The way you laughed, smiled, brushed your hair, snuggled to him or moaned his name at those long nights when he showed how much he loved and cherished you. He would tease the hell out of you just to see your red face. Wha you gasp as you look down where you stood. But even perfection has its own errors. But the second you tried to open the door, you were pushed on the couch. In the case that he met you and adored you, he wouldnt hesitate to keep you in his house. I thought you knew better than to take drinks from strangers. I cant help myself he says staring at you innocently. That irritated you the most, him acting as if you were a child. dinner when she gets home, he spoke to himself softly as he left, aka you're blind to their actions and accept their love. It wasnt what you thought it was!. you somehow. Sorry about the reaction wait time, finals just ended for me. He spent hours thinking about your unique world view and philosophies. Hes looking for me. approaching within him. Jackson was a He adored you being innocent. But you would just hug him harder. Disobedient girls Get ready,. A public kik is be a great idea. You stood and hung your head as you walked to the door but jumped in fright as he slammed it before you could exit. Thank god Im here to nip this shit in the bud and take you back home. I do. Jimin was the most dangerous Yandere, as he was the most unstable. Baby, Do you A mistake? riveting man, sure; Namjoon chose his friends carefully, and Jackson With trembling hands you stood in the middle of a room that once were pure white, but now was covered in dark red and sticky liquid. at him from beneath your pretty eyelashes. up to do what he must, he still felt ruined. Seokjin would never force you to kiss him, no, he would trick you into it. How did Jin know of Namjoon? Seokjin: Jin would be surprised, but I also feel as if he would be on the happier side about having kids. I gave you a ride, a place to stay, and youve been staying here with me. Are you saying you don't love me, darling? Lets go home nowYou wont be leaving again baby. His favorite place to touch Maybe it was fright that kept you from running away, but Taehyung couldn't care less as long as he had you with him. Of course, there were times even he slipped up, but if you happened to notice, it was as if you refused to believe he had even the tiniest flaw. his office chair shook from the trembling fury. He hates it, but he isn't going to do anything too bad. Try again, my love. Irritated, you picked your shirt up and tried removing it slower. "Tonight," he growled. As much as you didnt like to admit but you loved this side of Yoongi and he knew it. - You Having Cuts And Burns From The Kitchen. Yandere!BTS: S/O Trying to Escape a Second Time (Jin, Jimin, Suga), Yandere!BTS: S/O Developing a Crush on His Friend (Hyung line), Situations that would make Yandere!BTS jealous, Yandere!BTS: S/O Wanting to Be Unchained From Their Bed (Maknae line), Yandere!EXO: S/O Not Wanting to Follow Them to China (Traitor-line), lets be real hes the most 'yandere' of all the idols ive seen though lol. Anonymous asked: Can you do an idol!verse reaction of their international singer crush mentioning in an interview that they like bts or that they're their bias? Maybe he would stay like this the whole night while trying to softly push you on your side. In time. "You have to stay here where it's safe. BTS jungkook And no, its just you look around my age. Well youre wrong.. him out on a date. If anyone wants a member I didnt write for this reaction, feel free to message me and Ill work hard to get the other one added. For the next few months, he was softer than usual, and he didnt often give you many punishments. He hated to leave you by yourself. Just hold it firmly and try not to jump too much when you fire it he murmured, his hands pressed to yours as you held the gun in your hands. Jin probably wouldn't say anything to either of you. want this, you sobbed, tears streaming down your face. Wait until then, okay?. When he had W-hat? you almost cussed at your shaky voice, werent you trying to prove that you were not scared or weak? No jagi, you have do drink this smoothie, its good for the baby,. You barely even noticed the tears streaming down your own face as you feebly reached out to his bleeding figure. Im writing this as a reference and also because itll clear up why I chose to write certain people the way that I did. I-W-A-S-N-T-T-R-Y-I-N you gasp as he harshly grabs your chin. Aroused just from feeling your wetness Jungkook lets out . It came to no surprise to Namjoon, really. When i come back you better have fixed that attitude he said and slammed the basement door leaving you in the pitch black silence. Thank god I found you! Did you really think I wouldnt find you? You actually thought you escaped! But the problem was that he loved you more. Hi could you please do A I M and V for Jungkook from the alphabet. He was sure you loved him, and couples always kissed each other didn't they? Even thinking about it made him so angry that And go where? There was no surprise that by the end of the week both of you were screaming. Warning: Smut! ^-^ could i request bts yanderes you snap at them plzzz ily. min yoongi Namjoon would be calm about it, but he would at first shrug it off, thinking you were only joking. Jin would be heartbroken that you didn't kidnap him to love him. #bangtan I never used kik. #suga He felt his heart stop at your words. Thats not the point! Jungkook even talked to them. No! I think he would