This is a good option for attack players who enjoy dynamic and sharp positions. The Evans Gambit can be a useful weapon when one needs to surprise the opponent and play for a win. The move that begins the gambit is 4. b4 which attacks black’s bishop, causing it to react, and thus move twice. However, this may not be to the taste of many fans of the Evans Gambit, so in the illustrative games and analysis section, I have included extensive coverage of both 6.c3 and 6.Nc3. Harding also published another one, Evans Gambit and a System vs the Two Knights, back in 1996, which also got good reviews. I hope that the many visualizations in this guide will help you to remember positions to aim for, not necessarily the moves that led to that position. Black may choose to mirror White's move and reply with "e5" for the same reasons, leading to openings such as the Ruy Lopez, Giuoco Piano (including the Evans Gambit variant), and King's Gambit. Many strong players use it from time to time as a surprise weapon. The reason white gives up this pawn is because it distracts black’s piece and pulls it away from the center. He said Giri played the Evans Gambit but Giri was black. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Following on the release of Yes, Tim Harding's book Play the Evans Gambit gets very good reviews across the board, so is well worth considering, even though it's a bit dated. And the bishop is lost after the king is in check and must be stopped. When accepted, Evan’s Gambit is one of the most aggressive gambits I’ve seen in chess. However, despite Evan’s Gambit not going well for black, not accepting means you are losing tempo and not quite gaining anything by moving your pieces around. there's Pinski's Italian Game and Evans Gambit, Moody's The Evans Gambit Revolution, and Rohde's The Great Evans Gambit Debate - all at Amazon Market Place for pretty high prices. ‘Evans Gambit (Mr Steinitz’s New Defence’) by William Timbrell Price, BCM, November 1890, pages 442 ... ‘The article [by Max Lange] contains a good portrait of Evans. The Evan’s Gambit is named after William Davies Evans, who is said to be the first played to use this aggressive white opening back in 1827. It is very hard for black to duplicate this development as they are usually forced to move their pieces in very defensive situations instead of their desired squares. The Evans Gambit Accepted With 4...Bxb4, Black grabs the gambit pawn and hopes to withstand White's impending build-up in the centre. The common retreats are listed here, with the good and bad sides of each: D44 - Queen's Gambit - download book. White can now castle quickly as all of the kings’ side minor pieces are developed. White should follow with: AberRob #2. A good opening will provide better protection of the King, control over an area of the board (particularly the center), greater mobility for pieces, and possibly opportunities to capture opposing pawns and pieces. I would not be so hard … After black takes the pawn on b4, white will always continue with c3, followed by d4. The two knights can go in a lot of different directions so you might look into how you want to play it first. White cannot easily take the f7 pawn. Nowadays Black most often accepts the gambit with the aim of returning the pawn at a good moment in order to equalise or get a positional advantage, but there are also lines in which Black holds onto one extra pawn. Even better, white can build up an attack on the center with more tempo on the bishop after 5. c3, as we’ll see. Yea the fried liver is very good and I actually know a lot about the jerome lol but its not "good". However, you can use this to your advantage to gain a strong center with possibilities like 5 b5. Much like other gambits, the Evan’s Gambit gives up an early pawn in exchange for rapid development and a lead in center control. Instead, focus on the main ideas of the opening and you’ll start to remember variations as you play this chess opening more. It was common in the romantic era of Chess to see many unsound gambits, but what is remarkable with the Evans gambit is that it is actually good ! Is there a good book on the Evans Gambit in the Italian game? Choose an opponent to match your playing strength and try your luck with the Evans Gambit. Winning with the Slow (but Venomous!) 1 2. bruhmomentum2007 #11. Featuring games of old, and numerous new and exciting ideas, this DVD will give you a genuine and more exciting way of playing the Giuoco Piano. Continuing with a4 (ignoring the hanging pawn on b4) is the main line. If you are playing as white you need to make sure that you attack. There's also a Chessbase DVD by Simon Williams on this opening if you're a more visual … Going back to the main idea, you can develop as normal and leave the b pawn hanging. The Evans Gambit is used to keep the black king from castling and overwhelm black with very active pieces in the center. Any level below grand master has chess mistakes, inaccuracies and blunders all over the place. Share. The key squares that white should note are the b3 square which usually will be home for the queen, giving support to the bishop on c4. The Evans Gambit is used to keep the black king from castling and overwhelm black with very active pieces in the center. I also recommend using every skittles speed chess game you play that opens with 3…Bc5 as an opportunity to play Evan’s Gambit so you can learn what new variations come about. If the Evans Gambit is good enough for Garry Kasparov, is it good enough for you? Here we have a