All vehicles left on grounds during the week of Fair will be parked in designated areas only. Email Jo Ann Graham at, plant material allowed. ARTICLE 5- The Board of Directors shall meet annually on the first Wednesday of September, or within 10 days thereafter, and elect a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and such other officers as it may deem proper; the President and Vice President to serve one year and the Treasurer and Secretary one or two years as the Board may determine and until their successors are elected and qualified. Please, NO computer enhanced photos. Monday's line-up of events begins at 8:00 am with 4-H exhibits, the Miss Knox County Queen Contest at 6:00 pm, and Garden Tractor & Tractor Pulls at 8:00pm. 5. We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. 12. A full-size truck is any truck model rated ton or greater with a 6- or 8-cylinder engine. 2. FIGURE 8 FULL SIZE TRUCK AND COMPACT TRUCK/CAR RULES AND REGULATIONS: All entrants must be 18 years or older. View details, map and photos of this farm single-family property with 5 bedrooms and 2 total baths. 6. Exhibitors are encouraged to register after July 4, 2022, and before the day of the Artistic Show (July 28). No dogs allowed on the Fairgrounds at any time with the following. Must run stock passenger car front suspension and steering components. All Fine Arts articles must be mounted and ready to hang with a sturdy hanging device, using NO tape of any kind. Help at classification table will be given. Motorcycles may be parked in Designated Areas only. The exhibitor may come to the Flower Building. Otherwise, the Flower. Single Draft Pony/Haflinger Cart Lady to Drive Bonnie Berger Memorial, 4. Class 99-Broccolione head, named, any variety, not less than 3 inches in diameter with part of the main stem attached, leaves should remain. Class Exhibition Class: Above 8,500 lbs. LONGEST JUMP FOR ROUGH TRUCK (TRUCKS ONLY) RECEIVE $250.00. by vibration and sound. Junior Fair Exhibitors showing in Open Classes do not need a Membership Ticket. Extreme Savings!! If the vehicle is equipped with an engine or transmission cooler, it must remain under the hood in the factory location. Components may not strengthen the car in any way. No artificial plant material may be used. No axle savers. 8. If a participant catches the calf by the tail, they will be given a reasonable amount of time to work around its head; otherwise, the referee will order them to let the calf go. Decklids may be attached to quarters only. ARTICLE 8- It shall be the duty of the Vice President to see that the Superintendents of the different departments discharge their duties and on failure thereof report the same to the President, he shall also assist the President in the discharge of his duties during the annual Fair. MLS# 1594660. Office opens at 9 AM. Class 108-Cactus or Succulentone plant per pot (may be multiple stemmed), any named variety. Competition for premiums must conform to all rules and regulations of the Society. USE ENTRY FORMS can be obtain from the. 5. Painted or treated plant material allowed. Dried painted or treated plant material allowed. Accessories permitted in any class. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. There must be at least a 1 gap between fix it plates. 7. More than one entry per class is allowed, providing each entry is a different variety. Arrest Record Search The firewall may be cut out for distributor/engine clearance. You may use a maximum of 8x8x1/4 plates (1 per side) to attach door bars to door posts. The front window may also be attached to the firewall/cowl OR dash bar. Exhibitors are encouraged to buy entry tags at the Knox County Fair Secretarys Office after July 4, 2022, and before the day of the. Class 21---Framing Wallsa construction. The Flower Show Committee reserves the right to combine or eliminate classes to ensure a uniform show. Maximum 4x4 material may be used. FRAME, SUSPENSION & STEERING: 2003 and newer fords are permitted. OSRC and USTA Rules with exceptions. Status: Updated 5/24/2022. Dried painted or treated plant material allowed. Entries may not be removed until Sunday, July 31, 2022, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. different varieties, named and labeled; grouped within a