Keep this information between us and I will think of something.". In the novelization he briefly tries to convince Palpatine that they should attempt to turn Obiwan instead of Anakin. For someone of your reputation I expected you to be a little, older. You're no match for him. Dooku can barely even counter Anakin to avoid being sliced into pieces. Dooku promptly ducks and walks up the stairs of the right side of the balcony while Anakin is attacking him. If Dooku wins and kills Anakin, then will they have eliminated a powerful Jedi who may cause further problems down the line. As Dooku's shuttle docks to attend the meeting, his shuttle suddenly blows up. But he didn't tell Dooku that." ", Grievous then says "Very well then Count. ", Anakin then points at Palpatine and says "No! Here's how the theory lays out Dooku's complex plan, and how he wanted to turn Obi-Wan's allegiance to him. Dooku is then sent a holo message by Sidious. Dooku would have been a valuable asset in the Clone Wars if he was still a Jedi, and it would have made things much more difficult for Palpatine if he didn't have him as an ally. Dooku decided that he could not hesitate and needed to find a way to do this. Kenobi says "Wo, what is going on here?!" Dooku suddenly jumps off the balcony onto the ground. Anakin had no idea why he spared Dooku, but he knew this was going to change things. Dooku says, "Anakin, I sense great fear in you. Knowing he is stuck with Dooku as apprentice. Well then, I'll return the favor.' Anakin continues to relentlessly swing at Dooku from multiple angles. Star Wars: Why Obi-Wan Didn't Kill Anakin In Revenge of the Sith. Grievous makes sure that he launches all of the escape pods to ensure that Obi wan and Anakin die. He offered us more riches and worldbuilders. Anakin wanted to reach out and choke him, but knew he was only a fragment of the man that he used to be. Count Dooku lost to Anakin because Anakin was a lot better. Kenobi then leaps beside Dooku and Dooku swings at Kenobi to keep him in check. The ship has fire flowing from it and the shields have been destroyed. This war has brought out the worst in all of us. That's why he didn't kill Anakin when he had the chance, sparing Palpatine's future apprentice to prove a little more loyalty to the Sith. Dooku fed off of Anakin's rage, feeling more power unleash within him. Meanwhile Dooku contacts Grievous as they rendezvous at Utapau. I am the one who supplies you with your position and opportunity to lead a powerful army.". Obi wan repeats: "Anakin." In most possible outcomes, Palpatine comes out ahead. Before Anakin Skywalker made the jump from Jedi to Sith, it was Count Dooku. Dooku never thought he would actually die in this duel; it was all a simple test to see how strong Anakin … Anakin then says, "Then I'll remember that the next time the council warns me to control my anger." ", Dooku then snarls at Obi wan "I am the only one who can get you both out of here alive.". The killing of a powerful Sith such as Dooku was the tipping point to set Anakin on track to the Dark Side. Kenobi then vertically slices the other one in two. On Star Wars, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Why the f*** didn't Dooku say anything when Anakin was about to kill him" - Page 3. Dooku notices a flaw in Anakin's defense and kicks him to the ground. If Anakin tries to stop or reason with Palpatine, Palpatine attacks and kills Anakin by surprise, finishes off Obi-Wan, and gives Dooku a new pair of shiny, robotic, hands. Obi-Wan was merely a Force user, like him. Did Sheev know Anakin was gonna smite Dooku? Anakin continues to chase Dooku as he swings at the Count with a flurry of deadly strikes. It is very important.". Hundreds of millions of droids have flooded Coruscant streets while thousands of Republic and CIS capital ships clash in space. The jedi advance while behind Dooku for a minute or two. ", Mace Windu then says, "How valuable is a defeat if the opponent still lives on to harm others. Darth Maul maybe didn't know Palps was Darth Sidious. What do you think would happen if Anakin Skywalker Let Count Dooku Live in Star Wars Episode 3 The Revenge of the Sith? Multiple objects are sent sliding across the floor. And if they were dead. Anakin swings at Dooku two more times and Dooku blocks both attacks then he pivots behind Anakin. Anakin is full of many thoughts including: confusion, anger, hesitation, and fear. The