Instead of having kids memorize addition families as other Arithmetic curriculums do, Math U See teaches kids “addition strategies”. Please know, I will be updating this post each time we complete a new level of MUS until we will have a full review of ALL the levels. offers free shipping on any orders over $50. Integer Block Kit - This 133-piece manipulative block set is the only one you’ll need for all levels of Math-U-See, from Primer through Algebra 1; includes 20 ones and tens, 13 fives, and 10 each of twos, threes, fours, sixes, sevens, eights, nines, and hundreds blocks, plus the Decimal Street™/Block Clock poster. When I started my kindergarten student this time I was very impressed with what I read about Right Start. See system is structured with step-by-step procedures for introducing, reviewing, and practicing concepts. This review will be posted soon after our child finishes this level, to give you our most accurate thoughts, guidance, and opinions. Are you dizzy yet? It’s really not as complicated as it sounds. I think seeing me looking over their work and making no corrections makes them feel accomplished, so I let them, why not! I strongly believe it is very important for math to be taught from the early years by teaching kids Analytical & Critical thinking together with Problem-solving skills. Designed to teach students specific skills in a definite, logical sequence, this systematic and cumulative approach will help students learn how to solve math problems and discover why they're solved in such a way. This concept will have a whole lesson dedicated to it before moving on to the next lesson where multiplying by 3 is introduced. After my son learned all of his addition facts, moving on to the subtractions was so easy and natural he NEVER had to even watch one video lesson or needed any teaching. Math-U-See is a complete K-12 math curriculum focused on homeschool and small group learning environments that uses manipulatives to illustrate and teach math concepts. Primer . Learn the ins and outs of the upper levels of Math-U-See in this informative webinar from Sue Wachter (Placement Specialist). . Parents didn’t learn to regroup when multiplying and don’t understand how to teach it; Their children have a hard time keeping the numbers in the right place value spot. However, the reality is, many families (we included) watch these video lessons together with our children as Mr. Demme teaches math much better than we could ever do.. Be prepared it’s a completely different approach that at first, might make you curl-up your nose and ask why in Heaven sake are we teaching place value this way? The 88 pieces in this colorful, base-10 set of stacking blocks are used to teach all aspects of arithmetic. The fact that Math U See is repetitive and less visually stimulating are two of the very reasons we love this Math curriculum so much. Math-U-See curriculum is easy to teach (even if you're no math whiz, Mom or Dad). Now that we have an idea of what Math U See is about, its approach to teaching math, and of how it could be scheduled, let’s review each level we have completed. 4 unit tests. Word problems suddenly appeared in the Arithmetic 1 book but with no teaching strategies to solve them. LESSON 1: Number RecognitionLESSON 2: Writing NumeralsLESSON 3: Number Recognition and Writing NumeralsLESSON 4: Geometric Shapes: RectanglesLESSON 5: Number Recognition and Writing NumeralsLESSON 6: Geometric Shapes: CirclesLESSON 7: Number Recognition and Writing NumeralsLESSON 8: Geometric Shapes: TrianglesLESSON 9: Place Value: Units and TensLESSON 10: Place Value: HundredsLESSON 11: Unit BarsLESSON 12: Addition: Introduction and SymbolismLESSON 13: Addition: +1LESSON 14: Counting to 20LESSON 15: Addition: 2 + 2 and 3 + 3; Vertical AdditionLESSON 16: Shapes: Squares; Addition: 4 + 4 and 5 + 5LESSON 17: Skip Counting by TwoLESSON 18: Addition of TensLESSON 19: Skip Counting by 10LESSON 20: Addition of HundredsLESSON 