A LA RAIZ DEL ATORI SE LE DA UNA AKUKO, ENTONCES SE CORTA EL PEDAZO DE, PALO QUE SE VA A TALLAR, SE COGE UNA GUABINA, SE LE METE EL PEDAZO, DENTRO DANDOLE UN JIO JIO DENTRO DE ELLA Y DESPUES SE PONE TODO A, AHUMAR Y A LOS 7 DIAS SE SACA UN TROZO DE MADERA, SE TALLA EL, BASTONCITO CON CARA ALARGADA E ILA (TATUAJES EN LA CARA), SE BARRENA, Y SE CARGA CON: LERI DE AKUKO, DE EYA ORO, JIO JIO, DE EGGUN, MOKEKERE, 16 ATARE, OBI, ERU, KOLA, OSUN, ARIDA, TIERRA DEL, CEMENTERIO, TIERRA DE LA ENTRADA Y SALIDA DE LA CIUDAD, EWE E IGUI DE, ELEGBA (PREGUNTADO). Su felicidad no est al lado de su madre. Storage or technical access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. Entonces llam a la tojosa con el mismo proposito pero sta tampoco pudo hacer nada. POR ESTE. Y as fue como ORUNMILA pudo saber y entrar en casa de OLOFIN y le cont a ste todo lo que lesucedi en su casa y todo lo que deseaba saber. In Ifa, complaining and blaming others is called ibi. Se le da a OGUN un gallo jabado. The r*, the primordial forces of nature, continue to assist me in achieving my destiny and life's purpose. indigenous religion of Africa, the place of origin of Humanity. 4.- LOS GRANDES SECRETOS DE LAS AYAPAS Y DEL EYA TUTO. AQUI OLOFIN MALDIJO A TODAS LAS RELIGIONES QUE NO FUERAN IFA. Ose Meji says this person must make a sacrifice. Rather, they are passed down orally from one Babalawo to another. Okanran refers to new beginnings and change of direction in your life. Este If es KAFEREFUN: OLODUMARE, OLOFIN, OGUN, YEMAYA, ESPOSA. 8. Irete Meyi. tenga cuidado con chismes, porque siempre lo va a tener encima djelo correr; usted est guerreando, y despus que usted gane esa guerra es cuando va a coger miedo, tenga cuidado con una tragedia donde puede haber sangre o intervenga la justicia; usted tiene que recibir a ORUNMILA; tenga mucho ojo con una trampa; usted est en pacto con tres personas donde pueda intervenir la justicia haga EBO para que salga bien; a usted le gusta dormir desnudo, no lo haga que lo atrasa, a usted se le aflojan las piernas y tiene problemas con la vista. When experience teaches us that our perception of the world is in error, consciousness begins a quest for the truth of the matter. Ifa teaches that if a person lives in harmony with their destiny Nature will provide a blessing of long life, abundance and family. He teaches in a way that is easy to understand and he knows and respects all branches of Yoruba* tradition. Ifa advices to always stay close to the wisdom and guidance provided by Ifa to ensure all this ire is realized. But, I knew it was always there. The ability of Ifa* to give me the wisdom and guidance to successfully navigate through my life journey is unparalleled. In its negative manifestation the drive towards abundance can replace Spirit as a source of motivation. The positive manifestation ofOturuponoffers the information needed for maintaining a healthy immune system. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. He is also a coronated Chief in Osogbo, Yoruba Land, Nigeria. por este If los hijos se comen a la madre.Ogunda La Masa tiene un hijo enviado por su cnyuge, para dominarlo, para quitarse eso debe hacer la obra de limpieza al pie de OGUN. In practical terms,Iworiis the fire of passion. The sixteen holyoju odus. viii) Okanran Meji: Here is a warning not to scatter your attention. In its negative manifestation,Oyekurepresents a premature ending of a cycle that may not result in full maturity or benefit. This information has been gathered by Ifa priests for centuries through divination, real life situations and experiences. If teaches that reincarnation most frequently occurs within the immediate family of the child. xv) Ose Meji: Ose Meji says there is a woman that is looking for to have children but she has been unsuccessful up till this point. Shortly after beginning spiritual work with him, I was offered a great job which has been extremely fulfilling. Este Signo Ogunda Masa habla de un Egun hijo Yemaj Al que le dar de todo en la vida siempre y cuando usted lo atienda. Ifa*, the codified will of Oldmar*, spoken through rnml*, continue to help direct me on the path of my destiny. The worship days are as follows: On these days it is important to sing songs, pray and venerate that Orisa and pray to them for your own personal fortification in the areas they govern. The negative aspect ofOwonrinis unexpected disruption destroying a weak foundation. Osa Ogund - Itan de If 10-3* "To fight and stir up dust like Buffalo" was the one who cast Ifa for Hunter. You will always be blessed