elevator is suddenly stopped dead in its tracks. People get shocked though because the prequel trilogy and didn't really show his progressions and didn't show how powerful he was. Dooku then stands up. They have valuable resources that can help the Separatist war effort, but they will need lucrative incentives from the Confederacy to become real allies. But alas, it didn't. Maybe that was enough. Each block ages the Count by a decade. Suddenly half the ship breaks off, during the descent into Coruscant's atmosphere. ", Anakin responds, "My powers have doubled since we last met Count. Dooku responds "A nearby escape pod area that has basic security." In truth, Dooku was alive. The first is his chioce to kill Dooku, and he does it, and then it is his choice either to kill Mace, or Palpatine. Anakin responds, "R2 do you copy. Dooku flees to the middle of the balcony, hoping to get room so that he can readjust to Anakin's onslaught. Though it was a bad call on his part, I do understand why he couldn’t bring himself to kill him entirely. Related: What Revenge of the Sith Did Well That Rise of Skywalker Didn’t A master swordsman, talented negotiator and sentimental ex Jedi Master, Count Dooku met his demise as a result of empathy for his Padawan's Padawan. Then Obi wan sees a crippled Dooku and smiles, "You look like you could use a hand. An escort of clones led by Mace Windu have been dispatched to meet up with Anakin and Obi wan. This time However, Dooku has other plans. If Lucas wanted to have Anakin kill Dooku, he should have just had Anakin kill him on impulse during the fight without any pressure from Palpatine. Dooku didn't realize Palpatine was Sidious until the moment Sidious told Anakin to kill him at the beginning of RoTS. Release him. Had Dooku been one second slower, he could have been maimed with a vicious saber strike. A pity, Dooku thought, he would have made a fine Sith apprentice. I’m assuming this is taking place during the duel on the Invisible Hand, where Anakin beheads Dooku? Anakin and I have made it out of much tougher situations than this. Dooku must fully exert his energy to block another two attacks from the jedi. Sidious says, "Don't fail me again" before he exits the hologram. Dooku says, "No I did not, I had no idea." 1 The story continues 2 Emergency Meeting 3 CIS Affairs 4 The Hunt for Grievous 5 Meeting with "Sidious" 6 The next step The galaxy is in political turmoil. Dooku continues to block a couple strikes from both jedi while shifting side to side and he swings a couple counter strikes that both jedi easily block. Grievous snatches one of the electrostaffs that was held by the magnaguard that Kenobi cut down then he tosses it into the hangar window but, not before saying "You lose General Kenobi." ", Palpatine snarls, "Leave him or we'll never make it. He needed someone to assist, and, eventually, succeed him as leader. Dooku knew that Sidious was strong in the force and could potentially sense if Grievous was withholding information from him. CIS representatives are dispatched to the area and warn the officials to keep the information classified. Palpatine knew this would happen and would further ****-off Anakin. There is no true loyalty, only dominance. Grievous has his cape on and says "Now, now. ", Grievous then responds, "What do you mean? ", Mace then responds, "Anakin has done well, but the order needs as many victories as we can take. Then Anakin slices Dooku's hands off with an upward strike. He is becoming all-powerful, which is something he has always wanted. Kenobi then rushes the droid and swings at its left flank. He's a Sith Lord". Series of one shots. Instead Windu says Palpatine is "too dangerous to be kept alive," basically saying what Palpatine said to Anakin when he killed Dooku. Permanently. Firstly, as a puppet leader, there's not much Dooku could do to make his own plans happen while Palpatine was laying the groundwork for Order 66. Sidious has commanded the CIS leaders to put our loyalty to him over you and he has threatened to kill us is we notify you. Palpatine's master for a lot of his young life was … But Dooku uses Force lightning only enough to know Obi-Wan can withstand it. Dooku notices Nute Gunray in a grey room with no windows and there is a discussion table in the center of the room. These starfighters are flown by the legendary Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi. Obi wan does the same and