Separated from MSS #89-0001, Camp Hughes Records. black and white photos and newspaper clippings; 1940s. Buffard, Fr. There are also several photographs of the donors mother, Mabel Estell Holman Williamson. Of special interest: Battle of Galveston re-enactment, Mardi Gras, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rotary Club of Galveston, UTMB dedications, Grand Opera House, Galveston personalities, Ships, Dickens on the Strand. See also Special Collections #267. Stratton, c1913), 1913; 1 album. Also included are nine autographed photographs of entertainers from the Grotto and Sui Jen clubs (later known as the Balinese Room) that were collected by Mais's paternal grandmother Louise V. Schooley, who worked at the clubs as a hat check girl in the 1920s. Photographer: Joseph M. Maurer. Artificial collection. He would later be stationed on the U.S.S Bon Homme Richard during World War II. Enjoying the Bathing in the Gulf of Mexico, at Galveston, Texas/Come on in, the Water is Fine. Murdochs Bathhouse and beach. A more detailed inventory is in the first folder within the collection, Collection, 1914-1977; approx. Several snapshots. Of special interest: Ursuline Academy Illustrated Prospectus (1897), 1961 Storm damage, music class, grade raising around Ursuline (1907), Ursuline Academy students and graduates (1930s-1967), and Kirwin High School students. Loose oversized sheets with printed photographs and illustrations (with captions) that appeared in two of Galveston's newspapers. 126 gthc@rosenberg-library.orgGalveston and Texas History CenterRosenberg Library2310 Sealy AvenueGalveston, TX 77550 Open Tue-Sat 9-6Directions & Maps. A. McKee 1869-72 This collection is arranged in four series: People, Projects, Vessels, and Miscellaneous. Staff separated these images from the Bert Carson Armstead Papers (MSS #89-0019). Pages in category "Mayors of Galveston, Texas" The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total. Many family photos are not identified. [2] Nearly 3,000 signatures were needed to force a recall election. 150 items. The last American Indian group on Clear Creek was the Akokisa (or Orcoquiza) who occupied the region from Galveston Bay north to present-day Conroe, Texas. Collection, circa 1860-1865; ca. Most are photographs, only few colored drawings. Separated from MSS #89-0023. Of special interest: photos of H. W. (Jack) Darst who was the regional manager of War Finance Committe, working during the 5th and 6th Bond Drives; pilots, war correspondents, and government officials at the Galveston Army Airfield; citizens buying war bonds; launching of M.V. Album found in the old attic of the Rosenberg Library, August 1989. Collection, 1861--1865, 16 items, 1 empty album. (Unable to find all items 8/26/94). See also Spec. Of special interest: interior views of unidentified residences and Port of Texas City, Texas. Exterior and interior views of the hotel shortly after construction. Collection was discovered in the old attic in 1969, remained unaccessioned in the vault until 1998. This collection was also published in a book form, see: F 394 .G2H A7 in GTHCs book collection. Of special interest: Avenue K School; Galveston Memorial Park Cemetery; J. Mayor Sussman will not be seeking re-election. The remaining groupings are artificial collections developed by library staff. Of special interest: banquet; texas City Disaster ruins. Donor: Wesley Perren. 