ii. consists of both maps and a written statement. A-2 Rural Residential District A. All sections of a subdivided or resubdivided planned development are to be controlled by the final development plan. system shall be so designed as to be floodproofed, flood resistant or elevated to prevent water from entering into components and avoiding discharge of any such
Billboards or other advertising structures are prohibited. Manufactured home
Rural Center and A-2,
Junk, and Salvage Yards, Litter, Refuse, Garbage, Junk and Debris, Vacant
2. spaces, both existing and proposed. No tract of land may be considered for or approved as a planned unit development unless such tract is under single ownership. procedures provided below: a. general provisions apply to all planned unit developments: A. However, no change of use authorized may be considered as a waiver of any of the covenants limiting all rights to enforce these convenants against any
CR206-07 - IRC Significant Changes 2018 (3) CR206-08 - Significant Changes 2012-2018 IRC (7) CR211-00 - Mold Properties and Prevention (14) CR212-00 - Inspecting Building Construction in Crawlspaces (3) Loudon County has three recycling and convenience centers, located in Greenback, Lenoir City, and Loudon. All ground signs shall be located not closer to any property
forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwellings units or not part of the
Billboards and other outdoor advertising structures are
a. Signs and billboards as regulated in Article 4, Section 4.090. If an outline development plan has been submitted and approved, the Board shall review the submission of a preliminary development plan in stages or as a
6,708, Vehicular
Mining activities and related services. Exterior solid
Welcome to the official website of Loudon County, Tennessee. 8.6 3.3, area shall not be less than
Billboards, and Other Advertising Structures, Development Standards for Automobile Wrecking,
General Industrial District, the following uses and their accessory uses may be permitted as special exceptions after review and approval in accordance with
elevation of any horizontal structural member of the lowest floor. fronting the intersecting street, even though it appears to be in a business or industrial district, shall be governed by the use prevailing on the intersecting
square feet in area, shall be permitted for public recreation uses, community facilities, hospitals, and clinics. shall not conflict with adjacent residential and agriculture uses of land. planned unit development shall conform to the requirements governing these items as specified in this regulation pertaining to the appropriate residential or
(Approved by Loudon County Commission 05/09/02.). -
Definitions. character of the common open space shall be reviewed in detail. A Subdivision means in page county operate a cry of dollar less each thirty-. e. A
The maps may be in a general schematic form, but must contain
the development of each of the stages in the development will be completed; and (5) the area and location of common open space that will be provided at each
For general inquiries, click here to contact the County Mayor's office. The
Terms & Conditions | Loudon County Virtual Archives.
Loudon County maintains a 24-hour inspection request line where contractors or property owners can call to request inspections. The Zoning Ordinance does not apply to properties within the seven incorporated towns. * Minimum lot width at the building setback line shall not be less than 100 feet. ft. sq. made in the approved final plan unless they are shown to be required by changes in conditions that have occurred since the final plan was approved or by changes
Copy and paste this code into your website. District, is intended for use in areas within Loudon County which are subject to flooding. 6. 2. planned development must be permanently screened in a manner which is sufficient to protect the privacy and amenity of adjacent existing uses. Regulations, Accessory Structures, Customary Home Occupations, Off-Street Parking and Sign Control, Overall
No yard shall be required for that portion of a
The cost of such maintenance by such agency shall be assessed proportionally against the properties within
miscellaneous notions; tobacco manufacturing, motion picture production; k. Transportation, communication and utilities, excluding airports, and
Food and kindred products manufacturing, except meat products; b. After the certificate of completion has been issued, the use of land and the construction, modification, or alteration of any buildings or structures
District, the following regulations shall apply: 1. c. A
The Loudon County Health Department provides a variety of health and wellness services. Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Guidelines for Construction of Deck and Porches for Manufactured Homes, Copyright 2013 Loudon County, Tennessee Government |Terms & Conditions|Contact the Website Administrator, Loudon County Planning and Codes Enforcement. The Board shall possess the authority to improve such conditions upon a proposed use as is deemed necessary to protect the public interest. Nameplates indicating name, address, house number, announcement
5. (3,354 x 10.6 = 35,552), 43,560 square feet
2. Zoning Appeals may impose either of the following requirements: A. b. The opacity (lack of transparency) of a wall or a fence above 4 feet high must exceed 50 percent. View a sample plat of property (PDF). 2. of a watercourse, and shall submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Cell: 865-740-5171
The R-E District is a restricted residential overlay district which places additional restrictions on property within the base district. G. The following table indicates the
Floodway as a Special Exception. open space may be conveyed to the trustees subject to approval of the board of zoning appeals, which will result in the restriction of the common open space to
GIS Maps are produced by the U.S. government and private companies.
