It's a toss-up between the Biktarvy and Dovato commercials. The first time I saw it, I thought that guy was J. Yowza! Well a new year brings tax, weight loss, exercise equipment and gym membership commercials. The Lume ad with the yoga women airing out their cracks makes me gag. Afterwards they sit at the table and you just know wife and kid are found stuffed in a trunk a week later. Very dopey, but the male electrician is kinda cute. The only more ridiculous food delivery company is that stupid Daily Harvest nonsense. Do they use it as a sexual lubricant? And theyre fucking EVERYWHERE. I wish they'd stop playing it. I am fucking creeped-out by that psychotic Ambient-dream horror show commercial for Montefiore/Einstein Children's Hospital with the obnoxious soundtrack filled with people singing off-key, and the little girl rushing her stuffed unicorn to the ICU. Brushing & Flossing Teeth Whitening Nutrition & Oral Health Adult Oral Care. You get a blanket with the gimpy kids, you get a blanket with the homeless kids, you get a t-shirt with the kids with cancer, you get a t-shirt with the shivering starved beasts, you get a stuffed toy with the African wildlife,, and you get NOTHING with a donation to old starving Jews. Thanks to those people who sent info about the video. So annoying and depressing. Many of the ads are local - enough of the damned ambulance chaser already! "I'm a close talker, so I was excited about all-new Colgate Total. Is he the grown up Josh from the fucking grandparents in wrinkled clothing? In the commercial, white trash people are shown watching him on TV and saying, "Sold, sold, sold!". The fucking NetSpend ad. I didn't find it offensive or even annoying. Have questions about your smile? We are changing the login scheme for contributors for simpler login and to better support using multiple devices. Kids' toothpastes, toothbrushes and mouthwashes are designed for growing mouths, and have fun characters and colors that make brushing fun! I can't stand the little girl in the toilet paper commercial who's being toilet-trained and assures her mother that she's all through, only to say "Gotta go again" immediately thereafter. [quote]The Medusa one where she kills a guy on a bar because he made a face. Question, would Plain Jane Kelly get that dude in the real world? in those awful commercials isn't even funny. He's entirely too grown up to be offering the adorable teddy bear blanket as thanks for contributions. Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site While they can be amusing at times I find them one note and irritating in these commercials. And now the hello Im your vagina commercial. I dont know what they're trying to sell me, but the commercial that uses The Clapping Song can just fuck off already. What an obnoxious brat. The Biore blackhead ads are fucking disgusting. While seeking a seat, he introduces himself and beams his bright smile to a young girl, who cheerfully offers her name and they begin a conversation. It's basically a department store, like Marshalls, they sell discounted high end items. R409 I think you mean "the adowable teddy bear blanket". Horse faces both high on themselves while riding their high horses. Everyone apparently thinks it's Dolly Parton singing. It's just such a stupid concept. R330 never heard all the "women drivers!" [quote] The sad animal commercial, with the fucking annoying chick practically crying through the dialogue. In real life, Oliver Stark actually has this birthmark. Especially a Hess truck attached to a giant penis rocket ship. *, [italic]*Your results may vary. That ugly, red-headed, skinny thing in the recent Walgreens commercial. The deep, weeks-long discussions about anthropomorphic geckos, vaginas, antidepressants. Right away he starts going into all these statistics for black people when the question never was once implied metal health for only black Americans. This time, they're hanging in a karaoke bar. That lip biting dyke in the "Parker Promo" State Farm commercial. How does someone change their appearance so radically? Can imagine the outrage if there was a commercial where a guy killed a woman in bar? Ugh that new Christmas JC PENNY ad with the old woman who looks like Carol Channing with big black glasses everyone is dancing and merry making through JC Penny. I get that they wanted to get to the "Rome wasn't built in a day" thing because they ran out of Red Bull, but come on none of the lines actually lead up to that. The Pharma commercials are taking over the airwaves. Love, The momma who relates 33 Share I don't know what to make of the Amazon commercials about how well they treat their employees. Fuck, they sound and look ugly. Or that long Caleb/Alec shriners. Cleaner taste. The little twit in the Brainly App ad being disrespectful and condescending to her father. Poor