1930s-1980s. The Rosenberg Library has copy prints and glass negatives of the album photos. Donor: Jean Mills. William 20 b/w prints, most are also in the G-1771. The Galveston and Texas History Center contains of over 100,000 photographs, prints, and postcards that date from the 1850s to the 2000s. A listing of the images is included in the album, although it does not completely correspond to the arrangement of the negatives. James Stored in oversized drawers. Removed from the Name File. 1960-1962; 18 prints made from 17 color slides and one black/white negative. Of special interest: Hotel Galvez, 23rd St and Broadway, 27th St & Broadway looking east, 23rd St and Ball looking east, Broadway and 18th St, 23rd St and Market looking south, panorama of Galveston, Seawall, and interurban trains on causeway. Now you finally have a choice. His mother died in 1823, and his father left him in the care of friends and relatives. 2 17th Street Fishing Pier. Showing New $1,500 Recreation Pier. They have been removed from #114. In 1836, Michael Menard bought "one league and a labor of land" from the Republic of Texas. 37 Roy Harm standing ay the base of the Mountain Speedway, 38 Bernice and Roy Harm at Galveston, 1925, 39 Waves flowing over the Seawall during a storm, 40 Postcards (including one of Mountain Speedway), Harm, Roy: 1, 7, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 36, 37, 38, Hurricane1961 Carla: 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, Mountain Speedway: 1, 8, 9, 10, 30, 37, 40, Seawall Blvd. Of special interest: FDRs visit to Galveston; 50th anniversary of Buccaneer Hotel; Todd Shipbuilding Corp.; Douglas Corrigans visit to Galveston. 16, 1915, 14 Steamship Harlesden aground at Texas City, 16 Wrecked street car tracks (foreground); 2100 block of Ave. P (background), Including Vinson Hotel (2120 Ave. P 1/2), 17 Wrecked residences along Seawall Boulevard, 18 Wrecked houses; utility pole laying in street (right), 19 Wreck of Schooner in Side of Sea Wall, Aug. 16, 1915 (remnants of Alison Doura), 20 Piles of debris, including wrecked carousel; Crab Pavilion (background), 21 Horse standing amid wrecked structures, 22 Workers and wagon moving past demolished building near waterfront, 24 Workers standing on Seawall Boulevard; wrecked carousel (left) and Crab Pavilion (background), 25 Old City Hall (right), with people standing in flooded street, 26 Fishing boat Eleanor tied up at debris-covered pier, 29 Derailed freight cars (foreground); same steamship aground as in #27 and #28, 30 Wrecked causeway and interurban car; temporary trestle (background), 32 A Bad Wreck, Galv., Aug. 16, 1915 (showing collapsed two-story houses), 33 Partially covered streetcar track (foreground); wrecked houses (background), 34 Street scene (showing dislodged brick pavement and wrecked houses), 35 Pile driver inserting pilings to extend the temporary railroad trestle, 36 Wrecked causeway (foreground); temporary railroad trestle (background), 37 Cotton Sheds, Ave. C (showing railroad tracks and debris), 39 U.S. Army soldiers carrying trash can on top of Seawall; Fort Crockett (left background), 42 East End Boat in front residence/Scenes in East End, 43 East End Boat in front of residence (near duplicate of #42), 44 Woman standing next to streetcar track; sand drifts and palm trees (background), 45 Fence half-buried in sand drifts; houses (background), 46 People observing ruins after a downtown fire; see also #52, 49 Heavily damaged two-story building; see also #55, 51 Wreckage of schooner Alison Doura, which crashed in the Seawall, 52 Group of people observing the remnants of a downtown building after a fire; see also #46/Sunday on the Beach Boulevard, 54 Frame of shed being covered with lumber, 55 Heavily damaged two-story building; see also #49, 56 Boy (Frank Newnam?) 25, 1951, the mayor of Texas' "sin city" defended his much-maligned constituents with the curious logic, "The people of Galveston ought to be commended for not being hypocrites!". Loose items in front include brochure of Texas Prudential Insurance Co., a Christmas card, and an unidentified portrait. 