Knowing with your heart however, is not to be confused by being led with your emotions. The brain/mind is what creates emotions and thoughts. I can’t predict if someone is a believer or not, but I would be carefully on guard about head knowledge. I was taking counseling classes in a church which believes in the dichotomous nature of man, and because I hold the trichotomous view, the way in which counseling is done is very different. The balance lies between your head and your heart. An Emotional Digression. And of course, “pondering” is a mental activity. God is not story we read in the bible but God who is at work in his creatures.If you do not have a personal testimony about God then it is head knowledge like Saul. Looking back I believe I was NOT a believer during times I even served in the Church…it was just a head knowledge but never any heart in it. The heart and the mind are the same thing. They’re both exactly the same age, inhabit the same territory, and never rest. I can’t believe that I am hearing a situation exactly like I am going through. I wouldn’t want to confuse anyone into thinking that you have to live in doubt. I thought, at the… Read more », Hey Carol, Thanks for reading and for sharing. The Bible has to saturate our personalities. However, it’s impossible to know things in our hearts, but not in our heads. What's Wrong With Living Together Before Marriage? I imagine this is really hard to share and process and be that vulnerable. Many people approach the Bible this way. I trusted it. Why else would you even be interested in praying to God in the first place if He wasn’t working through you? Since our conscience is what blames or condemns us when we’re wrong, this verse makes it abundantly clear that our conscience is part of our heart. Get a sneak-peek into each new show, delivered straight to your inbox! You cannot therefore, deal with your hideousness and self-absorption through the moral law, by trying to be a good person through an act of the will. How can you keep this from happening to you? ie, "if you love me, keep my commandments," and "why call you me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say?," then my heart may have passion, but it is passionate about a vision and a dream that is not God. Praying for you…. I met God with my head when I was 12 but didn’t become personal in my heart until the age of 48. Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, who was faithful to him who appointed him, just as … We read a book on Christian parenting, but we can’t find time to read the Scriptures to our children or pray with them at bedtime. Their combined efforts keep us alive and well. sermon. If you haven’t been using heart knowledge, there is no need be feel guilty or condemned (Romans 8:1). Sep 1, 2013 - Explore jacob foley's board "Bobble Heads" on Pinterest. J I have begged Jesus for years and years and years to give me peace and change my heart. I guess you could make the point that it’s not “true head knowledge” but I think that would be more confusing. but if you haven’t actually tasted it, you know with your head, but not with your heart. Thanks for writing the “honey” puts things in perspective. The Head VS. the Heart Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord. Great reminder that God is a personal God who desires a relationship with us and not just someone we develop head knowledge about, but through Christ, a real person who we develop a relationship with through the heart. There is no doubt about it that if you have decided to follow Jesus and trust Him as your Lord and Savior, then you are saved. Head knowledge without heart knowledge is worse than useless; but when head and heart join forces, it changes our lives forever. As Jesus teaches in Luke 6, “from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks,” and elsewhere Paul tells us no one confesses Christ apart from the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12). See more ideas about Bobble head, Bobble, Wacky wobbler. From reading the internet, studying books, watching TV, listening to music, and having conversations with others, it’s amazing to think how much goes into our heads each day. The heart represents our affection, emotion, and personality. If we knew God truly loved us, we wouldn’t hate ourselves. I am struggling with this right now. This sounds like it’s different for you and that you are effected. This is hard question because head knowledgeis one thing butfrom my heart, I desire toknow Jesus more and I’ve asked the questions everyday and when I hear the trutb it just makes me cry in joy. They strive to learn facts and figures about the Bible, the history behind it, or parse the esoteric meanings of the original languages. See more ideas about Bobble head, Bobble, Wacky wobbler. Christ doesn’t seem to be drawing a distinction between head and heart knowledge but seems to say that the head knowledge flows from the heart knowledge. You can just study and spend time learning and then eventually over time your brain will collect more data. I wonder if I have the Holy Spirit. I am alone in church every Sunday. A lot of times after we surrender our lives to Christ and start following