If the driver accepts, the cruise control settings are automatically adjusted. Bencinski hibridni VGT s 118 kW (160 KM) in menjalnikom DCT Nuanced details like our Adaptive LED Tribolo Headlights and striking taillights mark a significant design evolution for AlfaRomeo. The Traffic Sign Recognition system uses the onboard camera to identify traffic signs: it reports them on the display and alerts the driver of the current speed limit. Tonale z najbolj neposrednim krmilnim razmerjem (13,6) v razredu C-SUV zagotavlja naravno, instinktivno, natanno in neposredno vonjo. Armaturna ploa iz poliuretana z be ivi The system has a15.5kWh battery and delivers a total output of 280HP. An extra layer of protection will keep the trunk clean and organized. NOVO! Znak Veloce na blatnikih By reaching Level 2 Autonomous driving, everyone onboard can appreciate the added control and comfort. Sistem se aktivira na zaetku vsake vonje, e voznik odpre zadnja vrata. Full LED Smart Matrix headlights Values are determined on the basis of the WLTP test procedure, updated on 04/28/2021 and displayed for comparative purpose. All maps will be automatically updated over the air. Plus, the system offers a corrective steering manoeuvre to avoid a collision with vehicles in the hidden blind spot. At the end of the drive, when the vehicle is turned off, the device alerts and reminds the driver to check the rear cabin before leaving. Storitve Alfa Connect zagotavljajo najbolj povezano izkunjo za preprosto upravljanje novega modela Tonale ne glede na to, kje ste. Ponaa se z izjemno linearnim prenosom moi in odlinim pospeevanjem. Ask Alexa to check the latest information, add items to your to-do list and even monitor your Tonale from home. GME s 188 kW (256 KM), 9-stopenjskim samodejnim menjalnikom in tirikolesnim pogonom. Ezek klnbz mdokon fokozzk a felhasznlhatsgot s a teljestmnyt, gy, mint nyelvfelismers, keressi tallatok, gy segtenek az nnek knlt szolgltatsaink fejlesztsben . Bencinski hibridni s 96 kW (130 KM) in menjalnikom DCT . Hibridne in dizelske razliice modela Tonale s pogonom na sprednji kolesi so serijsko opremljene z elektronskim samozapornim diferencialom Alfa Romeo, ki zagotavlja popolno vleno silo za gladko vonjo, kar poudarja okretnost in portni znaaj tega vozila. Vozilo mora biti opremljeno s sistemom Uconnect 5 NAV. Configura el Alfa Romeo Tonale MHEV y elije su equipamiento, colores, accesorios, detalles del interior y del exterior, opcionales y mucho ms. The premium quality of the Tonale and its seats combines sportiness and comfort, elevating the meaning of driving pleasure to all passengers. Drive freely and independently from the gas station with an estimated 30 miles plus on a single electric charge. Combustion and electric power sources combine to produce 158bhp and a less than spectacular 0 . Prezzo IVA inclusa. Ne da bi odvrnili pogled s ceste, jo lahko uporabite neposredno na voznikovem mestu za dodajanje stvari na nakupovalni seznam, iskanje nasvetov glede najblijih interesnih tok ali krmiljenje sistemov za avtomatizacijo doma, upravljanje lui, ogrevanja in drugih povezanih naprav. Po zaslugi druge stopnje avtonomne vonje lahko vsi potniki v vozilu uivajo v vejem nadzoru in udobju. My Alert is the optional service purchasable on the My Alfa Connect web portal that will send you a push notification on the app in case of suspected attempted theft of your Alfa Romeo Tonale, or if its towed without authorization. S funkcijo Vehicle Finder si lahko s prikazom poloaja v realnem asu ogledate, kje ste parkirali svoj model Tonale, s funkcijo Eco Score pa boste lahko izboljali svoj slog vonje. Explore the new legacy., PRE-ORDER NOW (Open in a new window) LEARN MORE, RECEIVE $2,750 TOTAL CASH, RECEIVE $2,750 TOTAL CASH, Znak Alfa Scudetto s temno konno obdelavo, Sedei iz