Feb 9
This is Catholic Culture's version. In the five centuries since Spanish colonizers arrived in the Western Hemisphere, the Roman Catholic Church has played a huge role in shaping Latin American cultural traditions.
|, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
WebThe relationship between Scripture and Tradition comes up regularly in contemporary Catholic apologetics. |, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
Our Elementary class has 36 children ages 6-12. |, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
On Waffling, Tradition, and the Magisterium. WebFilipino Catholic practice is unusually material and physical, even among Catholic cultures, built especially on devotions to Mary, the suffering Christ, and the Santo Nio (Holy Child), There is no rule regarding decorating for Christmas. We really enjoyed the British readers for the series. |, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
Although we do not have records of the first Christian missionaries to Rome, it is evident that a church existed there as the New Testament Scriptures were being written.
It was an unparalleled week of perfect weather, especially considering it was the end of August and beginning of September. The word "tradition" actually means handing down something to another person. Pentecost marks the close of the Easter season and the beginning of Tempus per Annum or Ordinary Time.
|, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
Less harmful storms blow a lot of sea spray, killing coastal crops and grasslands with salty mist. Mar 7, 2015
(Phil Lawler), Suffering in ourselves, family members, friendsand Lourdes (Dr. Jeff Mirus), Sicily: The Fathers Long Before the Godfathers (Mike Aquilina), New Vatican document tightens controls on traditional Latin Mass, Free Liturgical Year Volume 3 Released: LENT (Dr. Jeff Mirus), A Very Short Course in the Catholic Faith (Fr. bio -
It is a feast of hope, for we, like Simeon, place our Hope in the Lord. I am reminded of Mother Theresa's response to a priest that asked her to pray that the Lord may make his Will clear to him: "the Lord didn't promise certainty - he asked for faith - so I'll pray for your faith" (paraphrased).
Jun 9, 2015
Apr 4, 2015
Wednesday, March 4, 2020, within the First Week of Lent, marks the beginning of the traditional dates of the Lenten or Spring Ember Days. |, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
The Protestant reformers (Lutherans, Anglicans, and the Reformed) and the Radical Reformers (Anabaptists) disagreed with the Pope and his allies over issues of authority, Scripture, soteriology (the doctrine of salvation), and sacramental theology (the doctrines surrounding Holy Baptism and Holy Communion).
|, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
Do you know where your Advent wreath is? It's real. Feb 28, 2017
But when the quarrel extends to Tradition (note, again, the big T), we are talking about things that are Divinely guaranteed, and about which we may not disagree. Sep 23, 2022
For modern American readers, this date doesnt bring to mind too many Catholic traditions in this country. Sep 17, 2019
This is one of my favorite parts of the Liturgical Year and so I try to not let a year pass without writing something about them.
Feb 28, 2020
In a similar way, the synodal journey is rooted in the Churchs tradition and at the same time open to newness. Nov 30, 2018
|, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
I hope to be back more in the swing of writing, especially as the Church celebrates some of my favorite Ive been busy with summer traveling, pool fun, and a little minor foot surgery, but have not been immune to feeling a little disheartened by the headlines this summer. St. Athanasius said [t]he fifty Im not ready for Holy Week. Jun 28, 2018
|, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
This is a holyday of obligation in most countries (but not in the United States). for he reigns for all eternity, alleluia. Dec 12, 2018
Jan 21, 2016
The aspects I want to carry forward in my home are presenting the Old Testament in a deliberate manner, Im interrupting my Jesse Tree posts because the O Antiphons begin tomorrow, December 17. |, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
He is a host of the Faith and Honor podcast. They describe the essentials of a Lenten program. It ensures the connection "between the experience of the apostolic faith, lived in the original community of the disciples, and the present experience of Christ in his Church.". |, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
Isaac Jogues and John de Brebeuf, priests and martyrs and companions, otherwise known as the North American Martyrs. These saints include: Isaac Jogues, John de Brebeuf (or Jean), Gabriel Lalemant, Noel Chabanel, Charles Garnier, Anthony Daniel, September 28 is the Optional Memorial of St. Wenceslaus (or Wenceslas) and St. Luis Ruiz and Companions. This is my annual reminder that November 1 begins the special opportunity to earn plenary indulgences for the Poor Souls in Purgatory.
|, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
Jan 5, 2018
I have brushed the face of death but Today is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the patronal feast of the United States and a holyday of obligation. |, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
If someone argues that Tradition means or requires something other than what the Magisterium is currently insisting that it means or requires, then that person has self-evidently latched on to an incorrect understanding (a false interpretation) of what Tradition means or requires. Macka's comment reflects my prayer as well. News, analysis & spirituality by email, twice-weekly from CatholicCulture.org. Tradition is a source of inspiration for seeking new paths and for avoiding the opposed temptations of immobility and improvised experimentation. This vicarious status holds several ramifications for Roman Catholic views of pastoral authority, politics, sacramental ministry, and Scripture. But neither Pope Benedict nor, for example, the Society of St. Pius X, agree, which is why they are engaging in special talks to see if they can overcome their doctrinal differencesall of which are based on the question of what is and is not required by Tradition with a huge, and hugely absolute, T. Jeffrey Mirus holds a Ph.D. in intellectual history from Princeton University. The CCC is a fairly recent catechism released in 1992 under Pope John Paul II. What does this time mean for ones spiritual life?
Last year I discussed the familial example these mother and son pair provide. Jan 1, 2018
Im not ready to get into Christmas preparations!
The liturgy reflects the beauty of the Paschal mystery and the Passover Feast of Christ. Catholic Tradition stands |, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
Feb 13, 2016
We are winding down a school year Im continuing my discussion on Romano Guardinis The Spirit of the Liturgywith Leila Lawler.
Earlier last week,Bishop Larry Silva of Honolulu, Hawaii issued a letter stating that his diocese is returning to the proper order of reception of the sacraments of initiation:
This upcoming Sunday concludes a series of five Sundays with the Gospel taken from John Chapter 6, the discourse on the Bread of Life.
It is a feast of something awesome but it is quiet and hidden. |, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
When Jesus gave us the gift of the Eucharist, He used the universal basics of life, bread and wine, to be transformed into His Body and Blood.
This season, they took home two more trophies, and the Lady Rams accomplished a historic feat. Let this feast inspire prayer of gratitude, let art be the inspiration, and for us to remember to invoke the angels. Jul 27, 2018
This post was originally written in 2013. Why do we try to live the liturgical year in the domestic church? This article was originally published in 2014. Dec 16, 2014
|, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
Indulgences are still issued today, even though they are not commercialized as they were in the late medieval era thanks to reforms made in the Counter-Reformation. Its a book on how to recycle clothes by repairing, patching, stitching, and darning but in a decorative way.
The Forty Hoursis similar to a parish renewal or retreat, but with more time for mental and personal prayer, and fewer talks. Opportunities online for Mass, rosary, Stations, are now given a plenary indulgence from the Apostolic Penitentiary. Thanks for asking. |, by Jennifer Gregory Miller |
Growing up we were very close. In 2001 we said we would never forget about 9/11. Today begins the unofficial All Saints Octave (traditionally this would have been the All Saints Octave) that begins On September 10, Diocese of Pittsburgh Bishop David Zubik announced a Year of Repentance for his diocese to fast and pray for the purification of the Church in light of the scandal of child sexual abuse. His letter was addressed to the clerics (priests, deacons and seminarians) of How do you keep track and celebrate all those feasts and saint days? is the most common question I receive from families who are trying to live the Liturgical Year in their domestic church. Apr 21, 2015
Ever since my brothers ALS (or Lou Gehrigs Disease) diagnosis I mentioned at the end of May, we have From the archives, originally written October 2015:
Depending on where you live, the Solemnity of the Ascension will be celebrated last Thursday or Sunday, and this Sunday closes the Easter season with the Solemnity of Pentecost.
Venial sins are slight sins that do not damn ones soul. The traditional Rogation Days of Ascension Week begin today, May 11. Most of us know it as the day for the March for Life, when pro-lifers from all over the country converge to be a public witness for those innocent lives that have no voice. When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one as More. The Church at Rome, which would later develop into what we know as Roman Catholicism, was started in the apostolic times (circa AD 30-95). As the Liturgical Year returns to the Season of the Year or Ordinary Time, the pattern does not fall completely into place. Originally published in November 2015. The first four Masses in Lent are a unit. Nov 9, 2021
Today the Roman Martyrology commemorates St. Jacinta (1910-1920), the youngest More, Jesus said to his disciples: You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Check this space throughout today for emerging news headlines and commentary. The Roman Catholic Church is an ancient religious institution boasting over a billion members worldwide. And it seems like the Catholic Church is responding to the current trend. This is major holiday in Rome, with schools, shops and banks closed. For Catholics living in the United States attending mass in the Ordinary Form, January 3 is the transferred Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. Mortal sins are grave sins that separate one from God and result in a person ending up in Hell if not absolved before death.
These indulgences could be obtained for oneself or a loved one. (See Baptism Begins a Continuing Catechesis: Special Needs for Communion.)
This post was originally written for 2014.
I thank God Almighty that His Church "says so" -, I am impressed by the article.
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