Recycling bins filled with EcoStar and other PET plastic are placed curbside to be collected by local recycling companies. Since foam products tend to break apart into smaller pieces, you should place them in a bag, squeeze out the air, and tie it up before putting it in the trash to prevent pellets from dispersing. These bales are then sent to Placon in Madison, WI to be made into EcoStar post-consumer PET packaging. Found in: Squeezable bottles; bread, frozen food, dry cleaning, and shopping bags; tote bags; furniture. 8 Myths About Renting You Should Stop Believing Immediately, 6 Ways Home Buyers Mess Up Getting a Mortgage, 6 Reasons You Should Never Buy or Sell a Home Without an Agent, Difference Between Agent, Broker & REALTOR, Real Estate Agents Reveal the Toughest Home Buyers They’ve Ever Met, The 5 Maintenance Skills All Homeowners Should Know, Click for complete coronavirus coverage from, Don't Toss That! Here is a breakdown of the recycling codes and what they all mean: #1 PET – This is a type of plastic commonly used in water bottles, blister packs, and clear food packaging. But, while the addition of glycol to PET makes it less brittle, it is believed that it also causes PETG to have a higher processing temperature than PET, creating challenges for recycling. The best option is to consult your municipality's website for specific instructions. “For decades, consumers have looked at recycling symbols on plastic products—and the numbers inside—as a promise that their packaging can and will be recycled,” says Matt Littlejohn, senior vice president for strategic initiatives at Oceana, a nonprofit ocean conservation organization. Flimsy plastics (like grocery bags and plastic wrap) usually can't be recycled, but some stores will collect and recycle them. PLA (polylactic acid), which is made from plants and is carbon neutral, also falls into this category. A wide variety of plastic resins that don't fit into the previous categories are lumped into this one. How to recycle it: HDPE can often be picked up through most curbside recycling programs, although some allow only containers with necks. Plastics are classified into one of seven categories, each one a different material that is more or less easy to recycle. It's best to throw loose caps into the garbage since they easily slip through screens during recycling and end up as trash anyways. 5 plastics, but Phoenix may not. It … It's gradually becoming more accepted by recyclers. PET or PETE is what’s used to make bottles for soda, water and other drinks. Recycled PET bottles can also be turned into polyester fiber. Plus, how to recycle the different types of plastics. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Found in: Disposable plates and cups, meat trays, egg cartons, carry-out containers, aspirin bottles, compact disc cases. The most common types of No. We all know that the triangle symbol (♻) on the bottom of plastic bottles means to recycle. Although the feedstocks for PET are petroleum based, the environmental impact of PET is very favorable in comparison to glass, aluminum and other container materials. The versatile material is in our cars, toys, packaging, clothing, home goods, food utensils, and so much more — but it's also littering our streets, clogging our waterways, and choking marine life. Customers choose it for its safety, light weighPET Bottles Recyclingt, resealability, shatter-resistance and recyclability. PP (polypropylene) has a high melting point, so it's often chosen for containers that will hold hot liquid. The numbers and letters act as identification for the recycling teams. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) is a general-purpose thermoplastic polymer which belongs to the polyester family of polymers. How to recycle it: PET or PETE can be picked up through most curbside recycling programs as long as it's been emptied and rinsed of any food. The plastic items are shredded into tiny pallets and reprocessed into new bottles. It is recycled in some areas and used to make similar products like plastic wood, insulation, and hard-plastic pens. some stores will collect and recycle them, studies have shown it as a hormone disruptor, 3 Suspect Plastics to Avoid in Baby Bottles, Water Bottles, More, 12 Companies with Great Recycling Programs, Companies Pushing the Boundaries on Recycling. The recycling numbers range from 1 to 7 and stand for different types of plastic. PET bottles can be recycled into new containers, pallet straps, paneling, carpet and clothing fibers, and fiberfill for soft furnishings and sleeping bags. This Refurbished Asheville, NC, Home Made a 6-Figure Profit, Matt Damon Selling Modern Pacific Palisades Estate for $21M, 5 Things You Didn’t Know a VA Loan Could Do for You, ‘Home Town’ Reveals One Thing in Your House That You’ll Regret Tossing. It is a polymer created by the combination of two monomers: modified ethylene glycol and purified terephthalic acid. Its recycling rates remain relatively low (around 20%), even though the material is in high demand by manufacturers. The energy consumption per volume of a PET bottle is around 5.4 MJ/litre, which is a lot less than glass or aluminium, but higher than PE (commonly used for milk bottles). This type of plastic is found in milk jugs, laundry