A mixed methods approach was used to explore students’ strategy use in online discussions. The study shows that if teachers have, they will take part in professional development programmes even if the school, leaders do not support this through time and scheduling. learning may improve when there is a focus on teachers’ learning. is the Assistant Director for Professional Development . activities facilitate and constrain teacher learning. McMahon, M., J. Reeves, A. Devlin, J. Simpson, and A. Jaap. By effective, we mean that the professional development leads to observable, measurable improvements in teaching … http://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/16901/TPL. The study also shows that teachers learn most when they have the, opportunity to discuss their experiences in a trusted, confident and constructive, atmosphere. Development and adaption of expertise: The role of self-regulatory. γνώση και στις πεποιθήσεις των εκπαιδευτικών σε όλα τα στάδια της μεταρρύθμισης, Professional development for teachers and educators Get the specialist knowledge you need to take your teaching to the next level. Meanwhile, students enjoyed the learning process through their different ways of learning. APA’s Center for Psychology in Schools and Education develops resources for PreK-12 teachers and other school personnel that are based on psychological science designed to enhance student teaching, learning and well-being in school. They then use the incidents for future reference. And where will I go afterwards? They also state that it is important for, teachers’ learning that knowledgeable persons in school can be used as a resource in. ����߹VaI�~�TTXĺ�߮_k��������O��`ZVXĺ���~���c���\���;���mkX��k�=l���?�W����o�IZ�r�ְ&~-�;l��6�wo_�<. Teacher professional, ISSN 0013-1881 print/ISSN 1469-5847 online, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00131881.2012.734725, Downloaded by [Universitetbiblioteket I Trondheim NTNU] at 03:13 10 June 2014, teachers’ learning, how they learn to learn and how they apply their knowledge in, practice to support pupil learning (Avalos 2011). Pintrich, and M. Zeidner, 1–9. The research question that is pursued in this article is: how the articles were selected and analysed. The role of teachers’ orientation to learning. Therefore, this research aims at exploring and developing steps to foster good character in physical education learning that can be used as a guide for teachers by using 4D designs (Defining, Designing, Developing, and Disseminating). operative activities should be planned to promote learning in various areas. According, to Lempert-Shepell, both co-organisation and self-organisation of. 2007). Learning can occur in planned reflection meetings between, teachers can learn from unplanned conversations with, after teaching, or in parent–teacher meetings. The activity that the studies are based on was carried out with a, view to satisfying the political objectives in force, and the studies were carried out, over a period of six months to two years. Participation might also reinforce an ineffective status quo. Without effective professional development systems to teach teachers to do assessment for learning, the potential of the intervention will never be realized. Desse modo, procuramos responder quais condições institucionais (possibilidades de escolhas e recursos), características subjetivas (habilidades, competências e disposições) e contextos sociais (família, escola, universidade) podem influenciar a trajetória docente, no sentido de torná-la uma busca contínua de inovações educacionais? According to Warford, (2011), teacher trainers cannot promote the learning of teachers without, awakening their previous knowledge and experiences, Based on the previous knowledge of teachers, they may be assisted in their zones, of proximal development by more competent others (Vygotsky 1978). Based on 97 studies conducted in primary and secondary school, Timperley et al. Teachers Develop Better Organization and Planning Skills. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Professional development, also referred to professional learning by teachers already engaged in professional practice, is the process of developing the necessary knowledge-base and skills teachers require to carry out their role effectively. Suggestions for course design are offered. However, findings from their study of teachers in 40 primary and secondary. (2007) focused on how teachers’ professional development impacts on pupils’, learning outcomes. This paper aims to explore the mechanism of Learning Study in enhancing teacher learning by adopting communities of practice as the analytical frame-work. εκπαιδευτικών και φωτίζει εκείνες οι πλευρές που επιτρέπουν ή περιορίζουν τη They show that, increase their competence by co-operating with other teachers while, responsibility for their own professional development. More even than in the matter of social class, these students simply acted like everyone else, blindly supporting in their personal conduct exactly what some at least should have been studying. This axial analysis, teachers’ learning; (2) individual and organisational factors in teachers, The presentation of the research articles outlines the samples of the studies and, the school level in which they were conducted. Μετά την ανάγνωση των περιλήψεων και των άρθρων που αρχικά είχαν επισημανθεί, επιλέχθηκαν 32 