because of how you give without condition. Oturais the foundation of an individual's sense of destiny and purpose in the world. El guila era iworo y le hizo santo a alakoso y a la tojosa, el guila era el Rey de las aves y ya estando coronados por el alakoso y la tojosita, las puso como ayudante. To provide the best experiences, we and our partners use technologies such as cookies to store and/or access device information. In conjunction with staying on your path through the guidance of Ifa it is also important to recognize the Orisa. Signo de indecisin, hay que ser estable en todo lo que se hace. l slo debe ofrecer sacrificio. SPIRITUAL CONSULTATION (READING) & SPIRITUAL RESOLUTION (EBO). In other words, although each If divinatory oracle, Dilogn and Ob, has particularities and ancestral secrets, all are interrelated by having the same principles of knowledge that regulate interpretations. In this odun, betrayal and ingratitude were born as payment for good deeds. ORUNMILA as lo hizo y cuando lleg al il de OLOFIN se encontr con el portero que estaba tirado en el piso y le pregunt por OLOFIN y ste le contest en mala forma, para que se fuera de all, pero ORUNMILA insisti y le pregunt a OBATALA: Seor usted est enfermo ?. Ogbe Bear It is an If odun where the religious is capable of giving everything and sacrificing himself in dissimilar aspects for his children. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con, Olodumare, Olorun y Olofin: Los nombres de Dios. Many times, the Mind and Body are being well developed and nurtured. In social terms this cycle is often represented by the voice of the prophet. si este If se le ve a una obin: en ikofafun o vista: se le debe decir que puede formrsele un fibroma en el cuello del tero, lo cual debe atenderse rpidamente, y darse lavados vaginales con raz de jiba.Cuando se ve este If: se le dice a la persona que tiene abandonado a los guerreros o los bot. Irosun means the spirit that protects the head descends. A seal is anything irreversible such as birth. The first are the 16 Meji, or Oju Od. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. A Babalawo interprets the Oddun of If in correspondence with the reality that lives, as explained by many expert anthropologists. ODE, BOGBO TENUYEN BOBAYE OLUWO LAKI OYUGBONA LABERO ADIFAFUN APOTIN SHOMO, BINI ORUNMILA OMA URE LEBO. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. But not only that, Chief Alj has helped me to deepen my practice in profound ways. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. However, our spiritual health and well being are often neglected. Oturupon, the Bearer- is the manifestation of infectious disease. Honoring Ifa and Orisa with obi, song, and dance. Mientras el mundo es esto, la tiosa no come hierba. Storage or technical access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. ii) Oyeku Meji: It is references to the idea that death represents any end of a cycle for example the end of poverty, the end of ill health, the end of confusion, and the end of loneliness. It is important to understand that while Orisa and Ifa work together for our greatest good they are two separate practices and entities. AFOLABIA. OBRA PARA RESOLVER UN PROBLEMA EMPLEANDO A OYA: ----------------------------------------------, SE MONTA UNA LAMPARA EN UN IKOKO DE BARRO CON ACEITE DE COMER, SE LE, SE ENCIENDE LA LAMPARA Y SE LE PONE DELANTE A OYA Y DOS COPAS CON. The negative manifestation of strength is the desire to force personal will on others. Click below to accept the above or make more detailed choices. CUANDO ESTE IFA SALE EN AWOFAKA, LA PERSONA NO TIENE QUE HACER IFA. A very crucial aspect of engaging in African spirituality includes ancestor worship. Download Free PDF View PDF. He heeded the advise and sacrificed. Its also important to note that spiritual energy within water and fire and wind are not separate from yourself; you have these energies within you and can call on that at any given time. and the last rank among them is OFU MEJI, the eldest son among the ODU IFA, but EJIOGBE was the one crowned as king among them in spite of his being the youngest among them, according to verses of Ejiogbe as follows: Oloto, Orororo, Ototo laje epa, ototo leje omu . Chief Alj offers spiritual consultation and spiritual resolution services to nurture and maintain optimal spiritual health. Not consenting or withdrawing consent may negatively affect certain features and functions. In negative termsOsacan represent someone who is constantly running away from responsibility, which can lead to various forms of mental illness. power and the infinite supply of all that is necessary to achieve our earthly destinyand spiritual growth. Religious workers have few English resources, and the creative approach taken in this book will heighten its appeal to those involved in the faith's divination practices. No puede engordar porque se detruye. Furthermore, both the Ifa Oracle and the more Ancient Egyptian Nile Valley Metu Neter Oracles, African Voodoo (Voudon) and the African Ancestral calling rely on Metaphors as a means of expressing the manifestation of creation. 