wisdom when they told me to…. Printable Unit Blocks for Math-U-See from Little Learning Lovies – these are great to laminate and put magnets on. I see so many on selling walls. Color isn’t a big deal, but following instructions as written and wrong v. right answers are foundational in math. Our fifth child is in Beta and our oldest finished Pre-Calculus and entered the community college qualifying into Pre-Calculus II at 16. Time, money and fractions will be taught in future Math-U-See books. I am so glad that when my oldest was 4 or 5, I had two real-life friends rave about Math-U-See. He watches the video teacher’s demonstration and jumps right into abstract – he’s ready for that kind of thinking. There are even Algebra manipulatives! Fraction Overlay Kit. Each lesson has 6 practice worksheets (A through F) to go with it. I think if they’re under 10, probably. I write about managing a full life at home and staying cheerful in the midst of the muddle. ? In Tier 2 instruction, while Math-U-See is not designed to be a supplement, you may, with discretion, adapt certain lessons to supplement your curriculum. Initially when we began using Math-U-See, our student books were called by names such as Introduction, Foundations, Intermediate, and Advanced workbooks. 11 Tips for Using Math-U-See Successfully in Your Homeschool 1. Math-U-See is not organized traditionally by grades; the focus is on understanding math concepts. Frustrated with the number of worksheets? Different programs teach concepts in different orders, but different logical, step-by-step orders – so skipping around between programs can lead to gaps and confusion more than in any other subject. And where does it go when it’s done? And when you hand your student graph paper on which to do his figuring (highly recommended), you can always remind him, “Keep each number in its right place!” and he might sigh and slump, but he knows what you’re talking about. Yeah, I am also allergic to busy work and totally get it. At the start of a new lesson, my kids either … :). While Math-U-See is a mastery-based math program, it does follow a predictable pattern; this allows it to easily fit into the rhythm of many of our customer’s weeks. My parents started Math U See with my younger siblings when I was in secondary school and struggling with Saxson Math, I went back and figured out some things, but I think I would have understood it all better if I'd started with it at first as it lays a very strong basic foundation, but I'm using it now for my children and finally understand WHY we do what we do to get the answers … Math has been the subject that daunts me most when I think about the big picture of homeschooling. We’ve been having some issues with our baby trying to eat the blocks, so I’m hoping that this will solve that issue. Now ours are in a big tub too, just randomly dumped, and even my toddler loves to “do math” (aka, play with the blocks).
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