Grievous then enters the hallway. Or was he just lying to Obi Wan in Attack of the Clones? Dooku is internally exhausted, but uses the force to conceal his fatigue. Dooku technically loses as he's overrun and then escapes on the back of a ship and Anakin comes off well, even pursuing Dooku on the ship and only being stopped by Dooku blowing it up. Dooku’s fighting style was based on one on one. So the first thing he plans on doing is ordering the connections that Dooku has to work directly for him instead of Dooku. These fighters fight there way through droid defenses and crash land inside of the Invisible Hand. Sidious had so much dirt on my back that I could never challenge him, but I do not trust what he is doing. The council never approves of anything I do. Palpatine would tell him he did the right thing. What would you like to do? Obi wan and Anakin start to dispatch the droid pilots then they chase Grievous to the middle of the rear end of the bridge. expressed a belief that what he did was morally wrong and a futile part of the war. I just do not trust Sidious, I never really did. Dooku decides that he needs to flee, remembering the threat that Anakin gave him about betrayal. ", Dooku stands up and says "What would you like me to do master? Dooku quickly readjusts as he is falling and makes sure that he lands on his feet. However, this does not stop some private sources from linking the information. ", Then Anakin says "General Grievous, you're shorter than I expected. what if order 66 failed fanfiction, Order 66 was more than an order. Into the Battle. The droids make room for him to stand in between them. However, it's this scheming that makes Dooku's true intentions difficult to pin down, especially since his head was light-scissored off by Anakin Skywalker before his plans could come to fruition. Dooku was actively in the duel against Anakin, bolstering his own performance, and still couldn't keep up (though i never said Anakin speed-blitzed Dooku, he didn't). This advanced droid even felt like a human if touched. He had used a advanced mechanical droid prototype to go and pose as Dooku. Dooku then says, "This way, we are not far from the nearby escape pods." Yeah I think imma go with the answer that Dooku didn't wanna kill his padawan's padawan. The jedi then are able to locate the chancellor, who is restrained in a seat in a large chamber. Grievous then fires a gravity hook onto the Invisible Hand and uses it to pull himself back onto the ship. Obi-wan is woken up by the commotion. If Darth Plagueis Saw Palpatine's Betrayal Coming? General Kenobi, we've been waiting for you. " One of the magnaguards moves past Obi wan to engage Anakin. This would Force Obi-Wan to see that Dooku had been telling the truth, pressuring him to leave the Jedi forever. Dooku calls on two super battle droids to support him and these droids keep Kenobi occupied. Chacellor Palpatin: Why? IIRC, Palpatine told him that if Anakin bested him, Palpatine would intervene and order Dooku to be spared. Dooku knows that play time is over. Anakin then uses his brute strength to push Dooku back during their saber lock which winds the Sith Lord. Remember your loyalty ultimately lies with me. Count Dooku is one of the most classical villains in the Star Wars universe. Then Grievous walks towards a ceiling entrance that lets him reenter the ship. So tell me, why didn't Anakin just kill him right there? Dooku realizes that he is outmatched and that he cannot hold up against both of these jedi, despite this he continues to taunt his opponents to conceal his fear. Palpatine laughs, "Good Anakin, good." Even Anakin mentioned this after he gave into Emperor Palpatine's egging about killing Count Dooku (Christopher Lee) and when Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) was about to strike Darth Sidious earlier in Revenge of the Sith. Star Wars: The Clone Wars didn't resolve the story of Count Dooku's apprentice, Asajj Ventress, so what happened to her after the show ended?Ventress was originally created in the now non-canon Legends materials but was reintroduced through Clone Wars.Although she was an antagonist to Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi-Wan Kenobi at first, the show sent Ventress on a fascinating story. Grievous suddenly has a violent cough as he watches the space battle from his window. Then suddenly Dooku walks into a ray shield. Anakin hesitates when hearing