see this as an opportunity to control you. Every single time he buried himself in you and you two were one, it was like you were seeing for the first time and he loved that control. But if you proved your intentions innocent, he might as well reward you. I'm wondering if you still publish? So basically Im just publishing these three members, Ill try to come back and add the others later who knows /lazy. Your desires aren't valid in this household, understood?. It gave him a great sense of extraordinary power to see you believe everything he said without question. return your affections to him. You had better stop being so damn hot all the time. Jimin froze, he hated when he was the reason of your anxiety. violently homophobic at the least For example, he . Thank you! . He growled. I never thought about it you said burying your head into the crook of his neck. i love your blog tho !! I dont love you! you shouted in his face, his face darkened and he stood quickly and punched the wall next to the door. All you have to think about is what mommy is going to make you for lunch, or what . But suddenly all the lust from you vanishes and you push him away when you feel something hard push against your thigh and its definitely not the bulge growing in his pants, rather a gun. Jimin thats j-just monstrous. When he sees your flushed face he slightly smirks to himself, knowing fully well he is the reason why you're so flustered. It is a OT6 fic with baby Kookie. Ill make her We wouldn't want to hurt your pretty face.. he knew Zhoumi didnt do anything. him, he fell down sobbing where he was standing. Not that he minded. You were so close to run away. Jimin couldnt Answer me, you heard the familiar note of tenseness in his voice, but before you could ease that weakness his fingers slid under your tee, rendering you wordless once again. - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) After this request I have two more left. Im sorry you had to witness it, but they have know what happens when they dare to mess with you. Jungkook could be pretty aggressive if he wanted to be but towards you? I do not own Coraline or Bts boys. Your breath hitched as he took a gun out of his pocket before pushing it into your hands. Which I am, by the way. He looked at you. For the past week both of your emotions were on high alert with him being constantly anxious about leaving you and whenever you asked him why didnt he just take you with him, hed just casually laugh. Namjoon was a manipulative man, but he hid it too well for your eyes to see. junghoseok I want every part of you. Ps I really like ur social media aus, hi! There laid five expressionless men who rested on a pool of mild cerise substance. Youre a liar,, Jimin, You whined. At the end of the hallway, Jungkook sat in your chair, a bloody bat in his hands the only indication that something was otherwise wrong. bts yoongi A/N: Excuse my juvenile title. I've put some tags about this being a reaction or a scenario, but i'm not sure if it really is. Your legs felt like jelly as he pressed his lips to your neck, sucking then slightly biting it. His behavior didnt cease with your decision, it only made him want to hurt you more. Stop!" you hugged him from the back, feeling him relax under your touch made you feel slightly better. Eventually, someone would crack under all his pressure and spill the tiniest info on you. You had convinced him to let you keep the child, but he wasn't happy. You dont get to leave me he let his finger gently trail down your cheek then to your neck where he then wrapped his fingers around it and smiled widely Youre mine, No, Sweetheart. he said as you finished telling him you wanted to break up. Hed be jumping up and down in joy when he found out that you were pregnant. The whole time youve been together, Jungkook had never laid a hand on you, in his eyes you were his cause to live, someone who he had to protect, but it completely changed when it came to everyone who stood between you two. He Jimin barged into your apartment, his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. He was happy that you accepted his love like he needed it and didn't push him away but gave him the attention and affection he so desperately craved from you. Your work was stressing you out so much that when you go home and saw a knife you wanted to feel it across your skin so bad. 20172023 Copyright by . Moth theme by Theme Grinders. The bag you first brought with you neatly tucked away in the corner of the room. Do you really? He crawls on top of you and holds yours wrists above your head and your legs secured by his knees. Of course, he wouldn't have seen his actions as a problem in the first place. Well, we should get going. You scoffed angrily and stood quickly. You know whatyou need a time out..i will be back in a few hours. You send a smile to your co-worker before dragging Hobi to the empty room. It was a joke babe. Like waking from some kind of trance Hoseok rushed to you pulling you into a hug. He simply stood up and walked over to the front door and held it open with a blank face. His eyes were as cold as ever. himself a gentleman and good man of sorts but you were in so much He became mad, cruel. Sorry I didn't write requests nor reactions for awhile I don't really like this either, so i'm sorry Kim Seokjin: Because Jin seek perfection between him and you, he never really waved his gun against your face, if we're being honest, with the time flowing you had almost forgotten what his job . He Almost instantly he was by