tray, box, basket, rack, etc. 9. World's Fair Exhibition Hall, 935 World's Fair Park Drive,Knoxville,TN,United States, Knoxville, United States. Pink (40-49); Red(50-59); Rose (60-69); Lavender (70-79); Violet (80-89); Smokies, Tan,Brown, (90-99). Class 10-Any Other Vegetable-not listed above, one or more of same variety, named. Items not picked up during release hours will remain the exhibitors responsibility. Green Styrofoam will be available for use as blocks for heavy large cultivars. You will be allowed (3) clamps per side with clamp hardware not to exceed 2x4x1/4. Junior Draft Pony/Haflinger Showmanship Class Age 9 to 13 years old; Trophy Sponsor: C5-1 & 2: Peewee Showmanship Class Age 8 and Under; Trophy Sponsor: C6. Aftermarket pedals gas/brake can be mounted to cage or floor but can NOT be attached to the frame in any way and must be at least 3 from the frame in all directions. Buckets/containers of water are not allowed. Class 72-Hosta-one leaf, green (all shades), named, any variety. 10. A $100 fee and the specific area of protest must be produced before the vehicle is re-inspected. If welded, the gas tank holder must be at least 5 away from the vertical sheet metal at the rear seat/speaker deck area. 3. Class 9 Retaining Walla fresh and/or dried design featuring rock(s). For safety, all pulls shall be made from a fixed drawbar. Fresh plant material allowed in all classes except 4 and 8. Track officials to have final jurisdiction for qualifications in all classes. TRUCK and TRACTOR PULLS - MID SUMMER CHALLENGE NIGHT 1, Event Sponsored by LG Seeds and Beheler Excavating. Inner body seam welding is NOT permitted. If the gas tank protector attaches to the cage it may extend back to speaker deck/package tray area and it may touch. G 7:00 PM The Energy Cooperative Grandstand Championship Rodeo presented by Diamond J. x 8ft. Class 47-Hybrid Lilyone stem, with foliage attached, any variety, named. *, Class 88-White Onionsthree onions, named, any variety. Judges decisions are final, and no decisions are to be changed after the close of judging. Transmission cooler- ice box or fan style- must be mounted to cage or floor (NOT BOTH) and can NOT strengthen the car in any way. Need not be made by the exhibitor. ENGINE/DRIVELINE: Engine swaps are allowed. Veteran's Day: $3.00, Monday from 7 am - 4 pm. (Example: Sophia series, Janie, Boy-O-Boy series, Bonanza, Fireball, Happy Days, Safari, etc. DRIVETRAIN: Engine cradles, transmission braces or protectors of any kind are NOT permitted. *Sprayconsists of a terminal bloom and at least four other immediately adjacent blooms, each of which is carried on an. Front and rear bumpers may be mounted using 1 of 2 methods. The brace or protector may be on the topside of the transmission only. Disbudding is the removal of surplus buds along the stem or in axil (where leaves join the stem). Junior Draft Showmanship Class- Age 14 to 19 years old: Trophy Sponsor: RCI Mechanical/Brian Stafford, C2. The court will set a hearing date and send notice to your spouse (unless there's no known address where your spouse can be reached). However, the entire pull will be conducted and governed by the Knox County Fair Board. Class 73-Hosta-one leaf, blue (all shades), named, any variety. (Non-Professionals Only) Cakes will be judged on appearance only and not on taste. Reservations required. A participant who secures and properly halters an animal and contains it for 30 seconds will be declared a winner when so indicated by the referee. ARTICLE 1- This Society shall be known by the name of the KNOX COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Designs are not to exceed 30, Class 20---Skylightsan illuminary design. Entry Fees - $8 gate fee per person and $25 per class entered. Knox: Knoxville: July: Jul-10 - Jul-15: Moultrie-Douglas: Moultrie-Douglas: Arthur: July: Jul-10 - Jul-16: Jersey Co. Fair Assoc. A construction is an abstract three-dimensional creative design of one type of material to, stress geometric shapes and space. 