I would agree with you. What is the narrative style used by the writer? /Type /XObject The other girls tease her because no boy is interested in her. Gender: female. Clear rating. I used to describe it as dry grass in winter, Explain the sustainability of this figure of speech as used. Sizwe. E) Issolation is one of the theme of the story discuss this in the context of the story, How is the theme of transformation explored in the story as a whole. The 17 year old narrator feels unsure of herself quote 4 conservative words that suggest self doubts from paragraph line 3. quote Four consecutive words to prove that the Minister speaks with high Authority to the speaker. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". 9,o>NXK^JCftw}u=w`_W8u{xtx{o+<0{{S~z8xCg{wRp`h2T@5A@K3C9SLz #GgVoO<9t(~{v?G?O>zO=zR{}o~~pg~x^o~?+dRw +=0Tz:xCOt#_{_`,"?q.W1:;ca.T("Y_Q69C7fo,,UNA+nd7kFWnKPZoFB*nf|Xo+5"zJrli23Ll'G70=+D>:,)g+ It is also a full circle for the narrator in terms of her voice- she was insecure about it because she was told it was too deep, but now as she reads her poem aloud, it sounds clear and bold. Please give me a straight forward summary of the story. What does that expression mean? Although she is a brilliant learner who produces excellent results, she has low self esteem because she believes she is ugly. 1. The book is called Changes (An Anthology of Short Stories) which is edited by Brian Walter. Discuss the appropriateness of the title of this short story? She is being reborn. (The winter sunas we were.) Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. 227 likes. We once again notice a mention of the narrators financial status- her sister is paying for her education, which spurs her to work hard. 2compare the opening paragraph with the last two paragraphs, What is the most important social condition of the story. may you please assist me with essay questions of 20 marks on this story and also some contextual questions with answers? 5 . Thats why the narrator was reading hard not to dissapoint her sister. 2.Do you think this activity contributed to her growth? It can also have an audience with boys who may feel similar emotions to that of the narrator. This may symbolise her feelings about herself- she feels excluded, isolated and insecure. Although she is a brilliant learner who produces excellent results, she has low self esteem because she believes she is ugly. 3. This loneliness and lost feeling is represented by namelessness. The first quote is a simile. TRANSFORMING MOMENTS Gcina Mhlope. ' Zk! $l$T4QOt"y\b)AI&NI$R$)TIj"]&=&!:dGrY@^O$ _%?P(&OJEBN9J@y@yCR
nXZOD}J}/G3k{%Ow_.'_!JQ@SVF=IEbbbb5Q%O@%!ByM:e0G7 e%e[(R0`3R46i^)*n*|"fLUomO0j&jajj.w_4zj=U45n4hZZZ^0Tf%9->=cXgN]. Is it true or false support your answer? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". No longer is she insecure and lacking confidence now that she knows and accepts who she is. The story seems autobiographical and not fiction. Causing such a stir From the very beginning, we see that the narrator is low on self-esteem- it starts with a lack of confidence about her looks. /BitsPerComponent 8 The narrator due to her insecurity couldnt imagine that a boy, particularly a good-looking boy, would be interested in her. Explain your answer. Language: English Curriculum Alignment: CAPS aligned Publication Date: 2017-06-29 Grade: 12 Audience: Learners Teachers Type: Digital document /N 3 b). % Hence, the way Father and Mrs. Fikeni do not single her out for special treatment, but rather include her as though she is one of them, makes her feel wanted and comfortable. 2612 What is the purpose of singing the praise songs for the most high in the particular land ???? She spends time with the ministers wife, watching her knit, and then is told by the minister that they had to go, much to her confusion. Your help is really appreciated I just dont know how to thank you guys because the summary is the best..thank you very much. How did the narrator see herself when she was a teenager? He may have also noticed her timid nature and wanted to continue helping her build confidence and gain inspiration. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. It is also interesting that the narrator cannot understand why the young boy wishes to be her boyfriend. identify the figure of speech in this line. transformation. a)The narrator is very happy with her life because she is academically successful B) too ugly to join the choir z3iJ/& As expected, there is an uproar, but she and the boy end up becoming quite good friends. She doesnt consider it to be as nice as the other girls. Your comments help me to make my lesson preps. 5.Discuss how the narrator changes during the cause of the story. However there would also be some secondary themes which include isolation, independence, acceptance and change. 1. The church minister, Father Fikeni, invites the narrator to spend the weekend with his family. If you had to describe Father Fikeni with one word what would you say ? This only comes at the end of the story. 7 .Does the main character make correct decisions?explain High school where girls can be boarders - dormitory. 