consented to a reduction of the applicable setback as evidenced by a recordable instrument : o The vision of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is to create strong community partnerships, safeguard Floridas natural resources and enhance its ecosystems. PN0t6,tmxM-o^C X j$o$L
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Three (3) copies of a plot/site plan drawn to scale (1/8" = 1' minimum). The following items must be on your plot/site plan: All four lot corners, lot lines and dimensions. <>/XObject<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 24 0 R 30 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
residential use at a density in excess of two (2) units per acre; Within one-half () mile of any school or hospital; Within two hundred (200) feet of any body of water (except canals used to lower on-site Open burning is determined by DEP to be the only available method of disposal; and. '{I8%* \[#$K!0
(`59[~=Ms{?ikE/>x The use of heavy equipment shall be discouraged in these buffer zones so as not to disturb natural vegetation. is approved by the board, which in no case shall exceed seven (7) years from the date 62-610.471 Setback Distances. The Polk County Planning Division provides the Zoning Ordinance for your reference and convenience. %%EOF
The open burning is conducted by or under the authority of the municipal or county government responsible for clean-up activities following a storm. Items that may not be kept or stored on the exterior of the property include but are not limited to: Fences must be maintained in the same condition as when originally erected. Regulationspertaining to open burning (outlined below) areprimarily found in Chapters62-256, 5I-2, and subsection 62-293.320(3)of theFlorida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). SETBACK AND BUFFER REQUIREMENTS 10-106. x}[sGr;#h!oXOkI` vY= f*k,z#9UYYY'/~o?i6jiO>||Fo{)mB>yQzK|*_.Go7?/~b\.xekSf _OV l6.>?l>MyM)96/|/?_n'] g\14).Lw#`~|1>y^{q1`N4Og
( ljQ;{o? PHOSPHATE MINING Division 3. (5) Setback distances are not required for surface waters or developed areas. The following icons link to free Reader/Viewer software:
Additional setbacks may be required by the board if it deems necessary to meet the intent of this article. The vision of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is to create strong community partnerships, safeguard Floridas natural resources and enhance its ecosystems. Excel: Contact Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Get Information About the Volkswagen Settlement, Florida Mitigation Fund, Protect the Environment from Solid and Hazardous Wastes, Environmental Accountability and Transparency, Information from the Drinking Water Data Base, Monitoring Lead and Copper Drinking Water, Hazardous Materials/Petroleum Spills (SWO Incidents), All Source & Drinking Water Program Content. General requirements. site); and. 3 0 obj
0000307624 00000 n
Would you like to advertise your business to a targeted niche audience? s "gs^0" Recycle the vegetative waste by bringing a chipper on-site to create mulching material for reuse throughout the facility grounds; Arrange to haul off the material from the property for off-site processing into mulch or disposal; or. [Time frame for construction and commencement of operation. : o requirements of the Polk County Land Development Code. Open burning of tree cutting debris (trees, tree stumps, and tree limbs) on residential premises of not more than two family units is allowed, provided that the below requirements in subsections 62-256.700(2) and 5I-2.006(5), F.A.C., are met. Review of the Application. l 4 a ( k ( N o L i s t V z V X ) _ L , e Y The open burning must be attended with fire extinguishing equipment ready at all times. Within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of any wellhead supplying a public water These deposits and other indicators may be multiple, depicting historical sustained low water elevations, average elevations, and high water elevations. responsibility requirement. F.A.C., setback distance requirements for . Derenthal-Cook Realty Group at Keller Williams. The provision of on-site fire/rescue capability acceptable to the county fire marshal Water Level Records. Placement of structures and operating areas shall at a minimum conform to applicable setbacks provided in the Polk County Land Development Code. setback requirement for the zoning district in which it is located, except as otherwise specified herein. (1) There shall be a setback distance of 75 feet from the edge of the wetted area of the public access land application area to potable water supply wells that are existing or have been approved by the Department or by the Department of Health (but not yet constructed). PDF: |
Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. be required by the board if it deems necessary to meet the intent of this article. (4) Setback distances for potable water supply wells shall be applied only for new or expanded reuse facilities. No setback distance is required to other potable water supply wells or to nonpotable water supply wells. The determinations should include, when available, all of the indicators contained herein, but may include additional hydrologic surveys or engineering studies when required or permitted by the reviewing authority. f : : : : : : : : : : : : : j : : j : : : : . Tall weeds and grass over 12 inches in height is a violation and considered a public nuisance. [Approval requirements.] The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS), Florida Forest Service (FFS) regulates the vast majority of open burning in Florida, most of which is associated with agricultural, silvicultural, land clearing, and prescribed fire operations. Where lake elevations are controlled by properly engineered structures, the normal high water elevation is presumed to be one-half foot above the control elevation. The permit center provides some sample plans for commonly built private buildings. Whenever an applicant for a building permit, zoning approval, variance or other approval under this Chapter wants to change a previously determined normal high water elevation or boundary, the applicant shall prepare and submit a written report containing a proposed elevation or boundary and indicating the procedures used to determine such elevation or boundary to the appropriate reviewing authority. Local governments (counties and municipalities) may also haveregulations onopen burning. Dallas, OR 97338Google Map, Ph. 0000012525 00000 n
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The standards contained in this Part for determining the normal high water elevation or boundary of any natural surface water body or wetland shall apply wherever the requirements of this Chapter necessitate that the location of such elevation or boundary be determined, such as for building setback requirements, septic tank setback requirements, and the jurisdictional boundaries for all regulated activities of regional water management districts. (7) No setback distances are required for private swimming pools, hot tubs, spas, saunas, picnic tables, or barbecue pits or grills. subject to this article: Buffering. Sec. Additional plant species may be used where they are shown to be relevant to a particular situation. It does not involve any material prohibited from being burned pursuant to Rule 62-256.300, F.A.C. 1082 0 obj
Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Physical indicators of normal highwater elevation include any observable physical feature along a given shoreline resulting from the presence of water in a given waterbody for sufficient periods of time so as to leave a physical line, mark, or other distinguishable feature including, but not limited to water marks on trees, on older docks and sea walls, and on older bridges and abutments. ), Florida Forest Service Field Unit Contacts, Web-based Open Burn Authorization Request - WebOBA, DEP Emergency Orders and Emergency Authorizations. The following categories identify open burning allowed by state rules. The location of the open burn must be set back at least 150 feet from any occupied building other than that of the landowner, 50 feet from any paved public roadway, and 25 feet from any wildlands, brush, or combustible structure. (10) Unless specifically stated otherwise, all setback distances shall be measured horizontally. PLOT PLAN / SITE PLAN. Criteria to be considered by the board, in connection with a requested waiver will Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Contact Us Phone: (863) 534-6454 (800) 780-5346 Planner On Call 2022-077, adopted November 22, 2022. Sec. Open burning of vegetative waste, storm-generated or otherwise,at established industrial, commercial, institutional, or governmental properties is not explicitly allowed by state rules. Powered by ShiftWeb. Your neighbor won't necessarily be liable for healthy branches falling on your land. (j6 @p7P-Z[3NTg;; @_4ZXp.'}&K3.JG`.$10M$:t9>2*"5=-+Y. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY SITING AND OPERATION. hTiPSW^P
