Abe condemned the killings as "absolutely unforgivable" and confirmed that Japan and Britain had co-operated over the incident. He led the LDP to two further landslides in the 2014 and 2017 elections, becoming Japan's longest-serving prime minister as a result. [291][292][293], Abe's first cabinet was announced on 26 September 2006. He took a seat in the House of Representatives from 1937 to 1946. Shinzo Abe’s lineage. The 2017 general election was held on 22 October. [30], Since 1997, as the bureau chief of the "Institute of Junior Assembly Members Who Think About the Outlook of Japan and History Education", Abe supported the controversial Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform and the New History Textbook. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda was forced to rely on the LDP to pass the consumption tax bill and in return was pressured by Abe and the opposition parties to hold a snap general election. Japan's former prime minister Shinzo Abe on Friday corrected statements he had made in parliament, apologising for what he said were mistakes regarding a political funding scandal that has also cast a pall over his successor. In 2007, he denied to reporters that Japan forced women into sexual slavery during World War II. Abe said in a press conference, "It is a truly big problem if they want to injure my political life". Shinzo Abe is the former Prime Minister of Japan who served from 2006 to 2007 and again from 2012 to 2020. He ran again in the 2012 general elections and defeated Yoshihiko Noda after defeating Shigeru Ishiba for the Liberal Democratic Party presidential seat. On a TV program in July 2006,[249] he denied that Manchukuo was a puppet state. "Prime Minister Abe was Trump before Trump", Bannon declared, eliciting laughter from some LDP lawmakers. Abe cited the "womenomics" ideas of Kathy Matsui that greater participation by women in the workforce, which is relatively low in Japan, especially in leadership roles, could improve Japan's GDP and potentially fertility rates, in spite of declining population figures. [169][170] Analysts described the nuclear deal as part of Japan and India's efforts to respond to growing Chinese power in the Asia-Pacific region. Credit... Kyodo News, via Getty Images [232], Abe supported the 2018 North Korea–United States summit. In fact, his maternal grandfather and the brother of his grandfather were both prime ministers. In an attempt to revive his administration, Abe announced a new cabinet on 27 August 2007. Prime Minister Abe pursued advanced study in the United States of America. This is a ten-year program to increase international student attendance in Japanese universities and hire more foreign faculty. [266] The "tribunal" was a private committee to adjudicate comfort women; about 5,000 people, including 64 victims from Japan and abroad, attended. [56], At the first meeting of the CEFP on 9 January 2013, Abe declared that the Bank of Japan should follow a policy of monetary easing with a view to achieving a target of 2 percent inflation. This was reported as being part of efforts to step up security measures in preparation for the 2016 G7 Summit in Shima, Mie, and 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. [129], In December 2013, Abe announced a five-year plan of military expansion. Shinzo Abe is from a family long active in politics. [139] Abe argued that the move would not lead to Japan becoming involved in "foreign wars" such as the Gulf or Iraq War, but instead would secure peace through deterrence. Shinzo Abe (born 1954) was Japan's prime minister for less than a year, from September 26, 2006, to September 12, 2007.. [188] While common practice in many other parliamentary democracies, a government using its majority to "railroad" controversial bills through the Diet in the face of political and public opposition is a subject of criticism in Japan. Following her husband's first stint as prime minister, she opened an organic izakaya in the Kanda district of Tokyo, but is not active in management due to the urging of her mother-in-law. He studied at Tokyo Imperial University, taking up German Law. During his service during the World War II, he earned the nickname Showa no Yokai or the Showa era monster for his brutal rule. America isn't the only country interested in seeing Japan belatedly accept full responsibility. He said that his unpopularity has hindered him from passing the anti-terrorism law and that his health was in no condition to pursue his job. Abe, 65, was due to be in office till September 2021. [244] Since 1997, as the bureau chief of the "Institute of Junior Assembly Members Who Think About the Outlook of Japan and History Education", Abe led the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform. [57], Within weeks of returning to power, the Second Abe cabinet faced the In Amenas hostage crisis of 2013 in which 10 Japanese citizens were killed. [176][177], Shortly after Donald Trump had won the US presidential election, Abe cut his presence at an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Lima short, in order to have an informal, impromptu meeting with the then President-elect, at the Trump Tower. In March 2007, in response to a United States Congress resolution by Mike Honda, Abe denied any government coercion in the recruitment of comfort women during World War II,[253] in line with a statement made almost ten years before on the same issue, in which Abe voiced his opposition to the inclusion of the subject of military prostitution in several school textbooks and then denied any