I am currently lvl 30 and not sure what I should have or be going for next. : page 4 2 Boxing: page 4 Tips for enhancing speed: page 5 Zones for solo exp: page 6. ... Is there a basic leveling guide that can tell me, as I get points or upgrades available where to distribute what, in what order. It's now time to consider a steady diet of bards! EverQuest Necromancer Leveling Guide by Cumadieaneu Bonerot. LEVEL 5-15 HUNTING GROUNDSLevels 5-10 Butcherblock Mountains. Since 50 Ive joined a great guild, seen the planes again, and farmed like every necro has to by law. Lake Rathetear - (Lenglensou) Two An Aviak Guard outside of The Arena. With my new found wealth I started looking for deals in auction each time I visited shady to sell. Running back to Nek forest through East Commons I noticed someone auctioning to buy bone chips 10pp a stack. It was time to put on my traveling shoes. 27384. Before I leveled to 5 I had about 10 plat and almost 4 stacks of bonechips. One of the guys had a key and we headed down to the second level. Please do not watch if you are under 18. I even got WTFPWNED by a fire beetle!! I found fear kiting her early on was the easiest way, until I got my 24 pet, but you can agro kite her as she just stands there anyways while you nuke. Interestingly, I saw a familiar face on the orc highway. It felt great and reminded me of what I always loved about the EQ community above all other games Ive played. Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. Depending on your comfort level, you can kill the two 1 spawns, and avoid the two spawn, or you can kill the two spawn and 1 of the 1 spawns. Its a four spawn, with a chance at a yellow zombie which you can handle with relative ease once the camp is broken. They can farm a lot of high level farms to make plat. This camp in NK has become more fruitful, as I started killing the guards at the SK zone line as well as still killing Cordelia Minster, the only real problem is those guards have a LONG re-spawn time. At 34 the biggest spell to get was Call of Bones. Somewhere in L10 I ran to the tunnel to sell and maybe get a SoW. The 16DD proc really sped up my kill rate and I have my first gear that wasnt newbie fodder! If you need to reach max level Necro (without being PL’d) – look no further! It was a relaxing camp and I spent a lot of time between spawns researching items and planning future adventures. After dinging level 12 I quickly gated back to Neriak and got my new spells with the profits of my DF belt windfall. Then I think I got all the way or nearly to 44 within the next three days. There are a few new options for this level range once Velious hits, Crystal Caverns, Tower of Frozen Shadow, Great Divide and a few more. Levels 1 to 70. Things went smooth for awhile but then PoW out of nowhere we wiped out. So I gated to the tunnel, got a sow, and headed off to Nagafen's Lair (Sol B). Then change the secondary hotkey for hotkeys 3-6 to your movement keys. So I decided to move to Misty Thicket and kill the guards on the newbie wall. Watch out for A Orc Warrior, they hurt :). Of course, our bodies are behind a locked door and with no gear our chances of CR are remote. Once I hit 6 I decided to make that big jump to Antonica, so I bought all my level 8 spells, and packed up and ran to Butcherblock Mountains to take the boat to Freeport. I kept all the cloth armor and vendored all the cracked staffs etc to the Toxidil in the tunnel. Levels 5-10 Commonlands (East and West): rules all, the orcs are great xp, turn in any DF belts you find for extra experience back in town. East Commonlands - just west of the tunnel in the sand I spent the next two levels killing snakes and other assortment of things that conned dark blue. Again most of these levels were done in SolB primarily at the Royals camp. Theres Den Ironblend on the road near the crossroads in BB. Lake Rathetear - (Lenglensou) #15 on map has two static NPC spawns Taia Lyfol a 37 paladin and Kanthurn a 37 rogue. Cordellia Minister hangs out at the North Karana spire and is on a 6 minute timer. I spent the early parts of these levels killing rangers in EC but that was tough. For some classes soloing after level 65 is very tough. I also picked up a couple backpacks and some food/water. Most of these levels I hung out in Nek forest killing black bears, tree snakes, an shadow wolves always killing any skeleton I saw roaming. With the skeleton illusion you can sell to the vendors right in Misty Thicket. Learn how to farm plat in EQ from level 1 to 60. Good until level 9. Skill progression from Necro 0-70! Surprisingly enough I was able to do both levels in one sitting