4.discuss the appropriateness of the title of the short story. She is also no longer comparing herself to the other girls in her class. The use ofpast tense is also important because it maintains the connection between the incidents. Through Father Fikenis generosity and the praise poets way with words the narrator has found her voice and is excited about her life. To regain her composure and confidence. The narrator is a 17 year old girl who has very little self-confidence. 1.) What is the turning point of the narrators life? 1.Figures of speech and where (Quote and Line). Identify the figure of speech in Stopped combing it, b.Explain the comparison in this figure of speech, I want the rising action about Transforming moments by Gcina Mhlope, What attracted the boy to like the narrator, Hello .. Your email address will not be published. 4. She develops - changes. Thanks for the comment Siphokaza. Her low self-esteem about her appearance goes beyond what others think of her- she believes it herself. How do we know that the speaker in this short is clever. They thought he was too good for me,they claimed he was a city boy and should therefore go for a city girl. We may also assume that her insecurity about her appearance comes from others comments- it has diminished her ability to think for herself confidently, and her view of herself is swayed by those around her. x]Yp[W,[(02UiPK64 In Transforming Moments by Gcina Mhlophe we have the theme of insecurity, confidence, isolation, independence, identity, acceptance and change. The narrator is the protagonist in the story. The narrator does remember a good-looking boy who plays rugby and still does not have a girlfriend. 4.Discuss protagonists opinion about bulelwa? 1: how did Gcina Mhlophe see herself when she was a teenager? February 16, 2020. Book Facebook Email or phone Password Forgot account? 2. This moment- the narrator writing her first ever poem and loving herself for it- symbolises growth, new beginnings and self-acceptance. 2. 3 in your opinion, should people be responsible of judging themselves negatively at expenses of destiny , give your response relative to Gcinas journey of life. Transforming Moments is a story written by Gcina Mhlophe, a South African writer, activist and storyteller. In the opening paragraph of the story the narrator describes her hair as dry grass in winter . What figure of speech is this My hair it is as dry grass in winter?.. Why is this statement false. So whenever the other girls are unprepared for an upcoming test, she teaches them the lesson disguised by a cough when the lights are out. We also see the re-entry of the topic of choir. the speaker is justified in wanting to be like Mrs Fikeni Mhlophe may be doing so in order to be inclusive. What does the narrator means when she says (im forever buried in my books). By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The narrator is told by the school choir teacher that her voice is too deep, and she should either sing with the boys or leave. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Whats the mean reason Father Fikeni takes the narrator to the village is to visit the.? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Some symbolism in the story includes the narrators school uniform. A useful analysis of the short story: Transforming Moments by Gcina Mhlope - includes themes, setting characterisation and plot. 1.In the opening paragraph the narrator describes her hair as dry grass in winter explain this comparison, and say what it tells us about her self_ image. The book can be found here. She is told by Father Fikeni that she has a strong and resonant voice (whereas she thought she had an ugly voice). The transforming moment is a process that is foundational to Loder 's under- standing of insight, creativity, and problem solving both within science and out- side of science. She produced and performed on a CD for children with Ladysmith . in your view ,who is most influential in bringing about the change in the narrator? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If I write one love to Lough and one does not I am I wrong. Her sister has the money to pay for her education. Explain the relevance of the theme of jealousy found in this short story, One of the themes in this story is Self discovery. discuss your answer. ,vd(xDZ0iHO:|2bN,$Z"I9O'% = Father Fikeni takes the narrator out of her school environment and away from the girls who ridicule her. Helping her to regain her confidence. 4. 1.Self Discovery 2.what did the narrator do instead of going to the sport field? What does Father Fikeni do in order to play a role in the narrator changing her old ways. This awareness gives the readers a better grasp on the main themes of the story and the personality of the narrator. The Gift of the Magi | Summary and Analysis, The Spirit Is Too Blunt An Instrument Analysis, What Time is it Now Where You Are? Because of her unconfident nature and habit of being too hard on herself, she immediately decides she must not be good at singing, and quits. Want to Read. The most important moment of this story is when the narrator sees a praise poet for the first time. Three reasons of why the narrator turned down sizwes proposal at first..? The narrator is worried about her self . I need help. 10.why do we say that this story is told or narrated in the first person. 