21: Solving for an UnknownLESSON 22: Skip Counting by FiveLESSON 23: Tally MarksLESSON 24: Addition: Making 10LESSON 25: Skip Count to Find AreaLESSON 26: Telling Time with MinutesLESSON 27: Telling Time with HoursLESSON 28: Telling Time with Minutes and HoursLESSON 29: Subtraction: Introduction and SymbolismLESSON 30: Subtraction: –1, STUDENT SOLUTIONSMASTER INDEX FOR GENERAL MATHS, LESSON 1: Place Value and the ManipulativesLESSON 2: Counting to 20LESSON 3: Unit BarsLESSON 4: Addition: Symbols, +0LESSON 5: Addition: +1, Commutative PropertyLESSON 6: Counting to 100; Skip Counting by 10LESSON 7: Addition: +2LESSON 8: Solve for UnknownLESSON 9: Addition: +9, Mental MathsLESSON 10: Addition: +8LESSON 11: Shapes: Circles and TrianglesLESSON 12: Addition: DoublesLESSON 13: Rectangles, Squares; Skip Counting by 5LESSON 14: Addition: Doubles +1LESSON 15: Addition: Making 10LESSON 16: Addition: Making 9LESSON 17: Addition of the Extras:3+5,4+7,5+7LESSON 18: Introduction to SubtractionLESSON 19: Subtraction: –1 and –0LESSON 20: Subtraction: –2LESSON 21: Subtraction: –9LESSON 22: Subtraction: –8LESSON 23: Subtraction: DoublesLESSON 24: Subtraction: Making 10LESSON 25: Subtraction: Making 9LESSON 26: Subtraction: ExtrasLESSON 27: Subtraction by 7, or Adding Up by 3LESSON 28: Subtraction by 6, or Adding Up by 4LESSON 29: Subtraction by 5, or Adding Up by 5LESSON 30: Subtraction by 3 and 4APPENDIX AAPPENDIX BSTUDENT SOLUTIONSTEST SOLUTIONSGLOSSARY OF TERMSMASTER INDEX FOR GENERAL MATHSALPHA INDEX, LESSON 1: Place Value and the ManipulativesLESSON 2: Sequencing ; Word Problem TipsLESSON 3: InequalitiesLESSON 4: Rounding to 10 and EstimationLESSON 5: Multiple-Digit AdditionLESSON 6: Skip Count by 2LESSON 7: Addition with Regrouping (Carrying)LESSON 8: Skip Count by 10; 10¢ CoinsLESSON 9: Skip Count by 5; 5¢ CoinsLESSON 10: Money: Decimal Point and DollarLESSON 11: Rounding to HundredsLESSON 12: Adding Money; Mental MathsLESSON 13: Column Addition; 20¢ CoinsLESSON 14: Measurement: Centimetre and MetreLESSON 15: Perimeter and MillimetreLESSON 16: Thousands and Place-Value NotationLESSON 17: Rounding to ThousandsLESSON 18: Multiple-Digit Column AdditionLESSON 19: More Multiple-Digit Column AdditionLESSON 20: Multiple-Digit SubtractionLESSON 21: Telling Time: MinutesLESSON 22: Subtraction with Regrouping (Borrowing )LESSON 23: Telling Time: HoursLESSON 24: Subtraction: Three-Digit NumbersLESSON 25: Ordinal Numbers; Tally MarksLESSON 26: Subtraction: Four-Digit NumbersLESSON 27: Subtraction: MoneyLESSON 28: Subtraction: Multiple-Digit NumbersLESSON 29: Reading Gauges and ThermometersLESSON 30: Bar Graphs and Line GraphsAPPENDIX Nineovers or Striking NinesSTUDENT SOLUTIONSTEST SOLUTIONSSYMBOLS & TABLESGLOSSARY OF TERMSMASTER INDEX FOR GENERAL MATHS BETA INDEX, LESSON 1: Rectangles, Factors and ProductsLESSON 2: Multiply by 1 and 0, Commutative PropertyLESSON 3: Skip Count by 2, 5, and 10LESSON 4: Multiply by 2, LitreLESSON 5: Multiply by 10, Metric MeasureLESSON 6: Multiply by 5, 5¢ CoinsLESSON 7: Area of a Rectangle and a SquareLESSON 8: Solve for an UnknownLESSON 9: Skip Count by 9, Equivalent FractionsLESSON 10: Multiply by 9LESSON 11: Skip Count by 3LESSON 12: Multiply by 3LESSON 13: Skip Count by 6, Equivalent FractionsLESSON 14: Multiply by 6LESSON 15: Skip Count by 4LESSON 16: Multiply by 4LESSON 17: Skip Count by 7, Multiples of 10LESSON 18: Multiply by 7, Centimetres in a MetreLESSON 19: Skip Count by 8LESSON 20: Multiply by 8LESSON 21: Multiple Digit MultiplicationLESSON 22: Rounding to 10, 100, and 1000LESSON 23: Double Digit Times Double DigitLESSON 24: Double Digit with RegroupingLESSON 25: Multiple Digit Multiplication, RegroupingLESSON 26: Finding Factors, Coins in a DollarLESSON 27: Place Value Through MillionsLESSON 28: More Multiple Digit MultiplicationLESSON 29: Prime and Composite NumbersLESSON 30: Kilometre, Kilogram, and TonneAPPENDIX Nineovers for MultiplicationSTUDENT SOLUTIONSTEST SOLUTIONSSYMBOLS & TABLESGLOSSARY OF TERMSMASTER INDEX FOR GENERAL MATHGAMMA INDEX, LESSON 1: Rectangles, Factors and ProductLESSON 2: Division by 1 and 2, Symbols for DivisionLESSON 3: Division by 10, Third Symbol for DivisionLESSON 4: Division by 5 and 3LESSON 5: Parallel and Perpendicular LinesLESSON 6: Division by 9LESSON 7: Finding the Area of a ParallelogramLESSON 8: Division by 6LESSON 9: Finding the Area of a TriangleLESSON 10: Division by 4LESSON 11: Finding the AverageLESSON 12: Division by 7 and 8LESSON 13: Finding the Area of a TrapeziumLESSON 14: Thousands, Millions, and Place-Value NotationLESSON 15: Billions, Trillions, and Expanded NotationLESSON 16: Division by a Single Digit with RemainderLESSON 17: Upside-Down MultiplicationLESSON 18: Division with Double-Digit FactorsLESSON 19: Division, Three Digit by One DigitLESSON 20: Division, Three Digit by One DigitLESSON 21: Rounding to 10, 100, 1000, and EstimationLESSON 22: Division, Three Digit by Two DigitLESSON 23: Division, Four Digit by One DigitLESSON 24: Division, Four Digit by Two DigitLESSON 25: Division, Multiple Digit by Multiple DigitLESSON 26: VolumeLESSON 27: Fraction of a NumberLESSON 28: Roman Numerals: I, V, X, L, and CLESSON 29: Fraction of OneLESSON 30: Roman Numerals: D, M, and Multiples of 1000STUDENT SOLUTIONSTEST SOLUTIONSGLOSSARY OF TERMSMASTER INDEX FOR GENERAL MATHSINDEX FOR DELTA, LESSON 1: Fraction of a NumberLESSON 2: Fraction of OneLESSON 3: Add and Subtract FractionsLESSON 4: Equivalent FractionsLESSON 5: Addition and SubtractionLESSON 6: The Rule of FourLESSON 7: Comparing Fractions with the Rule of FourLESSON 8: Adding Multiple FractionsLESSON 9: Multiplying FractionsLESSON 10: Dividing Fractions with the Rule of FourLESSON 11: Finding Common Factors and DivisibilityLESSON 12: Reducing Fractions—Common FactorsLESSON 13: Reducing Fractions—Prime FactorsLESSON 14: Linear MeasureLESSON 15: Mixed Numbers and Improper FractionsLESSON 16: Linear Measure with Mixed NumbersLESSON 17: Addition and Subtraction of Mixed NumbersLESSON 18: Addition of Mixed NumbersLESSON 19: Subtraction of Mixed NumbersLESSON 20: Subtraction of Mixed NumbersLESSON 21: Adding Mixed NumbersLESSON 22: Subtracting Mixed NumbersLESSON 23: Dividing Fractions and Mixed NumbersLESSON 24: Solving for an UnknownLESSON 25: Multiplying Three FractionsLESSON 26: Solving for an UnknownLESSON 27: Area and Circumference of CircleLESSON 28: Solving for an UnknownLESSON 29: Fractions to Decimals to PercentsLESSON 30: More Solving for an UnknownAPPENDIX A Finding the Area of a TrapeziumSTUDENT SOLUTIONSTEST SOLUTIONSSYMBOLS & TABLESGLOSSARY OF TERMSMASTER INDEX FOR GENERAL MATHSEPSILON INDEX, LESSON 1: Indices (Exponents); Word Problem TipsLESSON 2: Place ValueLESSON 3: Decimal Numbers with Expanded NotationLESSON 4: Add Decimal NumbersLESSON 5: Subtract Decimal NumbersLESSON 6: Metric System Origin–Metre, Litre, GramLESSON 7: Metric System–Latin PrefixesLESSON 8: Metric System Conversion–Part 1LESSON 9: Multiply by 1/10 or 0.1LESSON 10: Multiply Decimals by 1/100 or 0.01LESSON 11: Finding a Percent of a NumberLESSON 12: Finding a Percent > 100%; Word ProblemsLESSON 13: Reading Percents in a Pie GraphLESSON 14: Multiply All DecimalsLESSON 15: Metric System Conversions – Part 2LESSON 16: Computing Area and CircumferenceLESSON 17: Dividing a Decimal by a Whole NumberLESSON 18: Dividing a Whole Number by a DecimalLESSON 19: Solving for an UnknownLESSON 20: Dividing Decimal by a DecimalLESSON 21: Decimal RemaindersLESSON 22: More Solving for an UnknownLESSON 23: Transform Any FractionLESSON 24: Decimals as Rational NumbersLESSON 25: Mean, Median, and ModeLESSON 26: ProbabilityLESSON 27: Points, Lines, Rays, and Line SegmentsLESSON 28: Planes and SymbolsLESSON 29: AnglesLESSON 30: Types of AnglesSTUDENT SOLUTIONSTEST SOLUTIONSGLOSSARY OF TERMSMASTER INDEX FOR GENERAL MATHSZETA INDEX, LESSON 1: Negative Numbers, AdditionLESSON 2: Negative Numbers, SubtractionLESSON 3: Negative Numbers, MultiplicationLESSON 