albeit a long one. Table of Contents Introduction: page 3 Spells used: page 4 One computer or two? Viewer Discretion Advised: This video may contain mature subject matter that is not appropriate for minors. Looking at my buffs I realized I now had SoW, SLN, Regen, and thorns!! Be careful, SoW is highly recommended as he is an undercon who resists often. All and all it came out to about 500pp a trip. It was here I met a lot of really good players and we kept the exp meter flying. In between Manastone pulses she gave our tanks HP buffs, regen and thorns. Dervish Cutthroats here or the orc camps. Necromancer. And took the odd trip to East Freeport to kill guards by the docks. Total noob here, want to roll a necro, any easy leveling guide? During this time an Ogre SK came up inspected me and then asked if this was my first P99 character. : page 4 2 Boxing: page 4 Tips for enhancing speed: page 5 Zones for solo exp: page 6. But Mistrana is level 25 and a bard, so be ready before pulling her. http://wiki.project1999.com/index.php?title=Necro_Soloing_Guide_1-50&oldid=295201. Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience … Back to Neriak with my 40plat I bought my important spells (fear, pet, tap, gate, and darkness). Other two barbarians do not give xp. For most of the levels I alternated between killing at KFC in SK and the bard in NK. Levels 1 to 70. I stayed killing guards with a few short trips over to KFC in Southern Karana until level 24. Memories flooded back to me as I remember this being exactly how my first Befallen group in 99 had ended as well. The exp was great and they dropped bronze weapons. This expansion introduced Mercenaries and basically completely changed the way you level in Everquest. She chain messes you (may have been removed? (Lenglensou) The undead shrine near EC Zone or undead spawns at wizard spires in Nektulos Forest are great xp, safe single pulls with good spawn rates. There are many guards and it is quite easy to solo these with the LVL 29 pet. Kunark Leveling Guide 25 - 35. Western Karana - Misty Storyswapper, she’s at the farm house near the zone to Qeynos Hills. Then make 4 sense heading buttons and move them to hotkey slots 3-6. Basically, I hung out in the newbie zone until I killed enough things to go back and buy my first pet spell. Level 10-20 – Befallen – Not many players here usually. Welcome to our Necromancer Leveling Guide! I am planning on rolling my first necro EVER on EQ (I used to run a wood elf druid back in the day) and I am looking for player recommendation (beyond eq wiki) on what kind of build I should go for, which race and attributes, which pieces of gear to get first, etc. Detailed "per-level" Build Guide for Necro - Minion Master. Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! level 1-50. The rest of the levels were spent bouncing around between derv camps in WC and Nro. Keep your eye on your spawn as Broog Bloodbeard can randomly spawn at any spawn point and is level 46 with higher resists and no different loot. Was pretty good loot/cash. Here I killed decaying skellies almost exclusively for the much needed bone chips. They can farm a lot of high level farms to make plat. Eventually a higher level camp and dragged our corpses up for us. Mostly, because everything was so overcamped/farmed and I wanted to level quickly. If you're ambitious you can kill the guard too, to double up the XP. Western Karana - (Lenglensou) Barbarian Fishing Village (#13 on map). Plat guide for P1999 or any Classic Everquest server or Progression Server. It was all a blur and I quickly punched 44 - 50 in just a few short days. I'd prefer the old world, some nice big open zones to fear kite but Im also interested in the kunark areas. Steamfont Mountains - Kobolds in Steamfont, if you run to the Lesser Faydark zoneline and follow the left wall *facing the LFay zoneline* you will run into a large camp of kobolds. 11. The ones near the shoreline are the best, because theres a merchant right inside of the house, which you can sell too even though you’re killing dwarves. And I never killed a spec or hillgiants in Rathe Mountains. The same could be said about the rangers at the WC ring. Share on Facebook. I met a good enchanter and we headed off to make a group. This guide was created for the Everquest Progression Servers and it will also be viable on any EQ Emulator server that is in this era. Misty was great and there is a guard next to her along with a couple other NPCs in a nearby field. Theres also a house on the shoreline with 4 of them to kill. Welcome! Butcherblock Mountains - Den and friends (Kaladim Citizens). Up until level 54 (when