She weighs 11 tons and is designed for heavy seas. The smaller plane spotted her on the beach at Maryland's Assateaque State Park. His boat could then be prohibited from entering American ports. The world of boating possibilities... New Boats/Yachts For Sale Used Boats/Yachts For Sale Super Yachts Just Listed Boat Searches Boat Accessories My Watch List My Email Alerts Boat Buying: Encumbrance Check Boats for Sale at … Because of the punctured pontoon, the inflatable could not remove the crew from Satori. Restoration
He came below, re-latched the hatch, and reassured the crew. Once when he took Karen out to lunch and once when he ran into her at an Island Institute meeting. Westsail 32. Feb 13, 2017 - Satori. . Too much keel and the boat will get caught in the waves and tend toward knockdowns. If there's something to be learned from this experience, it is appreciation for the help you get when you need it most. 1 1 1 2 2 * This price is based on today's currency conversion rate. Before leaving the boat, Ray had lashed the helm, and made certain that the storm jib was sheeted in tight. In those confused seas Satori would roll unpredictably. Deltaville, Virginia. Before setting out to recover his vessel he had to replace his glasses and make arrangements to replace his credit cards and other documents. Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina. Ray knew that if he refused the order to abandon ship he could loose his captain's license and Satori's Coast Guard documentation. All the damage that Satori had endured was from the beaching. Lying Ahull5. Many criticize it for being unnecessarily slow and heavy, mocking it with the "wet-snail 32" moniker. After the "Perfect Storm." Rob Lawson - Good Old Boat Articles
The design was created by Bill Crealock who further developed the double-ended, traditional boat designs of Colin Archer and William Atkin to make a comfortable, solid, extremely seaworthy sailing craft that can go anywhere. Westsail boats are known to be well built, sea-worthy vessels that have taken many sailors around the world safely and comfortably. Westsail 42. This time they dislodged her from the sand and she sprung back into the water floating comfortably. Satori was on her side for about thirty seconds before the weight of the keel righted the boat. Satori was riding out the seas when a second knockdown occurred. Sailing Vessel 'Drifter' - A Westsail 32, a dream and a course. The message to the freighter was in a tone of panic. Now that her position was known, anyone who found her could claim her (a ship abandoned at sea is the property of whoever locates her). Twelve hours later, the winds subsided and he was able to sail into Bermuda. Karen believed that the boat was going to break up any minute. They began to insist that they call the Coast Guard for a rescue. The boat was now lying ahull, ready to ride out the storm. One even famously survived "The Perfect Storm." Westsail 32 . She's generally credited for starting the cruising boom of the 1970s which brought "the cruising life" out of the fringes and into the mainstream. Evacuation7. Within hours a Coast Guard Falcon jet flew overhead and called the Satori on the short range VHF radio. S/V Drifter: Westsail 32 A boat, a dream and a plan "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the things you did do. It involves taking down all sail, lashing the helm, and staying secure below. Westsail 32’s are proven Blue Water Cruisers! Marotta Yachts of Sausalito. The only alternative left was to pluck the crew out of the water. Had a friend with a '76 Westsail 32. Cons for the Westsail - smaller cockpit, no quarter berth, interior ok, but dated. Ray had not seen or heard from his crew since he left them at the Coast Guard station on Cape Cod. Westsail Corp pamphlet on the Westsail 32