tkanine iz ogljikovih vlaken in umetnega usnja z rdeimi ivi Full LED Matrix headlights 18" felgi aluminiowe srebrne -opony letnie. Drei Jahre nach Verffentlichung der Studie ist es so weit: Alfa Romeo prsentiert in Mailand die Serienversion des Tonale. The architecture uses the MacPherson scheme on both axles with specific geometry and characteristic angles. Available only for front doors. Innovation og ydeevne, mekanik og elektronik, alt sammen i skn forening for at give get bremsereaktionsevne p vejen og den bedste fling i bremsepedalen. Sistem za zaznavanje utrujenosti voznika, Alfa Romeo Tonale Super je na voljo z 2 tipoma motorjev: Alfa Romeo has a history of wilful neglect of the realities of the car market. Kovinske stopalke The entry-level Tonale has a 0.8kWh battery pack, and unlike many other 'mild' hybrids, it can travel for short distances at low speeds on electric power alone. It's the first car ever to adopt an NFT blockchain certification, it boasts the Amazon Alexa* Voice Service, it allows to take advantage of exclusive Amazon* services, and much more. Ambient lighting (RHD excluded) The Alfa Romeo Tonale is now available to pre-order. Bencinski hibridni s 96 kW (130 KM) in menjalnikom DCT The balance of our luxe features and tech components like our new Cannocchiale Digital Display, creates harmony in the Tonale and its unrivaled cabin atmosphere. Sistem za vstop v vozilo brez kljua Storitev je na voljo v Italiji, Franciji, Nemiji, paniji, Zdruenem kraljestvu, na Irskem in v Avstriji. Tempomat Opomnik za zadnji sede zaznava prisotnost predmeta na zadnjem sedeu. PURCHASING YOUR NEW ALFAROMEO JUST GOTSIMPLER.DELIVERY AVAILABLE THROUGH PARTICIPATINGDEALERS. Puddle lights DISCOVER MORE. Plush elements of comfort like our available Alcantara seats and leather finishes make every surface inviting for passengers and drivers. TheTonaleQ4 will be the mostefficient Plug-in Hybrid C-SUV, with range in electricmode of up to 82 km in the city cycle and over 69 kmin the combined cycle. Chat (offline) Immerse yourself in the rich tones and vibrations of our "Alfa Romeo Tonale" playlist. Finanzierung und Inzahlungnahme ist mglich. Ti dve nastavitvi vzmetenja lahko izberete znotraj treh nainov vonje nastavitev Comfort za mirnejo vonjo na vseh vrstah cest lahko izberete pri nainih Advanced Efficiency in Normal. The AlfaRomeo Tonale is now available to pre-order. Cena ne vsebuje strokov nultega servisa, priprave vozila ter prevozno logistinih sredstev. Izboljajte svojo internetno izkunjo s storitvijo My Wi-Fi (del dodatne opreme) ponudnika UBIGI. Alfa Romeo si pridruje pravico, da kadarkoli spremeni specifikacijo svojih vozil. Rekuperacija energije za rekuperacijo energije med upoasnjevanjem in zaviranjem. Privacy glass Apple Car Play / Android Auto. Ta sistem zdruuje inovativnost, zmogljivost, mehaniko in elektroniko, da zagotavlja veji odziv zavor na cesti in najbolji obutek na zavorni stopalki. 10,2 touch head unit FCA US LLC strives to ensure that its website is accessible to individuals with disabilities. Named after one of Italys highest mountain passes, the Tonale encapsulates the organic curvatures, bends and lines found in nature. Nova dizelska razliica modela Tonale je serijsko opremljena z dinaminim vektorskim usmerjanjem navora Alfa Romeo in blailniki s tehnologijo FSD (prilagoditev moi blaenja frekvenci nihanja vozila). The power of confidence. Alu kola alfa romeo 166/prodejna-v-ceske-lipe Zpt ROZTE - (VE) 3 x 112 4 x 98 4 x 100 4 x 108 4 x 114.3 5 x 98 5 x 100 5 x 105 5 x 108 5 x 110 5 x 112 5 x 114.3 5 x 115 5 x 118 5 x 120 5 x 127 5 x 128 5 x 130 5 x 139.7 5 x 150 5 x 160 6 x 114.3 6 x 120 6 x 125 6 x 127 6 x 130 6 x 135 6 x 139.7 6 x 170 6 x 205 8 x 165.1 8 x 170 8 x . Sistem z dvostopenjskimi ventili se v milisekundah prilagaja razmeram na cesti in nainu vonje. Made of strong aluminium, the bike carrier is ideal to carry a bike safely and easily. Also with the diesel engine, Alfa Romeo Tonale boasts the most direct steering in the segment (13:6:1), which guarantees a safe and confortable driving experience, placing it at the top of the class in terms of agility and driving dynamics. If you can stretch to it, the Veloce model does lift the spirits a little more (Alfa Romeo) The best way to think of the new Alfa Romeo Tonale (pronounced Tone-ah-Lee) is as a kind of transitional model. 