In response to some property owners that faced substantial fines from their HOA for installing artificial turf in their yard, Arizona passed HB2131 to establish laws that prevent HOAs from restricting members from replacing natural grass with artificial tur =if that HOA permits natural grass. Prop. Again, I will be very surprised that any HOA will have regulars on indoor artificial grass installations. (null!=i&&i!=o.tag||null!=t&&t!=o.priority)}),gform.hooks[o][n]=r)}}); This site uses cookies. All rights reserved | Licensed & Insured: CA License #1006386 |, Expert Tips for Creating the Ideal Backyard Putting Green, How to Choose the Right Artificial Turf Installation Company. However, these holes can become clogged over time. ECHO opposed previous bills regarding artificial turf. Artificial turf is available in one-, two- and three-color options. It's a fact that artificial lawns are more expensive than natural grass but there are also many advantages such as artificial grass requiring less maintenance and looking great year-round. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. So, during drought conditions, this rule is often broken. . In some cases, it could be because the HOA doesnt have all the facts regarding the benefits of artificial grass installation. Artificial grass is considered as drought tolerant landscaping options, therefore it is encouraged to be installed with government rebates incentives. Feeding stray animals can cause a host of problems in your community. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Florida published the "Florida-Friendly Landscape Guidance Models for Ordinances, Covenants, and Restrictions," which provides guidance on drafting deed restrictions that encourage appropriate plant selection and landscape practices. In recent years, spurred on by droughts around the country, it has emerged as an in-demand alternative for real grass on private properties like houses and apartment complexes. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. We can even chat with them to present them with some examples so they can see and feel how realistic they are. To determine if your HOA has the authority to charge you a fee to review design plans, please reference your HOAs governing documents (CC&Rs, etc). See if your neighbors are interested in getting it installed as well. What Makes Our Artificial Grass Installations the Best? And artificial turf is a champion when it comes to conserving our precious water resources. Artificial grass or synthetic turf is not a plant, but a synthetic material designed to look like grass. Owners should avoid using any materials, including infill products, that use lead or similar heavy metal materials. Do they have the authority to intervene? The Haddocks say they've had artificial turf while living in other states in the past, and were unaware that it could be an issue for their current HOA. We can assist you through the process and provide you with a design plan at Artificial Turf Factory Outlet. AB 349 amends Section 4735 of the Civil Code, and it prevents associations from prohibiting the installation of artificial turf, or "any other synthetic surface that resembles grass." Some communities are facing a real possibility of losing access to water. Approaching your HOA with power in numbers could help your request get through. For our other states with Purchase Green stores, it's best to check with your HOA to see if replacing your real lawn with an artificial lawn is allowed. After all, with all of the advantages of artificial grass, how could they possibly say no? hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(230481, '587e2ac7-eedf-4419-ae3a-78538a2a824d', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(230481, 'e1361aa0-9e80-461f-9cff-d0b4ce848c24', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); New Bill Proposes Guidelines for Turf in Homeowners Associations. from making the switch are homeowners association rules prohibiting . Policies can vary widely from group to group, with some being flexible about landscaping and others enforcing more control. The request should include the following: A. For state of California which is considered the most regulated among the entire nation, previous governor Jerry Brown has singed a las to prohibit HOA from restricting artificial grass installations. Similar incentive programs are also offered in many other states. To see how we can help you and your HOA, contact us. Under Senate Bill 19-1050, I believe that synthetic turf should be allowed and that it is not a "drought tolerant vegetative" landscape. Watering Guide Home Turf Removal HOA Residents Do you live in an HOA and are thinking about removing your turf? HOA's Artificial Turf Specification: Front Yard Should you be an HOA board member or not, we imagine you'd want to establish or expect for your community, a good standard for artificial turf or synthetic grass in your neighborhood. To see how we can help you and your HOA, contact us online or call us at (866) 237-8873 and experience the Grizzly difference. Owners do end up saving money in the long run however, since they dont have to spend money on water and treatment. B) An association may adopt reasonable rules regarding the installation and appearance of artificial grass if those rules do not prevent installing or using the artificial grass. *Please be sure to follow your HOA's procedures for landscape renovation and design approval before starting any garden design or turf removal project.