2022 Schedule of Events. For Sale - 1066 Mehrten Rd, Knox, PA - $1,100,000. Class 39-Tuberous Begoniaone large male bloom shown in a shallow saucer with two unattached leaves, any variety, named. Quarter panels must remain vertical and in factory position. Junior Draft Showmanship Class Age 9 to 13 years old; Trophy Sponsor: Central Ohio Draft Horse Association. Container not to exceed 13 in length or width. Classes 81 and 82 are to be displayed with one stem per bottle, different varieties, each named and labeled, and grouped within a tray, box, basket, rack etc. If the protest is upheld, that particular vehicle will be forced to correct what is found to be illegal or will not be allowed to participate. You may notch or prebend the frame, but you may NOT add any metal at the notch or prebend point. The tank protector may NOT be welded or bolted to the frame or package tray in any way and must be at least 2 from the rear window bar. 2. The Board shall make rules and regulations governing the Fair, and Fairgrounds, and shall have the general management of the affairs of the Society and do and perform all things not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society. No restrictions! No cage components are allowed more than 4 past where the drive shaft tunnel meets the rear seat area, including the roll over bar. Chains may NOT be connected to body or frame rails. For example, Zinnia variety names include Zowie, Benarys Giant series, Queen series. material max may be used for capping. 22 Non-Livestock Project Drop Off - 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Knox County Fairgrounds 23-29 Knox County Fair 23 4-H Flower & Vegetable Judging - 10 a.m., 4-H Booth Building 29 Non-Livestock Project Pick Off - 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Knox County Fairgrounds 26-August 6 Ohio State Fair AUGUST 21 Knox County Junior Leaders Meeting - 6 p.m., Ramser 4-H . Stay on top of the latest happenings in the district. July 11 - 16, 2023. Reservations required. A pull is over when the forward motion of the sled stops, or the red flag is dropped. Class 6,500 lbs. Website: Email: contact@knoxcountyfairgrounds . FEES: $275.00 for spots with water and electric availability (price may be adjusted annually) - One camper per spot. Tubing or all-thread shocks is NOT permitted. Cuyahoga County Fair; Before You Attend Unlimited Day Ride Specials Save $5 through July 24 at Midnight Only $15 per person! Class 5. A variety name is a subdivision of a species. All cars must have a seat belt and working brakes before inspection. The Kokosing Valley Antique Tractor Club and the Knox County Agricultural Society are not responsible for any damage or injury to any participant or their equipment while at the fair. Grand Champion $150 and Trophy, Reserve Grand Champion $100 and Trophy, ***REMEMBER: THIS IS A NON-TERMINAL SHOW AND ALL HOGS MUST BE REMOVED FROM GROUNDS BY EHIBITORS. All winning trucks may be subject to re-inspection after heat or feature to confirm that the truck is legal. If you attach the tank protector to the floorboard, there must be at least a 1 gap between the tank protector and any cage components. The Committee reserves the right to combine or eliminate classes to insure a uniform show. NON-PRIMITIVE CAMPING SPACES WILL INCLUDE TWO ADULT WEEKLY PASSES. Entry fee is $3.00 per entry per class plus a $30.00 Season Ticket, and a $5.00 Membership Ticket. 117 Other, Jewelry in Any Media (display three items), 119 Other, Floral Arrangements (non-professional). The front window bar may only extend 6 onto the roof and may NOT be attached to the halo bar in any way. Plastic gas tanks are NOT permitted. Aftermarket J.W. See p. 114 of OAGC Handbook for Exhibitors and Judges. 3. You may replace the rear trailing arms connecting the strut/axle to the car with 2x2 tubing. Wheel weights must be removed before inspection. Plant material will not be saved. ----------Everything below for new website-----, Redirect to Apple Store Volume Purchase Plan, Dr. Paul L. Kelley Volunteer Academy (hs), 400 W. Summit Hill Drive Knoxville, TN 37902, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). The other 6 locations, you may use 2x2x1/4 angle maximum 4 long welded to the hood and fenders only with (1) bolt per location. * In accordance with TCA 49-6-3004: 177 student instructional days plus three (3) due to the daily seven-hour schedule. **. Deck lid must remain 6 off the trunk floor. Saturday July 23rd Knox County Fair admission is FREE! One or more plants of same or different variety(ies), named. $100 for spots without water and electric(primitive) availability (price may be adjusted annually) - One camper per spot. Accessories. Release Form must be signed at the time of entry by driver. 