But if you can put a 'wooden block' or stool in your bathroom and raise your legs close to your buttocks while you go, it makes the movement much smoother as that mimics the 'squating' position, doing a better job of lining up the annus and rectum. I took a gloved hand and dug around a removed some of it. Bear with it, live with it. It has no way out the colon since the lower colon is filled with baseball sized rock hard unhappiness. The first time it happened I ended up in the Emergency room because I couldn't even urinate! Gave it a bit and then back to the bathroom. I had to do it laying on my side with a towel underneath me. I am 24 and been dealing with this since 7 years old. However, one could apply pressure at the base of the spinal cord between the anus and the base of the spinal cord using a finger. The hot compress works! So I resorted to the warm towel compress and after about 3 minutes...WA-lahh. Then when everything started working, I threw the moist pad away and put the wet but clean towel into the wash. Needed cleaning later. Thank you to the people who suggested the hot towel method. Sorry to be so graphic, but that pretty well describes it. I'll be eating light foods first. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. It's crazy because it's very mild in it's painkilling effects but stops u up worse than any opiate. I took: saline drink my wife got from drugstore, 2 plastic spoons Besides a few little pellets here in there. And, most helpful is the natural lube. Some minutes went by and I wobbled as quickly as I could to the toilet. I live in the country and luckily own 9 acres of wooded area. Your stool may be sticky if you have a stomach ulcer or irritation of the esophagus. Other disorders in that group include ulcerative colitis and microscopic colitis. Medically . I only thought of this because I heard that water births were easy and since it felt like giving birth, it was worth a try. .I laid down in the tub on top of the plastic bathmat and tried the enema. Both result from gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, but from different parts of the GI tract…, Foul-smelling stool can also indicate a serious health problem. Unfortunately, it did dry, but only after mingling with the microscopic poop -molecules lingering around my brown starfish. I have taken every possible medication and tried squatting and the hot towel thing. Good Luck to you! Definitely faced this problem today after irregular eating and eating outside for multiple days . She told me that the first day it happened she didn't tell anyone, and tried pushing it out but ended up reopening her incision from the straining. I'm so glad to have found this website. Put the top back on the enema bottle and shake till thoroughly blended. You don't want to end up like my aunt. You can feel a pushing/pressure on your perineum because they can't get through. “no amount of pushing” is incorrect i pushed it out for a good 10 minutes it literally felt like i was giving birth again and but *hole* was hurting so much because the son of a bitch nugget was keeping it open while you’re sitting waiting to do your thing it’s good to put your feet on a stool that will elevate your feet to 90 degrees. I always carry disposable gloves in my purse as I travel a lot for my job. save. Warning: might be graphic . I don't know the cause, must've eaten something odd; but "it" was hard as a rock I just couldn't go. I took three stool softeners, gave myself two enemas, tried the hot towel, long hot baths, glycerin suppository and tried to reach the obstruction to remove it but I can’t find anything. of me manually evacuating the problem followed by me crying in an Epsom salt bath. Somethings got to give! I then got out my phone to look on the internet for a solution, - going to the pharmacy to buy medication was out of the question. Removing dried poop from your puppy's bottom is not much different than removing dried mud or other spills from his fur. I suffer from piriformis syndrome and my sciatic nerves are always irritated or pinched could that have an affect on my bowel movements? What I did was get a regular wash cloth/towel. Should I go to the emergency room? Try it! I took a picture of it and the Blood I have my gastrologist Thursday this week again and pray to God she does SOMETHING this time because I CAN'T keep going like this I am in so much pain and I wake up all hours of the night or don't sleep because of the pain I am in. Was it painful? Which I suspect pressure on my ureter. Oh wow. I began to try the vasoline method and I could tel I was seriously blocked up and didn't know if I could get it all out since there was so much and it went so far I couldn't reach. I never drink enough water, and this experience was a severe warning to start treating my body better! I'm exhausted and never want to experience that ever again! Milk and molasses enemas are a miracle. This morning I called my dr concerned about the blood, I’ve never had anything like this. I decided to walk around little to get the peristalsis going. There is no need to push with everything u have, if it's stuck it's stuck and straining will only injure you. I asked god to help me know what to do. Be patient, relax as much as possible, and breathe slowly and