άρθρα και 3 μεταμελέτες (Timperley et al. Tiller states that teachers must not become caught up in the experi, include them in the current situation and planning of futur, can learn from their own experiences by being exploratory, and in this way they will, have a meta-perspective on their own teaching practice (Postholm and Jacobsen, In the sub-sections below, the findings from research on teachers’ learning, in school are presented under the seven themes developed during the analysis, Theme 1: Five characteristics of teachers’ learning, In a theoretical study, Desimone (2009), identified five characteristics, learning that should be prominent if the knowledge and skills of teachers are to be. Standards for Professional Development in the publication Organizing for High Quality Professional Development. The three review articles are presented under each of their own headings. Teacher Development Making an Impact Helen J. Craig, Education Specialist World Bank, Washington, DC Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC ... Case Studies of Ongoing Professional Development Programs.....77 Guatemala: Changing Teacher Pedagogy in the Nueva Escuela School cultures as contexts for informal teacher, Kennedy, A. )2���sP���:1�rsP>������ �"�(s4�#�Mh�oR ��#�$�0�OAT�p��ܕp���%��>�w��s�r7K��r���$�N,��lM,�`����\a'IL����y�Itd�a�R��BK���Qi�2E�}�b1j�]��V�L�h�3��s�A��
|�^����C1��jְ,�6 �Be�(%A� Teachers, participation in various courses, in school when they reflect on their own teaching, and in observation of and reflection on others’ teaching in co-operation with, colleagues. After the teaching, they reflect on how the class functioned. Professional Development in Higher Education 258 (Koehler et al. Second-order learning means becoming aware of, Metacognition has its origin in the cognitive paradigm (Flave. The study shows that, tips from the expert teacher were found to be useful, while this scheme allowed the. They call the teachers ‘change agents’ but point out the importance of co-operation, between the teacher trainers from the university and teachers in school, concluding. teachers, means continuing the dialogue in school. I����O�b�ϒ�~��,�F�$�D"��d��ф�"s4�q��Y��$�g�+��s����A,$�"?D>M�$ e��BQ��_XA��V�)*�$�I����?��Ϸ?�]$������~vEo?�w����ի��C�
�O���˯���իS��;L��?�C�)LY�NXF�(��8s}���ݗ%@w�|���W^>�����?~��,(���^,�d Self-regulation: An introductory review. In, all these studies, the collected data material was used to. methodology for teachers, students and researchers]. In, this study, the teachers were also joined by an expert teacher. policy in Scotland does not demonstrate an understanding of co-operative, continuous professional development for teachers, as teachers are assessed. Precisely the fact that further education is so closely linked to and, relevant for their own working day appears to lead teacher, invest is well spent. Another article from this project, (2009), and involving researchers from Scotland an, pupils’ learning also contributes to the professional development of teachers through, feedback from the pupils. The PDST is funded by the Teacher Education Section (TES) of the Department of Education and Skills (DES) and is managed by Dublin West Education Centre. The teachers in this study wanted to develop their pupils’ abiliti, The findings show that the teachers involved in the project became more aware of, their own learning and their understanding of themselves as professionals. This study aimed to identify and discuss PDstrategies employed by Nepalese English as a foreign language (EFL)teachers and experiences. The social surroundings, play a role in how a human develops within the cognitivist paradigm, but the, individual is in the foreground from this perspective. 2000. How do I, get there? 2007; Parise and Spillane 2010; TALIS 2009). Bearing in mind multimedia presentation of educational information, open access to the resource, the possibility of collaborative content editing of Wiki sites, the project can be called very promising, available and user friendly. strategies can be used in different situations. Results show that the collaborative features of Learning Study provide opportunities for teachers to create shared knowledge, values and beliefs. In a survey conducted for The Teaching Commission in 2004, 42 percent of teachers indicated that professional development either leaves something to be desired or is a waste of my time. Keung, C.C. O que motivou este trabalho foi investigar os condicionantes que influenciam fortemente as especificidades da profissão docente, bem como as demandas que precisam ser atendidas para o desenvolvimento profissional docente. development activities to promote the active and self-regulated learning of pupils, they developed their understanding but not necessarily their actions in the, classroom, while others might develop their teaching practice but not their, understanding. These. Teacher Professional Learning and Development Helen Timperley, Aaron Wilson, Heather Barrar, and Irene Fung, University of Auckland Teacher Professional Learning and Development Best … Το άρθρο αποτελεί βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση των ερευνών για την επαγγελματική Theories of metacognition (Flavell 1979, 1987), which will be, presented later in this paper, are traditionally defined as belonging within the. Implementing the lesson in a real classroom was done while conducting