for paint to adhere sanding had to be done to the tail. _____ Items Needed: i was told on paint remover can remove it. I traded some 04/05 tails I had that weren't in the best shape for this pair that were tinted to hell, but I knew with some elbowgrease I could make these right. I have done smoked tail lights with other vehicals. Polish the hell out of them then clearcoat them. Is it possible to get much brighter lightbulbs? Does anyone know how to remove VHT Nightshade? How-To author: jeweler54 Original thread: Let the modding Begin!! be careful you dont melt the lenses or your finger tips for that matter!! i mixed gas, lacq thinner and goo gone and mannnnnn that did for me lol... now i gotta do the other one, wow, now thats some concoction!! Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 3 of 3 Posts. You can reclear once you are done. was it clear-coated? Try to overlap the tape minimally to cover the entire clear part.... get under a very good light and you should be able to see a faint outline of the reverse light. Start off by ridding your tail lights of dirt. lol. Don't forget to click that like button and subscribe for more. Step Two: Douse your shop rag in brake fluid and start rubbin it out. Along with Diode's stage 3 led tail light bulbs, light was still relatively visible through it all. Almost immediately you will start seeing results: At about ten minutes: After about twenty minutes: Step Three: Clean off the tail lights to make sure no lingering brake fluid can drip onto your paint. Sanding will make for a more polished finish. 34 Posts #2 • Feb 27, 2011 (Edited) not sure if 2010 is different then 06 but mine is just 3 plastic wing nuts that you can take off by hand.. very easy to remove. First of all, Nite shade or Nightshade is a spray on tint that is often used on lights of vehicles to make them darker. sprayed 5 coats of the clear with 5 minutes between coats. Well, I have an answer for you! Just terrible. Then clean with 90% alachol sold at walmart. After all of that untape your tail light and put it back in the same way you took it out. I first scuffed the entire tail light surface with some 1000 grit sandpaper. Yeah no joke on that man -- it looks so much better when painted too. Yes, it will. About the only thing to do it right would be to sand them with some 2000-4000 grit wet/dry sandpaper until the tint is gone. I try to drive it like I stole it, but it just won't go!! ive taken niteshades off with brake cleaner b4 BUT it turns your lenses dull with a chalky surface which you need to polish back to a clear lens with a lens restore kit. Best method, really works! Sprayed three coats of the VHT on, five minutes between coats. Copyright ©1999 - 2019, North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club, Inc. Let dry for 2 hrs. use 400 grit sand paper and sand them, after all the tint is off of them then clear coat them, you can use the rattle can lear but your gonna have to polish them afterwards. Will a ute exhaust fit a sedan or wagon? 2014-2016 Toyota Corolla tail light removal/VHT Nightshade tail light paint In this set of instructions I'll go through how to remove the old broken assembly, remove all the lights from it, and then install the new tail light assembly. What gives y0? we tried that didnt work too well im gonna go back and try again. VHT Tint (7).JPG. Almost like some kid in one of the other forumz, he did his headlight and was wanting to take the tint off. It is often asked how to remove nightshade from car tail lights, head lights or from indicators. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. A lot of time and effort has gone into the content and made available to internet users. I used the VHT nightshade that advanced auto sells. Let the paint cure over night then when you get up in the morning and wait for your coffee to brew, run outside and give them both a nice coat of wax. Hey, I just got my tail lights painted black. As I mentioned, I haven't used it, so I was just guessing. Step 3. Do about 4 coats of clear. A forum community dedicated to Chrysler 300 owners and enthusiasts. Polish the hell out of them then clearcoat them. next time i would remove the lights its really easy. :confused: [\u001AIMG] [\u001AIMG] [\u001AIMG] Because Deadly Nightshades are mentioned along with poisonous dragons, as well as the fact that nightshade plants are poisonous, we might assume the Deadly Nightshade is poisonous, too. Let dry for an hour. So, that being said, PLENTY of people would paint over them. Re: Rear reflector Removal I have purchased southern surfers products and eventually I plan to do so again just never seem to get around to it. Need Help On How To Paint With Nightshade On Tail Lights. "NightShade" is the term for it I believe, correct me if I'm wrong. This is from my experience....................... ^^^^^The guru has spoken!!! I figured it was similar to paint. How to remove nightshade from car tail lights. You misspelled brake fluid so many times, and yet you used the correct "brake fluid" in step 2. Soak your 2000-grit sand paper with water before using it on your tail lights. I personally love the way blacked out tail lights look when they are done right. I messed up on my 3rd brake light, it has wrinkles. some members have used Goo-Gone with great results. Less scrubbing and more stripper is … this is the only way to go.. its like a paint. Did you use VHT Nightshade ? thanks for the advice, i got one done. Installing lights on Bullbar Wiring LEDs in Front Light Bar, Rock Lights, Puddle Lights, Rear, Footwell, Bed, Map and Dome Aux Light Switches How to remove spray paint on the tail light after I … You can't even tell my stop lights are on half the time. How do you remove nightshade from tail lights? arn4726 ... A How To On Tinting Tail Lights With Night Shade... Do You Take The Whole Light Out And If So How To Do It... Or Just Tape Off The Light And Paint It Still Attatched To The Car Etc. About the only thing to do it right would be to sand them with some 2000-4000 grit wet/dry sandpaper until the tint is gone. All layers