Him, we do feel “on fire” and then for some reason a bunch of troubles come into the picture. “Self-salvation through good works may produce a great deal of moral behaviour in your life, but inside you are miserable. Paul though he knew God before not until he had personal experience with Jesus on his way to Damascus. Ps. Depending on where you live, chances are you might have heard the Gospel before. Sometimes it is hard to get the message from our heads to our hearts. Salvation must be experienced. Awesome pastor…thanks so much for sharing and I’ve added you on our email list! Appreciate your insight into this. The heart merely supplies blood to the brain and the rest of the body. Dennis. Sep 30, 2019 - Bobble heads I'd like to have or just like. But you do know you are just repeating what I said? I struggle with this. I’ll try to respond in the form of a blog comment knowing that it may not be enough (talking in person with some people from the church or others who follow Jesus would be ideal), but I think I can encourage you with some truth from Scripture on the character of God in all of this and the opportunities you have. When it comes to the Gospel, yes, we need to learn in our heads what Jesus has done for us, but more importantly, we need to learn this in our hearts. Keep me from overreacting today, from speaking with irritation. You obviously still learn things with your head. In other words, always approach every passage in Scripture with three questions: (1) What does it say? It’s also where fear resides. I have no faith. According to the Bible, the heart is the center not only of spiritual activity, but also of all the operations of human life. I’ve prayed and I’ve asked and searched for it, but how do I make it real? Question: "Does the Bible say to follow your heart?" I think there’s head knowledge out there, we have a lot of it, and even Biblical head knowledge, but if that hasn’t turned into heart knowledge, I don’t think it will change us. Thanks for sharing, what you mentioned in Luke 6 actually lines up perfectly with the post because it’s a matter of the heart…not just what’s in the head. Try me and know my thoughts! Heart knowledge and head knowledge obviously increases from there, but things… Read more ». We know that God is through His Holy Spirit renewing our hearts and minds, giving us faith. One would perish without the other. Bible Verses about the Heart - Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it… As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart… The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Wonderful my Brother. dedicating your life to Him…. What they have is knowledge of the truth which they are purposely avoiding, or shunning. For more information about Turning Point, go to Unclaimed Possibilities - Claiming the Power, Renewable energy sources are becoming very popular in our culture today. One specializes in intellectual pursuits all day while the other pumps iron. A good way to think about this for yourself is when you read the Bible, pray, or when you’re involved in the local body (the Church), are you doing all of this out of an obligation to God to pay Him back for something or to earn your way? To avoid the trap of the Pharisees, we’ve got to guard the interconnection between our thoughts and our attitudes. What do you mean? You need a complete transformation of the very motives of your heart.” – Tim Keller, The Reason for God. Kath k. Awesome Kath! All human beings are in urgent need of a good "exit strategy" from the ditch in which they dwell. According to the Bible, the heart is the centre not only of spiritual activity, but of all the operations of human life. Is Marriage Only Between A Man And A Woman? I was in 6th grade. The brain/mind allows us to think, feel, and act. Thanks Jennifer! To say that we have head knowledge that doesn’t result in any change in our lives, we are just saying that we do not have the right head knowledge. 22:37; Mark 12:30, 33), but this is not generally the case. He was never as “real” to me as He was to some Christians. It’s like a little bit of doubt has festered into unbelief. Hey Shirley, thanks for sharing. This topic helped me a lot to prepare my When you hear about Jesus, what comes to mind? Prayer should be accompanied with that at all times as well. If we are confessing Christ with our mouths, are we not confessing Christ from the overflow of our hearts? I am in church every Sunday. Appreciate you sharing. It seems that I should know better since I have known the Lord since March of 1977. When we apply something to our heart, it becomes very real for us at that point. And it is the Bible that has produced all of the world’s most compassionate societies. There’s actually a specific example of it in scripture where it says that “Mary pondered all these things in her heart”. Reading your reply grew a smile & confidence in my salvation & the many convictions I’ve been experiencing lately & the way Gad has been revealing truths to me showing me the way especially the wear with all of the darkness & how the enemy of God & his followers are being attacked with lies that spear real… My Walk with Him had been awesome since the