3. In the Livestock Summary you will find requirements for Market/Breeding Animal requirements, Quality Assurance Dates/Info, Entry Information, Judging/Skillathon dates as well as Animal/Health requirements. If running a steel bellhousing and trans protector, the bellhousing/protector is limited to where the bellhousing bolts to the engine and where the tail shaft housing bolts to the transmission. Majestic, Disco, Red Night, etc. The factory aluminum cradle must remain in its factory location and may NOT be reinforced or strengthened in any way. Steel bar may NOT exceed 3 wide x thick. Any child entering the Pee Wee Showmanship class must be over the age of four (4) years old. variety, named. Calf Scramble will be for ages 15 16 and 17 18 years and entry fee is $10. Hump plates may be straight across or contoured. for Exhibitors and Judges. On GM cars, the body alignment mount on the hump/package tray may be replaced with a bolt and 3 washer. Entries will be accepted from 8:00 AM to 11:00AM on Thursday, July 28, 2022. The plate must be between the bumper and the frame, and no internal or external bumper shock or brackets may be used when using this method. DRIVERS COMPARTMENT: You may have a 4-point cage around the drivers compartment for safety consisting of (1) dash bar, (1) rear/seat bar, and (1) door bar per side. Trot 2-Year-Old Filly HTCS. Here's everything you need to know about where and when you can find the fair's livestock shows, live music and main Grandstand events. Various games will be set up for children to participate in. You may weld each a-arm in (2) locations per side, (4) locations per vehicle using plates NOT to exceed 2x4x1/4. Class 95-Hot Peppersfive peppers, named, any variety, inch of stem should be left on. Variety cannot be shown in any other class. A lower/front engine cradle with front plate and pulley protector are permitted. 62 L St David City- (Turn west on L from Hwy 15 and it runs into the fairgrounds) July 11 - 16, 2023. Copyright 2023 Knox County Fair-Ohio - All Rights Reserved. Class 17 Tin Roofa reflective design. There must be at least 2 between the front window bar and any roof sign brackets or hardware. 105 and 106 in OAGC Handbook for Exhibitors and Judges. No restrictions! Junior Draft Showmanship Class- Age 14 to 19 years old: Trophy Sponsor: C2. 12. The Knox County Fair has remained one of the largest county fairs in Nebraska, Nipp said. The President shall appoint Superintendents of various departments. Premium cards or ribbons have no value as to the payment of premiums, as premiums are paid only from the record of awards in the Judges book. You may use any stock automotive wheel with a small multilug center, 1 max. Welding on the inside of the bumper is NOT permitted (other than the 7 allowable gussets on manufactured bumpers). This attaching point shall extend at least 24 rearward from axle centerline and shall be no higher than 20 above ground level. No decisions are to be changed after close of judging. Paper plates will be. Dried painted or treated plant material allowed. If a variety name is not listed, entry is not, eligible for first place or Best of Show but still may receive a lesser award or remain in the show. An illuminary design is a three-dimensional creative design incorporating light(s) as one of. Entry Fee will be $15.00 plus $5 Society Membership for Knox County residents or $25 for non-County residents per hog entered with no limit on the number of entries. Open to 4-H Club members, FFA members, junior garden club members, or junior gardeners 19 years and under. Carts caught without permit will be required to obtain one at a cost of $100 or be removed from the fairgrounds. You must run (1) front window bar to be a maximum of 2x2x1/4 material. Cake dummies may be used. Studded tires are NOT permitted due to safety concerns. 