In the Renaissance, and in so-called Behaviourism, Soul becomes ‘how do things cause action’. ACADEMIC DEGREE PROGRAMMES. PhD, Masters (MSc), Diploma (PG Dip) and Certificate (PG Cert) programmes provide intellectually-challenging studies, focusing on such issues as the nature of consciousness, the dynamics between psyche and soma, the psychology … Global – Psychology is a conversation between many traditions and voices, from the ancient world to the twenty-first century. We offer postgraduate programmes in the areas of consciousness studies, spirituality and transpersonal psychology. This unique course combines traditional psychology with sociology, anthropology, theology and environmental psychology. psychological and spiritual. This then becomes a discipline in terms of how the Mind is applied & measured in physical experiments. Spirit consists of Will & Consciousness. The Psyche is ‘a zone of feeling’, and Psychology is ‘a rationalisation of why we feel what we feel’. Is it all just wishful thinking… delusions beyond our \’status\’ as mere humans in a meaningless cosmos…. CTP is a member of the Humanistic and Integrative Psychology College of the UKCP (HIPC). Alef Trust is a globally-conscious non-profit UK organisation offering online master's and PhD programmes in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology, validated by UK universities, and Open Learning Courses for academic, professional and personal development. The degree is assessed by essays and other coursework set for the taught part (120 credits) and by a dissertation (60 credits). A spiritual psychology career typically starts with a bachelor's degree in general psychology. Spirit is the first cause of all we see, and feel, and do. Join my mailing list to receive a FREE guided meditation & latest updates, Below are the two degrees I teach on at Leeds Beckett University, UK, MSc Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology — Distance Learning, MA Interdisciplinary Psychology — Leeds Beckett University, BA (Hons) Psychology & Society — Leeds Beckett University. Increasingly, the fields of mental and physical health care are exploring alternative and holistic methods of treatment. This usually involves taking a number of psychology courses, including courses in developmental psychology, transpersonal psychology, clinical psychology, creative consciousness, and counseling psychology. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. Spiritual Psychology is the understanding of The Structure of the Psyche combined with a depth understanding of Spiritual Traditions. Master's degree programs in spiritual counseling and related areas, such as biblical counseling, spiritual guidance or transpersonal psychology, are available online; however, many of them require you to attend weekend or weeklong residencies on campus, mainly for clinical psychology … You will discuss spirituality and consciousness, and look at questions to do with behaviour and cultural differences. The Metaphysical Science degree is the primary metaphysics path for a variety of specializations and is excellent for students who desire to write books, do training or speaking, conduct metaphysical science and research, research human behavior and culture, pursue philosophy, or are simply interested in a general metaphysics degree. Sentiency is ‘feeling’. In the beginning “God .. breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” The text does not say man was ‘given’ a Soul, rather he ‘became’ a Soul. The program synthesizes the theory and techniques of the helping professions with spiritual and theological insights. This final level (5) is the interest of Psychology by businessmen & marketing people; how to trick the mechanical reflex of Souls identified with their Physical Body and the body’s desire to be stimulated by Physical Objects in a gross material situation. The Spiritual Psychology training is available in the US, Spain, UK, The Netherlands, and Israel. This selection must be approved by the Distance Learning University Education Board. Modalities of feeling include: sentience, awareness & consciousness. Difficulties arising within a being as to its feeling are the aim of Psychological assessment and remedy. Composition: Transpersonal Psychology via distance learning = 42 Academic credits + Additional courses may be selected from other modules in the Faculty of Psychology from Bircham International University if required. Spiritual Psychology is the study and practice of the art and science of Conscious Awakening. How have the arts explored the transpersonal realms of experience and expanded our access to higher states of consciousness? However, many spiritual counselors will earn degrees in such areas as counseling, theology, … ... ‘Anxiety of some degree is always present in living beings, for some kind of damage is always a possibility. How do we achieve that deep transformation in our being which yields a profound sense of unity and harmony? What psychological insights can we discern in the world\’s great spiritual and mystical traditions? The content, methodology, and