has announced the appointment of Father Kevin T. Hickey as Chaplain to the Office for Chaplaincy Programs -- in service to the hospitals in the South Region, effective July 1, 2017. has announced the appointment of Father Paul J. Aveni, from Pastor of St. Mary of the Assumption Parish in Revere to Pastor of St. Mary of the Angels Parish in Roxbury and Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Jamaica Plain. The effective date of this action is July 1, 2014. The effective date of this action is Oct. 8, 2007.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap. Msgr. has announced the appointment of Father Paul L. Ring as Pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish, East Bridgewater, and as Pastor of St. Ann Parish, West Bridgewater. has announced the appointment of Father Jason M. Makos from Pastor of Holy Ghost Parish, Whitman, to Administrator of St. Ann Parish, Dorchester and to Administrator at St. Brendan Parish, Dorchester. Father Mark D. Barr, St. John the Baptist, Quincy. has accepted the resignation of Father Joseph R. Foster as pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Medford. Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap., has accepted the request of Father R. Michael Guarino to resign, as Pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Revere, for reasons of health. James J. Ronan, VF, St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena, Charlestown, PastorIV Very Rev. Father Mercurios appointment as Pastor at Holy Family Parish in Lynn remains in effect. has announced that, following consultation with their respective provincials, he has appointed:Father Andrzej Urbaniak, OFM Conv. The effective date of this action is pending the appointment of his successor. The effective date was Oct. 15, 2014. has announced the appointments of the following priests as administrators of their respective parishes. has accepted the resignation of Rev. The effective date of this action was Aug. 1, 2010. A law student's callous treatment of a homeless man sparks a national outrage. The effective date of these actions is June 30, 2008. 6 2007 edition of The Pilot, From the Mar. Ronald Coyne said to my father, "If you would hand me the bible where you opened it there." The Man with No Eye was not a good reader but everybody was too busy crapping themselves to notice. Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. Ronald D. Coyne, pastor of St. Albert the Great Church in Weymouth, said: ''I've been in a couple of priest situations where I did sense, in a couple of guys I know pretty well, an. June 12, 2018) (remains as Pastor at St. Margaret, Burlington)Father Gerald A. Souza Our Lady of Fatima, SudburyFather John T. Swencki [Rector] St. Anselm, SudburyFather Laurence M. Tocci St. Michael, HudsonParochial VicarsCardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. As Phil's fellow board member at BishopAccountability.org, I was the fourth speaker. The effective date of these actions is Sept. 6, 2011. The effective date of this action is Oct. 24, 2010.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap, has announced the appointment of Father David C. Michael, from Pastor of St. John Chrysostom Parish in West Roxbury to Pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Needham. The Rev. The cardinal has also granted Father Kremmell Senior Priest/Retirement status with the understanding that Father Kremmell will accept emergency response assignments until he reaches age 75. The effective date of this action is Oct. 1, 2010.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap, has announced the appointment of Father Joseph T. MacCarthy, from Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph Parish in Medway to Pastor of St. Mary Parish in Plymouth. Cardinal Sen P. OMalley, OFM, Cap. The effective date of this action is April 1, 2014. The effective date of this action was Sept.1, 2014. North Reading, effective Sept. 1, 2016. Each is appointed parochial vicar at the respective parish or parishes. The effective date of this action was Oct. 6, 2011. The cardinal has also granted Father Flynn senior priest/retirement status. has announced the appointments of the following parochial vicars of the archdiocese to their respective parishes; the effective date of each appointment is June 3, 2014; unless otherwise noted.Rev. The effective date of this action was April 18, 2011.