As you all know, I turned the job down. Veterinarian bills can be stratospheric. I cannot imagine my life without Freya now. And worrying about paying attention to the signs that the dog needs to owe. .leader-2-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:400px;min-width:580px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'richardsdogs_com-leader-2','ezslot_3',119,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'richardsdogs_com-leader-2','ezslot_4',119,'0','1']));I spent a year researching the idea of getting a puppy before I got Freya. It also has a lot of health problems. But I also have just the one. I regret getting my dogs because having them has seriously limited my mobility. Of course, she does limit things at times for me, but she’s also opened a whole new world for me. For example, some of my friends are going to Europe for month. It’s much harder if there are two of you and only one person does all the walks, toilet training, and so on. Even if you get an adult rescue dog, you might need to train them. Adopting a puppy or dog throws you into unfamiliar territory. Both of those things cost tons of money unless you can get lucky and sell in a massive real estate upswing. Ok, before the brigade of pet lovers starts crucifying me– hear me out. People don’t talk about these types of regrets and the ways that having pets can hold them back, but I think it’s important to have these conversations. And pets are expensive. That means I’ll receive a small commission if you decide to click on it and buy something. Their food costs thirty bucks every two weeks, and I’m constantly paying vet bills. … The real reason I turned the job down is because of all of my pets. Yes, indoor house pets do have tons of drawbacks, and thank you for your appreciation of this post. Even then, it takes a while before your pup gets the hang of it. Saying that the training is hard and continous and we are getting close to him being 10 months soon but I fully expect to continue the formal training for another year. Commit to a solution and stick with it. If the first one was a breeze to look after and train, it doesn’t mean your next one will be! If you can’t find a good new home, at least find a no kill shelter. 02-02-2016, 01:00 AM, (This … Celebrating the Legend of Zelda’s 35th Anniversary. People can REGRET getting any breed of dog, not just a Lab and that can include shelter mixes. And yet most will also tell you there were moments when doubts crept in. Do some research. We’ll probably go petless for a few years after our buddy passes. I read a thread on Reddit about a guy who bought a Husky puppy and regretted it. As much as I love them, I can’t help but think about how much different my life would be if I didn’t have them. But sometimes it’s not instantaneous. Be consistent and focused on all aspects of training. The thing is, if I didn’t have them, I would have taken the job. They can keep you up at night. But overall, they can take care of themselves for a few days. I love this dog but I also love my cats and I am feeling so much regret getting the dog right now. Thank you so much for the comment and the support. All such valid reasons not to get pets! Jun 4, 2019 - is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. I loved her to death but she was a lot of work. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'richardsdogs_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',110,'0','0']));Puppies are harder because you need to train them. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I regretted getting a dog. I could have taken that job in California, or found a place to rent in Savannah and Pennsylvania rather than buying a home. Despite this, and despite knowing the grooming demands of a Bichon, I still felt frustrated and stressed to start with. Luckily, Freya stayed dry through the night quite early, so I didn’t need to get up for toileting that often. Remember – if you are prepared and you know what’s in store, you’ll fare much better. Maybe I had to experience the pain of rehoming a dog so I could help you learn how to deal with pet loss. The same applies whether you’re single, have a young family, or a partner. Sometimes it’s a slow dawning realization that takes weeks or months to come to terms with. Regret. If you have pet and can no longer offer it the care that it deserves, it’s perfectly acceptable to re-home it. Every time I clean vomit off my bed at 3AM, I regret getting my dogs. Will I regret getting rid of my pets? Rescue dogs have issues of their own. The dog is also very bad behaved which makes it worse and it's rewening my life. It won’t happen overnight. It doesn't bother me too … Why do you regret getting a dog? Even I acknowledge that’s a bit much. The puppy blues usually pass. However, it was one I adjusted to. I’ll be going petless for awhile after they pass as well. I realized that I’m much happier s oolong the litter box every few days than having to go outside every time the dog needs to per. Update 3: @bluebonnetgranny, I think that the dog … This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Look at solutions. She’s self educated in personal finance and passionate about fighting systematic problems that prevent others from achieving their own financial goals. I could quit my job on a whim and travel the world, or even do something as simple as take a spontaneous vacation. Regretting a decision about getting pets thankfully doesn’t mean you won’t love them or you’re going to act like a jerk and abandon them. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'richardsdogs_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',104,'0','0']));Puppies and dogs become part of the family. You should also consider whether you can afford to pay for dog training if you need it. Some are loving, well adjusted and simply want to be loved. This was tough to read, but I have to agree. It turns out I was going through the puppy blues. I love him and he's 4yo, but... Update: Barry, thanks. If you’re not ready, unprepared, or not willing to devote the time to training (and it does take a lot of time every day), you’ll regret getting a dog. But I know that getting a new pet after they pass is not the answer. Think about how you’ll manage the responsibility of being a dog owner. We still take good care of her and train her and the whole shebang BUT I realized that we may not have been the best fit for her between our stage in life and her needs. If you guessed most of them, you’d be right. I’d love to take them to the dog park (if we had one nearby) or hire a dog walker (if I had the extra income) but I can’t do those things. Most pup parents are delighted they got a puppy. She also loves travel, anthropology, gaming and her cats. I’m going to reveal the answers here. But I know that’s not realistic or appropriate for everyone. Why do you regret getting a dog from a shelter rather than buying from a breeder. I just adopted a rescue dog a couple days ago and I am panicking. Dogs are also crazy expensive. I pay for their flea and tick prevention, which is a monthly pill that helps prevents the parasites. Thanks! It's easy to get frustrated and regret getting a dog when it's more difficult than you anticipated, but Moss is also the one of the best things that's happened to me. Transparency Disclosure- Some of the links in this article are affiliate links. The truth is, you’re probably not going to love your new puppy right away. Be prepared for this. Chances are you will, so how will you cope with them? Also consider the ongoing cost of food, vaccinations, and grooming if necessary (Freya goes every six weeks otherwise she looks like a floor mop). Others have issues stemming from past mistreatment or other negative experiences. If you’re asking, ‘will I regret getting a dog,’ you’re asking a sensible question. My MIL has a shitzu (I know I spelled that wrong). Puppies certainly need training, all of which takes energy. Keep this in mind before you get a puppy. But I digress. I don’t know if I can handle the cost, the training, etc. Cats are easy – I was able to take weekend trips whenever I wanted when I just had them. All the other things that dogs need cost money as well. Every time I see the price of dog food DOUBLE in a 2-year period, I regret getting my dogs. I do enjoy the company of my pets (there’s nothing quite like that low rumble in your lap when you are reading a book) but I don’t intend to get another one after these guys pass for quite some time. What to do when you regret getting a dog? The important thing is to do the best you can by them, like we both are. That would be totally worth it for a few years, and it would actually help me on my journey to financial independence. You absolutely can’t leave them alone and go on an overnight trip, much less an entire weekend get-away. Even if you’ve had a dog before, all dogs and breeds are different. I have four cats and two dogs, and I love the little buggers. He's a cute and small pure breed dog. Summer is generally the time that I plough through my giant list of things to do, but not this year…..July has been spent training and caring for our new puppy! That will be my time for traveling, taking risks, and being mobile. Either way – you should definitely read this before getting that new puppy or kitten! Basically, you have a dog that has some behavioral issues as all new dogs do, and you've also got your kid to worry about. Even though the short period that we didn’t have dogs was the saddest period of my life, it was also a lot of freedom. All we have to do when we travel is to pay someone to put food in their bowls once a day. Hmm, I'll have to look up terriers/shedding. The holidays are flying by, but luckily we still have one month to go! While she was a lovely cat, I wish I could have travelled more during those single years before husband and kids. I generally use Rover to find someone who loves dogs and will take care of my babies the way I would. Learn how your comment data is processed. Thanks for your story and commiserating! So now that I got that disclaimer out of the way, let me talk about why I regret getting pets. I generally caution people not to jump into getting a dog if they’ve never had a pet before – we knew people who made that mistake and seriously regretted it. I don't regret my dog at all. I so regret getting a dog, should I give him away? the backstory: I live with my girlfriend and our two dogs (english/american bulldog and a lab/coonhound). Honestly, if you head over to r/dogs there's tons of posts about how people regret getting their dogs and then … I’m sacrificing my freedom for them, and I’m more than okay with that choice. Look for a loving family to adopt the pet, someone who will give its 100% love and affection. Yes, there is more than one. I had always resisted the cuteness of puppies, because I do not want to have to walk twice a day before and after work, when my work is to walk all day with people. Pets are definitely not cheap and one should thoroughly consider the reality of owning a pet before choosing to adopt one. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'richardsdogs_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_0',113,'0','0']));So, regardless of whether you want a puppy or a rescue dog, know that your life is going to change. It's absolutely normal. We are not wealthy, but we get … Regret Getting a Puppy: Here’s What to Do Getting a puppy sounds like a great idea, but in reality, it’s actually a life changing event. I don’t really think 2 or 3 cats is much more work than 1 though (admittedly 4 is pushing it!). Don’t worry, it doesn’t cost you anything extra! Thank you for sharing your story. Now that I'm 16 and more grown up I'm going out more places. Yes, I was nervous (Freya was too). Do plenty of research to learn how that might happen. Both of those things cost tons of money unless you can get lucky and sell in a massive real estate upswing. May 16, 2016 - See What To Do If You Regret Getting A Dog, Limit Time with Your New Dog, Dog Training, Doggy Daycare or Steps on Returnig Your Dog at now! They are the sweetest. She is truly the best part of every day. When your puppy learns proper behavior – both in the home and out of it – your life is going to be much easier. Required fields are marked *. Moving back to California with them would be incredibly expensive. Here are some great tips for re-homing if that’s what you need to do. I’d have to sell a house and then buy a new house. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'richardsdogs_com-leader-4','ezslot_12',127,'0','0']));I work from home, so I could adjust my schedule when needed. I read my book on how to clip a Bichon. You may need to undo some unpleasant habits. Exactly! Welcome back to another video! Ever regret getting a dog? Even if I had to nap when Freya did! Every time I spend 1.5 hours vacuuming ONE room, I regret getting my dogs. Watched all the videos on how to train your puppy. Purebred dogs are more expensive to insure. My first instinct is to tell you to suck it up and take care of the pet. Very expensive! Outside of the inability to travel (which cats limit as well), there are three main reasons that I regret owning a dog more than my cats, and those are the expense, the lack of mobility, and all the time and energy that dog ownership requires. It can prevent people from getting pets who probably shouldn’t have them. But regret and guilt got me nowhere. Get the best cover you can afford. It’s important to keep energetic breeds active, or they will do stuff like that. Please avoid dropping your pet off at a shelter. She is a specialty pup and she is missing a paw and I feel so worried if I did rehome that she wouldn’t have a family that would want to deal with her missing a paw. May 30, 2020 - See What To Do If You Regret Getting A Dog, Limit Time with Your New Dog, Dog Training, Doggy Daycare or Steps on Returnig Your Dog at now! I could move them cross-country without having to stop every two hours (ok, to be fair, most of that is for me). I probably won't have trouble finding someone, if I decide to give him... Update 2: @BERNZILLA, I was in a SO different mental, financial state, and living situation, when I got him. Set a time for a daily walk when your puppy is old enough to go outside. The ASPCA reports that about 20 percent of adopted shelter dogs get returned for a variety of reasons. During lockdown amid the COVID-19 crisis, the groomer closed and that meant I had to take over.,,,,,,, It’s territory you can learn to enjoy and become familiar with if you prepare, though.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'richardsdogs_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_14',163,'0','0'])); And if you’re prepared for setbacks and doubts along the way, the whole ride might just be smoother than you think. One was a general guide on bringing up a puppy, including training, toileting, and related topics. I can’t look for better opportunities elsewhere because moving is prohibitively expensive. I’m more than capable of taking care of them, and they do enhance my life in many immeasurable ways. I’ve had only rescued dogs from shelters/breed specific rescues/owner relinquish for the last 15 or so years & regret nothing because I am very specific about the breed I want. He’s a rescue-dog, I actually found him abandoned in the California desert- and I think that having a loving home where he’s cared for even if he doesn’t get all of the attention he would like was a much better option than sending him to a shelter. I hope my panic is short-term and I will come to love having a dog again. 1 decade ago. It’s part of your family. I am also glad I pushed through the challenging period when she was a puppy. I love my sporting breed (and it can RUN THE LEGS OFF a Lab). It would be nice if I only had to pay someone to fill a food bowl when I traveled! If you are thinking about getting a dog or a puppy, don’t do anything until you have read the rest of this article. I’d much rather clean a little box everyday then have to carry little baggies of dog poop with me on walks, or clean up dog poop from my yard everyday. Hey all, I know I'm going to get flamed. I bought a couple of books to help me prepare for bringing Freya home. When I was just a crazy cat lady, I could take weekend trips and not have to worry about whether they’d destroy the house when I was gone. It doesn’t normally take long either. "Maybe their lease was up and they can't find a new premises that allows pets," he says. She settled in okay, but it took time. Yeah, thats my biggest point in writing this. I was given a cat 1 year after graduating university. After my housing costs, I’d still be taking home over 100K a year. Despite this, I came up against problems as she grew from the nine-week-old fluffy bundle I brought home. eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'richardsdogs_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_13',130,'0','0']));That’s you. I honestly don't know how I'll be able to cope when Riley passes. I don’t regret the cat though she’s mildly insane. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'richardsdogs_com-box-4','ezslot_11',107,'0','0']));It doesn’t matter if you get a puppy or a rescue dog. I sometimes have moments of missing the times when I could just go out for the day and not worry about rushing back and I worry about booking holidays in the future as I cant bare the … You can never be 100% certain that getting a dog or pup is going to be the best decision you ever made. We've had the dogs for about two years, and I am extremely attached to them both, especially the bulldog who I raised since he was seven weeks old. That’s how the realization that I regret getting pets came to me. I used to have a dog but I forgot what it was like when he was new. I pay a ton of money to have someone take care of my little guys, so if you love animals, it might be a great side hustle for you. If I could give you one word to help you understand what is asked of you when you get a dog, it’s this. I had recently moved house after a good two years of wanting a dog … , not just a Lab ) my freedom for them, and the support dog out since was. 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