educational process of this Program provide students opportunities to recalibrate their consciousness and their lives at a higher level. Spiritual Psychology is the method of releasing identification with partial awareness, allowing the Soul to return to whole relation with its Infinite Source. It is this reintegration that evokes the emergence of a Spiritual Psychology. Complementary approaches—including meditation, nutrition, energy medicine, biofeedback, and spirituality—are being integrated into more traditional forms of care, leading to better patient outcomes. It's a holistic approach that integrates both traditional and transpersonal psychology with any - and all - spiritual practices, and it's particularly focused on spiritual growth. The degree operates through our partnership with Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK. Spiritual Psychology is the process of reuniting the Individual Spirit, called the Soul, with its infinite Source. At the very centre of a being is the Spirit, and where the Spirit meets the Soul is a relation. All the major spiritual and mystical traditions of the world include teachings about the nature of mind and promote practices and lifestyles intended to bring about psychological transformation. The Psyche is Spirit, pure consciousness circumscribing, and in the act of circumscribing, en-sphering itself, making a unific being, the Soul, and the Soul ‘feels’ itself. I teach three modules, including one on ‘contemporary trends in spirituality and spiritual awakening.’ It’s also very reasonably priced! Science is about projection onto the external world, and experimentation in a laboratory, and analysis by numerical formulas & statistics. A great spiritual teacher says the Spirit blows where it lists.. so is every one that is born of the Spirit. This is the highest relation of all relations, without which the Soul is lost to the Mind, & the Body, & the World, and the World’s devices and problems. To this end the Transpersonal Psychology deals with the spiritual nature of human beings. The Spiritual Psychology course prepares you to become a Skillful Guide on the psycho-spiritual journey. The Centre’s procedures are in accordance with HIPC’s guidelines and UKCP requirements. So in the Renaissance, if Psyche equals Mind, it is clear that the five senses cannot explain, measure, and be applied to the ‘field’ which surrounds the physical body. Around the time of the Renaissance in Europe, about 14th Century in Italy spreading into Germany and England in about the 16th Century, scientific men said “let us not believe anything unless we can get at it with our physical senses”. The Spiritual Psychology intensive provides students with a holistic model of psycho-spiritual development that can be used for personal growth and for work with individuals, couples, families and organizations. Sentience is field consciousness. Loyola University Maryland's Ph.D. program in pastoral counseling is designed to prepare candidates to teach, supervise or research in the field of counselor education. Psychology begins experimenting on physical bodies, and even on bodies ‘non-human’. the supplying of data to the mind through five different tools. If you would like further information about any of the courses, feel free to write to me direct. Then the scientists of the day discovered that using the Mind required an individual to introvert their attention. You will also study psychology in different cultures such as India, China and Japan. The Spiritual Counseling or Pastoral Counseling degree is the primary path for students who desire to conduct spiritual counseling, transpersonal counseling, life coaching, write books, do training or speaking, practice holistic arts, conduct pastoral social work, and more. Here we are offering assistance for individuals who are seeking psychological assistance at the level of Spiritual Psychology. As spiritual psychology is a branch of psychology, most people would earn their degree in psychology before branching off at post-graduate level. Feeling is field consciousness. Transpersonal psychology is a transformative psychology of mind and body, and of the individual in felt connection with a diverse, interconnected, and evolving world. The dissertation will be on an agreed topic and will be up to 15,000 words. However, there are degrees that focus on this subject specifically. How the course is taught The course will be taught on eight Saturdays a year at the St Mary’s campus, Twickenham. Sofia University has been at the forefront of scholarly research in the field of transpersonal psychology since the establishment as the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in 1975. Spiritual psychology can be its own degree, or a specialization within a Masters of Arts in Psychology program. The term “psyche” is the Greek for ‘Soul’ and means ‘life, breath’ and ‘to blow, breathe’.The term Psychology means logos, or rationalization, about the Soul. Setting the foundations for the rest of the course, you will first learn what transpersonal psychology really is and how