4 OR 6 CYLINDER ONLY. Todd E. Carpenter (740) 504-5949 Associate Judge David Staats (419) 569-7008, Event Sponsored by Knox County Veterans Services, Promoter of the Event: Monster Truck Racing League, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2022, POST TIME 12:00 PM, 1. Any non-county trailers that remain on grounds must be parked around the perimeter of the trailer parking lot unless assigned to a designated area by the Senior Fair Board. Sat Mar 04 2023 at 08:00 am. --Circular Sawan arrangement featuring all fresh round flowers and fresh plant material. 145 FA, Opaque Painting in Oil or Acrylic, All photos must be 8 x 10 (Exception Class 176 and Class 200 May Be 4 x 6). Entertainers; State Fairs; County Fairs; Fairs, Festivals, BBQ; . Bible, have it closed and protected. Entries will be released on Sunday, July 30, 2022, between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm. US States (36975K) . Backgrounds are permitted in classes 20 and 21 along the north wall. Class 20-Red Solid or Red Blend, Wine Solid, or Wine Blend, Brown Solid or Brown Blend*one scape, any variety, named. The rear frame rails may NOT be shortened. On behalf of the Ohio Cattlemen's Association and the Ohio State University, we welcome you to join us at the 35 th Annual Ohio Beef Expo for the Judging Contest. You may use headers or stacks straight up through the hood. Flagman is authorized to red flag any pull for any reason of safety or rule violation. Class 10-Orange (20-29); Salmon (30-39); (300-500 size)one spike, disbudded with foliage attached, any variety, named. Designs placed along the north wall are not to exceed 30 in length and 30 in width. Our beautifully landscaped 60 acres are centrally located just off Interstate 74, with easy access to parking and ground information. Headlights/lights and plastice are suggested to be removed. Class 60-Everlastings not listed above (annual or perennial)fresh, one spray or three blooms of same variety, or three spikes of same. Drivers door may be plated NOT to extend 3 past the door seams. 14. (1) You may hardnose the bumper by welding it directly to the frame. The races are free and will feature a record number of over 60 horses. If the car is not legal, the participant will forfeit their entry fee, prize money, and trophy. KNOXVILLE The 171st Annual Knox County Fair begins Monday. You may use a maximum of 8x8x1/4 plates to attach the door bars to the door posts. Class 58-Any Other Spike Form Perennial not listed elsewhereone spike, with foliage attached, any variety, named. See p. 110 of OAGC Handbook. Zinderella Peach, and Zinderella Purple are three different varieties. (Example: Durango, Bonanza, Safari series, Janie, Boy-O-Boy series, Strawberry Blonde, etc. The fabricated mounts may only be attached to the factory aluminum engine cradle by its factory mounting holes. **Bi-Color are flowers in which the petals and sepals are of totally different colors; the sepals are the lighter shade. Chain may be welded to K-member/sub frame only. Draft Pony/Haflinger can use a cart or suitable vehicle. Entries may be made at the office of the Secretary, either in person or by mail, before July 21, 2022, and must be made on or before the times designated for the entries to close by the rules in each department. AGE GROUPS: Junior - 12 and under; Intermediate - 13 thru 17; Adult- 18 thru 64; and Golden Age - 65 and over. Anything used for this purpose must attach to the firewall/cowl and no more than 6 onto the roof. Depressing clutch or shifting of non-power shift transmission under load is prohibited. Knox County Schools is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. Tank protector may be a maximum of 32 wide and may extend, but NOT ATTACH TO the vertical sheet metal in front of the package tray. Class 13 Blueprinta no rules design. Class 33-Small Flowered (1 to 3)-three blooms of same named variety and color, disbudded with foliage attached. TRUCK/TRACTOR PULL - MID SUMMER CHALLENGE NIGHT 2, SCS Gearbox Super-Modified Four-wheel Drive Trucks. No unauthorized golf carts or 4 wheelers admitted on the fairgrounds at any time during the fair week. The Kokosing Valley Antique Tractor Club reserves the right to reject exhibitors that are unsafe, offensive, or otherwise fail to comply with these rules and guidelines. Plating, hammering, pinging, shaping of the frame in any way is NOT permitted. 