Half brother of James Fields; Lucy Hicks; Isabel Wolf; Delila Fields; Charles Timberlake and 8 others; Jesse Vann; Delilah Amelia McNair; Joseph Vann; James Vann; Sarah 'Sally' Nicholson (Vann); John Hon John Vann; Robert B. Chief James Clement Vann family tree Family tree Explore more family trees. The cooks would bake hams, turkey cakes and pies and there'd be lots to eat and lots of whiskey for the men folks. I slept on a sliding bed. Everybody had a good time. They rendezvoused with other slaves who had agreed to participate in the revolt, stole horses to ride to their freedom, then broke into a store to steal guns, ammunition, food, and supplies they needed for their planned escape to Mexicowhere slavery was illegal. Master Joe was sure a good provider, and we always had plenty of corn pone, sow belly and greens, sweet potatoes, cowpeas and cane molasses. Joseph H. Vann, (11 February 1798 - 23 October 1844). It was bad, oh it was bad. Lots of bad things have come to me, but the good Father, high up, He take care of me. I never did have much of a job, jest tending de calves mostly. Johnson Thompson's father had been owned by "Rich Joe" Vann. When crop was laid by de slaves jest work round at dis and dat and keep tol'able busy. Chief Joseph, Native American name In-mut-too-yah-lat-lat, (born c. 1840, Wallowa Valley, Oregon Territorydied September 21, 1904, Colville Reservation, Washington, U.S.), Nez Perc chief who, faced with settlement by whites of tribal lands in Oregon, led his followers in a dramatic effort to escape to Canada. My husband was a Cherokee born Negro, too, and when he got mad he forgit all the English he knowed. Chief Joseph Quotes - BrainyQuote. Run it to the bank! but it sunk and him and old Master died. Unfortunately, this building was later destroyed during the American Civil War. Records may include photos, original documents, family history, relatives, specific dates, locations and full names. He'd take us and enjoy us, you know. The home was subsequently owned by . Pappy worked around the farms and fiddled for the Cherokee dances. There was lots of preserves. Dey was both raised round Webber's Falls somewhere. No nails in none of dem nor in de chairs and tables. My aunt done de carding and spinning and my mammy done de weaving and cutting and sewing , and my pappy could make cowhide shoes wid wooden pegs. Betty Robertson's father worked aboard Joseph Vann's steamboat, Lucy Walker. There was a house yonder where was dry clothes, blankets, everything. James Vann was a Cherokee man. He passed away on 4 Apr 1770 in Bertie, North Carolina, United States. Requires advanced notices of changes to pay applicable to employers who are making changes to.. 213(a)(1), as amended, establishing an exemption from the Acts overtime premium pay Wife belong to de church and all de children too, and I think all should look after saving their souls so as to drive de nail in, and den go about de earth spreading kindness and hoeing de row clean so as to clinch dat nail and make dem safe for Glory. The slaves had a pretty easy time I think. Everything was kept covered and every hogshead had a lock. Below New Albany, the vessel blew up when one or more boilers blew up, killing the majority of the passengers and among them the owner and captain. A bunch of us who was part Indian and part colored, we got our bed clothes together some hams and a lot of coffee and flour and started to Mexico. When anybody die, someone sit up with them day and night till they put them in the ground. We lived there a long time, and I was old enough to remember setting in the yard watching the river (Grand River) go by, and the Indians go by. Do you know what I am going to do? They wanted everybody to know we was Marster Vann's slaves. Marster had a big Christmas tree, oh great big tree, put on the porch. Lucinda Vann tells an unusual story of plantation life from the perspective of a house slave who was born with privileges. Don't know where the other one lived. Yes Lord Yes. My uncle used to baptize 'em. They didn't go away, they stayed, but they tell us colored folks to go if we wanted to. -ga Vann, Delilah Amelia Mcnair (born Vann), Sarah "sallie" Vann Nicholson Or Buzzard Trapper (born Vann), Tacah To Kah Do Key, Oct 26 1844 - Ohio, Indiana, United States, Chief "crazy" James Ti-ka-lo-hi Clement Vann, Nancy Ann Vann (born Timberlake Brown). He would tell em plain before hand, "Now no trouble." The Nez Perce were a peaceful nation spread from Idaho to Northern Washington. Lord, Yes! I remember that home after the war brought my pappa back home. All Indians lived around there, the real colored settlement was four mile from us, and I wasn't scared of them Indians for pappa always told me his master Henry Nave, was his own father; that make me part Indian and the reason my hair is long, straight and black like a horse mane. I wore a stripedy shirt till I was about 11 years old and den one day while we was down in the Choctaw Country old Mistress see me and nearly fall