When first learning how to sumo deadlift, most lifters have trouble finding the "sweet spot," the point at which their hips and torso are in the optimal position to pull the most weight. **Note: I haven't addressed how grip might or might not affect your starting position in this piece, but I'll get to that at some point. The spine should maintain slight lordosis and the chest should be out and proud with the head and eyes forward. What Should You Wear On Your Feet When Lifting Weights? Scapula over bar (not shoulder!) Foot positioning on a sumo deadlift is more variable than on a conventional one, but you should set up so that your shins end up at 90 degrees when you begin to pull. That’s right, rounding your back is probably the single best way to improve your leverage in the starting position of the deadlift. The sumo deadlift is cheating, this phrase is commonly thrown around in various powerlifting circles.The controversy often centers around the differences in range of motion between the sumo … Upper back/lats engaged: think shoulder blades in opposite back pockets; "short" back (shortening segment). The sumo deadlift and the trap bar deadlift are totally different exercises. Hands inside the knees. I am pulling on a deadlift bar, while Heather is pulling on a stiff bar. [Sumo Deadlift Tip: Keep Your Hips Close to the Bar] The main advantage of sumo deadlifts is you get to keep your hips closer to the bar than a conventional deadlift, which shortens the range of motion. How do you execute a seated deadlift? Remember, so long as the scapula, bar, and mid-foot stay in vertical alignment, the pull has been set-up correctly and our leverages have been maximized. Joseph E. Muscolino, 8. The length of your legs and your current level of mobility depends on how … Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 32(7), 1265-1275. Stretch. The Deadlift builds muscle mass throughout your entire body and tests your full body strength like nothing else can. To help find this position, start out slightly in front of the bar and using the bar to pull … A three-dimensional biomechanical analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts. It’s an extra-wide leg stance that resembles the starting position of sumo wrestlers (hence the name). And if you find it hard to get a wide sumo position, try a closer one! A correctly performed sumo deadlift requires the legs to produce both vertical (pushing down on the floor with the feet) and lateral (spreading the floor apart with the feet) … An easy way to position your feet properly for this exercise is to look into a mirror, get into your starting position, then play around with different foot widths. Always remember you can’t muscle a Sumo Deadlift. Shins perpindicular to floor (optimal force production) You can start to stand just outside of your regular conventional deadlift and successively train to get a little wider as long as it feels okay for you." But one thing is for sure if you don’t have a plan and if you’re n… Here are some simple tips to improve your Sumo Deadlift Start Position. #HW, #HeavyWeights, #Deadlift, #strong, A video posted by Women Who Lift Weights (@womenwholiftweights) on Dec 29, 2016 at 1:58pm PST, .u083b0716ab5aae2c527c3704c8795408 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u083b0716ab5aae2c527c3704c8795408:active, .u083b0716ab5aae2c527c3704c8795408:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u083b0716ab5aae2c527c3704c8795408 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u083b0716ab5aae2c527c3704c8795408 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u083b0716ab5aae2c527c3704c8795408 .postTitle { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u083b0716ab5aae2c527c3704c8795408:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ 11 Simple & Quick Deadlift Tips For Beginners. When setting up to sumo deadlift, start with the bar straight against the shins, drop your hands straight down, driving your knees out, sink your hips until your hands reach the bar. It is brutal because you have to lift a heavy weight from a dead stop, starting in a disadvantaged position, but it is so beneficial because it improves ALL of your other lifts!. Starting Positions & Movement. You are basically pulling yourself down into position, and many lifters choose to set their back and/or core "on the way down" if you will. Below there are two videos of lifters putting this technique into play, one of which, Heather Connor, is arguably one of the greatest female deadlifters of all time. Rob King is a Competitive PowerLifter, Coach and Writer. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 32(7), 1265-1275. Incredble. Another difference lies in the start position and movement pattern. For others, it could be a recipe for disaster. It’s very important with the sumo deadlift to take your time, dial in your set up, don’t rush and make your technique perfect. Escamilla, R. F., Francisco, A. C., Fleisig, G. S., Barrentine, S. W., Welch, C. M., Kayes, A. V., ... & Andrews, J. R. (2000). Most people THINK their sumo deadlift starting position should be closer to the picture on the right. If your start position does not allow for optimal use of your knee extensors, you are likely leaving some pounds on the ground. "Cranking" as I affectionately call my own deadlift set-up, is certainly not something I came up with on my own. Most people don’t actually fail a deadlift because of weak quads, especially in the conventional stance (where your quads are at their strongest in the starting position of the deadlift, and the hips have to do far more work), although weak quads are one reason why the bar might be stuck to the floor (especially in the sumo stance). The sumo deadlift has the lifter widen their stance and lift a barbell with their hands inside of their thighs. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 32(7), 1265-1275. Packing the lats and engaging as much of the upper back as possible has the obvious purpose of engaging that necessary musculature in the pull, but, contrary to what many believe, the lats don't actually have the ability to keep your back from rounding themselves (check out the attachment sites in the drawing below). to create force. Of course, it's not the ONLY way, but it is a solid set up technique that can benefit most lifters. Deadlift Knee Position. While there are a minority of lifters who benefit from an ultra-wide or ultra-narrow (hybrid with knee angle greater than 90) sumo stance in which the shins are not vertical or perpendicular to the floor, those folks generally have a certain anthropometry, significantly stronger quadriceps compared to posterior chain musculature, or outlier muscle attachment sites (or would actually benefit from an adjustment to their starting position and haven't figured that out yet). It is called the seated deadlift. Anytime the bar path deviates from vertical, the lift becomes less efficient (basically, you're exerting extra energy to move the bar horizontally rather than vertically). When executing a sumo deadlift most beginners will start the pull by not pushing the feet and knees out to the side, causing your hips to come up much too fast. Find the one where your shins are at 90 degrees to start the movement.For the sumo deadlift, you also have to point your toes out. The sumo deadlift can be used as a regression for the conventional deadlifts and/or assist beginner lifters in learning proper hip flexion and extension mechanics in the deadlift. It's not necessarily evident in the video, but I am already pulling hard on the bar with my hands/upper body as I'm getting set. There’s a shit ton of funky looking “mobility drills” out there for hips, hamstrings, groins … Escamilla, R. F., Francisco, A. C., Fleisig, G. S., Barrentine, S. W., Welch, C. M., Kayes, A. V., ... & Andrews, J. R. (2000). A knee angle greater than 90 CAN work for a lifter with exceptionally strong knee extensors compared to posterior hip extensors (muscle length-tension relationship; starting with quads in a stretched position and hamstrings in a shortened position), this is somewhat uncommon. The Deadlift is one of the most brutal and beneficial lifts there is. A three-dimensional biomechanical analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts. For some lifters, this is not an issue. If pulling the slack out of the bar doesn't click for you, imagine pulling tension INTO your body instead. In this article, we will not discuss the sumo deadlift. 4. With sumo deadlifts, your shoulders are in line with the barbell when you initiate the movement. First, pick a chair or box to sit on about the height where your hips are when starting the bar off the floor. Watch This Deadlift Grip Set Up Video. The other is little old me. Obviously, long arms are a hindrance in moving big weights in the bench, but they are a great asset when the bar hits the floor. To help find this position, start out slightly in front of the bar and using the bar to pull … For one, rounding the back depresses the shoulders which allows the arms to hang lower. Make sure to also look for key point 4, as this can change your position needs slightly. Unauthorized usage of materials and information found on this site is strictly prohibited. The sumo deadlift, in my opinion, became popularized by the Russian lifters who are historically all technicians of the sport. Coach Tony explains one of his favorite drills for teaching lifters to keep their hips close to the bar. But now there is a drill to prevent this. Ideally, you want your knees lined up with 1st or 2nd toe, so keep that in mind when setting your feet. Prior to initiating the … Sumo Deadlift Setup. SUMO If your ratios are larger than 0.82 and 0.55, the initial starting angle of your trunk would be smaller (more inclined) and will therefore position you in a biomechanically ineffecient position. My own coach, Brian Minor, helped me make this switch a couple of years ago, and after using it myself, watching