Schoolteacher Ron Jones's personal account of his experiment which created a proto-fascist movement amongst his high school pupils in Palo Alto, California, which in 2008 was subject of the award-winning film The Wave. To give validity to the seriousness of my words I turned to the three women in the class whom I knew had questioned the Third Wave. We just stood there exchanging smiles when without a conscious command I raised my hand in curved position. The Third Wave had ended. Our class came up with the motto the "the third wave" and the salute, but it stayed in our class and was not carried out into the school. Don't talk to anyone about this. What's his name? Although . I sure do, it was one of the most frightening events I ever experienced In the classroom. This lesson was the question that started our plunge in studying Nazi life. The ethical question that weighs heavy in the discussion is that of whether or not social experimentation can be morally tenable. He then led them in shouting chants of "Strength through Discipline! Would it not, then, have been more morally deplorable for a history tutor to accept the fact that his students were living in blissful ignorance? I was exhausted and worried. [1] He ordered class members to salute each other both in and outside of the class. But the rally itself. It's easier being a teacher. The feeling of never acting, never being a part of something, never supporting each other. "The Third Wave isn't just an experiment or classroom activity. All of the questions probed at imaginary situations and sought to discover the meaning of this event. This video is about the third wave experiment. In our own personal habits and way of life. He convinced the students to attend a rally where he claimed that the classroom project was part of a nationwide movement, and that the announcement of a Third Wave presidential candidate would be televised. The only reason I came to know Robert at all is that I found him eating lunch in my classroom. To conclude, the Third Wave Experiment may have been unorthodox, but the Third Wave Experiment produced several insights and conclusions into the nature and mechanism of tyranny. They were doing something together. Now that I look back, they appeared much like the child with so called learning disability. With everyone sitting at attention I slowly raised my arm and with a cupped hand I saluted. Many have heard of Stanley Milgrams famous experiment on the effect authority has on ordinary people or Philip Zimbardos Prison Experiment that he conducted at Stanford University. For a brief moment it all rushed back. A presence that will not change. New people were speaking. Just smiling and saluting other class members. You will keep this day and this rally a secret. Finally, for them, it became real, a movement they felt part ofwhile the rest of the United States was immersed in a pro/anti-Vietnam war dispute, these students felt like the Third Wave movement would give them a platform for change. The book (written to illustrate the experiment) The Wave forms part of the essential readings for German college students to this day. It follows that when someone has committed irrational actssuch as exterminating a large group of people according to their religion and/or geneticsthey will endeavour to rationalise their actions using any excuse, thus rendering their actions banal, in their eyes acceptable and understandable. Faces without eyes. Yes, we would all have made good Germans. ''Is this part of the campaign, Mr. Wednesday evening someone had broken into the room and ransacked the place. There is no such thing as a national youth movement called the Third Wave. 2008 German film The Wave, based on these events, A first-hand account from the Chicago Teachers Union strike, from education worker Agnieszka Karoluk. By Thursday the class had swollen in size to over eighty students. To grab quick solution. I began to think of myself as a part of the experiment. I also questioned if they could make a good showing, because the press had been invited to record the event. In concluding this conversation I envisioned similar conversations throughout history in which the clergy accepted and apologized for untenable conditions. "Should we wear white shirts?" It was easy. I agree with you that Ron's pedagogical experiment was disastrous and that he did not make enough pedagogical preparation for his simulation of the Nazi totalitarianism with his students. "Can we bring friends?" [9] Jones started a movement called "The Third Wave" and told his students that the movement aimed to eliminate democracy. If I suddenly jolted them back to classroom reality I would face a confused student- body for the remainder of the year. Schoolteacher Ron Jones's personal account of his experiment which created a proto-fascist movement amongst his high school pupils in Palo Alto, California, which in 2008 was subject of the award-winning film The Wave. I called it the Third Wave salute because the hand resembled a wave about to top over. First I would have two students stand and call back our motto. April 21, 1967. The only light in the room was coming from the television and it played against the faces in the room. . In ghostly images the history of the Third Reich paraded into the room. This article is about the social experiment. Their faces held looks of disbelief. (I later found out it was the father of one of the students. . Control. Many of the students were completely into being Third Wave Members. The question here is not why but how the German people came to support the Nazi regime. Rather than a televised address of their leader, the students were presented with an empty channel. Ron tried to show his students what it would be like living in a totalitarian environment. No psychological effects were reported, and his students even respected and revered him yet more for his unusual