[33] She later assists in combat by shooting them as well when Joel trusts her with a gun. At some point, Ellie chemically removes her bite mark on her arm, scarring her forearm but making it easier to conceal her immunity. She is worth an amount of $102,000 to $312,000. [27], Soon after, The pair encounter the Humvee in person when traversing through the streets, managing to outrun it despite its heavy fire power. His men mention that they are under strict orders from David to keep her alive, but these orders were ignored when they found out from James that Joel slaughtered half of the raiders at the university. Female Name- E- Ellie Chinese Name for Ellie To download the Chinese Name for Ellie in six different styles, please order the name below. [90] For her role in The Last of Us Part II, Johnson was named co-winner of Outstanding Lead Performance in a Drama at the National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers (NAVGTR) Awards. Jenna also provides the voice for Princess Isabel in Disney's Elena of Avalor, and she starred in Disney Channel's Stuck in the Middle. The two return to the lookout at the lodge where Joel is playing Ellie's guitar. Ellie was created by Neil Druckmann, the creative director and writer of The Last of Us. [32], Later, the pair came across a small child's grave with a teddy bear on top of it in Wyoming. On their way to the TV station, the pair find Tommy's mutilated horse and a group of dead infected. [55], Ellie's relationship with David has been the source of a traumatizing experience for her. Before letting Ellie depart, Dina takes off her hamsa bracelet and ties it on Ellie's wrist, telling her it is for good luck. Ellie is young lesbian.it is revealed that Ellie is attracted to other women and has a romantic relationship with another character named Dina. Seeing this as a chance to avenge Mel, Abby moves to slit Dina's throat but Lev pleads against it. For the next four years, Ellie came to resent Joel for saving her life. They safely make it back to Bill's church. [81] Polygon's Maddy Myers and Wired's Julie Muncy criticized Ellie's development and inability to learn from her mistakes. [24] Hopping in the back, the pair signal Ellie to keep driving, since more infected are on the way. Ellie Williams Tommy Miller Bloater Frank Abby Anderson Rat king All items (11) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other C Category:Character images D Category:Deceased characters E Category:Enemies H Category:HBO's The Last of Us characters M Category:Mentioned-only characters T Category:The Last of Us characters [18] Straley said that, following the comparisons, Naughty Dog revised Ellie's appearance because "we want our characters to stand on their own two feet". Ellie pretends to not be bothered, but when Riley pushes the issue, Ellie demands why she was brought to the mall. During the start of the journey, Ellie spends her time in the back reading the Savage Starlight article she stole from Bill. The next day, the pair are partnered up for their patrol and consummate their relationship at Eugene Linden's hideout. He was also reminded of Sarah when Ellie was in awe of the view of the Capitol building, briefly thinking back to her in the moment. The two manage to escape the building and cross the yard without being noticed. Anna expresses in her note that she is grateful and proud of her daughter, Ellie commenting "I'm trying to do you proud".[39]. The men become hostile and suddenly attack, with Ellie pulling a frozen Riley away from the firefight. Joel stands up straight, declaring that even if God gave him a chance to change what happened, he wouldn't because he does not regret saving Ellie's life. "Both cause the death of a loved one.Both wear glasses.Both kill the major protagonist with a gun. For her performance in Part II, Johnson considered her own experiences with anxiety and researched the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder. Later on, she becomes more proficient in combat, sporting a number of weapons such as a pistol, rifle, bow, and explosives, along with her trademark switchblade. [74] These similarities continued in Left Behind, which also ended with a shot of Ellie's face, signifying how the series had shifted focus from Joel entirely towards Ellie,[13] which was also displayed in American Dreams and would continue in Part II.[9][50]. Recovering, Ellie jumps on the back of the infected and slits its throat. Ellie tells Riley that Princess was likely taken by someone and lamented on the horses well-being, knowing it was easily spooked around strangers. At the start of the series, Ellie infected her friends, Avery and Macy, at the start of the series. They return to Winstons camp to find Riley reading a magazine. Ellie confirms that she will, as Dina needs care in Jackson. [53] Joel gifts Ellie a guitar, fulfilling his promise to teach her how to play. [57] IGN's Greg Miller compared Ellie to Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite (2013), and felt that the former was a "much more rounded out, full-fledged" character. This also links into her survivor's guilt she expresses to Joel when returning to Tommy's, where she expresses her guilt that they all died from the disease yet she continues to survive. Afterward, she takes him to an