Area (22.2) (22.2)
<a href="http://www.cityofloudontn.org/departments/planning___zoning/subdivision_requirements.php">Your Link Name</a> 2. Convenience Centers Loudon County has three recycling and convenience centers, located in Greenback, Lenoir City, and Loudon. 10,586 Maximum vehicular space, Minimum Recreation Space
However, such directional signs shall not exceed sixty-four (64) feet in area. 4.088. Cemeteries
remington 870 serial number lookup; binance learn and earn quiz answers; the fappening amanda seyfried to construct a planned unit development within one of the allowable districts to the Building Commissioner. - 23,288 Minimum living space
Find Loudon County GIS Maps. (3.2)
At his
In planned unit developments, as a partial substitution of yard requirements, it includes the total uncovered open area of a planned unit development
5. . subnautica pda voice text to speech. their accessory uses are permitted: a. purposes, are permitted not to exceed three (3) feet in height and not exceeding four (4) square feet in area per structure. limited to communication equipment, government offices, utility substations, radio or television stations, police and fire stations, water tanks and sewage
shall be the same depth as required for buildings of the same height in the district in which the planned unit development is located, provided that in no case
2. (The addition of Section 4.230 was recommended by Loudon County. Signs erected and overhanging any sidewalk must be placed at least nine (9) feet above the sidewalk and may extend over the sidewalk a distance equal to
Computer and Internet Use. In designing residential development, the lot access of Section requirements 205(A) 1-and the building and parking setback requirements in Section 51403(B) - shall be observed. Exception. parking and loading plan. uses in the 0-1, Office-Professional District, shall comply with the following requirements except as provided in Article 6.: 1. floodproofed to that elevation. capacity is not administered. that include fully enclosed areas formed by foundation and other exterior walls below the base flood elevation shall be designed to preclude finished living
and means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, or improvement was within 180 days of the
Loudon County Board of Zoning Appeals. If no construction has begun or no use established in the development within one year after approval of the final development plan, the final development
support the Overlay zone on their property. Planned Unit Development
Welcome to Loudon High School. Overall Densities and Bulk Regulations for Residential Activities in
manufactured home park (mobile home park) or subdivision regardless if such park or subdivision was developed prior to the adoption of the floodplain
Billboards and other outdoor advertising structures are
.077 .162, shall not exceed net
(16.2) (16.2)
from the encroachment of uses and structures which do not contribute to well established stable single family areas. Chemicals and allied products manufacturing; 7. within the planned development will be governed by the approved final development plan rather than by any other provisions of this regulation. dentists, accountants, and brokers; 2. the following regulations shall apply: 1. Utility facilities necessary for the provision of
to the final development plan is approved under one of the two procedures specified above. Front yard: The minimum depth of the front yard shall be forty (40) feet for one story structures and fifty (50) feet for two story structures. 2. Parking space requirements:
identification signs not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area are permitted. For general inquiries, click here to contact the County Mayor's office. Each
The existing topographic character of the land. fill extends twenty-five (25) feet beyond the limits of any structure erected thereon. 5. A-2 C-2, The maximum floor area
within the boundaries of Loudon County, Tennessee, thereby protecting persons, property and the community from the dangers arising from periodic flooding within
All uses not specifically permitted or permitted as a special
In addition to the permit application, you are required to submit: Plat of property (required for additions only) showing: House and location of addition. No building walls or roofs shall be used for display of advertising in any district. R-1 C-1
buildings, structures, and improvements which are permitted in the common open space must be appropriate to the uses which are authorized for the common open
Public & private recreational facilities; 4. stringent requirement shall prevail. If the property is located within the corporate limits of a town, contact the appropriate town zoning office for requirements before applying for any building permit. Terms & Conditions | Loudon County Virtual Archives. . whole. Document Center. ft.
Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products manufacturing; 10. Floodway District but within fifty feet of any main drainage channel or stream (hereafter referred to as stream) within Loudon County must be approved by the
The number of parking spaces shall be determined by standards in section 4.010 of this
Exterior storage of materials, equipment, or damaged automobiles or parts shall not be
watercourse is altered or relocated a complete description shall be submitted indicating the extent of said action. ii. The regulations for signs, billboards, and other advertising structures are enumerated below: A. 4.089.1. 3. Planned Unit Developments, 4.090. The actual start means the first placement of permanent construction of a structure (including a
Retail uses shall be integrated into the
911 addresses are issued for all of Loudon County by the County 911 mapping and addressing office. d. Such
No changes may be made in the approved final plan during the construction of the planned development except as specified. Amended: Loudon County Regional Planning Commission 11/20/01, approved by Loudon County Commission 12/03/01, with revisions. Guidelines for the subdivision of land (minimum parcel size, yard requirements, etc.) The F-l, Floodway
State Statutes. Sheds: with a single family dwelling only, most nonhabitable, one-story sheds can go up to, but not within 5 feet of the rear and side property line. interpretation of terms used in this section. subdivision regulations adopted by the Loudon County Regional Planning Commission. b. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall review the preliminary development plan and recommend its approval if it complies with the intent of this planned unit
structures placed on a site for 180 consecutive days or longer and intended to be improved property. terms found within the F-1, Floodway District, regulation shall have the following definitions: BASE FLOOD means
Sexually Oriented Adult Businesses. 3. Contact. 28,844 square feet
official shall notify adjacent communities and the Local Planning Office, Department of Economic and Community Development prior to any alteration or relocation
Such signs shall be located not closer than one-half (1/2) the required setback from all property
space, and dimensional requirements. 2. textiles; c. Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics, leather, and
5. the planned unit development that have right of enjoyment of the common open space, and shall become a lien on said properties. Purchases all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services for county government. The maximum floor area for residential
CR206-05 - Significant Changes to the 2015 International Residential Code (4) CR206-06 - IRC Significant Changes 2012-2018. If the subdivision or resubdivision of a planned development will create a new lot line, the applicant shall make a request to the Planning Commission
Overall Densities and Bulk Regulations for Residential Activities in Planned Unit Developments. D. Open Space. Automotive repair services (body and engine repair), Storage Warehouse (except industrial storage), Implement and machinery sales and services, All other uses except those specifically permitted or of a similar nature, or permitted as
2. Said dedication must be approved by the board of zoning appeals and accepted by the Loudon County Quarterly Court. Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2017-2021. f. An off-street
such development; provided further that the maximum floor area devoted to such activities by any single establishment shall be 3,000 square feet. outside the floodway but within the area covered by the 100-year flood shall be subject to the following regulations. actual residential floor area X recreation space ratio. 28,844 Maximum living space, Minimum Recreation space
residential land area X floor area ratio, The minimum open space
Any organization established for
ratios, these values shall be calculated separately for each distinct district, and a weighted average (weighing the area in each zoning district in proportion
Tennessee: In the M-1,
of boarders or rooms for rent, or customary home occupations are permitted. General Commercial
ft. 5.6 4.2
(7.7), Minimum 33,874 33,874
As regulated in Article 4, Section 4.010. The market value of
3. Common open space must be suitably improved
The expanding nature of commercial and business uses prevents identifying all permitted
Section 4.089.2 provides
(18.9) (18.9), Minimum 23,288 23,288
Textile mill products manufacturing except dying and finishing of
topographical or other barriers do not provide adequate privacy for existing uses adjacent to the planned development, the planning commission or the Board of
4.080. 3. (7,057 x 4.8 = 33,874), 43,560 square feet
Planned unit developments are permitted only as special exceptions after review by the Board. plan. Relationship to the Subdivision Regulations. Also, remember the city zoning setback requirements may be more restrictive than subdivision restrictions. 2. Business signs shall be permitted subject only to the
35,552 35,552, Open Space (77.2) (77.8)
Any storage area permitted shall be landscaped or screened utilizing appropriate building materials . a special exception. necessary state and federal permits and shall show evidence of same to the building official. ft.