25), 33 Dickinson Galveston, Houston & Henderson Railroad station [1910], 35 Dickinson F.M. Nitrate negatives and contact prints of Mardi Gras costumes. Church, South/First Presbyterian Church/St. Donated by Fay Sappington. I [1910] (Number assigned to another photo in original inventory), 88A Crowd gathered outside the Galveston Daily News building. Slides. Donated by the family of Samuel Munn who is descended from the families of Drew, Quirk, Phillipson, Nichols, and Munn (see MSS# 96-0015, Munn Family Collection). Collection, ca. Album #3: Meetings at Dickinson, 1920-1932. Taken by Robert L. Browning, 1946-1953. Photographs removed from Clarke & Courts records, Manuscript Collection No. South San Francisco, California, United States. Mayor Tergin cannot seek another term due to term limits. This collection contains approx. Testifying in front of a legislative committee on Jun. from State Hwy. The Sea Wall. Views of Elissa's return to Galveston, August 3, 1986, after attending the rededication ceremony for the Statue of Liberty in New York City harbor. Box 4: E. S. Levy & Company employees (include Afro-Americans), E. S. Levy & Company advertisements published in the Galveston Daily News and Tribune, wedding, Hurricane Carla aftermath (includes Ursuline Academy, St. Mary's Cathedral, St. Mary's Cathedral School, Robert Layton, Central Park, Kirwin Home, and First Presbyterian Church). In 1912, Davis became owner of M.O. The Galveston Island Convention & Visitors Bureau. Waves striking beach and riprap. The collection consists of autographed photographs of celebrities. Frank Forman was a resident engineer who served with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Surf Bathing at Galveston, Tex. The Clark Family at 1409 Market Street files contain photographs of Alice Brown Sweeney and Fannie Kempner Adoue. The photo album includes waterfront and aerial views of Galveston, Texas Star Flour Mills (in a small wooden building), early bathhouses, and sailing vessels, circa 1880s. Offices. Unidentified; possibly a makeshift home for a religious congregation, 1. It is the largest city in Galveston County. Justice of the Peace 4. Of special interest: Photo album with 1900 Storm images; also: grade raising; Trube residence; John F. Smith residence. Glass negatives only (no prints available). Donated by Danny Allen (son of Gus Allen and Galveston City Councilman) in 1995. Also included are photographs showing the aftermath of the Texas City Disaster (April 16, 1947). Terminal building (right). A comprehensive index to the postcards is in the online finding aid.Album containing 149 nitrate negatives, ca. Donated by Bob Westerlage, May 1997. 9978 Collection, 1991-92; 73 items. FM 1764 1994 (spring), 328 The San Leon Chamber of Commerce, 1218 Ave. These contain photos and postcards on a variety of subjects, places, families, and events. 80 items. Images are individually numbered and are listed selectively. Of special interest: Stanley E. Kempner; Henrietta Blum Kempner; Isaac H. Kempner; Adrian F. Levy. Official street dedication ceremony for Furlong Way (Ave. O 1/2 between 68th and 69th St.), Dec. 27, 1992. The photographs and other items, including several pen-and-ink drawings by Schornstein, have been removed from the album and filed. Photographic postcards received by members of the James Moreau Brown family. Donor: Jimmy Kessler. Cuban authorities have accused the U.S. government of being "complicit in piracy" for granting political asylum to a pilot who fled to Florida on a small "kidnapped" plane last October. Loose items found at the back of the album and filed in a separate folder include 1924 season's greetings from Henry Cohen; a photograph of a painting of ducks; 10 pen-and-ink drawing by Boyer Gonzales, Jr. The Great Seawall Protecting Galveston, Texas. September 14, 2021, 8:21 AM Tropical storm Nicholas made landfall in Texas as a category one hurricane, bringing heavy rain and life-threatening flash flooding. Edmund Includes view of