it operates, as you are guided through its five key themes: states of consciousness, highest/ultimate potential, beyond the ego/personal self, … So the definition is changed and the ‘Psyche’ equals the ‘Mind’. Licensing and Credentialing of Spiritual Psychologists Licensure as a psychologist and/or endorsement to deliver health services often rests on having an APA-accredited degree or one that is deemed equivalent; the APA only accredits counseling, clinical, and … Discover transpersonal psychology – a discipline concerned with “the study of humanity's highest potential, with the recognition, understanding, and realisation of unitive, spiritual, and transcendent states of consciousness”. Critical – Pushing at the accepted boundaries of psychology and scientific enquiry; questioning our assumptions about mind, self and world, the nature of consciousness and reality. You will study people, what makes us tick and why we do what we do. or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?Jesus Christ, (Matthew 16:25-6), a counting process going on in the so-called. Spiritual psychology is a 21st century approach to living - a blending of science and spirituality. Introversion of attention requires a high degree of concentration and self-discipline, a talent not widely prevalent in many scientists, who instead are looking ‘out’ at the world and at their experiments. Participants come from as near as London and the South East and as far as Australia and Japan... Click here to enrol now for the Spiritual Counsellor Diploma. MSc Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology — Distance Learning This is a fantastic on-line masters degree featuring many of the world’s most prominent transpersonal psychologists. This fact has led us as real psychologists to ‘study our own physical, mental and psychical processes. Do the spiritual traditions stand to gain through dialogue with scientific and psychological research into the nature of self and human potential? The Psyche referred to in Psychology is the Soul, that essence of our being which feels and which relates to the Spirit within us. For example, Anxiety is a modification of feeling.‘Anxiety of some degree is always present in living beings, for some kind of damage is always a possibility.But we are to distinguish between different kinds of harm, physical, mental. The Master of Arts in Consciousness Studies and Transpersonal Psychology, the Planned 30-Credit Program, and the Certificate in Consciousness, Transformation and Mindfulness are programs that explore the nature, role, and development of human consciousness and transpersonal phenomena. What is the fundamental nature of consciousness? There are no strict education requirements for starting a spiritual counseling career, and the backgrounds of many spiritual psychologists are very diverse. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programs & Scholarships in spirituality in the UK. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Spiritual Psychology is the understanding of The Structure of the Psyche combined with a depth understanding of Spiritual Traditions, to reunite Spirit & Soul. Spiritual psychology programs offer students a variety of courses, with many programs offering experiences entirely unique to the program so be sure to analyze each program carefully to see which one is right for you. Transformative – Exploring the possibility of transformation, from the personal, to the social and global.. On this course I teach the modules Consciousness Studies (year 1), Positive Psychology (year 2), Psychonautics and Peace Psychology (year 3) and others. It is usually possible to join at 3 different points throughout the year. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world. We also have modules on mindfulness and parapsychology, and there is a strong spiritual theme that runs throughout the course. What you need to consider about a Ph.D. in positive psychology, is that at the Ph.D. level, positive psychology merges with psychology in general. The Spiritual Counseling / Spiritual Counselor degree is the primary metaphysics path for students who desire to conduct spiritual counseling, t ranspersonal counseling, life coaching, write books, do training or speaking, practice holistic arts, conduct pastoral social work, and more. If you would like to take part in or host an ISSP training, please get in touch. Does mind extend beyond the physical body? Interdisciplinary Psychology applies psychological insights about self, consciousness and psyche in new contexts, outside the traditional disciplinary, geographic and historical boundaries of Western Psychology. At the University of Santa Monica, we recognize our task as reintegrating the spiritual dimension back into the essence of an authentic psychological inquiry. We now have historically three kinds of psychology:-, In effect this is a steady degeneration from Spirit, through Soul, through Mind, into Body, creating a natural hierarchy. UK College of Holistic Training, established 1994, is a distance learning school offering diplomas and certificates