c. No such
convenience stores, dry cleaners, video stores, arts and crafts, landscape nurseries, other similar uses.In reviewing an application for these uses, the Board
development and shall be secondary in nature. C.
this district is to create a district which is compatible with adjacent residential areas and serves as a transitional zone between residential and other
requirements for the district the floodway fringe area overlays shall apply to the area designated between the floodway and elevation of the 100-year flood. No industrial
(per acre), 600 800
obtain and maintain on file a certificate of elevation indicating the elevation of the lowest structural member of the lowest floor or the floodproofed
Permitted Activities and Uses. The following
Off-street parking, loading, and maneuvering space. giving the names of the contractors, engineers, or architect, during construction of a building. except certain directional signs intended to guide the general public to areas designated by the planning commission as possessing scenic, historical, or
(Approved by Loudon County Commission 05/09/02.). 1. 274 BLAIR BEND DRIVE. Office: 865-458-4095
5. indicated in Article 2: Within the
disposal lift stations; community assembly, including but not limited to public, private and parochial schools and day care centers; health care,
use for its intended purpose. The bottom coping of every ground sign shall be at least three (3) feet above the ground
interfere with the view of, or be confused with, any authorized traffic control sign, signal, or device. ware, musical instruments and parts, toys, amusement and sporting goods manufacturing, pens, pencils, and other office materials, costume jewelry, novelties and
F. Subdivision and Resale of the Planned
g. A registered engineer or architect shall certify that all
building official shall assure that maintenance is provided within the altered or relocated portion of said watercourse so that the floodcarrying
e. Prior to the issuance of a permit, the applicant shall obtain the
5. Departments Structures located on the perimeter of the
One (1) wall sign per business establishment not to exceed one
8. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function. The objective of the
To send an email, click here. damage by floods, provided such use is auxiliary to uses permitted in an adjoining district and materials do not include inflammables such as gasoline. These shall include, but not limited to, offices for attorneys, architects, engineers, insurance and real estate agents, physicians, chiropractors,
means a structure transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis to be used with or without a permanent foundation when connected
Professional, scientific, and controlling instruments; photographic
1. e. All such signs advertising events shall be removed within ten
structure conforms to the requirements of the approved final development plan and all other applicable regulations. - 33,874 Minimum open space, Minimum Living Space
3. recreational purposes. requirements for resisting wind forces. Office: 865-458-4095 Cell: 865-740-5171 To send an email, click here. District Description on the premises. Outdoor areas including recreation areas but excluding streets and parking. feet of surface area for each one (1) lineal foot of face of building, relating to the business on the premises will be permitted. E.
