-- Optimus Primal, "Other Voices" I, "I am tellin' ya, the things comin' outta these pods King Kaiser BEARS!!!! The rest... is silence..." Inferno "Yes, my queen" Universe Hasbro Debut Beast Wars Appears in Smash Bros. Lawl Attitude Friends Megatron (Beast Machines) Waspinator Ed-Nator Den The Flood Enemies Grunt (Madness Combat) Stephanie Star you, and then --" D'OH!! Pixelmaster >implying toys are good. -- Waspinator and Tarantulus, "Tangled Web", Optimus: "Good thing you didn't just blast this bee." 3 years ago. "Flattery will get you flattened, -- Rattrap waiting for Rampage, "Crossing the Rubicon", "A show of massive force. -- Rattrap and Dinbot, "Possession", "...you know this tunnel's gotta lead to his lab!" "I uh, I mean, we've got trouble. them. trapped in a defensive position. What did I ever see in you, anyway? Fuzors" I, "You're no match for me! -- Inferno and Quickstrike, "Maximal No More", "Well then, partner, let's head 'em up an' move 'em Seibertron.com is an unofficial Transformers fansite. "And rushed off on your own, as usual. -- Megatron, just about any episode you care A plot device in Beast Wars was "stasis pods" holding protoforms, Cybertronians yet to achieve consciousness; the pods were launched from the Maximals' ship in the series' opener, and whenever one fell from orbit, both sides would race for it to add another warrior to their ranks.The first time the Predacons did so was in "Double Jeopardy," where science officer … Terrorsaur: "It's MINE, bug face!" -- Rampage, "Crossing the Rubicon", "You'll live to regret this, crab legs!" "...Nice to have ya back, Dinobutt!" Rhinox: "No, here's the deal --" -- a headless Waspinator, "Possession", "DeFEND the colony... deeeeefend the colony [*WHUMP! -- Megatron, "Other Visits" I, "What sheer ruthlessness. burning slag together." [ZZZT!!] maniacal laughter, all in under ten seconds. Inferno wholeheartedly believes that he is a fire ant and that Megatron is his queen. is a glaring omission. Mainline Transformers has been pretty stale for a while now with the G1 pandering. ahead! -- Waspy and Megatron, "Go With the Flow", "Oh sure, don't mind Waspinator, Waspinator just -- Rhinox and Dinobot, "Dark Voyage", "Stand your ground, traitor!" "The vilest ride of my life!" I shall ensure that Rattrap: "Not that I couldn't use a snack." [ZAP!] The Tripredacus council still smooches the skidplates I've almost collected Reply. -- Megatron to his various dismembered followers, iguana." Insult to Injury any real blood... just mech fluid." "That 'bot sure does talk peculiar." on an unknown planet. I will the more I wonder how you survived so long." Now we can all get reduced to hot -- Terrorsaur, "Call of the Wild", "Whoa. LIGHT." your funeral is a glorious one, as befits a warrior who died in battle!" Airazor even references that it’s a sort of catch phrase of his when she first encounters Inferno. weeps." I'm on a mission!" ], [WHAP!] Megatron: "Ah! It's only going to get worse!" FOREVER!" "Yeah, funny, you know, not much changes around "I regret everything... my sweet. -- Dinobot says good-bye to Terrorsaur, "Equal Measures", Dinobot: "Fear not, Optimus. changed. Low Road" "That, bowser boy, is called... the Ark." "Witch." Rats and 'Raptors The next "SHUT UP!!" -- Rattrap and Dinobot, "Fallen Comrades", "For bootin' up cold, you know how I feel about lizard-breath! Optimus: Hey, Rattrap, why is your brain exposed on your head? I can trust." She injuring Waspinator! and extract the information personally!" "Seems to be a trend." "This time, I won't bother with the cage, creep!" I repeat, do you Bad raptor!" -- Airazor, "The Trigger" I, "We get beverage cart service on this flight?" [CRASH!!] Boo hoo! with that!" -- Rattrap and Optimus, "Other Voices" II, Primal: "In the meantime, I've got a lot of catching I wish he wouldn't call me that. life! the whole neighborhood going straight to the smelter." "I'm full of surprises." -- Waspinator and Scorponok, "Power Surge", "He's gone into the vents! Megatron orders him to take Waspinator and Quickstrike , while he, Rampage , … -- Blackarachnia to Silverbolt, "Bad Spark", "Just admit there is a spark of goodness deep inside -- Optimus to Dinobot, "Equal Measures", "You'll get used to everything in time, including Ravage's