y/KDv. Building and Permitting Florida Building Code National Electric Code Florida Statutes Chapter No.489: Contracting NFIP/FEMA Regulations Florida Anchor and Tie Down Installation Standards for Mobile/Manufactured Homes and Park Trailers (HSMV Chapter 15c-1) Property Development Comprehensive Plan Land Development Code Florida Statutes (6) Clay settling areas: An area into which fluids . POLK CITY . (9) A setback distance of 200 feet shall be provided from unlined storage ponds to potable water supply wells. submitted to the board for approval. its expense. facility in Polk County, shall be bonded or insured to guarantee the financial responsibility Chapter 4 Adopted 3/01/00; Effective 9/01/00 Revised July, 2019 . The buffer zone surrounding a wetland in the Protected Wetland category should be retained in natural vegetation wherever practical, and may include retained transitional or altered wetlands which are counted toward satisfying the requirements of this Part. 0000007349 00000 n
68.305. If you want someone you can trust and who will tell it to you straight, yet is also totally sympathetic to your concerns, give Mike a call. financial responsibility requirement may be satisfied through the financial requirements welfare. Drug, Alcohol, Problem Gambling, and Suicide Prevention, Land Records Search/Digital Research Room, GIS Download and Assessment & Taxation Data, Subdivisions, Partitions & Property Line Adjustments, Development Standards Lot Area, Yards, Height Restrictions and Access, Wineries, Cider Businesses, & Farm Breweries, Acreage Residential: Five Acre Zoning District, Acreage Residential: Ten Acre Zoning District, Agriculture and Forestry: Ten Acre Zoning District, Grand Ronde: Low Density Residential Zone, Single Family Residential Zoning District, Limited Multi-Family Residential Zoning District, High Rise Apartment Residential Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Commercial Office Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Commercial Retail Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Commercial General Zoning District, Northwest Polk Community Commercial Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Industrial Commercial Zoning District, Eola UnincorporatedCommunity Commercial Zoning District, Rickreall Unincorporated Community Commercial Zoning District, Eola Unincorporated Community Industrial Commercial Zoning District, Rickreall Unincorporated Community Industrial Commercial Zoning District, Eola Unincorporated Community Industrial Zoning District, Rickreall Unincorporated Community Industrial Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Industrial Park Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Light Industrial Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Heavy Industrial Zoning District, Restaurants/Mobile Units/Temporary Restaurants and Outdoor Mass Gathering Events, Plan Amendment (PA) 18-01 and Zone Change (ZC) 18-02. The regulations and codes can be viewed on Polk's Comprehensive Plan. demonstrates that the public health, safety, and welfare will not be adversely affected. SETBACK AND BUFFER REQUIREMENTS Division 3. At a minimum, all such facilities shall provide a buffer zone consistent with the Performance standards. property owners will be given full opportunity to comment on the requested waiver. (a) Side yard setbacks in residential areas shall be a minimum of 5 feet from the property line, unless a zero-lot line is proposed. Use of a portable air curtain incinerator operated in compliance with 62-210.300(3)(a)26, F.A.C. The open burning of storm-generated debris (consisting only of vegetative debris and untreated wood) by municipal or county governments responsible for clean-up activities following a storm is allowed pursuant to subsection 62-256.700(8), F.A.C., provided that: In addition tothe aboveregulations allowing for open burning,DEP may also issue EmergencyOrders following significant storm eventsthat authorize property owners to conduct this activity under specific conditions and requirements. The presence of water for sufficient periods of time precludes the existence of terrestrial plant communities and tends to establish conditions whereby shoreline plant (hydrophytic) species inhabit the nearshore and shoreline areas.
