Restrictions on the uses of these funds include: Funding must be obligated by the end of calendar year 2024 and expended by the end of calendar year 2026. April 6, 2022 update: In 2021 the City of Ann Arbor was informed that it would be awarded $24.2 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds. Huntsville, AL 35801, 8910 Purdue Road If your agency needs atoolto, Software can also helpmeet the Treasurys. Denver, CO 80202, 3230 W. Commercial Blvd. In Greater Cleveland, $1.1 billion will be coming our way, with another $331 million flowing to Greater Akron, $167 . The public health impacts experienced due to COVID are both direct and indirect. Judge Lina Hidalgo called it "kicking the can down the road." Despite the misgivings and criticism, the commission unanimously approved the spending. Heres what happened at the 2021 FES | ACEC-FL Annual Conference in Palm Beach, FL. Some services that moved online during the pandemic are likely to remain for the foreseeable future. 27th Floor ARPA states that municipal relief funds must be allocated by December 2024. Care should be taken to avoid creating new programs or add-ons to existing programs that require an ongoing financial commitment. The relief funds are being distributed as follows . TheU.S. Department of the Treasury(Treasury) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) FinalRule. For many jurisdictions, the funding provided under ARPA is substantial and could be transformational for states and local governments in their pandemic rescue and recovery efforts. Finance officers play a critical role in advising elected leaders on the prudent spending of moneys received under ARPA. Additionally, non-entitlement jurisdictions proceeds will be allocated through the state for redistribution to local governments. This post offers insights on guidance to date of publication; new guidance may change or refine project eligibility, so be sure to. Water, sewer and broadband Because the interim rule emphasizes the importance of, The interim rule notes that additional guidance is still forthcoming on several areas of funding, project selection, and reporting. All of the county's ARPA funds must be allocated by 2025, and spent by 2026. The guidance around negative economic consequences includes rebuilding public sector capacity, including by rehiring public sector staff, and replenishing unemployment insurance trust funds to pre-pandemic levels. As stated in the Department of the (see below), interest earned on ARPA funds are not subject to the requirements of the Interim Final Rule. The City has adopted a plan to use ARPA funds to address critical community issues, support an equitable recovery, and continue to provide . [6] Treas. Nothing in the legislation forbids spending on multi-year contracts. Be sure to understand what they are planning and augment their efforts; alternatively, creating cooperative spending plans to enhance the structural financial condition of your community. ARPA emphasizes the pandemics disproportionate impacts on low-income communities, people of color, and Tribal communities in two areas: (1) higher rates of infection and illness, and (2) higher impacts where COVID exacerbated structural inequities and underinvestment. Port St. Lucie, FL 34986, 5640 Dillard Drive GFOA American Rescue Plan Act Guiding Principles. Q: Can the Tribal Government Services/ATG General Distribution funds be used for purposes such as Road Maintenance or JOM? Configurable software products built for city leaders and local governments to run more efficiently in bringing their communities together. ARPA provided $350 billion in state and local aid under what's known as the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program. The American Rescue Plan Act specifically calls for its funds to be used to support the public health and economic impacts of these communities. Once a shortfall has been identified, municipalities have broad latitude to use ARPA funding to support government services, up to the amount of lost revenue. 2. If your agency needs atoolto manageand process applications,ARPA funds could also purchase that solution. Our services are backed by our Microsoft-Certified professionals who are ready to tackle the needs of our clients. The latest iteration of the FAQ was issued on July 14. The city was the first applicant for the county's ARPA funds, submitting a $1 million grant to fund a UV wastewater disinfection system at the treatment plant. How Can Michigan Townships Use the American Rescue Plan Act Funds? Revenue replacement Throughout these challenging times,Coronavirus highlightedurgent gaps in local governments ability to work and serve digitally. Along with allocations of funds by government entity, the eight-page fact sheet clarifies uses of funding. Support Coronavirus public health expenditures, including mitigation efforts, medical expenses, and behavioral healthcare, Address negative economic impacts caused by COVID-19, including rebuilding public sector capacity, Serve the hardest-hit communities and families by addressing health, educational, economic, and other disparities, Provide premium pay for essential workers in industries including medical, sanitation, transportation, childcare, education, and more, Replace lost public sector revenue to avoid cuts to government services, Make necessary infrastructure investments in water, sewer, or broadband, Funding may not directly or indirectly offset a reduction in net tax revenue due to a change in law, Funding may not be deposited into a pension fund. Statementof Need:How has the pandemic affected your department? Public Works, Transportation and Public Utilities, The latest iteration of the FAQ was issued on July 14, Environmental Protection Agencys clean water state revolving fund, Jackie Lavender Bird, Senior Legislative Analyst, Neros Law training deadline extended by a year, MMA urges Legislature to extend remote meeting authorizations. Finance officers will play a critical role in highlighting the need to use ARPA funds prudently with an eye towards long-term financial stability and sustainable operating performance. Our full-featured constituent relationship manager for government entities acts as a centralized hub for all things related to citizen engagement. [3] Pay-go infrastructure funding refers to the practice of funding capital projects with cash-on-hand from taxes, fees, grants, and other sources, rather than with borrowed sums. With 6,400 planners in attendance, WGI played a large role in the American Planning Associations National Planning Conference in San Francisco, California. State and local jurisdictions should be aware of plans for ARPA funding throughout their communities. Application assistance is available from the PoliceGrantsHelp team and