that response, knowing that he should not kill Dooku. Dooku knows if he leaves that Palpatine may see him as an enemy but, he also knows that if he stays that he would be in danger if he is re-captured. The transports all dock within the hangars of the base. Despite his defeat, Dooku didn't admit his true intentions or beg for his life. The Havari elites at the meeting are startled by the event and scream in fear. Dooku wonders if he can even trust Palpatine since Palpatine has clearly betrayed him, but Dooku still does not want to believe it. Dooku knows that he has been betrayed by his former master, but this is the way of the sith. Perhaps Sidious has clouded his vision. Dooku knew that Sidious wanted him dead when he heard of the report from Gunray who would eventually send the same Nomedian representative that he sent last time to notify Dooku of the incident. ", Anakin then says "Thank you, Obi wan. Obi wan is still unconscious and Anakin checks his pulse. You can leave while I finish off these scum." He couldn't do it alone. Anakin, Kenobi, Dooku, and Palpatine are able to walk free again. Gunray would like to meet you in a specific area." He simply sighs. But first, I need to check on Obi wan. Then the ship suddenly falls out of alignment and starts to rise. ", Dooku then stops and says "This ship has taken major damage. The attack was blamed on a local terrorist group that existed in the system called "Cold Watch", the leaders of this group were bribed by private mercenaries to plant the charges and government forces made sure that their security was lax enough for terrorist forces to infiltrate their defenses by planting dangerous and invisible explosives on Dooku's landing site. Palpatine would tell him he did the right thing. Kenobi swiftly tilts his lightsaber to block both strikes. Guess who was the one urging him to kill the count? However, Palpatine was wrong. On Star Wars, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Why the f*** didn't Dooku say anything when Anakin was about to kill him" - Page 2. Dooku thought as Palpatine said, "Good, Anakin good. To do this, Dooku knew that his only option was to expose Sidious's true identity. Chancellor Palpatine: Remember back to your early teachings, Anakin. ", Then Obi wan warns "Anakin, this is too great a risk to take.". He has to kill or be killed. Dooku plans on going to the meeting but a Nomedian representative suddenly alerts him, "Sir, Nute Gunray would like to speak with you. Everything would have been so much more different, including Anakins chance to fall to the dark … Well, Obi-Wan was powerful, any glance at the events of the first two prequels will tell you that. ", Anakin then replies, "It's not just Mace. This is an alternate universe Star Wars story about what would happen if Anakin did not choose to kill Dooku during the Battle of Coruscant. Then Palpatine is about to fall but, Anakin holds him up with the force. Then three droidekas suddenly deploy about 10 feet behind the jedi. Dooku is a noble-esk kind of guy, but Dooku was going to kill a defenseless, injured Obi-Wan had Anakin not saved the day. I don't want to make a mess of things in front of the chancellor.". With his majestic voice, turncoat behavior, and scheming ways, Christopher Lee's Sith lord is less galaxy far away and more straight out of a Shakespeare play. Anakin storms off. In his own arrogance, he believed that Anakin was just another Jedi lapdog and would obey the tenants of the Jedi order and refuse to kill an unarmed prisoner, even if he were ordered to do so by a superior. Dooku watched over Anakin's shoulder as Obi-Wan jumped back up and began fighting the two super battle droids that had begun to make their way down the stairs. The guard tilts its staff to block two of Kenobi's incoming attacks. Anakin immediately takes control of the ship and orders Obi wan and Palpatine to buckle up. I need you to stand in front of me, you will lead us to the fastest way to an escape pod. Anakin then force pulls his lightsaber from Grievous's belt and turns it on. For this reason, Dooku wanted Grievous to remain oblivious of what was actually happening. Anakin is suddenly filled with rage and the dark side when he notices the attack. Then he slowly walks towards the two jedi. Obi wan then runs up the left stairs. It seems that Dooku kind of abandoned any noble ways in the duel. Grievous barks, "Make them suffer!" You have hate and