we get Thrall of Bones), I will admit charm has a pretty horrible break rate. I still haven't killed Cazic Thule, been death-touched, or slaughtered Lady Vox. Breaking the camp is the hardest part, but once its broke you and your pet can solo these with relative ease. The experience is awesome. Less resistance than Ulrich, killing both makes a great camp. Knowing it would be going quite some time before I got gear, and that eventually I would be raiding, I split my bonus points down the middle between int/sta. Also any tips you might have for reaching levels quicker such as … I gated back to get new spells at 16 and then headed back to keep grinding the bard and guard till I got to L18. You'll probably see a few of these zones highly visited during this era as well as the old popular Kunark dungeons like City of Mist. In Nektulos Forest you can move beyond the "newb log", looking for bears, wolves and snakes and skeletons. Depending on what you make my recommendation is the starting areas where you can farm a lot of decaying skeletons for Bone Chips, you will need these later so stock up early. The exp flew by and I was soon level 20! The exp was fast and the coin was building up at a nice rate. Please do not watch if you are under 18. I wondered if it would be as exciting so many years later. This page was last modified on 25 April 2020, at 17:13. Screaming terror is so nice for splitting pulls. With the LVL 34 pet (+mez/root), you can also break spawns with 2+ guards quite nicely. I was kinda curious if someone with a few more seasons could maybe put a leveling guide on here. I had just enough coin leftover from my bonechip deal to get pretty much everything I wanted/needed. Yeah, weapons affecting pet delay was removed very early in EQLive, because the lvl 49 necro pet was dual wielding for full damage with fine steel daggers (19 delay) and the DPS was insane. I cleared the undead ruins if there weren't any zombies or ghouls up. Tweet on Twitter. Oasis of Marr / Northern Desert of Ro - Depending on how ambitious you are, you can move onto Oasis of Marr, the mobs con a little bit higher for better XP, but sometimes there are alot of people in Oasis, so limited caimen action. So I decided to try to get some solo experience and grind as fast as I could. Only level 2 an already doing a CR. Nisha had appeared and buffed our group for hours. With level 3 you will receive a reward box that contains gear and other goodies which we can utilize for this Magicka Necromancer Beginner Guide. LEVEL 5-15 HUNTING GROUNDSLevels 5-10 Butcherblock Mountains. One tip here is to bind at the merchant by Rathe Mountains zone. Western Karana - (Lenglensou) Barbarian Fishing Village again. If oasis is full you can continue to kill spiders and what not at the wizzie drop spot. Depending on where is open, the dwarven females in the houses around BB are GREAT Xp and cash. Occasional Lesser Mummy spawn will require higher level assistance. I'd recommend binding at the merchant in Lake Rathe so you can gate when you get weighted down. D3 Necromancer Leveling Guide S22 | 2.6.10. *I could sell there even with Bertoxx as my deity* (also as Innoruuk follower - Lenglensou). Soon I found myself outfitted in new gear and gone were the days of full cloth!! When I started again I wanted to play a character that could level fast, and was not heavily dependent on gear. I was kinda curious if someone with a few more seasons could maybe put a leveling guide on here. TeamBRG - November 19, 2020. The T intersection on the main path that heads to the Wizard Spires has a permanent bear spawn that I found a good spot to also catch skeletons and wondering bears. Later on the 4 guards at the gate are easily doable. During this time I must have gotten 20 greater lightstones killing that wisp. I tried guards in Butcherblock Mountains but the exp seemed slow. Rathe Mountains - (Lenglensou) Hill Giants are level 33-37. It will increase your primary stats and is an essential part of the game as an always available buff. Lars and Junth are simple warriors, lvl 20 each. Better loot, riskier pulls. Once 36 Einhorst resists much less. Rush your Necro to level 70 solo! Dervish Cutthroats here or the orc camps. Plat guide for P1999 or any Classic Everquest server or Progression Server. The 29 spells were nice for me, the addition of Dooming Darkness and Boil Blood were very welcome. I put level 40 on grind status and got through that in a day. Yeah that guide is a pretty terrible leveling path that's based on P99. Great spot, just look out for the occasional pathing cyclops. I ran back to the tunnel and quickly bound myself there. Not much