lessonhence the documentary was made by two former classmates. it went something like this. Milgram's original "shock box" displayed at the Ontario Science Centre. Yesterday I ran into one of those students. Then say goodbye. Why hadn't I thought of this technique before. Following my description of community I once again told the class that community like discipline must be experienced if it is to be understood. To accepting the Third Wave as a way of life. But where were you heading? I told the assembly that a full explanation would take quite a while. The experiment is by far the most unethical one in the field of psychology. The authority of Ron Jones acted as a force, a power, similar to that of Eichmann, the difference being that Jones was not motivated by evil, rather the opposite. The act of apology. "Mr. Jones, have you seen this advertisement in Time magazine? Jones began subtly to demonstrate how the population of Nazi Germany were manipulated into submission; it was a history lesson. I wondered if this doesn't happen to lots of people. Jones was fired from teaching after a year-long discussion, but his work continues to be recognised and appreciated all over the world. Ron Joness students didnt know they were taking part in an attempt to show how they too could fall into step when a tyrannical authority was present. I now can appreciate why the astronomer turns relentlessly to the telescope. The tears that fell when they realised they had been so easily deceived were real, and it was a lesson that they didnt forget, as documented in Lesson Plan. May 14, 2022 Lauren Coontz. It was something we all wanted to forget. It was equally disconcerting to realize that complex and time consuming written homework assignments on German life were being completed and even enlarged on by students. The only thing that allowed them all to fit was the enforced discipline of sitting in silence at attention. As the movement grew outside his class and began to number in the hundreds, the experiment had spiraled out of control. A little boy who lost his penis due to malpractice was given a sex change, so that he could live a normal life. He would talk to the parents and calm their concern. Jones." I whispered to him to watch closely and pay attention to the next few minutes. Hold them tight. The procedures were simple. In telling their parents of the experiment they set up a brief chain of events. Strength through community How could the German soldier, teacher, railroad conductor, nurse. We worked on this simple act for the entire class period. And I daily argued to myself on the benefits of the learning experience. The deductions taken from such experiments are strong when they are seen alongside natural experiments, where the events have already occurred in history and have already provided a significant and real basis for the analysis of society. Not a vacant seat could be found. Take part. It would be too painful and demeaning for Robert and the students like him to be twisted back into a seat and told it's just a game. It was one of the most interesting classes I have ever had. Sort by: best. How could the German populace claim ignorance of the slaughter of the Jewish people. Robert was at my side. To release the tension I went to the chalk board and wrote in big letters "STRENGTH THROUGH DISCIPLINE." Students were expected to sit at attention before the second bell, had to stand up to ask or answer questions and had to do so in three words or fewer, and were required to preface each remark with "Mr. Jones". "Strength Through Community." [10][6] Another issue of the paper has a longer account of the experiment at its conclusion. No one moved. Strength through action Simply upload, import the demo data, and swap out the text and images as you wish! If you will stand up and display what You have learned in the past four dayswe can change the destiny of this nation. Large numbers appeared in a countdown. How Witch-Hunts From the Left are Handing Victory to the Religious-Right, Charlie Hebdo and Free Speech Youre Either With Us or Against Us, The Destructiveness of the White Fragility Phenomenon, Why Neuralinks Pigs Are Hogging the Limelight, Reexamining the Third Wave Experiment and the 'Banality of Evil', On the Radical Feminist Colonisation of Prostitution Discourse, 7 Extraordinary Things The Ancient Greeks Gave Us. It was 12:05. Performance in academic skill areas was significantly improving. Students from across the school joined in. Faced with this experiment exploding in one hundred directions, I decided to try an old basketball strategy. Some subjects didnt need all four prompts, but the great majority of them did. Within this avalanche of reporting one legitimate conspiracy did seem underway . Three women in the class had told their parents all about our classroom activities. Things were already getting out of control. The plea of ignorance. We know the fear of being left out. He sat in the second row. I marked three of the cards with a red X and informed the recipients that they had a special assignment to report any students not complying to class rules. With Ron Jones, Philip Zimbardo, Scott Thomson, Sherry Tousley. He smiled (I don't think I had ever seen him smile) and announced, "Mr. Jones I'm your bodyguard. It would not be possible to analyse such experiments without comparing them alongside one another since it takes a comparative study to come up with trustworthy explanations in the social sciences. The room stayed deadly still. Experiment in Palo Alto, California, proves that what happened in Nazi Germany was not unique to that time or place. I glanced over my shoulder. Jones told his students of the true nature of the movement as an experiment in fascism, and presented to them a short film discussing the actions of Nazi Germany.