In the dragon, black has a super strong dark squared bishop with the best diagonal possible. The Hyper Accelerated Dragon starts with the moves 1. e4 c5 2. 7. Bb3, tucking this bishop back on square where it’s defended and waiting for black to commit to something! Ultimately, it’s really up to you if the Dragon plays to your strengths. Bc4 can be tried, taking further control of d5 for now. Also, I understand that even an inferior opening can be turned into a winning weapon with the proper knowledge, but the very idea taht I am playing something that is considered inferior makes me concerned. Not only do you defend your king with a minor piece, but you also have a ton of active play if the center opens up (pawns are traded off). Instead, we’ll explore what happens if white tries to play a typical “Yugoslav attack” setup, and how the Accelerated Dragon affords black several advantages. 0-0 a4!, white can win the a-pawn but only at the expense of losing their e-pawn! The Dragon can still be played against this, but the plans differ. Thanks for reading! This early g6 in the Sicilian signifies the Hyper-Accelerated Dragon, also called the Hungarian variation (not to be mistaken with the Hungarian Defense, which appears after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Be7). White responds with Nc3 and thus cannot play c4. The pawn move 2.d6 is the normal Sicilian Dragon. The Sicilian Defence is a chess opening that begins with the following moves: . The Hyper Accelerated Dragon: A Full Repertoire for Black?> Buy for $24.95Buy for $24.95 3+0 • Blitz • Thematic • 57m. The Accelerated Dragon is a variation of the Sicilian Defense beginning with 1. e4 c5 2. While the dark squared bishop is unable to attack anything right away, a simple knight move can often create nice threats. If you play other openings that fianchetto your bishop, then the Sicilian Dragon is a great choice for you to play. Entry requirements: ≥ 10 Rapid rated games-B27 Sicilian Defence: Hyper-Accelerated Dragon • Analysis board Another main idea is to get your opponent to play b3 or b4. Below, the knight has just moved to g4 and we can now see that the bishop has opened up an attack on d4. This plan is well-known. would be hit with 8…Qb6!, when threats of …Nxe4 to unleash the g7-bishop on the d4-knight are in the air. Raja's book is recommended for all players that are eager to enter critical lines in this exciting Sicilian Opening. The Levenfish attack focuses on white castling kingside and playing f4, in hopes of opening the f file for the kingside rook. This is played when a player wants to have a strong diagonal for the bishop quickly. The Sicilian Defense is arguably the best answer to white’s most common opening, 1. e4. Despite the weakness of d4 that occurs when white plays e4 and c4, it allows white to prevent black from playing d5. The main reason it’s so strong is because black does a great job preventing white from playing d4 easily and establishing a strong pawn center. After 7…0-0: 8. I was able to compare black's king safety on both openings and personally concluded that the black king in the Hyper Accelerated Dragon is very much safer because it is not as exposed to immediate attacks early in the opening, especially in the Yugoslav Attack. Play will transpose. In this example, white has opted to trade off the central knight for the knight on c6. Qd2. Accelerated Dragon. Instead 7. Add to Cart! The topic of this article will be centered around the Sicilian Dragon, which consists of black playing g6 at some point followed by Bg7. Black certainly can play …d6, and often does. Indeed, the Maroczy Bind (5.c4) has always been the bane of the Accelerated Dragon’s existence. Nxd4 Nf6 5. he covers all of White's main variations and sidelines and even the most critical 'Maroczy bind' gets a new treatment. The Hyper Accelerated Dragon also offers many options of attacking (such as via a5 and d5 pushes, depending on the situation). Here’s a famous Sicilian Dragon trap from Bobby Fischer vs Samuel Reshevsky where white wins a queen pretty early on. There are a few ways to play the dragon. Right now I am most familiar with c5, d6 line, but is there better in sicilian dragon? Its ideas can be used against the Sicilian Dragon or the Najdorf variation. Because of how dynamic this opening can be, you are sure to maintain a continued interest in this amazing Sicilian Defense. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. By playing the Hyper-Accelerated Dragon move order, black avoids the 1. e4 c5 2. In this course, you'll find the most important traps, ideas, and plans for starting to play Sicilian Defence, Accelerated Dragon. That doesn’t mean a closed game won’t turn into the same success. Sicilian dragon, accelerated dragon or hyper accelerated dragon? Sometimes plans are delayed because you have to prevent a back rank checkmate, but that is not a huge issue with the Sicilian Dragon. Black may succeed in being able to play …a4 by tactical means. L Merenyi vs Capablanca, 1928 ... Sicilian, Accelerated Fianchetto, Breyer Variation, 16 moves, 0-1. Nf3 g6. Just a few logical moves later and black has taken complete control of the semi-open b file and the queen, rook, and bishop all have their sights on it. The semi-open b-file could be used to attack the white king, and the center is far too open for the slow march of the h-pawn. If they play Bg7 without thinking, white can put a lot of pressure on the center with 7. e5. You would need to trade off the e pawn to get out of the way of your fianchetto’ed bishop. The only difference is that black has to be ready to face a different “sideline.”. This opens up the bishop on the long dark diagonal and can often retake the knight on c3 or even attack the rook on a1. Enter your email address to sign up for free! Rated • Arena. Unlike in the “normal” Dragon, black delays playing the move …d6 for as long as possible, prioritizing piece development instead. 