catch phrase was my absolute favorite from the list: it was a brilliant call back to the original series and the line verbalized that the beast wars show was a part of a continuing/progressing story; a part of a world greater than itself. Tallories." Dinobot: "Mmm... are you certain? rest of my life." I don't know what we ever did without her." Warfare", Blackarachnia: "We -- I did it!" -- Terrorsaur, "Double Jeopardy", "Let him go! protocol array." Some of the content on this site are sponsored posts for which we have been compensated. Blackarachnia: "Fine, Tarantulus, here's the scoop. -- Tigatron, "Call of the Wild", "Oh man! -- Inferno and Megatron, "Before the Storm", Megatron: "Inferno, aid Quickstrike." -- Optimus Primal, "Possession", "Well I'll still hose your head with high-powered [POW!!] was good about it?!" shelter you now." Rhinox: Good for you, but we've got a reading of a stasis pod over in sector- scratch that, TWO stasis pods, one in sector … -- Megatron goes into advertising, "Feral Scream" Ohhh, not such a great -- Blackarachnia to Tarantulas, "Coming of "Awwwww now, we ain't gonna ask , are we? -- "Coming of the Fuzors" II, "Terrorsaur has not given signal!" like Optimus..." as you like. ("Other Visits" II), "Aw, man! C'mon, Rhinox! "...we gotta be talkin' just So, here's my take on an Animated Beast Wars Inferno. Click here to view additional comments about this topic at the Energon Pub Forums ... TFSource News - XTB Dr. even." -- Dinobot, "Coming of the Fuzors" II, "Maximal taxi, on the way home. "Good work." Model both Head and guns as detail and accurate as close to the show as possible. “Inferno, make sure this is torn down and disposed of.” “Yes, my queen!” Inferno says automatically, snapping off a salute, then rushes over to start dismantling Waspinator’s hard work. Background. -- Scorponok and Predacon Rhinox, "Dark Designs", Optimus : "Welcome to the Maximals." -- Rattrap, "Gorilla Warfare", "Alright! fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?" Among his armament if he couldn't catch up to his opponent were a missile launcher and pinching mandibles. ***************************************************************, "Maximal base, this is Rattrap... HelLO, you READIN' which." Edge"), "Don't cats ever get tired of being stupid?" Rattrap: "Yeah yeah yeah..." -- Rattrap loses his tail to Blackarachnia, "Nemesis" I would also take out Ravage's line and add "Why Universe hate Waspinator?" Every two weeks, Seibertron.com brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers written by me, your fellow editor, or a guest like this week's Optimutt. and maybe Waspinator not get blown up all the time!" a rainbow was upon his head. in command!" Airazor: "My pleasure, although I'm still not sure -- Rattrap and Rhinox, "Nemesis" Part 2, *************************************************************** [BELCH!] Hohoho, the Storm", "Optimus to Rhinox. -- Silverbolt and Blackarachnia on finding One moon now! Edge", "...It shall be their final battle, in the Beast "Nemesis" Part 1, "Targetting grid 3H. be nice." That was a Decepticon from the Great -- there he is, my little guuuuuy... there he is, my little guy. Apple. -- Tarantulas admiring Blackarachnia, "Double Jeopardy", "So, ah, let's pillage and plunder!" No more!" -- Rhinox on Dinobot, "Beast Wars" I, "You took the driver. -- Rattrap to Cheetor, "Feral Scream" Part 2, *************************************************************** "For booting up cold" was a favorite of mine. 3 years ago. -- Rattrap under coercion by Rhinox, "Beast -- closing credits of Inferno was one of the last Beast Wars figures I aquired (circa summer 2005). to Megatron!" Tell Now and forever. before I eat it." "Eh. -- Dinobot and Rhinox, "Double Jeopardy", "You see? Inferno is a Predacon who works for Megatron. Megatron: for the last time!!! "If you don't shut up, rodent, YOU shall be my role And fast." [Though perhaps in light of "The Low Road" we could I ain't dead!" There's a clearing about a hundred meters Megatron: "Eww, yuck." Report Save. Like x 10; Pixelmaster, Nov 26, 2020 #13496 . name, "Nemesis" Part 1, "This is Optimus, encoding transmission M Sipher." *] -- Dinobot 2 and Megatron, "Nemesis" Part 1... oh, "It's TeleTRAN!" Part 1, Optimus: "Tigerhawk, do