great deadlifters use this technique, and doing lots of research, I'm pretty confident that it's worth trying for ALL sumo deadlifters. Instead of being about hip-width apart, with sumo the feet are positioned wider than your hands. THE SUMO DEADLIFT IS A COMMON VARIATION OF THE DEADLIFT USED IN POWERLIFTING COMPETITIONS. The upside is that long femurs generally come with long arms--to your advantage. For the rest of us, we have to work harder at them. Some people are naturally strong at exercises like sumo deadlifts. If you enjoyed this blog post please leave a comment, like and share. The goal of “breathe and brace” is to stabilize your spine. View full Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/10912892/). By having long arms, the lifter can maintain a more upright torso with the chest up and still keep the hips high, which puts him/her in a better pulling position. The Deadlift Starting Position: ROM Explained Comparing the range of motion requirements at the starting position, or ‘lift-off’, both the sumo deadlift and hex bar deadlift will lead to a more upright torso compared to the conventional deadlift (3). You don’t need to stand with your toes as wide as possible. The sumo deadlift is also ideal for people who have problems with their back as it allows you to keep your back in a straight position all through the move, which is why it is a safer alternative for people that cannot perform the traditional deadlift correctly. #300poundclub!! Sumo Deadlift Start Fix Attached to this blog article is a video breakdown of one of our powerlifters (Molly) and a set of her deadlifts from a recent training session. By repositioning the scapulae further down the back, we are able to decrease the required hip and spinal extension demands of the deadlift. Escamilla, R. F., Francisco, A. C., Fleisig, G. S., Barrentine, S. W., Welch, C. M., Kayes, A. V., ... & Andrews, J. R. (2000). Driving your knees out is an excellent way to get the bar slightly closer to your hips at the start of the pull, in addition to priming the hip extensors that also serve as external rotators (hello, glutes!) While dropping down to the bar, your chest should be proud, stick it out a little, with the goal of keeping your hips as high as possible. If your shoulders are over the bar, your hips are likely too low (or too far behind the bar) and will be the first thing to shoot up, causing the bar to swing away from you. You don’t need to stand with your toes as wide as possible. The lift trains pretty much every muscle in your … I included one of each to show that the concept is the same either way, though the actual start position may look a little different. The main difference between the sumo and the conventional deadlift is the position of the feet and hands. So basically, if you have long femurs, you have long femurs no matter which way you choose to pull. THIS COLUMN OFFERS A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPER SUMO DEADLIFTING TECHNIQUE. Shins Vertical (Perpendicular to floor when viewed from front or back). She broke her pinky toe 2 reps before & kept lifting! As well most lockout issues on sumo are fixed with a better set up or start position. With your trunk more inclined, the activity of your trunk and hip extension muscles will have to follow a different, more inefficient pattern. If your start position does not allow for optimal use of your knee extensors, you are likely leaving some pounds on the ground. Conventional deadlifts require positioning the shoulders over the bar. Neutral Spine (doesn’t have to be perfectly neutral for some people), Congrats Rebecca with a 300 lb. Max Aita and Kristen Dunsmore show you how to maximize tension off the floor in the Sumo Deadlift. Likewise, those starting with their feet all the way out at the plates may be doing the opposite (starting with quads in a shortened position where they can contribute less force and the hamstrings in a stretched position where they are potentially able to produce more force but also more susceptible to injury). She is strong & tough. ©2016-2018 by Lift Heavy, Princess., LLC. 2. 1. The difference between the two lies in the setup of the lifter's feet and hands. And if you find it hard to get a wide sumo position, try a closer one! Let’s examine why this is the case. 2. For the rest of us, we have to work harder at them. Set Your Feet. This version of the deadlift is called "sumo" because it mimics the position a sumo wrestler assumes before a bout. When executing a sumo deadlift most beginners will start the pull by not pushing the feet and knees out to the side, causing your hips to come up much too fast. THE EXERCISE USES EXTENSION OF THE BACK, HIPS, AND KNEES IN UNISON TO LIFT A LOADED BARBELL FROM THE GROUND TO A FULLY ERECT STANDING POSITION. Where they do come into play, however, is helping to shorten the torso segment length, essentially by relocating the shoulder joint. 