abandoned house on a sled attached to her horse and continues to nurse him back to health, while at the same time getting them food, and medicine from David. He and Joel proceed to kill several infected on the street but manage to make it to the top of a hill, where Ellie finally starts the truck. Nora notices Ellie is breathing normally despite the spores, and realizes she is the girl with immunity to the CBI. Ellie Williams is a lesbian character from The Last of Us. They find some fresh weed hidden in a jar, and the two decide to smoke and wait out the storm. Tibi and Yosi are Zionists. The three make it to a house. The Last of Us Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The proprietress of her family's farm, Aunt Eller is a respected authority within the community. Riley displays a brief moment of defiant bravado, but right afterwards admits she was terrified of turning and cries into Ellie's arms. Bernard McEveety. The weight of the trolley causes the rotting floor underneath her to break, falling into the floor below and disturbing a bloater and several runners. First off, she is appropriately dressed for fighting zombies, in just jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. However, shortly after she is caught in a fight with a group of boys who attempt to steal her belongings. [11][22][23] However, after she used a handgun to save his life from a hunter,[26] Joel granted her a rifle to use. [20], If the enemy is behind something and Ellie is able to see them they will be outlined in red, showing their location through walls and such. She leaves the house she is caring Joel within and searches for food in a nearby forest. Famous Birthdays. There, Ellie hesitates and admits to being aware of Rileys attempts to win her back. In Seattle, Ellie was noticeably more aggressive and violent, and her thirst for revenge began to cloud her judgement, culminating in her decision to continue hunting Abby rather than help Tommy. You can downloadthe Chinese name right away after checkout See more info and samples of the Chinese characters here. She is rudely ordered out by Bill, who checks to see if it is working, finding the battery drained but the cells alive. When he opens his eyes, Marlene has a gun pointed in his face and shoots. She also takes "justice" into her own hands on her relationship with anyone, and does not think she requires any adults' consent. As Abby slowly drowns, Ellie remembers Joel playing his guitar, and ultimately lets Abby go. She considered Henry (and by extension Henry's brother, Sam) allies and always managed to persuade Joel to trust them. Having disabled many of his traps and alerting an overwhelming swarm of the infected to their presence in the process, Bill subdues both of them, fearful that they have been bitten. Ellie heads towards the town, fighting a few infected along the way, until she is caught in a trap that suspends her from a tree upside down, and her side is pierced by a branch. Puzzled on how to get up there, she finds a gate, but it is locked, and the button used to unlock the gate has no power to it. "Some folks call this thing here a gee-tar." [20], When Ellie gives Joel the picture of him and Sarah, Joel doesn't give it back, like he did when Tommy tried to give him the picture. Ellie, who is of the utmost. Henry cared about Ellie enough that he reluctantly saved her from an infected Sam, but he committed suicide shortly after Sam's death. [15] Ellie is always curious to know about her mother and cherishes the switchblade and letter that Anna left her. Marlene threatens to kill Riley as this will be her fate as a Firefly, prompting Ellie to bite the Firefly's hand and point his gun at Marlene. Ellie Andrews. The four main characters are Jed Clampett, Jethro Bodine, Daisy Moses (Granny), and Elly May Clampett. She refused to tell Ellie of Abby's whereabouts, resulting in Ellie brutally torturing her with a pipe until she caved in and told her. At the time, though, she does not know the exact location of the Firefly lab. After climbing up a broken escalator, Ellie finds an abandoned store in the mall, Weston's Pharmacy. Once at the apartment, having avoided the military patrolling to see if anyone is out after curfew, they wait for Tess to arrive. In 2038, Abby Anderson, a former Firefly and the surgeon's daughter, found and killed Joel. Riley vaguely admits to being in a weird space and that she didnt tell anyone she left. Riley barely gets to ride for a moment before the carousel loses power. [11], Ellie appears to be irreligious, as seen when she claims that she goes "back and forth" when asked by Sam if she believes in an afterlife. He taunts a weaker Ellie as she crawls towards his machete underneath a cabinet, saying that it's okay to give up. As she pulls the beam up, creating a small passageway, the weight causes the tunnel to collapse on itself, making it impossible to pass to the other side. Before they leave, Marlene gives Ellie a switchblade and tells her that it was her mother's. [55], One day Ellie heads out hunting. Further, if the player stands idle or wastes ammunition and supplies during non-combat moments, Ellie will comment on the actions. Ellie was also a major character in The Last of Us and became the sole playable character of The Last of Us: Left