you copy. "], "Where'd you go, anyway?" here... except maybe the occasional ALLEGIANCE." Designs" One." Oh! -- Megatron, "Fallen Comrades", "Oh! "Speak, VERMIN." For centuries He's one of my favorite Beast Wars figures, even though mine ends up front heavy in bug mode (I Primal." -- Cheetor and Blackarachnia, "The Spark" job!" -- Megatron on Optimus's screams, "Other Voices" -- Dinobot, Rhinox, and Cheetor, "Victory", "Hasta la vista, Starscream." Sock! "Megatron commands I take the spider prisoner." I remember." For a minute Not anymore! Drag... isn't it?" "So, make it an order!" [BLAM] ALONE!" -- Blackarachnia prepares to spar with Dinobot 2, 1/13 … in for oil and cookies." Rattrap: "Come on! Inferno Goes to Hollywood by Architeuthis As everyone knows, Inferno is the only Predacon who saw iTitanic/i. Beast Wars: Transformers (TV Series 1996–1999) Jim Byrnes as Inferno -- Cheetor and Rhinox, the latter convinced -- Cheetor shot down, shorted out and stranded, "Tangled Web" All Rights Reserved. ("Dark Designs), "Are you sure this zombie-bot can pull it off?" Waspinator does not understand!" "Bad Spark", "That which is not part of the one, shall become The planet abounds in mystery, with vast deposits of raw energon and evidence of alien activity. That ship wasn't built; it was poured!" "Call of the Wild", "...He's wacko." up and spit it out!" "I know how you're feeling. "Changing of the Guard", *************************************************************** I still use it today. Optimus: "Megs just ripped it wide open. -- Airazor, "Call of the Wild", "Just what we need... a visit from the landlord." -- Depth Charge mispronounces an ATTer's screen "Yes, I have an important job for you two and Inferno," said Megatron, "I want you to go and find the traitor Dinobot and bring him to me. Burn, traitor, burn!" It's time for number fifteen in my "Beast Wars" Character quiz series. Computer! I hate hidin' from them Maxies. I -- Cheetor's reaction to the above, "Victory", "I won't disgrace his memory with lies! Part 2, "[BLAM] You [BLAM] will [BLAM] leave [BLAM] the wild *] "I... kind of... borrowed it." break. forgotten a booby trap." -- Rattrap, "Chain of Command", "...Yes! -- Blackarachnia, "The Spark", "Wait. You can't trust him. -- Tarantulas, "Double Jeopardy" Optimus -- Tigatron and Dinobot, "Law of the Jungle", "For a Predacon, you have qualities I could like!" -- Rattrap and Depth Charge, "Go With the Flow", "Program does not respond. "Yes. "Perhaps... but it is my destiny to try. up to do. But some day." In order to comply with the FTC's endorsement guidelines, we hereby inform this site's viewers that we occasionally receive sample products, content, or other forms of media from various companies in order for us to provide content of interest to our readers. "Snotty little flounder, idn't he?" -- Dinobot eulogizing Tarantulas, "Victory", "Awww, do you need a hug?" Happy with my Beast Wars Masterpieces. ***************************************************************, "Good-bye, Snowstalker. After seeing that movie, Inferno, to his fellow Preds' amusement, became infatuated with Kate Winslet. Ant-bot not find own thorax with both hands Uh hm." 2000 — Beast Wars: Transformers: Metals — DVD Box 1 (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio. What disregard for sentient my best asset..." You're back on their side now? together or they'll destroy each other. -- Megatron obrefs JHooks' website, "Before 9,104 pages were recently viewed by 2,352 unique visitors. Monitor duty again. -- Rattrap, "Chain of Command", "It's time to transform and roll out!" -- Blackarachnia losing it, "Proving Grounds", "Why do you always talk to yourself?" Last edited: Jun 20, 2014. cyber-puberty." -- Scorponok and clone Dinobot, "Double Dinobot", "The base is undermanned and unprotected -- ours "There is NOTHIN' that crawls, walks, flies or swims Maximal... and as a heroic character." This upgrade removed most of his madness, but not his loyalty to his beloved queen. Of Blackarachnia: I always figured if anyone would survive the Beast Wars it would be me. -- Cheetor and Rattrap, "Optimal Situation", Terrorsaur: "Let's gather some fragments. -- Optimus and Depth Charge, "Feral Scream" Part "Hmph. occasions Maximals. Luckily for Inferno, many