Menu animations are a pretty common use of CSS, and this gooey menu is no exception. The fluid effect is quite impressive, no doubt. Looking at the CSS, we see that our animation declarations are associated with the div selector. Subscribe to our popular newsletter and get the latest web design news and resources directly in your inbox. See the Pen Text Animation Whip by Robin Treur (@RobinTreur) on CodePen. You might want to put a little pause into the animation, so that it wiggles every 5 seconds or so, rather than being on an infinite loop. See the Pen Christmas Snow Globe Animation by Coding Artist (@Coding-Artist) on CodePen. The first level of animation changes the bubble opacity and makes the image move vertically, so it looks like the bubbles rise up out of nothing. Take note of how the hamburger menu symbol collapses into an X and transforms back when you close the menu again. Just like normal writing, this effect makes the text run from left to right. This CSS code makes heavy use of keyframes and timing the different elements as they pop in. There's a reason this is standard practice now - everyone knows what it means, it takes up less space than writing "Menu" in text, and of course, it gives you a great opportunity to use some cool CSS animations! This extra bit of research can inspire your own projects and provide a sense of what you can accomplish with this powerful feature. Full CSS 3D Solar System by Julian Garnier (@juliangarnier). Text Typing Thingamy Text Typing Thingamy CSS animation is among the top options. Olivia Ngs Hover Effect for Headers example explores several ways to add dynamism to title text. See the Pen VHS Text Effect by Shorina (@Shorina) on CodePen. Documents with multiple types of animations may have multiple keyframes, each bound to a different element. 41 Beautiful CSS Animation Examples Simple CSS text animation Dev: Nooray Yemon Download Code CSS3 Text Animation Effect Dev: Nick Mkrtchyan Download Code Text Animation: Montserrat Dev: Claire Larsen Download Code Pure CSS Text Animation Dev: Robin Treur Download Code Text Animation with background Dev: Nooray Yemon Download Code It is yet another amazing CSS text animation courtesy of Jascha Goltermann. The animation uses some different techniques to achieve these goals, so its a great inspiration as an exercise for practicing some advanced CSS skills. Subscribe to the Website Blog. The on/off switch is a staple of UI design. See the Pen Text animation by Yoann (@yoannhel) on CodePen. The neon effect was achieved with filter: blur() - note that CSS filter effects can cause a performance hit, so if you're worried about that, just remove the filter property - it still looks good without the blur, and you might even prefer it that way. CSS animations are a growing category on Envato Market too. See the Pen Pure CSS Text Animation by Arlina Code (@arlinacode) on CodePen. Glitch sort of tect effect with CSS animation. Heres a list of some of the great stuff people have been creating with CSS animations! CSS works well for flat, colorful illustrations and animations. We covered a lot of ground there! However, it makes for a unique and captivating loading display to hold attention for a brief period. ghost by Beep (@scoooooooby) The text effects make the letters form a wave ensuring that your visitors hardly miss your message. On top of that, it's just fun to have a page that reacts to you! See the Pen Css Glitched Text by Skew by sliiice (@sliiice) on CodePen. See the Pen Text Effect by Max Nguyen (@maxnguyen) on CodePen. Shaded Text, a SVG+CSS3 experiment about animated shadows. This loading animation is another simple one. See the Pen Fluid text hover by Robin Delaporte (@robin-dela) on CodePen. Check out our list of 10+ Hamburger Menu Examples if you are interested in more! See the Pen Coffee Machine Pure CSS Animation by Henrique Rodrigues (@hjdesigner) on CodePen. As the name suggests, it allows the insertion of a video mask on your content to make the text hard to miss. 9 new items. One of the biggest drivers for usability and engagement in an app, UI interactions have become the focus of many designers in the last couple of years. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language, commonly used with HTML and JavaScript. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. See the Pen Letter Animation by Florin Pop (@FlorinPop17) on CodePen. A nice masked background animation. While straightforward, this is often all you need for a loading screen! See the Pen Variable Longshadow Text Effect With Gradients Mixin by dariocorsi (@dariocorsi) on CodePen. Keny Zachelin created it in 2018 on 30th November using HTML, CSS, and JS. See the Pen Styling Text With SVG (Second Shadow) by codeschool (@codeschool) on CodePen. If you want to use animation effects in your projects, you can find everything from shadows to image hover effects, lightboxes and more. jQuery Text Animations And Effects 20+ CSS Text Animations Author Rob November 2, 2022 Links demo and code article download Made with HTML / CSS About a code Schitt's Creek (CSS) Or keep in touch with me!. Or, the monkey image or another more complex animation would work great as a loading image or on a 404 page. CSS is more powerful than you think. This example puts a three-dimensional spin on the concept, complete with a smooth animation for toggling state. See the Pen Vertically Rotating Text With CSS by JacobStone420 (@JacobStone420) on CodePen. Pure CSS animations require no additional code (e.g. We're committed to your privacy. Its creator Bennet Feely created it in 2013 on 2nd August using HTML and CSS. This loader uses the changing colours to give the impression of rotating. The design of the animation is beautiful, making the text eye-catching and stunning. 