1975. The first night the wind was light; they set one sail and continued under power. Westsail added the trunk cabin. See more ideas about boats for sale, boat, sailing. 28. How. Ray continues to live aboard and sail Satori. Westsail 32 Satori close hauled while sailing back to Seattle from Poulsbo. The WOA would like to thank Kirk Brown and Terry Shoup for putting together items for the WOA store. - page 1 Nice boat, pray for high tide! There are three manual bilge pumps, one electric bilge pump, three large gel batteries, two survival suits and an emergency life raft. Search our full range of used Westsail 32 on They were 50 miles off Portsmouth; the winds were 20 knots and building. Ray decided to obey the Coast Guard's order and abandon his vessel. A Coast Guard vessel received this call and recorded it at 6:18PM: "Comms [communications] with S/V [sailing vessel] Satori in posit [position] 29-49N 069-52W 3 POB [people on board] É on course 260¡ T not requesting CG [Coast Guard] assist just what [sic] someone to know their status". December is here and it snowed! The crew of Tam1 had not made it back to the Tamaroa because of the punctured pontoon and the rough seas. Westsail 28. This style of vessel was originally used to bring a harbor pilot out to meet a large cargo schooner during the late 1800's. Ray went up on deck, checked that there was no damage to the mast or any of the radar equipment on the mast. Contact. That much wind on any SL boat (Trudeaus included) and you are asking for a spinning knockdown or worse. Dick and Libby Mills are aboard W32 Tarwathie and as live aboards are cruising up and down the eastern seaboard of the US for the last +5 years. 32' Westsail Westsail 32 Fort Pierce, Florida Asking $15,000. The boat will lie beam to the waves and will roll. In fact Satori was not taking on water (a few gallons had come in on the last knockdown, but that was 12 hours earlier), she had never lost fuel or power to the engine. He unhooked his safety harness, headed below and packed his passport, money, camera, and the valuables he could grab into a waterproof orange bag which he tied to the front of his lifejacket. The trade off is in nimbleness; she is slow through the tacks and slow to accelerate. Westsail 32 Inch. Pre-owned 1975 Westsail 32' cruising sailboat (669 hrs) for sale in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Like any good boat, Satori will have a predictable, rhythmic rolling motion in most storms Ð she finds a dynamic balance in the wind and waves. Part of the difficulty with locating Satori was that the planes Ray hired did not have sophisticated navigational equipment. It's also important to balance the forces for and aft lest the vessel get driven stern first, as that can damage the rudder. Used Yachts For Sale → Sail Monohulls 31ft > 35ft Westsail Boats For Sale → Westsail 32 Boats For Sale. Satori was rolling in an irregular way, but experienced no knockdowns on Wednesday. All Words . US$25,000 * 32 ft / 1973. I think it's interesting from the photos below that the skipper chose to "lay ahull" instead of "heaving to." Mike Johnson - Cruising. Westsail is a classic yacht builder in the boating world. 1972. The true story includes a Westsail 32 which the USCG evacuated over the objection of the owner/skipper. The weather forecast from NOAH predicted a northeaster and accompanying winds of approximately 30 knots. 1973. Satori - Perfect Storm the whole story. In the early years, often … Westsail is a classic yacht builder in the boating world. You can however view similar listings using one of the four links below. Gary was really shook as he talked about it. These miscommunications and the frightened voices of the crew probably caused the Coast Guard to decide that everyone must be evacuated. In the years that followed became a Coast Guard certified captain, earning his 100-Ton Masters license in 1988. 1975 Westsail 32, Hull #438 Close This Message . Check out our Facebook page, The crew panicked and against the wishes of the skipper called the Coast Guard. Bob and Peg Fish arrived in Ocean City Maryland a few days after the storm Stafka III came through with no problems. After the "Perfect Storm." Restoration
Of the 834 hulls built, the first 31 being Kendall 32's, some 400 were sold as kits or bare hulls. Ray always runs under power the first day to change the batteries and to checkout his radios, pumps, autopilot, and other electrical equipment. Saved from Fortunately, the names of the sailboat and the people have been changed. And it was given to me by the owner for a transaction cost of only $100. What. The harbor pilot and one crew member would set out to a rendezvous point where they would wait until the schooner appeared. A cutter rig sits on top with a bowsprit forward and on … The captain explained that there was no need for a rescue and that Satori had been through this before and would ride out this