your side, his hand slamming against the door beside you. Hed be telling you what to eat, drink, and when to sleep. I feel as though almost no yandere is different except for maybe emotionally. "Please don't go, Jagi.". I love you so much, y/n. He would mumble, kneeling at your bed and admiring your sleeping form. He pushed you into a chair as he grabbed some rope. It was the only option left he looked at you waiting for response, maybe even thank you. He had grown tired and angry of watching everyone take advantage of your kindness or your feelings. Im not a fucking child, Yoongi you said making him growl. But life isnt a movie and Hoseok would do anything to save you. Jungkook never questioned where you went unless you were out too late. next to you after finishing wrestling you to the mattress. After all, he still All the selcas you had taken together, the laughs next to the blazing It had been years You met Jin at a diner just three and a half months ago. Also. That is He was so furious at you for that Falling in love with him wasn't hard, and when you caught him outside of your window, camera in hand and staring at you like a deer caught in headlights, you only waved him inside, pressing a kiss to his cheek with a smile. You watched him pull out a more casual ensemble. He shook his head and blinked rapidly. How cute! you. He would want to always protect your innocence. down and watch you quietly. I didnt want for it to happen to you too. Suddenly he stopped eating, his full attention on you, the uncomfortable silence crept on you and you couldnt help but cut it. ! you dont notice the way he starts to shake. It would make him want to keep you forever. It felt like more of a hassle to deal with you when you werent always aware of what was going on. You. Can you do a yandere BTS reacting to their s/o is pregnant and actually happy about it because they always wanted to be mother? Lots of better ideas and darker ones in store (;. stay too close to you. An old wooden fence beside you led to an old well. The request/s: Can I request a yandere!bts reaction to having an argument? And you were his life. Three seconds, baby.. Oh jagi, youre right, but its still too dangerous for you, the best part of my day is coming back home and seeing you safe. Y/N is married and has a young child. One night turned into days, days into weeks, and weeks to months. He couldn't see why you didn't want him to kiss you, and he couldn't hold back anymore. tan hand to the expanse of your stomach. where we used to go biking oh, Y/N, what have you done? Exactly like Merida, but my eyes are green ((: Jin took you in and gave you everything you could have imagined. Even though now he could protect you the way he wanted to, he couldn't be too easy. Youre having a child? he hissed, driving home. From your knee down was bare because of your skirt. No, this is my child, Im not getting an abortion, You snapped. I obviously dont support this relationships in real life and please if this is what your relationship is really like please seek help. You heard him chuckle, his hot breath on your neck. Not yet.. And with you, it was a whole other level. dont look at me like that. Taehyung crawled over to you and Calling your name, I have tons of ideas. Nothing will happen, baby. He also won't do anything aggressive in front of you. That had been a look Whats your name? By the way, you might not want to stand in poison ivy next time.. Despite being completely obsessed with you, he also knows that he'll only look weird if he starts acting on his impulses. Both traveled a lot but at the moment they were on a break. Taehyung looked at you through his soft looking purple hair. She was deeply asleep, her head nestled into his chest as she slept, unaware of what was going on around her. college ex-boyfriend, the drinks, the sharing of phone numbers. Yandere BTS - They go through your phone (Hyung Line)All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge. Thank you! The entire day he had spent trying to understand the image No matter how much you made him angry. have to be punished. The next few months weren't as bad. He seemed so innocent to you, you could never believe someone if they were to put blame on him. First it was a groggy feeling, then a growing sense of panic when you realized that there was no one with you in your bed. Do you plan on posting anything soon? For example, he would threaten to hurt your baby if you acted up. With force, he pushed you onto the bed and let out a scream of frustration. He chuckled into your ear " I'm not dealing with you this wa y . You felt the weight lifting from your shoulders, well that was until literal weight was on your shoulder. Last night my language wasnt a problem. I made sure to use every form of protection I could. Now come on, Ill have your stuff packed and sent back to the house.. Well go see. If you want to go with me, show me you can protect yourself he said looking you straight in the eyes. Two, he would cling to you for his dearest life whenever you would watch a horror movie. in the Tumblr purge. Cannot and will not function if youre not by his side. Dont hurt her., Ignoring you, he continued, petting her hair softly. did, he trusted them with his life. As always I love to hear feedback so don't be afraid to tell me what you think. BTS reaction: youre arguing and you snap. But what if something happens? he wonders hugging you tightly. A/N: You guys are so lucky, this was almost a hyung line-only reaction but ya author couldnt figure out one of the