very common occurrence where black played everything correctly so far. These moves prevent Black from castling kingside and threaten the weak f7-pawn respectively. Evans Gambit is NOT refuted despite what some stuffy theorists will say. The general way to accept the gambit is for the bishop to recapture the b pawn. The Evans Gambit is used to keep the Black King from castling and overwhelm Black with an attack in the center. It transforms from Evan’s Gambit into Guicco Piano, but with the b pawn pushed. At the same time, it is a strong opening: even World Champion Garry Kasparov has played it at the highest level and won some interesting games with it. 17 min 5 Challenges … The Evans Gambit was a popular opening all the way back in the 1800s, and maintains its popularity in present times. If its good enough for Kasparov its good enough for me. Now white is losing and the queen is centralized while not other pieces are developed by white. The Evans Gambit is an aggressive variation of the Giuoco Piano. White will soon win the for Black, which is a reasonable description of c3-pawn back, completing his development the situation. Albin ... Evans Gambit – C51 – 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.b4; Four Knights Game This is a good way to prepare for your next beach game, a more serious encounter, your next club tournament, or the international GM event. ツ Gambits are effective because a great position is everything in chess. For those players that like to play the Giuoco Piano I highly recommend playing the Evan’s Gambit. Well. The problem is that white has given up a pawn for development and taking away black’s ability to castle. C51: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.b4; C52: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.b4 Bxb4 5.c3 Ba5; History. A guide by David A. Wheeler. Other books. In fact, none of the variations in this article recommend h6 for black. Then on 10 Qh4 Nd5 11 Qg3 Gammbito can consider The Evans Gambit is an aggressive line of the Giuoco Pianowhich normally continues with the positional moves 4. Take a good benchmark like say until you get 35 on puzzle rush don’t read any opening books except maybe something very general and quick and easy like “my first opening repertoire” by that French Junior team coach or something. 18 min 5 Challenges Nakamura Forces The Pawn Down Bobby's Throat The stakes are high in this U.S. Championship game. In almost all lines black has to give back the pawn at one point or suffer a serious disadvantage. Of course, even players who study the Evan’s Gambit will want to prevent what is to come with move like Bg5 and Ng5, but this is simply not able to be done in this opening. Mastering the concepts and understanding the rationale behind this opening will double your wins as White when your opponent answers with e5. Most of White's other gambit lines in the classic Open Games (1.e4 e5) involve either sacrificing the d4-pawn or the e4-pawn in order to free up lines for development. This is usually the downfall of black players as white has so many attacking lines that it usually is tough for black to defend all of them properly. Alternatively Black can meet 6. The bishop can move away and decline the gambit, but we’ll be looking at variations where the bishop takes the pawn. In the Evans Gambit, White offers a pawn to distract black’s bishop on c5. To that I say, you’re absolutely correct. It proved to him that the Evans' is … Because black hasn’t taken the b4 pawn, it is still hanging. The Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings has two codes for the Evans Gambit, C51 and C52. I don't know of any book that gives good coverage of both. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Black often plays a6 to give the bishop space. Nf3 Nc6 3. By sacrificing a pawn in the opening, White forces Blackâ s Bishop to move and gains time to quickly develop his pieces and take control over the central area of the board. This turns into a normal game where white hasn’t lost any pawns, but can work towards a normal center with c3, d4, etc in the Italian game. Yea the fried liver is very good and I actually know a lot about the jerome lol but its not "good". It has a swashbuckling sounding name and in the romantic era was one way that attacking players tried to play for a quick win. Belgrade Gambit – C47 – 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nd5; Halloween Gambit (Müller–Schultze) Gambit – C47 – 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nxe5; French Defence. The Evans Gambit is a chess opening characterised by the moves: 1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bxb4 5. c3 Ba5 6. d4 exd4 7. However, the obvious move here is to continue with your plan on the center as if the bishop had taken on b4. Kasparov revived it to win in 25 moves against Anand and it is still used episodically at top level nowadays, when Black does not … Instant, full access to ALL games, strategies, videos, game analyzer, and more. Often, Bc5 variations can turn into the same lines as Ba5. Ba5 is the most common followed by Be7. The Evans Gambit is a running gag on Agadmator's channel. Share. However, if you fail to take advantage of your superior position, you won’t be able to fall back on your pieces since you’ll be behind. The difference will depend on where the black bishop retreats to. The idea behind the Evans Gambit is: White sacrifices a pawn with b2-b4, in order to achieve a lead in development and quickly control the center. The white knight should develop to c3 as it controls the center and is not blocking off any diagonals for the bishops. The Evans gambit is a variation of the Italian game and is named after the Welsh sea Captain William Davies Evans, he was the first player known to have employed it. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 . Get Unlimited Access To All Of Our Strategies, Practice Games And More. All that has to be done is kicking the knight. Kasparov revived it to win in 25 moves against Anand and it is still used episodically at top level nowadays, when Black does not … 10. d5! The Evans Gambit can be divided into four major variations. This gambit is not meant to trade down pieces. Sicilian Defense . Let’s look at what can happen if … Evans gambit is not popular anymore because White does not get the attack he hoped for, and after Black properly returns the pawn he has better or at least equal chances in the endgame. This is good because it allows the bishop to assist in the center with Bb2. Black begins the game by mimicking all of white’s moves, and with good reason. The Evans Gambit 1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥c4 ¥c5 4.b4 From the rich inheritance of the great masters of the 19th century, the Evans Gambit occupies a special place. A gambit occurs when you give up a piece, generally a pawn, for a better position. Recommended book: Italian Game and Evans Gambit by Jan Pinski. After 4.b4 Bxb4 5.c3, the bishop must move or be captured. Featuring games of old, and numerous new and exciting ideas, this DVD will give you a genuine and more exciting way of playing the Giuoco Piano. Evans Gambit for the new generation. Black usually should give back the pawn advantage and get counter play in development but many players never like to give back any material once they get it. The Evans Gambit is sound. This is often played by people unfamiliar with the Evans Gambit, but is arguably not as good as Pick your username now and join the chessgames community! The Evans Gambit is an attempt to destroy Black in gambit fashion straight out of the opening. Positional chess is far from boring if you understand the concepts. The first moves of a chess game are termed the "opening" or "opening moves". In general, the first 6 moves are the same for white and black in this opening. 1. e4 e5 2. But you can try Smith-Morra Gambit, Budhapest Gambit, Sicilian Wing Gambit, Benko Gambit, Albin countergambit, and many other gambits. The problem with the Evans gambit comes when Black accepts the gambit since he can return the gambit pawn in proper moment to defuse White's attack. These are just the ones I have played against with the exception of the Wing Gambit, which I saw in a Capablanca game. If there is then please do inform me. The goal of a gambit is to win the game outright, or gain a major advantage that turns into gaining material over your opponent. a3 is usually a great place for the dark squared bishop and in many lines can prevent black from castling kingside. The right choice of openings is fundamental both for the development of the player, as well as the success in the tournament arena. Memorization is never my intention in any of my guides or videos. Is there a good book on the Evans Gambit in the Italian game? 1. e4 e5 2. Evans gambit is not popular anymore. GM Simon Williams shows you a beauty by one of the best ever. The Evans Gambit is an attempt to destroy Black in gambit fashion straight out of the opening. Grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura trusts the Evans Gambit to bring home the win against GM Robert Hess. With 4...Bxb4, Black grabs the gambit pawn and hopes to withstand White's impending build-up in the centre. You may think that the above scenarios are not common and your opponent will not memorize as many lines and ideas to play perfectly. Black usually should give back the pawn advantage and get counter play in development but many players never like to give back any material once they get it. Our forefathers’ brilliant combinations, their imaginative attacking plans and even certain endgame analysis … 3. If you are playing as white you need to make sure that you play aggressive. Play the Evans Gambit book. While it’s rarely seen in elite chess today, the Evans Gambit was famously used by no less than World Champion Garry Kasparov to defeat Anand! However, black makes an honest mistake next. White actually scores better with the Evan’s Gambit than not playing the gambit and following the main lines of the Giuoco Piano which is why I recommend playing it. The bishop is forced to retreat to b6, where it probably should have gone in the first place, which brings us to the second variation. While in keeping with his style, Wilhelm Steinitz's torturous defensive method against the Evans Gambit in some ways made the gambit look quite strong: in other words, the gambit is good and correct, so "normal" play by Black will not be sufficient. With gambits, you usually create an all or nothing scenario because if you don’t succeed, you will be behind the rest of the game. Bear in mind, there will be moves your opponent’s play outside of this guide, as chess is completely unpredictable. King hasn ’ t worry attacking the a5 bishop come alive again to c3 as it revolves around the lines! The romantic era was one way that attacking players tried to play that for,! Wing Gambit, Benko Gambit, Benko Gambit, Benko Gambit, Gambit. There a good book on the bishop is lost after the king 's Defense... 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