beginning. The words "heart" and "mind" are metaphors for aspects of a single individual - I think in a healthy individual they are completely unified. Problems we encounter in our life make us experience God in our lives and many times God delivers us from such circumstances. Your voice is missing! God bless. (3) What does it mean to me? Jesus is clear that for someone to follow Him, all they have to do is to profess that He is Lord of their… Read more ». Sorry, your search returned no results :(. understand both concepts of head and heart knowledge, but how do I grow in heart knowledge. Is it possible the reason I don’t know Jesus in my heart is because He doesn’t want me? These two allies work tirelessly for a lifetime without ever taking a vacation or a day off. (Romans 10:9). The heart is connected with thinking: As a person “thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). At 26 I was married to a “Christian” man and I was abused physically, emotionally & spiritually. It sounds like things start with head knowledge. I don’t know how to get my head knowledge into my heart. I used to hear His Voice and then all of a sudden I noticed that He wasn’t speaking to me anymore. There was a time when I knew without a doubt what Jesus did for me. Dr. Bob invites readers to peruse the Bible in PROSEPOE, the new and unique approach utilized in Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart. Sabbath: Rest for Spiritual and Physical Refreshment. There’s a lot in what you wrote so I’ll do my best to respond, but at the end of the day, know that you CAN know if you are saved or not. If we were to go through the many different passages mentioning the heart and mind, we could come up with many different definitions for the heart and mind depending on how each word is used in biblical context. Here are other Frequently Asked Questions and how the Bible answers them. That’s exactly what happened to me when I realized that Jesus died for me. I constantly have doubts about my salvation. As the result of my head knowledge about God, I was able to accepted him in heart to be my servoir. You will need to register to be able to join in fellowship with Christians all over the world.. We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless! Thanks for sharing Lia! Hebrews 3:1-12:29 ESV / 12 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. 31: 24 It is with the heart that we must wait upon God. That’s the biggest distinction. This excerpt further clarifies the meaning of "the heart" metaphor. No one comes to the Father lest He draws him. Amazing grace! It’s possible to have “head knowledge” of God and His Word without its filtering down into “heart knowledge.” We are reminded in Proverbs 4:23 to “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”. It is difficult at times to follow Jesus and one of the biggest battles we’ll ever face is the assurance of our salvation. first of all I like the discussion thanks for that now the name of my church is mind of Christ which was named I believe by the spirit of God. Other days I have VERY strong dout (“did I ever get saved in the first place”). I think trying to make this distinction is dangerous… Read more », Oh ok, sounds good. It also takes prayer. We all have our own strategies for coping with the pain of life. What would it mean though for us to apply these things to our hearts? Application requires meditation. Read the Bible, pray, be involved in community and in your Church, and take things one day at a time, one step at a time. He does nothing. We do this through biblical teachings, devotionals, encouraging posts, and anything relevant to Christianity. That is something you can place your full confidence in because God says so. church, there are head knowledge people, but not the heart knowledge. If one believes that the spirit and soul are one and that the terms are used interchangeably, then what “A dog” is saying would be true. I believe that every word out of the Mouth of God, which is the bible is truth and I am just going to hold on to what I remember that He has done for me in the past. Ephesians 5:27 The problem of sin is in man's thinking, which is why God says the problem is in the heart—in the mind. So according to the Bible, our heart … It needs to become real to us, personally. Head knowledge implies that you know (thoughts) what the Bible says regarding a topic. They both oversee complex systems that are necessary for life—the nervous system and the circulatory system. I have prayed and prayed and… Read more », Robert, the fact you have prayed and begged God about these doubts says a lot right there about your salvation through Christ. This is not always an easy… Not because we don’t have assurance…the Bible tells us we can be sure and that the Holy Spirit is the promise…the guarantee of our inheritance…..the problem is because of spiritual warfare and us too often thinking we are not good enough. I am supposedly saved but my heart doesn’t feel like it believes. Thanks, Mike, for this good reminder, and thanks for posting the URL on the Christian Poets & Writers group page on Facebook. For example, we can definitely have head knowledge, and not have the heart knowledge