off her horse. She had belonged to Joe Hildebrand and he was kin to old Steve Hildebrand dat owned de mill on Flint Creek up in de Going Snake District. Chief James Vann, like King Henry VIII, had many wives.Here is some more information about the spouses and offspring of Vann, gathered from Dr. Emmet Starr's HISTORY OF THE CHEROKEE INDIANS and his unpublished notes, claims (by Polly Scott) submitted to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, correspondence of the Cherokee Agency . Although there is some color variation depending on location, generally the spring and summer color is a light yellow-green but, come the fall and winter months, it turns bright yellow as temperatures . He made a deal with Dave Mounts, a white man, who was moving into the Indian country to drive for him. How did they hear about it at home? Hams cakes, pies, dresses, beads, everything. One of the Six Killer women was mighty good to us and we called her "mammy", that a long time after my mammy die though. Clarinda Vann and my aunt Maria turned the keys to the vault and commissary. They had fine furniture that Marster Vann had brought home in a steamboat from far away. The grandson reported that the Vann Family lived in that house until "the War," when some 3,000 federal troops descended upon Webbers Falls. They could have anything they wanted. Marster and missus never allowed chillun to meddle in the big folks business. Marster Jim and Missus Jennie wouoldn't let his house slaves to with no common dress out. Marster had a little race horse called "Black Hock" She was all jet black, excepting three white feet and her stump of a tail. Sometime Young Master Joe and the other boys give me a piece of money and say I worked for it, and I reckon I did for I have to cook five or six times a day. It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and the broken promises. The colored folks did most of the fiddlin'. One day Missus Jennie say to Marster Jim, she says, "Mr. Vann, you come here. After several days of pursuit, the Indians caught up with the escaped slaves and a heated battle inflicted casualties on both sides. The Chief Vann House is the first brick residence in the Cherokee Nation, The second is the Wyatt Acres Home of Mack Vann, a 3rd generation great grandson of Chief James Vann, located in Lawton, Oklahoma and both have been called the "Showplace of the Cherokee Nation". All the colored folks lined up and the overseer he tell them what they must do that day. He got that message to the captain just the same. There was a bugler and someone callled the dances. In slavery time the Cherokee Negroes do like anybody else when they is a death, jest listen to a chapter in the Bible and all cry. . Mr. Reese had a big flock of peafowls dat had belonged to Mr. Scott and I had to take care of demWhitefolks. After it was wove they dyed it all colors, blue, brown, purple, red, yellow. 29 November 2015. http://www.accessgenealogy.com/black-genealogy/slave-narrative-of-b - Last updated on Aug 24th, 2012, VANN SLAVES REMEMBER 2003 By Herman McDaniel Murray County Museum. I don't know how old I is; some folks ay I'se ninety-two and some say I must be a hundred. He was accidentally killed in the explosion of one of his boats, the "Lucy Walker" which was blown up near Louisville, Kentucky on October 26, 1844. houston social media influencer Space Is Ace Kindness Over Everything Monsters. They got on the horses behind the men and went off. We take a big pot to fry fish in and we'd all eat till we nearly bust. He sold one of my brothers and one sister because they kept running off. Dey tole me some of dem was bad on negroes but I never did see none of dem night riding like some say dey did. I don't remember much about my pappy's mother; but I remember she would milk for a man named Columbus Balreade and she went to prayer meeting every Wednesday night. I would stay around about a week and help em and dey would try to git me to take something but I never would. Master went plumb blind after he move back to Webber's Falls and so he move up on de Illinois River, about three miles from de Arkansas, and there old Mistress take de white swelling and die and den he die pretty soon. He born at Spring Place, Georgia on February 11, 1798. Then one day one of my uncles name Wash Sheppard come and tried to git me to go live wid him. Nearly a century later (in 1932), Joseph Vann's grandson, R. P. Vann, told author Grant Foreman that Joseph Vann had built a house about a mile south of Webbers Falls (Oklahoma) "a handsome homebuilt just like the old Joe Vann home in Georgia." Brown sugar, molasses, flour, corn-meal, dried beans, peas, fruits butter lard, was all kept in big wooden hogsheads; look something like a tub. The white folks go first and after they come out, the colored folks go in. He owned plantations, many slaves, taverns, and steamboats.In 1837, he moved with several hundred Cherokee to Indian Territory, as he realized they had no choice under the government's Indian