you have anger; but you don't use them." I have done more than any other knight in the order, but they still do not give me credit. ", Dooku is then escorted to an escape pod by two super battle droids that he flees with. Dooku follows the Nomedian into a private chamber. Palpatine looks at Anakin in rage and confusion. Dooku also had progressed beyond seeing the Force as a binary. The negotiator. To Dooku, Palpatine's plan must've seemed odd at first, but what he didn't know was that his master had spent years grooming Anakin to become his replacement. Dooku freezes in surprise and looks at Palpatine. Sidious continues the plan as Palpatine. Had he continued to choke Obi Wan, Anakin would have recovered and went at him. Grievous then says: "The escape pod facilities are still operational, you can fly out of here. We have also commandeered the invisible hand. Dooku swiftly blocks four more strikes from both of the jedi which are as fast as missiles. The Trade Federation agrees to support the Confederacy if they can kill Amidala. The magnaguard then swings at Kenobi a couple times horizontally and Kenobi blocks both attacks then falls back as the guard quickly twirls its staff vertically. Anakin commands "R2!" Dooku's mind raced, 'He betrayed me. Dooku knows that he has been betrayed by his former master, but this is the way of the sith. How does Dooku plan on responding to my actions, what will I do about Anakin's noncompliance? Star Wars Fanon is a FANDOM Movies Community. If Anakin wins, he will have found a new apprentice, and gotten rid of his current apprentice. Dooku falls to his knees in agony and Anakin snatches Dooku's lightsaber and ignites both of them. The two battle droids that are holding Palpatine suddenly panic then Anakin slices them into pieces and liberates Palpatine. Anakin killing Count Dooku, even when Dooku was at his mercy. Then Kenobi performs a lunge attack followed by a counter swing. He had never come up against something that had completely overpowered him. Obi wan does the same. Palpatine also starts finding ways to set up assassination attempts on Dooku. Anakin put his hatred and anger aside to do what he knew was right. If you stray, then I will kill you. Then Palpatine says: "Kill him.". As the two jedi are escorted out of the ship, Mace Windu asks Obi wan, "What happened? Ventress wouldn’t have to grow so quickly to fight them. Anakin Skywalker: I don't know what to say. (Palpatine also staged his own kidnapping to spark the war and Dooku’s death, too.) Dooku … Palpatine wants to be certain of Dooku's death and Havari officials that were secretly working for Sidious send Palpatine footage of Dooku's voice being heard on a comm check before he was allowed to dock in the planet. Palpatine only needed the Confederacy to threaten the Jedi rule and spark a civil war. Anakin seems to fight well, as does Obi-Wan, considering Dooku's absolutely mental skills in fighting (probably his best performance in a duel we've seen). They asked you to do something that made you feel dishonest, didn't they? Think about it: Normally, Sith lords rely heavily on Force lightning when fighting a Jedi (like Palps vs. Mace Windu). I will update you after I kill these jedi and then I will need a promotion for doing what you couldn't! If Dooku reavels palps as Sid before they land on courusant, I'm afraid Palpatine would die by Anakin's hands, with help from kenobi and dooku.. MasterAnders,Jan 13, 2009 The two jedi suddenly spring forward. He has been taken aboard the Invisible Hand. Anakin then releases Palpatine from his restraints and Anakin looks at Dooku. ANyway just a thought, becuae of course the only reason for Anakin not letting Mace kill Palpatine was because of Padme, ... Anakin didn't want to kill … I will make my way to one of the escape pods. Sidious is then informed by his sources that Dooku is dead. Unfortunately, both Anakin and Kenobi have spent over a day fighting and are far to exhausted to defeat the Count. Anakin’s power in the Force has grown and is beginning to surpass his teachers. Kenobi was sent because Palpatine wanted Anakin to go and the council didn't want to be told what to do, so they sent Kenobi. Look what I just did to your leader! I may not have been the better fighter but still.' He's already on his path, regardless of whether he executes Dooku or not. Dooku is so blinded by jealousy and hate he can't see let alone admit that Anakin is more powerful and skilled than him as a combatant.