detergent bottles, household cleaner bottles, motor oil bottles, and juice bottles. What Do the Recycle Triangles on the Bottom of Plastics Mean?. For instance, a #1 (PET) is very commonly recycled while a #7 (Other) cannot be recycled in many places. “As technology improves, recycling centers are beginning to accept plastics that they weren't able to process in the past. List of submissions for which FDA issued a favorable opinion on the suitability of a process for producing recycled plastic to be used in food contact articles. However, it can be really hard to collect clean, high quality plastics! PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) is the most common plastic for single-use bottled beverages, because it's inexpensive, lightweight, and easy to recycle. To help you understand the different categories, here’s a breakdown of those tiny numbers. Home Buyers Reveal: 'What I Wish I Had Known Before Buying My First Home', Selling Your Home? Recycled into: Decks, paneling, mud-flaps, roadway gutters, flooring, cables, speed bumps, mats. PET is considered a highly recyclable plastic. Remember to never burn PVC, because it releases toxins. 2: HDPE (High density polyethylene) Other materials are not approved. 1 and 2, are rarely actually recycled.”. Experts recommend recyclers take time to understand what items are recyclable. Picked up by most curbside recycling programs, plastic #1 is usually clear and used to make soda and water bottles. Never heat PETE 1 plastic as this causes antimony leach which is a toxic chemical. A container coded number 1 is polyethylene terephthalate, called PET or PETE. How to recycle it: LDPE is not often recycled through curbside programs, but some communities might accept it. “But as it turns out, there are several different types of plastic, and some are easier for recycling centers to process than others.”. Because chlorine is part of PVC, it can result in the release of highly dangerous dioxins during manufacturing. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at, Inside the 2020 Raise the Green Bar Summit, 45 Easy Changes You Can Make to Save the Earth, How to Dispose of Household Items the Right Way, The Truth About What "Eco-Friendly" Actually Means, 30+ Endangered Animals You Should Know About, The Best Reusable Sandwich and Snack Bags, Amina Lake Abdelrahman, Good Housekeeping Institute, Plastic Recycling Symbol #7: Miscellaneous. In many countries, PET plastics are coded with the resin identification code number "1" inside the universal recycling symbol, usually located on the bottom of the container. HDPE or PE-HD. Alternatively, use our recycling database to find a cash-based recycling system that will reward you for your green efforts with money for your deposit-laden plastics. Even if there isn't a way for your town to recycle a certain material, he says there's still a chance they might collect it anyways and either store it or dispose of it. Customers choose PET because it is inexpensive, lightweight, resealable, shatter-resistant and recyclable. Plastics with this number are also picked up by most curbside programs and can be recycled into many kinds of goods. Don't Neglect These 6 Maintenance Tasks—or Else, Debunked! First, read up on recycling tips from our environmental experts. The Meanings of The Recycling Symbols: Plastic #1 - PETE or PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) Yes- Recycle this A plastic resin and the most common type of polyester. The current U.S. recycling rate for PET is 31%. This means very few PET containers can re … Found in: Three- and five-gallon water bottles, bullet-proof materials, sunglasses, DVDs, iPod and computer cases, signs and displays, certain food containers, nylon. As a main component in many of the plastic bottles used today, one of the most common discussions about PET plastics is recycling it. Although there is demand for recycled PET , the recycling rate in the U.S. was 29.2% in 2017 , the latest year for which data was available, according to the National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR) and the Association of … Consumer plastics commonly bear a triangle with a number inside, called a resin identification code — or more simply, a resin code. Different cities and towns accept different types of plastics for recycling. PET plastic is recyclable and about 25% of PET bottles in the US today are recycled. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a highly recyclable plastic resin and a form of polyester. 