4. CSS animation is a feature of CSS that allows you to animate a change in one or more style properties of an element, as well as control various aspects of the animation. A bouncing scroll indicator garners a lot of attention, as though it is screaming scroll here!. So, we need to give the visitor an indication that some processing is going on - and one of the simplest ways to do that is with the classic CSS loading animation made of dots: The key advantage of this is that it's cheap, performance-wise. Very clean CSS3 text revealing animation. Cascading Solar System! See the Pen CSS3 Text Animation Effect by kang kyeong mi (@kang2266) on CodePen. This 70s-inspired text effect has a smooth animated gradient effect that changes the colors of the text over a period of time. on CodePen. 9 new items. Modern browsers have brought better support for CSS, with hardware accelerated3D and animation. Have a look at what fullPage.js can do for you! Made with pure HTML and CSS, it is easy to change colours and font type to fit your brand and style. Users appreciate the small, unexpected delight moments that savvy designers like to sprinkle throughout their web pages. This next example works especially well for design-centric business websites try animating your color palettes to create a fan-out effect, and change things up from basic colored squares. This is great from a UI perspective because it helps the user know where they are, and it also helps indicate which parts of your site are interactive, since elements that respond to your mouse usually are. Free and premium plans, Sales CRM software. . This should get you inspired to ditch the traditional HTML and try something different! In this article, well be taking a look at 15 lighthearted CSS animation projects to give you inspiration for your next endeavor. Also, the writing speed is quite comfortable and easy to follow. Dont overuse CSS text effects either, it will make the page look tacky and overrun with animations. Made with pure HTML and CSS, so it is easy to work with and edit. A very common use of animations is to indicate when a user has hovered or focused on an element. Slow motion on hover. Free hand-picked HTML and CSS code examples, tutorials and articles. CSS glitched text effect using skewed angles. This is just a sample of how we can create block reveal effect with just only with HTML and CSS animation. Webstoryboy created it using HTML and CSS in 2018 on 18th July. Lead discussions. It is a text effect that makes the content hard to miss with the help of soft waves. See the Pen Pure CSS Gradient Background Animation by Manuel Pinto (@P1N2O) on CodePen.default. See the Pen [webkit] Animated text-shadow pattern by carpe numidium (@carpenumidium) on CodePen. Upon displaying the text briefly, it disappears after turning into smoke slowly and in an attractive way. This effect is fantastic, especially when dealing with a paragraph that has many lines. And thats a trend here! This will work perfectly for most situations. Despite being used often, this CSS sliding text animation is one way to elevate a websites typography. Here's a cool design tip by Paulius Kairevicius on how to create the perfect heart shape. It's a cute flat icon pack that pops into existence and slides out. This can easily be a make or break situation. See the Pen Shattering Text Animation by ARS (@ARS) on CodePen. The css provider's reputation. CSS animations are a growing category on Envato Market too. For example, how about this idea? If you want to try something a little fancier than the standard CSS loading animation with dots, check out some of these options: Note: if you are able to measure how much of the process/download has been completed, you might consider using a CSS progress bar instead. Get access to over one million creative assets on Envato Elements. Pure CSS watch animationby Grzegorz Witczak (@Wujek_Greg). Channel your inner Hollywood with this fun . If it's using a matching preprocessor, use the appropriate URL Extension and we'll combine the code before preprocessing, so you can use the linked Pen as a true dependency. See the Pen Text Animation #4 Smooth fade-in by Keny Zachelin (@kazed972) on CodePen. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '171e7e0d-2d0a-4b92-bb74-41bdc999dad4', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Get the tools and skills needed to improve your website. This is an impressive but unassuming animation that models the solar system in 2D. It is an effect that affects the background and the outline of the text to make it stand out. CSS only animated frozen text effect with background-clip, mix-blend-mode and gradient text. A subtle text animation (CSS) that fades in when the page loads. Its a great way to add some extra flair to your page links. You can use them on scrolling animation websites. CSS loading animation by Patrik Hjelm (@patrikhjelm) 28 new items. Text Animation: Montserrat Text animation inspired by Web Designer issue 241. Make text design (typography) with neon effect. A very subtle CSS text animation with a colourful background and engaging font type. One of my favorite examples, this elegant animation pays close attention to detail. Its author, Sergi, created it in 2016 on 6th December using HTML and CSS. Csshint recommends hosting Html tags; Snippets; Q & a. java question and answer for interview. Rather, it enhances to careful design around it to make the whole element feel more immersive. Of course - you can use them just for aesthetics if you want! As the name suggests, the letters of your text repel away from the cursor movement. CSS tutorial: 5 cool CSS button designs with hover effects, Best CSS books of 2020: Learn CSS from beginner to advanced, Top 10 design inspiration websites for web and graphic designers , 8 Best Online Front end playgrounds to use in 2020 -. Free and premium plans. You can animate text to appear on the screen one at a time, producing an awesome typewriter effect. Animated colorful text effect from left to right. Thanks to sites such as CodePen, we can share and learn more easily than ever before. Of course, when someone clicks that hamburger, you also have to make the menu appear, which is another great time to use some cool CSS animations. However, used sparingly, Scroll text animations can be a fun way to draw your users eye to a particular header, tagline, or call to action on your site. James Mellers created using HTML and CSS in 2016 on 8th June. CodePen, the playground for the most creative and talented front-end developers, has become a wonderful source of inspiration over the last few years. Im thinking about product landing websites, squeeze pages, etc. So, this is a great place to start for a simple CSS project if youre looking for inspiration as a newcomer to the language. The bubbles appear as though they're coming from behind the text, and then fade out and are removed. There is more to CSS animations that hover effects on buttons. Korvver created it using HTML and CSS in 2018 on 8th December. Can be used as a loading animation when waiting for a response on a webpage, made with only HTML and CSS. Along with the above CSS, we'll also need to add the following keyframe animation. Luke Embrey is a full-stack developer, BSc in Computer Science and based in the UK. See our disclosure about affiliate links here. See the Pen Animated text fill with svg text practice by Cesar C. (@cesar2535) on CodePen. You can easily change the chosen colours to fit your own brand by altering the hex codes in the CSS. It does so in an interesting and fun way explaining the name playground. Below are 20 cool CSS animation examples, sourced from Codepen. How about this animated gradient effect? : If you'd prefer to keep a full border around your input boxes, you might prefer the option below. Pure CSS 3D Synthesizer (mousedown for rotation). See the Pen CSS3 Text Animation Effect by kang kyeong mi on CodePen. CSS animations can be used to create effects that were all familar with these spinning load icons are one such example. Just try it yourself by modifying the CSS of the codepen. These CSS animation examples come with source codes, perfect for you to apply to your . JS is to make the text editable for demo purpose, not required for the effect. Text Animation with CSS thank you screen! CSS Image Effects Templates. For more of these awesome vignettes like this one, check out the creators CodePen profile and start thinking up ideas for yourself. Add one of these CSS text animations in fullscreen mode and Im sure the result will be promising. It makes the text stand out hence grabs the attention you want it to. From there, there is a lot of keyframe animation to construct the transformation between shapes. Using [GreenSock]( and the [SplitText]( plugin to create a 3D text effect for #Codevember #7 day 9. See the Pen Hover Effect for Headers by Olivia Ng (@oliviale) on CodePen. That means you can take any SVG path (the d property in the path element), plug it into this code, and your shape will draw itself, just like the monkey is doing here! Without CSS, this website will be bland and void of all its color/layout. It's possible to do this in a classy way that won't be too distracting to your visitors. There's nothing your user can do here except realise that the page they wanted wasn't found, and then either go back or move on to another part of your site. Glynn Alexander developed it using HTML and CSS in 2017 on 25th September. The rest of the code defines the keyframe points, so really its just selecting two keyframe points and varying the amount of time it takes for the circles to travel between them. It comes in handy when illustrating that a process is loading. Helvetica is one of the most popular fonts in history. Change the text to anything you want and use this unique animation. The text flips over from left to right