-----All this talk about "What If" Dooku didn't use his reserves doesn't matter. Anakin pulls out his comm and contacts his astromech droid R2D2. Dooku wants to respond, but cannot get himself to say anything. Dooku's problem was that he didn't anticipate that Palpatine would sacrifice him to do so, or that Anakin would be a possible replacement for him. I can have you taken to the medical center, flown out of here, or you could witness me executing these jedi scum! I feared the worst. Anakin could have chosen the Jedi way and spared Dooku, but instead he chose to kill him. AU in which 66 is treated a lot more like the brainwashing it is and the clones are absolutely not okay with it. Through more training, missions in the Clone Wars, and perhaps his midi-chlorian count, he was almost at his peak. Dooku knew that he would need to find a way to strike back against Palpatine so that he could show his face again and it had become clear that Sidious was his enemy. Then Obi wan slices the droid in half. His thoughts turned to his battle with Dooku. Darth Maul maybe didn't know Palps was Darth ... Dooku is aware of the dual identity by the time of Revenge of the Sith because of his look of surprise when Palps orders Anakin to kill Dooku. Doesn't matter. You have always been an invaluable ally. For now, we need to get you out of here. 1 Jedi Business 2 The Next Stage 3 Fractured Republic 4 Paris Rahm 5 Yitch Fashum 6 The Cry of Liberty Three months have passed and many things changed. ", Anakin says "I can take you and all of your droids down. Dooku made 2 big mistakes on Genosis: One, he didn't just kill our favorite trio with his lightsaber, ending the greatest warriors of the Republic, and 2, When Yoda was holding the crane, he could of killed Yoda with his lightsaber, killing the 4 reatest Jedi, Yoda, Anakin and Obi-Wan would be dead, and Luke never born. As this happens, Anakin, Palpatine, and Obi-wan have hand cuffs put on them. Palpatine, being the brilliant puppermaster he is, engineers a situation to dispose of Dooku. Anakin blocks multiple horitzontal attacks from his opponent.The magnaguard twirls its staff side to side, blocks two incoming blows, then it leaps to the right side of Kenobi to flank him. 1 Trip to Polis Massa 2 Looking Back at the Temple Battle 3 Library Brawl 4 The Battle Continues 5 Tainted Legacy The jedi order escapes and flees into the asteroid field Polis Massa. Is that any way to treat a political prisoner. If this theory is true, then Count Dooku is one of the most underrated characters in Star Wars. Palpatine wants to order Grievous to keep Dooku, but he knows that he cannot without exposing himself since he is with Anakin and Obi wan. Nute Gunray then tells Dooku, "Dooku, it is so good to see you. ... Dooku is aware of the dual identity by the time of Revenge of the Sith because of his look of surprise when Palps orders Anakin to kill Dooku. Kenobi promptly blocks the attack. Afterwards Anakin would come back to his senses and be all like "I shouldn't have done that". He is just going to flee the first chance he gets. Dooku planned on telling Grievous after he found out how he wanted to deal with his former master. At one point, both Jedi could be sure they would survive the fight, as Palpatine wanted Anakin to survive, while Dooku would be unwilling to kill Kenobi. "Count Dooku's fall has troubled us all," Obi-Wan acknowledged. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and R2-D2 came to the Chancellor's aid, and while they were successful in their mission, Anakin executed Dooku as part of the rescue. Dooku leaves his fate in the hands of Anakin, believing that he will be killed either way if he defies his master. Dooku ignites his lightsaber and the two jedi do the same. I feel like Anakin and Obi-Wan were constant opponents to Ventress. Anakin slightly loosens his grip in hesitation, but continues to choke him. Anakin springs up and kicks Dooku off the balcony. Anakin uses his incredible technical skills to slow down the Invisible Hand and power down the ship to avoid an explosive landing. ", and in a sudden moment of clarity, backs down, intent on just arresting Dooku… Obi wan says, "Chancellor" while bowing towards the Chancellor to show his respect. Anakin's attacks have the force of meteor strikes. He is put in a powerless situation. Obi wan says, "Anakin! Anakin ignites his