1. e4 c5. he demonstrates from the second move a dynamic way to fight 1. e4. White is ready to castle long, and then play h2-h5-h5, Bh6, eliminate black’s dark bishop, and then “sac, sac, mate!” as Bobby Fischer once said. Nxd4 g6. Nxd4 g6. Nc3 g6 6. f4. At the same time, black’s dark squared bishop is under attack on e3. The Sicilian Defense is considered one of the best counters to White’s most common first, 1. e4. If you want to play either the accelerated or hyper accelerated, you’ll want to make sure that you understand the risk of not playing d6 so you don’t fall into any traps. I have small experience with the Sicilian and I wonder which is usually more effective. If playing white and you try the Yugoslav attack, try to take a move to get your king out of the diagonal by playing kb1. The Sicilian Dragon is a variation of the Sicilian Defense opening for black. Nxc6 bxc6. ), but now they must be ready to play against 1. e4 c5 2. Includes pgn, cbv and pdf download This helps give black a semi-open file for the eventual Rc8 move, but also helps open the attack for the black bishop once fianchetto’d. Fischer vs F Olafsson, 1961 ... Sicilian, Dragon, Classical, 33 moves, 0-1. The point is to play an early d3 and keep the Silician closed. Both players need to understand the implications of this move order and adjust accordingly! Since black’s plan is to push d5 to equalize, playing c4 makes this extremely hard. 1. e4 c5 2. You just need to open up the position eventually to vastly improve your kingside bishop. Yes, there is – enter Play the Accelerated Dragon the Accelerated Dragon! This results in a fianchetto of the kingside bishop. Oftentimes, black is fighting for the opportunity to play d5, and the bind puts a strain on the dragon. Indeed, as the author pointed out in the introduction, the HAD has a much inferior reputation as compared to virtually every other mainline in … The 7 best variations of the Sicilian Defence are: The Open Sicilian, the Najdorf, the Dragon, the Moscow, the Rossolimo, the hyper-accelerated Dragon and the O’Kelly. You won’t have a king as a target, but you can gain more space and your dark squared bishop can have a nice influence on the long diagonal. I won’t discuss this possibility much here since I have an entire article on the subject, but just to be perfectly clear – you need to be prepared for this option if you’re playing the Accelerated Dragon with black! It can be a nice way to retreat your king to safety without threats of … Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. To the best of your ability, hold onto your dark squared bishop. dogma that in the Sicilian, to avoid suff ocation, Black must prevent White from obtaining a ‘clamp’ pawn cent-er (pawns on e4 and c4). It’s best to avoid this situation completely by playing e6, or more commonly, keeping the e pawn on it’s starting square of e7. The accelerated Dragon occurs when black tries to play g6 without playing d6 first. , black will have a nice comfortable kingside, but also be able to transform the perceived passive bishop for a super strong one later, if the center opens up. Surely black has to play …d6 finally and white can begin their attack? With this nuance out of the way, let’s cover what happens if white tries to play in “Yugoslav style” against the Accelerated Dragon. The Sicilian Defense can be broken down into four main variations: The Najdorf, The Classical Sicilian, The Dragon, and the Scheveningen. Be3 Nf6 7. f3 0-0 8. For me, I actually ventured into the King’s Indian because of the Sicilian Dragon. This can have significant ramifications – as we’re about to see! 3.Hyper Accelerated Dragon allows you to easily simplify in the middlegame Enter the Dragon I have chosen the title of that celebrated 1973 movie, admittedly just for an ex-cuse to try my best impression of Bruce Lee – although, without the voice or ges-tures, I guess it’s not so impressive. Black looks to make an early play for Bg7 while avoiding the move d6 that is played in the Dragon variation.. There are many reasons, but the main ideas are to protect your king with a minor piece and put your bishop on the longest diagonal of the board. This can ultimately open up the kingside and make way for the rook on h1. Traditionally you would play d6 on the second move to prevent the idea of black playing e5, forcing your kingside knight to move. If you keep the sight of your dark squared bishop on the rook on a1, you will have a constant threat in the back of white’s mind. Black’s next venture will be to find a new place for its knight on f6, or position the queen on b6 with a nice attack on b2. Here’s a game I played awhile back in the closed Sicilian Dragon. Nf3 g6 3. d4 cxd4 4. It can be very aggressive and sharp, but it’s a nice way to play. Ive been searching all over the web for the hyper accelerated one, but unfortunately im too lazy to just buy a book on it. This structure is known as the Yugoslav attack for white and it is very strong, but one mistep can turn into devastation on the queenside. hyper dragon sicilian variation. In most Sicilian games, black would love to play d5 at some point. This can help save a tempo because you are not moving a piece twice in the opening (d6 followed by d5 later on). Accelerated Dragon; Yugoslav Attack; Download PGN of May '13 Dragon Sicilian games >> Previous Update >> Hyper-Accelerated Dragon [B27] The likes of 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 g6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Qxd4 Nf6 5.e5 Nc6 6.Qa4 Nd5 7.Qe4 Nc7 8.Nc3 Bg7 9.Bf4 Ne6 is a Hyper-Accelerated variant that is not unfamiliar to us on ChessPublishing: An old thread which provoked the question - is termed the 'hyper version of the ideas. Is termed the 'hyper version of the main approach to try to punish! And best-scoring response to an old thread which provoked the question - is most... D6 ) can defend against an opening, unlike other variations such as Classical Dragon my! To put it simply, the Maroczy Bind speeds this process up even further, but now they must ready. Move a dynamic way to play an early play for Bg7 while avoiding the move e5 if you,! Win the a-pawn but only at the same time, black delays playing the d6. Many books on the second move to prevent the idea of black playing e5 forcing... 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