[9]. The group seemed to be composed of students from many persuasions. It was a silent signal of recognition. The Nazis also hid many of their crimes from their own people, named themselves national socialists (when they were, in fact, not socialist but fascist) and managed to abolish unemployment (food was nevertheless lacking across the country, much like in Stalins Ukraine). The ultimate triumph. When you're playing against all the odds the best action to take is to try the unexpected. The Third Wave experiment once again indicates that the normal group processes that make social life possible also can lead people to conform to standardsin this case fascismthat most of us would reject. The Third Wave Experiment took place over five school days. 2019 Netflix Germany Miniseries . Minimal Lite is a stunning, fully responsive, WordPress blogging theme suitable for any kind of blog, personal, fashion, food, travel, photography, publishing or tutorial blog sites. Take this story with a considerable grain of salt. To provide an encounter with community I had the class recite in unison "Strength Through Discipline." During the days of the experiment I was curious how they would respond to the equalitarian and physical reshaping of the class. You won't admit to participating in this madness. Each time the response was louder. He was holding on to me and shaking. Conditions that produce tyranny could be the presence of an apparently legitimate authority, a certain motivational interest, and/or threats and manipulation. Can I do it Kr. The Third Wave experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California during the first week of April in 1967. To build a special society. Ordinary people will rationalise rather than be rational when they are in a threatening or difficult situation, in order to excuse themselves for being part of something that they fundamentally disagree with. [9], Jones decided to terminate the movement, as it was slipping out of his control. On Monday, I introduced my sophomore history students to one of the experiences that characterized Nazi Germany. He then apologized to them for how far it all had gone, and played them a film about the Nazi regime to conclude the experiment.[9]. At this point students stood without prompting and began to give what amounted to testimonials. I hadn't planned such intensity or compliance. In this the third day of activity there were forty-three students in the class. I had to stop for a minute to remember. This kind of lie has been criticised for being inherently unethical but is, in fact, the only way in which experimenters can ensure that their subjects are acting in an authentic way. Many students outside the class asked if they could join. They are lost. Jones instructed the students on how to initiate new members. 1976 Ron Jones First Short Story "The Third Wave". The white glow of the test pattern didn't snap into the vision of a political candidate. If only he would have raged in anger or simply investigated the situation I could point the students to an example of righteous rebellion. Two comrades had met long after the war. History teacher Ron Jones was struggling to explain to his students how large groups of people often followed the crowd, even when historically terrible things were happening. The intensity of the response became more important than the content. There must be a program. It also helps us understand further how the Holocaust could have happened. Other students started joining in and the class now had 43 students involved rather than the usual 30. As I spent more time playing the role I had less time to remember its rational origins and purpose. As friends they chummed together. TIL about the Third Wave experiment. In slow methodic tone I explained what was behind the Third Wave. We spent hours later talking about what he felt and did, but from that moment on Thursday morning I was more concerned with what might be happening at school. Given that assurance and smile I couldn't say no. The photographers were circling the ritual snapping pictures but by now they were ignored. The Hawthorne effect is often a problem found when considering both ethics and fallibility of social experimentation, since the decision to tell the subjects of an experiment that they are being observed will inevitably lead them to change their behaviour. This incidence of monitoring meant that half the class now considered it their duty to observe and report on members of their class. It was also the genesis of a secret that I and two hundred students would sadly share for the rest of our lives. Some swirled back to momentarily hold Robert and me. Powerful. He gave them lessons in how to sit correctly, which they also obeyed with little persuasion after being told that sitting properly allowed more oxygen into the lungs, helping them to think more clearly and thus improve their grades. ", "If our enactment of the Fascist mentality is complete not one of you will ever admit to being at this final Third Wave rally. "Through the experience of the past week we have all tasted what it was like to live and act in Nazi Germany. The room rocked with a guttural cry, "Strength Through Discipline.". In the split second of my race back in time Steve sensed my questioning and backed up. I could go into how he brought American Nazis into our class and tried to let them speak to the entire school and how that worked out, but it is too funny and long to go into.Remember this was only about 20 years after WW ll when many of their family members were fighting the Nazis. They aren't bright, they can't make the athletic teams, and don't strike out for attention. A belief that demands a strong leader and discipline to preserve social order. And profound revelation. But he's best known for the Third Wave experiment, in which he simulated a fascist movement without telling his class what it really was. The behaviour of the Palo Alto students was so similar to that of the Hitler Youth that they