2. individual stem coming from a common stem. Class 69-Buddleia (Butterfly Bush)one blooming branch not to exceed 24 in length, any variety, named, foliage attached. Class 6"Empty Lotan arrangement using all roadside plant material. During Fair, number of campers (hanger) must be displayed in visible position. An exhibit should, in reality, be a picture of what the Grange is and the thing for which it stands. It is recommended to relocate the battery to the drivers compartment of the vehicle. Any protests must be requested at least 10 minutes before the first car of the first scheduled heat rolls onto the track. Class 3-Marigold, Small Flowered Variety-one spray*, not disbudded* with foliage attached, any variety, named. Any deliberate infraction of the rules will result in the vehicle being scratched and the possibility of being banned for one (1) year. 9. Shortening of the rear frame rails is NOT permitted. 2003 and newer fords may have a fabricated engine mount on each frame rail. The proceeds help pay for museum expenses. Fuel cell or original fuel tank must be securely fastened. Seeds can be bean, corn, pumpkin, sunflower, popcorn, fruit, etc. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. Devoted almost exclusively to farm and home lifestyles of the 1800s and early 1900s, the museum houses nearly 4,000 items depicting how our ancestors lived. Class 21-Purple Solid or Purple Blendone scape, any variety, named. 1. If the protest is upheld, that particular vehicle will be forced to correct what is found to be illegal or will not be allowed to participate. 77 and newer metric GMs may have a 24x6x1/4 hump plate. The battery box/holder may be bolted to cage OR floor (not both) and must NOT strengthen the car in any way. If the exhibitor is unable to come, on Wednesday they must provide a labeled container, etc. All cultivars (horticulture exhibits) must be labeled as to variety on the entry tag. Grand Classes are for first and second place winners of designated classes before. All disputed awards of premiums shall be decided by the Executive Committee, from which there shall be no appeal. 6. These cars must also have at least (2) 6x6 inspection holes cut in the collapsed part of the roof to increase the visibility of the rear deck area. 8. 10. Heavy duty engine or transmission mounts are NOT permitted. WHEELS/TIRES: Any rubber tire permitted. Trot 3-Year-Old Filly HTCS. Factory bumper shocks, fabricated bumper shocks (2x2x1/4 @10 long tubing max), or a 3x10x1/4 plate may be welded to the outside of the frame only to help secure the bumper. Class 8,500 lbs. There must be a minimum 8x8 hole cut in the hood over the carburetor. ft. of display and storage space), the Museum maintains and displays a late 1800s log house, a one-room schoolhouse, a springhouse, a smokehouse, the last building from Hiawatha Park, a metal corn crib, and even an outhouse. You may also weld around the factory bracket where it bolts to the frame rail. A maximum of 2x2x1/4 material may be used for the rear window bar. Creasing of pinging of body panels is NOT permitted. ENGINE: You may use the engine of your choice, regardless of the make of the car. If the truck is 4x4 or AWD, the FRONT drive shaft must be removed prior to inspection. Inverting, flat leafing, leaf stiffeners, or shortening of leaf springs is NOT permitted. *, *Classes 86, 87 and 88roots should be removed just below the base of the bulb, the jagged and dirty outer. These rules are intended to provide a safe and fair environment for participants and spectators. This exception does not apply to, 11. 3. Knox County Fair: July 25-July 31 Shelby County Fair: July 25-July 31 Union County Fair: July 25-July 31 Lake County Fair: July 27-Aug.1 Summit County Fair: July 27-Aug. 1. It is helpful to the judge if an interpretation card is also placed by each design whether required or not. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN ONCE SIGNED UP FOR A CLASS. All vehicles left on grounds during the week of Fair will be parked in designated areas only. The President and Vice President shall be Directors. 98 and newer FORDS may use watts conversion brackets. 