changes between 'minor' expansions in each leveling guide and you'll notice that the biggest change between leveling guides is Seeds of Destruction. Again I did a lot of soloing in Kith in between groups. We ripped and tore through orcs for hours, always watchful for that flying death they call a griffon. This time I was out to kill yet another bard. I know for a newbie charmer a charm break can seem intimidating, but thats what this guide is … Which race you pick will determine the foundation of you character for the rest of your life in Norrath, so it is kind of important you pick one you like and that you will be happy with. He gets considerably easier at 30, but is still dangerous and will get the best you without SoW once in awhile. So once again I packed my bags and headed over to Lake Rathetear. After that however, using the right conditions, and a little pet control, I easily held the Highborn camp in Veksar by myself. Levels 5-10 Innothule Swamp. I stayed murdering Halfling after halfling until the exp dried up. One of the strongest soloers in the game, capable of farming a lot of plat both while leveling and at … North Karana - Cordelia Minster. After a short time at Dervs we decided to check out befallen. After entering the world it took me a good 10 minutes of running around before I realized my trainer was in Third Gate. I would solo scarabs and such while waiting for groups and it all went surprisingly smooth. Oasis of Marr - Deepwater Crocs/Caimens, and the occasional LB Croc, great solo XP, terrible loot. Those that would like to avoid the crowds should stick to classic content during this level range. I hope to return to the Necro community that helped me a lot throughout my leveling progression. Early on I killed the two single spawns on the wall, Ferp and Looh. You may still be able to eek out a level or two at the skeleton camps in NRO, but the xp isn't as nice. High Keep - (Rumzuck) I found High Keep to be an excellent zone for necros who do not care about their faction there. (Editor's Note: see the 6-Minute Bard Diet for more bard killing fun.). Lake Rathetear - (Lenglensou) The ogres huts at the Rathe Mountains zone line are non-social (single pulled), level 35 shaman. For some classes soloing after level 65 is very tough. etc. This page has been accessed 101,240 times. No loot. When I started again I wanted to play a character that could level fast, and was not heavily dependent on gear. I told him it was an what a great time I was having, then he dropped a fire crystal staff on me. The exp was steady and I was getting decent loot but by now I knew that spells and gear would come naturally. The platinum was adding up fast!! The experience is awesome. So I let them loot the shields, bought them some gear in EC, and basically passed on some of the good will shown to me by Nisha and others. I never camped Lower Guk until I dinged 50. Viewer Discretion Advised: This video may contain mature subject matter that is not appropriate for minors. Whenever I could I put together a group in SolB and did royals and BnB for the most part. I sat with my LFG tag on for a little bit contemplating buying some 2int rings for 5pp a piece. Having played a druid main for years on live I knew that I was now a killing machine. Now in terms of faction, Necromancers are generally hated everywhere, some races … Running back from the tunnel I knew what was in store. The area in the Southwest corner of zone has an area of high level A shadowed man but south of that is an area of bears and wolves as well. I also possibly recommend the undead runes in NRO. Talk about all issues related to Necromancer equipment here. With the LVL 34 pet (+mez/root), you can also break spawns with 2+ guards quite nicely. Necromancer. 1% XP a kill, good loot finesteel, Split Paw Hide Gloves that sell for like 20-30pp, whips, etc etc. This page has been accessed 106,680 times. level 1-50. What a rush killing spiderlings and moss snakes! And I never did Kedge Keep because well I always hated water zones. Many years ago I played a DE nerco but only really started to play p99 when kunark came out. Flying death they call a griffon stop was the Froglok Scryer and I choose Dark Elf as my race of... We wiped out levels I alternated between killing at KFC in SK and the best to! On map ) the Karanas once again I wanted to play P99 when came... And such while waiting for groups and it is quite easy to.... For most of the levels were spent bouncing around between derv camps in and! My new spells and working up my research a little I decided to go back and buy my pet! 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