Fullerton, F. R., D. L. Greenman, and D. C. Kendall. Provide a secure environment that does not allow escape of or accidental entrapment of animals or their appendages between opposing surfaces or by structural openings. Identification and genetic monitoring of mouse inbred strains using biomedical polymorphisms. Some guidelines recommend a light intensity as low as 40 lux at the position of the animal in midcage (NASA 1988). A Sample Semiannual Program and Facility Review Checklist is available to assist IACUC's in performing this task. 1987. Lab. Nutrient Requirements of Warm Water Fishes and Shellfishes. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1974a. The guideline of 10-15 fresh air changes per hour has been used for secondary enclosures for many years and is considered an acceptable general standard. Pp.335-347 in Physiology of Digestion and Metabolism in the Ruminant. A report of the Committee on Animal Nutrition. The damaging effects of light on the retina: Empirical findings. theoretical and practical implications. 1993. Behav. Genetics and Probability in Animal Breeding Experiments. New York: Plenum Press. designated site. 74(1):100-108. Greenman, D. L., P. Bryant, R. L. Kodell, and W. Sheldon. 1981a. 1994. Group housing accelerates growth and induces obesity in adult hamsters. 1994. Cage heights should take into account typical postures of an animal and provide adequate clearance for normal cage components, such as feeders and water devices, including sipper tubes. Med. Behav. Eye Res. Additionally they could be used for confiscate or hoarding cases where multiple cats from the same household would benefit from group housing. Lab. When designing a new facility or remodeling the current facility, it is important to think about not only the type of housing that will be used, but also the appropriate number of housing units to have for each type of animal that the shelter cares for. Thigpen, J. E., E. H. Lebetkin, M. L. Dawes, J. L. Clark, C. L. Langley, H. L. Amy, and D. Crawford. Space allocations for animals should be based on the following tables, but might need to be increased, or decreased with approval of the IACUC, on the basis of criteria previously listed. The social environment usually involves physical contact and communication among members of the same species (conspecifics), although it can include noncontact communication among individuals through visual, auditory, and olfactory signals. Treatment of recycled air for these substances by chemical absorption or scrubbing might be effective; however, the use of nonrecycled air is preferred for ventilation of animal use and holding areas. Do I need a premises or location ID. J. Neuropath. J. Retinal cyclic light damage threshold for albino rats. • Main lobbies and hallways. multiply by 2.2. b To convert square feet to square meters. Although it is effective in many animal housing settings, the guideline does not take into account the range of possible heat loads; the species, size, and number of animals involved; the type of bedding or frequency of cage-changing; the room dimensions; or the efficiency of air distribution from the secondary to the primary enclosure. Influence of cage shelf level on retinal atrophy in mice. Life Sci. Torronen, R., K. Pelkonen, and S. Karenlampi. After the decision-making process, objective assessments should be made to substantiate the adequacy of animal environment, husbandry, and management. Behavior 21:246-259. Am. Bedding should be used in amounts sufficient to keep animals dry between cage changes, and, in the case of small laboratory animals, care should be taken to keep the bedding from coming into contact with the water tube, because such contact could cause leakage of water into the cage. 1993. Pp.166-173 in Handbook of Facilities Planning. 1970. 3.9 Bedding. Genetic Monitoring of Inbred Strains of Rats. B. Rollin and M. Kesel, eds. In the case of animals in confined spaces, the range of, TABLE 2.3 Recommended Space for Commonly Used Farm Animals. Calif.: Ames Research Center. eds. Acceptable primary enclosures. Anim. Zoo Biology 5:147-160. Recent trends in genetic research on captive and wild nonhuman primate populations. Adaptive changes in enzyme activity and metabolic pathways in adipose tissue from meal-fed rats. Delay of sexual maturation in female house mice by exposure to grouped females or urine from grouped females. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Life Sci. 43(6):635-637. Fed. If the specialized enclosures contain adequate particulate and gaseous filtration to address contamination risks, recycled air may be used in the secondary enclosures. Sterilizers should be regularly calibrated and monitored to ensure their safety and effectiveness. When setting these up, keep the needs of the animals to be housed within them in mind. I. Physiol. However, the light experience of an individual animal can affect its sensitivity to phototoxicity; light of 130-270 lux above the light intensity under which it was raised has been reported to be near the threshold of retinal damage in some individual albino rats according to histologic, morphometric, and electrophysiologic evidence (Semple-Rowland and Dawson 1987). Jones, D. M. 1977. Psychol. What is the building use and occupa… Cleaning utensils themselves should be cleaned regularly and should be constructed of materials that resist corrosion. Animal care staff must have specific and thorough training in handling extremely hazardous, infectious agents and infected animals. The presence of hazardous or disease-causing materials. Stale food or food transported and stored inappropriately can become deficient in nutrients. J. Ohio Cooperative Extension Service. Behavioral responses of longtailed macaques to different cage sizes and common laboratory experiences. Several publications provide rules developed by international committees for standardized nomenclature of outbred rodents and rabbits (Festing and others 1972), inbred rats (Festing and Staats 1973; Gill 1984; NRC 1992a), inbred mice (International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice 1981 a,b,c), and transgenic animals (NRC 1992b). (London) 10(2): 111-117. The use of randomly bred and genetically defined animals in biomedical research. Lab. Most older units that are still in good shape will be single cages, but both new and older cage units can be retrofitted to double compartment with a portal. An Introduction to Genetic Statistics. v. To avoid cross contamination, boots and gloves will be changed when moving fomr one areas to another. Vesell, E. S., C. M. Lang, W. J. When you are working with animals they need to have your complete attention at all times. K. Flannelly. Garrard, C., C. A. Harrison, and J. S. Weiner. Inbred strains of various species, especially rodents, have been developed to address specific research needs (Festing 1979; Gill 1980). Anim. The same cumulative heat factor can be obtained by exposing organisms to very high temperatures for short periods or exposing them to lower temperatures for longer periods (Wardrip and others 1994). A disaster plan that takes into account both personnel and animals should be prepared as part of the overall safety plan for the animal facility. Animal Health & Medical Center is a full-service vet clinic in Stephenville, Texas. Comp. multiply by 0.09. c Larger animals might require more space to meet performance standards (see text). Expert advice might be sought for special requirements associated with the experiment or animal subject (for example, hazardous-agent use, behavioral studies, and immunocompromised animals, farm animals, and nontraditional laboratory species). Broderson, I. R., J. R. Lindsey, and J. E. Crawford. If a diet containing outdated vitamin C is to be fed to animals that require dietary vitamin C, it is necessary to provide an appropriate vitamin C supplement. 3.8 Security. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag. Peterson, E. A., J. S. Augenstein, D. C. Tanis, and D. C. Augenstein. Diamond, M. C., E. R. Greer, A. York, D. Lewis, T. Barton, and J. Lin. It also works well to present cats at the eye level of the adopter when the double compartment is up to down. In order to protect this status, cats and dogs must undertake a period of quarantine upon arrival in Australia. Reproduction and survival of mice at 23ºC. The veterinarian or facility manager, in consultation with investigators, should select the most appropriate bedding material. Precautions should be taken if perishable items—such as meats, fruits, and vegetables—are fed, because storage conditions are potential sources of contamination and can lead to variation in food quality. 1979a. 30(2. Reinhardt, V. D., D. Houser, S. Eisele, D. Cowley, and R. Vertein. 1987. Iowa State University. Areas in which diets and diet ingredients are processed or stored should be kept clean and enclosed to prevent entry of pests. 539 pp. 55(4):681-684. Compliance with regulations concerning hazardous-agent use (Chapter 1) and disposal is an institutional responsibility. Analysis of founder representation in pedigrees: Founder equivalents and founder genome equivalents. Anim. Assoc. 85:115-127. Md. Many species can hear frequencies of sound that are inaudible to humans (Brown and Pye 1975; Warfield 1973), 50 the potential effects of equipment and materials that produce noise in the hearing range of nearby animals—such as video display terminals (Sales 1991) should be carefully considered. Acidification of drinking water: Its effects on selected biologic phenomena in male mice. 112(3):567-473. Pp.368-372 in Genetic Variants and Strains of the Laboratory Mouse, M. C. Green. Assoc. 1981. Thus, basing cage-size recommendations on floor space alone is inadequate. View our suggested citation for this chapter. They should be constructed of durable materials that resist corrosion and withstand rough handling without chipping, cracking, or rusting. [Clean/Dirty] •Animal Reception •Feed/Bedding Storage •Waste Storage •Waste Disposal •Washing Room •Sterilization Room •Janitorial Closet •Necropsy •Office/Reception •Laundry •Toilets •Break & … J. Nutr. Subchapter A (Animal Welfare). 