*. If the product absorbs water, that means it will also absorb pet urine. Arizona HOAs are encouraged to embrace the opportunity to give owners the option to switch from natural to synthetic grass. For more insight into HOA guidelines and management, contact us today. PHOENIX Paradise Valley homeowner Sherry Lund thought she was doing the right thing for her front lawn and state last fall when she installed artificial turf . The climate may be too dry and water too scarce to keep your lawn watered enough so it stays green, or you might not want to use harsh pesticides to keep your lawn weed-free because of pets or young kids. The reason behind this is to prevent garish colors or that dont blend well with the overall neighborhood aesthetic. An HOA cannot enforce architectural or landscaping guidelines or policies that prohibit either the use of low water-using plants as a replacement of existing turf, or the use of artificial turf or any other synthetic surface that resembles grass (Civil Code section 4735(a)). The benefits of artificial grass may have a positive impact on your community, and it is worth considering as a viable option for lawns. model specific. Synthetic turf can appear too perfect, especially if used in large, unbroken areas close to the . Bill AB 349 makes the governing documents, architectural or landscaping guidelines, or policies of an Association void and unenforceable if they prohibit the use of artificial turf or any other synthetic surface that resembles grass. Turf in the 20 to 30 face-weight is less desirable than products in the 40 to 60 face-weight range. Civil Code section 4735, part of the Assembly bill, states that any provision of the governing documents, architectural, landscaping guidelines or policies shall be void and unenforceable if it . 5. HB2131 affirms that planned communities can establish rules regarding the location on the property and the percentage of the property that can be covered with natural grass or artificial turf, as long as they are treated the same. You can selectively provide your consent below to allow such third party embeds. Turf replacements that include only mulch, gravel, rocks or just artificial turf are not eligible without prior approval. Civil Code Section 1353.8 renders void and unenforceable any restrictions in a HOA's governing documents that prohibit the installation of low water-using "plants.". If you're considering joining a homeowners association (HOA), you may wonder about the costs associated with doing so. These situations made the state legislators take some drastic measures. Bureau of Reclamation announced a water shortage at Lake Mead, Recent studies have shown that artificial turf actually gets hotter than asphalt during the day, HB2131 into law on March 30, 2022 to establish rules against banning artificial turf by associations and planned communities, How To Properly Establish and Enforce Parking Rules in an Arizona HOA, Its Time to Implement Best Practices for HOA Cyber Security, Arizona Prop 209: The Predatory Debt Collection Protection Act and How It Impacts Arizona HOAs, How to Effectively Handle and Avoid Most Negative News Coverage as an Arizona HOA, What an Arizona HOA Needs to Know about Fines and CC&R Violations, What Your HOA Needs to Know About Assessment Payments in Arizona. The HOA may collect some amount from the homeowners every month, which goes towards maintaining the common areas, repairs, upgrades of equipment, etc. Landscaping Standards & Guidelines: Section IV. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. require replacement if there are signs of damage, lifting, unevenness, worn Dont be put off by the little back-and-forth youll have to perform to persuade them that the investment is well worth the water and labor savings. (avoid squares, rectangles, etc., except where the turf may abut the driveway or Artificial Turf Basketball Backboard Criteria Boating Boat Docks Borders and Headers Building Color Criteria Debris and Brush Collection Discharge of Water Driveway Extensions Driveways and Sidewalks Fishing Flagpoles Holiday Lights and Decorations House Numbers Garage Doors Guest House and Accessory Buildings However, that excuse wont hold up in court. The areas for possible installation are for any existing developed landscaped areas on the lot; whether existing turf, mulch beds, rock beds, islands, etc. Landscaping With Artificial Turf in an HOA Neighborhood With increasing concerns over drought and water conservation, artificial turf is growing in popularity. The Regulations vary state-to-state, city-to-city, HOA-to-HOA. If theyre set in their ways, ask your neighbors for help. This means that an HOA may establish reasonable design and quality restrictions about the type of artificial turf a homeowner can use and the type of low water-using plants that can be installed as long as the restrictions do not effectively make it impossible for a homeowner to install artificial turf or low water-using plants. The California Legislature has in the recent past . maintain its appearance. Many homeowners have started looking towards artificial grass as an option to maintain the aesthetic appeal of a well-maintained lawn without all the fuss, but not all HOAs allow members to install it on their property. Those characteristics and features are enhanced, supported, or viably protected because of the natural landscaping materials that have continuously existed. Artificial Grass Installation Calculator Materials, U.S. Green Building and LEED Certification. HOA Initiation Fees: What Are They & Do I Have to Pay? hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(230481, '694b0035-986e-469d-b42f-a27666a3c0ca', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Topics: Well make sure the leading HOA/condo news, trends and tips get to you first. Natural turf also keeps communities cooler, and this is ideal for HOAs with pecan trees or similar vegetation. Protected by reCAPTCHA. Landscaping is generally governed by HOA guidelines so the first step is to check your specific HOA's guidelines regarding the installation of artificial turf. Fencing, installing garages or sheds, and their sizes may need prior approval from the HOA. not display any logo, symbol, banner, brand, manufacturer, etc. attorneys prevent problems, solve problems and are advocates and educators for community associations in Arizona. Gain access to our FREE library documents, legislative updates, Cheat Sheets and informative blog posts as soon as they are available. The request should include the following: A. Mulcahy Law Firm, P.C. or call us at (866) 237-8873 and experience the Grizzly difference. with a 20 oz. The cost savings from not having to water a grassy lawn alone are enough to make the switch from thirsty grass blades, but if you combine this with the savings in labor, your uptick in curb appeal, and the non-toxic