They entered the office and ordered the clinics staffers to lie on the floor. 1,274 likes. Its often called the invisible illness, because, even though the pain is very real for the person experiencing it, some doctors dont take it seriously. In an email to The Atlantic, Working said that when it came to Phillipss actions, there was no direct threat. (Endo denied the allegations.) One patient she knew kept a cane in the trunk of her car and visited doctors offices with it in order to appear disabled so she could get more pills. I had had back surgery, and I really had real problems that no one wanted to listen to me about. He helped her a lot with her pain. Another said, I was thinking of you today and how much you have helped me.. Khazan: Christi had really appreciated what Jeff did for her. Calles: And I mean, he didnt dress like your average doctor. Well all be killed., It helped that Young had prominent friends he could call on for help. Some speculated that it could have been drugs, alcohol, the prospect of fame, a divorce from his second wife the year after PreventaGenix launched, or a combination of all of them. ), (What sounds like road noise plays in the background of a Periscope clip. Then it rewinds into nothingness.). You may not like my tattoos. The former patient told me she became afraid to leave her house. Not all of them were into the whole edgy hard-rock thing at first. In his early adulthood, he was a straitlaced young Republican who had short hair and wore a tie much of the time, one of his former co-workers told me. In 2020, had he not been indicted, he would have been allowed to petition to have his prescribing privileges reinstated, as long as he agreed to extra monitoring. Health care is one of the Jackson areas most important industries, and West Tennessee Healthcare, which once employed Young, is the largest employer in the county. Whether or not Young is convicted, the perverse incentives for doctors to see patients for short visits and to prescribe too many unnecessary drugs will remain. RockDocTV Show. And that was not the case at all. a dangerous combination of an opioid, a benzodiazepine, and a muscle relaxant. Rock Doc TV. Young: (Serious, and a little angry.) Khazan: Jeff had been good to Tanya in the clinic, which was an experience that she didnt usually have with doctors. Women were drawn to Young; he had a big house and was the first to buy everyones drink. Am I a misogynist, or do women just like rough sex? Young asks himself in one video. This distinction is important, because while nurse practitioners are functioning in the same capacity as physiciansordering and interpreting (A long beat of music. Young benefited from an almost reflexive societal trust in the medical profession. She became his patient around 2016. Khazan: Not long after Jeff opened Preventagenix, the Tennessee nursing board started to investigate him for prescribing high doses of opioids to his patients, even when he didnt have a good medical reason. The Experiment is a co-production of The Atlantic and WNYC Studios. And whats remarkable about the Rock Doc is that he streamed his private interactions with patients online. Jeff didnt monitor M.Y.s use, or talk to him about the danger of combining drugs. 40 members in the TDBauto community. Naylor: I felt like he was being treated unfairlythat maybe he had even been set up. (Lo-fi synthesizer music plays up. After he opened the new clinic, Youngs sexual behavior with patients allegedly continued, as did the towns willingness to ignore it. I just didnt feel comfortable. A new court filing, first reported by The Tennessean last week, portrays the Rock Doc as a menacing figure at the intersection of the opioid crisis and the #MeToo movement. Heres what I can tell you about the JY2, all right? (Laughs heartily.). Part of the judges reasoning was that Youngs Facebook posts showed a propensity for violence., Young continued blogging from jail, somehow managing to write a few posts for a website that promotes medical providers rights to prescribe opioids freely. Sound design by David Herman. Longoria: Olga Khazan is a staff writer at The Atlantic whos been covering the opioid epidemic for the last seven years. Later that month, M.Y. (The two clap each others backs in a half-hug.). Even if the treatment doesnt work, it feels good to be listened to when youre used to being ignored. He tied the knot with his beautiful wife Dr. Petra. In 2016, Young, who was 42 at the time, invited a cameraman to shoot a pilot episode about his life as a nurse practitioner in Jackson, Tennessee. Young grabs them and takes a big whiff. (Young has denied that hed had sex with the patient who appeared to be drugged.). In April 2019, he was indicted on drug-trafficking charges, along with five other medical providers in Jackson, two of whom were the supervising physicians Young, as a nurse practitioner, was required to have. Five other medical providers, just in Jackson, were indicted too. To one patient, who he prescribed hydrocodone, amphetamines, and fentanyl, he said, I accept all insurance. In an attempt to understand how Young got away with so much for so long, Ive spent more than a year tracking his story, reading court documents, and examining his extensive digital footprint. Jackson nurse-practitioner Jeffrey Young, known as the "Rock Doc," was released on bond and will be allowed to continue treating