L3Harris. For counties, the $65 billion will be allocated based on the countys population. , online or mobile payments, service requests and applications, work from home for staff, and more. by Lisa Nisenson, VP, New Mobility and Connected Communities. In summary, local government can use ARPA funds to: There are specific ineligible uses of ARPA funds. MTA strongly encourages all townships to accept the ARPA funding, which has very broad flexibility for its uses and does not have to be obligated until Dec. 31, 2024. Analysis of this expected trend begins with the last full fiscal year prior to the public health emergency and projects forward at either (a) the recipients averageannual revenue growth over the three full fiscal years prior to the public health emergency or (b) 4.1%, the national average state and local revenue growth rate from 2015-18 (the latest available data).. The influx of funds will undoubtedly benefit state and local finances, and aid in the recovery from the budgetary, economic, and financial impacts of the pandemic. Hybrid approaches to government services, accessible both in person and online, allow constituents to access services on their channel of choice. That money can't be used for roads, but still qualifies for spending on special mitigation projects related to public health. Last-mile connections and affordable service are key focus areas of the Treasurys guidance around broadband infrastructure eligible uses. That will free up general revenue to be used for traditional local government expenditures. As of May 20, 2021, the Treasury claimsto havedistributed, Funding Request Information and Submission, Services and programs to contain and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, : Even as quarantine regulations ease, public services may still be safer with remote or online operations. :From COVID tracking dashboards to vaccine distribution management, tech can boost your public health managementcapabilities for the present and future. ARPA Funding for Technology: Whats Next? Funds can be used for projects that fall under the following use categories, and address both current COVID-related impacts and longstanding challenges exacerbated by the pandemic: . The latest updates include expanded information regarding eligible expenses for addressing court case backlogs, assisting certain business startups, eviction prevention and housing stability services, including utility assistance, counseling, outreach, and legal aid services. Along with thefunding guidelines, allocation methodologies and amountsfor cities, counties, territories, and states were released on May 10, 2021. Consider the Treasurys guidelines. It offers a total of $350 billion to state, local, and Tribal governments across the country to support their response to and recovery from the public health emergency. This funding increase will be applied to the GY 2021 annual . The. Fiscal Recovery Funds, established by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, to provide $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments. infrastructure projects, to include roads and bridges. is highlighted as an eligible service. It's no mystery Highway 42 has a lot of traffic, which is why TXDOT is widening the road. Suite 115 change the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, provide direct relief to Americans,and build a bridge to equitable economic recovery. ARPA funding may be used for projects that address current COVID impacts and longstanding challenges exacerbated by the pandemic. Indianapolis, IN 46268, 4371 U.S Highway 17 South Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership. Technology, from, constituent relationship management platforms. Below is some guidance to keep in mind when making your request. rates, also remember that the County can delay obligating funds until December 31, 2024 and not draw funds in advance (Source: Eide Bailly, 06/29/21). To offer swift guidance on the use of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF), the U.S. Department of Treasury (Treasury) published the . On May 21, 2021, the U.S. Department of Revenue issued an interim final rule (referred to as interim rule hereafter) establishing funding criteria. Tampa, FL 33607, 2035 Vista Parkway Check with your local finance entity or fund administrator for priorities or additionalrules. Additional enforcement efforts to reduce gun violence exacerbated by the pandemic, including prosecuting gun traffickers, dealers and other parties contributing to the supply of crime guns, as well as collaborative federal, state, and local efforts to identify and address gun trafficking channels The ARPA funding has similarities with the $32 million in CARES Act money the county received in July 2020. The $1.9 trillion federal COVID-19 relief package, enacted on March 11, 2021, included $350 billion of funding for state and local governments to "recover and rebuild from the pandemic." In May, the United States Treasury ruled that ARPA funds could be used on infrastructure, including roads. Suite 101 To determine whether a use falls under this category, the rule states that township officials should consider whether and how the use . Reg. To learn more, contact Lisa Nisenson at if you would like to leverage ARPA funds for local Complete Streets, trails, and green street projects. For state, county, city, and tribal government, the ARPA established $130.2 billion in emergency funding. He said with the ARPA funds, broadband work can instead all be done at once. The $15,000 needs to be used by the end of April, but funds can . ARPA funding eligibility will rest on clearly articulated needs and/or negative impacts of COVID. Authorized representative name, title, and email, Contact person name, title, phone, and email, Funds transfer information, including recipients financial institution, address, phone, and routing number and account number, Completed award terms and conditions (to be signed by the authorized representative), Though there is no application deadline as of the publication of this article, funding requests for those who have completed applications are already being fulfilled. Following that notice, the City Council directed the City Administrator to prepare a plan for allocating the funds. Eligible projects must be designed to address an identified economic harm resulting from or exacerbated by COVID. Nothing in the legislation forbids spending on multi-year contracts. Norcross, GA 30092, 2021 East 5th St . Take public meetings, for example. Links to specific funding amounts for each groupare listed, Howto get your local governments ARPA funds, If your local governmentis eligible,you must request your funds through the. In communities where the pandemic has led to an increase in violence, recipients may use funds to address that harm. There are three areas where Complete Streets and trail projects may align with ARPA funding criteria: public health, addressing economic impacts, and infrastructure. The growth adjustment is the greater of either a 5.2% standard growth rate, or the recipient's average annual revenue growth in the last full three fiscal years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.. Actual revenue is the total revenue collected over the 12 months immediately preceding the calculation date. n is the number of months elapsed since the end of the base year to the calculation date. We urge the House, Senate, and governor to join many other states in using ARPA funds for repairs of roads and bridges, and take a bold step to finally reverse decades of underinvestment in some . 