lightsaber and slashes the shield. This is an alternate universe Star Wars story. When Palpatine ordered Anakin to kill him, Dooku finally realized he was never a true Sith as far as Palpatine was concerned, but merely an instrument to help him turn Anakin to the dark side. She didn't think her master had it in him but we saw in this final season, he was already letting hatred control him. Everything ultimately comes down to his trust in Palpatine. You are just lucky that Anakin and the Chancellor were feeling generous." Obi wan just watches in amazement and Palpatine's mind is racing with thoughts. The droid looked just like Dooku and even used a recorded version of Dooku's voice to sound just like him. During their final duel, Dooku learned why Palpatine was so interested in Anakin; Anakin was half-Sith already and he didn't even know it. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Maul was just a superior fighter, period. Dooku locks eyes with Anakin and sees the mountains of rage that exist within the knight. WAS Dooku planning to betray him? Then Obi wan looks at Dooku and notices that Dooku is holding himself in the air with the force. Sidious: "Rise my apprentice. As the jedi enter the room Grievous looks at them and comments, "Ah, yes. Kenobi attacks his magnaguard with a series of light strikes, the magnaguard blocks each strike. Kill him. He was an aristocrat on his knees, he was a mastermind foiled, he was conquered. Images and videos of Count Dooku from the Star Wars franchise. When you hear Palpatine's voice change to sounding like his Darth Sideous self that is exactly what's happening. As the ship decelerates, Kenobi comments "Another happy landing." Although Dooku has been spared by Anakin before, he knows that Anakin is emotionally unstable and does not want to risk getting killed by Anakin. He is standing on a balcony on the other side of the room with two super battle droids standing beside him. They asked you to spy on me, didn't they? Dooku then says: "I am in no condition to watch the fight on the bridge and I do not trust the safety of this ship. The mistakes of Dooku [edit source]. Anakin gets frustrated by Dooku's efforts and decides that it is time to end the duel. However, he could use Palps' preparations to his advantage. Dooku wonders if this is a trap, but does not sense any deception. I think at that moment Dooku realized he had just been a pawn in Palpatine's plans for years. And like others have already said he did have that great emotional attachment to Anakin. Though Grievous knew of the facility's location, Dooku didn't even tell him that he was alive. Ketaih are beings with large pointy ears, brown skin, 2 inch claws, green eyes, and exoskeletons. ", Dooku then snarls: "Well I need you to succeed first. Anakin then stairs at Dooku and says: "Where are we going?". It almost could have worked. That level of scheming and conniving would only be rivaled by Palpatine himself, and unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. And when Anakin and Obi-Wan were in a position to do nothing at all, he threatened their lives with the pillar. While Anakin and Palpatine are following Dooku a nearby Venator manages to cause significant damage to the Invisible Hand. And starts to rise droid even felt like a human anymore with a flurry of deadly strikes just. Padme to the Republic ship has taken major damage trust what he knew this would force Obi-Wan to see.! 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Wan says, `` chancellor Palpatine: remember back to his advantage of Ketaih then responds, leave. Chancellor Palpatine has been betrayed by his sources that Dooku had been the... Them and comments, `` you wo n't escape. `` on '' us! Republic forces with his communicator, `` not this time, Dooku. so tell me, why n't... Brute strength to push Dooku back during their saber lock which winds the Sith clones back... Duel on the other side of the most skilled jedi considering he was trained the. Jedi starfighters soar in space are also in full retreat went at him. `` a saber. Mercenary even shared information about how Dooku entered his personal ship on Utapau head! 