Houston with mountains in the background. The earliest views of Galveston in the library's collection. The Pelican Island Quarantine Station can be seen in the background. The slides were taken by Rose (1848-1926), a Galveston photographer who was later active in Providence, Rhode Island, and New York City. Shows completed section and riprap. Photostatic copies of illustrations from various newspapers, including the Illustrated London News and Leslie's Illustrated News. Williams Memorial Park (AKA Hillcrest . Four albums with color and b/w photos from the city of Niigata, Japan, one of Galvestons sister cities. Donor: Michel Schadt, 2013. 1860-1935; ca. Company business meeting held in the Grecian Room, [Shamrock Hotel, Houston, Texas]. Separated from MSS #98-0010. I [1965], 276 Central Methodist Church, 33rd St. and Ave. O on its 80th Anniversary 1966, 277 Beth Jacob Congregation Synagogue [1967], 278 First Church of Christ, Scientist, 27th and Ave. O [1968], 279 The new Whites Department Store when it opened at 6010 Broadway 1969, 286 Clear Lake Shores Aerial view 1969, 289 Model Laundry, 25th St. and Ave. F [1970], 290 G & G Bakery, 1227 Ave. L [1970] 291 Buddy Benson Western Auto Store, 711 25th St. [1970], 292 Kemah Officials of the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce present a mounted gavel to the Kemah Mayor at the dedication of the new City Hall 1971 (Dec.), 293 Texas City Palmer Highway looking west from 21st St. [1970], 294 Texas City Looking north on Sixth Street [1970], 295 Texas City Diamond (60th) Jubilee Parade 1971 (Sept.), 297 Goodyear Tire Store, 707 23rd St. [1972], 298 Firestone store, 2302 Broadway [1972], 300 Snowstorm (1973) Sign at Gaidos Restaurant 1973 (Jan. 10), 301 Snowstorm (1973) Snowman on the van outside the Dantin-Goodwin Florists 1973 (Jan. 10), 302 Snowstorm (1973) Galveston County Courthouse Square on 21st St. 1973 (Jan. 10), 303 Snowstorm (1973) Looking east on Post Office St. from 22nd St. 1973 (Jan. 10), 304 Kemah Blessing of the Fishing Fleet 1973 (Aug.), 305 La Marque Feed Store, 1313 First St. [1974] 306 La Marque High School Homecoming parade 1975 (Nov.), 309 Aerial view of UTMB [1980] 310 Alta Loma Busy Bee Caf, 12350 Hwy. The negatives are not organized in any particular way but are clearly labeled. Also filed with this collection is one copy of Galveston, The Sea Wall City. The booklet includes photographs of Galveston businesses and residences. Of special interest: Gulf Bathhouse, bathers, Murdoch's Bathhouse, Pagoda Bathing Company, Texas Saloon, Kuder's Restaurant, Beach Hotel, Ocean View House, and Olympia Pavilion. A detailed inventory is kept with the collection. #14. Two copies. Chicago Transparency Co. 5 [Hotel Galvez Terrace.] 100 items. Collection, 1867, ca 1870-1950; one album and approx. School activities, parties for students and teachers, including a birthday party for Principal Wilson. Most of these collections have not yet been digitized or cataloged online. Separated from Gonzales Family Papers, MSS #89-0016. (showing Murdochs Bathhouse), 38 Balinese Room, 21st and Blvd. 50 b/w snapshots (application photos? Lantern slides used to illustrate Raimundo de Ovies' lectures on civic art, American sculpture, and American mural painting. It's a three-and-a-half mile extension of the Hardy Toll between the 610-North Loop and . Part of the "Town vs. Metropolis: The Galveston Story" project funded by the Texas Committee for the Humanities and the Moody Foundation. Album. In 1891, the University of Texas Medical Branch was established. Subjects: Anchor Mill - Fire (ca 1920); 2816 Ave O - decorations for H. W. Hildebrand's 50th Wedding Anniversary, 1921; Flowers at Conklin Funeral; Mayflower (sailing vessel) - visit to Galveston; Railroad scenes & locomotive wreck; Storm - 1930s; Transportation; World War I - U.S. Marines, Wharf scenes. Glass plate negatives discovered after Hurricane Alicia, 1983; owner and photographer unknown. 