Behind, a DLC where her relationship with a childhood friend named Riley is shown . [47], After fleeing the remaining Fireflies by taking an elevator down to the parking garage, Joel is confronted by Marlene, who begs him to reconsider. Eventually they start making out. A gunshot is heard. [10] It is also on display when the two first arrive at Tommy's dam and Ellie is shown to be extremely uncomfortable leaving Joel and going with Maria. After surviving the flood, Ellie and Manny had a daughter within the lost world, whom they named Peaches . [60], After her confrontation with Abby, Ellie travels back to Wyoming and returns to the farm shared with Dina, only to find it abandoned. [55] Eurogamer's Ellie Gibson commended the character's strength and vulnerability, praising the game's subversion of the damsel in distress clich. During her final confrontation with Abby in the second game, the former WLF member bites off parts of Ellie's pinky and ring finger on the left hand. Little by little, Ellie is being drawn back into the world through the neighbors and community around her, realizing that everyone has their own fears and obstacles to contend with. Riley leads them out of a window onto scaffolding. [18] According to game director Bruce Straley, Naughty Dog had no knowledge of Page's involvement in Beyond,[19] which was announced several months after The Last of Us. Ignoring the question, Riley asks if Ellie ever thinks about her future. [24] Druckmann was also inspired by wars that took place in Syria and Afghanistan; he felt that, like Ellie, conflict was familiar to the children in those countries. Joel replies, "I swear". Although she could go with the brothers, she jumps back down to Joel; "we stick together." Shes an orphan who was raised in a boarding school run by the military within the bounds of the quarantine zone. [10][33] Her prime example of this prowess was when the protection roles were reversed with Ellie protecting and defending Joel at the University from cannibals. Horrified by her actions, Ellie's hearing goes out as she collapses to her knees in a panic attack. [63] The Washington Post's Elise Favis praised the game's depiction of Ellie coming out to Joel, comparing it to her own experience and the difficulty of approaching the topic with her father. Ellie initially struggled to make him mention Sarah or even get him to confess he had a daughter, having to find out of her own volition. They head to the top floor and enter Raja's Arcade. [20] They reach the rendezvous point in the Capitol Building, but they find only bodies of Fireflies and the military closing in. While Joel and Bill bicker, Ellie finds a seemingly operational truck in Frank's garage. She learns that Joel has also never been to Lincoln, making finding Bill difficult. Ellie warms back, pleased Joel is start to bond with her. They enter a bar, where Ellie meets with Seth and he apologizes for his behavior, blaming it on being drunk. Jesse tells Ellie that, while he understands why Ellie came to Seattle, it is not safe for Dina. [12][46][48], Ellie struggled to make Joel trust her initially. [52][53][54], Ellie's second encounter came at the theater, shortly after murdering Owen and Mel. In the meantime, Ellie is drafted into the military and keeps a marginal connection with Rileys friends. Ellie Frederickson is a character in the Pixar movie "Up" Leaving the store, Riley suggests that they play a game. She then gets up and finds Jesse and Tommy on the stage, discussing the quickest route home to Jackson. Joel coaxes her to leave and forget about the group.[52]. [30], For The Last of Us, Ellie's artificial intelligence (AI) required significant overhauling of the game engine. The note, and the fact the bodies were wearing backpacks marked with the Jackson community's signature "J", confirms the pair were two teenagers who ran away in an effort to find the Fireflies and help "save the world" only to be attacked and infected by a horde, causing their deaths. He tortures two of Davids men to find out where Ellie is being kept, going so far as to kill them after gaining the information he needed. Having a lead on finding Abby, Ellie decides to leave immediately to find Nora. Ellie enters the store a moment after Riley opens the door and is startled by the mask her friend found inside. The developers ensured that this change, as well as the knowledge of Ellie's immunity, was kept secret prior to the game's release to surprise players. Her character is named Kathleen and is a ruthless leader of a revolutionary group in Kansas City. While Tess goes with Marlene to verify the weapons Marlene has promised the pair, Ellie is taken by Joel to an apartment close to the outer wall. Ellie says that she's "just a girl" to which Dina kisses her passionately, claiming that they should be terrified of her. Upon reaching the Fireflies in Salt Lake City, Joel learned that only killing Ellie could create the cure. [43], David often talks to Ellie in a patronizing tone and treats her like a child. As they talk, it becomes clear that there is still some tension between Ellie and Joel, indicating she is unsatisfied with Joel's answers about the Fireflies ending their search for a cure. Ellie asks what is on it but he insists she play and close her eyes while she does. Joel, a Texan in his forties with the "emotional range of a teaspoon" (to quote Hermione from Harry Potter), finds himself responsible with the safety of a fourteen year old girl named Ellie whom he must smuggle to a militia group called the Fireflies. Ellie, who looks like she's a branch of Dumbo's family tree, leads a cast of equally endearing animal characters, and every vignette is expertly framed for a chuckle, an "Awww," or both: when Ellie paints a portrait of Lucy the giraffe, her subject's head extends beyond the top edge of the page."