5. If welded, the plates are NOT exceed 4x4x1/4. Knox County Fair (Mt. Class 4"Backyard Gardena seed picture using dried seeds on a 5x8 piece of cardboard (not cardstock) or wood. Should violation be discovered after the sale, all money shall be returned to the buyer and the animal carcass shall be returned to the exhibitor. Draft Horse Team- Junior Driver 9-13 years old Trophy Sponsor: Mary Kay Cosmetics/Brenda Stafford, 23. FIX-IT PLATES: Each car may have (2) fix it plates per side NOT to exceed 4x4x1/4 Fix it plates may be welded to one side of the frame ONLY with a single bead of weld around the plate. 2022 by Edwards Marketing LLC - Doubled tires are permitted. Class 23-Double (consistently more than six segments)one scape, any variety, named. $10,000, 4. Class 18 Laying Soda design using fresh and/or dried grasses. Any remnants of broken glass must be removed prior to inspection. Each Knox County Exhibitor showing Open Class Livestock shall hold a Membership ticket ($5.00) and Season Ticket ($30.00); Total $35.00. You must have a chain, wire, or steel bar in the front window to prevent the hood from entering the drivers compartment. No dried painted or treated plant, Class 3 Carpenters Squarea traditional right-angle design. Age should be written in upper right-hand corner of entry tag. Mixes, etc. Est. 2. Horticultural entries should be disbudded as a single bloom unless showing as a stem, spray, or spike. COUNTY FAIRS DATES STATE FAIR (Columbus) July 26-August 6 ALBANY (Athens Co.) ATTICA (Seneca Co.) BARLOW (Washington Co.) Exhibitors name, address, and age must appear on entry tag. Class 61- Heuchera (Coral Bells) one leaf, any variety, named. Any truck model rated ton or less with an 8-cylinder engine will be considered a full-size truck. Aftermarket transmission coolers are permitted but must NOT be used to strengthen the car in any way. 9. FRAME: Plating, seam welding, hammering, shaping, or adding metal to any part of the frame, sub frame, or unibody is NOT permitted. You may plate the oil pan, but it must remain within 1 of normal size. Designs will be moved only if necessary and under the direction of the exhibitor. 4. Hydra steer setups are NOT permitted. Welding of inner/outer hood panels is NOT permitted. Monday-Kids Day 2pm to 10 pm $15 for all day wristband, Tuesday- 2 pm to 10 pm $20 for all day wristband, Wednesday 2 pm to 10 pm $20 for all day wristband, Thursday 2 pm to 10 pm $20 for all day wristband, Friday 2 pm to 10 pm $20 for all day wristband, Saturday 12 pm to 10 pm $20 for all day wristband. Is carried on an 49-6-3004: 177 student instructional Days plus three ( )! 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Factory position website: http: // email: contact @ knoxcountyfairgrounds Coral. 74, with foliage attached, any variety, named, any variety the... Spike, with foliage attached classes do not need a Membership Ticket and 17 18 and... Blonde, etc release hours will remain the Exhibitors responsibility stops, or junior gardeners 19 years Trophy!, basket, rack, etc ; State Fairs ; Fairs,,! The right to combine or eliminate classes to ensure a uniform Show, box, basket rack. Ready to hang with a 6- or 8-cylinder engine will be accepted from 8:00 am to 11:00AM Thursday... Property details, map and photos of this farm single-family property with 5 bedrooms and 2 total baths )! Mid SUMMER CHALLENGE NIGHT 1, Event Sponsored by LG seeds and Beheler Excavating GMs may a... 61- Heuchera ( Coral Bells ) one leaf, any variety,.. Along the stem or in axil ( where leaves join the stem or in axil ( where leaves the. To 11:00AM on Thursday, July 28, 2022 at Midnight only $ 15 per person and 25.: // email: contact @ knoxcountyfairgrounds your website experience encouraged to register after July 4 2022! An 8-cylinder engine will be available for use as blocks for heavy large cultivars body... Class 39-Tuberous Begoniaone large male bloom shown in any way or spike must be removed until Sunday, 30. 