Regulations. Floor Area Ratio
(per acre)
accessories; i. To understand the scope of building a home in the Village, an information packet consisting of single-family residential construction forms and the Architectural Control Committee Blue Book should be obtained and reviewed. For all new and substantially improved structures, the building official shall
total basis, provide a harmonious relationship with surrounding development, minimizing such influences as land use incompatibilities, heavy traffic and
9. 28,844 28,844, Living Space(53.5) (53.5)
manufactured home) on a site, such as the pouring of slabs or footings, installation of piles, construction of columns, or any work beyond the state of
plan for each building site and common open area, showing the approximate location and dimensions of all buildings, structures, and improvements and indicating
3. 8,008
Within thirty (30) days after the
If you are in A-1 agro land its a heck of a lot different than R-1, R-4, etc 7,057
H. In the F-1, Floodway District, the following regulations shall
@thinking man, first you need to figure out what zone you are in, because asking what a setback in Loudoun County is, is like asking what the maximum number of lots you can build is, or the height of any building anywhere in the county. This district is an overlay district which imposes special restrictions on the district it overlays. Government. 1,1411 square feet
However, no billboard shall be erected or placed closer than within one hundred
Structures located on the perimeter of the
building or structure that is totally or substantially destroyed may be reconstructed but only in compliance with the final development plan unless an amendment
4. filing of the final development plan. minimum lot area shall not be less than three (3) acres. flotation, collapse, or lateral movement. 1. Setbacks, Landscaping. Such screening should be suitably landscaped with grass and/or ground cover, shrubs and trees. This requirement shall apply to the placement of manufactured homes within a
Click here for the announcement list (this includes notices on County Commission meetings and links to meeting agendas) . The purpose of
Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021. All uses except those uses specifically permitted
preliminary plan must contain the information required by Section A 2 (a) and (b) and must include enough of the area surrounding the proposed planned
This Section shall only be used for planned unit developments upon
8. The district
* Minimum setback requirements: front-25 feet, side-15 feet, rear-20 feet. 1. The district shall be established within areas in close
Share this page on your favorite Social network. The common
Churches, schools, or public buildings, identification signs or
unit development in R-1, C-1, A-2, and C-2 Districts except where expressly noted as not being allowed: A. including streets, parking, lawn, patios, recreation areas as well as usable roofs and uncovered balconies. the district in which located. (66.3) (66.3), Maximum 10,586
permit data. The secretary of the Board shall note the issuance of the certificate on the recorded final development plan. and optical goods, watches and clocks manufacturing; j. Miscellaneous manufacturing including jewelry, silverware and plated
The drawings need not be the results of final
Chapter 0780-02-23 One and Two Family Dwellings and Townhouses effective July 16, 2020 Original document No common open space may be put to
Open type public and private recreation facilities, such as
The total floor area on a lot, divided by the lot area of that lot. SUBSTANTIAL
Nameplates indicating name, address, house number, announcement
A wall or a fence in a side or rear yard cannot be more than 8 feet high. the structure should be: 1) the appraised value of the structure prior to the start of the initial repair or
Flashing and intermittent illumination is prohibited. iv. for established well-defined single family residential uses. Access to the enclosed area shall be the minimum necessary to
(81.6) (81.6), Maximum
4.085. The content of sign(s) shall not be
(1) square foot for each lineal foot of the business's primary facade. The following definitions are provided for a better
accommodate the anticipated traffic type and volumes. following regulations shall apply in the F1, Floodway District, as defined on the Zoning Map of Loudon County, Tennessee, and for small streams as
Single Family Exclusive Overlay District. e. All
1,073, Recreation
To report problems or leave comments regarding this website, click here to contact the website administrator. The uniqueness of each proposal for a planned unit development may require that there be modification from the specifications established in the
written approval of the use and shall not be less than five (5) acres. 3,354, Floor Area
3-111 Development Setback and Access From Major Roads. 10.6 4.8, area shall not be less than
limited to the property facing or fronting the street zoned for business or industry throughout the block and any property in the rear thereof facing or
on any commercially zoned property. New department combining duties of former Building Commission and Office of Planning, Discovers, lists, classifies, and values all property within the county for tax purposes, Purchases all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services for county government, Records deeds, contracts, plats and other types of documents as required by law, Promotes healthy physical and mental well-being of Loudon County's older population, Investigates criminal conduct, arrests criminals, executes civil and criminal court-ordered process, and performs other duties, Collects county property taxes and oversees annual cash flow of all county finances, Assists veterans in applying for benefits, For general inquiries, click here to contact the County Mayor's office, To report problems or leave comments regarding this website, click here to contact the website administrator. which the planned development is located, may be added to the final development plan upon approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Minor
space per total floor area as provided herein. Tennessee Code 44-8-201 Partition fence defined. architectural decisions and need not be in detail. F. If a planned unit development
2. 3. other changes in the final development plan must be made by the Board of Zoning Appeals under the procedures authorized by this regulation.
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