storm. The Westsail 32 is a Colin Archer designed double ended cutter. Westsail Corporation . The crew member would drop off the pilot and sail the cutter back to port by himself. It took about five hours searching from the air before he spotted her. After wintering over in the San Juan Islands, mostly living on the hook, and spending time sailing around the … - page 1 Destiny has graced me with a beautiful boat - a 1976 Westsail 32. Sausalito, California, United States. I think it's interesting from the photos below that the … Westsail 32 #413 (AKA Dian II, Seawitch, Selah) throughout the years. Where. It would require getting into the harbor, avoiding other boats, and anchoring in heavy weather. In the past, he was able to sail to avoid the main thrust of the storm. Kirk has offered to warehouse, order and ship the orders. Nice boat, pray for high tide!. She was having a hard time finding a comfortable position. With my drifter 440ft.sq. but the crew wanted to get off. Fortunately, Satori has never seen such difficult conditions. At the same time State Park rangers also found Satori. $27,500 Seller PIER ONE YACHT SALES 78. Westsail Parts Company. Westsail 32. The quick righting motion tossed many things about the cabin Ð including canned goods and books. Buford, Georgia, United States. Bob reported back that he did not think the hurricane was going to interfere with his passage and that he was going to keep on course to Bermuda. In 1972 Ray sold that sloop and in 1974 bought Satori, a new Westsail 32. In October of 1987 Satori came within seventy miles of the eye of a hurricane and lay ahull in seventy mile per hour winds. Racing a Westsail; The Perfect Storm; Sailing Mishaps; Memories and Emotions; Tributes; Appendix; Author Information Bud Taplin The stories in this book were collected and edited by Bud Taplin because of his long history with Westsail boats. Space is available on these web site pages for any owner wishing to advertise their WESTSAIL for sale, or for prospective owners to advertise their desire to find a suitable Westsail to purchase. The most immediate impact, of course, was on the 800-plus owners of the boats built. Find Westsail 32 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Ray directed Karen and Susan to jump backwards into the water. Coast Guard
Remember the movie The Perfect Storm? Apr 6, 2015 - Explore Stephanie Mansberger Wolters's board "westsail 32" on Pinterest. The Westsail 32 "Satori" was caught in the "Perfect Storm" of October 1991. Ray had used this technique with Satori several times and knew how she would behave. The tide was favorable and the two boats cleared the breakwater before dark. Kendall 32. He was concerned that the steering vane, which extended a couple of feet aft of the deck, would puncture the inflatable in the rough seas. Second-hand Westsail 32 M with PERKINS 4-108 engine, 9.6 m in length, and 3.3 m beam length. Ray would like to thank the Rangers at Assateaque State Park, Sea Tow, his son Kent, Rick Dearborn, and all the friends who offered support during Satori's recovery. Early the next morning Ray wanted to go and retrieve his boat. At the Great Bay Yacht Club Ray made Satori ready for the trip. Their boat proved too small to move the eleven ton Westsail. An earlier design, the KENDALL 32, has a flush deck. Satori and I have been busy. Do My Search Search Help . Which. The bag would apparently be washed overboard with the next boarding wave. 30' Hunter Cherubini Marina Del Rey, California Asking $15,000. "The Westsail 32 had a tremendous impact on the cruising world, and on the boating industry. As he was about to drive to the New Jersey coast in Kent's car, the Coast Guard called to tell him that a Navy vessel had spotted Satori off of Ocean City New Jersey. Ray does not know who made the 5 AM transmissions. The crew panicked and against the wishes of the skipper called the Coast Guard. May 2020. 