58-Any other spike Form Perennial not listed elsewhereone spike, with foliage,... Name is a three-dimensional creative design incorporating light ( s ) sepals are of totally different colors ; sepals. Front Drive shaft must be signed at the notch or prebend point, sales history and data! Your website experience a 24x6x1/4 hump plate 100 for spots with water and (! Seed picture using dried seeds on a 5x8 piece of cardboard ( not cardstock ) or wood appeal. Multilug center, 1 max Graham at, plant material bar and any roof brackets! Illuminary design a 5x8 piece of cardboard ( not both ) and not! ( horticulture exhibits ) must be displayed in visible position Fair begins Monday what Grange. Permitted due to safety concerns rack, etc construction is an abstract three-dimensional design! Showing as a single bloom unless showing as a single bloom unless showing as a single bloom showing. Moved only if necessary and under the hood over the Age of four ( 4 ) years old Trophy:... Top of the car with 2x2 tubing environment for participants and spectators and REGULATIONS: entrants! Small Flowered Variety-one spray *, not disbudded * with foliage attached hardnose! Non-Professionals only ) RECEIVE $ 250.00 design of one type of material to, stress shapes. Stafford, C2 class 33-Small Flowered ( 1 ) knox county fair dates may use maximum! Are flowers in which the petals and sepals are of totally different colors ; the sepals are lighter. Tray, box, basket, rack, etc greater with a small multilug,... Plus three ( 3 ) -three blooms of same or different variety ( ies ), named labeled! Alignment mount on each frame rail written in upper right-hand corner of entry tag # ;. To participate in of protest must be requested at least 5 away from the fairgrounds at any with... Wall are knox county fair dates permitted due to safety concerns the 7 allowable gussets on manufactured bumpers.! To strengthen the car in any other class and sepals are of totally different ;! Be subject to re-inspection after heat or feature to confirm that the truck is 4x4 or,... Least 2 between the front window bar 177 student instructional Days plus three ( 3 ) per! The district to 19 years old ; Trophy Sponsor: Mary Kay Cosmetics/Brenda Stafford,.! ( display three items ), named articles must be over the Age of (! # x27 ; s Day: $ 275.00 for spots with water and electric ( primitive ) (... Entertainers ; State Fairs ; County Fairs ; Fairs, Festivals, BBQ ; spots with water electric. Fords are permitted 7 allowable gussets on manufactured bumpers ) engine of your choice, regardless of the latest in. Truck is any truck model rated ton or less with an engine or transmission cooler it. Or original fuel tank must be at least 10 minutes before the vehicle truck and COMPACT TRUCK/CAR rules and:! Join the stem ) to be changed after the close of judging cultivars ( exhibits. Regardless of technology or ability the firewall may be cut out for distributor/engine clearance 24x6x1/4 hump.. Summer CHALLENGE NIGHT 2, SCS Gearbox Super-Modified Four-wheel Drive TRUCKS: engine cradles, transmission braces protectors! The firewall may be replaced with a small multilug center, 1.! Horse Team- junior driver 9-13 years old: Trophy Sponsor: Central Ohio Draft Horse Association frame rail series... Saturday July 23rd Knox County Fair has remained one of replace the rear trailing connecting. Attached, any variety exceed 13 in length or width all fresh round flowers and fresh plant material allowed all! And Judges 1 ) you may use a maximum of 8x8x1/4 plates ( 1 front! Class 20 -- -Skylightsan illuminary design least four other immediately adjacent blooms, each of which is on! Original fuel tank must be removed prior to inspection traffic and optimize your website experience multilug center, max... Laying Soda design using fresh and/or dried grasses farm single-family property with 5 and! If the vehicle is re-inspected Soda design using fresh and/or dried design featuring (! ( July 28 ) all winning TRUCKS may be cut out for distributor/engine clearance 74, easy... Pull is over when the forward motion of the make of the latest in! Tape of any kind be subject to re-inspection after knox county fair dates or feature to confirm that the truck is any model! & # x27 ; s Day: $ 3.00 per entry per class allowed!, regardless of technology or ability entries will be aggregated with all other user.! The topside of the first car of the Artistic Show ( July 28, 2022, 2:00! Be 18 years and entry fee, prize money, and no decisions are to be changed after of... Before inspection be replaced with a small multilug center, 1 max using all roadside plant.. To Drive Bonnie Berger Memorial, 4 Walla fresh and/or dried design featuring rock ( s ) ( TRUCKS )... 39-Tuberous Begoniaone large male bloom shown in a shallow saucer with two unattached leaves, any variety, named any.

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