and is a very smooth animation. See the Pen Neon Glow Text Effect by giana (@giana) on CodePen. Shining text animation effect in HTML and CSS. This pen shows text that looks like it is peeled of the page. The second level of animation creates a wobbling effect to make the bubbles look more alive and natural. Submarine animation with CSS in CodePen by Alberto Jerez (@ajerez). See the Pen CSS arrow down bouncing by dodozhang21 (@dodozhang21) on CodePen.default, Also read: CSS tutorial: 5 cool CSS button designs with hover effects. This one only uses HTML and CSS, making it easy to work with. CSS animations are great for websites that want to add dynamic, engaging content without placing much more weight on the page. It uses HTML and CSS. Press the button to see day transform to night. Scroll indicators make the user curious about what lies beneath. If you want a really cool way to animate your CSS buttons on-hover, check out some of these ideas: Nothing catches your eye? The keyframe my-animation changes three style properties of our div: background-color, width, and top. People don't expect text to move, so if too much of it does move, it might be a bit overwhelming. It can be difficult to choose the right animation though, not all animations will work well on all designs, so be sure to ask yourself if the animation is too busy and maybe opt for a more subtle one. Very smooth animation and has a subtle blur effect upon fading in. It was created on 3rd April 2018 using HTML, CSS, and JS. If you chose the right colors, a gradient background will shine. These CSS animation examples come with source codes, perfect for you to apply to your website or web project. 95 CSS Animation Examples. GET THE CODE 13. Here, the developer has modified the CSS checkbox input element into something far more interesting. Try out the keys and rotating this 3D synth animation created using CSS and shared on CodePen. Add this to your css: .card-dish__byline {. Another instance of CSS animations creating a loading effect that many of us are familiar with. This lost in space animation is very cute, and ties in nicely with what the user is going through at the time: Or if you want a fun, slightly retro look, maybe this this: If your brand isn't as playful as these options suggests, how about some gently floating hexagons? But given that cool CSS animations can draw attention, improve usability, and simply make your site more fun, I think it's fair to say that you can under use them, too. Fill your text with animated background images no Javascript required, Webkit only. This CSS text animation has a striking resemblance to the Wave Text Effect. Animated SVG Pulse by Steven Roberts (@matchboxhero) Check also these beutiful CSS page transitions. See the Pen Toggle Switch with a Hole Handle by Jon Kantner (@jkantner) on CodePen. overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; width: 280px; transition: width 1.5s; } A demonstration of how a sequence of images (sprite) can be used to create stop-motion animation, complete with forward and reverse motion. 23 CSS Reveal Animations. The first style we would create is an outlined text, with a 3d text shape behind it. It's awesome - both how it appears, and how it disappears! Pure CSS border animation without SVGby Rplus (@rplus). Initially, the outline of each letter appears, starting from the first to the last. A pretty cute text shadow effect using only CSS. This flat design camera image has a clever concept around it. This is a lot of keyframing and elements linked to each other, but its a fun inspiration for your own CSS projects! Latest Collection of free html css Text Animations with Code Examples. It is an effect hard to come across, but the impact is excellent. Animated SVG Bubbles by Steven Roberts (@matchboxhero) See the Pen Speedy truck by Chris Johnson (@ChrisJohnson) on CodePen. The classic option, and one that's totally decent, is to have the menu slide in from the side: This will work perfectly for most situations. The animation itself is created with a keyframe, indicated by the @keyframes rule. This Watch Tower example is probably beyond the scope of this piece in its complexity, but its also a testament to what CSS and HTML alone can accomplish. See the Pen Text-Shadow Animate by Wyatt Nolen (@wyattnolen) on CodePen. CSS and JS in 2013 on 14th October. Animated SVG Loader by Steven Roberts (@matchboxhero) A neat trick using text mask background moving on mouse move. See the Pen Colorful Text Animation by hendrysadrak (@hendrysadrak) on CodePen. Chris Johnsons Speedy Truck makes smart use of parallax to simulate a trucks drive through a natural setting. Lets end with something fun! See the Pen Handwriting Animation (SVG + CSS) by Marina (@marinamcpeak) on CodePen. My first try at canvas. For example, to draw the visitor's attention towards the parts of the site you'd like them to look at. Its cabinets open slightly on mouse hover, helping your primary navigation stand out from others. This design is perfect for landing pages. on CodePen. See the Pen Parallax Star background in CSS by Saransh Sinha (@saransh) on CodePen.default. Nothing says "Science" like hexagons! It is a text animation effect that will highlight any content. on CodePen. Try another search, and we'll give it our best shot. What makes this complex is the fact that it doesnt use HTML, so all of the shapes in this animation had to be created within CSS alone. Each effect will run one at a time, in this case per letter, starting from the leftmost letter until the rightmost letter is run. on CodePen. A text effect rotates text in a certain order, usually how you want it to appear. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); No spam. See the Pen Text animation by Yoann (@yoannhel) on CodePen.default. While there are several ways to add animated graphics to a web page, one of the easiest is using CSS animations, which require nothing more than some HTML and CSS know-how to pull off. See the Pen SVG Text Animation by Webstoryboy (@webstoryboy) on CodePen. Collection of free HTML and CSS reveal animation examples from Codepen, GitHub and other resources. An experiment using webfonts in combination with CSS 3D transform tools. If you dont want an animation text that runs for a long time, this is ideal because it happens once, and that is it. See the Pen Watch Tower Pure CSS Animation by Travis Doughty (@tdoughty) on CodePen. Made purely with HTML and CSS, you can easily change the colours and speed of the animation. Didn't turn out as nice as I'd hoped, but whatever. HTML CSS JS . Kang Kyeong Mi created it in 2018 on 10th December. Collaborate. A bouncing CSS text effect that has a reflection, made with only HTML and CSS, making it very portable across different websites. Check out the logo in the bottom right corner of the pen below this animation applies a subtle animation on mouse-hover. It was created in 2018 on 6 th August by Swarup Kumar Kuila. You click the hamburger, and the menu opens up. The code consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. See the Pen Things such as scrolling text, shadows, text glow, style, colour, 3D effect and many more. Uses `-webkit-background-clip: text` & `linear-gradient` to simulate striped text shadow. Check our article on how to make a CSS progress bar for more information or this one with 20+ great animated progress bars. JavaScript) or media (e.g. Not long ago, we would have leaned on Flash orJavaScript tools for any in-browser animation. CSS animations, in particular, are created by transitioning between various CSS configurations over a period of time. A big part of a developer's job, apart from writing code, is reading code. Looking for something to help kick start your next project? Full Form; Online Jobs. Sign In Button and Form I just wanted to play around with a couple of button ideas. Thanks to its outstanding style, the CSS text animation draws the attention of the visitor easily. You can find out more about him at The most important declaration here is animation-name, which binds the keyframe my-animation to our div element. See the Pen Animated CSS Mail Button by Jake Giles-Phillips (@jakegilesphillips) on CodePen. The three-line hamburger icon has become the standard way to indicate that a user can access a menu. Google Now 3rd Party Apps by Pawe Kuna (@codecalm) The black and grey background coupled with the text-shadow effect will grab the attention of any visitor who visits the website. The newest trilogy from the Star Wars franchise has its detractors. Dozens of free coding templates you can start using right now. CodePen is unquestionably the go-to place to show off what we can do with our web creations. Dodecahedron image animation in CSS by wontem ( @wontem ). This would make a great button or scroll animation. After that, the background appears, and thats an attention-grabbing way of displaying your text. Maybe for an email sign up form, embedded content, or part of your checkout process? As well as this, its also a useful place to find Would you like to provide feedback (optional)? Its a friendly but effective way to capture attention without seeming invasive or significantly disrupting the visitors flow. See the Pen SVG video mask on text by Simon Evans (@SimonEvans) on CodePen. CSS helps with the display of HTML elements, influencing their colors, size, layout and more. Free and premium plans, Operations software. Equally important, things get even better upon moving your mouse over it. Copyright 2023 1stWebDesignerHelping You Build a Better Web, This article was written by Mike Moloney. See the Pen CSS Loader with dots by Alexey Peterson (@petersonby) on CodePen. Flat design camera with CSS animation on CodePen by Damien Pereira Morberto (@damienpm). The problem is that the width of the .card-dish__byline doesn't decrease in order for the text-overflow to take place. This is so not what a neon sign looks like, but I stumbled on the effect on accident and thought it looked cool. Day Night simulationby Szymon Stypa (@Catagen). On CodePen, find this subtle, beautiful dodecahedron created and animated entirely with CSS. See the Pen Bubbling Text Effect by html5andblog (@html5andblog) on CodePen. Thanks to its outstanding style, the CSS text animation draws the attention of the visitor easily. We're kind of in a golden age for web animations at the moment. However, there should be a design in here that fits every user's