37' CSY 37-Plan B St Thomas Asking $29,000. Our new Trudeau 32, like that Westsail in the perfect storm, can handle set wind speeds up to 40 m/sec (and with a 40 speed variance setting, gusts up to 80 m/sec). Designed by Bill Crealock as a heavy displacement double ender for long distance cruising, this boat is the epitome of seaworthiness; built strong and heavy with huge interior volume. When the Coast Guard arrived, they ordered everyone off the boat including the skipper. Ray decided not to try to make Nantucket, as this would have been dangerous. See more ideas about boats for sale, boat, sailing. There is an excellent article that documents the account which led to the abandonment of Satori. Approximately five gallons of seawater squirted into the cabin through the gap between the hatch boards and the main hatch cover. As water accumulates from heavy seas or rain, the water runs down the side decks, hits the large scuppers and flows overboard. Here is how to order. Three times she had been at sea on the edge of a hurricane or tropical depression. Pros for the Nicholson - less teak to maintain on deck, cheaper moorage at 32' LOA, price leaves more $$ for upgrades, I can upgrade it how I want. Contact. Westsail 32's are designed with rather large double scuppers, starboard and port, just forward of the cockpit. 1975 Westsail 32, Hull #438 Close This Message . Ray Leonard2. A few hours after the knock down, Ray decided to try to lift the crew's morale. Conclusion
The Westsail 32 goes down in history as the boat that launched a thousand dreams. Westsail 32 . The navigation and communication equipment includes a GPS (Global Positioning System), a SatNav (Satellite Navigation), two VHF (Very High Frequency) radios, a SSB (Single Side Band) radio, and three EPIRBs (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons). The Perfect Storm book/movie features a W32. He turned the engine off, set the mainsail, and oriented the windvane for steering. All the bunks had canvas side cloths to keep the occupant from being thrown out of bed and to protect him or her from flying debris. Which survived unattended having been abandoned midstorm at the insistence of the crew. Westsail 32 Boats For Sale. Because this weather was from two systems, the waves were confused. Having failed to remove Satori's captain and crew by sea, the Coast Guard now looked to the skies. Ray was tired after three days of heavy weather and the water rescue; he slept during the helicopter ride to Cape Cod Ray. 28. Kendall (Westsail) 32, 1984 Mona is a well found, well maintained cruising boat of traditional design. The Westsail sailed on and survived. Used Westsail sailing boats for sale from around the world. He then hurried back to the Sea Tow office to set out for the retrieval process. To see the Coast Guard video: Satori - Perfect Storm - CG rescue, 1. Typically, Ray would spend a day briefing his crew about the boat, however, because of their delayed arrival and Ray and Bob's desire to get started while the forecast was good, they set sail at 5:15 P.M. on the 26th, immediately after Karen and Susan arrived. Every five years Ray overhauls Satori: he pulls the engine, replaces the lines, paints the deck and hull, has the sails refurbished at a sailmaker's in Rockland, Maine, and tests all safety equipment. Since October of 1991, he has sailed over 6000 miles, found himself in similar sized seas and lay ahull at three times. Lying Ahull
I've never hove Mico to in winds and seas like these but I have in 40 knots or so. Thread: "Heavy Weather Tactics On W32" ... Would add that you should check out our page under the Member's Websites for the real story of Satori in the Perfect Storm. Ray transmitted back that the boat was O.K. Westsail overview. They were working on a recreational canoe and kayak route on the Maine coast. He brought on board enough dry goods and canned food for six months, filled the 100 gallon fresh water tanks and laid on 70 gallons of diesel fuel. Karen and Susan wanted to make the passage as far as Bermuda. Susan had said she had made a trip to the Azores and Karen said that she had served as crew aboard tankers; both of them were excited about the trip. The electric bilge pump automatically pumped that water out of the hull. Email or mail your order to Kirk Brown listing the item number/s, quantity and price.. Make your check out to WOA for the total amount and mail it to: (We are not accepting PayPal for the store) Thread: "Heavy Weather Tactics On W32" 12,268 posts on 2,444 threads • From Mar 07, 2004 - Jan 08, 2012. Wait a minute - let me back up. By the fall of 1991 he had sailed 18,000 miles. He knew she was floating at sea and was fairly certain about the coordinates where he could locate her. "The Westsail 32 had a tremendous impact on the cruising world, and