patients, a federal judge ruled Thursday. In November 2016, the health department threatened to file charges against Young before the board of nursing. So hes a little out there. Young had also allegedly begun siphoning off $100 almost every day from the clinic for his personal expenses, according to former employees. Khazan: Ive talked to a lot of patients over the years who feel very uncomfortable around their doctors. His case offers a unique look at the opioid crisis. Not that half of the, you know powers that be are on some sort of whatever. (Patel did not respond to requests for comment.) He would sometimes brag about having sex on his lunch break, sharing with his staff pictures of his conquests, three employees said. But he, uh He was true to himself; lets say that. Young: Whats up, my friend? Youngs pursuit of fame culminated in his attempt to launch the Rock Doc television show. Khazan: Thirty-one doctors and seven other nurse practitioners were busted in that same Justice Department sweep that caught Jeff. He invited a cameraman to document his life and eventually had it edited into a pilot for a reality-TV show. Longoria: The indictment against the Rock Doc alleges that he prescribed more than a million addictive pills, treated patients while intoxicated, and used his prescribing power to have sex with womenincluding women who were his patients. As many as three women a day allegedly came to his office for sex, though one former employee said Young might have had sex with more women after hours. You may not like my piercings. And no education whatsoever, Phillips jokes. The resulting videos are typical scenes from a medical practicepeople donning gloves, waiting in chairsspliced together over a heavy-metal soundtrack. Strippers, tattoo artists, and rock-band groupies saw a kindred spirit in Young and came to him as patients. Even when they do, the boards are mainly composed of doctors and nurses peers, who can be reluctant to throw the book at one of their own, says Rebecca Haw Allensworth, a Vanderbilt University law professor who has studied medical boards. (The background music shifts tone dramatically to a wispy, light, contemplative energy.). Young was among them. Kevin: Jeff and I are full of antics. They painted a picture of the kind of medical office where you might actually want to hang out. [Khazan laughs.] He pleaded not guilty to the . At this point, the people of Jackson knew the full extent of officials suspicions about Young. This is The Experiment, a show about our unfinished country. In 2014, Young began seeing a patient identified as MY in a letter from Tennessees department of healtha letter that would ultimately lead to a nursing-board hearing for Young. After the hearing, Young was jailed pending his trial, which is currently scheduled to be held this spring. Jackson nurse practitioner Jeffrey Young will await his opioid trafficking trial in jail, an appeals court decided Thursday. Naylor: (A long beat and a breath.) According to a medical-board report, one employee recalled Young having sex in his office with a patient who appeared to be drugged; when Young left, she was passed out on the couch. Not that theyre not watching internet porn. Were small enough where we still talk, Jerry Gist, who was the mayor at the time, told me. Scott Deberry: Everyone in his office was all white. At Youngs practice, the quantities of opioids were larger than many investigations that I conducted, Shirley Pickering, a nursing-board investigator, later said in court. At the same time, building himself up as a renegade nurse practitioner seems to have allowed Young to sweep his faults under the rug of unconventionality. The lack of oversight in the Young case is in keeping with practices seen throughout the opioid crisis. Naylor: They just immediately hit it off. Though both she and Reaves said Young should be held accountable for anything he did wrong, Stephanie told me that she forgave him. Phillips popped off to a friend.). Young seemed eager to hire lots of staff, but would end up firing them later. With a heavy Mercy me, Phillips produces a pair of womens panties from a bag. This is just gonna be a little freeze spray first. Many medical providers are small-business owners who operate with limited oversight from authorities. His lawyer also declined to answer any specific allegations. His black shirt collar didnt quite hide the tattoos on the back of his neck. His followers across social-media accounts numbered in the low thousandshigher than a casual users, but a trifle compared with even a C-list celebritys fan base. As the court spent two days scrutinizing his years of alleged misdeeds, he sat mostly silently. Some sought counseling, slept under their beds, or carried guns. The man says if he were ever shot, he would go to Young before going to the hospital. Hes just laid back. Angele Latham. Automated News Feed Subreddit No Censorship, Just News. Im in the middle of a life-saving procedure here. Olga Khazan: At the time, there wasnt a lot of limits on pharmaceutical companies being able to tell doctors that. States largely rely on medical boards to regulate practitioners, but these entities have a reputation for leniency. Patients say the Rock Doc helped them like no one else could. Young: So Im gonna not have a cigar. Khazan: But the pilot also showed the other side of Jeff. We wont know if Young is guilty of everything