18 alloy wheels (diamond cut), Carbon cloth and leatherette seats with beige stitching For a Limited time qualified customers can enjoy $2,750 Total Cash on all 2023 Alfa Romeo Stelvio Non-Quadrifoglio models, For a Limited time qualified customers can enjoy $2,750 Total Cash on all 2023 Alfa Romeo Giulia Non-Quadrifoglio models. Enhance your internet experience with the My Wi-Fi optional service powered by UBIGI. Karoserija v barvi Dark Miron z matiranimi vstavki Flawlessly placed LED lights create the perfect atmosphere for every journey. Hier gibt's alle Infos zum (2022) Alfa Romeo Tonale. Aluminijasti obvolanski prestavni roici, Alfa Romeo Tonale Veloce je na voljo s 3 tipi motorjev: Novi Tonale predstavlja vstop znamke Alfa Romeo v svet elektrifikacije s posebnimi reitvami, ustvarjenimi za poudarjanje njenega znaaja. Med vonjo prejemajte sprotne informacije o prometu, vremenu in prometnih kamerah. In selten Ausnahmefllen ist es mglich, dass die im Konfigurator genannten Modellvarianten, Preise, Ausstattungsoptionen, Kombinationsmglichkeiten und technischen Daten nicht tagesaktuell sind oder Eingabefehler . Ta sistem vam omogoa, da kar najbolj poveate regeneracijo energije brez vibracij in s krajimi zavornimi razdaljami. Na njem boste prejemali opozorila sistemov aktivne varnosti, jasno videli informacije o polnjenju ter prikazali navigacijo spredaj in na sredini. The sporty and high-tech environment is designed to be focused and aimed at the driver. Prezzi di listino da intendersi IVA e MIS incluse, , contributo PFU esclusi. Sie suchen einen sportlichen Kompakt-SUV? Vous tes libre d'annuler votre commande sans frais ou de retourner le vhicule dans les 14 jours suivant la livraison. PU spray dashboard with 3D insert The Full-LED adaptive Matrix 3+3 headlights create a unique signature, true to the purest Alfa Romeo DNA. *Storitev My Fleet Manager je del dodatne opreme. Do podanych cen doliczana bdzie opata transportowa o wysokoci 500 z brutto. 20 silver painted alloy wheels (Hybrid 130 HP) Activate the service to keep up to 8 devices connected with 4G LTE Wi-Fi hotspot. Wykonaj dokumentacj fotograficzn. Bekijk de voorraad of informeer bij de Alfa Romeo dealer naar de beschikbaarheid. Elektrini pogon za vonjo z elektrinim motorjem samo v situacijah, kot so prometni zastoji ali parkirni manevri. GME 256 AT9 AWD. Gloss Black Painted Body Kit With Satin Side And Front Inserts And Skidplate. Sporty leather steering wheel with start button Kies de uitrusting en de kleur die het best bij u past. Explore other AlfaRomeo models, the latest news and more. The values indicated are for comparative purposes. All Rights Reserved. Wireless charging pad Tonale debuts in a front-wheel drive 130 HP Hybrid version, with a new 4-cylinder 1.5-liter turbo gasoline engine that delivers 130 HP and 240 Nm of peak torque, paired with a built-in 48-Volt, 15-kW and 55-Nm P2 electric motor and an exclusive 7-speed Dual-Clutch automatic transmission. Just ask to receive real-time updates on your vehicles status, fuel level, and latest car location. Im wicej i dokadniej, tym lepiej. Explore the Alfa Romeo USA Sports Car and SUV lineup. THE ALFA ROMEO WORLD Choose your market. Use the intuitive drag and drop system to adjust widgets with a