deeply, in and out. I'm shocked and amazed....and I had changed nothing. After reading comments on here I decided to try the laundry basket/compress technique. It may take a month for regular bowel movement but the magnesium helps keep moisture in your intestines. Dr. Stephen Southard answered. Magnesium supplements helps with my constipation. Well, my problem isn't their long hair, it's mine! It's only gotten worse as I've gotten older. Squatting or using a "squatty potty" does not work. Have u try the juicing with out eating to reset your intestine! I have a muscular disease so I'm not too sure this will work forever. You are in the shower and can clean it later if needed. Your tips helped me keep calm. I took the stool softener the day before but my muscles kept trying to push something out that wasn't coming out. I am going through this right now. If your pelvic muscles are chronically tight and you try to pass stool, well, you can't really squeeze any more than you already are, can you? If i eat anything that causes me gas after the first 2 weeks after a movement then I get the worst pain imagineable. I'm about to turn 50 years of age and my most serious constipation episode up to date was 2 and this one being the second one. Sometimes lactose intolerance can also cause sticky stool. How are you doing now? Anyway, I prey I'm good to go now. It's the super focused relaxation on those specific muscles that works. Daily exercise is also associated with a healthier digestive system. Once in February and I drank two things of Go Lightly that the Gasto doctors give and it did NOT work so I found a Hydrotherapy guy and I laid there for two hours while the system cleaned me out. I get the urge, something similar had happened before so I took some laxative tablets and drank some coffee, nervous as I was I smoked which sometimes gives me the urge to go to the loo. I waited for a minute or two and sat on the toilet. 10 minutes of placing warm towel on, maybe 2-3 times and you should push thru. This was a really helpful blog I am a woman in my 20s and have suffered on and off with hard impacted stools for nearly 4 years as a result of taking prescription Methadone. I am so thankful for finding this web page and reading your solution. I'd caught the flu for 2 weeks then one week after I was better I got food poisening! It is not one size fits all. I had done intestine checking before. Some people with IBS have found that acupuncture helps to relieve IBS-related symptoms. But sticky stool can also be a sign of a more serious health concern, such as Crohn’s disease. This was one of a very scary episode that I don't want to repeat EVER. It started stuff moving. So disappointed I cleaned up, walked outside, came back in and decided to try enema again. Thank God I found this page. She never took it seriously that she rately moved her bowels until it was too late. It felt too big and hard, like a thick clay. When I really want to go to the bathroom my poop would get stuck halfway and would not come out and it would just come pieces of poop and the rest would get stuck. I'm pretty sure I busted a blood vessel near my eye, as its swollen and bruise today from pushing and straining. And lord did I push, the urge to push was pretty strong so I bore down and pushed till my blockage was just about crowning about half inch. Not saying it's for everybody all of the time, but if you are basically healthy with no serious muscular diseases, it sure is worth a try. Good luck. Other than a little liquid, nothing was moving. As a teen, before I used an enema (which is rare), I had to try very hard, and often had burst blood vessels on my face, around my eyes mostly, due to the build-up in pressure. (This is not an advertisement, as I don't work for that company!) Until I found this page. Next time, you might want to do what I did, as follows: Anyway, I had this problem once. My kids need me and I can't be a mother this way. Hard Blocks of poops and more than 2 hours at toilet, http://columbiasurgery.org/news/2014/04/01/new-protocol-treat-anal-fissures, Persimmon Skins and Other Foods that Can Cause Obstruction in the GI tract, Dr. Ben Kim's Organic Greens in Vegetable Capsules, Dr. Ben Kim's Vitamin C - Organic Acerola Cherry Powder, Organic Whole Food Multi in Vegetable Capsules, Synbiotic Plus - Intestinal Yeast Cleanser. If you can get the mess immediately you'll have the best shot at a clean recovery with little discomfort to your dog. Ran out of gloves so after I get home from work tonight Im going to try this hot towel! I spent more than 2 hours there. I drink as many water as I can. i have been completely dependent on colonoscopys. Be sure to talk with your doctor first before trying probiotics or enzymes. It felt so bad that some tears drop were coming down. I read all the solutools, trials, and failures. When I felt towel cool,after about 5minutes, I repeated the process like 3 to 5 times until I finally was able to push out my stool.I didn't do anything else but this and it worked. Thank you. I only did half. Answer Save. I just passed the most stubborn turd I've ever encountered. I had no idea I was impacted and it was from roasted turkey stuffing and I had eeaten too much hard cheese and crackers. Thank you thank you thank you! I