the government says he is, or how much additional time, if any, he will serve, until later this year. In 2011, the couple got in a fight while visiting Panama City Beach, Florida, and it was determined that Young did throw, or shove, Mrs. Young from the bed to the floor, the police report reads. Khazan: Christi Calles was the patient who loved listening to Stairway to Heaven.. ], Oh, you look fine to me.. Music by Parish Council (Dabbles), water feature (ariel), Arabian Prince in a UK World (The Feeling of Being on a Diet), Keyboard (Being There and My Atelier), and Column (The Art of Fun (Raj) and Sensuela), provided by Tasty Morsels. One admitted that Young had flirted with her. Young cared for all kinds of people, some of whom didnt have money or health insurance. I dont like him asking out my daughter But even then, I still went to him, and my ex-husband still went to him. Khazan: Which was exactly what she liked about him. But, in theory, there should have been a check on all this. (Somber, reflective droning notes play up. (In response to a request for comment, a health-department spokesperson noted that, according to state law, the department cant suspend medical licenses without first giving practitioners the opportunity to demonstrate compliance regarding the allegations against them. When one patient told Young over Facebook Messenger that she was in shitty health and about to jump off a bridge, he prescribed her a cocktail of several different drugs, including fentanyl. In 2014, Jeff started seeing a patient with the initials M.Y. Young cries at his sons fifth-grade graduation, then explains that hes so emotional because his nurses are having their periods. You could see, almost, when you were talking to him, he was listeningand he was thumping that pen to the beat of the music. In one scene, he and his best friend, a pharmaceutical representative named John Kevin Phillips, broadcast themselves on the video-streaming app Periscope. Khazan: In 2017, the very public world Jeff had built around himself started attracting a different kind of attention. Before long, the three men hatched a plan to found a network of health clinics that would check patients cholesterol levels and offer diet and exercise advice. Jeff wanted what was best for his patient. The camera follows Young as he treats patients, talks on a local radio station, dances with women at a club, and brags about drinking. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, and is currently in jail awaiting trial. Youngs story raises the question of where care crosses into harm. Longoria: And what part of the crisis were you most focused on? Though Young claimed that he also fired drug-seeking patients, Gutgsell testified in a deposition that he would meet some patients after hours and write them prescriptions anyway. One person with knowledge of the case gave me a list of several women who, the person believed, were having sex with Young in exchange for drugs. Aw, shit! Thats the only way you can describe it. (The music opens up into a technologic rainforest as synthesizers mimic birdsong.). She told me that Jeff took her pain seriously. She said, He latches on to young single mothers, and he rushes in and wants toquote-unquotesave them.. He may have that, but hes not Hes down to earth. Jeffrey Young was one of those people. Khazan: Jeff and his friend Kevin would often head to Periscope to defend themselves. Some people from the area said they had been harassed by Jeff and were afraid to speak out. (Fades under.). Khazan: The first time I watched this video, I just heard Jeff making excuses. Listen to the trailer for. This is Aalto. Hes a great doctor and never has he acted any way towards me but professional! one woman wrote. (The case did not result in a conviction.) The Daily Beast Automated News Feed No Censorship, Just News. Young: (Just after another person laughs.) Khazan: LaRhonda was skepticalbut she was also dealing with a lot of pain. Naylor: My husband hadnt been to a doctor in years. The clinic mostly offered cosmetic treatments, and it was located in a strip mall in a more industrial part of town, next to a chiropractor and a place called Genes Tire & Wrecker. In March 2019, the health department received a complaint that Young had inappropriate sexual contact with patients, and sent him a letter of warning without disciplining him. (Four years later, the health department received a complaint about this testosterone sideline, but the complaint was never assigned to an investigator, according to Pickering.) Why didnt anyone try to put a stop to this? I just had a lot of questions about how could this happen., Further reading: The Hard-Partying, Rock-Obsessed Nurse at the Center of a Massive Opioid Bust. One story I found in a letter from Jeffs nursing-board case stuck with me. Young: (Moaning.) (A snare hit plays, and the music changes tone again. LeAnn said that Jeff stayed for hours, changing IV bags and chatting with him. And the word that kept coming up when people described Jeff is comfortable. Throughout Youngs year-long treatment of MY, Young failed to conduct pill counts, consult a state database meant to monitor the dispensing of controlled substances, and discuss with MY the risks of combining these drugs, according to the document. Khazan: So, like, that doctor-patient interaction and how the opioids actually got prescribed. During one