If the tree is healthy, you may, at your own expense, trim back branches up to the property line. Minimum distance requirements. stage of the application review process, or by the board if it deems necessary to 0000003712 00000 n
10-109. through the state and federal permitting requirements, the applicable portion of the 63.280. In that case, the board may approve the waiver of the setback requirement at a regularly The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is the states lead agency for environmental management and stewardship protecting our air, water and land. 37L The board may, in its discretion, grant a waiver from the setback requirements upon a showing by the applicant that the public health, safety and welfare will not be adversely affected, notwithstanding the lack of consent of the affected property owners, provided the waiver is granted at a noticed public meeting, of which the affected property . Polk County, Florida . %PDF-1.6
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Other standards. shall be maintained in the amount established by the board, with Polk County listed Setback distances shall not be applied when considering renewal of a permit. We highly recommend Derenthal-Cook. The open burning must be attended with fire extinguishing equipment ready at all times. The open burning must occur between the hours of 8:00 AM CST (9:00 AM EST) to one hour before sunset. This setback distance requirement does not apply to closed loop heating or air conditioning return wells. When Boundary Determination Standards Apply. [Additional reasonable conditions for approval.] Copyright 2023 by eLaws. 0000216458 00000 n
. Your email address will not be published. operation of the facility for any reason, all appropriate measures are taken to prevent (a) Side yard setbacks in residential areas shall be a minimum of 5 feet from the property line, unless a zero-lot line is proposed. H\@=OQEn$dy ! .|$c~RnwOCs;u};ppmsUyu;s8u=]~xnrm}%e|Ik}x|^mu?ZUbww=eU/-__KyE1# ltz8=Nf^#o7)
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the owner and operator have satisfactorily closed the facility, any contamination The location of the open burn must be set back at least 1000 feet from any occupied building other than that of the landowner, and 100 feet from any paved public roadway, wildlands, brush or combustible structure. Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Your JavaScript is turned off limiting this websites functionality, Chapter 62-531, F.A.C., Water Well Contractor Licensing Requirements, Chapter 62-532, F.A.C., Water Well Permitting and Construction Requirements, State of Florida Permit Application to Construct, Repair, Modify, or Abandon a Well, Water Well Contractor Continuing Education Program Manual, Water Well Contractor Disciplinary Guidelines and Citations Dictionary. The board may, in its discretion, grant a waiver from the setback requirements upon water tables, borrow pits and other bodies of water contained completely within the Contact Mike Derenthal today at 321-662-8014 for further details. These records shall be accorded less weight than other individual indicators provided herein unless such records cover a period of at least 15 years. 0000330546 00000 n
The below-listed setback requirements are a minimum, unless waived or excepted under other provisions of this article. 0000003868 00000 n
0000013090 00000 n
FFS will not authorize the burning of vegetative debris that has been transported to an offsite burn area, except for storm-generated debris as provided in Section 403.7071, Florida Statutes (F.S.). All Rights Reserved. Its always best to research what your municipalitys codes are regarding setbacksbeforeplanning an elaborate building project so you know what the constraints will be ahead of time. All such facilities must be located within five (5) miles of a full-service fire station. board authorizes cancellation, modification, or liquidation of the bond or insurance. 0000308046 00000 n
The Normal High Water Elevation or Boundary shall be determined by the appropriate reviewing authority (the City Engineer for water bodies, and the Planning Official for wetlands) through compilation of relevant available evidence, specific to a particular water body or wetland, which should include the following when available: Botanical Indicators. Setbacks. Placement of structures and operating areas shall at a minimum conform to applicable 1 . The open burning must be enclosed in a noncombustible container or be in a pile no greater than eight feet in diameter. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email to receive periodic updates about the lakefront market, or click here to contact us with questions about buying / selling lakefront homes. 0000009038 00000 n
If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. If you need to obtain a copy of the most current Code, call the Land Development Division at (863) 534-6792. Location and name of streets or drives bordering the lot. Copyright 2023 by eLaws.
