The deists were not powerful writers; none of them was distinguished by wide and accurate scholarship; hardly any was either a deep or comprehensive thinker. 39 synonyms of comprehensive from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 49 related words, definitions, and antonyms. A comprehensive park with an unspoiled view of the woods and hills. — John Gregory Dunne, … But these titles are all of them too comprehensive. Wooten (ed. 58. Wasmann's comprehensive definition so far accords with popular usage. 69. Summary: Pediatric nephrology is the premier comprehensive reference on congenital and acquired kidney diseases and their therapies in children. King QC, who compiled a comprehensive genealogy of the family. This task of co-ordination, in the broadest sense, is undertaken by philosophy; for the philosopher is essentially what Plato, in a happy moment, styled him, ovvonrrucen, the man who takes a "synoptic" or comprehensive view of the universe as a whole. Comprehensive insurance gives financial…. Comprehensive statistics on opencast coal have, in the past, been collected and published by the Planning Officers ' Society. Structure of the sentence, how well the message is conveyed, logical development, coherence, and linguistic resources’ level . Nothing can be clearer or more frank and comprehensive in its destructiveness than the revolutionary anarchism of Bakunin. A comprehensive approach to the issue of teenage pregnancy which resulted in a 25-30% reduction in teen pregnancies on Merseyside. The comprehensive scheme of study included mathematics also, in which he advanced as far as the conic sections in the treatise of L'Hopital. Marked by or showing extensive understanding: comprehensive knowledge. Comprehensive insurance gives financial…. But Wagner never thus represented the childhood of an ideal, though he attained the manhood of the most comprehensive ideal yet known in art. The first of a comprehensive character was the general act adopted at the South African Conference at Berlin in 1885, which laid down the principle, which has since become of still wider application, that " any Power which henceforth takes possession of a tract of land on the coast of the African continent outside of its present possessions or which, being hitherto without such possessions, shall acquire them ... One of the most important steps taken at the Reformation was the compilation and provision of a comprehensive service book for general and compulsory use in public worship in all cathedral and parish churches throughout the Church of England. In its most comprehensive ordinary acceptation the word embraces at present the fluid fixed oils or fatty oils (e.g. More comprehensive feedback from course participants is always most welcome. The great work of Kant absolutely closed the lines of speculation along which the philosophical literature of the 18th century had proceeded, and substituted for them a new and more comprehensive method of regarding the essential problems of thought, a method which has prescribed the course of philosophic speculation in the present age. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. And in reality it would be difficult to account for this feature except on the supposition that one who had lived through the events had been accustomed, when required to give a comprehensive sketch of the history of the ministry and sufferings of Jesus, to relate the facts in the main as they happened; and that a hearer of his has to a considerable extent reproduced them in the same order. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The Middle Ages is described by Hallam himself as a series of historical dissertations, a comprehensive survey of the chief circumstances that can interest a philosophical inquirer during the period from the 5th to the 15th century. Yeovil athletics arena The floodlit athletics arena offers some of the most comprehensive facilities in the South West. LAW. The Library underwent a comprehensive restructure last year, including several job losses. Farmers Markets 2006 (leaflet) A comprehensive guide to Made in Cumbria's Farmers Markets. He looked on the age in which he lived as a period of transition, to be followed either by an " eclipse of faith " or by a " revival of Christianity in a wider aspect," a " catholic, comprehensive, all-embracing Christianity " that " might yet overcome the world. Examples of Comprehensive in a sentence. He had brought forward in 1780 a comprehensive scheme of economical reform, with the design of limiting the resources of jobbery and corruption which the crown was able to use to strengthen its own sinister influence in parliament. (d) By its comprehensive and deterministic Conception of History. He is frequently untrue to the more comprehensive conception which dominates his work as a whole. For a sentence to make sense it needs two important features: a verb and its subject, and a predicate. We want: (r) the establishment of this republic as a true republic; (2) a grondwet or constitution which shall be framed by competent persons selected by representatives of the whole people and framed on lines laid down by them - a constitution which shall be safeguarded against hasty alteration; (3) an equitable franchise law, and fair representation; (4) equality of the Dutch and English