11 Surprising Things You Can Recycle, Declutter Your Home, Don't Trash the Earth: 5 Things You Can Recycle Right Now. The success of any recycling concept is hidden in the efficiency of purification and decontamination at the right place during processing and to the necessary or desired extent. Sometimes it seems like everything in modern America is made of plastic. This number represents the most commonly recycled plastic, which is lightweight and easy to recycle. PVC can rarely be recycled, but it is accepted by some plastic lumber makers. Classic Colonial From 1672 on Long Island Is the Week's Oldest Home for Sale, What the Flip? If you need to dispose of either material, ask your local waste management to see if you should put it in the trash or drop it off at a collection center. It’s accepted by most curbside recycling programs and can be recycled to make items like egg cartons, containers, carpet, and more. In fact, one 2016 study found that 32% of plastic packaging ends up in our oceans every year. Her work has been featured in Military Officer, California Lawyer, the American Scholar, and PracticeLink magazines. Recycling: All PET plastic bottles can be recycled. RPET plastics are a similar form to PET. Here at the Good Housekeeping Institute, our team is passionate about sustainability and the environment. Historically, it hasn't been accepted through most American recycling programs, but more and more communities are starting to accept it. This plastic is not commonly recycled and is used to make packaging pipes and tubes, medicine bottles, bottle caps, and straws. FYI: Just because a product has the chasing arrows symbol, doesn't mean it's recyclable — it's just an indicator of the type of plastic. PVC is also cheap, so it's found in plenty of products and packaging. PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) is the most common plastic for single-use bottled beverages, because it's inexpensive, lightweight, and easy to recycle. The first PET bottle to be recycled occurred in 1977. Just like we mentioned under HDPE, plastic shopping bags can often be returned to stores for recycling. Every town and city has different recycling programs, so you'll often have to check your location's rules to find out exactly what you can recycle. From helping you decode eco-friendly claims to sharing the winners of our first-ever Sustainable Packaging Awards, we're here to help you make smarter decisions for your home and the environment. But it also helps recycling collectors determine what items they can accept — and which ones go in the trash. It poses low risk of leaching breakdown products. Recycling PET Plastics Makes Sense . 7 Things You're Recycling Wrong: How Many Are in Your Blue Bin Right Now? Found in: Milk jugs; juice bottles; bleach, detergent, and other household cleaner bottles; shampoo bottles; some trash and shopping bags; motor oil bottles; butter and yogurt tubs; cereal box liners. “Thankfully, it only takes a second to Google 'which plastic codes does my recycling center accept' to decide which items [you] can or cannot throw into your recycling bin.”. The plastic is easily recyclable so it’s often part of curbside recycling programs. Some consider it safe, but this plastic is known to allow bacteria to accumulate. That means anything made with LDPE (like toothpaste tubes) can be thrown in the trash. Most places still don't accept it in foam forms because it's 98% air. Bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET, sometimes PETE) can be recycled and used to manufacture new bottles and containers, thermoform packaging, strapping and are also used in fiber applications such as carpet and apparel. Found in: Soft drinks, water, ketchup, and beer bottles; mouthwash bottles; peanut butter containers; salad dressing and vegetable oil containers. 1: Polyethylene terephthalate (PETE / PET) This number represents the most commonly recycled plastic, which is lightweight and easy to … Why trust us? Some consider it safe, but this plastic is known to allow bacteria to accumulate. Plus, "there are times when your recycling program may change what it collects," says Mike Brown of Brown and Wilmanns Environmental, one of our environmental consultants. PET is an acronym for polyethylene terephthalate, a plastic resin and a type of polyester. Recycled into: Signal lights, battery cables, brooms, brushes, auto battery cases, ice scrapers, landscape borders, bicycle racks, rakes, bins, pallets, trays. These are created after the recycling of polyethylene terephthalate. The number is a resin identification code, used to help recycling plants sort materials.Recyclable plastics are labeled with numbers 1-7 to tell workers what kind of plastic it is, and how it should be processed. Manufacturers use PET plastic to package products because of its strength, thermo-stability and transparency. type of plastic resin that product is made with. For the best experience, please enable cookies when using our site. PET/PETE products CAN be recycled. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE), a strong, stiff synthetic fibre and resin and a member of the polyester family of polymers. See: Plastic-Free Products for the Home The symbols have proven to be confusing to consumers. This number designates a miscellaneous category for all other plastic resins like acrylic or nylon. Especially when it comes to recycling.” With something like recycling, one might assume it is fine to mix similar resins like PET and PETG. Polycarbonate is number seven plastic, and it's the hard plastic that has worried parents after studies have shown it as a hormone disruptor. LDPE (low density polyethylene) is a flexible plastic with many applications. Also known as the resin identification code, or RIC, each number imprinted on a plastic product indicates the type of plastic resin that product is made with. These can then be recycled into items such as flower pots, toys, traffic cones, and trash cans. Comments. Widely accepted by the majority of curb side pick ups When it comes to caps, our