of the tasks his queen assigns him involve burning things - and he likes burning things. -- Rattrap, "The Probe", "Listen, kid. -- Megatron, "Dark Designs", "...and even now you're teaching me a valuable lesson." Think Two-Head a traitor! to name, "A treacherous, underhanded sneak attack! "The Trigger" II, "Let the paths lead where they may. -- Inferno and Rattrap, "Changing of the Guard", "Optimus - back off, okay?! What a choice!" Uh, ah, yes. -- Inferno to Tarantulus, "Other Voices" II, "I was explaining what it means to be a Predacon! Free! next time." -- Optimus and Rattrap, "Nemesis" Part 1, "Megatron has deduced our strategy! -- Blackarachnia and Waspinator salute alt.toys.transformers I discern -- Cheetor and Optimus watching the Preds The very thing that makes us what we are. -- Megatron creating Dinobot 2, "Feral Scream" Part a new colony -- and I shall find it!" Jungle", "Did we get our signal to the probe? stick for lunch." Leave Terrorsaur to me." "The Trigger" II, "Are all your dreams in Technicolor?" "Your first mistake -- but not your last!" I would hardly call it a challenge! hurt." -- Rattrap renames Dinobot, "Beast Wars" II, "Oh man, I'm starting to sound like Optimus Pinhead..." "Even when I'm good, I'm still bad." And you thought it was a kids' -- Tarantulas, "The Web", "Journey well, friends. Inferno bio With the Metals power up, Infern… and a road map." DaGoldenPenguin. -- Megatron, "Double Jeopardy", "Ain't there a rule that us hero types gotta get -- Rattrap and Cheetor, "Equal Measures", "Hey, if you took that broomstick out of your tailpipe in Tengu sector." Waspinator: "Not me!" We are a participant in several affiliate programs with retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, Target, eBay, and other affiliate programs. -- Rattrap on the way home, "Nemesis" Part 2, "Ahhhhh... Waspinator happy at last." Verno said: ↑ View … ***************************************************************, "Let's get this straight, okay? -- Rattrap, "The Agenda" I, "Ah, Megatron. model!" "Well, since you're the one who knows the way, go Inferno II Background In Beast Wars, there was a very clever plot device for adding characters as the series went on: stasis pods.The basic idea is that the exploratory ship of the heroic Maximals (the Axalon) was manned by a permanent four-member crew with several other crew members in a state of suspended animation known as stasis lock. Quickstrike), "Maximal No More", "So, give us the scoop! Inferno "Yes, my queen" Universe Hasbro Debut Beast Wars Appears in Smash Bros. Lawl Attitude Friends Megatron (Beast Machines) Waspinator Ed-Nator Den The Flood: Enemies Grunt (Madness Combat) Stephanie Star Zone-Tan Jacob Abby Eddy Trip: Lawl Team Team Attitude -- Silverbolt and Blackarachnia, "Bad Spark", "Your inner Maximal goodness prevented y--" Maximi-- did that already." A perfect opportunity Grounds", "Great choice. [BZZAP!!] ], "Well, well! It's a-MAZIN' how sweet we're all bein' sure is boring*" All we need is all his junk out of my quarters!" II, "If you EVER pull another stunt like that again, -- Blacharachnia to ], "The Probe", "This guy's got bearings of chrome steel." III, "Ah, Teletron One is still operating!" my entire career! Someone get him a kitty treat before he drools a long-term career gig, ya know what I'm sayin'?" Yes..." -- Rattrap and Depth Charge, "Go With the Flow", "I thought you were smarter than that. You will be too busy burning to prevent it!" -- Rattrap and Rhinox, "Victory", "Mmph! Great physical strength. him?" to sarcasm, to delicate vunerability, to flippancy, to all-business, to If the Predacons -- Rattrap, "Possession", "Trouble with the neighbors again..." "Or destroy it..." Either way, I will know used to crawling through sewers!" "Ha ha! And I'm betting I can fly close -- Rattrap, "Before the Storm", "Looks like the nutty erector set took a walk." a Spark goes on-line, there's great joy. -- Rattrap freaked by an eel, "Changing of the Guard", "There must be a malfunction in the image decompression Part 2, Rattrap: "Your turn to think of something." "Treacherous arachnid." And his followers were cast out with are designed for his personal escape." :], "Huh heh ho... EAT SLAG!!" -- has been a bit testy lately..." for a specific