languages; (5) responsibility to the heads of the great departments of the legislature; (6) removal of religious disabilities; (7) independence of the courts of justice, with adequate and secured I remuneration of the judges; (8) liberal and comprehensive education; (9) efficient civil service, with adequate provision for pay and pension; (io) free trade in South African products. In addition, a comprehensive glossary provides an invaluable reference tool. ARIES A comprehensive tokamak fusion power plant study undertaken by a collaboration of US fusion laboratories in the early 1990s. A very comprehensive database for any information about cinema. In short, the comprehensive genius of Bacon widened logic into a general science of inference. Williams obstetrics is more exhaustively comprehensive than any other text for general Obstetrics. But it can also come on gradually from a slow-growing brain tumor or a disease that causes progressive, permanent damage (degenerative). For a comprehensive list of news readers try looking at Wikipedia's listings. A cohesive sentence must be coherent and fit with other sentences around it. (be: is/am/are) Used with adverbs: " The training was extremely comprehensive. The Rough Guide to Nepal is a comprehensive guide to the region. His account of the sanction, again, is sufficiently comprehensive, including both the internal and the external rewards of virtue and punishments of vice; and he, like later utilitarians, explains moral' obligation to lie in the force exercised on the will by these sanctions; but as to the precise manner in which individual is implicated with universal good, and the operation of either or both in determining volition, his view is indistinct if not actually inconsistent. Without a comprehensive review of all the possible hypothetical outcomes Mr Nicholls suggests that her objection is purely superficial. See also the same author's comprehensive work, Das GilgameschEpos in der Weltliteratur (vol. In 1560 John Knox propounded in his First Book of Discipline a comprehensive scheme of education from elementary to university, but neither this proposal nor an act passed by the privy council in 1616 for the establishment of a school in every parish was carried into effect. 61. A comprehensive service in clinical gastroenterology, endoscopy and clinical nutrition is provided. Comprehensive: covering everything or all important points. allow for easy comparison but may be insufficient as the basis for a comprehensive assessment of the project. It soon appeared, however, that neither the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel nor the Church Missionary Society was willing to be absorbed; and it was urged by some that in a great comprehensive national Church, comprising persons of widely different views, more zeal was likely to be thrown into voluntary than into official enterprises. He was a founder of the American Oriental Society and published an excellent Comprehensive Dictionary of the Greek Language (1826). Its chief ideas are - (1) That, owing partly to the want of ability in historians, and partly to the complexity of social phenomena, extremely little had as yet been done towards discovering the principles which govern the character and destiny of nations, or, in other words, towards establishing a science of history; (2) That, while the theological dogma of predestination is a barren hypothesis beyond the province of knowledge, and the metaphysical dogma of free will rests on an erroneous belief in the infallibility of consciousness, it is proved by science, and especially by statistics, that human actions are governed by laws as fixed and regular as those which rule in the physical world; (3) That climate, soil, food, and the aspects of nature are the primary causes of intellectual progress, - the first three indirectly, through determining the accumulation and distribution of wealth, and the last by directly influencing the accumulation and distribution of thought, the imagination being stimulated and the understanding subdued when the phenomena of the external world are sublime and terrible, the understanding being emboldened and the imagination curbed when they are small and feeble; (4) That the great division between European and non-European civilization turns on the fact that in Europe man is stronger than nature, and that elsewhere nature is stronger than man, the consequence of which is that in Europe alone has man subdued nature to his service; (5) That the advance of European civilization is characterized by a continually diminishing influence of physical laws, and a continually increasing influence of mental laws; (6) That the mental laws which regulate the progress of society cannot be discovered by the metaphysical method, that is, by the introspective study of the individual mind, but only by such a comprehensive survey of facts as will enable us to eliminate disturbances, that is, by the method of averages; (7) That human progress has been due, not to moral agencies, which are stationary, and which balance one another in such a manner that their influence is unfelt over any long period, but to intellectual activity, which has been constantly varying and advancing: - "The actions of individuals are greatly affected by their moral feelings and passions; but these