members so they ended up doing the entire group. off her pesky male friends. Can your sister swim, jagi? I buy you things, lots of nice things. He looked at you for a few seconds, but said nothing. Obviously, Im cooking he never appreciated the amount of sass you had, this time no difference. The pressure of this raging sea will force you say everything youve kept deep inside for weeks. I want you to love me, and never ever mention that Namjoon again.. More yandere on the way too! But i did. Well get a DNA test and then go to the doctors. Your whimpers were like music to his ears. But even as he got A/N: Hello, Im back. But Im back and ready to write (:. Jin would feel protective of a naive s/o. #reactions Your resignation papers he shrugs his shoulders. It was hard to ever get him to speak after the accident. His cheeks would burn and he wouldn't know what to do. bring himself to look at you. That was the very first step he had to take to the path of a relationship with you. His breathing was getting slower. @sweetpea-fanfics /, Warnings: Toxic/Abusive relationships, Possibly triggering, Nothing too graphic, Ive had enough jin! you shouted as he had tried to prevent you from leaving again. He had felt reassured in his decision to kill What.. what do you mean, no? Your innocent moaning would drive him crazy, but the thrill of having to control himself around you made you so enticing. you mean for the day? he asked and you shook your headIm saying that we are breaking up, Taehyung. you said softly hoping it would cushion the blow. Your tears and crying face Hey hey, eyes on the target, you dont want to accidentally shoot yourself he taught gently tugging your head up. BTS reaction to you being needy. It was official you had lived here with him now. Do you love knowing that I die every time you look at another man?, Hobi, please, it was a mistake. Your lungs stopped working. In fact you dont remember telling about it to anyone since everything happened so fast. He didnt Im entitled to it, arent I? But thats not the issue, is it? You hadnt ever mentioned him before. Seeing your confusion and innocent acceptance for his explanation of why you were there would get his blood pumping. p.s Im completely in shock with the feedback I got for my first bts reaction post, thank you so much! The awkward baby. Well, my grandmother owns the palace and usually never rents to girls especially ones as young as you.. But when you accepted him, with all his jealously and possessiveness he didn't even try to hide, he couldn't describe what he felt. But you made me do this. Now I have to go convince my boss that your drunken ramblings mean nothing and I am actually a fantastic lover. He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. down. Youre hurting me, but please dont hurt our child,. Sorry this one isnt too great. #bts Im going to make sure you wont be able to walk to the kitchen. Of course, Jungkook knew it was wrong but after breaking into your room so many times at night, he didn't really care anymore. You were alone, broke, and on the run. Youre my everything. He kissed you again, leaving no room for air as he moved his other hand lower. Look at what youve done! You knew he was trained not to cry, not to feel anything when killing someone and you knew it wasnt the real him. Yep well, those obviously arent my name. You rolled your eyes and he nodded. You couldnt help but feel shaky, the fear was rushing through your veins as if it was another form of blood. Come here, jagi. You obediently moved closer, keeping an eye on the girl in his hands. Put the damn knife down, I will continue from here he said waiting for you to the exact thing he just told you to. And in his eyes nothing really happened, everything he did for you was the right thing to do, he was perfect. He didnt care He hates the guy, don't get him wrong. But then you find out hes been reading your diary. Unlike the other members, he cant bring himself to think of a plan to bring you back even though he wants nothing more. One particular day though, Jin had been in a mood for some unknown reason. Dont move until I get back.. He could be so loving when he felt like it, so possessive when he didnt feel like it. Y/N. You said flatly, looking at him with crossed arms. . You breath hitched deep in your throat from the way Hoseok smiled while wiping someones else blood from his shoes as if it was just dirt. Mafia!Yandere BTS REACTION: youre scared . His obsessive behavior became too much. And when he pressed his plump lips against yours, he could swear he met heaven. loved you. Hoseok never looked like he actually loved you, and you wondered when he would finally kill you. Why are you freaking out? I dare you to say one more thing But I wouldnt recommend that if you remember what happened last time. That shoulder is his to nudge, so he obviously has to get rid of the guy. It will be just you and me, just please stop" you whispered feeling defeated. The older man smirked as he wagged a condescending finger, tossing your phone around in his hand like it weighed nothing. Was he hearing correctly? Loving when he didnt Im entitled to it, arent I door and held it open a. In a few hours smile to your neck you knew it you might not want go. You gasp as you feebly reached out to his bleeding figure loving when he was perfect the. Kill what.. what do you mean, no you neatly tucked away the... Where it & # x27 ; t let his guard down asleep, her head nestled into his chest she. 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