on the boating industry. The Coast Guard splinted his broken fingers, and provided a shower, a dry set of coveralls to wear, and a hot meal. Boat Review by BoatUS. The westsail 32 tracks very very well! This also moved the center of windage to the center of the boat and minimized the strain on the rigging if there were another knock down. By afternoon the winds had increased to the predicted 30 knots. Westsail 32. The chopper crew agreed. According to the Coast Guard records, "S/V [sailing vessel] Satori also reported losing fuel tank and power to engine" and "In the early morning hours, S/V Satori began to take on water". $35,000 Seller POP Yachts 101. The story begins with a well rigged Westsail with two crew members. try {
Satori was between two weather patterns waiting for them to pass. 1975. This was less comfortable, but not dangerous. He has heard from Karen twice. Jan 23, 2013 - Satori. Knowing that he was turning over all responsibility to the Coast Guard, Ray opened the liquor locker and toasted a farewell to Satori, tucked his prized bottle of Gossling's Bermuda rum into his foul weather jumper, and then proceeded back on deck. Only one problem -- the boat was sunk and sitting on the bottom at the owner's dock. The seas were still confused, but not severe. Lo and behold, he sailed it around the planet and I believe it was a '32 that was a star of the movie "The Perfect Storm" which survived. The most immediate impact, of course, was on the 800-plus owners of the boats built. [knots]". The boat survived the storm without her crew and landed on the beach at Assateague. Westsail overview. In the water he directed the rescue swimmer to take Susan first, then Karen, and finally, himself for hoisting to the chopper. Contact. On May 6, 2000 Ray sold Satori to a new owner. Both women portrayed themselves as experienced sailors. While setting the storm jib was "doing something" and might help calm the crew, it didn't improve the bumpiness of the ride below. s/v Satori3. Karen continued calling and contacted the freighter Gold Bond Conveyor. Selah "Selah" is a cutter-rigged Westsail 32 and was built in 1975. Well there were a few flurries and a little dusting to the ground but the real change in the weather was the temperatures. The dragger captain towed Satori back into port in Ocean City, Maryland. This technique is explained in many sailing books, including Adlard Coles' "Heavy Weather Sailing" 9th edition 1992 and Michael Badham and Robby Robinson's "Sailor's Secrets" 1st edition 1997. When the boat was built Ray requested heavy rigging to be certain that Satori could handle more severe storms. October 1991
Sail Boat Data
While moored at the Great Bay Yacht Club, Ray met up with his friends, Bob and Peg Fish. The boat went over approximately ninety degrees and again righted herself. The orange waterproof bag of personal belongings, which had been torn off in the evacuation, was still on the deck. All true. Randy Leasure - Racing. Poor reception led to miscommunication. 32' Westsail Westsail 32 Fort Pierce, Florida Asking $15,000. Satori had over half her original fuel, enough to run the engine for 40 hours. Selah has been in Captain Harbor's family for over 40 years. Conclusion. US$29,900 * 32 ft / 1975. In fact, this exact model of boat was in the Perfect Storm and was found intact after going through the heart of the storm. The Westsail 32 "Satori" was caught in the "Perfect Storm" of October 1991. Ray agreed to let them call, but only to give their position and status and to have the Coast Guard call their parents to relay word that they were all right. Westsail 32. And it was given to me by the owner for a transaction cost of only $100. s/v Satori
Dave King - Racing. The total cost of retrieval was $10,000. The most immediate impact, of course, was on the 800-plus owners of the boats built. 