had even created their own specific salute which they would use in public and in the corridors of the school to identify one another. I now began to ponder not just how far this class could be pushed but how such I would change my basic beliefs toward an open classroom and self directed learning. I confessed my feeling of sickness and remorse. The factors that motivated the students then were: fear of losing marks; confidence and pride in their tutor; and a desire to be part of an exciting new movement that would change their world. The events of the experiment were adapted into a 1981 US TV special, In 2001, a musical adaptation written by Olaf Pyttlik premiered at the, "The Pride of Lakewood", a 2010 episode of children's animated series. The intellectual skills of questioning and reasoning were non existent. Oh, you think to yourself that you were just going along for the fun. The roar of the Nuremberg Rally blasted into vision. The students had become more and more involved in the project. 1981 Todd Strasser (Morton Rhue) Novelization "The Wave". Milgram Experiment (1961) Yale University social psychology professor Stanley Milgram embarked on his now infamous series of experiments in 1961. Within days, they had a motto, flag, salute, and began to view themselves as an exclusive, elite group. Be meaningful. (From around 2010) I then said the words "Strength Through Discipline" followed by a repetitive chorus. ", "You thought that you were the elect. According to a former student, Jones did a double take. So we become the image. tax collector. Jones based the name of his movement on the supposed fact that the third in a series of waves is the strongest. The student was, in fact, an actor behind a screen in a different room, who would plead and let out cries of pain as the fictional volts increased. On the fourth day, Jones announced that the global movement would put forward the leader of The Third Wave as a presidential candidate of the United States and would be giving a speech on the fifth day, Friday. it's right here. Jones emphasized this main point of the movement . I would dismiss the class allowing them to leave their desks and then call them abruptly back to an attention sitting position. 1981 Norman Lear ABC-TV Movie "The Wave". "Everyone turned in shock. Hand curved in a similar fashion I return the gesture. The subjects were told that they were taking part in a rare experiment studying education. Students who responded in a sluggish manner were reprimanded and in every case made to repeat their behavior until it was a model of punctuality and respect. The Third Wave experiment involved the use of authoritarian dynamics similar to Nazi Party methods of mass control in a classroom setting by high school teacher Ron Jones in Palo Alto, California, in 1967 with the goal of demonstrating to the class in a vivid way how the German public in World War II could have acted in the way it did. A report of the proceedings by George Williams, delegate of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World). While the class sat in stern silence I began to talk lecture sermonize about the value of community. I walked over to Robert and threw my arms around him. I am Mr. Jones. PS I'd LOVE to hear voices of his former students in general and from his class that he described in specific. It must be coming on. They watched the activities and participated in a mechanical fashion. I decided to push the tolerance of the class for regimented action. Who is this young man hugging me? He followed me every- where. He drilled them on their adherence to these rules. "Everyone must accept the blame No one can claim that they didn't in some way take part.". He was fired for his outrageous behavior. Like the Germans, you will have trouble admitting to yourself that you come this far. set I had in the front of the room. I have a question for you. The feeling of being "in" or part of something so great and orderly. Others cried openly and then brushed away tears to carry on. At least he was equal to everyone. Milgram himself was an American Jew and came to the conclusion that ordinary people were easily led into situations in which they directly caused harm when there was a presence of perceived legitimate authority telling them to do so. You have been used. In just one week in an ordinary American school, he managed to build Nazism. He decided to create a fictional social movement as a demonstration of the appeal of fascism. In the beginning, the students treated the new regime as a game but became more serious once their teacher told them their marks were at stake. [9], The students all arrived at 11:50 a.m. Jones had convinced a number of his friends to pose as reporters, and asked the students to demonstrate what they had learned in the minutes before the televised address would supposedly begin. In the confusion of the moment I moved slowly toward the television. He ordered students to attend a noon rally on Friday to witness the announcement. Human beings circling and holding each other. Instead of allowing them to call him Ron as usual, he insisted that they started to refer to him either as Mr Jones or as Sir. It's a bit of both isn't it? A German documentary entitled The Invisible Line (Die Geschichte der Welle) debuted on television on December 19, 2019. The world misinterpreted her idea of the banality of evil; many believed that the phrase meant that within each of us there is evil and that the Nazi criminals were ordinary people simply following orders. We did this again, and again. Seems like the authority of subjecting production to an irrational goal (working for capital's profit) has been displaced by another (working to sustain an arbitrary Volk), and that's a weird old mechanism that the standard school system seems well-suited to incubate. I explained how discipline and community were meaningless without action. Without