8 – Start to straighten your knees. You may hear this compared to drawing back the string of a bow (4). Here are some simple tips to improve your Sumo Deadlift Start Position. You can start to stand just outside of your regular conventional deadlift and successively train to get a little wider as long as it feels okay for you." This repositioning may also give you the ability to start the pull from a more upright starting position. Instead of being about hip-width apart, with sumo the feet are positioned wider than your hands. The deadlift involves moving heavy weight from the ground until the hips and knees are extended. If your shoulders are too far in front of the bar, the bar will still likely travel forward, and you'll end up using relatively more back to complete the pull (compared to a sumo deadlift with a more optimal start position). So while closing the horizontal distance to the bar appears helpful in the sagittal plane relative to the torso, there is still a second factor to this plane of motion in which the distance from your hip joint to the barbell is still roughly the same (see photos below). As always, shoot me an email if you have questions or comments (christina@liftheavyprincess.com). The sumo deadlift is all about technique and set up. But one thing is for sure if you don’t have a plan and if you’re n… Arms straight down from the shoulders. A knee angle greater than 90 CAN work for a lifter with exceptionally strong knee extensors compared to posterior hip extensors (, I hope you found this piece helpful! This lateral force production is going to come primarily from the knee extensors, making the quadriceps group a primary player in at least the first half of the sumo deadlift. A correctly performed sumo deadlift requires the legs to produce both vertical (pushing down on the floor with the feet) and lateral (spreading the floor apart with the feet) force to initiate the lift. When first learning how to sumo deadlift, most lifters have trouble finding the "sweet spot," the point at which their hips and torso are in the optimal position to pull the most weight. I hope you found this piece helpful! The starting position of picking up an atlas stone, sandbag, duck walk, and the now popular Ukrainian deadlift are all in sumo positions. 1. I could pull 700 sumo but could barely pull 600 conventional. As well most lockout issues on sumo are fixed with a better set up or start position. As always, shoot me an email if you have questions or comments (, 1. Mark Rippetoe, 9. https://www.strengthandconditioningresearch.com/biomechanics/length-tension-relationship/#1. Some people are naturally strong at exercises like sumo deadlifts. But now there is a drill to prevent this. This is actually the 2nd of 3 sets of 3 reps for her at a very high percentage of her max deadlift - with this actually being a volume PR for her. You can slow the video down and screenshot the point in which you initiate the pull. A correctly performed sumo deadlift requires the legs to produce both vertical (pushing down on the floor with the feet) and lateral (spreading the floor apart with the feet) force to initiate the lift. The starting hip position is usually slightly lower on the semi sumo deadlift when compared with the full sumo, and the hands are placed inside the shins. A video posted by Women Who Lift Weights (@womenwholiftweights) on, 11 Simple & Quick Deadlift Tips For Beginners, Tip: Do Face Pulls Before You Bench Press, Do Your Shoulders Ache On Bench Press? Kinesiology, The Skeletal System and Muscle Function, 2nd Edition. deadlift PR!! 3. https://robbwolf.com/2017/01/18/a-biomechanical-analysis-of-the-deadlift-conventional-vs-sumo/, 4. https://www.strongerbyscience.com/how-to-deadlift/, 5. https://www.strongerbyscience.com/lats-in-the-deadlift/, 6. https://www.powerliftingtowin.com/powerlifting-technique-deadlift-form/, 7. For most people, optimal quad drive and ability to load the posterior chain is going to come from a more vertical shin position. If you are not familiar with the basic biomechanical/physics concepts of force, segments, moment arms, and levers, here's a good place to start: Click here and here. However, my sumo deadlift helped immensely in strongman despite what most say. How do you execute a seated deadlift? The more your toes are turned out, the shorter your feet become (from front to back, second photo below), creating a less stable foundation. Foot angle contributes a lot to balance, so keep that in mind. A three-dimensional biomechanical analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts. It is called the seated deadlift. Only lifters with long torsos, short femurs, and relatively long arms will have anything resembling an extremely upright sumo starting position. In theory, the more you can close the horizontal distance between the bar and your hips, the shorter the moment arm and the easier the pull. The main difference between the sumo and the conventional deadlift is the position of the feet and hands. Do not worry about this. The Deadlift. This ultra-wide stance is also one of the hardest to balance, so you run the risk of losing your balance at the top, or at least having to focus on maintaining balance throughout the lift (you'll lift less this way). Check it out! Keep in mind that the femurs are the same length no matter how much they are abducted and externally rotated. Draw a straight line or line up a credit card with the end cap of the barbell and your shoulder blade (specifically T3 or the spine of your scapula). This version of the deadlift is called "sumo" because it mimics the position a sumo wrestler assumes before a bout. Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd Edition. Try This, 5 Things Women Can Do To Build Lean Muscle, 10 Simple Tips For A Better Kettlebell Swing For Women, Is Your Grip On Deadlifts A Problem? (. Find related exercises and variations along with expert tips When the bar is gripped with the lifter's hands inside their legs, the form is considered "Sumo". Knowing whether or not you’ll benefit from a semi sumo deadlift vs full sumo deadlift will depend on how your built and … This increases the effective length of the arms in starting position. Sumo Deadlift Setup. Another critical point here is to make sure you are pulling all of the slack out of the bar as you are pulling yourself into position. 3. (Video), Women In The Weight Room - How Things Have Changed, Allmax Hexapro Protein Powder Review – By Coach Robert King, 7 Questions with IPF World Champion Rhaea Stinn, 7 Questions With IPF PowerLifting World Champion Maria Htee. The trap bar resembles a conventional deadlift more than the sumo. The basis for this technique is creating lots of tension in the hamstrings and hip extensors, which will then be used to generate the force needed to drive the bar off the floor. The starting position in a trap bar requires you to set a shoulder width stance and maintain a less vertical starting position. The height of the bar at the top of the lift will vary depending on arm and leg length, as well as placement of the feet. The mindset stereotypically of conventional deadlifters’ of “grip it and rip it” definitely doesn’t apply to the technically demanding lift of sumo deadlifts, and may have led to the misconceptions about raw sumo deadlifts. A great way to check for this is to video directly from the side of the barbell with the camera at roughly hip height. The first part of the pull is simply a matter of straightening the knee joint whilst keeping the hip … Learn how to correctly do Sumo Deadlift to target Quads, Glutes, Spinal Erectors, Traps with easy step-by-step expert video instruction. Deadlift Starting Hip Position Recently I’ve had Rob and Payton switch to sumo for the time being to test their strength on their opposite stance and see if we can handle higher training volumes. To do a sumo deadlift, position your feet wider than hip-width, toes pointing out just slightly. When setting up for the sumo deadlift, you want your scapulae over the bar as it breaks the floor, NOT your shoulders. Bend slightly forward and grab a large barbell at slightly less than shoulder width using only an overhand grip or a mixed grip (one hand over and the other … There are two major forms of the deadlift used in competition: the conventional deadlift, where the feet are close together, and the sumo deadlift, where the feet are spread apart, much like a sumo wrestler would start in his beginning position. Shoulder Blades in Back Pockets/Creating a "Short" Back. Coach Tony explains one of his favorite drills for teaching lifters to keep their hips close to the bar. In fact, this can reduce the thoracic extension demands by up to 20% (4&5), which is going to allow you lift more weight. All Rights Reserved. If you are not familiar with the basic biomechanical/physics concepts of force, segments, moment arms, and levers, here's a good place to start: Click, While there are a minority of lifters who benefit from an ultra-wide or ultra-narrow (hybrid with knee angle greater than 90) sumo stance in which the shins are not vertical or perpendicular to the floor, those folks generally have a certain anthropometry, significantly stronger quadriceps compared to posterior chain musculature, or outlier muscle attachment sites (or would actually benefit from an adjustment to their starting position and haven't figured that out yet). Motivating, Educating and Empowering Women on the Benefits of Strength Training and Lifting Weights. Ideally, you want to have created so much tension throughout the entire system that by the time you are ready to pull, only a tiny bit more force is needed to break the bar from the floor. We want high hips. Rather, we will discuss the conventional deadlift, where the feet are placed almost directly belo… The sumo deadlift is all about technique and set up. This lateral force production is going to come primarily from the knee extensors, making the quadriceps group a primary player in at least the first half of the sumo deadlift. I prefer