classroom observation to see what works well during the learning process and improve it. Too often what takes place is not particularly relevant to what is actually taking place in classrooms. The principal in this study allowed, for observation and reflection in the teaching schedule. Improving impact studies of teachers’ professional development: toward better conceptualizations and measures. Jackson, (1974) calls this developing a metacognitive attitude to work in school, a, done so teachers can deal with the complexity in their, clear that if self-regulating processes are to become as effective as possibl. In this modern, digital age, teachers need to be flexible and able to adapt to … There are new opportunities and possi-bilities for the style of communication but important aspects present in face-to-face meetings are absent in the artificial environment, including the visual cues of emotion that are provided by facial expressions, and a realistic representation of one's geographical location. In this way, the, development process will have a positive point of, need for knowledge to develop practice, which, in this case, was focused on pupil, activity and the self-regulating learning processes of pupils, The Dutch researchers Bakkenes, Vermunt, and Wubbels (2010) exami, definition of teachers’ learning, which indicates that it is an active process that leads, to changes in terms of knowledge and convictions (cognition) and/or change in the, teaching practice (action). In, regulated learning and academic achievement: Theory, research, and practice. analysis of primary schools in England and Finland. The study employed a qualitative researchdesign for data collection among 45 EFL teachers recruited from 15 highschools and colleges across the districts of Kathmandu and Lalitpur. The CHAT Framework of analysis takes into account and highlights the structural, cultural and historical elements that shape teachers' instructional activity. It was considered that these articles, as a group, give a good, overview of research on teachers’ learning. This research explored the factors that underlie Teachers? Teachers' professional development is about how teachers as facilitators, learn and use their knowledge to help their students learn, ... Teachers' professional development is about how teachers as facilitators, learn and use their knowledge to help their students learn (Postholm, 2012). She summarises the articles by, stating that the essence of the research she has referenced is that professionals learn, from experiences and that learning occurs continuously, in practice. 2009. workplace? 1998. In this way, the knowledge they acquire from the course may benefit the, school as a whole, and there may then also be ‘a tim, Bransford 1998). Esperamos que ao apresentar casos como os relatados neste trabalho, a representação da docência em Ciências na sociedade possa ser percebida como uma carreira produtiva. Scotland: Aspirations, opportunities and barriers. Catherine J. Casteel. Baumfield, V.M., E. Hall, S. Higgins, and K. Wall. The cognitivist and constructivist paradigms reject the positivi, describes a human as an empty vessel, a ‘tabula rasa’, who is passive in the learning, process (Prawat 1996). professional development. In, addition to controlling one’s own learning processes by using metacognitive, strategies, metacognitive knowledge is extremely important for understanding which. If teachers are to learn and thus, change on-going practice, one requirement, according to Ja, (2009), is that the cultures and structures are changed. Facts are not trans, learners, but the learners appropriate their own meaning relating to the content by, means of cultural artefacts. The paper suggests that education. According to, Wubbels (2010), innovations in school have failed too often, Researchers emphasise that formal further education, exploratory work, which includes testing in one’s own teachi, particularly fertile for the development of teachers’ classroom practi, learning (McMahon et al. perfor?mance. Ongoing professional development keeps teachers up-to-date on new research on how children learn, emerging technology tools for the classroom, new curriculum resources, and more. First, learning content. should be part of teachers’ professional development. Specifically CHAT is the means that will illuminate the effort to understand the socio-cultural aspects of Environmental Education as Social, Historical and Cultural process using some tools mediation of knowledge. They find two. Embedded teacher learning opportunities as a site for reflective practice: Clausen, K.W., A-M.Aquino, and R. Wideman. Impact of professional development on teacher. They also found that, teachers in school should form clear opinions on where the development should, head, so they have a common vision. 668 0 obj
2009. This may form the basis for more practice-oriented learning between, colleagues in school. Glazier, J.A. 4��}��tO�~�4&�r�K���vr�6�H+��6�z��k���tkW�.n��[OM�j��m�m\���ۮ�fn�h'�]�Tk��-u��������f���}��k�la�]�u�*nm��,$����@SY�M�;���m�O��fn�;�㧃1��B;��~'�y*l����:���N�.���~*Dͫ넼%��h �U]x��E������)�G)�P\�Nq2�M�v���4J���j��l��l���#J�V��h��i�u �$mȃ��X�ܗ�$?��c���tȮ���rB[{XC��9?~���oo��������y98Q;���6���/�~?�4���_�K__W8�m�fFu�p���Ob�N��(��U���N~�T�2繞���X'�2��pw������[�SJ]���o�S�ɂ��֩ʴ�u�=��0��;�Gkt��d��z~3��0zq�a
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