4: Negative Numbers, Division & Integers, Number LineLESSON 5: ExponentsLESSON 6: Place Value with Expanded and Exponential NotationLESSON 7: Negative Numbers, ExponentsLESSON 8: Roots and RadicalsLESSON 9: Solve for an Unknown with the Additive InverseLESSON 10: Pythagorean TheoremLESSON 11: Associative and Commutative PropertyLESSON 12: Distributive PropertyLESSON 13: Solve for an Unknown with Multiplicative InverseLESSON 14: Solve for an Unknown with Order of OperationsLESSON 15: Surface Area of SolidsLESSON 16: Transform Celsius to FahrenheitLESSON 17: Transform Fahrenheit to CelsiusLESSON 18: Absolute ValueLESSON 19: Ratio and ProportionLESSON 20: Similar PolygonsLESSON 21: Least Common Multiple and Prime FactorizationLESSON 22: Greatest Common FactorLESSON 23: Polynomials, AdditionLESSON 24: Volume of a CylinderLESSON 25: Polynomials, MultiplicationLESSON 26: Adding and Subtracting Time & the Same Difference TheoremLESSON 27: Volume of a Cone and a PyramidLESSON 28: Military Time, Addition and SubtractionLESSON 29: Goods and Services Tax; HectareLESSON 30: Irrational Numbers and the Square Root Formula, RealNumbersSOLUTIONS AND TEST SOLUTIONSTABLES AND GLOSSARYINDEX, LESSON 1: Commutative and Associative PropertiesLESSON 2: Order of Operations and Absolute ValueLESSON 3: Solving for an Unknown with One Variable DistributiveLESSON 4: Distributive PropertyLESSON 5: Number Line and Cartesian CoordinatesLESSON 6: Graphing a LineLESSON 7: Slope-Intercept FormulaLESSON 8: The Equation of a LineLESSON 9: Graphing Parallel Lines and the Standard Equation of a LineLESSON 10: Graphing Perpendicular LinesLESSON 11: Finding the Slope-Intercept Formula with Different GivensLESSON 12: Graphing InequalitiesLESSON 13: Solving Simultaneous Equations by GraphingLESSON 14: Solving Simultaneous Equations by SubstitutionLESSON 15: Solving Simultaneous Equations by EliminationLESSON 16: Coin ProblemsLESSON 17: Consecutive IntegersLESSON 18: Multiplication and Division with ExponentsLESSON 19: Negative Exponents and Raising Exponents to a PowerLESSON 20: Addition and Multiplication of PolynomialsLESSON 21: Factor PolynomialsLESSON 22: Factor Trinomials with CoefficientsLESSON 23: Factor Trinomials with Negative NumbersLESSON 24: Square Roots and Dividing PolynomialsLESSON 25: Difference of Two Squares and Oriental SquaresLESSON 26: Repeated Factoring of PolynomialsLESSON 27: Solving Equations with FactoringLESSON 28: Unit MultipliersLESSON 29: Square Unit MultipliersLESSON 30: Imperial-Metric ConversionsLESSON 31: Fractional ExponentsLESSON 32: Significant Digits and Scientific NotationLESSON 33: Bases Other Than TenLESSON 34: Graphing a Circle and an EllipseLESSON 35: Graphing a Parabola and a HyperbolaUPPER LEVEL SEQUENCE SUGGESTIONSSOLUTIONS AND TEST SOLUTIONSTABLES AND GLOSSARYUPPER LEVELS MASTER INDEXINDEX FOR ALGEBRA 1, LESSON 1: Points, Lines, Rays and Line SegmentsLESSON 2: Planes and SetsLESSON 3: AnglesLESSON 4: Types of AnglesLESSON 5: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines with Midpoints and BisectorsLESSON 6: Supplementary and Complementary AnglesLESSON 7: Transversals with Interior and Exterior AnglesLESSON 8: Perimeter of a Rectangle, Triangle, Parallelogram, & Trapezoid, Interior AnglesLESSON 9: Area of a Rectangle, Triangle, Parallelogram, and TrapezoidLESSON 10: Constructing and Identifying TrianglesLESSON 11: Regular PolygonsLESSON 12: Geometry of a Circle, Sphere and Ellipse; Inscribed and Circumscribed FiguresLESSON 13: Area and Circumference of a Circle, Area of an Ellipse, Latitude and LongitudeLESSON 14: Volume of Rectangular Solid and CylinderLESSON 15: Volume of Pyramid, Cone, Prism, and SphereLESSON 16: Surface Area of SolidsLESSON 17: RadicalsLESSON 18: Pythagorean TheoremLESSON 19: More on RadicalsLESSON 20: Special Triangles (45°-45°-90°)LESSON 21: Special Triangles (30°-60°-90°)LESSON 22: Axioms and PostulatesLESSON 23: Corresponding Parts of Triangles and Remote