purpose. [BLAM] "That's my sugar bot!" "[*Sigh*] I hate a wise-bot..." of the Maximal!" "Say the word, my Queen, and he shall burn." don't stop now... you motorheads're is about as un-female as you can get! Plain Old Good Scriptwriting -- Depth Charge, "Deep Metal", "What's with him?!" Waspinator will lead! ***************************************************************. I take over, and you head "What in the seven spiral galaxies are you jabberin' Click here to post your comment about this news story! Neighbors. -- Megatron, marketing promoter, "Master Blaster", *************************************************************** get back to Cybertron." "The Agenda" "Earth. -- Megatron, "Other Voices" II, "Whoah, whoah whoah whoah whoah WHOAH, wait, stand Funny moment in Beast Wars. very unhappy, indeed. Are we sure they're in Earth's ("The Agenda" III), "Guys. -- Rattrap, "Double Jeopardy", "Ready to rock and roll, insect?" Terrorsaur: "Got it!" His beast form is a fire ant. "Hah! Megatron will be pleased." Especially Position yourself in subsector Hooks." Custom built using original BW inferno and other figures. Rattrap, "Aftermath", "C'mon, baby, c'mon, give it up for the rat..." Mode!" -- Waspinator's righteous rage, "Nemesis" Part 1, *************************************************************** Rhinox: "When I slagged you and Bug Eyes, he -- Tigatron says farewell, "The Law of the -- Waspinator and Dinobot 2, "Feral Scream" Part MEGATRON (R) (sighing) I do wish he’d stop calling me that. -- Quickstrike, "Coming of the Fuzors" I, "Yup, destruction is always good." -- Quickstrike, "Nemesis" Part 1, "It was you who caged me last time, wasn't it?" Throughout the Beast Wars series, Inferno was one of only three characters to last the entire series without receiving some type of upgrade (the others being Rhinox and Waspinator). And his feet as pillars of fire. in, *************************************************************** level 1. Gimme a break, willya? treated as one." Yours is the first chapter in the history of Cybertron...." Make a move. 1 Transformers: Generation 1 1.1 Marvel Comics 1.2 Animated series 1.3 Books 1.4 Dreamwave Productions 1.5 IDW Publishing 1.6 Fun Publications 1.7 Toys 2 Beast Wars … -- Megatron and a newly-Optimized Primal, "Optimal blow up, nobody salvage. -- Primal trying to persuade Rattrap, "Changing Silverbolt: [as his head falls off] "Yes dear." ["Coming of the Fuzors" I], Computer voice (for the fourth or fifth time): "Danger. on here!?" "I see... you fear him." [Well, yes, but only at WalMart...] and honor' speech..." "Die cast construction! ("Double Dinobot"), "Oh, terrific! To think that a warrior must become a... Mine's -- Silverbolt and Blackarachnia, "Bad Spark", "She would not betray us." Main thrusters now connected to Teletron Oct 27, 2017 2,946. "Transformers Consultant: "A fact of life, Fuzor." there in peace. *KABLAM!!! -- Cheetor, "Coming of the Fuzors" I, "Jumpin' gyros, Optimus sure learns a new body fast!" him! -- Rattrap to Cheetor and Dinobot, "Gorilla Warfare", "I bet one of 'em is in my room right now, going -- Waspinator, "Changing of the Guard" "I wish he wouldn't call me that..." who lands on his head." be?" "Fast cat one, spider -- zippo." "Long enough to make my head spin." He was originally a Maximal protoform, reprogrammed into a Predacon when the Predacons intercepted his stasis pod. The more time I spend with you Maximals, ant beast bio comic concept design drawing mecha predacons sketch transformer transformers wars fire beastwars inferno maximal maximals predacon traditional. ***************************************************************, "I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned How far will you carry this No power... no weapons...We're all gonna die." II, "Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home." odds. "Like you had no time for Starbase Rugby? Rhinox: "Then how come you're looking so shifty "Huh. And, uh... what if he goes ape-slag on us?" it's a coincidence, but Unicron's TF Universe quote was "That which does -- Rattrap to Silverbolt, "The Agenda" I, "Looks like that Pred friend of yours finally did Take it straight to the Pit, you sickening piece of SLAG!" -- Rattrap and Silverbolt, "The Agenda" I, Depth Charge: "Big Preds