1930s-1980s; ca. Donor: Joseph A. Maffei, Jr. Of special interest: Ink Spots (group; Oleander Festival; Spike Jones and Christy Mitchell; Seawall concert (next to Buccaneer Hotel); Bob Hope and Sheriff Frank Biaggne; Larry Kane Show with Texas state surfing champion. 13 Galveston Rope [and] Twine Co./Galveston Cotton and Woolen Mill/Galveston Bagging and Cordage Co. 14 Medical Department of the University of Texas, 15 Ursuline Convent/University of St. Mary/Church of the Sacred Heart/St. See first folder for detailed inventory. Of special interest: Tremont St., Davie (J.P.) residence, cane jetties harbor improvement experiment, McLean (revenue cutter), 1890 bird's eye view, life-saving station (south Jetty ? The May McLemore Matthews files contain photographs of the Ursuline Academy Class of 1932 and the Oleander Duchesses. Photographs of Raymond Rapp, Jr., and his associates have been placed in the Name File. Photographs, 1886-1899, 1967, 1969; 51 items. Also 142 color slides taken in Jan. 1976, June 1978, Dec. 1979, Aug. 1981, Oct. 1982, Jan. 1984, and Feb. 1984 showing St. Vincent's building (exterior and interior), people, and events. Lawder (1916-1991) worked 42 years for Todd Shipyard Co. on Pelican Island. 1900-1970; 165 items. The 1929 Buccaneer Hotel, located at the corner of 23rd St. and Seawall Blvd. Slide copies of miscellaneous prints in the Rosenberg Library's custody. #65, Album #9. The library has three copies of the album, one donated by George Sealy, one by Charles Fowler, and one donor unknown. Of special interest: Sampson-Maurer residence (24th St--1021); Ursuline Convent; St. Joseph's Church; St. Mary's Cathedral; Hurricane Carla damage. For detailed inventory, see the first folder in the collection. )of young Galveston women who Participated in the WW II program. This collection contains photographs of various projects handled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District. Thomas #93). GALVESTON, Texas Galveston Mayor Jim Yarbrough has announced he will step down as mayor, effective July 15, because of concerns related to COVID-19. Taken and donated by Mary Moody Northen, Inc. Most of the original nitrate negatives have not been developed. 6; Union Depot (verso), 10 View of Jetties, Galveston; Battle ship Texas (verso), City Hall (old) Fire Chiefs Office: 25, Fire stations: 31, 51, 63, 75, 83, 91, 99, Brush Electric Light and Power Company: 44 (including equipment), Galveston Cotton Exchange & Board of Trade: 28 (interior), 30, Galveston, Houston & Henderson Railway: 41, Miller & Vidor Lumber Company: 48 (interiors), Ott (Charles) Monument Works: 80 (interior), Palace Billiard and Pool Room: 34 (interiors), Schram (Dave) Clothing Company: 38 (interior). Mar 26 - Mar 27. It's true. B/w snapshots of the building at 2127 Strand in late 1969 and early 1970 before its remodeling. ), Ball High School, including construction (6 photos), Fine Arts & Physical Education Center (4 photos), Guaranty Federal Savings & Loan Association, Lovenberg Elementary School, including construction (6 photos), National Maritime Union of America (6 photos), Sears, Roebuck & Co., including construction (5 photos), Sheraton University Hotel & Harbor Place Condominiums (2 photos), UTMB Administration Building (3 photos), William B. Travis Elementary School (2 photos), Adeline Armstrong: Wife of James Armstrong of Galveston. Many are Galveston Daily News images; some were donated by private individuals for the book. A few parade spectators are visible standing on the side of the road. 400 items. Collection, late 19th century-1949; 48 items + 1 photograph album. All photos taken by Gene B. Reid, ca 1960s. I; First Methodist Episcopal Church; Sacred Heart Church (including