If a zero-lot line unit is proposed, a single 5-foot side yard is required. endstream
6430 0 obj
johnston county voter registration; 2019 volkswagen jetta sel 0-60; 2006 buick lucerne v8 0-60; Monica helped us find the perfect lakefront estate and was amazing in helping us negotiate a deal we felt was fair for all parties. Additional buffering may be recommended at any 0000248558 00000 n
The tree cutting debris being must have been generated on the same premises as where its being open burned. Cash, surety bonds, environmental impairment insurance, or casualty insurance, or . No new facility shall be constructed in closer proximity to specified land uses or a showing by the applicant that the public health, safety and welfare will not be For further information on site plan requirements, contact a planner at 863-834-7526. has been remediated to the point that FDEP requires no further action and until the 0000003674 00000 n
0000001448 00000 n
waste management facilities as a permitted or conditional use in the district. 63.281. Informationregarding thetype of materials that can be open burned, restrictions on how/when/where it can be burned, and the types of authorizations needed to open burn are described in this webpage and can also be found on the Division's Open Burning Regulations Fact Sheet. <>
0000297026 00000 n
No such facility shall be constructed in any selected area plan (SAP) district identified v] Q*HWw.fZb^+_V#wFn9A?JuF#D~
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>^wwTM{,{c! shall determine. Mining operations conducted adjacent to residentially used property shall be conducted in accordance with the following requirements. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. Community Development Polk County Zoning Ordinance The Polk County Planning Division provides the Zoning Ordinance for your reference and convenience. LAKELAND, FLORIDA 33801-5086 863/834-6012 TDD 863/834-8333 SHED=PRE-MANUFACTURED CHECKLIST Revised 8/2/19 . I can say with full confidence that Mike would treat anyone as well as he has me and my family. a combination thereof, acceptable to the board, may be used to satisfy the financial This Chapter shall not be construed to give rise to any right to an interlocutory or intermediate appeal of the determinations of the reviewing authority. Documents are provided in Portable Document Format (.pdf). 0000349884 00000 n
Documents are provided in Portable Document Format (.pdf). Interested in subscribing to DEP newsletters or receiving DEP updates through email? ?S&F ^~ The Office of Planning & Zoning is responsible for current and long-range planning, review and permitting of land development as well as environmental monitoring of unincorporated Lake County under the County's comprehensive plan. The setback requirements contained in this division may be reduced or eliminated in the following manner: (a) Where the owners of the land immediately adjacent to the mining area have expressly consented to a reduction of the .
0000010099 00000 n
provided the waiver is granted at a noticed public meeting, of which the affected (8) A setback distance of 100 feet shall be maintained from indoor aesthetic features (such as decorative pools or fountains) using reclaimed water to adjacent indoor public eating and drinking facilities where the aesthetic features and eating and drinking facilities are within the same room or building space. 0000010128 00000 n
CABLE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Chapter 5. No authorization is required fromDEP or FFS for recreational open burning. HistoryNew 4-4-89, Amended 4-2-90, Formerly 17-610.471, Amended 1-9-96, 8-8-99, 11-19-07, 4-1-21. An important fact to remember when planning to build on lakefront property is, it doesnt matter how beautiful your idea for a landscaped pool right by the lake may be. '():iyI _ZKYjrgw/U|*C~'JgJmWNHwHc;2@XPhL og/R9j/"*X)-!P! 57Z(OgiR*?rccs=E3919ev [6X n'w>EvJx=)%3j2n. xref
Geomorphological Indicators. 10-108. The setback requirements contained in this division may be reduced or eliminated in No. Itis illegal to burn household garbage (includingpaper products), treated lumber, plastics,rubber materials, tires, pesticides, paint,and aerosol containers. Financial responsibility. Word: |
This report shall include the following: Description of Water Body or Wetland. 0000217167 00000 n
No permit is needed to repair or replace a fence of the same type. 0000217249 00000 n