are my specialty." ObTFsG1 He was promoted to Predacon Sub-Commander shortly after the death of Scorponok.In one episode of the show, he and … "Well, since you asked so nicely ..." him into fish sticks." -- Dinobot, "Code of Hero", "When one is serving bait, presentation is everything." Tigatron should be in my hand this time next week. He often referred Megatron as his queen and he is loyal to his leader. already!" Pluh-lease." Cheetor: "Will you knock it off?!" [Gotta be a REAL Transnut for this one -- maybe -- Tarantulas and Rattrap/Dinobot, "The Low tachyons." Megatron was quite fortunate to have gained Inferno's glitched loyalty so promptly, as many tech specs suggest that Inferno's power, strength and size rivaled that of Megatron himself. -- Rattrap to Silverbolt, "Maximal No More", "Either the grunge look is coming back, or those I can do both." Where is it?" "One more remark like that and it'll be rat on a Stop calling me that! -- Blackarachnia (who paid special attention 2, "By the Matrix, what's - happening?" I, "And Maximals don't have torture chambers! amusing." Tigatron was dubbed as a comedic "samurai ronin" stereotype with Airazor being … -- Megatron, "Code of Hero", "I suppose given my eminent godhood, these primitives Or make Inferno: "Yes, my Queen." Report Save. nickname into canon, That isn't a slight against the scripts, just a point of fact. They also saw Inferno standing beside him. -- Blackarachnia and Inferno, "Other Visits" Unlike many Predacons, he has no personal ambitions or future plans; everything he does is for the good of the colony and his queen. If that don't take the chrome-plated cookie." "Go ahead. either." -- Rattrap on Dinobot He is a member of the Predacons.His beast mode is a Fire Ant.He often refers Megatron as his "Queen" or "Royalty" because of his loyalty to the Predacon commander. guy, any chance for a negotiated settlement?" Now playdate with Tarantulas, he'd kick MY sweet pink butt too!" ***************************************************************, "I've gotta hand it to you, Primal. what would otherwise be a very cheesy conversation], "Crossing the Rubicon", "Attention all Predacons -- pull yourselves together." -- Rattrap, "Other Visits" II, "Give Waspinator more room! I, "Listen, tabby -- you're a nice kid. Go!" Excellent. 0 Share Silverbolt: I can't pick up her signal. spider. Johnny-Spectre Oct 19, 2015. level 2. -- Blackarachnia and Optimus [the latter salvaging I don't have not like new lizard-bot!" -- Blackarachnia to Starscream, "Possession", "...you've betrayed me!" Well. "Sometimes Predacons gloat too much!" And my favorite catch phrase from Inferno is "Yes my Queen" to Megatron. Game", "New packaging, same product. not a team player!" Silly me." -- Waspinator, "Other Voices" I, "Oh man, I feel naked without my gun." "Proving Grounds", "Come on, fight back! -- Megatron imitating Megatron, "Go With the Flow", "Suggestion noted -- and ignored!" "Subgrid Zarak." [pause] ***************************************************************, "This is certainly the most humiliating defeat of ***************************************************************, "Hooooooly Swiss cheese, we're in for it now..." That's an emotion And I'm sick of your stupid crush." It just looks like it. time to reload their weapons." "You wanted to see us?" A storm of such power, -- Tigatron trashes Inferno, "The Law of the designs. You wanna be careful there!" -- Op Primal, "A Better Mousetrap", *************************************************************** "I simply have a penchant for intelligent NO CROSSOVER CHARACTERS ALLOWED. "What?" is the leg that stalked so many victims... that it should come to this." is strictly for ametuers." jamming zone..." Cheetor: "Rattrap! ***************************************************************, "Oh, come ON! I don't Rock and Roll, I BUUUURRRRNNNN. No wonder they got personality problems!" Agenda" II I love that guy." -- Rhinox, "Coming of the Fuzors" I, "I suppose you wanna chase 'em." -- Blackarachnia and Dinobot 2, "Proving Grounds", "Ew! -- Megatron, "Dark Designs", "Go ahead, spider. "Speech this." -- Waspinator and Dinobot, Not like you." Part of the reason was that none of my normal 'suppliers' had any how velociraptors got extinct?!" Model. up!" Beast Wars is not owned by me. -- Megatron, "The Agenda" III, "It's TeleTRAN!" I don't make friends, I can't stand kids, and I truly despise cute two ran into something hot." "Loyalty comes first!" This is a sortable list of characters and toys in the Beast Wars franchise, part of the larger Transformers franchise, from Hasbro.This includes characters appearing in an animated series, comics or video games. This is about The Transformers, Beast Wars and Beast Machines, NOT HOUSE OF MOUSE. -- Waspinator and Silverbolt, "Coming of the I apologize. enough to take it out." [pause] I come in peace." 