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. Thomas K. Macdonald: St. Ann and St. Brendan, Dorchester [Collaborative] effective July 1, 2014Rev. The effective date of these actions is Aug. 24, 2009. 4 2008 edition of The Pilot, From the Mar. Ronald Coyne. Msgr. From January 2012 until his death, he taught at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York.His career was dedicated to the reconciliation of theology and science, while his . has announced the appointment of the following priests as vicars forane (deans) of their respective vicariates forane (deaneries). On July 28, 2020, Ronald H. Coyne, Sr., 76, of Pylesville, MD passed away. Francis X. Irwin as Regional Bishop of the North Region of the Archdiocese of Boston and he is granting Bishop Irwin Senior Bishop/Retirement status. The effective date of this action is May 1, 2010.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap. The effective date of this action is June 3, 2008. has announced the appointments of the following priests as Pastors of their respective parishes. has accepted the request of Father Joseph G. Arsenault to resign, as Parochial Vicar at St. Bridget Parish in Abington, for reasons of health. has announced the appointment of Father John P. Kearns, from Pastor of St. Mary Parish in Plymouth to Catholic Chaplain at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap. Linus Mendis: St. Dorothy and St. Thomas of Villanova, Wilmington [Collaborative]Rev. has accepted the request of Father Cornelius J. Mullaney to resign as Moderator and Member of the Team Ministry at St. Pius Fifth Parish in Lynn, for reasons of health. June 15, 2018)Father Michael A. Alfano St. Patrick and St. Linus, Natick [PHASE - II]Father Joseph K. Boafo CSSp St. John the Baptist and St. Joseph, Quincy [PHASE - VI]Father Michael J. Bova Conti [Temporary Parochial Vicar] Blessed Sacrament and St. Margaret, Saugus [PHASE - II] (eff. The effective dates are noted for each.Vicar General and Moderator of the CuriaMost Rev. Its pastor is Father Charles J. Higgins, VF, and the parochial vicar is Father Peter J. The effective date of these actions is May 5, 2009. 11 2007 edition of The Pilot, From the May. Stephen P. Zukas: Pastor of St. Peter Parish (Lithuanian) Parish, South BostonPlease note that St. Rita Parish in Lowell and St. Marguerite d'Youville Parish in Dracut are already considered open from a previously announced change of assignment. has announced the appointment of Father Thomas S. Domurat from pastor of Corpus Christi Parish in Lawrence to pastor of Most Holy Redeemer Parish in Boston (East Boston) effective Dec. 29, 2006. has accepted the request of Father William T. Kremmell to resign as Pastor of St. Athanasius Parish in Reading. The cardinal has also granted Father Serena senior priest/retirement status. Michael J. Farrell: Blessed Sacrament and St. Margaret of Antioch, Saugus [Collaborative]Rev. has announced the appointment of Father William G. Williams from pastor of St. Mary of the Assumption Parish in Hull to pastor of St. Mary Parish in Dedham effective Dec. 29, 2006. has announced the appointment of Father Brian F. Manning from Pastor of St. Mary of the Nativity Parish in Scituate to Pastor of St. Mary Parish in Franklin. has announced the appointment of Father Kenneth B. Quinn as Senior Vicar at St. John the Baptist in Quincy, effective July 1, 2016.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. This appointment is in addition to his present assignment as Pastor of St. James Parish in Salem.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap. The effective date of these actions was Jan. 1, 2011. has announced the appointment of Father Patrick S. Armano as Chaplain at Austin Preparatory School, Reading, effective June 1, 2018.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. has accepted the request of Father Jose S. Ferreira to resign as pastor at St. Anthony of Padua parish in Cambridge. Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. John P. Culloty: St. Edward the Confessor, Medfield and St. Jude, NorfolkRev. The effective date of this action is Sept. 1, 2010. The effective date was Sept. 19, 2019.Disciples in Mission -- Phase VIIICardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap has announced the appointment of Father Jonathan M. Gaspar as Co-Director of the Office for Worship and Spiritual Life of the Archdiocese of Boston, effective July 15, 2009. Cardinal Sen P. OMalley, OFM, Cap. The effective date of this action was June 17, 2009.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap. The effective date of these actions is Jan. 15, 2007. 19 2013 edition of The Pilot, From the Jun. Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. The effective date of each appointment is June 1, 2017; unless otherwise noted.Father Derek J. Borek, St. Bartholomew, Needham, (eff. The effective date of this action is June 4, 2013.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., has announced the appointment of Msgr. The effective date of this action is July 1, 2008.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap. -- The bishops or priests are listed according to their respective assignments; PHASE is the phase of Disciples in Mission when the collaborative was formed; clergy not incardinated in the archdiocese of Boston are indicated by the initials of their religious congregation or by their archdiocese of incardination]Pastors (first-time appointment)Father Derek J. Borek of St. John the Baptist, Peabody, and St. Thomas the Apostle, Peabody-Salem [PHASE - X] (effective July 1, 2021)Father Paul G. Flammia of Visitation, Essex-Manchester by the Sea [PHASE - X] (effective July 1, 2021)Father Sean M. Maher of St. John the Evangelist, Townsend-Ashby, and Our Lady of Grace, Groton-Pepperell-Dunstable [PHASE - X] (effective June 7, 2021)Father Adrian A. Milik of Holy Ghost, Whitman, and St. Bridget, Abington [PHASE - II]Father Mario J. Orrigo of St. Patrick, Stoneham [PHASE - X]Father William Christopher Palladino of St. Martin de Porres, Dorchester [PHASE - II] (effective July 1, 2021)Father Phong Q. Pham [Diocese of Thanh Hoa] of Blessed Andrew Phu-Yen, (Vietnamese) Medford [PHASE - X]PastorsFather James G. Burke of Sacred Heart and St. Brigid, Lexington [PHASE - III] (effective August 3, 2021)Father Brian M. Clary of Sacred Heart, Roslindale [PHASE - X] (effective July 1, 2021). has accepted the request of Father Leo E. Martel to resign as pastor at St. Mary Parish in Chelmsford. Stephen P. Zukas: St. Agatha, Milton; remains as Pastor at St. Peter (Lithuanian), South BostonNewly ordainedCardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. The effective date was July 1, 2019. Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., has announced the appointment of vicars forane for the 20 vicariates forane of the archdiocese. He served until he was 73, the longest term of any Observatory director. The effective date will be Jan. 1, 2014. My name is Fr. Richard C. Conway as Parochial Vicar at Holy Family Parish in Dorchester, St. Peter Parish in Dorchester, and Blessed Mother Teresa Parish in Dorchester. 15 2011 edition of The Pilot, From the Mar. Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap. 9 2008 edition of The Pilot, From the May. This is in addition to his present assignment as pastor of St. Mary of the Assumption Parish, Brookline, effective Feb. 1, 2023.Vicar ForaneVery Rev. 11 2016 edition of The Pilot, From the Mar. The effective date of this action is Aug. 1, 2012.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., has announced the appointment of Father Frank J. Silva from pastor at Corpus Christi St. Bernard Parish in Newton, to pastor at St. Margaret Parish in Burlington. Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap., after consultation with the provincial of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists) has appointed the Very Rev. Conley remains as a Senior Priest. Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap. June 26, 2018)Father Robert L. Connors [Team Ministry Member] St. Brendan and St. Ann, Dorchester [PHASE - II]Father Paul F. Coughlin St. Raphael, MedfordFather John W. Delaney Sacred Hearts, HaverhillFather Thomas S. Domurat Most Holy Redeemer, East BostonFather Jonathan M. Gaspar St. Mary of the Assumption, Brookline [PHASE - II] (also Archdiocesan Liturgical Master of Ceremonies)Father John J. Graham St. Mary, Plymouth and St. Joseph, KingstonFather Paul D. Helfrich BH St. Christopher, Dorchester (eff. The effective date of this action is Dec. 29, 2006. 25 2018 edition of The Pilot, From the Apr. Thomas S. Domurat, VF, Vicar Forane, Vicariate IV, Central Region effective Sept. 8, 2022. June 1, 2020); Father O'Connor is also appointed administrator of Holy Rosary, Winthrop, and chaplain of Our Lady of the Airways, Logan International Airport, Boston.Father Bryan K. Parrish at St. Joseph, NeedhamFather Oscar J. Pratt at St. Katharine Drexel, Boston (June 7, 2020)Father John J. Ronaghan at St. Teresa of Calcutta and St. Christopher, Dorchester [PHASE - VIII]Father Gerald A. Souza at Our Lady of Fatima, Sudbury, and St. Bridget, Maynard [PHASE - VIII] (June 1, 2020); Father Souza is also appointed Rector of St. Anselm, Sudbury.Father Ronald L. St. Pierre at Holy Family, Amesbury, and Star of the Sea, Salisbury [PHASE - II] (June 1, 2020)Father Carlos D. Suarez at Immaculate Conception and St. James, Stoughton [PHASE - II]Father Adriano Tezone, CS, at St. Anthony of Padua [Italian], Everett (July 1, 2020); Father Tezone remains as administrator at St. Anthony of Padua [Italian], Somerville.Father Sinisa Ubiparipovic St. Joseph, Medway, and St. Thomas the Apostle, Millis [PHASE - VIII]Pastors (reappointed for additional term on June 1, 2020)Father James M. Achadinha at Holy Family and Our Lady of Good Voyage [Portuguese], Gloucester [PHASE - II]Father Paul T. Clifford at St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare, Braintree [PHASE - II]Father Kevin J. Deeley at St. Michael, North Andover [PHASE - II]Father Christopher J. Hickey at St. Mary of the Sacred Heart, Hanover, and St. Helen, Norwell [PHASE - II]Father Timothy J. Kelleher at Blessed Sacrament and St. Margaret, Saugus [PHASE - II]Father Michael W. MacEwen at St. Patrick and St. Linus, Natick [PHASE - II]Father Louis R. Palmieri at Sacred Heart, St. Mary, and St. Ann, Quincy [PHASE - II]Father Nicholas A. Sannella at Holy Trinity and Immaculate Conception and St. Anthony of Padua [Portuguese], Lowell [PHASE - II]; Father Sannella remains as administrator at Holy Family, Lowell.Team MinistryFather Peter F. Quinn [Moderator] and Father Joseph M. Rossi [Member]St. Anne, Littleton, and St. Catherine of Alexandria, Westford [PHASE - II] (June 1, 2020)Father Anthony M. Cusack [Moderator] and Father Matthew J. Conley [Member] St. Mary of the Nativity, Scituate [PHASE - VIII]AdministratorsFather William Acevedo [Archdiocese of Santo Domingo] at St. Patrick, Lowell (June 16, 2020)Father John S. Chen at St. Eulalia, WinchesterFather Paolo Cumin, FSCB, at Sacred Heart, East Boston (Aug. 1, 2020); Father Cumin remains as first assistant at Shrine of Our Lady of Good Voyage, South Boston.Father Timothy E. Kearney at Sacred Heart and St. Patrick, Watertown [PHASE - IV]Father Wellington Oliveira at St. Patrick, Brockton (July 1, 2020)Father Phong Q. Pham [Diocese of Thanh Hoa] at St. Clement, Somerville (Aug. 1, 2020)Parochial VicarsFather Joseph R. Almeida at St. Patrick, Lowell (July 1, 2020)Father Christopher J. Boyle at Gate of Heaven and St. Brigid, South Boston [PHASE - III] (July 15, 2020)Father David A. Brogan at St. John the Evangelist and St. Paul, Wellesley, [PHASE - III] (June 1, 2020)Father Marcelino D'Arthenay [Diocese of Maturin] at Metropolitan Cathedral of the Holy Cross, BostonFather Andreas R. Davison at St. Elizabeth and St. Mary of the Hills, Milton [PHASE - VI] and as part-time staff member of the Metropolitan TribunalFather Jason R. Giombetti at St. Thomas Aquinas, Bridgewater [PHASE - VIII] (eff. 4, 2013.Cardinal Sen P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., has announced the appointment of vicars (. Francis X. 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