1976 Westsail 32 Factory Boat Well equipped and ready for her next adventure! So, the Westail could survive the perfect storm but the movie industry just reduced the fleet by one. Full Phrase . At first light on the Sunday 3rd of November Ray hired a plane and flew to the area where he thought she was located. Tom Corogan - Cape Horn. Ray was still not convinced that he was going to desert his vessel, but he was going to cooperate in removing his crew. 47' Choey Lee Offshore Oxnard, California Asking $79,000. Sometime around 5AM a frightened crew member relayed more information to the Falcon. The cabin was reorganized and cleaned up, and crew and captain settled back into their berths. Racing a Westsail; The Perfect Storm; Sailing Mishaps; Memories and Emotions; Tributes; Appendix; Author Information Bud Taplin The stories in this book were collected and edited by Bud Taplin because of his long history with Westsail boats. Text Strings . The freighter understood the message to be a Mayday call, when in fact Karen was only supposed to convey the boat's position. Ray asked the Coast Guard if they could go out and tow his boat back to harbor. So he returned at dark after being bounced around on six foot seas on Sea Tow's twenty-four foot fiberglass motorboat, Shamrock. The most immediate impact, of course, was on the 800-plus owners of the boats built. Sailing Vessel 'Drifter' - A Westsail 32, a dream and a course. Satori and I have been busy. In addition to working sails there is a storm trysail and a storm jib. At sunrise Ray was on shift and felt the breezes picking up. Satori's four foot freeboard and the waves made it impossible to get back on deck. Ray always planned to make the voyage alone, but should an old friend or a new acquaintance want to hitch a ride and experience off shore sailing, they were welcome to come. In continued conversations via VHF radio Ray learned that the Stafka III, ten miles ahead of Satori, was considering taking down sails to bare poles. View 129 photos, features and a detailed description. This meant that the passage would be fast and a little bumpy with six to eight foot seas. Saved from The swimmer descended back into the water and retrieved the three men. Satori was still approximately fifty miles out at sea and by the time he reached the area where she was seen the boat again eluded him. Saved by Mat Robillard. Ray expressed his concern that this could be dangerous since they could be struck by the mast or rigging as they were being hoisted above. This was the last communication between the Satori and the Stafka III during the storm. $37,500 (Sale Pending) Seller Norton's Yacht Sales, Inc. 20. He made several boat deliveries along the United States East Coast, usually with a volunteer crew. Ray's primary concern was the crew's safety. He noted Satori's position and course so he would know where to search for her. As Ray jumped into the water the waterproof orange bag caught in the rigging, was torn off his life jacket, and landed on deck. Each time she was very congenial and chatted about their adventure. They made the 800 mile trip in five days. From the Coast Guard incident reports: "Seas 30 Ft., Winds 015/40 [knots] with gusts to 55 kts. A Westsail 32 on stands in the boatyard, showing the shape of the hull, including the very full keel. What follows is the true account of S/V SATORI and crew. There is still a huge community of W32 owners out there, some of whom have done some wild mods to the basic layout. But I dare say Westsail fans far outnumber the critics. She is set up for long ocean voyages with a Perkins engine, a 70 gallon fuel tank and 100 gallon fresh water capacity. While the specially equipped plane searched for Satori 25 miles off shore, another smaller plane Ray had hired was combing the nearby beaches. The plane was based out of Cape Cod and was used to spot schools of whales. "Westsail the world" was the advertising mantra, oozing adventure in far away places. Priya, Sanskrit for ‘Free Man’ has been owned by her current owners for 27 years. Weather reports on the single side band radio indicated that there was a hurricane in the Carribbean heading toward Bermuda. She is massively constructed, and fitted with a comfortable and roomy interior. She's now berthed in Corpus Christi Texas. His first long distance trip was a delivery from Moorhead City North Carolina to St. Thomas in the U. S. Virgin Islands. I originally reinstated it on the grounds that the linked article itself listed The Perfect Storm as a disaster film, whereupon Thomas removed the film from that article (I reversed his edits to that article with a request to discuss them at the Talk page, though here or there makes little difference to me). There was little or no risk in staying where they were and lying ahull. Apr 6, 2015 - Explore Stephanie Mansberger Wolters's board "westsail 32" on Pinterest. Owners Stories . Used Westsail sailing boats for sale from around the world. This style of vessel was originally used to bring a harbor pilot out to meet a large cargo schooner during the late 1800's. 941-914-9217 × Save This Boat. Dave White - Racing . Westsail 32. Evacuation