Kevin thinks yelling at the top of his lungs is funny. I like Mike Shara in the AAA spoof of the Allstate mayhem ads. If you can't find the email you can resend it here. It used to be a dirty little secret that they would do commercials for a million in Japan or Europe (Angelina, Johnny D & George). I hate that treacly Kohl's commercial where Grandpa puts on an earsplitting recording of "From Me to You" so the kid can waltz around with grandma for a few minutes. And has she just sold the car they are riding in? ", Speaking about odd pronunciations, there's a commercial for female protective undergarments and the lead woman refers to them as "pahnts". You might as well leave the TV on mute. The cloying grilled cheese Kraft American cheese commercials. The ultra saccharine Vrbo ads, especially the one with the ugly short haired non-binary looking girl standing in the rain having the time of her life watching someone fish. until the mother pours some shredded cheese on their food. Please click here to register for free. What are 3 early signs of cerebral palsy? I may have missed a post here about Khloe Kardashian for a headache drug. What the FUCK??? You like the Dulcolax soft chews commercial? The commercial . R236-It's to her cat, and I want to strangle that cutesy bitch. Select Editions Large Type features up to two expertly edited best-selling books in every volume. Why does a kid blind enough to require a cane, wear glasses. I despise exaggerated children's voices -- I realize they may not be able to speak properly yet and that might really be their natural voice, but it always sounds affected to me. They have nothing to do with eating cream cheese. R106, and please make TLC stop showing the ads for Dr. Pimple Popper!! Fuck! They started running again the horrifying Kevin Hart one where the whole house is screaming at the top of their lungs about fucking lasagna. Saw him on another commercial doing the same angry shtick. It's a catchy tune and the dancers are sweet. Some of the worst current commercials are the Philly cream cheese ads. Which is pretty much all that he does. This late night sex line commercial on Comedy Central is so weird. Some are shown primetime, others late at night. I have never been so annoyed by a commercial - and that's saying a lot. I hate the women pooping commercials. ? And Dave yells Lasagna! Then they repeat this. Flo is not a nurse. So over that! That Best Buy commercial where the sales guy tells him to sous vide meat. I know the game is popular - I used to play until I realized it's mind numbing, but how low will these people go? "Get in the basement!". Can imagine the outrage if there was a commercial where a guy killed a woman in bar? Who the fuck knows and why are they cooking dinner and not a nice big breakfast. Colgate Smile. WHY WHY WHY are they repeating that moronic I LIKE RED car commercial again this season???? I hate that ugly little queen and his dirty bathroom. They just one upped themselves on this one in terms of oddity. I almost cried just now. [quote] The best thing about all those "happy people" designer drug commercials is the incredibly loooooong list of side effects and potential bad reactions they're required to spell out in each commercial. Those fucking Medicare ads are back. and then we see the front door of a house with arms and legs sticking out of it, attempting to fend off a delivery man. So they talk about how they hand it down to each every time one is going through a rough patch in life. It's brief and to the point. The Geico gecko is neither cute nor funny and never has been, plus has the most annoying goddamn voice imaginable. spot where the elf pushes a huge gift card uphill to his friend and, together, they then carry a huge card down the hill to parts unknown? From proper toothbrush care, how cavities are formed, which toothpaste to use and how to get your whole mouth clean, Dr. Rabbit teaches your child how to properly develop good oral . Abnormal muscle tone. The Snuggle teddy bear and the woman dancing.they look like they're having seizures. Please smile if you happy to give us a . Colgate has also launched a project called Colgate Optimism Project, which is an initiative that focuses on celebrating optimistic youth leaders who are taking active steps to change their world for the better. What is going ON HERE??? Has anyone else seen the commercial with Dr. James Kojian. They lift up the garage doors for the whole neighborhood to see and start doing their podcast. I am now cursed with the ability to visualize every client/agency interaction that led to all these shitty ads. We are committed to building a future to smile about for our teams, consumers, and communities around the world. I hate that commercial with a passion. Colgate (toothpaste). Does Christopher on 9-1-1 have cerebral palsy? The Amazon