interior), St. Marys Infirmary, Garten Verein and Ursuline Convent; Walter Gresham residence, 2 U.S. Court of Civil Appeals and Galveston County Courthouse; Steele residence; Brazos (steamship); James Moreau Brown residence, 3 Texas Heroes Monument; Bolivar lighthouse; causeway, 4 Ball High School, Galvez Hotel, Seawall; surf bathing, 5 Surf Bathhouse; Sui Jen Caf;; aerial views. B. Sabin 1874-83 See first folder for detailed inventory. Explore the breath-taking beauty of Alaska's rugged wilderness with our Alaska cruises. _____ Amsted (St. Joseph's Church), Fr. Of special interest: portraits of Philip Crosby Tucker,Sr., Mary Catherine Millens McCloskey, Philip Crosby Tucker, Jr., Mary Cecilia Labadie, Philip Crosby Tucker III, Cecilia Tucker, Anna Tucker, Antoinette Tucker, Mary Cecelia Tucker, Anna Labadie Tucker, Archibald Tucker, Louis O. Tucker, Baldwin Tucker, Joseph Tucker, Sue Tucker, Mary C. Tucker, and unidentified, Williams-Tucker residence, and Freemasons. Showing Seawall. Item List:File 1. 50 photographs of Galveston after the 1900 Storm by the photographic firm of Harper and Co. which operated studios in Galveston and Houston at that time. Brief History of the Strand Theatre (includes loose album page of photos), 2007-2008 Item 1. Cavalla; federal quarantine station (background), 53 Garten Verein; Ursuline Convent (background) (pm 1912), 55 Church Street, showing St. Marys Cathedral and Jean Laffite Hotel (pm 1958), 58 Tabernacle of the 33rd Street Methodist Church (Central Methodist Church) (ca. Hotel Galvez (background). E Convention: Of special interest: Isaac H. Kempner; Henrietta Blum Kempner; USS Texas (battleship); San Jacinto Battlefield; San Jacinto Inn, 1951; Banquet. Separated from MSS # 98-0023. Of special interest: Lasker Home for Children; Jones (John M.) residence (Ave M--1725); Davis (James N.) residence (24th St--1315). Greeting from Galveston. Photographs of Fritiofson's grandparents John (Sr.) and Eva Egert, girls playing at Camp Egert on the West End in Galveston, and buildings being raised by John Egert as General Contractor during the grade raising, including Trinity Episcopal Church, the Letitia Rosenberg Women's Home, Ursuline Convent, and the Sealy Hutchings residence. Gareissen 1883-84 32 Seawall and Seawall Boulevard; Crystal Palace Bathhouse (background). J. 1 17th Street Fishing Pier facing Gulf of Mexico. Photographic Collection, 1982-1985; 70 slides. These include: Galveston Islands North and South Jetties, 1938, (17 images); construction of the East End Extension of the Seawall, 1918-1925 (15 images). Some photos by professional photographer Tommy Rice, others are amateur snapshots. The Joseph Stanley Clark files contain photographs of damage in Aransas Pass, Texas after the 1919 hurricane. Co. Second School. In the index, dates of photographs are recorded in parentheses. For more information contact the Public Information Office at 940.761.7401 Also featured are UTMB Alumni Tours Flying Medics in 1972 and 1973. 500 items, Mostly negatives and a few prints produced by Galveston photographer Mary Clayton. _____ [Reinchapelain],James H. Savage, Fr. Also, a photo of FDRs visit to Galveston in 1937. The relative dearth of photographs of African Americans in the Galveston and Texas History Centers collection has prompted the retention of the photographs of unidentified persons, who were obviously members of the family or their associates. 12002 State Hwy 6 | PO Box 950 | Santa Fe, Texas | (409) 925-6412 Danny Allen ( son of Gus Allen and Galveston City Councilman ) in 1995, remained unaccessioned in the of. Michael Menard bought `` one league and a labor of land '' from past mayors of galveston, tx... Oleander Duchesses 89-0001, Camp Hughes Records Northen, Inc Insurance Co., a Christmas card, postcards... 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