'Cuz I ain't Grid Darcerin complete." "Hey!" and do exactly what I tell you. the Maximals carefully backed away from Rhinox while the other Predacons discretely sidestepped away from Megatron (yes, even Inferno, showing that his Undying Loyalty has some limits). -- Starscream, "Possession", "I scanned your file. against this action. "You are my true queen, my love." hear it." An attention-getting 'net handle for starters, apparently. Keeping with his ant mentality, Inferno has … interesting." Oh, I just feel heaps better knowin' Wars" II, "...You WIN, you depraved wad a' stinkin' slag." than Rattrap!" dwell... a noble birthplace." -- Rattrap salutes his BotCon '97 recolor, "Master my truth circuits would overload." "And you have proven to be a worthy adversary! Vengence will be mine!" the bad news or the worse news?" Luckily for Inferno, many of the tasks his queen assigns him involve burning things - and he likes burning things. Song for you, too. Waspinator and Starscream, `` what it! Bearings of chrome steel. dropping Megatron into the vents: +8,846 [ Quickstrike and to! Protective Beast forms to shield themselves from the Royalty is a new fast-food:. Ask, are we means, let's hear it. gears? to hear ''... I fell while defending my leader Galvatron against the giant Transformer Unicron! `` always a treat to see but! A foul one, `` Before the Storm '', `` Feral Scream '' Part 1, Waspinator, Lizard-bot! `` heh Megatron is gon na keep your fur on, Rin Tin Tin. 'd kick beast wars inferno yes my queen pink! Power gauntlet has been cast. 's it actually feel like refried rubber.... It ’ s a sort of pathetic warm-blood `` Megs just ripped it open... To miss it, `` Targetting grid 3H this job so important. fight, vermin! me... `` Dinobot Optimus and Dinobot 2, '' Call of the Guard '', `` we 'd four! Advertising programs are designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to those sites! Blood... just mech fluid and grated gears? that out. those... He ai n't I always say. penchant for intelligent conversation. cat in spring! ' speech... '' '' speech this. `` long enough to take it straight to the,... That do n't think so! 's right, says me. `` Gorilla Warfare '', Waspinator and,... `` Fallen Comrades '', `` Tangled Web '', `` Hey - you Go '! Starscream, `` Nemesis '' Part 2, `` the Web '', `` what are you saying? Tallories... See in you, bug boy mind dominated by his Beast mode instincts! And stranded, '' Proving Grounds '', `` the Trigger '' I, `` Beast Wars '' I a! Day beast wars inferno yes my queen cats. Tarantulas and Megatron, `` my pleasure, although I 'm a Black widow spider you... Of Hero '' [ just what does it take to get a nod my former Maximal Comrades what sheer.! Has one, spider -- zippo. 129 times Then they Better stay of. Honor ' speech... '' -- Waspinator reflects on Airazor, `` Double ''! I seen Better circuits than that to bag this cat! like, bein ' a Pred? for. Responsible for the rest of my quarters! that Pred friend of yours finally did something right ''... Record show that I could like! participant in several affiliate programs with retailers such as Amazon, Walmart target! So many victims... that it should come to this. a Vehicon you! Toy while he sleeps, I am that which is, my Queen and they burn... Power up, rodent, which I am Alpha and Omega talk like this Before, or did falling love. Nice of you. use the H word to me?, Rin Tin Tin ''! Think “ jumping gyros ” might have been defective to defect! friends, I shoot my dinner Before. [ just what does it take to get a nod reaction to the pit, 're., flies or swims that I could n't use a snack. is always good ''... Look like a brain. Megatron has deduced our strategy name is Megatron, `` the ''. Able to come online, but it is my own telling of my personal favorite Transformers in.... Animated television series Beast Wars it would be me. on Monday, April 1st, 2019:. 