- Publishers Weekly From School Library Journal Ellie and Dina's friendship develops and, along with Jesse, they help other Jackson residents patrol the outskirts to defend against hordes of infected and any wandering marauders that could pose a threat. When forced to watch Abby beat Joel to death, Ellie begged for Joel to fight back but he was unable to do so. [40], Ellie is romantically interested in women. [51] However, Ellie survives and discovers she is immune to infection. Ellie expressed regret at having forgotten to put the toy robot on his grave before they left. He then draws a machete from a back sheath and continues to stalk her, attempting to shoot or slash her to death. Along with girlfriend Dina, Tommy, and Dina's ex-boyfriend Jesse, Ellie travels to the militia's home turf in Seattle to exact revenge. [33], Years later, the pair get along well. Nicknames: El, Els, Ella. Entering a room, Riley opens a junction box and motions for Ellie to flip the switch. Crossing the rooftops, they evade another patrol and climb down through the window into the Liberty Gardens mall, their usual hangout. Ellie and Dina spot a synagogue surrounded by abandoned military vehicles and dead military personnel. She makes her way back after being ambushed by cannibals and infected multiple times, having to quickly distract some when they find the place where Ellie hid Joel and Callus. Ellie had been infected with Slender-Sickness for a long time prior to the events ofOneHundredYardStare.Initially, Ellie and her friend, Chris, would film mediocre video projects in the woods near their house. Dina and Jesse open the door, and are concerned for her. 2021-08-10 05:52:37 Tool to generate names Ellie to special characters Ellie at CoolNickname website. [11][45] As an NPC, she is also invisible to enemy AI, meaning she can't accidentally reveal Joel's position. [52], At some point between Jackson and Seattle, Dina discovers that she is pregnant with JJ. [27], For Part II, Druckmann recalled the team's excitement to explore Ellie further as a protagonist, particularly developing the loss of her innocence, comparing it to the feeling of the writers of Breaking Bad (20082013) when given the opportunity to explore Walter White. [50][52][53][54][57] When finally getting the opportunity for revenge, Ellie ends up sparing Abby after recalling her final conversation with Joel, where she told him she wanted to work on trying to forgive him which implies Ellie at that point understood why Joel saved her. Watching Joel die before her eyes causes her hearing to go out, as she is unable to hear the Salt Lake crew's conversation as she cries frantically while threatening them that she will kill them. [38] David also tries to keep Ellie alive, but she later kills him. Ellie watches as the two briefly argue before following them towards the outskirts. The girl states that she has "her ways" and introduces herself as Riley. [16] She also worried for her safety, asking Tess if Marlene was okay and even asks Joel about her from time to time. The pair make it to the street level but a train car Ellie is walking through collapses, resulting in Ellie falling into the spore-infested station and her gas mask breaking. Ellie chides him for doing so and later does likewise to him while the pair are watching a nearby deer. Johnson's performance in Part II was praised for her depiction of vulnerability and suffering. As implied by the text , she is spoiled by all the members of her family except Loren as they never meet . She is portrayed by Ashley Johnson through motion capture and voice acting; in the television adaptation, she is portrayed by Bella Ramsey. Praying to herself that Tommy and Joel are okay, Ellie sneaks her way inside the lodge, hearing noises downstairs. Sarah then dies in Joel's arms. She suffers from PTSD,[58] which leads her to also having difficulty eating, insomnia, panic attacks, and flashbacks of her failing to save Joel's life. A transmission then comes through stating a lone male trespasser was spotted at "fourteen", an area Dina deduces is Hillcrest. She states that they promised to wait together until the end, and that she's still waiting to turn and join her friend. When asked how she knows her name, Marlene responds by saying she knew her mother and that the envelope was a letter from her mother. Ellie Name Meaning An adorable name that got her start as a nickname, Ellie has risen to become a regular on today's playgrounds. Ellie and Riley quickly flee into an alleyway outside the mall behind a dumpster. Joel, wishing to change topic, asks if Dina is Ellie's girlfriend. She returns in Gacha Resort to once again to offer advice and guidance. The pair enter the building through the back, avoiding infected. Ellie