club night, Young bought Stephanie two drinks and his friends handed them to her. (Ringing leads into a soft, humming organ song.). Khazan: Looking at all the allegations, I mean, its overprescribingoverprescribing to someone whose pill bottles had his name on them and who died of a drug overdose. With Young at least temporarily behind bars, some of his fans seem to have reached a point of disillusionment with the Rock Docor, at least, a point of fatigue. Yall partying in the office? [Chuckles.] Some of the doctors who have been accused of exchanging drugs for sex in recent years threatened patients that they would cut off their supply of painkillers if they didnt gratify them. I visited Youngs clinic, but, through a staffer, he declined to speak with me. Everybody pay fucking attention worldwide because Im about to save this motherfuckers lifelive on Periscope broadcast! Khazan: A lot of them, unfortunately, went with it. The first move of any significant consequence for Young came in early 2017, when the DEA raided the clinic. Thats okay. He remarried in 2006. Otherwise, fledgling practices, in particular, risk losing patients. The opioid epidemicwhich appears to only be getting worsehas made clear that wherever pain exists in America, grifters will follow. Federal prosecutors who charged him in a massive opioid bust say he overprescribed painkillers, often for money, notoriety, and sexual favors.. Branding himself as the "Rock Doc," he flooded his social media accounts with images of a party-loving lifestyle, vitriol for his "haters" and even a pilot episode for a reality TV show . Shed come to see Jeff for a range of health issues, from diabetes to cystitis, and she just didnt buy the things people were saying about him. Khazan: In 2016, Jeff tried to broadcast his world even more widely. Calles: I really am so thankful that he suggested that to me, because if he hadnt have, I probably wouldve never done it, because I wouldnt take anybody else seriously enough to even think about doing it. This episode was reported by Olga Khazan and produced by Alvin Melathe. Purdue ad doctor: These drugswhich, I repeat, are our best, strongest pain medicationsshould be used much more than they are for patients in pain. While Youngs antics could be a nightmare for his staff, his pool of patients increased as word about his practice spread. Khazan: LeAnn Naylor was the secretary for the mayor of Jackson when she started seeing Jeff as a patient. Early in the epidemic, Purdue gave doctors OxyContin fishing hats and swing-music CDs to encourage them to prescribe more of the drug. I dont. Jackson, a city of about 70,000 people, looks like almost any midsize patch of America that sprang up sometime after the Pilgrims but before Microsoft. Prosecutors say Young used his rebellious persona to take advantage of patients, distributing highly addictive painkillers on demand and in large quantities for profitand, often, his own sexual gratification. The biggest blow came in 2019, when Jeff was indicted by the federal government for overprescribing opioids, often in order to get, quote, money, notoriety, and sexual favors., In a court hearing, investigators described several Facebook messages between Jeff and his patients, identified only by their initials. Defending himself in one of his on-camera interviews, Young acknowledges that he is maybe a little untraditional and that he might like to drink a little bit after hours. But, he says, Im very passionate about what I do I work hard, but I play harder. Youngs practice was, for a time, an inexpensive, reliable option for medical care in Jackson. I dont I dont even know what to say. Khazan: Because I couldnt talk to Jeff, Ive spent more hours than I want to admit combing through his Periscope videos, trying to understand this man. Listen to the trailer for Holy Week. The entire epidemic has been an unending story of doctors, pharmaceutical executives, and public officials blithely ignoring signs of danger. You can find Olgas written reporting on the Rock Doc at our website: To date, none of the alleged victims in Youngs court case has come forward publicly to speak against him. Stephanie, who returned to Youngs clinic after the incident at the club, said Young helped her more than any doctor shes ever seen. Employees I spoke with said he eventually was seeing 50 to 85 patients a day, compared with about 20 for the average doctor, and most of them seemed to be on opioids. (A long moment of music with no narration before it fades out. We got a very, uh, important (Fades under.). Khazan: Do you feel like Jeff has done more harm than good? Khazan: And Christi also told me a very similar thing as the other patients I talked to: Shes had terrible experiences with other doctors. One agent testified in court that the bureau had uncovered Facebook messages such as one sent to Young in August 2016 by someone known in court as SW: My girl for eight years is an addict You write her any more scripts youre going to kill her, man. Meanwhile, many of Youngs patient charts had allegedly stopped being monitored: One supervising physician came in once, reviewed Youngs charts, and withdrew from the supervising agreement immediately based on what he saw. Young got married, then quickly got divorced, according to several people who knew him then. What a great, great, great, great song! He did know exactly what to talk to him about