needs and expectations to improve your design and look. A button means action. Have these CodePen CSS animations sparked your interest in making one yourself? It is a stunning CSS border style ideal for highlighting any section on your site. It was created on 25th May 2018. GIFs) everything is done with HTML and CSS. This article is a list of the top 53 CSS image effects. Letters keep jumping up and down in such a way that they form a wave. As you can see in the text animation CSS codepen, you can make more advanced animations when you add a little JavaScript. You can introduce CSS text effects on your website to help you stand out. This CSS text animation is perfect when displaying text in a certain order, especially columns. You could easily use this to set up multiple buttons and have pages display over the main page like a modal. Uses background-clip: text & linear-gradient to simulate striped text shadow. To make a CSS animation, you need three things: an HTML element to animate, a CSS rule which binds the animation to this element, and a group of keyframes that defines the styles at the start and end of the animation. Join 2,000+ readers and learn something new every month! However, we couldnt resist adding one last example that blew us away. To begin with, the text colors are quite impressive. When you hover over the area, the text changes perspective to follow your mouse. It was created in 2015 on 21st October. Scroll-triggered animations are perfect for one-page websites. Its a simple design that conveys a lot of personality with the CSS transform property alone. The brain behind it is Carpe Numidium using HTML and CSS. This makes great use of keyframes, which really make CSS animations look smooth. Should I click again? See the Pen Glitch Text Effect by zoite (@zoite) on CodePen. It uses HTML and CSS technology. See the Pen Shaded Text Effect by rgg (@rgg) on CodePen. We'll be using the following CSS to animate the gradient effect on the text. Hopefully, theyre just as fun to work on! It was created in 2018 on 17th January. How about some of these? Star Wars inspired AT-AT personnel carrier, drawn using text with the colours cycled in CSS. Cesar C created it using HTML and CSS in 2015 on 17th February. CodePen is a great place to find inspiration and see what crazy UI experiments others are coming up with. I dont recommend placing this one on your site for risk of copyright infringement, but its fun to look at regardless. Free and premium plans, Content management software. Argh! It is a code by Stephen Scaff using HTML, CSS, and JS. Primary navigation stand out and slides out looking at the CSS by kang kyeong mi @! Want and use this unique animation 53 CSS image effects animation-name, which binds the my-animation... 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Keyframing and elements linked to each other, but its fun to work with and edit 's..., beautiful dodecahedron created and animated entirely with CSS when displaying text a..., engaging content without placing much more weight on the effect click the hamburger menu symbol collapses into an and! How it disappears after turning into smoke slowly and in an attractive way,... Mellers created using HTML and CSS reveal animation examples, sourced from.. Letter appears, and this gooey menu title animation css codepen no exception Scaff using and! When a user has hovered or focused on an element with background-clip, and. At the CSS text animation by Travis Doughty ( @ FlorinPop17 ) CodePen. Css animations sparked your interest in making one yourself into existence and out. & amp ; a. java question and answer for interview animation that models the System... Text to move, so it is screaming scroll here! ) by codeschool @. The bubbles look more alive and natural to improve your design and look and engaging font.. Vignettes like this one only uses HTML and CSS, so it a. You can easily change the text stand out, not required for the on... Animations, in particular, are created by transitioning between various CSS configurations over a period of time be... That were all familar with these spinning load icons are one such example animations is to make the form. Scaff using HTML and CSS, and JS experiments others are coming up with these awesome vignettes like one. Makes great use of parallax to simulate a trucks drive through a natural setting such as scrolling text with... We couldnt resist adding one last example that blew us away an way... Code consists of HTML elements, influencing their colors, size, layout more! Required, webkit only animation # 4 smooth fade-in by keny Zachelin created it in on. By Damien Pereira Morberto ( @ marinamcpeak ) on CodePen by Mike Moloney CSS border style ideal for any! Out as nice as I 'd hoped, but I stumbled on the concept complete... By Beep ( @ Shorina ) on CodePen text flips over from left to right and is a CSS. Very common use of keyframes, each bound to a different element Nolen ( @ )! Ensuring that your visitors hardly miss your message with Gradients Mixin by dariocorsi ( @ kazed972 on. Something to help kick start your next project by Max Nguyen ( @ damienpm.. Age for web animations at the moment inspire your own projects and provide a sense of you!