environmental pros say it’s probably better to dispose of them in the trash (since they're usually made of a different type of plastic), unless your town explicitly says you can throw them in the recycle bin. It carries low risk of leaching and is readily recyclable into many types of goods. Good Housekeeping participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. How to recycle it: PP can be recycled through some curbside programs, just don't forget to make sure there's no food left inside. Also known as PETE, this symbol represents polyethylene terephthalate, which is commonly used for soft drink bottles, mineral water containers, and fruit juice containers, and cooking oil containers. Recycled into: Polar fleece, fiber, tote bags, furniture, carpet, paneling, straps, bottles and food containers (as long as the plastic being recycled meets purity standards and doesn't have hazardous contaminants). PET is easily recycled via curbside recycling pickup services. “It's not uncommon to see a recycling symbol on a plastic container and think it's OK to toss it into the recycling bin,” says Sheryl Ryan, founder of Greenopedia. PET is spun into fibres for permanent-press fabrics and blow-molded into disposable beverage bottles. Like PET plastics, HDPE plastics are picked up by most curbside recycling companies. Recycled into: Plastic lumber and custom-made products, How to Best Alleviate COVID-19 Symptoms at Home, These Reusable Grocery Bags Make Shopping a Breeze, How to Read the 'Bridgerton' Books in Order, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. The Recycling Symbols Plastic #1 – PETE or PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) Picked up by most curbside recycling programs, plastic #1 is usually clear and used to make soda and water bottles. Although recycling is the most environmentally responsible and efficient re-use of resources, PET bottles and containers that find their way to the landfill pose no risk of harm or leaching. Of course, the symbols themselves need explaining, too. For example, San Diego may accept No. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the, Sorry, we were unable to share this article. There's no need to remove bottle labels because the recycling process separates them. How to recycle it: PVC and V can rarely be recycled, but it's accepted by some plastic lumber makers. Recoup’s ‘UK Household Plastics Collection Survey 2014’ confirmed that nearly 60% of PET plastic bottles in the household waste stream are now being collected for recycling - in 2001 this figure was just 3%. With all the different rules and symbols, it can be confusing for consumers to figure out exactly what each plastic recycling symbol means and how to recycle it. Recycled into: Laundry detergent bottles, oil bottles, pens, recycling containers, floor tile, drainage pipe, lumber, benches, doghouses, picnic tables, fencing, shampoo bottles. Polyester resins are known for their excellent combination of properties such as mechanical, thermal, chemical resistance as well as dimensional stability. Purification and decontamination. The material was long on environmentalists' hit lists for dispersing widely across the landscape, and for being notoriously difficult to recycle. Get quick and easy access to your home value, neighborhood activity and financial possibilites. The chasing arrows, to most of us, mean recycling. How to recycle it: These other plastics are traditionally not recycled, so don't expect your local provider to accept them. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and V (vinyl) is tough and weathers well, so it's commonly used for things like piping and siding. How to recycle it: Not many curbside recycling programs accept PS in the form of rigid plastics (and many manufacturers have switched to using PET instead). Leave your PET recycling for curbsite pick-up, or take it into your local drop off recycling center. From the recycling symbol itself to what those numbers on plastic containers actually mean, there's a lot you can learn from your trash before it … Found in: Shampoo and cooking oil bottles, blister packaging, wire jacketing, siding, windows, piping. 8 Directive (EU) 2019/904 requires 25% recycled plastic by 2025 in PET bottles … It is used for soft drink bottles, peanut butter jars, salad dressing bottles, plastic liquor bottles, mineral water containers, fruit juice containers, and cooking oil containers. The code does not mean the item is made from recycled plastic or that the plastic is recyclable in your area. This type of plastic is not commonly recycled and is used to make everything from shower curtains to garden hoses. Here's what each plastic recycling symbol means, along with examples it's found in and how to recycle it. “Unfortunately, this promise is a hollow one as most plastic products, except for those with Nos. A toxic chemical ( EU ) 2019/904 requires 25 % of plastic is recyclable in your.! Categories, each one a different material that is more or less easy to recycle recycled. ” melting,. Dimensional stability is the Week 's Oldest Home for Sale, what the Flip get quick and easy recycle. Safety shields the garbage since they easily slip through screens during recycling and end as... 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