feeling that is just like the latest smartphone. Obrobe oken sijajno rne barve View . Bencinski prikljuni hibrid Q4 z 202 kW (275 KM) in samodejnim menjalnikom Sistem zagona brez kljua www.alfaromeo-me.com Thanks to Vehicle Finder, you can see where you parked your Tonale, its real-time position, and with Eco Score, youll be able to improve your driving style. Porazdelitev mase med osema zagotavlja neprekosljiv uitek v vonji. . DS s 96 kW (130 KM) in menjalnikom DCT Sedei iz materiala Alcantara Nae mimodn modely Tonale, Stelvio a Giulia ekaj pouze na vs! In fact, on the pre-owned car market, the NFT certification represents an additional source of credibility for owners or dealers. Tonale 160KS + 20KS spreman za isporuku ODMAH. Zavrnitev odgovornosti. Gas Hybrid VGT 160 DCT GAS Hybrid 130 DCT Auto High/Low Beam Alfa Romeo is introducing its Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles benefits package. Plug-in hybrid and 2.0-litre turbo-petrol available overseas, but mild-hybrid only for Australia. Tonale po zaslugi arhitekture programske opreme nove generacije ponuja popoln nabor tehnolokih inovacij.Je prvo vozilo, ki je opremljeno s tehnologije blokovne verige NFT, ponaa se s storitvijo Amazon Alexa* Voice Service in omogoa izkorianje ekskluzivnih storitev Amazon* ter e veliko ve.To je ekosistem vgrajenih digitalnih storitev za zagotavljanje najbolje izkunje za volanom in zunaj vozila.. Alfa Romeo's electric plan revealed Details of the cars to follow 2022's Tonale SUV Hybrid and electric, front and four-wheel drive. Furthermore, if you have home assistants, you can send directions and get vehicle information direclty from home. Glavna enota z 10,2-palnim zaslonom na dotik portni volanski obro v usnju s tipko za zagon Mild-hybrid petrol power at launch, plug-in hybrid to follow. Adresse: Koenigstrae 8, 01097 Dresden, Germany Register Nummer HRB 36986. Tonale features a multitasking interface that is made to be personalized. The new Tonale marks the entry of Alfa Romeo in the world of electrification, with specific solutions created to enhance its DNA. The AlfaRomeoTonale delivers optimized charging using an available Level II, 2023 FCA US LLC. Written by Keith Adams Published: 18 January 2023 Updated: 19 January 2023. Electric Drive, to drive with the electric motor only in situations like traffic jams or parking maneuvers. 2023 Alfa Romeo Tonale due in Australia first half of next year. Naa sluba za pomo strankam vam bo zagotovila vse potrebne informacije in pomo. Prav tako voznika opozarja, ko se nekaj pribliuje vozilu s strani. Ta storitev vam omogoa interakcijo z vozilom prek pametnega telefona, pametne ure in glasovne storitve. Bencinski hibridni VGT s 118 kW (160 KM) in menjalnikom DCT Zadnji arometi tvorijo sinusno krivuljo, ki popolnoma objame zadnji del avtomobila ter se zlije v zares edinstven in prepoznaven videz osvetlitve. Sistem za ohranjanje voznega pasu nadzira stransko gibanje novega modela Tonale in ga tako tudi v gostem prometu ohranja na sredini voznega pasu. Prilagodljivi matrini arometi 3 + 3 Full LED ustvarjajo edinstveno znailnost, ki je zvesta najpristnejemu znaaju znamke Alfa Romeo. It also alerts the driver when something approaches the vehicle laterally. Traffic sign information, Alfa Romeo Tonale Ti is available in 3 types of engines: Alfa Romeo Tonale provides an authentic hybrid experience that combines top performance with high efficiency, versatility and comfort. Cruise Control Its your journey, so make it fit you.. The system comprises a turbocharged 1.3-litre four-cylinder petrol engine driving the front wheels and an electric motor powering the rear, for a combined . Tonale features a multitasking interface that is just like the latest news and more with. 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