coercion in the "narrow" sense of the word, environmental factors notwithstanding. The diplomatic tours also functioned as another element of Abenomics by promoting Japan to the international business community and opening up avenues for trade, energy and defense procurement deals (for example, business executives often travel with Abe on these visits). Jun'ichirō Koizumi was a member of the Mori Faction, but left it, as is the custom when accepting a high party post. [29], Abe expressed a general commitment to the reforms instituted by his predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi. [89] Abe has also said he favors the re-building of Japan's nuclear reactors following the Fukushima disaster (though much of the authority to restart nuclear plants lies with local governments) and plans to strengthen relations with the United States. [143] It was speculated that Abe planned to do this to "reset" Diet business after it had become gridlocked due to the fallout from ministerial resignations in October, or because the political situation would be less favorable to re-election in 2015 and 2016. [237] Abe cautioned Xi Jinping over protests in Hong Kong at the G20 Summit. [122] In late December 2015, foreign ministers Fumio Kishida and Yun Byung-se announced in Seoul that a deal had been reached to resolve the "comfort women" issue, in which Japan agreed to pay 1  billion yen into a fund to support the 46 surviving victims, and issued a statement that contained Abe's "most sincere apologies and remorse". Detractors argued that the law was ambiguous and therefore gave the government too much freedom to decide which information to classify, that it could curtail freedom of the press, and that the cabinet had rushed the legislation without including any corresponding freedom of information guarantees. During the reign of his brother, he served as the Minister of Finance in his cabinet. This is the legislature of Japan under a parallel voting system that is responsible for electing prime ministers, which are composed of the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors. [10], Abe is widely viewed as a right-wing nationalist. [103], Abe was unusually active in the field of foreign affairs for a Japanese Prime Minister, making visits to 49 countries between December 2012 and September 2014, a number that was described as "unprecedented" (by contrast, his immediate two predecessors Naoto Kan and Yoshihiko Noda visited a combined total of 18 countries between June 2010 and December 2012). Abe became Japan’s youngest prime minister in … The Seiwa Seisaku Kenkyū-Kai has 60  members in the House of Representatives and 26 in the House of Councillors. "I cannot be prime minister if I cannot make the best decisions for the people," Abe, 65, said during a live public broadcast to the nation. The passage of the law proved controversial, with thousands protesting the bill in Tokyo and the cabinet's approval rating falling below 50 percent for the first time in some polls. He was born on November 13, 1896, and served as the 37th prime minister of Japan. He gained national popularity when he demanded that Japanese abductees visiting Japan remain[clarification needed], in defiance of North Korea. [25], On 23 April 2006, Abe was elected as the president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe resigns citing health concerns Aug. 28, 2020 00:29 Abe said he will continue to serve until a new leader is selected, likely in the next month. [233] Abe, however, cautioned President Trump not to strike a compromise on North Korea's missile program that would leave Japan exposed to short-range missiles that do not reach the U.S. mainland or relieve pressure on North Korea too soon before complete denuclearization. [196][197] After the vote, Abe issued a statement saying that the new laws "will fortify our pledge to never again wage war", and that the legislation, rather than being "war bills", was instead "aimed at deterring war and contributing to peace and security". [37] Abe initiated the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between Japan, the United States, Australia and India in 2007. We will continue to update details on Shinzo Abe’s family. She is the daughter of the president of Morinaga, a chocolate manufacturer. Morning Digest | Police close bridge over Yamuna ahead of farmers parade; S.P. [45], Abe remained in the National Diet following his resignation as prime minister. Morimoto was arrested for allegedly groping a woman on the train. Prime Minister Abe received his education from the Seikei Elementary School, Seikei Junior High School, and the Seikei Senior High School. [163][164] The governments of both China and South Korea responded with criticism of the statement, but analysts noted that it was muted and restrained in tone, in comparison to the harsher rhetoric that has been used previously. Abe married Akie Matsuzaki, a socialite and former radio disc jockey, in 1987. [117] A close relationship was anticipated between Abe and Narendra Modi after the latter's election as Prime Minister of India in May 2014, when it was noted that they had established ties from at least seven years previously when Modi was still Chief Minister of Gujarat and that Modi was one of three people Abe "followed" on Twitter. [76] In February 2015 the Abe government struck a deal to limit the power of the JA-Zenchu body to supervise and audit Japan's agricultural co-operatives, in a move designed to facilitate TPP negotiations, improve the competitiveness of Japan's farming sector and curtail the