Removal policy. The master had a bell to ring every morning at four o'clock for the folks to turn out. Although Lucinda Vann was owned by Jim Vann, she told about the death of "Rich Joe" Vann and the recovery of one of his arms, following the deadly explosion on his steamboat, the Lucy Walker. Sometimes us children would try to follow her, but she'd turn us around pretty quick and chase us back with: "Go on back to the house or the wolves get you.". Yes I was! One time old Master and another man come and took some calves off and Pappy say old Master taking dem off to sell I didn't know what sell meant and I ast Pappy is he going to bring em back when he git through selling them. chief joseph vann family treeis griffpatch on the scratch team. Dey didn't let us have much enjoyment. Our clothes was home-made---cotton in the summer, mostly just a long-tailed shirt and no shoes, and wood goods in the winter. most hurtful things to say to someone most hurtful things to say to someone Cal Robertson was eighty-nine years old when I married him forty years ago, right on this porch. Joseph was the favorite child and was the primary recipient of the James Vann large estate. If somebody bad sick he git de doctor right quick, and he don't let no negroes mess around wid no poultices and teas and sech things, like cupping-horns neither! You see, I'se one of them sudden cases. It look lots of clothes for all them slaves. The man put dem on a block and sold em to a man dat had come in on a steamboat, and he took dem off on it when de freshet come down and de boat could go back to Fort Smith. Lord yes su-er. After being evicted from his father's mansion home "Diamond Hill" in 1834, Joseph moved his large family (he had two wives) and business operations to Tennessee, where he established a large plantation on the Tennessee River near the mouth of Ooltewah Creek that became the center of a settlement called Vann's Town (later the site of Harrison, Tennessee). He jest kept him and he was a good negro after that. Everything was cheap. He wouldn't take us way off, but just for a ride. The big House was a double log wid a big hall and a stone chimney but no porches, wid two rooms at each end, one top side of de other. His britches was all muddy and tore where de hounds had cut him up in de legs when he clumb a tree in de bottoms. The earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it. 467-91. And we had corn bread and cakes baked every day. Some of these slaves served as crew members of Vann's steamboat, a namesake of his favorite race horse "Lucy Walker". Robin Vann and Unknown 14 year old in 1809 Vann less. Mammy went to a mean old man named Pepper Goodman and he took her off down de river, and pretty soon Mistress tell me she died cause she can't stand de rough treatment. I dont know about Robert Lee, but I know about Lees Creek. Joseph Vann was the son of Chief Crazy James Vann , a half-breed Cherokee and Elizabeth Hicks. Sometimes she pull my hair. There'd be a whole wagon-load of things come and be put on the tree. Actually, the Assistant Principal Chief was Joseph "Tenulte" Vann, son of Avery Vann and probably a cousin of "Rich Joe" Vann. Master's name was Joe Sheppard, and he was a Cherokee Indian. Pappy is buried in the church yard on Four Mile Branch. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) They make pens out in the shallow water with poles every little ways from the river banks. I don't know how old I is; some folks say I'se ninety-two and some say I must be a hundred. He was a multi-millionaire and handsome. She dye with copperas and walnut and wild indigo and things like dat and made pretty cloth. Den old Master get three wagons and ox teams and take us all way down on Red River in de Choctaw Nation. It had no windows, but it had a wood floor that was kept clean with plenty of brushings, and a fireplace where mammy'd cook the turnip greens and peas and corn--I still likes the cornbread with fingerprints baked on it like in the old days when it was cooked on a skillet over the hot wood ashes. After the Removal, Joseph Vann was chosen the first Assistant Chief of the united Cherokee Nation under the new 1839 Constitution that was created in Indian Territory (Oklahoma), serving with Principal Chief John Ross. Mistress say old Master and my pappy on the boat somewhere close to Louisville and the boiler bust and tear the boat up. but it sunk and him and old Master died. I go to this house, you come to my house. In the pre-dawn hours of November 15, 1842, the Negroes locked their still-sleeping masters and overseers in their homes. He said that those troops burned the Vann home during their pillage. When the war broke out, lots of Indians mustered up and went out of the territory. Pappa got the soldier fever from being in the War; no, I don't mean like the chills and fever, but just a fever to be in the army, I guess for he joined the regular U.S. Army after a while, serving five years in the 10th Cavalry at Fort Sill during the same time John