to go along with it. “ Heart ” and “ soul ” are often used interchangeably (Deut. There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand. Hey Danie, great question. That’s awesome Carol, thank you so much for sharing! We have to be reminded on a daily basis that what Jesus did on the cross was in fact..enough. But now, all I have is doubt. Or, instead, are you doing all these things because of an overflow of gratitude of what He has done for you? Before The Cross exists to Glorify God by Sharing the Love of Christ with the hope of pointing the lost to Him and strengthening His Church. The heart represents our affection, emotion, and personality. Maybe a question that should be answered is, does head knowledge lead to heart knowledge, and, how do we get heart knowledge (or from whom do we get it)? I’m not sure Marie. Even before my personal relationship with Him began I was volunteering at church and leading the prayer team, woman’s team, etc. The Bible speaks of the brain as the center of our thinking and has much to say about the condition of our minds. Thank you so much brother, please forward your posts to my email: In verses 27-28, He said graphically, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! First, the Scriptures never refer to the head as the source of thinking and feeling. What the mind "thinks" would be in complete harmony with what the heart "feels" or "intuits." Who is Jesus to you? My fondest desire is to know and love Jesus more. I began craving His Word, whereas before I would read as necessary. How do you get head knowledge into your heart? I’m talking, of course, about your brain and your heart. Especially because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). The point I’m making in the post is that there is a distinction..especially in our culture where a lot of people say certain things, but doesn’t mean it’s true. The word head occurs approximately 330 times in the Bible. Make a decision to become a follower of Christ today and to realize that you are forgiven by God through Christ. And I think it starts in the heart, and flows to the head… Read more », This is a good discussion. :( I long to experience that. It also takes commitment. However, if one believes that a person is three parts–spirit, soul, and body–then what Mike is saying makes sense. If we have head knowledge that doesn’t change our lives, then we do not really have head knowledge at all. No one has been able to answer that question. Second, I’m really sorry I’m just now responding to you. Pastor Sudarshan, India. Use our bible verses by topic page which lists popular verses from the Old and New Testament. That is not a coincidence. I think the single fact that you have the desire to know and love Jesus more says a lot about you having heart knowledge. The only difference is, Jennifer seems like a young Lady and I am an older Mom, Grandmom and Great-Grandmom. Are you loving Jesus with your heart or head? Sometimes it is hard to get the message from our heads … The physical heart is an organ that pumps blood. As a man's heart is, so is he before God. 1 Head (Sound Doctrine) 2Timothy 4:1-5 Paul told Timothy, "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with much patience and instruction. Recently my pastor preached a sermon on faith where he said believers sometimes have faith in their head rather than their heart. Well I know God from mine head and mine heart,because I read about him, I heard about him. Our enemy would love nothing more to keep you in a constant state… Read more », Wow Mike thanks for sharing with Jeniffer I could strongly identify with Jen & at the same time I was hearing my self say things similar to what you said about the deceiver… So where are you in this? God’s love would be so real to us that we would see ourselves the way He sees us, through His son, as an adopted child. It’s because we are now living for Him… Read more », I am very VERY unsure and confused on this matter I genuinely don’t know which category I fit into I know What Christ has done and I desire a deep relationship with Him I have repented of sin and asked for forgiveness but I have struggles with SO many things assurance of salvation being the main one which has lead to question my motives in everything I do which I want to be in the right heart but I don’t know if it is or if its filthy rag works I’m really confused. Thanks for sharing and for reading!! If I was speaking out of my heart, and that had nothing to do with the mind, that would be a very curious (if not creepy) thing. Let us pray one for another. I gothe closer to Him in college. Bible Verses About The Heart There are many Bible verses discussing the heart because God’s word is clear that the condition of your heart is critical in your walk with the Lord. Humans are limited to thinking what is in their minds. I “think” I accepted Christ as savior in October of 1976. Now I don’t know you personally so I can only go so far with some assumptions, but what I can tell you is that every single believer is attacked….especially mentally and to doubt. In Matthew 23, Jesus censured the scribes and Pharisees for studying the Law without applying it to their lives. Dr. Bob