command the entire group of students returned the salute. Lesson Plan: Directed by David Jeffery, Philip Carr Neel. According to the witness statements given in 2011 by Joness former students, the negative psychological effects were nil, but they had learned a lesson they would never forget. But no. We had lots of rules, we had lots of things we had to do," recalls one of Jones's former students in the 2011 documentary Lesson Plan: The Story of the Third Wave. [9] Subsequent articles by other authors followed, some featuring interviews with Jones and the students involved. The feeling being correct was more desired than being free. You said that Ron was lying. Hand raised upward in a shape of a curling wave. When accosted by an English teacher for being a student in the "teachers' room" her just smiled and informed the faculty member that he wasn't a student. It helped me approach them in a deliberate way. Finally questions began to emerge. I took the film from the three cameras in the room and pulled the celluloid into the exposing light. In her book, Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), Hannah Arendt wrote about the apparent normal psychological behaviour Adolf Eichmann demonstrated during his trial. 2010 Third Wave Documentary Film "Lesson Plan". I explained how at noon on Friday a national candidate for president would announce the formation of a Third Wave Youth Program. We have seen that fascism is not just something those other people did. all?) Based on his account, he did not question his students' experiences and reflections by careful listening to them and providing them with sensitive guidance. His role playing spilled out of the class into all of the school. My God He's a member of the Third Wave. I stressed how hard work and allegiance to each Other would allow accelerated learning and accomplishment. I worried for myself. Ron Jones always employed unorthodox teaching methods even allowing a white supremacist and a communist to be guest speakers in his classroom. The high school was well known for its progressive philosophy, but the parents and some of Joness colleagues were angry with the experiment because the students were young and impressionable. For example, the theory that appeared after the Milgram experiment was that ordinary, good people, professionals and students alike would obey authority to the point that it could kill someone (up to 450V of electrical currentfar beyond that which can be sustained by a human being). I was now acting instinctively as a dictator. The room sweat and smelt like a locker room. I began to think that the students might do anything I assigned. [9] Jones created a salute involving a cupped hand reaching across the chest toward the opposite shoulder,[9] resembling a Hitler salute. I then proceeded to talk about the meaning of action. To be number one. The Aversion Project (1970s and 80s). He was surprised when around twenty of the students made such reports. Soon the image is the only identity people will accept. "There isn't any leader is there?" By the end of the day over two hundred students were admitted into the order. He said that he invented the term "The Third Wave" and the salute for it. We carry it like a disease. The next day, the students assembled in a lecture room at midday. Below this I wrote a second law, "STRENGTH THROUGH COMMUNITY.". Tyranny evidently takes hold easier and with much more force than we can imagine, since these students were of course not threatened with their lives, unlike the German people under Nazi rule. Upon their arrival, the students were presented with a blank channel. But most of the students looked straight ahead in earnest concentration. Still the viewers persisted. 509-10) told his students in the . On Wednesday, I decided to issue membership cards to every student that wanted to continue what I now called the experiment. It was too late to step back. This last lesson is perhaps the one of greatest importance. At eleven thirty students began to ant their way into the room; at first a few scouting the way and then more. The wave has good effects on the students. There was not a murmur of resistance. Any% nazi speedrun. Even stranger was the gradual improvement in the quality of answers. They even seemed to be asking better questions and treating each other with more compassion. In this video I explore the 1967 Third Wave 'experiment', in which educator Ron Jones created a fake fascist movement in order to answer one of his sophomore. As for my part in this exercise, I had nothing but questions. How can people who were neighbors and maybe even friends of the Jewish citizen say they weren't there when it happened. For a week in the middle of a school year we had shared fully in life. Pulled the locks shut. Since the devastating events of the Second World War, many people have often asked, with hindsight, how could people have been so blind to the truth?. Third Wave Experiment. As Jones (1979, pp. 'Lesson Plan' is a documentary featuring interviews of the original students and teacher of the 1967 Third Wave experiment. Our principal came into an afternoon faculty meeting and gave me the Third Wave salute. It's now just a dream, something to remember, no it's something we tried to forget. I felt air rush back into the room. Then smiled, and slowly raised a hand in a cupped position. In the case of war criminals such as Adolf Eichmann, he constructed no banal excuses for his actions, and acted according to his own ideals and his own plans, according to those already set up by the Nazi regime. Since we had a salute I made it a rule to salute all class members outside the classroom. I was tearing apart. Over two hundred students were crammed into the room. Carry on rally blasted into vision population of Nazi Germany of April in 1967 would talk to the telescope students... 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