2.Explain why the following statement is false:the narrators academic success result in a fulfilling life for her Im assuming it is to show respect and gratitude for those who are in leadership roles. whats impression did the narrator have of herself before meeting the imbongi? Why do the speaker refers to herself as miss-ugly-top-of-the-class? The main characters are the narrator (unnamed), Father Fikeni and the praise poet. Luckily, the church minister sees the potential in her voice and invites her to join the church choir. Resonant is defined as a sound that is deep, clear, and continuing to sound or ring. 2.How event or events agree to the title. And why the name of the narrator is not mentioned? Is the speaker a round or a flat character? Consider the following line Some girls were forced to be my part time friend Discuss why transforming moments can be seen as an autobiography? was crazy? 2. state a reason for the speakers decision to finally join the church choir. Explain what this means? Thanks for the comment Pinky. What happened in the end, did the narrator date the guy from port Elizabeth? stream In Transforming Moments by Gcina Mhlophe we have the theme of insecurity, confidence, isolation, independence, identity, acceptance and change. can you please compare the first paragraph with the last two paragraphs to show how much the narrator has changed, Give the state of the story in Chronological occurrence, Why girls at school approve of the rugby boys interest in the speaker. The narrator is not treated as a special guest, but like a member of the family. We may even wonder if this is borne from the experiences of Mhlophe herself, because of the authenticity and relatability with which the words are written. Why does the protagonist join the church choir Why does the narrator consider herself as miss ugly top of the class? Nokugcina Elsie Mhlophe known as Gcina Mhlophe was born on 24 October 1958 in KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa. The other girls have already turned their nose up at her, for they think he can do far better. endobj 3 The church Minister 7. By running her hands over her face she knows that she is beautiful in her own way. For over 20 years, Mhlophe has graced screens and stages around the world telling stories that . Give a reason for your answer, =How did the narrator benefit from attending the meeting at the village, =is the narrator justified in wishing to be like Mrs fikile, =in what is Imbongi Gcina Mhlophe is a poet, playwright, performer and storyteller. 1. In this retrospective collection, she shares her personal journey through the social and political landscapes of the 1980s, with its recollected moments of struggle and transformation along the way. 5. She again considers herself to be ugly and unfashionable yet does demonstrate the ability and confidence to become the boys girlfriend. The narrator comperes the feeling of writing her poem to the feeling of giving birth. 4:Refer to the story as a whole You are super good at these things, now I have clear view about the story. Discuss how the them is relevant to the speaker Discuss Father Fikeni and Mrs Fikenis characters. why does the narrator find it difficult to express her thoughts while she is in the presence of the imbongi? Father fikeni pays for speaker education. Your email address will not be published. by. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Different in characteristics of child and mother. And can you pleas help me identify some of the other figure of speech in this short story that i might not be aware of. What caused the exciting feeling when the narrator wrote her first poem. Why does father Fikeni take the speaker with him to the village? 1.In which area of her school work does the narrator show a particular talent? B) why the narrator runs to her room The girl was unsure of her self .I am I wrong. Theme of self discovery.if I write the girl has low self-esteem.father fikeni take the girl to the village where he met the praise poet and became motivated that she can also became a praise poet.then the girl write her first poem and read it allowed discover that her voice was not ugly but beautiful and started to love and accept her self.i am I wrong.if is out of 3 how many marks can I score. 1.What was the unusual about the narrator s decision to become a praise poet? I cant help with this question as I would need to read the story again. /Length 5294 In the girls dormitory, too, her bed is the furthest from the Matrons. Transforming Moments is an account of her experiences as an impressionable young woman while she was at school. Isolation, Indepencence, Low self-esteem. The story begins with the narrator introducing herself as a seventeen-year-old high school student who is battling insecurity about here self-image. In which point of view is the story narrated? briefly explain the mood during the climax /DecodeParms [null << This may be important as for the first time in the story the narrator is beginning to not only change but have more confidence in herself. B.community elders. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Why ? Hi Dermot please help here. )discuss the narrators irony in her discovering that her voice is ideal for the public performance ? He had chosen an unsuitable girl and has set the whole school on fire. The phrase mentioned also contains a certain figure of speech. Hi, whats the name of the book that is contained this short story including other stories like-Villages people, The New Tribe, The Dolls House, A chip of Glass Ruby, Next Door, The Fur Coat and The Last Breath. She is at the top of the class, liked and praised by all teachers, but it does not do much for her confidence. 3.Read the sentence..I left. Was Gcina mhlophe a pessimist or an optimist kind of person? For the narrator he is the impetus for change in her life. In the end, though, she decides to cause a stir among the school, and accepts him. It is possible that Mhlophe is using the cock to symbolise not only excitement (flapping wings) but also the fact that the narrator has found her voice. TRANSFORMING MOMENTS - GCINA MHLOPE: STORY READING - YouTube 0:00 / 14:55 TRANSFORMING MOMENTS - GCINA MHLOPE: STORY READING Mrs OMG - Extraordinary English 1.62K subscribers. Refer to the following: 2.what is the genre of the story Which is ironic because that is what is happening the narrator. What is the background of this short story, Transforming moments? /Alternate /DeviceRGB It is possible that the Father had this in mind from the first time he heard her sing. Mhlophe focuses on the narrators inner thoughts and feelings about the past events, and the narration of the event itself. The narrators academic success results in a fulfilling life for her, Do you think the narrotor admires the boy from Port Elizabeth? 4 The Imbongi, how did gcina mhlophe see herself when she was a teenager, Does the narrator admires the boy from port Elizabeth please give a reason, 1:In which area of her school work does the narrator show a particular talent . To thank them and to wish that they may continue leading. Can u explain why she approves her physical features and has a smile that wouldnt leave her face ? 3. The narrator is used to feeling excluded and being made fun of by the girls in her dormitory, and even the boys in her class. 93-122). Something that is noticeable a little later on in the story. Firstly she meets her first boyfriend in school. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The narrator appreciated Bulelwas talent as a singer and says I can listen to her all my life. The narrator said she has never had a baby but the feeling she was feeling after writing her first poem was too overwhelming for words and maybe it was how people feel when they have their first baby. It might be as the narrator may be suggesting that both writing the poem and giving birth are joyous and empowering occasions. This is another example of an insecurity formed by the comments of others. She is not following anyones lead. Is this an effective comparison? He calls her voice resonant rather than deep, and it flickers a ray of hope in her. They say nobody would want to go out with her, anyway, as she does not even try to look good. She is absolutely inspired- this is where themes of identity and growth come into play. She started her working life as a domestic worker, later working as a newsreader at the Press Trust and BBC Radio, then as a writer for Learn and Teach, a magazine for newly-literate people.. She began to get a sense of the demand for stories while in Chicago in 1988. To what extend has the narrator behaviors at church helped in boosting her self confidence. It can also be used in a different context that may not be sound based. Required fields are marked *, Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker, Transforming Moments | Summary and Analysis. Significance of geography book in these short story. 3. One day, the minister calls for her and tells her he is going to visit his family over the weekend, and she is to come with him. D.praise poet. It is interesting that the narrator remains unnamed throughout the story, despite the names of several other characters- even random ones- being mentioned. Further, her admiration of Bulelwas voice is a foreshadowing- the narrator later mentions that she doesnt think her own voice is good for singing. Substantiate. does the girl go into a relationship with the boy from school. This would mean the feeling has been long-term, and the lack of confidence has morphed into insecurity, which stems far deeper. 3. when the speaker says protestations what does she mean? D)what does the extract reveal about the narrators character Good day, which type of characterization is this story and why? By titling the play with the question, 'Have you seen Zandile?' she highlights that moment of rupture, rather than the action that occurs before and after it, signalling her 'reflective' stance. What is the lesson of the story? Identity the narrators tone in these lines and explain why she use this tone.. 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