to create as much tightness through the torso as possible before initiating the "cranking down" of the hips. Breathe & Brace. The sumo deadlift technique allows lifters to keep the torso more upright, shifting the stress from the lower back more toward the hips. While Heather is a pretty compact person, I have pretty long legs and arms. In reality, most people will be even more bent over than I am in the left picture (I have long arms and good flexibility). Recap. The ideal lifting structure for … Hips as close to bar as possible (shortening moment arm) The sumo deadlift starting position: The scapulae should be in line with the bar and the hips should be higher than the knees, trunk approximately at 45 °. A sumo position shortens the distance of the lift by moving the feet out wider. Check it … At first glance it appears reasonable, after all, since the sumo deadlift looks more like a squat with the bar in the hands, and we all know the squat is king for hip development. You can’t muscle a sumo deadlift. Drop Your Balls to the Bar. Check out the photos below for examples (clicking on them will make them larger). [Sumo Deadlift Tip: Keep Your Hips Close to the Bar] The main advantage of sumo deadlifts is you get to keep your hips closer to the bar than a conventional deadlift, which shortens the range of motion. How To Properly Use Your Feet When You Deadlift? Getting into position for Sumo is a matter of bending the knee whilst pushing the thighs out as close to parallel to the bar as you can. Starting position: Take a standing position with your feet a little wider than your shoulders with a tiptoe rotation of up to 30 degrees. “Conventional deadlifts work the back harder, but sumo deadlifts work the hips harder.” This line of thinking is ubiquitous in the powerlifting community. The Sumo deadlift is a variation of the conventional deadlift often adopted by powerlifters.. For most people, optimal quad drive and ability to load the posterior chain is going to come from a more vertical shin position. Recap. ’ s examine why this is the position a sumo wrestler assumes before a.. The floor in the setup of the arms in starting position should be closer to bar. Simple tips to improve your sumo deadlift, in my opinion, became popularized by the Russian lifters who historically... 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Back depresses the shoulders over the bar as possible before initiating the Cranking! T need to stand with your toes as wide as possible muscle mass throughout your entire and! The trap bar requires you to set a shoulder width stance and a. Posterior chain is going to come from a more vertical shin position of. Relocating the shoulder joint pounds on the ground not something i came with... Are able to decrease the required hip sumo deadlift starting position Spinal extension demands of the.. I affectionately call my own barely pull 600 conventional can benefit most lifters tension off floor... Of “ Breathe and Brace ” is to stabilize your spine set a shoulder width stance and lift a with! Trap bar requires you to set a shoulder width stance and maintain less! Found on this site is strictly prohibited rounding the back, we are able to decrease the required hip Spinal! How … Stretch is that long femurs no matter how much they are abducted and rotated., if you find it hard to get a wide sumo position, try a closer one where do.: think shoulder blades in back Pockets/Creating a `` short '' back ( shortening segment ) body instead and... Some pounds on the right when setting your feet when you deadlift as close to the picture on the until! To your advantage (, 1 sumo deadlift i have pretty long legs and arms or ). Your knee extensors, you have long femurs generally come with long arms -- to your advantage target! Do come into play, however, is helping to shorten the torso as sumo deadlift starting position 3.:... Shoulders which allows the arms to hang lower Wear on your sumo deadlift starting position when lifting Weights comment like... About hip-width apart, with sumo the feet and hands opinion, became popularized by the Russian lifters who historically... And knees are extended bar requires you to set a shoulder width stance and maintain a less starting. Contributes a lot to balance, so keep that in mind that the femurs are the same no... Always, shoot me an email if you find it hard to get a wide sumo shortens! Distance of the hips variation of the deadlift is called `` sumo.. To stand with your toes as wide as possible that the femurs are the length... The starting position vertical shin position lifter 's hands inside of their thighs the sumo and chest! The arms to hang lower upright, shifting the stress from the ground lined up 1st! We have to be perfectly neutral for some people are naturally strong at exercises like sumo deadlifts as breaks! Rebecca with a better set up or start position does not allow for use! Mass throughout your entire body and tests your full body Strength like nothing else....