elements of EasyTurf, artificial turf is a . As a responsible property manager, you can make the residents in the homeowners association aware of this bill and its implications. E. Artificial grass must be cleaned as necessary and periodically groomed to The reason behind this is to prevent garish colors or that dont blend well with the overall neighborhood aesthetic. When new laws pass that impact associations and planned communities specifically, it is advisable to review your covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) to make sure there are no rules that need to be updated. If your ideas are being thwarted, here are some methods you can take to work around the regulations and possibly persuade them to alter their thoughts. But with AB 349 states that HOAs cannot force homeowners to revert to natural lawns unless it is their choice. . No watering. However, the HOA cannot deny a member from converting natural grass to artificial turf on their property. If you live in a dry climate or are considered about water conservation, artificial turf could be the way to go. If you are on your HOAs board, contact IRWD Water Efficiency staffto provide a presentation on the drought at your next board meeting. Of those, one protection directly affects the installation of artificial turfs. It stays green all year. This method is a long-term time investment, but if you truly want to improve your homes appearance with synthetic turf, it will be worth the wait. As long as homeowners comply with their HOAs by-laws, they will not incur any fines. And if your HOA does allow artificial grass, hooray! Generally, HOAs are responsible for creating (and enforcing) rules designed to maintain the appearance and function of a residential community. Check out Landscape Resourcesfor drought-friendly landscape designs or sign up for a free workshop. Owners should avoid products that absorb water (nylon might do this). While some HOAs are still a bit apprehensive about artificial turf, the grass alternative does offer several benefits. shrubs, etc. Certain pets or animals may not be welcome in some neighborhoods, such as backyard chicken coops that might create a farm-like atmosphere. It is opposed by the Educational Community for Homeowners (ECHO). The issue was brought to state Representative John Kavanagh. For the first time ever in August 2021, the Bureau of Reclamation announced a water shortage at Lake Mead and mandatory water restrictions were put in place for Arizona, Nevada and Mexico. It is also their responsibility to establish standards that set visual guidelines for the community they serve. During and In Response to a Declared Drought Emergency Even if you think getting artificial grass is a good idea because it seems so real, why would they bother? Thats because its always green. period to ensure the aesthetic properties are maintained. The drought bill AB 349, signed by Governor Brown, prohibits California HOAs from imposing restrictions on artificial turf installation. If the cover prevents All the HOAs who have review process for artificial grass approvals should have our products on their approved list. areas,fading, deterioration, etc. The law, passed in 2009, is meant to protect homeowners who want to use . As with everything, there are exceptions and restrictions to the new artificial turf law. Well HOAs are different from one to another. Debate on Water Usage and Artificial Turf in Arizona. The jurisdiction of what an HOA can govern includes, but is not limited to: If you want artificial turf for your home, your first course of action is to check your HOAs guidelines as they pertain to installing a synthetic grass lawn. ); and (c) if the planned community has unique vegetation and geologic characteristics that require preservation by the Association and in which the viability of those characteristics is protected, supported or enhanced as a result of the continued existence of natural landscaping materials. Homeowners must still follow HOA rules and guidelines regarding landscape design, as long as the guidelines do not violate the laws established in Section 4735 of the Civil Code, which allows for low water-use plants, artificial turf, and the elimination of watering vegetation or lawns. How Can Your HOA Handle Residents Who Feed Stray Animals? Residents of a homeowners' association in Santa Clarita, California, are complaining that HOA bylaws requiring lawns put them at odds with state mandates to reduce water use and state laws. Stay in the know! If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Handling Artificial Turf Laws as an Arizona HOA. Small improvements to lawns, plant beds, and gardens may be net improvements to landscapes that may not invoke a peep from your HOA. This new law applies only to planned communities and will become effective on September 24, 2022. If someone is blasting the music at high volumes during the nights or waking the entire neighborhood by moving their lawn too early on a Saturday morning, HOA has specific rules designed for such situations. Prepare a list of reasons why switching to artificial grass is vital to you before approaching someone. Our team of experienced, skilled installation professionals will be with you every step of the installation process, from consultation to installation. The US EPA says grass clippings account for a third of landfill material. What Are The Biggest Reasons To Buy A Multi-Court For A Family. Artificial Turf Guidelines: Any lot in the community is limited to a maximum of 70% coverage in total using artificial turf (for the front, sides and rear). Incentive programs are also offered in many other states to state Representative John Kavanagh FREE library documents legislative! Is their choice their property grass or synthetic turf is growing in popularity be the. Maintain the appearance and function of a residential community generally, HOAs are for... And feel how realistic they are party embeds cause a host of problems in your community contact.... Set in their ways, ask your neighbors are interested in getting it installed as well tolerant landscaping,... 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Stephanie Goff Partner,
Articles H