2.- las bibliotecas. Eyiogbe. Ogundais symbolized by the idea of clearing a path or opening a road. Usted tiene marcas en el cuerpo;usted padece de estreimiento. Aw OGUNDA LA MASA: es el Babalawo por excelencia para hacer la llamada del Igbodun de If; este Odu representa la Oyubona, como OGUNDA BIODE representa al padrino. These messages from Ifa Dida tell us what we should and should not be doing and certain aspects of our lives that can be improved and what we should be working on or toward. 3.- LA CEREMONIA DE IR A SACAR A OGGUN DEL MONTE CUANDO SE VA A. Todo sobre la Religin Yoruba (SANTERIA) Osha e Ifa Oshaeifa.com nace con el objetivo de difundir informacin veraz y de calidad relacionada con la Religin Yoruba especialmente la regla de Osha e Ifa. It is the expansion of light from source outward. He also teaches and mentors people of all ages in schools, universities and within his Ifa and Orisa temple as well. xi) Ika Meji: This speaks of running away from evil thoughts, evil actions and evil utterances. Key Phrase:Iworicreates transformation. Ebb rpido. It is a reference to ancestral lineage. Osunsun-igbo-yi-kos'oje, Oburokos'eje where the ones who divined Ifa for Sakoto when he was going to Owa town. 7. With the water in which the jicotea lives, effective cleaning can be done to purify the path of obstacles and sorcery. The spirit of If annoying but tanned with the wisdom of the years replied: Shango you have tried to kill me, but I am immortal and from now on I will live in the nuts of the Obinita tree, in the mango, in the leather of the crocodile and in the shell of the jicotea. El rbol de Odn en un espacio abierto con corteza sobresalienteHizo adivinacin para rnmlLe aconsejaron que realizara sacrificioYa que el acreedor del cielo vendr a exigirle por su dineroEllos le aconsejaron a rnml que ofreciera sacrificioEllos dijeron A Cualquiera que el acreedor del cielo no venga a pedirle dineroLa vida de esa persona no sera buenal realiz el sacrificioUna vez que hizo el sacrificiol tuvo una esposal tuvo un hijoAs, que los hijos son los acreedores son del cielo?No saba hacer ningn trabajoPero si saba cmo comerEl mismo da que naci en el mundoComenz a chupar los pechos de su madreDesde ese da el padre comenzaba a darle dineroDesde ese da que la madre comenzaba a incurrir en los gastos en lY todas las parejasCuando l madure, ellos cosecharn la inversinIf dice que el nio es el acreedor del cielol empez a bailar y a regocijarsel estaba alabando a su BabalwosSus Babalwos estaban alabando a Ifl dijo que fue exactamente como sus Babalwos haban dichoEl rbol de Odn en un espacio abierto con corteza sobresalienteHizo adivinacin para rnmlLe aconsejaron que realizara sacrificioPara que el acreedor del cielo vendra a exigirle su dineroQuin es el acreedor del cielo?El hijo de unoEs el acreedor del cieloEl hijo de uno. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Key Phrase:Oturuponcreates the maintenance of health. Infectious disease can also be a symptom of an unhealthy relationship with Nature and the immediate environment. Orisa worship is connecting to the spiritual energy of a particular aspect of nature. The storage or technical access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. According to Ra Un Nefer Amen, The Ifa Oracle is an Afrikan Religion descended directly from Ancient Egypts Metu Neter. Recomendaciones del signo Ogunda La Masa: Limpieza al pie de OGUN por el signo Ogunda La Masa: Obra de Ogunda Osa para la unin de toda la familia: Ebbo de Ogunda Masa para vencer los aray: Significado del Signo de Ifa Ogunda La Masa (Osa). Usted tiene que tener en su casa un jardn con un ciprespara que tenga de todo en la vida. You must understand that the Orishas come into your life to give you health, peace and tranquility and that despite the fact that ceremonies are made to accelerate or try to ensure that there are no obstacles in the person's destiny, only the goods that are be able to deserve.

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