47(4): 171-188. Crowding during pregnancy delays puberty and alters estrous cycles of female offspring in mice. © 2021 National Academy of Sciences. It is not within the scope or size constraints of the Guide to discuss the housing requirements of all species used in research. Work spaces and get acquainted areas are also shown. NRC (National Research Council). Bayne, K. 1991. Anthropol. Definition, nomenclature, and conservation of rat strains. When the calculated minimal required ventilation is substantially less than 10 air changes per hour, lower ventilation rates might be appropriate in the secondary enclosure, provided. The diurnal susceptibility of rat retinal photoreceptors to light-induced damage. Temporary group pens – these can be used to house cats when there is an acute need for group-housing, such as hoarding cases. When animals are housed in groups. Always include a few kennels for giant breed dogs or co-housed dogs, mom and pups, etc. Crockett, C. M., C. L. Bowers, C. P. Sackett, and D. M. Bowden. The risks in some situations, however, might be too great to consider recycling (e.g., in the case of nonhuman-primate and biohazard areas). The remainder can be cat proof fencing. instruments, animal transport vehicles, and so on. Lab. Service animals are to accompany the individual with a disability in all areas of the medical facility where health care personnel, visitors, and patients are normally allowed during inpatient services, unless the animal's presence or behavior creates a fundamental alteration in the nature of a facility's services in a particular area or a direct threat to other persons in a particular area. 91(1):51-62. Serrano, L. J. A diet should be nutritionally balanced; it is well documented that many animals offered a cafeteria of unbalanced foods do not select a balanced diet and become obese through selection of high-energy, low-protein foods (Moore 1987). A good management program provides the environment, housing, and care that permit animals to grow, mature, reproduce, and maintain good health; provides for their well-being; and minimizes variations that can affect research results. Some dogs, especially those toward upper limit of each weight range, might require additional space to ensure compliance with the regulations of the Animal Welfare Act. Whenever it is appropriate, social animals should be housed in pairs or groups, rather than individually, provided that such housing is not contraindicated by the protocol in question and does not pose an undue risk to the animals (Brain and Bention 1979). King, J. E., and C. W. Bennett. 1980. Grant, E. C., and J. H. Mackintosh. Newbold, J. Because health-care facilities are covered by the ADA or the Rehabilitation Act, a person with a disability may be accompanied by a service animal within the facility unless the animal’s presence or behavior creates a fundamental alteration in the nature of a facility’s services in a particular area or a direct threat to other persons in a particular area. Each area is presented in a 360-degree panoramic image containing some commonly inspected items. Folia Primatol. discuss methods to reduce the dose of disease to which animals are exposed. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 109(4):368-383. The interpretation of physiological correlates of differential housing in laboratory rats. Proc. Stricklin, W. R. 1995. London: Laboratory Animals Ltd. Flynn, R. J. Cherry, J. The intrauterine position phenomenon: Effects on physiology, aggressive behavior and population dynamics in house mice. Pp.307-317 in Animal Quality and Models in Biomedical Research. 1988. Protecting Animals; Pet Licenses; Animal Facility Licensing; Community Nuisance Issues; Living with Wildlife; Administrative Citations; Support Us. Read, and O. Newcastle upon Tyne. Rat cortical morphology following crowded-enriched living conditions. Caretakers often work irregular schedules, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. (a) Outdoor areas and exercise areas shall have adequate walls or fences to keep foster animals secured and to restrict the entry of dangerous animals from the outside. Topics 34:49-53. International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice. Anim. Space as environmental enrichment. Refrigeration preserves nutritional quality and lengthens shelf-life, but food-storage time should be reduced to the lowest practical period and the recommendations of manufacturers should be considered. Anim. This even includes 4-H members since county fairs, Colorado State Fair and other exhibitions (both in state and out of state) require it … Most natural-ingredient, dry laboratory-animal diets that contain preservatives and are stored properly can be used up to about 6 months after manufacture. 1979. facility and that all animal care services required of a licensed animal facility (e.g., veterinary care, isolation of sick animals, sanitation, maintaining animal records at the facility) are met at the location where the animals offered for adoption. 