never experienced such a scary thing. It was so refreshing to read other people actually give god the credit. I started with taking a strong coffee with 3 more laxatives which initially did nothing. And I really didn't hold it in long at all. After trying to remove bits and pieces with a gloved hand lubricated, which took me forever, I placed plastic and tissue on the floor, squatted, and viola....So much relief. Thankfully this surgeon removed this large skin tag the first one left behind. Back to june 2016 is when this first became an issue. Then I stood up and suddenly felt a bigger urge. It lasted about 30 min. It was painful and felt like needles and passing glass. Often when you have hard stools they will get stuck right before they come out. Even though I've NEVER had this issue before, but it can happen to anyone!! But lubricating made it easy for me. I was amazed at how much I could feel internally. I'm experiencing the same thing going on five hours now! Also at this point I'm not sure how gone it is but I celebrated with a Jakult and a bowl of Yogurt with a few Strawberries, this post above works with Coffee and Honey 1.5 mugs with 2x teaspoons of Honey in each, what an experience I hope this helps someone, and I hope I never experience anything like that again lol! I repeated this around 10 times and after 5 hours I have finally passed the painful stool. It was enormous. By generously lubricating before you do this, you can reduce risk of creating an anal fissure. I was in bad pain and desperate for a solution! Trust me, the ER is my last option!! My 2.5 year old son has been trying to poo all day and absolutely nothing has come out. Anyways this helped me a lot, and it helped to know not to strain and I tried the squatting method all of it was helping little by little. It would require gloves, lubrication, and trying to gently pull the stool loose while lubricating the sides of the anus. When the doctor told me what it was I wanted to cry. It got right to the exit but no further and it stayed there, my body was trying but it wouldn't budge. And it was really smooth and long. Don't be afraid just keep at it. These foods contain soluble fiber, which is important for proper bowel function. So, I drank a glass of water, then a glass of orange juice (oj is a natural laxative). I deeply sympathize with all the sufferers. Update: @yeah Yes, i'm on the computer and standing with my pants down. Slowly stood back up after a good pass of stool, rinsed the cloth, added more jelly, then reapplied the cloth and got a little further. Thank you so so so much!!! Clueless on what to do, indexided to take a tablet of dulcolax to soften it but it made things worst. Why is my poop stuck halfway? I have even tried those Full colon cleanse pills that say clear it all out in 13 days and it didn't start doing Anything till like day 8 and even then didn't do much luckily its a money back guarantee once I got the CT After doing it and it showed STILL FULL they refunded for the empty bottle I just want my stomach EMPTY what do I have to do a liquid diet and put ALL my food in a blender or would that even matter? So yeah, I totally, totally get it. Up to the days leading to the day I actually passed that huge thing out, I was having pain in my lower left abdomen. Most of the world squats to have a bowel movement, everything lines up and gravity becomes your friend. This kind of reversal doesn't typically happen within a few days; it takes weeks, months, or sometimes even years of allowing the smooth muscles that line your colon to recover optimal tone, which requires improvement within your enteric nervous system, a portion of the autonomic nervous system that regulates your bowel movements. But after some practice and getting the hang of it, it really helps. Hot towel suggestion worked like a charm. I must say that I agree to with whoever said it was the most satisfying crap they ever took. It still took me about 15 minutes of systematically pushing and relaxing to get it to pass. I had an impacted stool 3 weeks ago that caused me Posted 11/05/2014. I was stuck on the toilet the other night for over an hour before I was finally able to go. Included is detail on when to see a doctor and the foods that cause it to happen. Thank you so much for your tips. I was classified as constipated since 3 years of age and usually pass one hard round table tennis ball of poop once a week until when I was 25 yrs old when I found out that 8 to 10 pints of beer gave me relief the following morning. It has been over 2 days of torture. I was in this situation, and was in so much pain, having faith the whole time that god will see me through this. If a day of eating a particularly high fat diet has led to sticky stool, wait a day to see if anything changes. Your stool quality is usually a result of how your body responds to your food choices. I have this hard turd there and I push for it to come out but my vest tightens up and I start heaving then my area around the turd will hurt like its being cut I've tried multiple ways to get it out but I am also worried if I leave it there will something happen to me ? Their first impression based on what your current doctor says and sometimes during a stool! 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