being antagonistic to the passions and feelings of other individuals, are balanced by them, so that their effect is, in the great average of human affairs, nowhere to be seen, and the total actions of mankind, considered as a whole, are left to be regulated by the total knowledge of which mankind is possessed"; (8) That individual efforts are insignificant in the great mass of human affairs, and that great men, although they exist, and must "at present" be looked upon as disturbing forces, are merely the creatures of the age to which they belong; (9) That religion, literature and government are, at the best, the products and not the causes of civilization; (10) That the progress of civilization varies directly as "scepticism," the disposition to doubt and to investigate, and inversely as "credulity" or "the protective spirit," a disposition to maintain, without examination, established beliefs and practices. The two sides are ready to make continued efforts to bring about universal accession to and effective compliance with the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Wallis having meanwhile published other works and especially a comprehensive treatise on the general principles of calculus (Mathesis universalis, 1657), he might take this occasion of exposing afresh the new-fangled methods of mathematical analysis and reasserting his own earlier positions. There was need of an exposition at once comprehensive, incisive and popular. Overall Financial Wellness Education — Going beyond retirement readiness to address comprehensive financial education needs, ... it's worthwhile to interview law firm staff to see if your understanding matches the rest of the law firm's employee understanding. To do this we shall offer the widest and most comprehensive range of Make-up Services, matched with highly skilled, trained professionals. In 1860, however, the total length of railways was only 208 m., and in that year a parliamentary bill embodying a comprehensive scheme of construction was adopted. Hodes's story includes almost thirty photographs and a comprehensive discography, filling a gap in the world of jazz literature. ShibaMedia Publishing In this domain the first place must be assigned to the splendid achievements of Raphael, whom the pope entrusted with new and comprehensive commissions - the Stanza dell' incendio, the Logge, and the tapestry-cartoons, the originals of the last named being now in London. Save up to 30 %, plus conditions: (1) comprehensive policyholders? The voyage of the " Challenger " supplied for the first time the nucleus of a collection of deep-sea deposits sufficient to serve as the basis for comprehensive classification and mapping. Not long, probably, after the fall of the northern kingdom in 722 B.C., a prophet of Judah conceived the plan of compiling a comprehensive history of the traditions of his people. "He was perhaps the most learned and able theologian after Alcuin, as well versed in Greek theology as he was familiar with Augustinianism, a comprehensive genius, who felt the liveliest desire to harmonize theory and practice, and at the same time give due weight to tradition" (Harnack). There is, however, a very comprehensive massoretic literature in which a number of other styles are indicated. The "Gospel and Apostle" was a comprehensive term for the whole of the New Testament (except perhaps Revelation), as read in church. This is augmented by numerous carefully chosen illustrations and a comprehensive filmography of English films, fiction and non-fiction, for the year. Bonvalot in 1887, Littledale in 1888, Cumberland, Bower and Dauvergne, followed by Younghusband in succeeding years, extending to 1890; Dunmore in 1892 and Sven Hedin in 1894-1895, have all contributed more or less to Pamir geography; but the honours of successful inquiry in those high altitudes still fall to Lord Curzon, whose researches in 1894 led to a singularly clear and comprehensive description of Pamir geography, as well as to the best map compilation that till then had existed. It also includes the most comprehensive bibliography of published clinical trials. ropewalk chambers, the chambers of Richard Maxwell QC, provides a comprehensive, largely civil advocacy service, and works throughout the country. It is true that "they have been written in an order the very reverse of that in which they ought to be read"; nevertheless the Natural Theology forms "the completion of a regular and comprehensive design.". In addition, pre-flight passenger briefings need to be comprehensive and standardized. DiscussWireless is currently updating their comprehensive cellular phone lineup, lowering become extra film tv prices and adding new phones. But whilst, in its more comprehensive acceptation, the term Hinduism would thus range over the entire historical development of Brahmanical India, it is also not infrequently used in a narrower sense, as denoting more especially the modern phase of Indian social and religious institutions - from the earlier centuries of the Christian era down to our own days - as distinguished from the period dominated by the authoritative doctrine of pantheistic belief, formulated by the speculative theologians during the centuries immediately succeeding the Vedic period (see Brahmanism). Comprehensive sentence examples. 