invites readers to peruse the Bible in PROSEPOE, the new and unique approach utilized in Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart. Your description of the heart vs. the mind makes me think of the right and left brain hemispheres. Suppose you’re reading through Proverbs and come to chapter 15: “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” One of the most effective ways of getting that verse circulating through your system is by turning it into a prayer: “Lord, teach me the secret of the soft answer. I have a sinking feeling that I was never really saved. Thought I had settles it at a Promise Keepers in 96. I’ve noticed that my heart is smarter than my head. Seems like a false dichotomy to me. When our hearts have been affected, change happens, which includes changing the way we think about things and what we speak. Let’s start with a riddle: What two partners live less than two feet apart but never meet? Welcome to Christian Forums, a forum to discuss Christianity in a friendly surrounding. Appreciate you sharing that!! And just like… Read more », Today in Bible study with middle school girls we tackled this question. It happens far too often: a high-profile Christian stumbles, their testimony is tarnished and their ministry suffers. I think the misunderstanding here is one of the idea of dichotomy vs. trichotomy. . If we knew God truly wanted us to be generous, we would joyfully give our money, time, and possessions back to Him and anyone in need. I wasn’t a follower of Christ whatsoever until I realized Jesus died for MY sins…and He became personal to me in my heart. What’s Upstairs? Proverbs 12:2 A good man obtaineth favour of the LORD: but a man of wicked devices will he condemn.. Genesis 37:19,20 And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh… Wrote more about this here – Thanks for sharing! The simple fact that you are asking the question means a lot because if you didn’t even care, you wouldn’t even ask. many. I thought I was saved but could never sense that Jesus was in my heart. The heart, according to the Bible, is part of man's spiritual makeup. 6:5; 26:16; compare with Matt. Answer: There are many calls to “follow your heart” in movies, novels, slogans, blogs, and memes. I stayed, believing I was being the… Read more », Simple answer many have told me cry out to God ask and pray to Him with a sincere heart He will make it real for you in His timing :), […] head knowledge vs. heart knowledge […]. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6. So is it safe to say that someone with more head knowledge (who believes that Jesus died for his sin) is a Christian and that heart knowledge will follow as he continues to learn? . All Rights Reserved. That is something we know for sure… Read more », Hi Priscilla & Shirley, I used to feel the same way… raised in a Christian home I knew God with my head my entire life. Great word- really helped me on my theology course, thank you. This, then, is the great modern battle: the Bible and the heart vs. the heart alone. Thanks for sharing Joseph. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of this. increased.”. Prayer, journaling, fasting…. We hear a sermon about patience; but before the day is out, we’ve lost our temper. The sad part is I really want it. We know that God is through His Holy Spirit renewing our hearts and minds, giving us faith. Who can… May he give you the desire of your heart and make all… Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast… Well…how did you come to actually realize that he died for YOUR sins personally? He cited purgatory, the rapture and other beliefs that may stunt a believer’s faith. Thanks so much for sharing. That’s not true. It must embrace head, heart, and hands, all three. The bible really is a pleasure to read when you are under the guidance of the Holy Spirit! Sean, I think it starts first with the Gospel and continuous reading and studying of God’s Word. He says, “your mind can know honey is sweet, people can tell you it’s sweet, you’ve read books about it, etc. Dr. Bob invites readers to peruse the Bible in PROSEPOE, the new and unique approach utilized in Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart. I have done an extensive study on the head or heart and what I found is that our minds are part of our soul which is subject to comparison, comparison with other thoughts in the head about 50,000 a day unprotected thoughts , and it takes the word of God to discern the thoughts and the thoughts we deem true or… Read more ». Operations of human life am with you totally on this, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Together!: pastordarshan @ then, is the Bible, the Word head is where the analysis logic. Mean though for us to think, feel, and flows to the head… Read more » my is! Good `` exit strategy '' from the Old and new Testament way everlasting! –! Memorize these important verses, pondering them and ruminating over them until they inform our and! Doubt has festered into unbelief you keep this from happening to you convert the of! Like it ’ s impossible to know and love Jesus more says a lot about you heart! 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