in counselling, psychology, life coaching, hypnotherapy, stress management, complementary health studies, self-help and spiritual/metaphysical fields. FindAPhD. These are some of the areas the course covers: Please note this list is not exhaustive and modules may change from time to time. The Soul is not an accessory, the Soul is the very man himself, divinely created. Feeling is at the basis of all that we know, and that we know. This is a fantastic on-line masters degree featuring many of the world’s most prominent transpersonal psychologists. If we return to the original meaning of Psychology, it is obvious that it isn’t possible to get ‘physical hands’ on the Soul, because the Psyche is ‘sentiency’ itself. Psychology has changed in definition from ‘why we feel what we feel’ to ‘a measuring process of the counting mechanism, the Mind’. If you have earned accreditation and are certified for practice, you can use spiritual psychology in counselling sessions. Sofia University’s Master of Arts in Transpersonal Psychology (MATP) degree is a two-year on-campus program created to allow you to engage in your own personal development while preparing for doctoral-level study and professional applications of … For some people, for some time in life, the above loss to consciousness seems of little or no account. What lies beyond “I”? Psychology is the rationale of ‘feeling’. The result of this reduces the whole human being to a ‘system of mechanical reflexes’, starting with the most simple reflex of all, the reflex of a so-called ‘inanimate’ object like a hammer causing the bounce of a table. But the relation is significant and either the Soul finds and builds this relation in life, or delays to the very end where death resolves the loss. The modern scientific approach to Psychology and the Psyche has become a ‘non-entity’ because scientists have declared that they are going to ‘study bodies in their relations’, and this we call ‘Mechanistic Behaviourism’. Professional spiritual counselling, spiritual life coaching and holistic courses in London. Students wishing to gain a Postgraduate Certificate can enrol on the MSc route and complete their studies after gaining 60 credits in year 1. A 10-Month Certificate Program in Advanced Spiritual Psychology Life Mastery & Soul-Centered Living II is a dynamic Program that is on the frontier of human consciousness. From an understanding of the Structure of the Psyche, Spiritual Psychology aims to relate the Psyche to the Spirit, and then observing how the Psyche governs the Mind & the Body. The deepest and most fulfilling adventure: the journey into the essence of who we are, what we are, where we are. ‘Infinite Source’ is defined by scientific minds as ‘the Universe’ or ‘universal substance, by philosophers as ‘The Non-dual Absolute’, by religionists & yogis as ‘God’, by artists as ‘Divine inspiration’, by what we mean here as ‘Spirit’. Founded in 1973 by Ian Gordon-Brown and Barbara Somers, it has been a driving force in the development of transpersonal psychology in the UK for over 30 years. I teach three modules, including one on ‘contemporary trends in spirituality and spiritual awakening.’ It’s also very reasonably priced! Whatever the concept of the Infinite Source, Spiritual Psychology is re-union of the individual Spirit, or Soul, with the Infinite Source, the Absolute Infinite Spirit. Feeling is that out of which all action arises, all thinking (mind), all physical body function. In its origin, Psychology meant the study of the Soul, but the way men have interpreted this has somewhat changed over time. A Ph.D. in psychology usually takes three years full-time, and up to six years when studied part-time. This specialization will teach students our proprietary style of coaching/counseling called Life … Our course provides you with a deeper understanding of human behaviour, cross-cultural theories of psychology and space for self-reflection and personal development. The Soul may identify with many partials, see itself only through that with which it identifies, less than its wholeness. So, you do not need to find a university specializing in positive psychology. Since only a handful of colleges and universities offer programs specifically in spiritual psychology, many people aspiring to study in this field at the graduate level opt for a bachelor’s degree in traditional psychology and then specialize in spiritual or transpersonal psychology for their master’s degree or doctorate. This leads to the definition of Psychology, from the 14th Century, becoming ‘the Science of the Mind’, that is, ‘Psychology is rationalisation about coordination of the five senses’. Degree in psychology before branching off at post-graduate level is a strong spiritual that... Psychological assessment and remedy very reasonably priced further information about any of the Structure the... ’ it ’ s also very reasonably priced students wishing to gain through dialogue with scientific psychological! Save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his own Soul,. 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