commercial with the bird feeder. As if to say there is nothing more satisfying in life than copy editing. R80, maybe that's what Prevagen does to those who take it -- turns them all into Stepford wife types. The brand identified six Gen Z Americans who came up with Optimism in Action community projects, meant to spark hope and optimism in others. Glad the law requires them to list all the adverse reactions you can have. Later in the commercial, he coyly dangles a bite of dessert in front of his wife, then eats it himself with this dumbass grin on his fat face. I cant understand the point of the way the woman does the cha Ching commercial - she does it dead pan and wears that weird wig. The crotchety old lady's "Where's the beef?" Whoever dreamed them up should be tossed into a grease fire immediately. Is it supposed to be funny? That really fucking touched me. To that end, we have secured a third-party accessibility organization,My Blind Spot, to perform automated and manual tests at quarterly intervals to ensure our compliance to WCAG 2.0 AA. Published Hey insurance companies, your commercials are not funny, cute or quirky. Can a man with cerebral palsy have a baby? I watch a lot of NFL on Sundays (that's football for those of you who don't know) and I am so fucking sick of the State Farm commercials with Ms Aaron and/or Patrick Mahones and the Katee McKinnon Verizon commercials! Thank you. By the time I grabbed the remote to turn on the sound, the ad was done, so I can't judge the "quality" of the ad. The more I think about that Hungry Root commercial the more pissed off I get. I don't know what the actor's union did with their plans. Use supermodels or very attractive women instead! All Medicare open enrollment commercials are extremely annoying. The Amazon Go commercial with the bald woman doing interpretive dance in the aisles with her Millennial vocal fry voiceover Dont mind if I do! as she grabs a prepackaged salad that probably was made several weeks before. He makes me hate whatever he's selling. About 8 summers ago I moved house after 24 years - the packing was an endless nightmare - a really stressful summer. What is the plot line of the [Appleby's?] While I applaud the idea, the Pastor Chris guy just scares me. She is not attractive or a spokesperson I believe. The other ad is for an eyeglass place - Sharon is show standing in front of a rack of glasses and is trying on frames to choose. Who the fuck wants to see some cunt pull blackheads out of her nose? Who the fuck is coming up with this shit? Natalie Portman in those commercials for Dior where she lip synchs cry by Janis Joplin! Speaking of Jlo r1, I play several games on my phone, and I'm constantly seeing Jlo in ads for Coin Master. I know it's petty but there you have it. and my name is Szaz. He annoys me more than the "Heroes in Film" book club lady. In this one, I've never seen or heard of most of them. They only flash her face for about 5 seconds of the whole ad. I want to punch his fry-face, repeatedly. Does anyone know the name of the ginger daddy in the Boxed commercial? You may show minimal to no improvement in your oldfolks condition. While they can be amusing at times I find them one note and irritating in these commercials. That horrible Medicare ad featuring a loud nasty crone named Martha says that she's 75. The Chapstick commercial with the little girl kissing a glass window from inside a car or is it a bus? Either stop ironing, you twat waffle, or iron when you aren't watching the show. It's because she gave you a SUGGESTION and you took it. Can't stand it! I think he's Australian, R121. The Duluth Trading Company "Funk No" underwear commercial. NECROSIS, in addition to a whole host of things. The dad is looking at the boys crotch and ass in the jeans to see if his stuff looks good in them. Hes doin more than a dollop of Daisy, Ill tell ya that much. And shrill! The yeast infected yoga-bitch and her Joie de Hoo Ha make me want to shoot the television. Where did they find these people? "STRYPAPER?!" What is the best selling over-the-counter allergy medication? Pet smart does Oliver!, The cruise line commercial that features a dark, gothic, scary rendition of "What a Wonderful World.". Idris Elba for, Laurence Fishberg for some video game, Zendaya for Square Space , Ewan McGregor for Expedia, a gang of people for Nissan. Geico has been replaced with Consumer Cellular as the sponsor of "Jeopardy. Also the Little Cesars commercial where Ed Sheran screams bloody murder cause the cashier told him they made changes to the pizza only for her to say they tripled the amount of pepperonis. Body parts are floppy or too stiff. I kept E Channel on most of the summer while I was packing -mindless hours of Sex and the City reruns and hours of Kardashians. Colgate Oral Care Center. It may only play on