influence of the agriculture lobby. He was planning on running for the first postwar general election but unfortunately died while still preparing in January 1946. See more about. He comes from a family of politicians on both his paternal and maternal side. [67], In autumn 2013 Abe made the decision to proceed with the first stage of the increase in the consumption tax from 5 to 8 percent in April 2014 (with a second stage envisaged raising it to 10 percent in October 2015). [229] The scandal has been referred to as "Abegate". Shake-up of top ministerial roles expected as ex-chief cabient secretary takes limelight Abe has increased its allies in its international campaign to counter a North Korean nuclear threat. [118] Modi made his first major foreign visit to Japan in autumn of 2014, where he and Abe discussed agreements on nuclear co-operation, rare earth elements and joint maritime exercises. If this were merely an accident, it would be proper for the TV station to give me a personal apology, but as yet I haven't heard a single word." In 1987, he married Japanese socialite Akie Abe. In one account he recalled, “I came so much, it was hard to clean it all up.” He was freed later on in 1948 even without a trial. [190] Many protested the legislation outside the Diet buildings, denouncing what was referred to as "war bills" by opponents. Noda agreed to this on the conditions that the LDP passed a bond-financing bill and would support a commission to reform the social security system and address electoral malapportionment in the next diet session. Shinzo Abe’s zodiac sign is Virgo. [71][72][73] Abe's decision to delay the consumption tax increase in November 2014 and his push for a large fiscal deficit in the 2015 budget without social security cuts was interpreted as a victory for this faction within the LDP. The perpetrators were several Yakuza members belonging to the Kudo-kai, a Kitakyushu-based designated boryokudan syndicate. [93] Abe's campaign for the 2013 election focused on themes of economic revival, asking voters to give him a stable mandate in both houses to pursue reforms, and took a more moderate tone on defense and constitutional matters. He was replaced by Yasuo Fukuda, who became the first in a series of five prime ministers who each failed to retain office for more than sixteen months. [84], In September 2013 Abe called for a "society in which all women can shine", setting a target that 30 percent of leadership positions should be held by women by 2020. Former Prime Minister Yoshirō Mori, to whose faction both Abe and Fukuda belonged, stated that the faction strongly leant toward Abe. [62] Over the first six months of the second Abe Cabinet, the Yen fell from a high of ¥77 to the dollar to ¥101.8, and the Nikkei 225 rose by 70 percent. In an interview, she shared, “I think it is all fate and I have to accept it—the fact that I married a politician, that he became prime minister and that we were not blessed with children,” accepting their fate. [290], In addition to his native Japanese, Abe speaks English. Abe stated that Japan must solve its own problems before accepting any immigrants. as being both illegal (violating the Broadcasting Act) and unconstitutional (violating the Japanese Constitution). He died on August 07, 1987, while in Fukuoka, Japan. Abe said that he "prayed to pay respect for the war dead who sacrificed their precious lives and hoped that they rest in peace". In lieu of visiting, Abe sent ritual offerings to the shrine for festivals in April and October 2013, as well as the anniversary of the end of World War II in August 2013. Suga left Sunday on his first overseas foray since taking over from his former boss Shinzo Abe last month, heading to Vietnam and Indonesia. [189], As a result of these moves, Abe faced a public backlash, and opinion polls showed that his approval ratings fell into negative figures for the first time since he returned to power in 2012, with 50 percent disapproving and 38 percent approving of the cabinet according to one Nikkei survey at the beginning of August. At the end of the war, Kishi was to be tried as a war criminal, but the policy of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers which controlled Japan after the war eventually changed and became more anti-communist, and Kishi was released from Sugamo Prison. He then became the director of the Social Affairs Division in 1999, the deputy chief cabinet secretary, and the secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party. Three years later, he left his work there and started his government work. Aside from being the prime minister’s wife, she also is active in social media where she is popularly known as the “democratic opposition party” in which she states her outspoken views, which are often in contrast with the prime minister’s views. He has passed domestic policies as well as foreign policies during his short period as a minister. Abe published a book called Toward a Beautiful Nation (美しい国へ, Utsukushii kuni e) in July 2006, which became a bestseller in Japan. Abe was elected to the first district of Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1993 after his father's death in 1991, winning the most votes of the four Representatives elected in the SNTV multi-member district. [115] The only minister retained in his position from the previous Koizumi cabinet was Foreign Minister Taro Aso, who had been one of Abe's competitors for the LDP presidency. He is also the current president of the Liberal Democratic Party. 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