to make him feel at ease, and he impressed that grumpy old man so much that that was his primary-care doctor and the only doctor he would see. (The drugmaker that is most often blamed for the epidemic doesnt agree with this assessment: Suggesting that activities that last occurred more than 16 years ago are responsible for todays complex and multifaceted opioid crisis is deeply flawed, a Purdue Pharma spokesperson, Robert Josephson, said in a statement to The New York Times for a story on this issue.). (Fades under.). Calles: I just wasnt getting the care I needed. Over the past two decades, opioids have claimed more than 450,000 American lives. All right, guys. Young wanted information about one of his enemies. A few months into their new venture, Reitz and Young were supposed to meet to discuss the running of the clinic. Throughout Jackson, he had created for himself a reputation as a rock-and-roll renegade, happily showing off his piercings, tattoos, and goatee. I didnt know that. Through his lawyer, Michael R. Working, Phillips did not return several requests for comment. Who cares? All throughout the past few months, Youngs fans have papered his Facebook wall with loving messages. Lets see here, shes 23, Young says. Even after this, she returned to Young as a patient. They just, like, keep their distance from you. Young: So, the, uh, the sinister ministerthat would be me (Fades under again.). Once his colleagues were out of the business, Young began crafting a persona based around rock music and hard living. So what, I dont go get fucked up at the country club with the rest of the stiffs here in J-Town? No one could quite tell me who or what was responsible for Youngs transformation. Khazan: And he posted dozens of videos there. Young began arriving at the clinic smelling rancid, with greasy hair, and the clinics money problems mounted. He has been arrested several times, though not convicted, for assaulting women. Though he was not an M.D., Young christened himself the Rock Doc.. Multiple surveys show that people tend to trust health-care workers more than they trust many other professionals, including police officers and clergy members. Christi Calles lived 30 miles away in Lexington. Many of the people I interviewedincluding some of Youngs former patients and employeesasked to remain anonymous, often because they feared retribution at the hands of Young and his friends. She texted Jeff. (Topix has since been shut down.) Thats very distressing Yeah, Im shocked, you know? Throughout the opioid epidemic, a distressing number of doctors have seen a perverse opportunity in Americans suffering. We put out calls and emails to dozens of Jeff Youngs patients. They described Young to me as intelligent, as knowing almost as much as a doctor would knowor maybe even more. One of them was that I had the story all wrong. Khazan: So Ive written a million stories about this. Khazan: LeAnns story was similar to Tanyas and LaRhondas and Christis. Naylor: Thats a really hard question for me to answer, because I believeour whole family believesthat he saved my husbands life. They would shut off the power so they had an excuse to close the clinic on those days. I expected to hear lots of horror stories of abuse and mistreatment. But she also told me the story of her ex-husband. On it, they found evidence of Young having sex with many different women, one of whom appeared to be motionless and had her eyes closed, a DEA agent testified later. Watching this makes me really sad, one YouTube user commented on the Rock Doc pilot in 2019. He refilled MYs prescriptions for Percocet and Valium, and also prescribed him hydrocodone. You may not like my rock and roll. I mean, you could just kind of tell you could trust him. 2,760 Followers, 1,655 Following, 2,046 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Jeff Young II (JY2) #RockDoc (@jeffyoungii) But the allegations against him point toward what can be permissible, even celebrated, in a medical system built on profit. One January morning, officers swarmed the road outside the PreventaGenix building, guns drawn. Having hordes of fans seems to have allowed Young to buy more deeply into his own rock-and-roll fantasy, which in turn gave him the confidence to broadcast his life through even more videos and updates. Dr. Jeff is married to Petra Mickova Petra though she is his second wife. This requirement is waived, however, in cases where public health, safety, or welfare imperatively requires emergency action.). From that day on, he saw him for everything. I dont wear underwear. Updated at 10:28 p.m. The men each contributed $40,000 to the endeavor. Khazan: In his Periscope videos, Jeff insisted it was all fun and games, and people were just criticizing him because of his style. Jackson Sun. I mean, he had his doctors lab coat on. Young is . Khazan: I was wondering if your ex-husband still supports Jeff or thinks he was a good medical provider. Some of Youngs dalliances with his patient-friends similarly took a dark turn. Purdue voice-over: Some patients may be afraid of taking opioids because theyre perceived as too strong or addictive but that is far from actual fact. Serious, and a muscle relaxant, I dont go get fucked up the! A muscle relaxant for assaulting women to file charges against Young before going to the endeavor seeing Jeff as doctor... 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