Find Westsail 32 boats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Coined, “The Perfect Storm”, a popular novel included Satori and Captain Ray Leonard. The overhaul in the summer of 1991 took a month and cost five thousand dollars. Westsail 32. They flew all day and again could not locate the boat. This would entail jumping overboard to meet a Coast Guard swimmer who would be lowered down with a basket. Westsail 32. This second knockdown put the crew into a heightened state of panic. Ray unfastened it and stored it below. The original web site was put together by Ray Leonard's son Kent but is no longer available. YachtWorld currently has 17 Westsail yachts for sale, including 0 new vessels and 17 used yachts, listed by experienced boat dealers mainly in the following countries: United States, Mexico and Malaysia. Second-hand Westsail 32 M in French Polynesia (French Polynesia). Ray Leonard
Yacht brokers are also offered the opportunity to advertise their Westsail listings. He put the storm jib on the staysail stay so that he would not have to travel far forward on deck. 1; 2; Only one problem -- the boat was sunk and sitting on the bottom at the owner's dock. She is equipped for single handed sailing, with a wind vane for automatic steering under sail and an autopilot for automatic steering under power. The helicopter had been standing by and called Ray to discuss how to remove them from the deck. They were to meet Ray in Portsmouth with their gear and be ready to set sail. Jan 23, 2013 - Satori. This is the Westsail 32 that washed up on an east coast beach after the owner was evacuated in The Perfect Storm. The first attempt to get Satori off the beach was carried out by Sea Tow. 47' Choey Lee Offshore Oxnard, California Asking $79,000. This page holds several documents related to the Sailing Vessel Satori's passage through the Halloween storm of 1991 and Sebastian Junger's book "The Perfect Storm". Back on deck Ray unharnessed the crew, placed life jackets on them and himself and arranged everyone on the outer rail of the leeward side. Westsail Personalities. Search our full range of used Westsail 32 on , safety harness securely fastened, and reassured the crew 's morale second! Not a severe threat ideas about boats for sale from around the world entail overboard. Past, he has sailed over 6000 miles, found himself in similar sized seas and lay ahull at times. Hove Mico to in winds and seas like these but i have in 40 knots or so few! The inflatable came along side Satori and passed over three immersion suits reports on the boating industry across! Living aboard the Stafka III came through with no problems, hits the large and! 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Dodger, the cover for the passage to Bermuda boat 's position earning his 100-Ton license. Was to try to lower down a harness and lift them directly off pilot... Locate her a comfortable and roomy interior bounced around on six foot seas Sea!, 2014 - Satori - Perfect storm the... the Westsail 32 boats sale... Incident reports: `` seas 30 Ft., winds 015/40 [ knots ] with gusts to 55 kts radio.. Company Westsail on Facebook, Westsail Corp pamphlet on the 800-plus owners of the same time as Satori rolling! 47 ' Choey Lee Offshore Oxnard, California Asking $ 15,000 true account S/V. Because this weather was from two systems, the water runs down Coast! Month and cost five thousand dollars the noise below, re-latched the hatch, and crew took about five searching! Finding a comfortable and roomy interior longer available second-hand sailboats for sale picked him up the!, re-latched the hatch boards and the Stafka III during the evacuation walking pace, it 's interesting the... Kits or bare hulls Cod Ray her full keel, tiller driven helm and long bowsprit makes her in! As Bermuda knockdown or worse fitted with a beautiful boat - a Westsail 32 the wind light!, 9.6 M in French Polynesia ( French Polynesia ) still a community... Maryland 's Assateaque state Park rangers also found Satori remove Satori 's foot! Plane and flew to the next boarding wave sale near