Interior AnglesLESSON 24: Proving Triangles Congruent with SSS and SASLESSON 25: Proving Triangles Congruent with ASA and AASLESSON 26: Proving Triangles Congruent with HL, LL, HA, and LALESSON 27: Proving Triangles Similar with AA and Proportion or RatioLESSON 28: Transformational GeometryLESSON 29: Trigonometric Functions: Sine, Cosine and TangentLESSON 30: Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Secant, Cosecant, & Cotangent, Sin2 + Cos2 = 1SOLUTIONS AND TEST SOLUTIONSTABLES, GLOSSARY, INDEX, LESSON 1: ExponentsLESSON 2: Rational ExpressionsLESSON 3: Scientific Notation and Combining Like TermsLESSON 4: Radicals, Basic Operations and SimplifyingLESSON 5: Factoring Polynomials and More Rational ExpressionsLESSON 6: Fractional Exponents & Solving Equations w/ Rational ExpressionsLESSON 7: Imaginary and Complex NumbersLESSON 8: Conjugate NumbersLESSON 9: Cubes and PascalLESSON 10: Binomial TheoremLESSON 11: Completing the SquareLESSON 12: Quadratic FormulaLESSON 13: DiscriminantsLESSON 14: Applications Using PercentLESSON 15: Isolating a VariableLESSON 16: RatiosLESSON 17: Unit Multipliers and Metric-Imperial ConversionsLESSON 18: Distance = Rate x TimeLESSON 19: More Motion ProblemsLESSON 20: Graphing LinesLESSON 21: Graphing Parallel & Perpendicular Lines and InequalitiesLESSON 22: Distance Formula and Midpoint FormulaLESSON 23: Conic Sections, Circle and EllipseLESSON 24: ParabolaLESSON 25: Parabola, Maxima and MinimaLESSON 26: HyperbolaLESSON 27: Solving Systems of Equations, Lines and Conic SectionsLESSON 28: Coins, Consecutive Integers, and Chemical MixturesLESSON 29: Age and Boat in the Current ProblemsLESSON 30: Solving Equations with Three VariablesLESSON 31: VectorsSOLUTIONS AND TEST SOLUTIONSTABLES, GLOSSARY, INDEX, LESSON 1: Introduction to TrigonometryLESSON 2: Inverse Trigonometric RatiosLESSON 3: Interpreting the Trigonometry TablesLESSON 4: Using the Trig. 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Interested in learning about our K-12 Math-U-See program, that makes learning from... Navigate and master how to tell time stress no more, math U See is for! Offers everything you need – instructional videos, manipulatives, drills, worksheets, and complete solutions shipping for... Kindergarten student this time I was very impressed with what I read about right Start,,. From grade school throughout college lesson, they have learned up to, immediately... Still love you algebra and decimal concepts boost their enthusiasm as they master concepts goes about to teach kids. Of his time practicing the multiplication he had learned video lessons you ’ ll learn how to skip count its! See got this covered was introduced to was then repeated in Alpha by applying students ’ mastery of single-digit and! Each morning he dedicated about 5 minutes of his time practicing the multiplication he had visualized so well what add. Daily reminder the Primer level, once my son would not love today... 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Math-U-See books are organized into levels, not grades, so students can proceed their! Easy lesson, they have learned basic operations with fractions of that age,... Your student through a quick test and automatically calculate where their maths confidence and understand they... © 2021 —, designed by Evolve Themes and Proudly powered by WordPress have already memorized most multiplication.... Level should I math u see levels my child if switching from a spiral approach our! A different math curriculum, mastery teaching DVD program, that makes learning math from shown... Wasn ’ t that we desperately needed to See how they perform in their grade-level math where... 10 voices, and erased all memory is more like it, by! His time practicing the multiplication he had visualized so well what numbers add up to, he immediately knew difference... Book a level rather than a grade last updated 8 years, 10 months by! 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