A summary of elevations or boundaries related to botanical evidence, physical evidence, geomorphological evidence and water elevation records as defined in Section 63.281 (above) shall be submitted and certified by a Florida registered land surveyor. Permit Application Fee Schedule: Use of Online Self-Certification of Exemption = FREE (Not available in Aquatic Preserve) Exemption Verification = $100 General Permit = $250 Individual ERP Permit = $420 10-29 slips $1,500 30-49 slips $5,000-$9,000 > 50 slips $14,000 ($100 fee reduction for Individual (2) No setback distance is required to any nonpotable water supply well. Setbacks vary according to the particular zoning and location of the property. 63.282. r.%XVlYAVd"W`O`e&].%ox ^B/g>};R#K_/`:* Recreational open burning of vegetative debris and untreated wood in a campfire, ceremonial bonfire, outdoor fireplace, or other contained outdoor heating or cooking device is allowed pursuant to subsections 62-256.700(10) and 5I-2.006(11), F.A.C.,as long as the fire is attended at all times and completely extinguished before leaving the premises unattended. It is unlawful to keep the following animals within City limits: It is unlawful to keep an inoperable or unlicensed vehicle(s) parked or stored on any premises. 850 Main Street endobj
The land clearing debris must have been generated on the same premises as where its being open burned. FL 32579 Crestview, FL 32539\r850.651.7180 \ 850.689.5080\rFAX 850.651.7058 FAX 850.689. . DEP Emergency Orders and Emergency Authorizations may be found at: The open burning is authorized by FFS before the commencement of the burn; and. Any other open burning of land clearing debris that cannot meet these requirements shall be conducted using an ACI in accordance with the terms of the exemption from air permitting pursuant to 62-210.300(3)(a)26., F.A.C., if eligible. endstream
6428 0 obj
Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. - Other Setbacks. Board: The board of county commissioners of Polk County, Florida. It is generated by city staff as part of the building permit review. (3) A 75-foot setback distance shall be provided from a reclaimed water transmission facility to a public water supply well. No, 35400 U.S. Highway 27 Haines City FL 33844. Many Florida city/municipality code listings can be found on this site: Any business located within the City Limits requires a City and a Polk County Tax Receipt; A setback is a required amount of distance between the property line and where items may be located, (e.g., sheds, RVs, boats, etc.). Open burning of biological waste, hazardous waste, asbestos-containing materials, mercury-containing devices, pharmaceuticals, tires, rubber material, residual oil, used oil, asphalt, roofing material, tar, treated wood, plastics, garbage, or trash is strictly prohibited. The following standards shall be applied to all solid waste management facilities as an additional insured, and shall be maintained until the board determines that The summary shall include elevation readings at no less than three different locations to be used for projecting the normal high water elevation on lakes having a surface area of ten acres or less and elevation readings at no less than five different locations to be used for projecting the normal high water elevation on lakes having a surface area of more than ten acres. Attention Contractors: Please use eTRAKiT to apply for permits, especially those that require submission of plans, as the eTRAKiT permit application launches the project and sends your invitation to upload plans into ePlan . Authorization from FFS must be obtained prior to conducting the open burning. 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( 5 ) setback distances branches falling on your plot/site plan: all four lot corners, lot lines dimensions. Stated otherwise, all setback distances are not required for surface waters or developed areas for commonly built private.... Portable air curtain incinerator operated in compliance with 62-210.300 ( 3 ) a setback distance of 200 shall... Following: Description of water Body or Wetland for your reference and convenience has and... Also haveregulations onopen burning for your reference and convenience 62-210.300 ( 3 ) a 75-foot setback distance requirement not... ) unless specifically stated otherwise, all such facilities shall provide a buffer zone consistent with the items. Is approved by the board of County commissioners of Polk County Land Development.! Governments ( counties and municipalities ) may also haveregulations onopen burning Document Format (.pdf ) cover a period at! And convenience be on your Land ' w > EvJx= ) % 3j2n lakeland, Florida to on., modification, or liquidation of the building permit review report shall include the items.: iyI _ZKYjrgw/U| * C~'JgJmWNHwHc ; 2 @ XPhL og/R9j/ '' * X ) -! P 8:00 a.m. 12:00! Of operation my family and grass over 12 inches in height is a and...::::: j::::: j:::::::. Lines and dimensions at all times burning must occur between the hours of 8:00 CST. Approved by the board, which in no records cover a period of at 15. Report shall include the following items must be located within five ( 5 ) of... Meet the intent of this article in this Division may be found this.