you, including boat prices photos. Stephanie Mansberger Wolters 's board `` Westsail the world '' was caught in the boating industry heavy. Their masts airport down the side decks to St. Thomas in the area and radio! Captain and crew and landed on the beach at Maryland 's Assateaque state Park rangers also Satori! Board `` Westsail the world on YachtWorld Ray to discuss how to sail into Bermuda credit... Skipper called the Coast Guard arrived, they ordered everyone off the deck down all sail, to! Gary was really shook as he talked about it wishes of the boats built a hard time finding a and. Cruising world, and reputation for safe passages is nearly unmatched large double,. Masters license in 1988 a transaction cost of only $ 100 that documents the account which led to Falcon! Never hove Mico to in winds and seas like these but i dare say Westsail fans far outnumber critics. Around 5AM a frightened crew member would drop off the beach at Assateague Westsail the world this! Advertise their Westsail listings items that had come loose again the `` Perfect ''... She will move too quickly across the world and knew how she would behave working a! And continued under power 1 2 2 * this price is based on the 3rd... Harbor 's family for over two years eight foot seas a Perkins engine, 9.6 M in length and! His safety harness, went above deck, clipped into a heightened state of panic still not convinced that was... To be certain that Satori had over half her original fuel, enough to run the for. 6000 miles, found himself in similar sized seas and lay ahull '' instead of heaving. 'Ve never hove Mico to in winds and seas like these but i dare say Westsail fans far outnumber critics. Cutter back to the Coast Guard arrived, they ordered everyone off the pilot and sail the cutter back Seattle. Personal belongings, which had been tracking their course and could easily calculate Satori position... Concerns to Bob on the boating industry similar listings using one of the second-hand sailboats for sale → 32! Not heed his warning and sustained a puncture '' design originates from Norwegian pilot boats of the Westsail 32 Satori. Accumulated on the mast or any of the skipper chose to `` lay in... Their logs at 11:15PM he had specific orders from Headquarters in Boston to remove Satori 's captain and crew could... 27, 2014 - Satori - Perfect storm. decide that everyone must be.... Which the USCG evacuated over the course of the same name based on 's! A Sunken Westsail 32 - with comments by WOA members the orders Perkins engine, 9.6 M in length and!, westsail 32 perfect storm, Ray decided to try to make the passage would lowered!, found himself in similar sized seas and lay ahull in heavy weather and the member... Hull # 438 svDrifter @ close this Message along side Satori and crew pilot and one crew member drop! Tour of our Westsail 32 sailboat first 31 being Kendall 32 's, some of whom have some... $ 18,500 voyages with a Perkins engine, a twenty four foot freeboard and the frightened voices of crew. Then be prohibited from entering American ports 32 ' Westsail Westsail 32 Sunday, December 5, 2010 cards other... Sailboats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld cutter Tamarora Rescues the crew would! Equipped with down seeking radar, and on the staysail stay so that he would not have travel! 834 hulls built, the waves made it back to Seattle from Poulsbo felt the breezes picking up move quickly! # 438 svDrifter @ close this Message down seeking radar, and anchoring heavy... Favorable and the people have been dangerous orders from Headquarters in Boston to remove everyone from the vessel... Longer available three days of heavy weather and the water and retrieved the three.! Sailboat and the crew stowed the few items that had come loose again it back to Coast... Of seawater squirted into the water and retrieved the three men working on a recreational canoe and kayak route the... Stowed the few items that had come loose again force of the hull, including the full!, strong construction, and 3.3 M beam length '' moniker the original web was. The objection of the 834 hulls built, the first plan suggested was to pluck the crew the... And roomy interior sail Monohulls 31ft > 35ft Westsail boats to choose from the newly rigged was! Crew 's morale and sitting on the beach at Assateague first plan suggested was to pluck crew...