of paint. In the picture below you can see the left one has been sanded and the right one has not been. Thank you for watching. But it seems that it's too dark. but that wouldnt be any good for your car paint. The last several tail lights I have tinted, I did NOT use a clear coat. I know this is 4 years late, but the God awful Altezza looking tail lights that came on the 08-12 WRX's were terrible. does anyone know how to remove nightshade from the tail lights??? Are you a Newbie, if so introduce yourself here: Need to know the rules on here, check this out: Wondering how to do anything to your ride, here are the answers: Custom Chassis - Suspension - Wheels & Tires, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. JavaScript is disabled. You can try Aircraft Stripper for PLASTIC...Spray on, let it sit for a few minutes, gently scrub off the old paint (with blue paper towels or an old microfiber towel that won't scratch the lense), and repeat. In an effort to fight misinformation around the web regarding how to remove VHT Nightshades, I made this guide as a resource for those who want to do it right. What does an SV6 with SS mufflers sound like? Wiped down with a small amount of brake clean just to get the dust off. Please take the time to browse the website to see what information, tips and tricks I have written up. If you use harsh chemicals or solvents they may destroy the plastic. None of my lights were damaged in the process. Jeweler's Red Rouge works great for polishing plastics too. So you’re eager to get a blackout on those tail lights, but not so sure if there’s actually any tinted tail light law against it. Thank you, Moose!!! Well done- why anyone would ever want to spray paint their head/tail lights is beyond me. I decided to spray my tails about 6 months ago very dark. Or SPRAY PAINT ? The key is patience, a light touch and light coats of the stripper. Custom Chrysler 300 - 300C - 300C SRT8 Performance, Custom Chrysler 300 Interior and Exterior Lighting. Glad my hands didn't fall off - good call! If you use harsh chemicals or solvents they may destroy the plastic. How to remove nightshade/fix blacked-out taillights safely without the use of solvents or chemicals that are harmful to the plastic and paint. Are nightshade blackout tail lights legal? You should also wear gloves as brake fluid can cause dermatitis, among other hazards. A picture is included of what the spray looks like. Posted on November 12, 2018 July 9, 2019 by Oznium-dv. 2 coats seemed too light. 06 magnesium 300c, tinted windows,2010 blk chrome grill,self made frnt and rear emblems,bt catch can,hid dr.lites,underhood air brushing,, demoulded, remember to support our troops. Tags :how to make tinted tail lights brighter how to tint tail lights with spray paint how to tint tail lights using vht nightshade how to remove paint tint off tail lights how to take spray tint off tail lights where to tint tail lights near me tint tail lights sydney how to remove spray tint on tail lights how to prep tail lights … Leave a comment. Step One: Remove tail lights as brake fluid will damage your paint. In this video, Brit Howell of Vicious Autoworks (Custer, WA) explains the steps you need to take to properly night shade taillights. For those of you who are thinking about or already decided to use VHT nightshade on your tail lights, etc this post is for you. Constant Re-spraying– VHT Nightshade even when clear coated after installation will begin to fade and look hazy over time; Damaging Removal– One can either use a cleaner base to remove the spray, which can begin to eat away at your light fixtures or wet sand the spray off. Ive done a few vehicles, and also lightened up a couple, try using 2000-grit sand paper with water/dish soap, and if you take it off evenly, once your finished, you should be able to clean/apply some clear coat to keep them looking good. so cant help you on that but if you want to remove from the lights just use paint remover it should come right off. Place a few drops of dish soap on the sand paper and wet sand your tail lights till they are a Smokey haze color. VHT Nightshades: I've never used the nightshade so I'm just guessing. 8) Pull the fuses for the headlights, taillights, fog lights, AC, starter relay, and the radio 9) Remove power steering pump 10) Pull the number 2 and 4 spark plugs 11) Shave your balls 12) Get a neighbor to help you push the car off the jack stands onto its side (this makes it easier to get to the tail light bulbs) 13) Drink a quart of Jim Beam But not my sierra yet. Thank you, Todd. Removal = Less than 15 minutes Apply = Hour or less (depending on what you want to do, longer if you mask off part of the taillight) ... you can easily get a nice glossy finish with just the tint and no clear coat. Next, if you want to have the reverse light clear this is where it gets tricky.... lay the painters tape over the reverse light part on the tail light. Take your 2000 grit sandpaper and wet your tail lights and sandpaper. Remove tail lights from vehicle. Step 2. Looks so crappy and every POS car I see has it done. I remember quite a few members getting "Pipped" back in the day. Requires LOTS of elbow grease, but works great. I removed heavy coats of Niteshade from my tail lights (which weren't bad, I just didn't do a very good job because they were the 1st set of lights I ever tinted myself), head lights (too many coats), and bumper lights (same). Wash them using soapy water, then proceed with wet sanding. First tape your whole light off, meaning tape of the plastic part found on each side that goes on the trunk. If … VHT Tint (2).JPG. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, Hemi’s SRT’8, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Category: News. two 9mm or 10mm bolts and they are out. Its like they cant afford any other mods except a can of spray paint. It's relatively straight forward and can be done by a single person in about 30 minutes unless you're terrified of picking up a wrench (side note: if that's the case, you may want to get something other than a jeep).