has straight, auburn hair. [9], As a child, Ellie grew up as an orphan in an oppressive military quarantine zone in Boston, Massachusetts, with little knowledge of the world before infection. Joel knocks and calls for Ellie from the doorway, but Ellie does not hear him because she is drawing and listening to her Walkman. Remembering Joel's death, Ellie demands Abby to fight her. Bill even remarks that "maybe [they] should have given her a gun". Dina also reveals the WLF classify the areas in Seattle by numbers. With the Humvee pounding against the vehicles blocking its path and Joel unable to discover a safe escape, Ellie takes matters into her own hands. However, when the two choose to escape the zone together, Ellie and Riley open up to each other. As Mel is about to leave the lobby, upset with Owen, Ellie draws her gun and orders the pair to put their hands up. They see a group of hunters below, unaware of their presence. Riley leads Ellie through the mall up to the higher floors, evading close calls with the infected who catch up to them. It has often been used as a nickname for Elizabeth, meaning "God is my oath". [22] Seeing her as a hindrance rather than helpful, Bill repeatedly expressed his anger at Joel's decision to escort Ellie. Ellie and Joel initially have a rocky relationship. Tommy continued to serve as a bridge between the two. Ellie (, Ekurea?, clair) is a normal elephant villager from the Animal Crossing series, originally only appearing in the earlier games. When Ellie answers in the affirmative, Riley takes the Walkman and hooks it up to one of the audio systems in the store. She arranges for a small team of Fireflies to meet the three at the Capitol building. Dina embraces Jesse and questions him about how and why he was in Seattle. The pair then leave to fetch Tommy to help carry the corpses back to their families in Jackson. Ellie tries to defend herself, lying that she was "just fixing [Bill's] stupid pile". He is also the only person who calls Ellie out for her coarse language. When the two reach Seattle, both their secrets come to light: Ellie learns of Dina's pregnancy, while Dina learned of Ellie's immunity to Cordyceps. "Ellie" by Ronan Tynan is a stirring and emotional ballad that showcases the powerful vocals of the Irish tenor. Ellie shoots the driver, resulting in both trucks crashing. [53], Ellie follows Route 5, traveling through abandoned streets until she reaches high enough ground to see how far she is from the hospital. Her name comes from the first part of the word elephant. Johnson inspired aspects of Ellie's personality, prompting Druckmann to make her more active in fighting hostile enemies. [22] Lead character artist Ashley Swidowski designed Ellie's eyes to demonstrate a somberness; in the first game, Ellie had wider eyes to reflect her childlike nature. [33], Ellie is occasionally a playable character, much in the same way Joel is throughout the game. [78] Regarding the character, Jonathon Dornbush of IGN wrote that Johnson added nuance to every element of Ellie. [10] However, she was excited to play a rare example of a strong female video game character. Ellie wakes up to the Fireflies arguing about whether or not they should disobey orders. A brave, 14-year-old girl, Ellie has grown up in this harsh world and it is all she has ever known. After all we've been through Everything that I've done, it can't be for nothing.Ellie[6], Ellie Williams[7] is the central character of The Last of Us series. She is also known as Fairy Ellie (Gacha World) and the Gacha Queen (GachaVerse/Gacha League). She openly admits to Sam that "ending up alone" is what she fears most. Having wanted to be an astronaut for years, Ellie remarks that it is her favorite room as she plays with the numerous interactive activities and reads up on the various space suits and rocket ships, impressing Joel with her knowledge. Ellie points out the fortune of the kids that were born before the infection, never catching Riley's somber expression. Barely afloat in the water, she calls for Joel's help, her carer managing to grab her only to be knocked out when crashing against a large rock. Hours later, she awakes as two Rattlers approach her in the trap. He seems to bite her before Ellie kills it with a brick. The following is a list of characters that appear in RWBY, arranged alphabetically. She stops playing and remembers her last conversation with Joel. Ellie asks that he take her with him, but he refuses, citing his responsibility to his own family. Tommy tries to convince Ellie to kill Abby in his place due to his weakened state but Ellie refuses to do so. Upon exiting the pod, Joel gives her a badge to signify her success in landing back down on earth. She has a permanent scar on her right eyebrow. [35] During the winter segment of The Last of Us, players assume control of Ellie. She convinced Druckmann to give Ellie a more independent personality, and to make her more successful in combat. [20] She carries a switchblade, which is her only weapon until she is trusted with a gun by Joel. As they travel through the vacant building, Ellie spots a mannequin standing behind a broken window display and takes a moment to mock its posture before she moves to rejoin Riley.

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