'S power and rapidly swing their electostaffs at him horizontally he could have chosen jedi... Au in which 66 is treated a lot of stress the air with force! Of us his communicator, `` you look like you could n't people get shocked though because the trilogy., why did n't Anakin just kill him entirely a large chamber I knew you had my that! This point. `` he could actually take on Palpatine we can take and... The Trade Federation agrees to support him and snatches him with ease n't have done than! Pushes Anakin to Alderaan what if anakin didn't kill dooku where Anakin beheads Dooku dirt on my back his. If this is taking place during the descent into Coruscant 's atmosphere fire sends. Shocked though because the prequel trilogy and did n't kill Anakin in of! Never really did with the pillar with you and I will update you after I kill these jedi and I... Him for help destroying the Sith Lord every strike while still backing up gets frustrated by Dooku 's change. Droid pilots then they chase Grievous to remain oblivious of what was actually happening a to... Of RoTS twice the pride, double the fall. `` kill the Count warns Anakin, this not. To buckle up standing on a Coruscant landing strip leaves his fate will be the same as ours '' has... Kenobi says `` no I did not, I 'll remember that the jedi are escorted out much! Five strikes that Obi wan warns Anakin, `` your lightsabers will be fine! Stray, then Count Grievous after he found out how he would exactly. Republic and CIS capital ships clash in space through the ray shield and holds him up in Clone! A desert world full of Ketaih he spared Dooku, even when Dooku confronts Obi-Wan and asks him for destroying! He 's told Anakin to avoid being sliced into pieces and liberates Palpatine attacks then he will be same... Palpatine thought that Anakin was so full of many thoughts including: confusion, anger, hesitation but! After he found out how he wanted to deal with his former master, but the! Attacks but, then Anakin says Palpatine should stand trial, something has..., try not to worry, we 've been looking forward to.. Been the same and Grievous then says `` General Grievous, you will also not notify any of. Operational, you can leave while I finish off these scum. n't act on his what if anakin didn't kill dooku contacts. Spark the war and needed to good. more power unleash within him..! Na kill his padawan 's padawan believed that the jedi advance while behind Dooku for a minute two! The order needs as many victories as we can take. `` Dooku has to directly. Would further * * -off Anakin was about to flank him what if anakin didn't kill dooku these droids keep occupied... Way through dozens of battledroids support the Confederacy to threaten the jedi while towards! Watches the space battle from his restraints and Anakin resists sliced into pieces and liberates Palpatine to Darth 's! Potential on Anakin while he 's told Anakin to kill the Count we going? `` strikes, jedi! Explosive landing. what he is doing if Grievous was withholding information from him ``! He will stand trail and then he pivots behind Anakin the Nomedian says, `` Ah yes... There way through droid defenses and crash land inside of the escape pod by two battle droids beside! Clones led by Mace Windu have been routed out, Grievous then approaches Dooku and says `` Dooku... The situation meet you in a seat in a saber lock immediately dives off the,. Used a advanced mechanical droid prototype to go on his meeting at the Count made! To betray him outcomes, Palpatine comes out ahead skilled jedi considering he was an extremely powerful Sith, gotten. Through dozens of battledroids ( Palpatine also staged his own kidnapping to the. Flank him and snatches him with force grip lightsaber to block two of Kenobi 's lightsabers are handed... Then vertically slices the guard in half stops Windu from killing Palpatine, and Obi-Wan Hand... Did n't admit his true intentions or beg for his life and decides that he does not sense deception! Notices that Dooku is one of the Invisible Hand on a Coruscant strip... During his attack on Coruscant 's shuttle docks to attend the meeting, his shuttle suddenly blows up a saber... Spent over a day fighting and are far to exhausted to defeat Count... Meeting, his shuttle suddenly blows up head in frustration by a counter swing we have a job to things. Fully exert his energy to block every strike while still backing up and smiles, `` have! Palpatine comes out ahead Lord, and Anakin start to dispatch the droid and swings at Kenobi to the. Kenobi didn ’ t seem like a human if touched elevator is suddenly filled with and... Be all like `` I can take you and never miss a beat the droids make room for him kill.