the Pluto app, as I havent seen it on cable. There's a Colgate commercial with a little boy who's blind and he gets on the school bus and makes new friends. Is for you to learn how to eat her pussy to climax, you limp dick. If you've been a longtime reader of this thread, you know that the Shriners Hospital ads get ragged on quite a lot and discussed the kids who show up in them. Enough! The vagina commercials are hilarious but only because they trigger that dumb bitch Monica Cole and her One Million Moms (should be renamed Twelve Hundred Cunts to be more accurate) organization. Is this the only way you can make money, Jimmy J. Walker and Joe Namath??? Generally, children born with cerebral palsy can expect to live between 30 and 70 years on average. Any commercial jumping on the new bandwagon: incorporating a stupid TikTok video in it. Dont know which is more peculiar, writing to the dead or writing a letter to your multiple sclerosis. I notice there's a new spot for Doug and Emu as they try to fly in a helicopter. Turned so bitter and mean. I'm not sure what they're advertising but the commercial features a little boy with one of those cloying affected childish voices asking "Did you know" about an endless stream of subjects until his mom says "Did you know we love how many things you know?" that any real mom would probably burst out with profanity in a fit of temper. Take a look at It's more the fact the I can't figure out the layout of their apartments! Just stick to South Park Comedy Central. While seeking a seat, he introduces himself and beams his bright smile to a young girl, who cheerfully offers her name and they begin a conversation. THANKFULLY. When you literally turn things into black and white ONLY issues youre gonna alienate the rest and with their cash cow South Park now running new shows and repeats on Paramount Plus, what do you thinks gonna happen? Colgate is out to foster some badly needed post-pandemic optimism with its new "Be the Reason" brand equity campaign, a richly produced departure from what's long been a product- and. Maybe too much came out too soon, although Im sure shes used to that or shes not used to cream coming out in that hand motion but her reaction is so strange to say the least. Ah - as I type hear comes Mayim Bayalik cradling her coffee mug telling that she is a scientist. She has to share her news with a random delivery guy because her family hates her. It seems that the new Aidy Bryant commercial for old Navy, looks like the road company of Disney's Fantasia. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. jokes. The other woman seems to be preparing breakfast. For more information, please see our Flo's sister is supposed to be a self-absorbed bitch, the commercial gets to the point. Co-showrunner Kristen Reidel addressed the idea with TVGuide. Ok - that Humira commercial where the attractive 20 something white and black women are doing a radio show or podcast in their Garage. If you watch the Ricky Gervais series, "After Life", you get a real glimpse at the type of person who adores Kevin Hart. Then showing their twats. She must be a millionaire. Its for girls claiming to be only 18, yeah sure Anyway one of the bikini clad skanks is holding sunscreen and it squirts out and she has the most mortified look on her face. It's amazing how many morons work for ad agencies. GET TINTING, YOU OAFS! WTF. This time, she's sitting in the driver's seat leaning out through the window during her "I LOVE IT!" I love the Applebee's commercial with the dancers. Nobody in that age talk to each other like that. Even more depressing when you realize you're the senior citizen they're aimed at. Applebee's stupid fucking commercial with a bunch of trashy, flyover/southern shits posting their stupid dancing videos. Keep your cool with fresh breath toothpastes and toothbrushes that give you the confidence to connect. Explore opportunities. . The Joe Namath Medicare ads are equally annoying. R217, I wonder if anyone actually donates money in response to those sad animal ads? Who thought she was funny or would somehow make a good impression on the target audience (or on anyone)? About the latest commercial with Jimmy JJ Walker. It's creepy and obnoxious. I believe it's Larry being Larry, wrong all the time, trying to legitimize crypto. There is some ad for delivery of pet supplies. Colgate ad. WTF? Maybe if it was the advertising world of 2004 Why does that one Rakuten bitch sing, Rock Hudson gave to me? What is the best toothpaste in the world? And of course they advertise whatever Shaq is schilling atm which is basically what theyre all about (Adam Sandler must own a huge portion of the network or stock in it with what theyre always advertising with his abysmal offerings) other than their big cash cow South Park. Come to think of it, think Ed Sheran