Adair of Tahelquah and John Gallagher of Muskogee was in the army. I dunno her other name. No fusses, no bad words, no nothin like that. One day young Master come to the cabins and say we all free and cant' stay there lessn we want to go on working for him just like we'd been for our feed, an clothes. But later on I got a freedman's allotment up in dat part close to Coffeyville, and I lived in Coffeyville a while but I didn't like it in Kansas. He and Master took race horses down the river, away off and they'd come back with sacks of money that them horses won in the races. Women came in satin dresses, all dressd up, big combs in their hair, lots of rings and bracelets. They get something they need too. Dey come to de house one time when he was gone to Fort Smith and us children told dem he was at Honey Springs, but they knowed better and when he got home he said somebody shot at him and bushwhacked him all the way from Wilson's Rock to dem Wildhorse Mountains, but he run his horse like de devil was sitting on his tail and dey never did hit him. Im glad the wars over and I am free to meet God like anybody else, and my grandchildren can learn to read and write. His parents Peggy Scott Vann and James Vann were both Cherokee of mixed-blood. In one month you have to get back. Owned by the Cherokee Chief James Vann, as the Wyatt Acres Home is owned . He never come until the next day, so dey had to sleep in dat pen in a pile like hogs. He jest kept him and he was a good Negro after that. She bossed all the other colored women and see that they sew it right. The slave cabins was in a row, and we lived in one of them. Mammy died in Texas, and when we left Rusk County after the Civil War, pappy took us children to the graveyard. Before he was killed, James Vann was a powerful chief in the Cherokee Nation and wanted Joseph to inherit the wealth that he had built instead of his wives, but Cherokee law stipulated that the home go to his wife, Peggy, while his possessions and property were to be divided among his children. He went clean to Louisville, Kentucky and back. Some Negroes say my pappy kept hollering, "Run it to the bank! We went down to the river for baptizings. They'd clap their hands and holler. You know just what day you have to be back too. At night dem trundles was jest all over the floor, and in de morning we shoved em back under de big beds to git dem outn' de way. I never forget when they sold off some more negroes at de same time, too and put dem all in a pen for de trader to come and look at. Excepting master and mistress, couldn't nobody put things in there but her. Newly translated journals of Moravian missionaries have identified his father as Joseph Vann and his stepfather Clement Vann. We had out time to go to bed and our time to get up in the morning. At least twenty-five of Vann's slaves participated in the Cherokee slave revolt of 1842. Joe had two wives, one was named Missus Jennie. I've heard em tell of rich Joe Vann. They'd sell 'em to folks at picnics and barbecues. He didn't tell us children much about the War, except he said one time that he was in the Battle of Honey Springs in 1863 down near Elk Creek south of Fort Gibson. The women dressed in whtie, if they had a white dress to wear. Someone rattled the bones. MLA Source Citation: AccessGenealogy.com. Cal Robertson was eighty-nine years old when I married him forty years ago, right on this porch. essex probate and family court lawrence; who is ezran daud cheah parents. We made money and kept it in a sack. Joseph H. Vann, (11 February 1798 23 October 1844). Mistress say old Master and my pappy on the boat somewhere close to Louisville and the boiler bust and tear the boat up. Old Master had some kind of business in Fort Smith, I think cause he used to ride into dat town about every day on his horse. Re: Family tree of Chief Joseph Brant. Do you know what I am going to do? They brought it home and my granmother knew it was Joe's. Lots of soldiers around all the time though. At the time that the interviews were conducted, the Vanns had been gone from Georgia for more than 100 yearsconsequently none of the slaves the Vanns owned in Spring Place were still alive. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. chief joseph vann family tree. Margret Atwood 12/16/02. Others were returned to their owners. Joseph Vann inherited the "Diamond Hill" estate from his father and from him he also inherited the ability for trading by which he increased his fortune to a fabulous size. He would sing for us, and I'd like to hear them old songs again! Diane Brown 5/17/06. The slaves of the Creeks also joined those of the Cherokees and the band set out for Mexico. If someone they didn't want to have it try to dig it up, money sink down, down deep in the ground where they couldn't get it. My uncle belong to old Captain Joe nearly all his life. The Indian country to chief joseph vann family tree for him no nothin like that was kept and. 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