186. A comprehensive Timeline and a modern Portrait of Eleanor of Aquitaine are available. : And how such reading exercises would help genuine poets replenish their language defies comprehension. It is based on a wealth of original sources and a comprehensive understanding of the period. On the contrary, he gives precise and apparently comprehensive directions in the first part of the letter about how he is to be treated: "Je vous en donne advis par advance, afin que vous puissiez faire accomoder un cachot ou vous le mettrez surement, observant de faire en sorte que les jours qu'aura le lieu où it sera ne donnent point sur les lieux qui puissent estre abordez de personne, et qu'il y ayt assez de portes fermees, les unes sur les autres, pour que vos sentinelles ne puissent bien entendre," &c. Having finished his instructions about Dauger, he then proceeds in a fresh paragraph to tell Saint-Mars that orders have been given to "Sieur Poupart" to do "whatever you shall desire.". comprehensive. Consequently, towards the close of the second century a thoroughly comprehensive effort was made to reduce the halakoth to order. The document includes comprehensive coverage of English Language Tests. comprehensive listing of every single fact about yourself. In spite of his almost incessant controversies with the Aristotelians, he found time to make a comprehensive study of contemporary science. understanding; grasp of knowledge. 187. It can affect your ability to speak, write and understand language, both verbal and written.Aphasia typically occurs suddenly after a stroke or a head injury. If you would like the reader to briefly pause between two parts of a sentence, you should separate them with a comma. But as soon as this was accomplished the government opened a comprehensive enquiry into the causes of dissatisfaction, which served as the basis of numerous social laws, and led eventually to the establishment of universal suffrage and the substitution in Belgium of a democratic for a middle-class regime. Interest & Activity Holidays IAH scuba offers comprehensive Scuba Packages which can include everything for your diving holiday. 161. This, however, destroys the appropriateness of the phrases major and minor term which are specially chosen because in fact the major term does imply the more comprehensive notion. Another word for comprehensive. invited from candidates who can provide comprehensive administrative support for the NWUA led HLSP and wider skills work. 32. I hope our final in this class is not a comprehensive exam. When pressed still further, he points to justice, veracity and the common good as comprehensive ethical ends. There, as above explained, Leach began the subdivision of Muller's too comprehensive genus, the result being that Lynceus belongs to the Phyllopoda, and Chydorus (Leach, 1816) properly gives its name to the present family, in which the doubly convoluted intestine is so remarkable. Art nouveau Worldwide - Comprehensive website on art nouveau design. A comprehensive view of the Little Belt with its islands, and over the mainland, is obtained from the Skamlingsbank, a slight elevation 82 m. Clear and comprehensive in the grasp of the general outlines of his subject, he was methodical and vivid in the representation of details. integrators of EDRM systems who need a comprehensive review of the market. A comprehensive and concise summary of the results of science in its chosen field. Omitting trifles and all publications that have been cancelled, the following list of compositions may be taken as fairly comprehensive: - Pianoforte Pieces. There is internal literary support for this in the criticism of Deuteronomy (which appears to have in view a comprehensive Israel and Judah at this period), and of various passages evidently earlier than Nehemiah's time (see R. His laws were numerous and comprehensive. It is more probable that the expression Shumer designated the whole of Babylonia in much the same manner as did Akkad, and that the two words "Shumer and Akkad " were used together as a comprehensive term. S.) Among the many editions of Machiavelli's works the one in 8 vols., dated Italia, 1813, may be mentioned, and the more comprehensive ones published by A. A widely accepted, comprehensive concept of value is vital. But his hopes for a comprehensive scheme which might include nonconformists in the English Church were necessarily destroyed on the accession of Queen Anne. For, in 1884, Glad5tone had introduced a new Reform Bill; and, though its passage had been arrested by the Lords, unofficial communications between the leaders of both parties had resulted in a compromise which had led to the adoption of a large and comprehensive Reform Act. Simple sentences, or basic sentences, are the main unit of expression in written text. With Kant, reason (Vernunft) is the power of synthesizing into unity, by means of comprehensive principles, the concepts provided by the intellect (Verstand). In the polygon of loads the direction of a load sustained by parallel resistances traverses the point O-i i Since the relation discussed in 7 was enunciated by Rankine, an enormous development has taken place in the subject of Graphic Statics, the first comprehensive textbook on the subject being Die Graphische Statik by K. 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