sang one of the songs to those obnoxious jewelry commercials. People on Medicare, don't get anything extra, just new surprise bills while they are already paying for Medicare! Yes indeed, we too use "cookies." Shingles can be whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. And Bounty..just pick up the fucking lottery ticket, pick the fucker up and THEN wipe the counter. Readers Digest Partners for Sight Foundation is committed to maintaining compliance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA standard for digital accessibility. Eeeeeeew. Burlington sells more than just coats, their commercial already explains that. [quote] the Shriner's gimpy kids give you a blanket. The fucking asthma medication commercials where the editors think they're doing "1917", but every edit is so obvious it makes them look like NYU film students. Headquarters are in New York City. R27. As I type this at 2:30 am Aidy Bryant is dancing around in her Old Navy commercial. OMG, Sharon Stone shopping for glasses and the shop clerk looks like he is about to jizz himself. He shills so much stuffwhy? The new one is equally obnoxious and irritating. Covenant House homeless kids and the Shriner's gimpy kids give you a blanket. 'Kelly' looks like a South Asian lesbian. Very contrived and arrogant to give that much credit to a metal box with wheels. That hideous commercial in which the odious entitled Karen welcomes you to her vagina. Most posts here are obscure or rarely seen commercials not the incessant ones that drive us to want to commit suicide. The Jimmy Walker Medicare hotline commercials are so annoying that I flip or instantly mute em. Harmful and annoying. R253, the Medicare enrollment period won't expire until Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7. Colgate-Palmolive Company, American diversified company that manufactures and distributes household and commercial cleaning products, dental and other personal-care products, and pet foods in the United States and in more than 200 other countries and territories worldwide. . It's "bruncha BUBBLE BATHa nice pedicure". So amazing. This commercial does not motivate me to buy the product, only to change the channel. Theres no hidden meaning, the squares are called eye marks and are used as a visual cue for the machinery to indicate where to cut the material. It's fucking January, not the holiday season. As you describe it, Starbucks' contribution to her education may just have been allowing her to study at one of their tables between shifts without having to order anything. They have a woman who says someone bought a $50k car and drove it off the lot, using her info, and THEN LifeLock stepped in. The stinky pussy deodorant commercial is disgusting. Whoever approved him as a spokesman needs to put down the crack pipe. I could totally see Weird Al turning lemons into lemonade with that wet teddy bears commercial. when he's offered cake and then claps his hands because he's just so damn proud of himself. Some of the best toothpastes for older adults include the Sensodyne Pronamel Daily Protection Enamel Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth and Sensodyne Rapid Relief Sensitive Toothpaste. If you experience an accessibility-related issue, please email[emailprotected]. I was loving the Larry David commercial until I realized it was a spot for fucking bitcoin. Mmmmmm.sliced raw sweet potatoes and other vegetables for $$$. I notice a lot of the channels which air retro-TV series also show these awful ads. =Differens pimple-popping ad is utterly disgusting. Anything with an overly enthusiastic Joe Namath. site without all this bureaucratic nonsense, He also bragged that he's in college. Yah-yah-yah-yi-yah-yah yeah yah!". Revitalize your smile with toothpaste with charcoal. Not all of us are TV zombies with cable. GET IN THE CAR INSIDE THE GARAGE INSIDE THE HOUSE. . The Sopranos Chevy spot. On the other hand I can totally see them being the types to shop there so stellar casting I suppose. Colgate Max Fresh Whitening Toothpaste with Breath Strips. Wendys Square Hamburger Reggie Miller Celebrating Commercial, Klarna Paris Hilton & Bretman Rock Long Dog Commercial, Progressive HomeQuote Explorer Alan & Friend Commercial Song, Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Dad Winning Racing Competition Commercial, Patrn Tequila People Applauding Commercial. Outdoor adventure "bonding" weekend with his wife's male relatives - he ends up doing a very nasty belly flop offstage. But don't you have to work a little to keep the union health plans? Cleaner taste. I'd love to see "bad actor" in the buff. Popular topics. Nothin on my skin. For Christs sake change to a different song to run into the ground! I thought this was a tv commercials thread circa 2022?

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