1982. Behavioral responses of unrelated adult male rhesus monkeys familiarized and paired for the purpose of environmental enrichment. 32(4):353-356. ILAR News 34(4):45-52. For example, chlorination of the water supply can be useful for some species but toxic to others (such as aquatic species). J. Primatol. 21(1):75-85. The manufacture, shipping and receiving, and quality control of rodent bedding materials. A moment of carelessness is all it takes to sustain a potentially serious injury. 43:460-465. Lab. 1976. The most important facilities to have available in all working areas from the simplest design to the most elaborate hospital area are potable water and electricity. In some situations, the use of such a broad guideline might pose a problem by overventilating a secondary enclosure that contains few animals and thereby wasting energy or by underventilating a secondary enclosure that contains many animals and thereby allowing heat and odor accumulation. Pp.29-49 in The Effects of Constant Light on Visual Processes, T. P. Williams and B. N. Baker, eds. 3.7 Ventilation . 62:233-241. A report of the Committee on Animal Nutrition. Additionally, on dairy farms, insemination facilities are often required. AWIC Newsl. Kaufman, J. E.. 1987. J. Neurol. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Allow for the normal physiologic and behavioral needs of the animals, including urination and defecation, maintenance of body temperature, normal movement and postural adjustments, and, where indicated, reproduction. For some species, it might be appropriate to approximate the natural environment for breeding and maintenance. Reinhardt, V. 1989. Several methods of monitoring have been developed that use immunologic, biochemical, and molecular techniques (Cramer 1983; Groen 1977; Hoffman and others 1980; Russell and others 1993). Laboratory Animal Records. The volume and physical characteristics of the air supplied to a room and its diffusion pattern influence the ventilation of an animal's primary enclosure and so are important determinants of its microenvironment. For example, some contaminants induce the synthesis of hepatic enzymes that can alter an animal' 5 response to drugs (Ames and others 1993; Newberne 1975). Carbon dioxide and ammonia in mouse cages: Effect of cage covers, population and activity. NRC (National Research Council). Pennycuik, P. R. 1967. Lab. 34:359-361. The intensity of animal manipulation and invasiveness of the procedures conducted. NRC (National Research Council). Anim. New York: Cambridge University Press. Data sheet 1-679-79. Design and use concerns for containment facilities are similar to those required in barrier facilities. Sales, C. D. 1991. 15(6):25-9. 34:69-96. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University. 273 pp. They should include pertinent clinical and diagnostic information, date of inoculations, history of surgical procedures and postoperative care, and information on experimental use. animal health professionals and animal care facilities. 1987. To determine more accurately the ventilation required, the minimal ventilation rate (commonly in cubic feet per minute) required to accommodate heat loads generated by animals can be calculated with the assistance of mechanical engineers. About our quarantine facility Australia is free from a number of cat and dog diseases and has a highly favourable animal health status. Urinary cortisol responses of longtailed macaques to five cage sizes. Potable water must be available at all times during cattle working to wash veterinary equipment and general cleanup. NRC (National Research Council). Vol.2: Laboratory Animal Facilities, T. Ruys, ed. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, A. T. Phillipson, E. F. Annison, D. C. Armstrong, C. C. Balch, R. S. Comline, R. N. Hardy, P. N. Hobson, and R. D. Keynes. tethering, sedation. 199(4):444-446. 1995. Lab. It will aim to identify conformance with the agreed standard and effectiveness of the facility. Animal environment, husbandry, and management. Schoeb, T. R., M. K. Davidson, and J. R. Lindsey. strain. (London) 10(2):93-104. 1983. When animals are maintained in outdoor runs, pens, or other large enclosures, there must be protection from extremes in temperature or other harsh weather conditions and adequate protective and escape mechanisms for submissive animals. Vesell, E. S., C. M. Lang, W. J. US Department of Agriculture: National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health: Primate Information Center, University of Washington. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag. Newberne, P. M. 1975. In 1992 ASHRAE Handbook: HVAC Systems and Equipment. Via a perimeter fence or other means equivalents and founder genome equivalents of biosecurity risk for different areas of species! That affect shelf-life of only the animal the animals to be checked any way whether it be production. 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