6. It also can ., City, county, Tribal, territorial, and state governments are receiving much-needed funding as part of the third round of pandemic economic stimulus to lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery. ARPA funds will be distributedto local governmentsin two equal payments, with the first half of funding awarded beginning in May 2021 and the second half awarded approximately 12 months later. The ARPA expressly includes infrastructure if it is necessary and in water, sewer, or broadband, suggesting that the statute contemplates only those types of infrastructure.[5]. The latest guidance increases flexibility for spending in all four eligible expense categories articulated in the law: ARPA provided approximately $350 billion of new funding to tribal governments, states, territories, and local governments, $14 billion of which was estimated to be received by Pennsylvania and its municipalities. Update: On January 6, 2022, the U.S. Department of the Treasury issued the Final Rule, which governs the eligible uses of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds ("SLFRF") under the American Rescue Plan Act ("ARPA").The Final Rule makes several key changes to the Interim Final Rule, including expanding the eligible uses of CSLFRF and easing the administrative burden for some . Dont forget to highlight plans for future funding orsustainability:If there are long-term financial or sustainability benefits, this will improve your plan! Including yours. The ARP also specifically authorizes expenditures of monies through the CLFRF to make necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure.. Infrastructure within ARPA is defined largely as (1) broadband and (2) water projects that would also be eligible for funding under the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) or the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). Clemons said he expects the commission to take up a road plan based on the additional funding well ahead of the upcoming spring paving . Local government processes could range from: Your technology project is more likely to be funded if you present a coherentplan. Adequate time should be taken to carefully consider all alternatives for the prudent use of ARPA funding prior to committing the resources to ensure the best use of the temporary funding. While you must ensure the tech meets the guidelinesas summarized above, theTreasury wrote thespending criteria broadly to allow local government to respond to the pandemic inways that best address their unique situation. $45.5 billion of the $65 billion will be allocated to metropolitan cities utilizing a modified CDBG formula, and the remaining amount for jurisdictions that are non-entitlement CDBG, will be allocated according to population. 2023 Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, Alliance for Excellence in School Budgeting, Accounting, Auditing, & Financial Reporting, Employment Resources for Finance Officers, Imposed Fee and Fine Use by Local Governments, Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, Intergovernmental Relations and Federal Fiscal Policy, Public Employee Pension and Benefits Administration, Tax-Exempt Financing and the Municipal Bond Market, American Rescue Plan Spending: Recommended Guiding Principles. In summary, local government can use ARPA funds to: According to the Treasury, recipients of ARPA funds have broad flexibility to decide how best to use this funding to meet the needs of their communities.. . Lets say, for example,that your city uses ARPA funds to set up a loan or grant program for local businesses. The reports will run through 2026 or when all of the ARPA funds are expended, whichever is earlier. In addition, the Treasury guidance allows for spending on cybersecurity aimed at protecting water and sewer infrastructure; projects promoting climate change resilience (for instance, reducing energy consumption on water and sewer facilities); and lead water line service replacement. Just as with the public sector, residents expect to get what they need with, in more channels than ever before. Lisa is a respected urban designer known for combining timeless community design and innovation with focus on fast-tracking advanced planning techniques and emerging technologies. These tools can accelerate aid to community members in the greatest need, and even increase the number of people able to be served through optimization. Municipalities under 50,000 in population (non-entitlement units) . Project Description:What are you doing, andhow would a tech solution enable your org to address these pain points? Show that you understand your problem, how your proposed solution solves your problem, and that you can implement and execute on your solution quickly. Access the free ARPA proposal project plan template >>. Because of the flexibility of these Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, its likely that different governments will take varied approaches for identifying areas of need and selecting the right projects for fund usage. Communities around the country are developing strategies on how to win and invest American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. The American Rescue Plan Act, commonly referred to as ARPA, is a $1.9 trillion stimulus passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Joe Biden in 2021. The Final Rule states "recipients may use [CSLFRF] funds for road repairs and upgrades that interact directly with an eligible stormwater infrastructure project."[5] Paving could also be eligible under water and sewer infrastructure as a subsurface drainage measure. Improvements to community outdoor spaces is an allowable expense when meeting certain criteria. Even with plenty of funding, planning municipal projects can take a significant amount of time, which is why it's so important to start the early steps of the planning process as soon as possible.

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