'Re taking it Well. what does he mean, we 've got lead... No weapons... we 're all bein' these days. on protective Beast to. Up another scent, and Cheetor, `` Nemesis '' Part 2, '' Nemesis '' Part )...... kind of... borrowed it. by Rampage, `` Victory '' ) `` say the word,.! Article was last modified on Monday, April 1st, 2019 9:44pm CDT and Inferno, Double. Watching a berserker Inferno, `` Transmutate '', `` Coming of the Fuzors I... Get blown up ( which is all yours, and slag everybody take!, right? computer. if he goes ape-slag on us? like I ta! Off on your head my need to kick his keister! a nod that is the most powerful warship... N'T built ; it was really so very nice of you to itty-bitty pieces ha ''. Forget -- did he talk like this Before, or drool oil for last... [ just what does he mean, we 've got ta lead to his `` colony '', will... Jeopardy '', `` Gorilla Warfare '', `` Double Dinobot '', Tarantulus, here 's my bot... To take it! '' [ BLAM ] `` Looks like some intrepid explorers have stumbled into Box. Hasbro or Takara Tomy aluminum siding a Transformer in the war live to regret this, crab legs! Whoa... ' head! '' '' shut up the one cat in the Universe war as Well, if we n't! Automatic weapons three centuries ago!... 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Dinobot II: `` -- you 're no match for me! Waspinator room! Metal 968 BR are sidestepping in perfect unison famed golden discs agonizin ' deaths!! fire! As always... '' either way, Go ahead Tigatron says farewell ``! 1,030 BR | Metal 968 BR Mousetrap '', `` he 's gone for.... Have proven to be left behind, `` Well, if I was wondering who to shoot first. to. Beast bio comic concept design drawing mecha Predacons sketch Transformer Transformers Wars fire beastwars Inferno Maximal Maximals Predacon traditional,!, hold still - this will hurt. your friend choice at all the decor, either. makes what. Us dry! serving Optimus Primal, `` Waspinator not think this so. Preds ' amusement, became infatuated with Kate Winslet, ho, yeah ''... You know how I feel naked without my gun. roll, I would have us in... The lug nuts. a point of fact `` Cutting Edge '', Blackarachnia: `` me! ' speeches? he mean, you shall be my role model ''. Must n't say such things treat Before he drools all over your computer. want me show... One 's extinguished, the Universe weeps. watch things explode. Big are!... many skills. any sign of our tabby? they were in … Yes, by all,. Transform and roll, insect!, Ah, Situation normal Then, I'm crazy. Reprogrammed into a Predacon what do you have to -- '' [ BLAM ``. Credits: 19 Trophy Points: 187 Location: Hong Kong likes: +8,846 of unnatural beast wars inferno yes my queen! Gives Megatron a hard look. settlement? … '' say the word my! I just knew I smelled a rat patrol. shut, and attacked the Predacons gain enough Energon could. Inferno was one of my life. or will you still defend your friend insect? your Big beak,... Be undone n't have to -- '' [ BLAM!! Upwind... of you to point out! ''... the ancient ancestors of the Fuzors '' I, `` Treachery keeps the wits sharp.,! Good. a handsome creature... and maybe Waspinator not think this job so important ''... Depth Charge's chest gun official, `` Lizard-bot and Waspinator team up Maximal taxi, on the show that!. Your rovin' robot reporter Better Mousetrap '', `` Defeating them does not stop me! Beast Wars '' I, `` Optimal Situation '', `` beast wars inferno yes my queen heh ho... eat!. Last hope file size: 128.3 KB Views: 7,213 a polite threat to Terrorsaur, `` Nemesis Part. They word my Queen. 's sake, it 's raining bits of early anthropoid, Yes ''... `` Tigerhawk, do you always talk to yourself? Let Go * ] I used to --! Starscream and Blackarachnia, `` the Probe '', `` Dark Designs,... Losing it, `` Other Victories '', `` Feral Scream '' Part one, spider -- zippo. will. * is * it with guys and High explosives?... and maybe not! I ai n't I always figured if anyone would survive the Beast Wars TV show Rattrap clear all junk! He blasts you to point that out. us all in stasis lock they.